Fate/Lost Continuum is a tabletop roleplaying game created using the core rules from D&D 5e. Nothing else from 5e (races, classes, monsters, etc.) is used in this document. Additional tweaks and additions have also been made to the core rules to further immerse the Nasuverse into the 5e ruleset. These changes can be found in the original Handbook.
It's come a very long way and despite many ups and downs we're still trying to make it the best version it can possibly be. Huge thanks to every playtester and contributor along the way, no matter how impactful you've been in the process.
Special thanks to Doug, Koda, and Marie for being fantastic Creators for content within this system. - Don


Backgrounds are a lot more impactful here than in 5e. They can almost be considered a secondary class. Your Background as a Magi infers a lot about your skills and abilities, as well as your social standing and possible alliances. Your Background also grants you proficiencies, as well as how many wealth points you begin with.
Your completed Magi will have proficiencies from both your Background as well as your Main Class. If you would gain the same proficiency from two different sources, you may instead choose a different proficiency of the same kind (spell or weapon).
Tuner Magi
An extraordinarily rare sect of members of the Association, with the ability to align the “wavelengths” of Magic from a user, effectively overclocking and improving magical circuits. Conventionally, they assist in the medical procedure involved with removing and applying Magical Crests. This stimulation of the Magical Circuits and even Magical Crests is a coveted skill not many Magi in the modern era can obtain.
You are proficient with Simple weapons, and have 2 additional proficiencies of your choice.
As a Tuner Magi you have 7 wealth.
Perfected Tuning
You may spend 1 minute out of combat stimulating a creature’s magical circuits and any eligible Magic Crests in their possession. Until the end of their next rest, they gain the following benefits:
- Their highest stat is increased by 1.
- If a tuned creature’s Main Class is Spellcaster, they gain an amount of spell slots equal to their MNA mod, halved (rounded down).
- If a tuned creature’s Main Class is Martial, they roll saving throws and checks related to their highest stat at advantage.
Heavenly Touch
You gain the Spiritual Surgery Sorcery Trait. This does not count towards your Sorcery Trait limit.
Magic Crest Restoration
When you defeat an enemy Master in combat, you gain the ability to harvest their Magical Crest. If the enemy Master was a Magic Family Heir, you gain it as your own. Your body can handle an amount equal to your END mod, halved (rounded up).
Atlas Engineer
Magecraft has evolved overtime, though the Atlas Corporation has always prioritized the revolutionizing of Alchemy. They spread their knowledge across many outlets, rather than honing a particular craft or skill. The secret techniques of Alchemical Research combined with the magecraft nurtured internally within the organization creates formidable and versatile Magi.
You are proficient with 2 proficiencies of your choice.
As an Atlas Engineer you have 6 wealth.
Lesser Scroll Creation
You gain the ability to create a scroll containing a spell of a school of magic you are proficient in. You may only use this feature once per rest. When you create a new scroll, any scrolls you possess that you created previously will turn to ash as if they were used.
Thought Acceleration
Once per rest, you may activate Thought Acceleration and perform any Action as a bonus action (If you take the Attack Action, you are limited to 1 attack).
Memory Partition
You may activate Memory Partition to regain the use of an expended ability. Once you have replenished an expended ability, you cannot reuse Memory Partition until the end of your next rest.
Some Magi are born into powerful lineages, but others are born with capability far beyond their ancestors. Some Magi are born to succeed, and are trained and honed into scholars.
You gain proficiency with any 2 proficiencies of your choice.
As a Prodigy you have 6 wealth.
Jack of All Trades
You gain a special proficiency, which grants you proficiency in any weapon or object you are currently holding.
Studious Learner
You start the game with a Feat of your choice.
Cut Above The Rest
Your base statline is 1 instead of 0. Despite this, your Stat Cap remains unchanged.
Magi who beckon the call of the storm, wielding the power of lightning and infusing it into their magic circuits to alter their physical abilities as well as their magecraft. Astrapimancers rival Pyromancers in the pure destructive power of their spells.
This class is a Spellcaster class. For each level in it you gain additional spell slots as well as spells known.
You gain proficiency in Evocation spells.
Starting at 1st level, every 10 feet of movement you take in combat grants you a stack of battery. You can have up to 3 stacks of battery. The next attack or spell you hit deals an additional d4 of lightning damage per stack of battery. You lose all stacks of battery at the end of your turn.
Starting at 2nd level, dealing lightning damage to a creature grants them a status effect called Static. Creatures with Static roll to concentrate at Disadvantage, and have their AGL reduced by 2. Creatures make a MNA saving throw at the start of their turns to remove Static.
Starting at 3rd level upon taking damage you may use your reaction to teleport up to 30 feet to an area you can see. All creatures within 5 feet of you before and after you teleport must make a MNA saving throw or take 1d8 lightning damage and become blinded until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, targets take half damage and are not blinded. This feature recharges on 5-6.
Surge grants you 3 stacks of battery.
Starting at 4th level, you gain 20 movement speed. Your maximum stacks of battery increases to 5.
Additionally, being dealt lightning damage heals you for the damage dealt.
Starting at 4th level, you can trade your stacks of battery to supe yourself up with powerful elecricity, enhancing your physical form temporarily. For each point of battery you expend, gain 1 STR or AGL and 5 feet of movement until end of turn. Points gained in this way ignore stat point capacity. This feature recharges on a rest.
Lightning Crash
Starting at 5th level, you can cause explosive damage to creatures you've marked. Once per rest, the next time you deal lightning damage to a creature with Static you can create a spark and release a powerful explosion originating around them. For each stack of Battery you have, deal 1d10 damage to the creature and all creatures within 30 feet.

Burial Agency
A section of the Church of extremely skilled executors and exorcists that specialize in the eradication of monstrous enemies. Though their physical abilities are of a similar class to the Church Executors, their specialty are the applications of blessings, sacraments, and other Holy-type buffs.
This class is a Spellcaster class. For each level in it you gain additional spell slots as well as spells known.
You gain proficiency in Complex weapons and Sacrament type spells.
Exorcist Tools
The Church provides Burial Agents with their own set of Ash Locks, a blessed Frock, and a Holy Medallion.
Starting at 1st level you gain the Ash Lock Mystic Code, choosing a weapon (ranged or not) as your specialized killing tool. Your Blessed Frock is a piece of worn equipment that grants you resistance to all non-magical slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage.
Your Holy Medallion passively activates when you are in the same map area as a monstrous creature, and it begins to glow.
Starting at 2nd level you gain access to Judgment points. You use Judgment points to fuel your holy magic for eradicating fiends. You have an amount of Judgment points equal to the amount of levels you have in Burial Agency. If your creature type is not human, Judgment is permanently sealed. Judgment points are consumed when they are used and regained on rests.
Holy Pillar
You can spend 1 Judgment as an action to drop a holy beam of light down on your opposition. Choose a space you can see, and all creatures within 5 feet are forced to make a DC15 AGL saving throw. On a failure, creatures take 3d10 radiant damage, halved on a success.
Enhanced Reflexes
You can spend 1 Judgment point to take the dodge, disengage, or dash action as a bonus action.
Battle Caster
You can spend 1 Judgment point as a bonus action to make a single weapon attack after casting a Sacrament Spell.
Additionally, your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage. You can use STR or AGL for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
Protection from God
Starting at 3rd level you gain +10 movement speed.
When a creature targets you with an attack or targeted spell, you can use your reaction to activate your Holy Medallion. When you do so, a large sphere of holy light expands from your person. You gain 10 temporary hit points from the triggering attack, and all creatures within reach of you are knocked 15 feet backwards. This feature recharges on a rest, though you may spend a judgment point to replenish the use.
When you take the attack action on your turn using an unarmed strike or an Ash Lock, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
Marked for Death
Starting at 4th level The first time you see a monstrous creature (Demon, Vampire, Construct, Undead) you learn of their weaknesses, preferred type of magic, and stat parameters if any.
You cast Hunter's Mark on these creatures automatically. The damage dealt by this spell is radiant.
Starting at 4th level your prowess in Sacrament spells increase. You learn Beacon of Hope and Blessed Weapon. You do not require concentration for casting these spells. When casting Blessed Weapon on an Ash Lock, you unlock special tools known as Blessed Locks.
Blessed Locks - You may spend a point of Judgment or a spell slot when you land a weapon attack to release an explosion of radiant light on your enemy. The attack deals an additional 1d8 damage. If the creature is a monstrous type, you deal 2d8 radiant damage instead.
Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level you can attack twice when you take the attack action, instead of once, when you take the attack action on your turn.
Channel Divinity
Starting at 5th level the faith granted through your teachings grants you special power you can invoke once per rest as a free action. Choose one of the options below. If your effect requires Saving Throws, the DC equals 12+MNA. You may spend 2 judgment points invoke an additional option.
- Sacred Weapon: For 1 minute your attacks and spells deal radiant damage equal to your MNA mod.
- Enhanced Frock: For 1 minute your frock gives you resistance to elemental damage.
- Divine Pressure: For 1 minute, whenever a monstrous creature ends their turn within 30 feet of you they are forced to make a MNA saving throw, becoming frightened of you on a failure. Feared creatures repeat this saving throw at the end of their turns.
Magi who control the ruthless cold. These magi are damage and utility hybrids as their freezing ice allows them to act strategically by slowing their enemies with frost, or enhancing their spell casts damage potential with piercing ice.
This class is a spellcaster class. For each level in it you gain additional spell slots as well as spells known.
You gain proficiency in Evocation spells.
Chilling Edge
Starting at 1st level, when you deal cold damage, you may force the creature to make an END saving throw. On a failue, that creature is slowed until the end of their next turn. They may repeat this saving throw at the end of their turns. When you deal damage to a slowed creature, they are dealt 1d6 additional cold damage.
Ice Field
Starting at 2nd level, when you cast a spell that deals Cold Damage you may use you bonus action to create an icy field at the location of the spell. You create a 5 foot radius of slippery ice on the ground, originating from the space of the spell. If the spell is AOE, the space effected becomes an Ice Field instead. This area is considered difficult terrain.
Walking across a sheet of ice causes you to slide, moving forcibly to the opposite end. Walking across a sheet of ice forces you to make an AGL saving throw, falling prone on a failure. Cryomancers glide and walk across ice freely.
Frost Armor
Starting at 3rd level, you may expend a spell slot as an action to coat yourself in a coat of ice. While this armor is active, you gain 15 temporary hit points. Melee attack damage taken you have these hit points is reflected on the assailant.
Starting at 4th level, you can use the ability Subzero once per rest.
You may use your action to create a blizzard around you. All creatures within 120 feet of you are slowed. While Subzero is active, creatures take cold damage equal to your MNA mod at the start of their turns. Spells you cast have their damage type changed to Cold. Spells that deal fire damage fizzle, unable to put out the harsh weather. Otherwise it acts like a concentration spell with a duration of 1 minute.
Additionally, you gain immunity to Cold Damage.
Ice Block
Starting at 5th level, you have the ability to freeze the air around you, turning yourself into a block of ice and recuperating your strength. Once per rest as an action or reaction you may yourself yourself into a pillar of ice. Until the end of your next turn you are Petrified, granting yourself half cover, immunity to conditions, and are considered incapacitated. While inside Ice Block, you gain half your maximum hit points immediately.
Alternatively, you may choose to put another creature within the Ice Block as an action. Willing creatures gain the same effects you could. Unwilling subjects are forced to make a MNA saving throw, becoming petrified on a failure. Entombed creatures take 5 cold damage at the start of their turns. Creatures repeat this saving throw at the end of their turns.
Frost Armor reflects melee damage while you are within an Ice Block.

Dead Apostles
“Vampires” created by a True Ancestor. Superhuman magi who feast on the blood of others for sustenance, and to feed their flawed immortality.
To become a Dead Apostle, you must spend 3 Class Levels. Unlike other classes, you do not obtain class levels as you spend them. Instead, you increase in strength through tiers via special means in game.
You gain two proficiencies of your choice.
Vampiric Bloodline
Your insatiable bloodline requires you to feed to maintain your immortal strength. You must consume the blood of mortals every 24 hours to maintain power. When biting mortals, you turn them into Apostles automatically.
Lesser Apostle
Medium Vampire
- Armor Class 13
- Hit Points 10
- Speed 40 ft.
- Damage Resistances Non-magical Slashing, Piercing, and bludgeoning.
- Damage Vulnerabilities Radiant
Claw. Melee attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 1d6+3 slashing damage
Magical creatures you bite are forced to make a DC10 END saving throw, becoming Infected on a failure. Helpless creatures fail this save automatically. Infected creatures have their END reduced by 2 permanently. Infected creatures become Apostles when they die.
The first time you feed on blood every 24 hours you gain a single stat point which may be allocated to any stat, ignoring caps.
The first time you feed every 8 hours, you level up. Should you go 24 hours without feeding, your stats are permanently halved, your level is reduced by 1 tier, and you lose any bonuses to stats you gained through feeding. Should you go another gamephase without feeding, you die.
Level 1
You begin at this level and gain the following effects.
- Users type is now vampire.
- User gains resistance to all non-magical slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage.
- User gains darkvision for 60 ft.
- While not in direct sunlight, user regains hit points equal to their END score + 2 at the start of each of their turns. This effect can revive the user from 0 hit points.
- While not in direct sunlight, users STR and AGL Stat Parameters are increased by 2. This increase can take these parameters over 5.
- Users maximum hit points are increased by 30.
- User becomes vulnerable to radiant damage. When the user is dealt radiant damage, features that only work when not in direct sunlight are sealed for 1 minute as if the user were in direct sunlight.
- Lack of sleep does not grant you levels of exhaustion.
Level 2
Starting at 2nd level you may choose to go down one of two paths, becoming a powerful demon who uses their raw ability to overpower and tear the enemy to shreds, or a powerful warlock who uses vampiric magic to become an overlord. Gain permanent effects based on the route you take. You may not alternate paths.

Level 2
Starting at 2nd level you gain advantage on rolls related to STR. Your movement speed becomes 60 feet. You gain unarmed strikes of 1d6+STR slashing. These attacks are magical for overcoming resistance.
As a bonus action you can leap any distance up to your movement. Additionally, you gain a bonus to melee damage rolls equal to your STR mod, halved.
Level 3
Starting at 3rd level, you gain special Vampiric maneuvers. These are special techniques exclusive to your class, which may be expended to perform superhuman feats. You gain an amount of charges equal to your STR or AGL mod. These charges are regained when you feed.
Warp Bite - After taking the attack action, you can expend a vampiric die to appear next to another creature you can see, and make a bite attack. Creatures hit take 1d8+STR piercing damage and are forced to roll against infection.
Overpower - You can spend a vampiric die as a bonus action to throw a creature. The creature makes a contested str check. On a failure, You toss the creature to a space within 30 feet, dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage and rendering the creature prone. Anything struck by the thrown creature receives the same effect.
Bloodwell - As a reaction to taking damage, you may expend a vampiric die to gain temporary hit points equal to your missing hit points until the start of your next turn.
Level 4
Starting at 4th level, damage you deal erode the skin of your opponents. Your unarmed strikes reduce the creature's maximum hit points by the damage dealt. If a creature reaches 0 maximum hit points, they die and become lesser Apostles under your command.
You may spend a charge of your vampiric maneuvers to enhance your physical attacks momentarily. Until the start of your next turn, your unarmed strikes deal 2d6+STR slashing damage.
Level 5
Starting at 5th level, you automatically pass STR saving throws and checks.
You no longer need charges of Vampiric Maneuvers to perform them, and instead use these die to empower them. When performing a maneuver, they gain additional effects.
Warp Bite - The bite attack deals 2d6+STR instead. You heal for the damage dealt by the bite attack. This damage cannot be reduced by any means.
Overpower - When throwing the creature, you disarm them. If you throw the creature into an object, you force the creature to make a DC15 STR save or become stunned.
Bloodwell - When you enhance Bloodwell it no longer takes your reaction, but the amount of temporary health you gain is halved.

Warlock Patron
Level 2
Starting at 2nd level, you gain 5 spell slots, and 3 spells known. You know the spell Vampiric Touch automatically.
Additionally, apostles you create have increased strength. When you enter combat, you can spend a spell slot to summon an apostle at your aid as an action. You may only have one apostle summoned.
Level 3
Starting at 3rd level you gain dominion over infected, vampires, demons, and undead creatures. (Lesser Apostles are considered Level 1 creatures). You may spend a bonus action to command any number of these creatures, similar to a command seal. Unwilling Creatures are forced to make a contested MNA check, following out the action to the best of their ability. You may not force a creature to inflict harm on themselves.
Level 4
Starting at 4th level, when you cast a spell or effect that creates a single minion, you create two instead. Additionally, you may have up to two apostles summoned.
You may consume the soul of Lesser Apostle you've created and reinvigorate yourself as a bonus action. You heal for the current health of the apostle you consume.
Level 5
Starting at 5th level, when a creature you've infected falls to 0 hit points, they fail two death saves automatically. Your concentration cannot be broken by taking damage. When you see a spell casted, you may steal part of the mana required to cast it and make it your own. The next spell or attack you cast deals an additional 2d6 psychic damage.
You gain a bonus to MNA saving throws equal to your MNA mod. You take half damage from magical effects and spells.
Lesser Apostle (Greater)
Medium Vampire
- Armor Class 15
- Hit Points 20
- Speed 40 ft.
- Damage Resistances Non-magical Slashing, Piercing, and bludgeoning.
- Damage Vulnerabilities Radiant
Claw. Melee attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 1d8+4 slashing damage
Bite. Melee attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Hit: 1d6+3 piercing damage. DC8 END save vs infection
For my liege Ability: When a superior vampire is targeted by a weapon attack, you may use your reaction to appear in a space within 5 feet and become the new target.

Practitioners of an old forgotten form of magecraft from the Matou family branch, magi perform a gruesome ritual to increase their magical reserves, or fix their otherwise low magical ability. Through cultivating insects insides of themselves, these mages grant themselves sickening new abilities and capabilities.
This class is a Spellcaster class. For each level in it you gain additional spell slots as well as spells known.
You gain proficiency in Evocation and Conjuration spells.
Crest Magic
Starting at 1st level, Entomancers channel the awful power of swarm, allowing them to use the insects they host within their bodies in multiple ways. Your access to this power is represented by a number of swarm points. You start the game with a number of swarm points equal to your END mod.
Swarm points are not regained by rest nor the passing of time. Instead they are created when you take more magical insects within yourself via vile ceremony involving dead corpses.
An Entomancer can spend their action out of combat to create and desecrate corpses of the innocent. Doing so grants them 1d4 swarm points.
Swarm point gains are increased when the corpses used are magical in nature. Witnessing the death of a monster or magical beast will automatically grant 1d4 swarm points, increased to 1d8 for a Magi or Servant. There are no limit to the amount of Swarm Points you may hold. You may only spend swarm points on your turn, unless stated otherwise.
Worm Surge
Starting at 1st level, when you cast a spell you may expend a swarm point and 5 hit points to increase the damage dealt by 1d8.
Bladeworm Husk
Starting at 2nd level you learn a new spell, exclusive to Entomancers. You may cast it at will using a spell slot, or by expending 1 swarm point.
Locust Swarm
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 Feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous, Concentration
You summon a swarm of locusts in a 10x10 foot area within range. Creatures who are inside the swarm when it is summoned or end their turn within it are forced to make an END save. On a failed save targets take 2d6 necrotic damage, or half damage on a successful save.
You may move the swarm up to 10 feet in any direction as a bonus action. If it makes contact with a new creature after being moved, they must make the saving throw.
Corpse Explosion
Starting at 3rd level, when a creature you can see dies you may use 1 swarm point to cause the corpse to explode into a fleeting cloud of poison. All creatures within 10 feet of the corpse take 2d6 poison damage.
Crest Sacrifice
Starting at 4th level, you may expend 2 swarm points to regain an expended spell slot.
Additionally, you may expend any amount of swarm points to recuperate from past wounds. For each swarm point expended, regain 2d6 hit points.
True Swarm Magic
Starting at 5th level, you unlock a new understanding with your magic, sacrificing your humanity for the key towards true Entomancy. You unlock the following benefits:
- Worm Surge You no longer sacrifice HP to increase the damage of a spell. Heal for half the damage dealt.
- While the spell Locust Swarm is active, the spell originates around you as well.
- Corpse Explosion now deals 3d6 damage instead.
- Your creature type becomes Undead.
Additionally, you gain a new sect of insects to enhance the potency your spells. Each option costs 2 swarm point, and only may point may be applied per spell. Applying Swarm Magic to a spell changes the damage type to necrotic.
- Engorging Swarm - When you cast a damaging spell, gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt.
- Repulsive Swarm - When you cast a spell force all targets of the spell to make a MNA saving throw or become feared of you. Targets may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their turns.
- Venomous Swarm - When you cast a spell force all targets of the spell to make an END saving throw or become poisoned. Targets may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their turns.

Magi who practice manipulating metals. Often rarely found or overlooked, these magi have trained themselves to balance their physical prowess with their magical prowess so as to bring both to the forefront while on the battlefield.
This class is a Spellcaster class. For each level in it you gain additional spell slots as well as spells known.
You gain proficiency in Transmutation spells and simple weapons.
Starting at 1st level you gain a number of Metallurgy points equal to your level in this class. These points are used for later abilities in this class. Metallurgy points are expended when they are used and regained upon completing a rest.
Might and Magic
Starting at 1st level you channel your weapons with magical energy as opposed to your physical prowess. Weapons wielded by you instead use your MNA modifier when determining attack and damage rolls, instead of STR or AGL.
Additionally these weapons are considered magical for the means of bypassing resistance.
Armored Shell
Starting at 2nd level, you're magically attuned to armor you wear. You don't suffer any disadvantages when dawning medium armor and you may wear it without the STR requirement.
Additionally you gain the ability to use a bonus action to expend a Metallurgy point, granting yourself resistance to physical damage or 1 elemental damage type for 1 minute. You may stack multiple resistances onto your armor.
Battle Casting
Starting at 2nd level your mind in the heat of battle is just as prepared for casting spells as crossing blades. When you use your action to cast a transmutation spell, you may use your bonus action to expend a Metallurgy point and make an attack.
Metallic Tomb
Starting at 3rd level you become able to entomb yourself in a metal shell to fend off attacks. As a reaction to taking damage you gain 5+END temporary hit points per level in this class, which remain until the start of your next turn. Once you use this ability you cannot use it again until you finish a rest.
Regenerating Transmutation
Starting at 4th level you begin repairing your wounds with the metal affected by your magic. When you cast a transmutation spell you regain 2d8 hit points.
Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level you can attack twice when you take the attack action, instead of once, when you take the attack action on your turn.
Metallic Smite
Starting at 5th level you gain the ability to increase the lethal force of a melee weapon you're wielding. When you make a melee attack, you may expend a Metallurgy point to increase the damage dealt by 3d8.

Puppeteers spend their lifetimes as mages creating humanoid figurines for doubling in combat, making enhanced familiars of their own creation to make up for their lack of combat prowess, or to improve it.
There is but one thing uniting all puppeteers: dedication. Be it creating a world-rending construct, able to level entire cities; a graceful marionette able to perform inhuman dances; or simply an indestructible core, all puppeteers are wholly dedicated in giving their hopes and dreams shape, placing part of their souls on every core they make.
This class is considered a Spellcaster, but only for the first 3 levels.
You gain proficiency in all cantrips, increasing their damage die by one level if applicable. You learn one additional cantrip of your choice.
You gain these bonuses even if you only have a single level in this class.
Arcane Strings
Your strings are extensions of your soul weaved into strands of pure magical energy. They serve not only as your tether to your created marionettes, but as your sole means of utilizing your abilities.
Starting at 1st level you have 1 puppet (stat block(s) detailed below). You determine the puppet's appearance and material composition whenever you create one; your choice has no effect on its game statistics. Your puppet is used as an extension of your own character. Using a bonus action, you can activate your puppet, it remains active for 1 hour, until you dismiss it as a bonus action, or until you're incapacitated. While active, you can use your actions, bonus actions, or reactions to activate the puppet's abilities.
Your puppet cannot be healed to regain lost hit points, instead regaining all of its HP after being deactivated for 1 hour. When your puppet is reduced to 0 hit points, it ceases to function for 1 hour, after which you may reactivate it again.
In addition to the puppet, you may use your arcane strings as if they were a constantly active Mage Hand cantrip with a range of 30 feet. You are able to grapple targets in this range using your strings, using the same rules as if you were grappling them normally.
Spell Sieve
Starting at 2nd level, at the end of each of your rests you may choose any two spells in the whole ass game and grant your puppet the ability to cast them once each via spell sieve scrolls you implant within them.
Transposition Mirror
Starting at 2nd level, If an effect you can see forces you or an ally within 60 feet of you to make a saving throw, and not your puppet, you can use your reaction to quickly switch locations, and have your puppet perform the saving throw.
You are also able to do the inverse, should you forget the value of your own life versus your created facade.
Puppet Core
Starting at 3rd level, you fully unlock the meaning of being a puppeteer and the fragmentation of your very being. Your sense of self bleeds into your creation evermore, granting your puppet a specialized core.
The core you choose will determine all further features granted by this class.
Basic Puppet
Medium Construct
- Armor Class 15
- Hit Points 30 + (Puppeteer's END + Amount of levels in class x2)
- Speed 30 ft.
Vice-Like Grip. Allies have advantage when attacking a target the puppet has in a grapple.
Threaded Ram. Melee attack: Puppeteer’s MNA modifier, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 2d8 + Puppeteer’s MNA mod as force damage. If the target is Medium or smaller the puppet may attempt to grapple them as part of the attack.
String Snare. The puppet attempts to grapple a creature that leaves its attack range.
Armored Core
The Armored Core focuses on creating the ultimate shield.
Your puppet can now be given one of your own attunement slots, choosing a Mystic Code you meet the requirements for that it now wields if you do so. If not, you may choose any simple or complex weapon for it to wield instead.
Additionally, your puppet now rolls all STR, AGL, and END saving throws with advantage.
Ironshine String - Level 3
As you bring your puppet closer to you, it becomes easier to tense and release its strings in order to better shield it from attacks. When your puppet is at least 5 feet from you, it gains a +3 bonus to its Armor Class.
This feature is upgraded for 5th level puppeteers, increasing the range to 15 feet.
Omni-Shield - Level 4
When a creature you can see attacks a target other than your puppet that is within 10 feet of it, your puppet may switch places with the creature as a free action. You must decide to do this before the GM says if the attack hits or misses.
Disjointed Riposte - Level 4
The perfect defense construct should also be equipped with the most powerful counter attack. Whenever an enemy within range misses an attack against your puppet, you may use your reaction to have your puppet fucking destroy that loser. Your puppet counterattacks, which auto hits and automatically critically strikes.
Fractured Empowerment - Level 5
Your puppet becomes a stronghold, even divided, able to protect everyone. As an action, you can split your puppet into threaded fragments that shroud up to 3 creatures of your choice (including you) as armor for 1 minute or until you lose your concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell), empowering up to four allies other than you within 60 feet with its powers. They gain the following features:
- +3 AC
- Attacks deal an extra 3d8 force damage once per empowered creature’s turn
- Advantage on all non-magical saving throws
Your puppet will automatically perform this action when it is reduced to 0 hit points in battle, still allowing you to choose the targets. In this case, it lasts 3 turns instead of being concentration.
Spell Core
The magical abyss calls out to you, and you reach out to it. Your puppet becomes your runes, your scrolls, your spellbook, all inside its Spell-Core.
Your Spell Sieve feature is upgraded, allowing your puppet to hold 3 spells instead of 2.
You may choose to cast your own spells and cantrips through your puppet’s hands, as if it were your catalyst. When you do so, that spell adds your MNA mod to damage dealt.
Arcane Infusion - Level 3
Remnants of your sieve scrolls begin to seep out into your puppet as it readies them for combat. Your puppet gains resistance to the types of damage the scrolls inside it are capable of dealing.
If the spell inside the scroll does not specify a type of damage, your puppet instead gains resistance to force damage.
Consuming Strands - Level 4
You have developed a way to siphon any spell that comes near your puppet. Whenever a creature within 10 feet of your puppet that you can see casts a spell, you can use your reaction to bring your puppet up to the creature and attempt to nullify the spell. The DC equals 10 + the caster’s spellcaster class level. On a success, you counter the spell and store it inside your puppet as a makeshift scroll as long as you have an empty sieve slot. Recharge 5-6.
Plan B - Level 4
You may consume your own spell slots to recharge the sieve scrolls of your puppet using your bonus action. 1 spell slot is equal to 1 sieve spell, you may convert multiple at once.
Additionally, when you are incapacitated but your puppet is still active, it will automatically (as if via reaction) cast all its remaining spell sieves at once, choosing targets individually. It becomes lifeless as normal immediately afterwards.
Eyes of Creation - Level 5
Choose any Mystic Eye ability. You AND your puppet now both possess them.
Additionally, your puppet gains the ability to harvest the Mystic Eyes of fallen creatures, permanently gaining access to them in addition to its own Mystic Eyes, with no maximum limit.

Echo Core
One of the most unique cores, to mirror every movement, to double every attack, this power is reserved only for the most ruthless of puppeteers.
Your puppet is now constantly active, and no longer made of tangible materials. Instead, you have learned to weave your strings themselves into a mirror image of yourself.
You gain proficiency in complex melee and ranged weapons if you didn’t have it already.
Your Spell Sieve feature is sealed if you choose Echo Core, you instead gain the Martial Initiate feat.
Using your bonus action, you may conjure your Echo Puppet into reality in an unoccupied space within 15 feet of you that you can see. Your Echo shares your AC, but only has 1 hit point. It cannot be granted temporary hit points, and is immune to all conditions. If it has to make a saving throw, it uses your saving throw bonus for the roll. It is the same size as you, and it occupies its space. On your turn, you can mentally command the echo to move up to 30 feet in any direction (no action required). If your echo is ever more than 30 feet from you at the end of your turn, it is destroyed.
As a bonus action, you can teleport, magically swapping places with your echo at a cost of 15 feet of your movement, regardless of the distance between the two of you.
When you take the Attack action on your turn, any attack you make with that action can originate from your space or the echo's space. You make this choice for each attack.
When a creature that you can see within 5 feet of your echo moves at least 5 feet away from it, you can use your reaction to make an opportunity attack against that creature as if you were in the echo's space.
Soul Art: Transference - Level 3
You can temporarily transfer your consciousness to your echo. As an action, you can see through your echo's eyes and hear through its ears. During this time, you are deafened and blinded. You can sustain this effect for up to 10 minutes, and you can end it at any time (requires no action). While your echo is being used in this way, it can be up to 1,000 feet away from you without being destroyed.
Additionally, anytime you use your Transposition Mirror feature with your echo puppet summoned, you and your echo both roll against the triggering saving throw with advantage.
Soul Art: Unleash Incarnation - Level 4
Anytime you attack through your echo instead of yourself, you may make one additional melee or ranged weapon attack from your own body. You may do this a number of times equal to your MNA modifier per rest.
Soul Art: Reclamation - Level 4
Anytime your echo puppet is slain, you absorb the fleeting magical energy back into yourself instead of allowing it to fade. You gain temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your MNA modifier.
Soul Art: Legion of One - Level 5
You create 2 echo puppets when you manifest them using the echo core, which now co-exist. If you try to create a third echo, the previous two echoes are destroyed. Anything you can do from one echo's position can be done from the other's instead.
Extra Attack - Level 5
When you take the Attack action on your turn you make 2 attacks instead of just 1.

Marionette Core
Rather than a single construct, you place your core within your own hands to reinforce your arcane strings. Now everything is your puppet, be it friend or foe.
As an action, you can cause your Strings to fly out and magically attach to a willing creature within 30 feet. You must have a free hand to use your Strings. While a creature is attached to your Strings, you gain the features listed below. Your Marionette Strings detach after 1 minute, if you use a bonus action to detach them, or if you and the creature are ever more than 30 feet apart.
Corrected Strike. When the attached creature makes a melee attack, you can use your reaction to have them re-roll their attack roll, and they must use the new roll. You must use this reaction before you know if the attack hits or misses.
Channel Spell. As an action on your turn, you can cast a spell as if it originated from the attached creature. If the spell requires concentration, you concentrate on it.
Puppeteer's Guidance. When the attached creature makes a skill check or saving throw, you grant them a bonus equal to your MNA modifier.
Strange Movement. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the attached creature a number of feet equal to 5 times your MNA modifier (minimum of 5 feet). This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
You remain in possession of your originally created puppet, and can freely attach your strings to it. Your puppet is now ONLY active while attached to your marionette strings. They will not detach from your puppet after 1 minute, instead only detaching when you decide to do so, or when they are more than 30 feet from you.
Maestro’s Song - Level 3
Anytime the creature attached to your strings takes the Attack action, you may use your reaction to cause them to make an additional attack.
Additionally, creatures grappled by your strings using your Arcane Strings feature are now considered restrained for the duration of the grapple. You no longer need a free hand to initiate the grapple, though you may only have a single target held at a time in this way.
Steel Strands - Level 4
You are able to imbue your strings with magical energy, granting them the strength of steel to shield yourself or the creature your strings are attached to. When you or your marionette is the target of an attack, you may use your reaction to grant a +3 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the attack still hits, it deals 2d8 less damage.
The Show Must Go On - Level 4
You may now attach your strings to incapacitated creatures, causing their fading form to twist and bend to your will in a horrific display of control. These marionettes still make death saves as normal, though your strings will remain attached for the usual duration even after they are dead.
Grand Crescendo - Level 5
You are able to attach your strings to an additional creature, still requiring only one free hand for your marionette strings. Your marionettes are now passively empowered by your strings, granting them a bonus to all damage rolls equal to your MNA modifier (minimum 1) and their AC is increased by 2.
Additionally, the first time you use your reaction for Maestro’s Song and Steel Strands it is not consumed, effectively granting you an additional free reaction per turn for both of these features.
Symphonium Eternalé - Level 5
Your strings can grapple targets in a 60 foot range. Targets grappled take 3d8 force damage at the start of each of their turns until the grapple is ended.

Special operatives who use ranged weapons primarily, coupled with stealth, special tools, and gadgets to give an edge in battle.
You gain proficiency in Simple and Complex ranged weapons.
Starting at 1st level, you gain special tools exclusive to your class. They are considered Complex Weapons. At the end of each rest you create three of these tools to carry with you. You can only hold three of these tools at a time.
Frag Grenade - You choose a space you can see within 30 feet. All creatures within 15 feet are forced to make a DC15 AGL saving throw, taking 3d8 piercing damage on a failure. This damage is halved on a success
Smoke Grenade - You choose a 15x15 space you can see within 30 feet. All creatures inside of this area are blinded. This fog clears after 3 rounds.
Bola - You throw this tool at a creature within 30 feet. Make a ranged attack. On a hit, the creature is grappled. The bola has 5 HP and 0 AC. Creatures make a DC15 STR or AGL check at the start of their turns to break free of the bola.
Survival Tools - You create any tool in the Item's list.
Master of Arms
Starting at 2nd level whenever you use a throwable as an action you may make a single weapon attack.
You gain +2 to attack rolls while using a ranged weapon or throwables.
Magical Ammobox
Starting at 2nd level, you gain access to a special Mystic Code known as the Magical Ammobox. It requires no attunement to use, and exists as a special alchemy pot for making advanced ammunition. You may put any ammo you possess inside of it, granting the ammo a special effect. You may transform the ammo into any existing type, grant bullets special arrow coats, or grant your damage an elemental damage type. Elemental bullets deal an additional 1d4 of your chosen type. You may use the Ammobox once per rest.
Ghillie Suit
Starting at 3rd Level you gain a special cloak granting you stealth benefits for ambushing your enemy. While wearing this cloak, you gain +3 bonus to your hide DC. While concealed from your target, you may launch a surprise attack on your target.
Your surprise attacks have special features. When attacking from stealth you gain advantage on your attacks. Attacks landed in this way deal an additional 2d6 damage of the same type.
Crack Shot
Starting at 3rd Level, the range you can toss throwables and items is doubled. You do not roll ranged attacks at disadvantage when attacking prone targets, or creatures within your weapon's Long Range.
Once per round you make a ranged weapon attack, you may make attacks against any number of creatures you can see within your weapon’s range. You must have ammunition for each target and you make a separate attack roll for each target.

Warriors who focus on the raw enhancement of the body, training themselves instead of utilizing their magical circuits. Using their wit alone, they keep up with the likes of those who cast spells or enhance themselves with mana.
You gain proficiency in Simple and Complex Weapons.
Latent Potential
Starting at 1st level your potential shoots you about your colleagues and opponents alike. If your main class is Soldier you gain 2 additional stat points, which may be allotted to a single skill other than MNA.
Weapon's Master
Starting at 1st level, you start with a single weapon you are proficient with. If you choose a firearm, you start with a single attachment. While wielding a weapon you are proficient with, increase the damage die by one tier.
Fighting Style
Starting at 2nd level, you gain a fighting style. Choose a single option from the list below, gaining the following feature.
Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
Blind Fighting. You have blindsight with a range of 15 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.
Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. You gain light armor.
Dueling. When you are fighting and no ally is within 20 feet, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
Interception. When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10. You must be wielding a weapon to use this feature.
Close Quarters Shooter. When making a ranged attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll. Your ranged attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover against targets within 30 feet of you. You have a +1 bonus to attack rolls on ranged attacks.
Starting at 3rd level, you gain two Feats. You cannot select the same feat twice.
Starting at 4th Level, you gain an additional bonus action. When you take damage, you may use your reaction to make a weapon attack back at the assailant. You may use this a number of times equal to your END mod.
Action Surge
Starting at 5th level, you can muster the strength to spring to action in life or death situations. Once per rest, you may use your reaction to immediately use your movement and take an action or bonus action.
Adrenaline Shot
Starting at 5th level, you may release the limiters on your body once per rest to enter a battle trance. You may enter this state as a bonus action. During this battle trance, you gain the following effects.
- You are under the effects of the Enhance Movement spell.
- You automatically pass saving throws.
- You cannot be Grappled, Stunned, Slowed, Feared, or Restrained.
- You make all attack rolls at advantage.
Each turn you are under the effects of Adrenaline Shot, you must make a DC10 END skill check. Each successful save increases the DC by 2. The first time you take damage each turn, you are forced to make this skill check again.
Once Adrenaline shot has ended, you are slowed until your next rest.

Ethermancers are Magi who manipulate the Imaginary Element known as Hollow, but there exists a group of these mages who can physically summon Hollow to the physical realm, molding it with the standard absence of the world: Darkness.
This class is a Spellcaster class. For each level in it you gain additional spell slots as well as spells known.
You gain proficiency in Necromancy spells and 1 additional spell type of your choice.
Starting at 1st level, when you are within dim light or darkness, your spells deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage.
Starting at 1st level, as an action you collect the hollow around you and release a wave of dark energy, hitting all creatures within 60 feet of you. Creatures hit by this wave are forced to make a MNA saving throw or be rendered blinded. Creatures repeat this saving throw at the start of their turns. You gain an amount of uses equal to your MNA mod. Additionally, you are always under the effects of the Night Eye spell.
Starting at 2nd level, when you deal damage to a creature you can see, you may spend a bonus action to release a blast of hollow energy. Creatures are forced to make a MNA saving throw, becoming frightened of you on a failure. Creatures repeat this saving throw at the end of their turns.
Starting at 3rd level, you become the embodiment of the night. While within dim light or darkness, you heal for all necrotic damage you deal to creatures you can see. Once per turn, you may appear in a space within dim light or darkness within your movement. Creatures you render blind or feared take 2d8 necrotic damage at the start of their turns.

Water Elementalist
Despite the element of water being directly related to control and influence, traditional Hydromancers have also found ways to transfer this skill to manipulating the flow of liquids, simulating the control of the element of water. Through this, a new type of Hydromancer has taken form.
This class is a Spellcaster class. For each level in it you gain additional spell slots as well as spells known.
You gain proficiency in two spell types of your choice.
Starting at 1st level you gain a number of Flow Points equal to your MNA mod. These points are used for multiple features in this class. Flow Points are expended when they are used and regained at the end of rests.
Starting at 1st level you may cast the Bounded Field of Weather as an action. When selecting Foggy or Overcast, it begins to rain.
Additionally, while within rainy weather you may expend 1 flow to send down a torrent of rain down on an enemy. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, you deal 3d8 cold damage.
Starting at 2nd level, you can summon waves to crash them down on your opponents. As an action you may spend 1 flow to fire a 10 foot wide and 60 foot long wave. Creatures who collide with the wave are forced to make a STR saving throw, being knocked prone on a failure. When casting this ability, you may choose to ride the wave to its ending location.
During rainy weather the wave becomes 20 feet wide instead and deals damage. Creatures who fail the save are dealt an additional 4d8 cold damage, halved on a success.
Ebbing Tides
Starting at 3rd level, after successfully hitting a target with a spell, ability, or effect, you may spend 1 flow to summon a wave of water to bounce off your target and onto another within 15 feet. The original target is dealt 2d6 cold damage, and the spell or effect is replicated onto the new target. In the case of choosing an ally, the original target takes no damage. This ability may only bounce an effect once. This ability has a recharge of 4-6.
Storm Soul
Starting at 3rd level, you can spend 1 flow during rainy weather to cause a torrent to begin pouring. For 1 minute you have unlimited Flow. Creatures other than yourself have their visibility decreased, firing ranged attacks and spells at disadvantage. All creatures gain resistance to fire damage. When using the Drizzle feature, you make two ranged spell attacks instead, and gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to your MNA mod.

A feat represents a talent or area of expertise that grants the character special capabilities. Feats are primarily physical traits, but there are some that affect the character's magical abilities.
Armor Mastery
Training cost: 3 wealth or 1 Class Level
You become well trained while wearing armor, gaining the following benefits:
- While wearing light armor, your base AC becomes 12.
- While wearing Medium armor, you have no penalty to AGL skill checks and saving throws.
- While wearing Heavy armor, you reduce all physical damage dealt to you by 2 damage.
- You may don and undon your armor as an action.
Training cost: 5 wealth or 1 Class Level
Your countless battles have made you resilient to the art of combat. You gain the following benefits:
- Your maximum HP is increased by 15.
- While you are bloodied, choose one elemental damage type and one type between Slashing, Bludgeoning, and Piercing. You have resistance to those damage types until you are no longer bloodied.
Training cost: 4 wealth or 1 Class Level
Your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You gain the following benefits:
- You can use the Dash, Disengage, Hide, and Use an Object action as a bonus action.
- When you are subject to an attack roll, you may use your reaction to gain AC equal to your LCK modifier. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your LCK modifier.
Bow Strength
Training cost: 4 wealth or 1 Class Level
You use your Bow in a brutish manner, which uses your raw strength instead of crafty precision. You gain the following benefits:
- When you attack with a shortbow, or longbow, you can use your STR modifier instead of AGL, for both the attack and damage rolls.
- Once per turn, you can apply an effect to a ranged attack that would normally require a melee attack.
Training cost: 5 wealth or 1 Class Level
You've done well to commune with a magical animal who is bound to you for eternity.
You pick a Medium sized creature of your choice, becoming your sworn companion. The companion obeys your commands as best it can. It rolls for initiative like any other creature, but you determine its actions, decisions, attitudes, and so on. If you are incapacitated or absent, your companion acts on its own. Note that you can verbally command your companion as a free action. While you are in combat with your animal companion, you gain the following benefits:
- When you take the attack action, your animal companion can use its reaction to make a melee attack.
- When your companion is subject to an attack you may use your reaction to assume a space within 5 feet of your animal companion, and become the new target of the attack. Your animal companion may do the same.
Should your animal companion die, you can spend 8 hours and 1 wealth to call forth your companion's spirit and make a new body for it.
Medium, Alignment of your choice
- Armor Class 14
- Hit Points 50
- Speed 30
Keen Hearing and Smell. The companion has a +5 to all scout checks.
Bite. Melee Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+4 piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC13 STR saving throw or be knocked prone.
Claw. Melee Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10+4 slashing damage
Assistance. Your beast spends their action granting you the Help action, granting you advantage on your attacks until the end of your next turn.
Mystic Codes
Specialty equipment and magical items made to assist Magi beyond what physical training and magecraft are capable of. Mystic Codes require attunement. You become automatically attuned with a Mystic Code when you equip it. You may only be attuned to a single worn Mystic Code (equipment/consumable) and a single held Mystic Code (weapon) at any given time.
Ace of Spades
Mystic code, 4 wealth, Heavy Pistol
An old western revolver with a spade etched onto the handle and cylinder. You add half your LCK modifier (rounded down) to all damage rolls with the Ace of Spades. Whenever you land a weapon attack on a creature, roll a d6. On a 6, your damage die is tripled. After reloading, you have advantage on your next attack roll.
You critical hit range is increased to 18-20. On a critical hit, you deal an additional 3d8 damage.
Artillery Holy Scripture
Mystic Code, 5 wealth
A powerful Conceptual weapon, a Shotgun that transforms it's ammunition into cursed bullets that sap the life out of creatures they imbed themselves into. Scatter damage dealt by the Shotgun dealts radiant damage. Creatures dealt damage by the Artillery Scripture are forced to make a DC15 END saving throw, becoming cursed on a failure. Cursed creatures take 1d6 radiant damage at the start of their turns. As an action, the creature may fire powerful radiance streaks of light into the air to barrage cursed creatures. Cursed creatures are dealt 2d10 radiant damage, and the curse is removed. These barrages transcend distance and cover. The untrained may wield this weapon, at their own cost. Non-Church Affiliated creatures are always considered cursed when holding the Artillery Holy Scripture.
Ash Locks
Mystic code, 3 wealth, Requirements: Church Affiliated.
Conceptual Weapons, the basic tools of Church Executors which require far less training for ease of use. Their destructive power rivals that of Black Keys. Your Ash Locks may be any simple or martial melee weapon, or Armored Gauntlets to enhance your martial ability (granting you 1d4 unarmed strikes). While using Ash Locks you have +1 AC. These weapons deal radiant damage instead of their normal type.
Brace of Tethering
Mystic Code, 4 wealth
A metal arm brace with Jewels and fancy engravings. Any weapon you are holding gains an invisible 30 foot tether, attached to the bracer. Any weapon you hold has a thrown distance of 30 feet, and returns to your hands at the end of your turn. The tether may also be used to pull creatures towards you. As an action, you may launch the tether at a creature within 30 feet, forcing them to make a DC15 STR saving throw. On a failure, the creature is pulled into a space within reach.
Mystic Code, 5 wealth
A special Desert Eagle, manufactured in very limited amounts before Mages had shamed the use of firearms. It enhances the ammunition fed into it, granting its bullets specialized effects. When holding this Deagle, you learn the Gandr Cantrip and proficiency in Evocation cantrips. After taking the attack action, you may cast Gandr as a bonus action. You gain an advanced version of Gandr, which you may cast through ammunition fed into the Magazine. Casting Advanced Gandr takes 4 ammunition, as opposed to a normal bullet taking 1.
Deagle - 1d12 bludgeoning, Ammunition, (range 80/320), loading(8)
Advanced Gandr
Casting Time: -
Range: -
Components: S, M (Ammunition)
Duration: Instantaneous
As part of your weapon attack, you may replace your bullets with advanced gandr. Make a ranged weapon attack against a creature you can see. On a hit, the target takes 3+MNA force damage and rolls a d4, subtracting the result from their next attack roll or saving throw.
Getaway Artist
Mystic Code, 4 wealth, requirements: Main Class Astrapimancer
Machine-like bracers containing several metal contraptions and vials. Requires electricity to function, despite having no way to be powered. You may consume a spell slot as a bonus action to power the bracers, causing them to whir to life. For the next 3 rounds, you become full charged. You start each turn while full charged with maximum battery.
While full charged you have an Arc Soul, a ball of pure lightning energy that follows you. The Arc Soul attacks the nearest target at the start of your turns, dealing 5 lightning damage. The Arc Soul misses targets who have any type of cover.
Gunpowder Halberd
Mystic Code, 4 wealth
A halbred with a special cartridge slot directly underneath the blade. The halbred holds a special slot which can be filled with gun ammunition as a bonus action, turning it into a cartridge full of explosive power. When you land a weapon attack with the Halberd you may activate the cartridge. It deals an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage. Ammunition fed into the cartridge slot maintain the properties and effects when transformed into cartridges.
Hydra's Dagger
Mystic Code, 3 wealth
A poisoned blade with a coating of venom extracted from a young hydra. Though from a young hydra, this venom should serve as an effective method of attacking. The dagger deals an additional 1d4 acid damage on a hit. Damage dealt by the Hydra Dagger permanently reduces a creature's maximum hit points until the dagger is destroyed.
Living Stones
Mystic Code, 4 wealth
The specially made stones made by the Istari family, alchemists who create magical stones that require lifeforce to wield to full strength. You start the game with these stones, which forcibly implant themselves into your skin. Your maximum hit points are decreased by 10, and your MNA stat is reduced by 1.
When implanting these special stones, you may invoke their true effect by calling on their strength. As an action you may call out "Convert", allowing the stones to cover your form in a sleek stone set of armor. You gain armor equal to 12+MNA. You are also equipped with a d8 (d10 Versatile) spear, which is reformed by the armor when thrown.
Mark of Moonlight
Mystic code, 5 wealth, 1 Class Level, Requirements: Dead Apostle
A silver crescent moon which actually doubles as a magic crest. With this, it grants younger Apostles the powerful dominion granted by Vampires with centuries of age. Once this crest is applied, its only form of removal is death. You gain the following effects:
- While it is active, you gain your Level 1 effects even while in sunlight.
- You gain the effects from both Ogre-Strength and Warlock Patron when you level up.
- Your level may not exceed Level 3.
Old Heart Pendant
Mystic Code, 4 wealth
An old Relic created through the infusion of magic and gems thousands of years old. The true power of the gem is unknown, as its true potential has never been unlocked. The first time you die, the magic of the gem releases and causes the gem to shatter. Your body enters a magical cacoon, that cannot be broken by any means. You are revived 8 hours later. You may grant this to a dead creature as well, giving them the same effect. This effect completely purifies a creature, removing creature types like Vampire, Demon, Construct, or Beast. Abilities gained through these creature types are permanently sealed.
Tattered Blindfold
Mystic code, 4 wealth
An old crimson red sash used by old monks. Possessing the sash permanently grants you the blinded condition. Despite this, you still roll attacks as normal. You gain blindsight of 60 feet. You gain +3 AC against ranged attacks.
Crest of Undying
Mystic code, 4 wealth, Requirements: Main Class Entomancer
A very old, decrepit Mage Family Crest passed down through generations between many Entomancer Practitioners. It transforms your Worm Crest, allowing you to push your body past it's mortal limits at the price of consuming yourself in the process. You no longer fall unconscious when you reach 0 hit points. Instead, you enter Death's Door. While you are in Death's Door, you may act as normal, while rolling death saves at the end of your turns. Taking damage forces you to make a death save. When you pass 3 death saving throws, you exit Death's Door with 1 hit point. Should you fail 3 death saves or exceed your maximum hit points in negative damage, you die.
Whenever Entomancer's exit Death's Door, they gain 1d4 swarm points. Abilities that consume Hit points do not force you to make a death saving throw.
Tome of the Old Gods
Mystic code, 4 wealth
Some magi gain access to powerful archaic magic which date back to the Age of the Gods, which allow you to harnest old wild magic which cannot be controlled by modern mages today. The strength of these abilities require them to be stored within Eldritch Tomes, and may only be used in limited amounts.
When you finish a rest, the book may be opened. Upon opening the book roll a d9. The tome fills itself with spells unknown to you, gaining knowledge of a school of magic based on the result rolled.
roll | result |
1 | Abjuration |
2 | Conjuration |
3 | Divination |
4 | Enchantment |
5 | Evocation |
6 | Necromancy |
7 | Transmutation |
8 | Illusion |
9 | Sacrament |
You learn all the spells known from this school of magic, following the same rules for casting each spell. You may only invoke the power of the spells in this tome three times. After your third use, the tome seals shut until your next rest.
Traveler's Astrolabe
Mystic code, 5 wealth, Requirements: Main class Spellcaster
A finely crafted tool made from gold, silver and various jewels, more than a contraption designed to guide overseas travelers, it resembles an ornament.
You may spend 8 hours out of combat attuning the Astrolabe to a creature you have seen before. Afterwards the Astrolabe spins to life, granting you the following benefits:
You can spend an action to pry in on the life of this creature. For 1 minute, you may watch this creature. You don't know of their location, but learn their actions and intent. You may expend a spell slot to extend this duration to 1 hour.
Using the Astrolabe more than once per rest clues the creature in to being spied on. They may make a LCK saving throw, learning they are being watched on a success.
Staff of Morello
Mystic Code, 5 wealth, Requirements: At least 1 healing spell
An old staff with an old scroll of paper floating from the top. As a free action on your turn, you may activate the eldritch magic attached to the scroll, unraveling it to reveal its true magic. While activated, healing spells you cast instead deal Necrotic damage to the target, equal to the amount they would have healed. Damage dealt by this staff curses the target, reducing all healing they would receive by half until their next rest.
Mystic Code, 4 wealth
An old eastern naginata, with red tainted fur at the base of the blade. When you hit a weapon attack with Bloodless, the creature gains a special status effect known as Rend. Rend stacks up to 5 times, and deals 1 damage at the start of the creature’s turn per stack of Rend. When you land a weapon attack against a creature with maximum Rend, the target explodes in a bloody shower. The creature takes an additional 5d10 force damage, begins to Bleed, and has all Rend stacks removed.
Tattered Edges
Mystic Code, 3 Wealth
A dual set of katanas, chipped and worn down from endless battle. katanas have the statistics of a longsword with the finesse property. While wielding these blades, you gain the Dual Wielder feat.
While creatures are not bloodied, you gain +2 to damage rolls.
While creatures are bloodied, you gain +2 to attack rolls.
Rockhead Talisman
Mystic Code, 4 Wealth, Requirements: At least 1 Geomancer level
A stone figure which resembles that of a severed head, attached to a strange rope with the consistency of steel.
Whenever you would take damage to your temporary hit points, you may use your reaction to activate the talisman and utilize your temporary hit points, granting you a chosen effect:
- Convert your temporary hit points to healing, gaining half the amount. Overhealing converts back to temporary hit points.
- Convert your temporary hit points into homing stones. Make a ranged spell attack at a creature you can see, dealing an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to half your temporary hit points.
Mystic Code, 4 Wealth
A large greatsword with a blade made of dark obsidian. A dark, evil aura surrounds the blade. Once the demon blade has been attuned, you lose proficiency in all weapons (including your fists) other than the Demonblade.
The first time you become bloodied the Demonblade's true nature activates, granting you the following features:
- Your creature type becomes Demon.
- The blade enlarges, dealing 2d8 damage instead. When a creature takes damage via the demonblade, adjacent creatures take half the damage dealt.
- When you make a weapon attack on a creature, you may choose to make a ranged attack with a reach of 60 feet. This attack uses STR as a modifier. On a hit, deal 2d6 necrotic damage. This attack applies effects on the Demonblade.
- The Demonblade siphons all life from creatures within reach of the blade at the end of their turns. ALL creatures are dealt 5 necrotic damage.
- You must use your turns killing another creature to the best of your ability.
You do not exit this demonic state until a creature you can see falls unconscious. Once you exit this state, the demonblade goes dormant until your next rest.
Sorcery Traits
Magical traits passed down through lineages of magi. Sorcery Traits are prized possessions of magi families, often moreso than their crest. Though normally passed down genetically, there are rare cases of magi with a weak or complete lack of lineage possessing a Sorcery Trait.
Beast Mage
Beast Magi can materialize your mana to give yourself animalistic features and traits, making you wild in nature. You can track other creatures via scent. When you come in contact with another creature, you may make a MNA saving throw vs their Spell Save DC. On a success, you can retain their scent and track them for the remainder of the war. You may use your action out of combat and make a scouting check to track a creature whose scent you've retained. On a success, you learn how many areas away they are and in what direction.
As an action you can initiate a beast-like transformation made of magic. Until the end of the encounter, you gain the following features:
- Your creature type becomes Beast.
- You have natural weapons in the form of claws that deal 1d8 slashing damage. Despite this, you may only attack once.
- When you hit a claw attack, you may use your bonus action to make a bite attack that deals 1d8 piercing and forces the target to succeed a Contested STR check or fall prone.
- Your speed is increased by 20.
- Your Size becomes large. All creatures you choose are forced to make a DC15 MNA saving throw, being forced to target you with attacks and spells on a failure. Creatures may repeat this saving throw at the start of their turn.
- You deal additional slashing damage on melee attacks equal to half your STR/AGL mod, rounded up.
- You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to 30 + your MNA mod.
You may only use this feature once per rest.
Some mages have a powerful, constantly melding affinity to magic that does not align them to any one element. Through harnessing this strength, mages may replicate magical effects they witness. When you witness any creature use a class feature, ability, maneuver, or effect (excluding Noble Phantasms) you may store it for personal use. You follow the same principles for casting it. If it requires a resource, you obtain an amount equal to your MNA mod. Once you use it, you lose it and all resources attached. You may store a number of abilities equal to your MNA mod per rest.
An old Tohsaka family technique, allowing them to accumulate magical energy into gems, which are incredible conductors for mana. They can disperse the energy stored in these gems to make them into disposable, limited-function Mystic Codes. The power of these gems are often immense, taking many many years to create in full functioning form. You start the game with an amount of Empty Gems equal to your MNA mod, doubled. You may spend 2 wealth to gain additional Empty Gems. You may spend a spell slot to fill one of these gems, choosing the effect when you create the gem. These gems require an action for use, unless stated otherwise.
Topaz - An advanced wind technique, causing a 10x10 galeforce around a creature you can see. The first time a creature enters this zone or ends their turn in it, they take 2d8 bludgeoning damage. This zone lasts for 3 rounds.
Obsidian - You throw the gem at a point within 60 feet, causing it to explode into black dust. All creatures within 15 feet must succeed a DC15MNA saving throw or become blinded. Targets may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their turns. Creatures blinded in this way may not use reactions, and healing is absorbed by the obsidian dust.
Amethyst - You summon 2 Owl Familiars. The Owl Familiars create a powerful dome of defensive magic around you and creatures within 5 feet. The dome has 20 HP and 10 AC, becoming the source of all incoming damage. The green dome is foggy, causing creatures inside to be hidden.
Jade - You cast a special Find Familiar Cantrip 3 times. These birds have 0 AC and 5 HP, lasting until found and destroyed. Their hide DC is equivalent to the summoners.
Ruby - A powerful binding effect. You choose a creature you can see, placing them into a diamond dome. The creature is forced to make a DC15MNA saving throw or become restrained. Restrained creatures may repeat this saving throw at the end of their turns.
Sapphire - An amplifying gem, using a creature's magical energy to empower an effect. You choose a creature you can see, forcing them to make a DC15 MNA saving throw. On a failure, the creature has 1 spell slot taken from them, and the next spell cast against them is enhanced. If the creature has no spellslots, they take 10 necrotic damage instead. When enhancing a spell, choose an effect.
- Increase the damage or healing of the spell by 2d8.
- Increase the Save DC by 2.
- The spell overcomes any magical resistance.
Emerald - You touch a creature you can see. They heal for 25 hit points, and have any negative effects shedded.
Empty Gems - In response to seeing an enemy spell, you may use your reaction and an unused gem to counter it. The spell is absorbed into the gem, and may be used as an action.
Mystic Eyes
Magi are born with Mystic Eyes in extremely rare cases. They are caused by a mutation in one's magic circuits in their eyes, granting them abilities similar to spellcraft. They are the sign of a high class magus, as they are powerful and easy to conceal.
Mystic Eyes of Flame
Rail Zeppelin Cost: 4 Wealth or 1 Class Level
As an action, you chose a creature or object you can see within 60 feet. Your target combusts into a fiery ball of flame, being forced to make a DC17 MNA saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 6d6 fire damage and becomes ignited. Ignited creatures take 5 fire damage at the end of their turns. Creatures take half damage on a success. The creature makes a DC17 AGL saving throw at the start of their turns to douse the flames.
If a creature is holding your target, they must drop it or become ignited. If they are wearing it, the creature must succeed a DC17 END saving throw or become ignited. This ability recharges on 5-6.
Mystic Eyes of Suspension
Rail Zeppelin Cost: 4 Wealth or 1 Class Level
As an action, one creature or object of your choice that you can see within range rises vertically, up to 20 feet, and remains suspended there. They are considered grappled. If you lift a creature, they must make a DC17 STR saving throw versus the effect. Creatures repeat this saving throw at the end of their turns. As an action, you may throw a levitating creature or object. The target takes 5d8 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. If your target collides with another target, it takes the damage as well. This ability recharges on 5-6.
Passively, you may lift yourself up and float 5 feet above the ground. While levitating, you are immune to difficult terrain and float over other grounded effects.
Mystic Eyes of Transience
Rail Zeppelin Cost: 4 Wealth or 1 Class Level
As an action, you can see into the past to witness recorded events and realize them in the real world. You learn of any actions taken within the map area in the last 24 hours. You also learn of the last combat performed in your map area this grail war as if you were present. You learn of the participants, their appearances, statuses, and notable skills used. This feature recharges on a rest.
You may also "record" an action taken by a creature in the last fight. You can replicate this exact action, as long as you are within the map area it was used in. You use the same attack roll or forced saving throw by the original user, choosing a target you can see. This feature recharges on a rest.
Mystic Eyes of Decay
Rail Zeppelin Cost: 4 Wealth or 1 Class Level
As an action, you force a creature you can see to make a DC17 END saving throw. On a failure, you inflict the creature with the following effects.
- The creature's resistances are negated, and immunities become resistance.
- Damage dealt by the cursed creature is halved.
- Gain no benefit to AC from AGL.
Cursed creatures roll END saving throws at the end of their turns. This feature recharges on a rest.

This is the section for cantrips, spells, and Bounded Fields. Spells are separated into the eight schools of thaumaturgy: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation. Sacraments, the manner of spellcraft used by the Holy Church, are also included as their own school.
A cantrip is a spell-like effect that can be cast at-will without expending any spell slots.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 Feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 8 hours
Choose a target you can see within range. A silver halo will appear floating a few inches above their head.
- Upon dropping to 0 hit points the halo begins to shine brighter, imposing disadvantage on any attacks made against the target.
- The warming light immediately grants the creature one successful death save, and grants advantage on death saving throws. Upon becoming stable the halo bursts, healing the target a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + END, ending the spell.
- The first time the creature would die to failing death saving throws, the halo bursts. The failure is negated, but the spell ends.
Platinum Shield
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 Feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
You create a field of silvery light that surrounds a creature of your choice within range. The field sheds dim light out to 30 feet. As a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can move the field to another creature within 60 feet of the field.
The creature protected by the field gains the following benefits:
- The creature has half cover.
- The creature has resistance to elemental damage (does not include necrotic, radiant, psychic, poison, or force).
- If the creature is subjected to an effect that allows it to make an END saving throw to receive a negative effect, that creature passes the saving throw automatically.
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you’re targeted by a weapon or spell attack.
Range: 5 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You attempt to put an attacking creature or projectile near you into stasis.
Creature. If you target a creature, that creature must succeed a MNA saving throw. On a failed save the creature's attack misses and its turn immediately ends as it enters stasis. A creature in stasis is stunned, immune to all damage, and cannot be affected by other spells until the start of its next turn.
Projectile. If you target a projectile, make a MNA check. The DC equals 10 or half of the attack roll, whichever is higher. On a success, the projectile enters stasis until the start of the turn it was launched in. A projectile in stasis cannot be moved and is immune to all damage. When the stasis ends, the projectile continues onward, hitting any creature in its path.
Ice Knife
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a shard of ice and fling it at one creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 piercing damage. Hit or miss, the shard then explodes. The target and each creature within 5 feet of the point where the ice exploded must succeed an AGL saving throw or take 2d6 cold damage.
Thunder Step
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You teleport yourself to an unoccupied space you can see within range. Immediately after you disappear, a thunderous boom is left in your wake. Each creature within 15 feet of the space you left must make an END saving throw, taking 3d8 thunder damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. You may take one ally with you when you teleport, assuming they are within 5 feet of you when the spell is cast.
Unlimited Rotation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
You summon an amount of small glowing orbs equal to your MNA mod. These spheres float at your side, attacking enemies that enter your reach or are being attacked by you. The next time you make a spell attack at a creature, or a creature enters your reach, you may choose to have a single orb fire off at the creature. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the orb deals 1d6+MNA force damage.
You may use your action on subsequent turns to fire off all remaining orbs at a creature within reach of the spell. They are forced to make an AGL saving throw. On a failure creatures take 1d6 per orb remaining, halved on a success.
When concentration is lost, all remaining orbs converge on a target, as if an action was cast to fire them.
Arcane Mark
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Until dispelled
You touch a willing creature or object. You establish a permanent link with the subject in your mind, leaving your sigil on it. This mark is invisible for all creatures, unless they are proficient in divination spells.
You can spend an action to determine the direction and general distance of the subject, as well its physical condition. In the case of an object, you know whose possession it is in.
You may also spend an action to teleport within 5 feet of your subject from any distance.
Borrowed Knowledge
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 24 hours
You draw on knowledge from spirits of the past. Choose one spell in which you lack the ability to cast naturally. For the spell's duration, replace this spell with the chosen spell. The spell ends early if you cast it again.
Foreseeing Shield
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 8 hours
Upon casting this spell, the target gains 3 Foreseeing Shields which remain with them for the duration of the spell. When successfully hit by an attack, the target of this spell may use their reaction, expending a Foreseeing Shield in the process, causing the attack to miss instead.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You whisper magical words that antagonize one creature of your choice within range. The target must make a MNA saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 4d4 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to make an attack against another creature of your choice that you can see. If no other creature is within range, the target has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the start of your next turn.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You blast the mind of a creature that you can see within range, attempting to shatter its intellect and personality. The creature must immediately make a MNA saving throw.
On a failed save, the creature takes 4d6 psychic damage and has their MNA and STR swapped. The creature can’t cast spells, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way. The creature can, however, identify its friends, follow them, and even protect them.
The creature repeats this saving throw at the start of their turns.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You inhale and shout, beginning a chant which can make any man a willing fighter. Each allied creature in range that can hear you gains the following benefits until either the spell ends or they leave the range.
- At the start of their turn, they gain temporary hit points equal to your MNA mod.
- Whenever they make a weapon attack, they deal extra damage equal to your MNA mod.
- They are immune to the effects of mental interference.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a point of entropy in your hand. Make a melee spell attack against a creature you can touch. On a hit, the target takes 2d6+MNA force damage. The spell's damage is doubled if the target is prone, stunned, grappled, restrained, or incapacitated.
Power Within
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
You envelop your body with deep red flames, increasing your own attack power. For the duration of the spell, you gain a +2 bonus to all damage rolls you make. Creatures who end their turn within 5 feet of you take 1d8 fire damage at the end of their turns. At the beginning of your turn, you take 1d6 fire damage. This damage cannot be reduced or negated by any means. You may forcibly end this spell as an action on subsequent turns.
Psionic Blast
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You unleash a destructive wave of mental power in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make an AGL saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 4d8 force damage, is pushed 20 feet directly away from you, and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a target takes half as much damage and isn’t pushed or knocked prone.
Bloody Tribute
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 foot cone
Components: V, S, M (Your own blood)
Duration: Instantaneous
As part of the action to cast this spell, you must harm yourself. You deal 1d10 necrotic damage to yourself. This damage cannot be reduced or negated, and are dealt to your hit points directly. You create a demonic sigil, creating a temporary pact with a blood hungry demon. A claw originates from the sigil, striking all creatures in a 10 foot cone. Creatures within this cone are forced to make a DC12 AGL saving throw, taking 1d12 force damage, halved on a success.
When casting this spell, you may increase the amount of damage dealt to yourself, up to a maximum of 8d10. Each die increase in damage you receive increases the damage dealt by 1d12, the size of the cone by 10 feet, and the DC of the attack by 1. (A maximum of 8d12, 80 foot cone, and DC20). The destruction and aftermath of the attack increases exponentially with each incremental increase. Should you reduce yourself to 0 hit points via this spell, you suck yourself into the sigil and instantly die.
Dark Passage
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Components: None
Duration: Instantaneous
You briefly turn into a flock of crows or likewise evil phenomena, before reappearing somewhere else within range. Doing so unbounds you of any movement impairing effect. You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
Rigor Mortis
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: 1 minute
You touch a creature, sending a wave of age and decay through their system. The creature is forced to make a MNA saving throw, suffering the following effects for the duration of Rigor Mortis on a failure.
- Target's movement speed is set to 10.
- Target automatically fails STR and AGL saving throws.
- Anytime the target takes bludgeoning damage they take an additional 2d8 bludgeoning damage.
- Targets cannot perform the Somatic component of any spells they may attempt to cast, resulting in such spells fizzling.
Targets may repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, as well as each time they are dealt damage.
El-Melloi's Everchanging Weapon
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: 24 hours
You touch a weapon within reach. For the duration, the weapon changes damage types to best fit your situation. (For example, if you are fighting undead your attacks deal radiant damage. If a creature is resistant to mundane damage, it will deal force damage instead to overcome resistance.) The Everchanging weapon will exploit the target’s weaknesses, if any. Your weapon deals an additional 1d4 damage of the type it is dealing.
Flow State
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours
You align your magical energies, allowing you to change the very course it takes inside your body. Through this, you can perform superhuman feats of man. When you cast this spell, choose an option. You may change your option as a bonus action on subsequent turns. You may also end this spell at any time as a free action.
Wrath. Your STR stat becomes 7. All your attacks critically strike targets they hit. All attacks made against you deal double damage.
Calm. Your LCK stat becomes 7. You are immune to opportunity attacks. If you have not acted on a turn, you are under the effects of the dodge action.
Divinity. All your stats become 7. You deal triple damage. When you exit Divinity through any means, you die.
Power Word: Recharge
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
To cast this spell, you must make a MNA check with a DC equal to your Spell Save DC. On a failure, nothing happens instead. You may spend an additional spell slot to expedite this check. You immediately regain a use of a skill or ability that would otherwise take a rest to refill.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You call upon the echo of an attack you witnessed. You create a reflection of melee, ranged, or spell attack cast within the last round. The original caster must be within the spell’s range. You replicate the attack, choosing new targets as the attack would allow. The attack copies any effects the attack had, and you use your MNA mod for determining the roll for attack and damage rolls.
Casting Time: 1 action, or as a a reaction to taking damage
Range: Self
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You become invisible at the same time that an illusory double of you appears where you are standing. The double lasts for the duration, but your invisibility ends if you attack or cast a spell.
You can use subsequent actions on your turn to move your double and make it gesture, speak, and behave in any way you choose. It can attack, but these attacks will deal no damage to the target. You can see through its eyes and hear through its ears as if you were located where it is.
You can also choose to swap places with the Doppelganger as an action if you can see it. The Doppelganger disappears when it takes damage.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100 foot radius
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You create a massive image of a solar eclipse, which summons itself directly overhead. Should you be indoors, a shadow visage of the sky assumes the space of the ceiling. Each creature you choose within 100 feet of you must make a MNA saving throw at the beginning of their turns. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure they become aware of the eclipse and are blinded. Blinded creatures repeat this saving throw at the start of their turns to become unblinded.
Healing Fire
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a source of flame within 60 feet of you
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
When a spell or spell-like effect deals fire damage to one or more creatures, you can use your reaction to transmute the spell’s fire into a healing burst. Any creature that would take damage from that spell instead takes no damage, and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the damage it would have taken. Undead and Constructs do not regain hit points from this effect.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point to a space within the spell’s reach, calling upon your heavenly connection to drop a bolt of holy energy upon an enemy. A space you choose and all creatures within 5 feet of it are forced to make an AGL saving throw. Creatures take 3d6 lightning damage on a failure, halved on a success. If creatures struck by the bolt are a creature type other than human, or have an evil alignment, they take an additional 3d6 radiant damage.
Phoenix Rebirth
Casting Time: 1 reaction, when you would be reduced to 0 hit points
Range: Self
Components: None
Duration: 1 minute
As you are struck down, your body surges with a fiery burst of energy. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you gain 4d10 hit points instead. After regaining these hit points, you gain a flight speed of 60 feet which lasts until the spell ends.
As part of casting this spell, the caster must expend all of their remaining spell slots.