Rogue: Arsonist

by Lucifer1389

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With fire and chaos in their hearts, Arsonists seek to see everything go up in a beautiful blaze. Unfortunately, that is also less than legal in most parts, so the life of an arsonist is one full of danger and thrill. Adventure and excitement abound, they walk the ashen gray line between heroes.. and villains.

What fuels this fascination of yours? Do you seek the warmth you never had, or do the flickering flames enthrall the artist in you? Perhaps something far less poetic and graceful, perhaps the sheer spectacle of setting something ablaze is what drives your fingers to light one more match. What could go wrong?

Arsonist Features
Rogue Level Feature
3rd Asinine alchemy, Blazing blades
9th Soot and sulphur, Chemical cocktail
13th Burn baby burn
17th Unrivaled Immolator

Asinine alchemy

3rd level Arsonist feature
Your questionable studies have enabled you to create flammable substances. You gain proficiency in Alchemist's tools.

At the end of a long rest, you can create a number of volatile flasks of Alchemist's Fire equal to your dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. The flasks loses their potency and become unusable at the end of your next long rest.

You are considered proficient in attacks using your alchemist fire flasks, and the DC to extinguish their flames is 8 + PB + DEX. You can throw one of your alchemist flask as a bonus action, instead of an action. The damage of your alchemist flasks increase by 1d4 when you reach 5th, 11th, and 17th level in this class.

Blazing blades

3rd level Arsonist feature
As a bonus action, you can expend one of your alchemist fires and apply it to a weapon or piece of ammunition you are holding. The next time the weapon or ammunition hits a creature before the end of your next turn, the creature is effected as if hit by your alchemist fire.

Soot and sulphur

9th level Arsonist feature
You gain resistance to fire and poison damage, and you are acclimated to the effects of high temperatures.

Chemical cocktail

9th level Arsonist feature
A creature holding one of your alchemist fires can use its bonus action to drink it. The creature takes fire damage equal to your rogue level, and gains temporary hit points equal to twice the damage taken. The temporary hit points last for 1 hour, and the creature looks seared and sickened for the duration.

Burn baby burn

13th level Arsonist feature
As an action, you can throw a collection of unstable oils and reagants at a point within 120ft of you. All creatures within 20ft of the point must make a dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + PB + DEX) or take 10d6 fire damage, or half as much on a successful save. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you replenish your supplies as part of a short or long rest.

unrivaled Immolator

17th level Arsonist feature
Your flames are unrivaled, and almost impossible to put out. Fire damage you deal ignores resistance. When a creature takes damage from your alchemist fire, each creature of your choice within 5ft of it also takes the same amount of fire damage.

Arsonist by Lucifer | Art by Elena Barbieri


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