Oath of the Stormlord

by maiLfps

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Way of the Stormlord

Paladin Subclass

Some people fear nature's wrath, a mighty tempest of wind and lightning, some admire it's beauty and power, and some embrace it's majesty through training and meditation.

Followers of this hard and dangerous path value strength and power, but above all relish the chaos and glory of battle in the name of their divine overlord, and glorify their sacred ruler through combat and the harnessing of the storm.

Tenets of the Stormlord

  • Fight for Freedom- Defend the helpless, defy tyranny, and free the oppressed.
  • Fight for Honor- The battlefield is a glorious temple, glorify your god in bloody and righteous combat.
  • Fight for Victory- To hold back is dishonorable, your foes deserve the unhindered and raw wrath of the storm, grant them an electrifying end with your might.

Oath Spells

Paladin Level Spells
3rd Thunderous Smite, Thunderwave
5th Warding Wind, Blur
9th Lightning Bolt, Thunderstep
13th Storm Sphere, Freedom of Movement
17th Destructive Wave, Legend Lore

Channel Divinity

When you choose this path at level 3, you gain the following Channel Divinity options

Stormstrike- As an action, you summon a bolt of lightning arcing from the sky down into your weapon, then you slam your weapon into the ground. Hostile creatures in 30 feet of you must make a constitution saving throw, a creature takes thunder damage equal to 2d10 + your paladin level on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one.

Soul of the Thunder God- As a bonus action, you harness the power of a God of Thunder, unleashing the storm within you, for 1 minute you are surrounded by an aura of lightning, all enemies within 10 feet of you take 1d8 thunder damage at the end of your turn. YOur movement speed is increased by 10 feet for the duration.

Weapon of the Sky

At 7th level you may do a ritual with 1 weapon, imbuing it with the power of the heavenly storm. The ritual must be done over the course of 1 hour (can be done during a rest) where you commune with your god and detail your worthiness and great deeds making you deserve such a powerful gift. When the ritual is complete lightning strikes the weapon, engraving it with the symbol of your god.

The weapon gains several benefits, it gains the thrown property if it does not already have it, (30,80). When you make a ranged attack with the weapon it maintains its normal damage dice. While holding the weapon you gain 30ft flying speed. When the weapon is not in your hand you can summon it as a bonus action, it appears in your hand as if it were teleporting from another plane.


Starting at 15th level, you exude an aura of violent winds when threatened.

The area within 10 feet of you is considered difficult terrain for your enemies. Additionally, you may convert any Lightning damage you deal in this area to Radiant damage, and any Radiant damage into Lightning damage.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Young Storm God Rising

Starting at 20th level, when using Soul of the Thunder God, you may use the the spell Thunder Step at no cost as a bonus action once per turn, and your Stormcrown aura makes all ranged attacks against you have disadvantage. YOu embody the heart of a chaotic storm, all lightning damage you do chains to enemies within 10 feet of the original target.

This ability is returned after a long rest.


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