Strixhaven Student Handbook

by London RPG Community

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student handbook
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student handbook


If you have not already joined London RPG Community on Discord, please do! This campaign, and many others are organised through our server and several other benefits such as links to our LRC campaigns on D&DBeyond to share the D&D content with you as a player are hosted there.


Campaign Dungeon Masters

This campaign has a small team of DMs: Hannah, Sam, and Hailey.

Layout and Editing

The contents of this Student Handbook has been collected by Hannah, and layout by Jonathan. The official Wizards of The Coast content comes from the D&D setting book Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos.

Art & Images

Font and Back Cover: School Is In Session, Wizards of the Coast
Solve the Equation, Lie Setiawan
Elementalism Classroom, MalthusWolf
Spectacle Mage, Caroline Gariba Tanazir Quandrix Variant, Kekai Kotaki

Disclaimer: A degree from Strixhaven University does not provide protection from magic missiles, fireballs, freezing spheres, or any other deleterious effects spellcasters might generate. If you create deleterious effects, Strixhaven kindly requests from invoking any names, symbols, or other references to the university should you find yourself in a confrontation. Strixhaven University does not take responsibility for any injury of any nature sustained in the course of anything, magical or otherwise.

This document is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.


The Setting

The University

The University of Strixhaven has recently opened its doors to folk from across multiple planes. We invite you to apply to become a student at our prestigious university. Some of the things we cover whilst you study with us include:

  • Magic training
  • Learning about the unique wildlife and fauna of the land
  • Taking your knowledge into the field
  • Studying and excelling in exams
  • Competing in local university sports

We expect you to forge long lasting relationships whilst at University and encourage you to get to know fellow students. Some students are especially selected to help and offer guidance during your stay. We also offer extra curricular clubs and there are opportunities to take up a job at our local businesses.

Our Deans and Professors often request special assistance for important errands and we encourage you to take on these responsibilities during your stay. You will be aptly rewarded for any such activities.

As with any well balanced university, alongside the expectation of hard work and study, there will also be opportunities to celebrate your achievements and victories whilst on campus and we have a vibrant university life for you to explore.

The Colleges

Strixhaven was founded by 5 dragons, who each are represented by the individual colleges that now exist. The university was founded in order to teach folk to be respectful of magic and to understand it's power.

The Dragons no longer have direct interaction with the colleges, and the college Deans act as scions for them.

Lorehold College

The College of Archaeomancy.

Students of this college might be historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, or philosophers. Lorehold students commonly summon or draw power from spirits. They enjoy travel and discovery.

Prismari College

The College of Elemental Arts.

A college of musicians, dancers, actors, and more. Students use elemental magic to enhance their performances and spells, and they use magic as inspiration for their crafts.

Quandrix College

The College of Numeromancy.

The place to study engineering, physics, and statistics. Students are nature-mathematicians who seek to understand and wield complex formulas. They create illusions and manipulate magic itself.

Silverquill College

The College of Eloquence

A college that includes writers, public speakers, and lawyers. They are often good as battle mages and use magic to weaponize words, they are often charismatic and quick witted and make good leaders.

Witherbloom College

The College of Essence Studies

Often agriculturists, biologists, healers, or necromancers. Students channel their magic by protecting, enhancing, and/or exploiting, plants and creatures. They often brew their spells and find ways to harness nature.

The Campaign

We are running semi-closed campaigns within a Strixhaven setting, and each adventure will involve a single 'university cohort' (group) of players, and take around 5 sessions per chapter.

We will offer side missions or mini adventures to all players which will be scheduled separately and may be run by other DM's.

These side quests will fit into the XP and credit system for the Strixhaven setting and will complement the main storyline.

Current Sessions are running with our Cohort 1 as of December 2021.

Content Warnings
  • Dating and relationships
  • Drinking and drugs (not including addiction or substance misuse)
  • Manipulation and/or bullying (university relationship dynamics)
  • Exam stress
  • Sport and classes competition amongst student peers
  • Some violence and gore (battle related)

How to Join a Game

Join our Discord server if you haven't already, and sign up for the Strixhaven role in the #intro-to-lrc-campains channel. We will advertise one-shots, mini adventures and Cohort specific campaigns there and you will get pinged if you have the Strixhaven role.

How to Become a DM in the Strixhaven Setting

We welcome everyone who wants to DM in a Strixhaven setting, and encourage both new and experienced DM's to have fun with us!

If it's something you feel you'd like to get involved with, please ask in the #strxihaven-general channel on Discord, and/or ping Hannah, Hailey or Sam.


Student Creation

Strixhaven Student Creation

Characters new to the setting will need to be created and will:

  • Start at level 2.
  • Take an 'extra feat' to start with from any Wizards Of The Coast content.
  • Be any class, species and background from any existing WOTC content, except Unearthed Arcana.
  • Can choose to roll for their gold according to their class and use this to buy equipment, or can take the standard equipment.
  • Will get to roll 1d100 for a fun trinket they have with them.

Back story is encouraged, and can be explored with a DM who's running a game, especially if you join a Cohort. Any questions you have or help you need in creating your character will be happily and freely given by any of our lovely DM's

Using Strixhaven content

Strixhaven Backgrounds

You may choose a Strixhaven background if you want, based on which college you think your character would attend. This means you would have been studying towards attending the university for most your life.
The choices are unique to each of the colleges:

Strixhaven Feats

For your extra feat (picked on creation of a character), you may choose: Strixhaven Initiate

For your 4th level feat (or above, according to the player rules), you may choose: Strixhaven Mascot

Strixhaven Spells

When you pick the Strixhaven Background, you gain access to spells that are specific to each college. These spells can also be added to your spell list based on your D&D class. You can see which class can pick which spell and what the spells do, here: Strixhaven Spells

Magic Items

Alongside our homebrew items, you will also have the opportunity to purchase magic items on campus. You can see these Strixhaven Magic Items here.

Homebrew Items

Details to be added.

Quirks of Strixhaven

Being a university student is all about, well, being a student! As such, there are some interesting aspects to playing a Strixhaven game that you may want to be aware of. Please bear in mind these will all become clearer during game play, so you don't need to know everything about these mechanics but hopefully you will be interested to try them out. All these additional aspects of the Strixhaven game are tracked on a special tracking sheet all players will receive.


You will meet a range of regular characters in game (NPC's) who you will be able to converse with, and build relationships with. This could mean you become friends, beloveds (very good friends or perhaps romantically attached), or even enemies. You will be awarded certain bonuses or banes based on these relationships and they will affect the story you play.


In order to study for exams, players will roll a D20 to see how well they do in their studies, which awards them a reroll for the testing phase on a successful study phase. You can also choose to study together or overnight (which incurs a point of exhaustion!) for extra rerolls.

There is then a testing phase which also centres around the D20 and ability checks, where you can use your hard earned rerolls to help you pass. Tests gain you D4's which you will track on your Student Card and will help you in your adventures!


While at uni, you can choose to take up a job, where you will earn a wage of 5gp per week. You will also get to choose a relationship point (either positive or negative!) with one of the people you work with.


At Strixhaven you can choose to take two clubs. If you have already taken a job at uni, you may only take one club. These earn you a D4 per club, to help you in your adventures once every long rest. As with jobs, clubs also allow you to choose to gain one point towards a relationship with someone in your extracurricular - either positive or negative!  


is in



Most, if not all, of us are on one platform or another. If you want to share stuff about the campaign, that's great! Please tag us on Twitter and Instagram.