SCP - Anomalous Gateway

by Canis

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Lead Writer. CanisWTF

Editors. TBA

Cover Illustrator. T4CO_G4M3#5436 on Discord

Interior Illustrators. TBA

Playtesters. fort_dweller, Andre Bechert, Trace, Leo Likes Turtles, Raghnall, Lot, tunafish, awsomepie, WolfieWonder274, Pearous, MoltenKten, Pretzel, Agent













On the Cover

A Chaos Insurgency Operative leads an assault on Heavy Containment Zone, forcing a surprised researcher to think fast or die trying.

License (CC-BY-SA)

Any and all works related to SCP use the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license The details of this license include:

  • Attribution. Any derivative works of SCP must attribute back to it's original source on . If a specific article (such as an SCP) is used, the original author must be credited.
  • ShareAlike. Any content based on the SCP Foundation is itself going to be under Creative Commons, and can not be legally changed. Anyone can share, remix, or sell any SCP content as long as it is attributed to the original owner.

However, CC-BY-SA does not extend to content created by Wizards of the Coast LLC. SCP - Anomalous Gateway is unofficial fan content permitted under the Fan Content policy, and is not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC.

SCP Authors

The author of an SCP or other related article found on the SCP wiki will be credited by name, and have a link to said article on relevant pages. For example, the credit of an SCP can be found on it's stat block or wherever else applicable. The SCP Wiki can be found at

Patreon Supporters

A special thank you to everyone who has supported SCP - Anomalous Gateway on Patreon! Bolded names are several-month subscribers.

You too can support the project at !

Tier 3 (Keter)

Andre Bechert

Look at any good SCP content creator's patreon list and he's probably on top. We love 'em.


Paulo Henrique Silva Monteiro

Hooked me up with Foundry VTT and is why online playtesting became possible! I'm thankful for his extensive knowledge in running online tabletops!


"Once an SID, always an SID!" -SID Captain Brown

Tier 2 (Euclid)



Tier 1 (Safe)

fort_dweller, DuhCrow

Player Contents


What is SCP?.......................................................................00
Using this module........................................................00

New Optional Rules....................................................................00

New Conditions...........................................................................00

Campaign Options......................................................................00

Chapter 1: Playing as Foundation

Welcome to Area-36.................................................00

The Foundation..........................................................................00

Area-36's Rules and Personnel................................................00

The Facility's Layout..................................................................00

Chapter 2: Foundation Classes

Class Overview...............................................................00

Security Officer...........................................................................00

Medical Officer............................................................................00




Elite Class: MTF Eta-18 Agent............................00

Chapter 3: Playing as CI

Welcome to Operation Tempest....................00

The Chaos Insurgency................................................................00

Tempest's Rules and Personnel.................................................00

Group of Interest: The SCP Foundation....................................00

Chapter 4: CI Classes

Class Overview...............................................................00

Assault Operative.......................................................................00

IRUC Scientist..............................................................................00

Field Medic..................................................................................00

Drone Specialist.........................................................................00


Elite Class: Gamma Squad...................................00

Chapter 5: Logistics

General Equipment.....................................................................00



Medical Items.............................................................................00

Logistics Equipment..................................................................00

Foundation-Specific Equipment...............................................00

Insurgency-Specific Equipment...............................................00

Chapter 6: Fantasy Options

Non-Human Races.......................................................00




Interacting with Modernity as Fantasy Characters........................................................................00

Multiclassing SCP and D&D Classes...........................................00

Chapter 7: Customization Options

Backgrounds...................................................................................00 Feats.................................................................................................00

Making a Professional Unique......................00

Trinkets of your Past......................................................................00 Career History.................................................................................00 Previous Assignments....................................................................00

Dungeon Master Contents

All of the information specifically for the Dungeon Master can be found on a separate table of contents to avoid accidentally spoiling players, located on page 00.

Appendix A: The SCP Wiki

What to Read...................................................................00


In loving memory of Parallax Gaming


This Dungeons and Dragons module is dedicated to a truly special Garry's Mod server, where players from around the world shared their fondness of the SCP Universe. Unlike other servers of it's type, players immersed themselves in the SCP world, thanks to the dedicated staff of the server that acted more like Dungeon Masters than enforcers, crafting server events that spanned months, with interesting and intertwined storylines.

Parallax Gaming was born in the beginning of June 2020 during the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, as an improved successor to a previous server which started all the way back in 2015 and lasted until 2019. This brought back several dozen to a hundred players who played the server in their youth and yearned to experience it again.

On October 10th, 2021, the Founders of Parallax announced the server's shutdown. This was caused by a multitude of reasons, such as the staff and developer team becoming burnt out, and the playerbase growing bored with the limitations Garry's Mod imposes on the gamemode. Offshoots and potential successors rose and fell, but for a lot people it was time to move on.

SCP: Anomalous Gateway was created with the intent to revitalize the memories once again and bring it's lore more in-line with the SCP wiki, rebirthing it once again in a roleplay game instead of attempting to force it into a game not meant for the medium. While it is impossible to convert every aspect of SCP-RP into Dungeons and Dragons, it is possible to convert the tense, high-energy moments that nearly every player lived for.

As a celebration of Parallax Gaming's existence - and the people who played on it - Most, if not all non-SCP characters in this book are based off of real characters that played on the server. High-Importance characters such as Area-36's Security Chief has a table that DMs can roll on to determine an alternate name for the character, representing yet another existing character that was made and played by a real person.

For those who are not familiar with the server and simply picked this campaign up because you are an SCP fan, do not be intimidated. Besides from names and anomalies (which are thoroughly explained to the Dungeon Master), someone greatly familiar with the SCP world should not feel alienated. The whole idea of SCP is based on collaborative fiction, and Parallax was just a small droplet in a big pond.

With how much effort, blood, sweat, and tears that was poured into Parallax, it feels like a disservice to let the built up lore, canon, and characters die...

Special Thanks to the Following People who made Parallax Possible:

Founders - The reason why this exists in the first place

Pownage, SparkZero

Developers - Those who have programmed for Parallax

Krakowski, Chubby, Edgy, Bokser, KurtAmbrose, XYZ

Staff Team - Those who moderated and DM'd the server

Symbolic, Corp, Harper, McGriffin, Clockwork, Bond, Flame, Canis, Turtles, Schulze, Doe, Soles, Lore, Zee, Harris Press, Captain Fubar, Shepherd, Pearous, MoltenKitten, Romero, Styx, Chan, Nati0n, NonT, FadedGogeta, Mr Matthews, Blueberry, Oats, ImTheFBI, Calvin, Pillhook, PapaSquidward, Green, Ontario, Salty SeaCaptain, SirMatt101, Ghosti

Lore Team - Those who helped write the server's canon

Burgundy, Roozrokh, Cannibalistic, Kota

Thank You for being a part of the Parallax Gaming Community:

DarkTwist, Nightmare, Awsomepie, DrifterIsKing, Painevan, Jum, Mauph, Smokey, Johnston, VoidUprising, Whole Lotta What?, Qmix, hop1003, McIntyre, ResolutionBlaze, Rob Borealis, Phoenix, Spiderpig, Octavius, Toaster Strudels, Orphan, Tucker, lilac, Conti, Berlin Not, Assassin, RoyalMobster, Endbringer, Raghnall, TheAnarchist, pxl, Blank, Aleksander, Doggo, Kes, KobraKiddMeow, Volf, Tale, MrSmith, Avoara, Gressman, Baratheon, Miller, Tunafish, Basil, Skeeter, Emil, SixBytes, bobross, Leo Likes Turtles, Galaxy, Foundation's Best Pilot, Baker

"Honestly, Parallax made me realize a lot about how much you devote in time and effort to dealing with server and personal issues of multiple people in a community. It was tough, and many times I had to step in to fill voids in leadership or try and work out disputes/controversy. It was tough and towards its end very draining on a daily basis. Despite moving on though I miss it. It was the most fun I've had in years and has given me memories I will never forget. I just hope everyone else has equally moved on and are staying well." -Pownage


What is SCP?

The SCP Foundation is a scientific and military organization with the ultimate goal of protecting humanity and the status quo from objects or entities that somehow violate the natural law, known as anomalies. If an anomalous object is discovered, it is the SCP Foundation's job to locate and contain it. Once in captivity, the object is closely studied by the best of the best scientists in the world.

The SCP Foundation is funded by most national governments, and have Sites and Areas all across the globe, with some even outside of it. A Site is a facility located near human population, while Areas are usually far from any active settlements.

The SCP Foundation exists as a barrier to keep the anomalous world from breaking the normalcy of human life. In fact, the general population still thinks that the anomalous is just science fiction. There are, however, several groups of interest that try to lower the veil, or to capitalize for their own gain.

The acronym "SCP" has two meanings. The first one stands for "Special Containment Procedures", a document detailing the current steps needed to ensure the anomaly is contained and a thorough description of the anomaly. The second, far more popular meaning and the SCP Foundation's motto, stands for "Secure, Contain, Protect."

Using this Module

SCP: Anomalous Gateway is an unusual campaign premise for the average D&D player, merging the theme of medieval fantasy with modern science and technology. Instead of a rag-tag team of underdogs taking on an evil threat, players assume the role of highly-trained professionals in their respective fields, faced with unusual and otherworldly circumstances tasked with explaining the unexplainable.

This module is not a simple piece of an adventure designed for a certain character level. Instead, SCP: Anomalous Gateway prompts a unique premise that influences the campaign as a whole.

With this module, you can expect the following features:

  • Characters originating from the modern era, discovering and exploring a world full of the unknown.
  • Room for the Dungeon Master to introduce other modules, adventures, and settings.
  • New Classes that can bring a character from Level 1 to 20. The campaign works best if characters start at level 1, 3, or 10.
  • A massive base of operations for players that is on a different plane of existence than the rest of the adventure.
  • Many new magical beings and objects that impact the world around it.

A new way to Play D&D

Characters that originate from the world(s) of SCP are inherently different than other characters that can be found in Dungeons and Dragons. They are familiar with modern concepts and technology, but are however not often exposed to pure magic, often showing fear or curiosity for the unknown.

Magic and spellcasters still exist in the SCP world, however they are either in deep hiding, or are contained by the Foundation. Players usually do not start out with anomalous or magical properties, but may however gain abilities throughout the campaign.

Combat utilizing modern weaponry focuses on high-damaging firearms. Most Two-Handed firearms have a feature that allow you to hit several spaces on the same turn, meaning that taking cover is a lot more important. There are other weapons than bullet-shooters, such as a wide array of grenade types, each mimicking an Area-of-Effect Spell. Melee combat is significantly weaker, but there are some melee-based anomalous weaponry that would surely turn the tide of combat - if you can close the gap first.

New Character Classes are introduced within this module, each representing a form of employee that the SCP Foundation or CI hires. Each provide their own skillsets, benefits, and unique roleplay experience.

New Optional Rules

Campaigns in an enclosed, safe-ish facility are vastly different from an open world fantasy setting. Dungeon Masters are not required to use these rules, especially if they feel overwhelmed having to deal with many new systems at once.

Gun Jamming

If a creature rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll when using a firearm, it jams and cannot fire. This does not use the creature's action however.. A creature may attempt to repair their firearm by hand (such as hitting the side of the firearm) with a successful DC 12 Dexterity Check. If the creature fails the check, any creature, including the user, may re-attempt the check. On a second failure, the firearm is damaged. Using a Technician's Toolbelt grants advantage on the check. The purpose of this optional rule is to impose a limit on high-damaging weapons, as well as to provide the Technician class with more utility on an active battlefield.

Medbay Rests

In campaign sessions that take place within only a few hours of in-game time (such as a crisis), proposing that the party sits down and takes a short rest would be silly. If this optional rule is used, player characters may regain uses of any features that require a short rest to replenish if said character visits a medbay and has their wounds treated. A character may have their wounds treated by a Medical Officer (Player or NPC) without the need of a medical check once per day, restoring their hit points.

Death's Door

The human body can only endure so much. When a creature regains hit points from healing after being at 0 hit points, the creature gains 1 level of exhaustion. Exhaustion can be removed with a successful DC 18 Medicine Check from someone proficient in Medicine, at a Medbay. It may also be removed if the creature finishes a long rest.

Kevlar Plate Durability

If a character suffers a hit that is 5 or more than their current AC, the kevlar plates they are currently wearing shatters, removing their bonus to AC. Kevlar plates also shatter if it is struck with a critical hit. Foundation Security have easy access to replacement plates, and aren't as valuable as, for example, metal plate armor. This optional rule is meant for games aiming to emphasize the "out of place, out of element" feel of the campaign.

New Conditions

As detailed in Appendix A of the Player's Handbook, conditions alter a creature's capabilities in a variety of way, usually detrimental. The introduction of modern technology and perversions of reality give way to new conditions.


  • A creature or object can only be marked by certain machine or technical devices. Marked targets are imposed with different effects based on the source of the mark.

Campaign Options

The players are not restricted to an alignment or playstyle within Dungeons & Dragons, and here is no different. The party may choose from two factions, with different and conflicting goals. More information about the factions can be found in their respective chapters.

The SCP Foundation

The SCP Foundation's primary goal is to protect humanity by keeping them safe from anomalous phenomena. The secret that protects the normalcy of humanity is called "the Veil". The SCP Foundation as an organization is of Lawful alignment, and tend to only employ professionals that can pride themselves as a cut above the rest. Any alignment may find themselves in an SCP facility, although strict sets of rules are heavily enforced - to maintain normalcy and to minimize the risk of disaster. If a Foundation employee performs an act considered unethical without a fair reason (such as not adhering to Special Containment Procedures), said employee will most likely be punished.

Foundation Classes start out weak, but grow in power into a well-rounded force as the characters level up. Some classes are considered non-combatants at the start, which means that they will have to approach combat differently with roleplay than simply head-on. For example, a Foundation Researcher lacks the raw power to effectively fight a creature head-on. However, if they utilize tools to survey the room and creatures for potential advantages, they may sway the fight heavily in their favor, or find ways to end it before it begins.

The Chaos Insurgency

The Chaos Insurgency's primary goal is to capture and utilize anomalous material for their own power and profit. The CI benefit from the Veil as well, as it allows them to inherently have more power than normal governments. They use this leverage to take advantage of third-world countries, acquiring a constant stream of conscripts with the promise of very hefty salaries. The Chaos Insurgency as an organization is of Chaotic Evil alignment. However, the CI is still a military organization, and have sets of rules to enforce loyalty and effectiveness. Those who want to fight for their own profit generally join the CI's ranks instead of other organizations behind the veil, and are usually of chaotic alignment themselves, usually evil. There are some good apples, but they tend to not get many promotions. Generally, having unethical means is acceptable within the CI as long as it gets results.

Chaos Insurgency Classes, much like their organization as a whole, echo their Foundation counterparts, with the trade-off of less well-rounded versatility and more formidable firepower. This comes with the additional drawback of having a single, glaring flaw that does not go away with experience, requiring CI strike teams to be even more organized. For example, a CI Heavy has a light machine gun that does above average damage, but their gear makes them the slowest member of the group. However, a Bomb Specialist can corral enemies into the Heavy's line of fire with the threat of explosives. If all members of a strike team successfully coordinate and cover their weaknesses, they will be unstoppable.


Playing as the SCP Foundation

Welcome to Area-36!

The following chapter contains information that every employee of clearance level 2 or higher should know. If you play as a Foundation character, it is safe to assume that said character will know nearly everything within this chapter.

The Foundation

Deep within Death Valley, Nevada is Area-36, a keter containment and research facility tasked with holding a wide range of anomalies, spanning from mundane humanoids to creatures capable of mass death and destruction.

The SCP Foundation's goal is simple on paper, but in this world, nothing is simple. Their mission is to protect humanity from the anomalous phenomena of the world and preserve the sense of normalcy. As of now, the general populace believes that the likes of magic and other ways of defying science is just fiction.

There are more steps than that however; locking something that doesn't make sense away and throw the key is not the Foundation's goal. Rather, it is to study the anomalous, and to make sense of a nonsensical world.

Facility Rules and Guidelines

Foundation Personnel are expected to follow these guidelines at all times. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather the absolute basics.

  • Maintain professionalism at all times.
  • Do not perform actions that hinder Area-36's functions, such as attacking other Personnel, sabotage, or conspiracy.
  • Do not conspire or work with SCPs to breach containment. Follow all Special Containment Procedures at all times.
  • Class-D personnel should not be treated unfairly, as uncooperation wastes time at best, and complicates matters at worst. However, they did sign their life away, and are never in a position to negotiate with Foundation Staff. If a Class-D attacks Foundation Staff or refuses to cooperate, termination is authorized.
  • Foundation Personnel are not permitted to exit the Facility through Gates A or B unless authorized to.

Terms to Know

  • Safe, Euclid, Keter are object classes assigned to SCPs. Contrary to their names, they do NOT summarize the threat of an object, but instead summarizes how easy it is to contain. Safe is the easiest, Keter is the hardest. If an object has sentient, it is usually unable to be Safe.
  • Memetic effects are phenomena that affects a persons mental or physical state when recognized by the brain.
  • Cognitohazards is a phenomena that poses danger when a person perceives it with one of the five senses.
  • Infohazards is a phenomena that triggers when it is directly described.
  • Amnestics are drugs that wipe a person's memory for a certain amount of time.

Terms to Know Credit: TheVolgun

Facility Codes

Facility Codes indicate the current state that Area-36 is in, and dictates Foundation activity and response.

Code Green: No unusual activity or threat is reported within Area-36, and normal facility activities may occur.

Code Yellow: Minor containment breach reported. Research testing may continue unless the situation worsens or deemed too dangerous by Level-3.

Code Red: Major containment breach reported. Research testing is to be immediately halted and non-combat personnel are to be escorted to designated safe areas.

Code Black: Area-36 is deemed compromised. SID and MTF Eta-18 have one last chance to regain control of the facility, or else the on-area Nuclear Warhead will be detonated to prevent a mass containment failure.

Code Orange: An outside, hostile force has been spotted near or inside Area-36. Non-combat personnel are to be escorted to designated safe areas.

Foundation Staff

Area-36 requires many jobs around the facility to be filled, and only accept those who are the top of their field, and will not settle for any less. The world depends on each personnel's competency.

General Security, also known as GenSec, are the primary security force of the Foundation. Their job is to assist Research with testing efforts, while also dealing with the needs of low-threat anomalies. In times of crisis, their primary objective is to protect Light Containment Zone and the non-combat personnel within. Field Medics are considered part of General Security, and perform normal Security activities when their expertise is not required.

Research consists of a large team of specialists prepared for any type of task, from microbiology to nuclear radiation. Foundation Researchers are usually required to have a Master's Degree if they wish to qualify for the SCP Foundation, but exceptions may occur should a candidate be exceptionally good at their work. Their main goal is to regularly schedule and perform tests on the various anomalies on area. SCPs come and go, they are transferred to Area-36 for study, and then sent away once there is no more opportunity for research. This does not apply to dangerous SCPs kept at Area-36 for containment purposes.

Special Incident Division, also known as SID, is a sub-division of GenSec that is responsible for maintaining (and recontaining) anomalies located in Heavy Containment Zone and Lower Heavy Containment Zone. Their armor is thicker and their guns hit harder, and unfortunately, they tend to die more often due to the SCPs they are forced to interact with. SID Agents are the first line of defense against a dangerous SCP Breach.

Provost is a security subdivision consisting of Military Police, their jobs being to monitor the internal activity and protection of Foundation employees. Provost also serves as the main security force responsible for Entrance Zone.

Auxiliary Staff include Technicians, Janitors, Non-Combative Medical, and Foundation Personnel foreign to Area-36. It is their job to ensure the back-end of Area-36's systems and mechanisms stay running.

Class-Ds are Death Row inmates who have signed their life away in return for a way out of execution. Their jobs include janitorial work and interacting with anomalies when it is deemed too dangerous for Foundation staff. They are considered dangerous, and should never be left unsupervised unless in D-Block, the prison where all available D-Class are located.

Mobile Task Force Eta-18 is a specialized unit tasked with monitoring the surface of Death Valley for anomalous activity and potential trespassers. When a Code-Red is called and Security Teams can't handle the threat, Eta-18 is called in. Mobile Task Forces only employ the most skilled of Foundation Personnel. In other words, the best of the best.

Site Operational Command, also known as SOC, consists of high-ranking non-commissioned officers and staff essential to facility operations. SOC status usually overrides any special clearance required to enter an area, such as Medical or SID clearance.

Management maintains all of the divisions within Area-36, accept or deny proposals that involve off-area material, supply requests, or critically dangerous SCP cross-testing. Roles within Management include the Security Chief, Head Researcher, Head of Auxiliary, Ethics Committee Liaison, and Area Director.

Clearance Levels

Clearance Levels indicate how much classified information that designated personnel are generally authorized to know, as well as being able to vaguely determine the chain of command. However, there are many exceptions regarding who is authorized to order around who.

For example, A Senior Security Officer and a SID Specialist are both level-3 personnel, however, SID has a degree of authority above GenSec when dealing with a containment Breach. In another example, a Security Sergeant is also Level 3, however, they have a unique addendum that places them above both.


Level-1 (Classified) personnel are generally new employees who aren't cleared to directly interact with anomalous entities.

Level-2 (Restricted) personnel are required to interact with anomalous entities, which necessitates information of said anomalous on a need-to-know basis.

Level-3 (Secret) personnel are trusted with in-depth data and other information, and are cleared to enter Heavy Containment Zone unsupervised.

Level-4 (Top Secret) personnel consist of high SOC and Management staff, requiring access to area-wide intelligence. Level-4 clearance grants access to the entire facility regardless of situation.

Level-5 (█████) is a clearance given to the Area Director in his or her respective area. Their Clearance is Level 4 elsewhere.

/MED clearance grants access to Medbay storage areas, containing potentially addictive and harmful drugs.

/SID clearance grants access to most SCP containment cells in Heavy and Lower Heavy Containment Zone.

/TECH clearance grants access to places like the Electrical Room and maintenance tunnels

/PRO clearance grants access to the entire facility when Management authorizes an investigation. When inactive, the clearance acts similarly to SOC clearance.

/SOC clearance grants access to the entire facility and containment cells, save for Level-4 Areas.

/MTF clearance acts as a security override, granting access to the entire facility regardless of situation.

Credit for original Clearance Levels: Aelanna

The Facility's Layout

Area-36 is a massive underground facility easy to get lost in. While the exact layout depends on the Dungeon Master, Area-36 adheres to a general layout that prioritizes efficiency and hindrance of breached anomalies.

Entrance Zone

Entrance Zone (EZ) is the first underground section of the facility, housing logistics and utilities for staff and the facility as a whole. Entrance Zone is Level-1 Access, permitting any and all foundation staff entry.

Points of Interest:

  • Gate A - Surface Gate, Level-4 Clearance
  • Gate B - The Tram, Level-1 Clearance
  • Gate C - Logistics Tunnel, Level-4 Clearance
  • Engineering Bay - Houses functions such as facility power
  • Cafeteria, Management Offices, other staff utilities
  • Provost Headquarters - Contains interrogation rooms, information databases, and an armory.
  • Security Checkpoint to Light Containment Zone

Light containment Zone (Level 2 Clearance)

Light Containment Zone (LCZ) is the second and primary zone in the facility. A majority of area personnel are stationed here, requiring Level-2 access to wander unsupervised. LCZ houses many safe-class SCPs, with some euclids deemed as a low threat.

Points of Interest:

  • Research Rooms - For the common and standard scientific practices, anything a researcher would need day-by-day.
  • Containment and Test Chambers
  • D-Block - The prison block for Class-D personnel.
  • GenSec HQ - Contains the Surveillance room and Armory.
  • Medbay - The medical facility within Area-36, stocked with it's own pharmacy.
  • Elevator - A lift with a 100 ft. radius that links the facility's floors together. Connected is a staircase, small enough to deny passage to any anomaly larger than a human in the event of a power outage.

Heavy Containment Zone (Level 3 Clearance)

Heavy Containment Zone (HCZ) is the third zone in the facility, housing a majority of the dangerous euclid and keter SCPs kept on-area. Personnel underneath Level-3 clearance are required to be escorted by SID specialists. HCZ is divided into two sectors, each sealed behind a blast door.

Points of Interest:

  • Sector A and Sector B - Used to seperate SCPs that don't play well together. (or play TOO well together.)
  • SID Headquarters - Divides the two sectors. Contains an armory, surveillance room, and the bunks.

Lower Heavy Containment Zone (Level 4/SID Clearance)

Lower Heavy Containment Zone (LHCZ) is the fourth and deepest zone in the facility, housing the most hazardous euclid and keter SCPs. Only Level-4 non-SID personnel may be in this zone without an escort. Like HCZ, LHCZ is divided into two sectors sealed via blast door.

  • Psionic Wing - Contains SCPs that pose mental hazards.
  • Biohazard Wing - Contains SCPs that pose biological hazards.

Other Notable Areas

The Tram

The underground Tram is the primary method of entering and exiting the facility when a staff's shift is over, moving in between the Apartments and Area-36, taking about 25 minutes to travel. The Tram can be called to either location with Level-3 clearance, unless it is currently in motion.

The Apartments

The Apartments is a surface complex under the guise of a US military air base in Nevada, about 20 miles away from Area-36 connected via underground Tram. As well as apartments for personnel, the complex houses recreational buildings, a hospital, shopping centers with the usual brands, and a monitored wi-fi connection. Cell data for phones is still restricted.

Maintenance Tunnels

The maintenance tunnels run underneath LCZ and HCZ, and serve a variety of purposes, such as monitoring structural integrity, sewage and liquid transfer systems, and access to Back-Up Power.

SID Bunks

SID Bunks is a sub-section of the facility on the same level of LHCZ, however seperated. SID Bunks is similar to the living quarters of an American military base.

Death Valley (Surface)

Death Valley is located in Nevada, USA, and is known for being one of the hottest places on Earth during Summer. Death Valley is surrounded by several mountain ranges, meaning that hot air is trapped inside and has little rainfall. The Forward Operations Base (FOB) of Mobile Task Force Eta-18 ("Roadrunners") can be found here, however the exact location is classified to Area-36 staff.


1. Gate A (Surface)
2. Gate B (Tram)
3. Gate C (Logistics)
4. Entrance Zone
5. Light Containment Zone



6. Elevator + Staircase
8. Heavy Containment Zone
Sector A, Sector B
9. Lower Heavy Containment Zone
Sector A, Sector B

Chapter 2

Foundation Classes

Employees in Area-36 differ from the adventuring classes found elsewhere. The Foundation usually accepts only the most devoted who have trained for the majority of their life for the type of position they find themselves in.

In the outside world, it's hard for Foundation staff not to embody their job at all times. Partially because of trauma, but disregarding that, because of their exposure to the anomalous. It's hard to go back to a normal life when you know that "normal" in fact just a masquerade that the governments and the SCP Foundation set up to protect normalcy.


Your character has the capability to be promoted to a new rank through roleplay. While this is generally tied to how experienced your character is, it is seperate from your character's class levels. Usually, Being Underneath 3rd level are usually level-2 personnel. Level-3 personnel are usually between third level and and ninth level, while MTF agents (10th level and beyond) are considered Level-4 personnel.












Mobile Task Force Eta-18

All Foundation classes have a unique feature at 10th level which promotes them to a mobile task force agent. This promotion grants unique features depending on the class.

Class Description Hit Die Primary Ability Saving Throw Proficiencies Armor and Weapon Proficiencies
Security Officer A versatile soldier that prioritizes the lives of those around them over their own. d10 Strength Strength & Constitution Simple, Pisol, Full-Auto and Semi-Auto weapons, light and medium armor, shields
Researcher A brilliant mind with an unmatched intelect and a desire to explain the unexplainable. d6 Intelligence Intelligence & Wisdom Simple and Pistol weapons, light kevlar vests
Medical Officer A field medic that can expertly operate under pressure, while also being able to easily defend themselves. d8 Wisdom Constitution & Wisdom Simple, Pisol, and Full-Auto weapons, light and medium armor
Engineer A technician with masterful hand-eye coordination and the ability to repair anything mechanical or structural in nature. d8 Dexterity Dexterity & Wisdom Simple, Pisol, Full-Auto and Semi-Auto weapons, all armor, shields
Class-D A convict with a troubled past that signed their life away to get out of Death Row. d10 Varies Varies Varies










Security Officer

The Security Lieutenant slams against the stone wall, his back audibly snapping against a metal pipe. He drops to the floor, struggling to breathe with the wounds he has sustained. The rest in the squad look in horror at the hideous creature that stands before them ready to mortally cripple the rest of them. With nobody else to look to, everyone stares at the Senior Officer for orders. Surely, they'd know how to get out of this mess?

Regardless of the deplorable attitudes of some creatures locked within Heavy Containment Zone, it is SID's job to make sure they all stay fed. A squad enters the chamber; one opens the door, one sedates the creature, and one throws in a dead chicken before it gets up. What they did not anticipate was the beast's trick, merely pretending to be asleep before it attacks, biting down on a poor sod's arm. Grimacing, the Specialist pounds on the creature's snout with the end of their sidearm, forcing them to let go. The situation was handled with sustained injuries, but it could've gone much, much worse if the Specialist lost their nerve.

A rogue class-D has managed to steal a guard's gun and hold him hostage, threatening to kill them if grievances within D-Block is not satisfied. Shitty food, guards don't stop any fights, and there are no recreational activities available. GenSec lines up outside of the entry door ready to breach and clear, but they're halted by a lone Military Police. They have one chance to negotiate, and it's all to them.

What all three of these individuals have in common is that they work to protect not just those around them, but humanity as a whole from horrors that they are not prepared for. Every day, Area-36's security force puts their life on the line.

They die in the dark so you can live in the light.

Standard Issue

Area-36's Security force have a standard loadout of just about everything they'll need with day-to-day operations. The exact tools of one's job is different depending on which security branch one is assigned to. The reason for such diversity is because Area-36 is one of the most dangerous areas under Foundation control, comparable to Site-19 and Area-02.

Bursting Potential

Security service in the SCP Foundation is a dangerous and deadly job, doubly so on the field. Security personnel are often rewarded for good work for this reason, with the tough and stoic rising through the ranks and respected more often than others.

The Security Officer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Leadership / Quick Thinking Uses Tactical Brutality
1st +2 Gunplay Style, Protective - -
2nd +2 Steadfast - -
3rd +2 Promotion and Specialization 1 1/Round
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1 1/Round
5th +3 Bullet Surge 1 2/Round
6th +3 Specialization Feature 1 2/Round
7th +3 Confident Protection 2 2/Round
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2 2/Round
9th +4 Body Blocker 2 3/Round
10th +4 Mobile Task Force Promotion 2 3/Round
11th +4 Specialization Feature 2 3/Round
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3 3/Round
13th +5 Fulfilling Protection 3 4/Round
14th +5 Protect to Death 3 4/Round
15th +5 Specialization Feature 3 4/Round
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 3 4/Round
17th +6 -- 3 4/Round
18th +6 -- 4 5/Round
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 5/Round
20th +6 Specialization Feature 4 5/Round

There are three main divisions of Area-36 security; The diverse and courageous General Security (GenSec), the calculated and well-equipped Special Incidents Division (SID), and the quick-thinking and inquisitive Provost Military Police. All three options allow any new recruit to persue what allows their own individual skillset, goals, and aspirations to shine.

Creating a Security Officer

As you build your Officer, keep in mind the unifying trait of any good security personnel; You're putting your life in harms way so that others don't have to. The reasons for such humble service is countless: To protect your friends and family and make sure that they don't get hurt by these freaks behind the veil, to fulfill a sense of nobility, or simply because the Foundation pays really, really well. Once you consider why your character is in this line of work, consider their background. Most security are employed because of their history in military or law enforcement, but exceptions may be made.

Quick Build

You can make a Security officer quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Constitution, followed by Strength. Second, choose the Spec Ops background.

Class Features

As a Security Officer, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Security Officer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Security Officer level after 1st.


  • Armor: all armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple, Pistol, Semi-Auto and Full-Auto weapons
  • Tools: None
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Arcana, Insight, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • A plate carrier with medium Kevlar plating.
  • A P90 with 2 magazines of 30 rounds each
  • A Military Knife, Foundation Radio and Level-2 Keycard
  • (a) A GenSec Officer uniform, (b) a SID Recuit uniform, or (c) a Provost Cadet uniform.



































Gunplay Style

You adopt a certain strategy when in combat situations, usually dictated by a mixture of your background and personality. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Gunplay Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Planted Foot

If you don't move on your turn, you can focus on your aim and add +2 to any attack roll with a firearm.

Close-Quarters Combatant

If a creature is within 5 ft. of you, you may use a bonus action to push them back 5 ft. with your firearm. To do so, you must succeed a Strength Check contested by the creature's strength.


If you are wielding a Pistol and no other weapons, you gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls with that weapon.


When you take the dash action on your turn, you may make an attack roll with a firearm with a -5 penalty to the roll.


You've learned to set aside your self-preservation instincts during intense moments to protect those around you. If someone within 5 ft. of you is attacked, you may use your reaction to force the attack to target you instead. You may choose to do so after the hit is confirmed, but before the damage is calculated. The attack you are attempting to intervene on must only be able to target one creature at a time, and must be a physical object that you can block with your body.

You gain increased benefits when protecting a creature at 7th level, and again at 13th level.


At 2nd level, you may disregard any urges to abandon those who need your assistance. If you fail a saving throw, you can gain a bonus to the roll equal to twice the number of allies you can see within 15 feet of you (maximum bonus of +5). Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Promotion and Specialization

At 3rd level, you are given the opportunity to choose what division you wish to specialize in to. Your options - Senior Officer, Containment Specialist, and Provost MP - are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th. 16th, and 20th level.

In addition, youe next supply shipment will contain a uniform patch that designates your rank as a Senior Officer, Containment Specialist, or Military Police depending on your subclass choice. This promotion grants you Level-3 Clearance to logistics and Information requests.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Bullet Surge

Your tactical training has unlocked your ability to snap from target to target. On your turn, you may take the attack action twice as long as you using a firearm to attack. This feature does not stack with Extra Attack.

Confident Protection

At 7th level, you may add your Constitution modifier to your AC when using the Protective feature as a reaction.

Body Blocker

At 9th level, any creatures that are within 5 ft. gain the benefits of half cover. This feature only works if you are between the affected ally and the source of damage, and you are aware of the attack.

Mobile Task Force Promotion

At 10th level, your showcase of skills and dependency on the field is grounds for promotion from standard Area-36 personnel to a MTF Eta-18 ("Roadrunners") Agent. This grants the following benefits:

  • Permission to return to Death Valley for one supply shipment period of 15 days for MTF training. (Required)
  • Gain two weapon proficiencies and one tool proficiency of your choice.
  • Gain the "Bullet Surge" feature seen in the Security Officer features. If you already have the feature, you instead gain Extra Attack as a feature.
  • Transfer of Logistic Request responsibility from Area-36 to MTF Command, increasing available budget and permissions.

Fulfilling Protection

At 13th level. when you use the Protection feature and cause an attack to fail due to your AC when it would normally succeed against the original target's AC, you gain advantage on your next attack roll, ability roll, or saving throw. You lose the advantage gained by this feature after a short or long rest.

Protect to Death

Once you go down, your friends are sure to follow. This concern pushes you to your limits to ensure it never happens.

At 14th level, if you can see an ally with 0 hit points, you stay conscious when you too fall below that point. You roll for death saves and endure death save failures as normal at the start of your turns and when taking damage respectively.

If you can see three or more allies with 0 hit points, you may forgo rolling death saving throws at the start of your turns, at the cost of rolling the death saves all at once once you and your allies are no longer being threatened.

Allies can be both player-controlled or DM-controlled characters.

17th Level Feature

18th Level Feature

Security Subdivisions

There are several subdivisions to Area-36's security force, each with differencing perks, benefits, and responsibilities. Security Officers can choose to specialize in one branch in particular, most likely because it suits their skillset the most.

Senior Officer

Senior officers choose to stay within General Security, persisting through the life-threatening circumstances with tenacity, leadership, and a stoic attitude. They are trusted to lead when no other leaders are available, and are the first people that their superiors consider for promotion to Security Operational Command. Senior officers haven't seen it all yet, but they have definitely seen a lot.


For 1 minute, you utter special commands or warnings whenever a non-hostile creature that you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand you. A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if you are incapacitated. How many times you can use this feature depends on your Security Officer Level. You replenish your uses when you finish a short rest.


At 6th level, your motivations push your body to it's limits. As a bonus action, you may ignore pain and regain hit points equal to 1d10 + 5. You may use this feature once before requiring a short rest. You also gain advantage on Wisdom saving throws against being frightened.


At 11th level, you can motivate those around you to stay standing. Your leadership die increases to a d6 instead of a d4. As an action, you may attempt to motivate a downed ally who is currently rolling death saving throws. The creature may then roll a death save as a reaction, and ignore the roll on a failure.

Contagious Will

At 15th level, your willpower rubs off on those you command when it's needed most. When you can see an ally currently rolling Death Saving throws, they only require two successes to stabilize rather than three.

20th Level Feature

Containment Specialist

While the equipment of the SID Specialist is on the high-end of protection and firepower, Personnel morale in the branch is notoriously low due to the high casualty rate. Those assigned to the branch know what they are getting into, and accept the risk. There has to be someone to maintain and deal with the more dangerous anomalies on-area, or else the lives of everyone else is put at risk.

SID Assignment

Promotion within the Special Incident Division has unlocked more tools for you and your squad. You gain proficiency in heavy armor and get heavy kevlar plates in supply shipments if using the Kevlar Plate Durability rule. Your logistics requests for heavy, non-standard weaponry are more likely to be accepted as well.

Tactical Brutality

You know how to put a target down as efficiently as possible. When you critically hit a creature or attack with advantage with a firearm, they begin to bleed out. Affected creatures have incoming healing reduced by half the original amount, and take bleeding damage at the start of their turn. The amount of damage taken depends on your Security Officer level.

The Bleeding condition can be stopped by any creature with a successful DC 15 Medicine check. This feature only works on creatures that have blood or similar bodily functions.

Aggressive Willpower

At 6th level, your mind has become used to the attacks of which is not physical, and is starting to grow it's own resistance to them. When you are the target of a mind-affecting effect or spell, such as Charm, you add your proficiency bonus to your saving throw.

Improvised Offense

There will come a time in which your trusty firearms will fail you, but you know that you're not out of options. At 11th level, you gain the following benefits:

  • You are proficient with improvised weapons and unarmed strikes
  • When attacking unarmed, with an improvised weapon, or with a knife, you critically hit for 3x the damage dice if you roll a natural 18 or higher.
  • When you hit a creature with an improvised weapon or unarmed strike, you may use a bonus action to attempt to grapple or disarm your target.

15th Level Feature

20th Level Feature

Provost MP

While plagued with the stereotype that fun is never allowed and they hate everyone and everything, Area-36's military police are recommended to be charismatic and quick-witted so they can get as much information as they can during an interrogation. As an MP, you are to ensure that foundation staff behave, weed out saboteurs or double agents, and to handle non-anomalous entities that find themselves in Area-36. While Military Police aren't comparable to the likes of Foundation researchers, they are expected to think quickly on their feet.

Military Police

Investigations and interrogations are all part of the job. At level 3, you gain proficiency with Investigation and Insight checks.

Quick Thinking

At 3rd level, you can block out stimuli that's not important and focus on what is. On your turn, you may make a Perception check as a bonus action. Alternatively, you may also extend the check to an action and add a d6 to the roll. The amount of times you can use this feature depends on your Security Officer level.

Informed Attack

At 6th level, you have incorporated your inquisitive nature into your combat toolset. Running into a fight guns blazing is just going to get you killed; taking it slow and finding an exploit is safer, and more effective. On your turn, you may use an action to make an Investigation Check against a creature with the DC being half the creature's Challenge Rating + 10. On a success, you spot a weak point. For the rest of the encounter, the creature's AC is reduced by 1d6 when attacked by you.

People Person

Working with people as a career has allowed you to de-escalate situations and get information that you want using your words rather than actions. At 11th level, You gain expertise in the Persuasion skill against creatures not hostile to you. Expertise doubles your proficiency modifier for the skill you are an expert in.

15th Level Feature

20th Level Feature


An old biologist examines a foreign skin tissue underneath the microscope. It's a fascinating discovery; skin is indistinguishable from bronze. Oxidation reaction seems on par with the natural metal. Should this creature be hostile, prolonged exposure to water could slow down it's movement.

A group of doctors inspect the blue leaves of the plants before them. A noise bounces off of one, and the other vibrates with the same frequency, emitting a similar sound. One has the idea of placing it in one of the monsters' chambers, acting as a non-electronic alarm. Another theorizes a flower can be pinned on someone's suit, acting as a form of wiretapping for their surroundings.

A senior researcher darts down the hall, pistol in hand. The lumbering intruder slowly trailing behind him, the ammo belt on their machine gun clanking against each other with each step. The doctor has no ammunition left - why would someone like him need it, right? He ducks behind a corner and quickly scans his suroundings. As if calling out to him, his eyes gravitate toward the pipes that run across the ceiling. Either that's the sewage pipe, or the nitric acid being pumped into various chambers. There's no way to tell, so the only way to find out is to shoot at it when the thug rounds the corner.

Brightest Genius


The Researcher
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Critical Summary Uses Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Critical Review, PhD Degree 1 - - - - - -
2nd +2 Scientific Spellcasting, Scientific Method 1 1 1 - - - -
3rd +2 Promotion 1 2 1 - - - -
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1 3 2 - - - -
5th +3 Degree Feature 1 3 2 1 - - -
6th +3 Detect Anomaly 2 4 2 1 - - -
7th +3 -- 2 4 3 2 1 - -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2 5 3 2 1 - -
9th +4 Degree Feature 2 5 3 2 2 - -
10th +4 Mobile Task Force Promotion 2 5 4 3 2 - -
11th +4 Arcane Breakthrough 2 5 4 3 2 1 -
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3 5 4 3 2 1 -
13th +5 Degree Feature 3 5 4 3 3 1 -
14th +5 -- 3 5 4 3 3 1 1
15th +5 3 5 4 3 3 2 1
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 3 5 4 3 3 2 2
17th +6 Degree Feature 3 5 4 3 3 2 2
18th +6 4 5 4 3 3 2 2
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 5 5 4 4 3 3
20th +6 4 5 5 4 4 3 3

Creating a Researcher

As you build your researcher, think about their past and their education. Did they go to an ivy-league university? How long were they in their line of work before being approached by the foundation? What academic achievements do they have? How do they feel about handling objects that can kill them in unimaginable ways? What did they have to leave behind when they vowed to live their life in secrecy?

Class Features

As a Researcher, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per Researcher level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Researcher level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple and Pistol weapons
  • Tools: Research Tools
  • Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • A light kevlar vest
  • A Colt 1911 with 2 magazines of 8 rounds each
  • A journal and a Class-A Amnestic Sprayer
  • A Foundation Radio and Level-2 Keycard

Critical Review

You are able to identity quirks within an object's structure, and determine the purpose of your findings. You may spend 1 minute analyzing an object or creature to discover one of the following traits of your choice. If you have a photograph or realistic illustration of the object or creature, you may use your feature on said object instead.

  • A damage resistance or immunity
  • Armor class
  • General purpose
  • Structural weak-point
  • Potential hazard and associated saving throw DC

This list is not finite; What is and isn't a valid specified trait and the difficulty of the associated Investigation Check DC is up to the Dungeon master.

Critical Summary

For a certain amount of times per long rest dictated by your Researcher level, you may use the Critical Review feature as an action instead of requiring 1 minute to do so.

Educated Decisions

Your studies allow you to be in control of non-physical situations. For every 4 creatures of the same species that you analyze, you gain a +1 to your bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks against the creature, to a maximum of +5. If you lose your study journal for whatever reason, you lose the bonus until retrieved.

Creatures targetted by Critical Summary do not contribute to this bonus as it isn't meant to be an in-depth study. Animals that can be found on Earth and sapient creatures with human-like intellect cannot be studied unless you are of a subclass that specializes in them.

Keeping a Compendium

Researchers gain benefits when interacting with creatures they have already analyzed. When playing as a researcher, it is recommended to keep a list of species that you have used your Critical Review feature on and a list of your findings for each one.

Scientific Method

Your meticulate planning allows you to conserve unknown phenomena. When you fail to read a spell scroll for a spell of higher level than you know, it stays in-tact and may be attempted to be read again.

Additionally, you gain expertise in the Investigation skill, meaning you add your proficiency bonus twice to the roll.

PhD Degree

Unlike other jobs in the Foundation, a researcher's degree is immediately put to use as soon as they are employed. Your options - Zoologist, Psychologist, and Arms Manufacturer - are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

Scientific Spellcasting

The world around you is strange, but everything can be explained in one way or another. You have an empty journal which functions like a spellbook. You have the ability to learn spells, but you cannot inherently cast them - you need to analyze and decipher the spell first. You may only learn spells from the wizard spell list. See chapter 10 and 11 of the Player's Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting and the wizard spell list respectively.

Beginner Spellcaster

Not only are you just beginning your journey into the art of magic, the concept itself is completely foreign to you. You cannot use any cantrips that deal damage until level 6.

Learning Spells

You do not start out with any learned spells, nor do you gain spells when you gain levels. Instead, you have to analyze and decipher an existing scroll of spellbook describing the spell you wish to learn.

When you find a wizard spell of any level, you can add it to your journal if it's of a spell level you can prepare and if you can spare the time to decipher and copy it.

Copying that spell into your journal involves reproducing the basic form of the spell, then deciphering the unique system of notation used by the wizard who wrote it. You must practice the spell until you understand the sounds or gestures required, then transcribe it into your journal using the SCP Foundation's notation.

For each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to understand it. Once you have spent this time and money, you can prepare and use the spell like a spellcaster.

If a spell is not able to be cast by a wizard, you are unable to learn it as you lack the inherent magic in your being to do so.


Your journal is a method of taking notes on the field, used for documentating any noteworthy information. Journals can take the form of hardcover books, clipboards, or binders of loose paper and files.

Your journal functions as a spellbook, but does not contain any spells when you begin your adventure. Your journal is the repository of the wizard spells that you have learned, except your cantrips, which are fixed in your mind and simple enough to remember.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The table on this page shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of wizard spells that are available for you to cast. To do so, choose a number of wizard spells from your journal equal to your Intelligence modifier + your researcher level. The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. Casting a spell doesn't remove it fro myour list of prepared spells, but does cost a spell slot.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of wizard spells requires time spent studying your journal and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Researchers cannot use Arcane Focuses, and require either Component Pouches or the individual components needed to cast their spells.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your spells through dedicated study and memorization. Unlike a Wizard, you are foreign to the world of magic, and cannot utilize spells as effectively as others who have been born and raised around the concept.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your intelligence modifier

Ritual Spells

You can cast a wizard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your journal. You don't need to have the spell prepared.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th and 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Detect Anomaly

At 5th level, you have enough experience to not only discern when an anomalous or magical effect is present, you instinctively categorize it in your head.

When you encounter a magical effect that you are familiar with - such as an SCP object contained by Area-36 or a spell that you have learned - you have advantage on recognizing the entity or effect. If you know a spell that has the primary purpose of causing a condition (such as Charm Person or Cause Fear), you have advantage on discerning if a creature is under the aforementioned condition, and can add your proficiency bonus to saving throws against the condition.

If you succeed the check to recognize the entity, and the entity happens to be an SCP originating from Area-36, you remember the SCP's number designation, object class, and a very brief summary of it's anomalous properties.

Mobile Task Force Promotion

At 10th level, your showcase of skills and dependency on the field is grounds for promotion from standard Area-36 personnel to a MTF Eta-18 ("Roadrunners") Agent. This grants the following benefits:

  • Permission to return to Death Valley for one supply shipment period of 15 days for MTF training. (Required)
  • Gain two weapon proficiencies and one tool proficiency of your choice.
  • Gain the "Bullet Surge" feature seen in the Security Officer features. If you already have the feature, you instead gain Extra Attack as a feature.
  • Transfer of Logistic Request responsibility from Area-36 to MTF Command, increasing available budget and permissions.

Arcane Breakthrough

At 6th level, your understanding of magic improves. You gain the ability to use damage-dealing cantrips.

Spellcasting Novice

You have made excellent progress in understsanding the arcane, and your spellcasting abilities are enhanced as you gain confidence.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + intelligence modifier

PhD Degree

Researchers dedicate 8 to 12 years of their lives to earn a PhD, a prestigious degree rewarded at the highest academic level possible. Area-36 employs scientists and scholars from specific backgrounds to aid with the types of SCPs that the facility handles. The most frequent of degrees seen within Area-36 are the Zoologist and the Botanist.



This subclass is unfinished.

Beast Study

Your curiosity of the unknown drives you forward, and the payoff fills you with confidence. When you have used your critical review feature on 10 different species of creature with the beast type, you gain inspiration. You can use this feature an indefinite amount of times.

Fauna Specialty

At Level 4, your specialization in living objects allow you to easily identify patterns in nature. When investigating a noise, footprint, detached body part, or similar phenomenon left by a creature you have studied, the DC for the check is lowered by 5 for you.

Confident Handling

At level 7, your familiarity with the beasts you research translate into confidence when handling them. You gain proficiency with animal handling if you are not already proficient. When using the check against a creature you have studied, you double your proficiency bonus as if you had expertise in the skill. The creature must be of the beast type.


This subclass is unfinished.

Lv 1

Lv 4

Lv 7


Manufacturers are R&D specialists that use their intellect to get their hands dirty. To them, progress isn't the furthering of human knowledge, rather an upgrade to a tangible object or being. The SCP Foundation has plenty of researchers subscribed to this mindset, scientists and researchers in the Chaos Insurgency are often Manufacturers due to the faction's goals.

Weaponization Initiate

Whether it be your assignment or your own intrigue, you seek to weaponize artificing into modern military applications. To use this ability, you must have Research Tools on hand.

Over the course of a long rest, you may imbue a pistol or semi-automatic weapon with the properties of a spellcasting focus, which you require as a material component. Once complete, you may choose one of your cantrips to imbue within the firearm. Bullets fired are considered magical, and will have the cantrip's effects applied to any creature it hits. Damage that would normally done by the cantrip is ignored, unless it requires a creature to fail a saving throw or fulfill some other requirement.

Imbued firearms have an amount of charges equal to how much gp the spellcasting focus used in the imbuement process costed. At 0 charges, the firearm and and fired bullets lose their magical properties.


At 4th level, you've learned to design electrical batteries from scratch using materials on the field. During a short rest, you may spend 5 gp worth of copper and metal each to produce up to three batteries, and requires a Technician's Toolbelt to craft.

These batteries can be imbued with an electrical spell or source that deals lightning damage. Any spellcaster can cast electricity into a battery, using a cantrip that deals lightning damage. Batteries have a lifespawn of one hour of use before requiring more electricity.

Electrical Tools

As part of a short rest, you may take existing tools and industrialize them by succeeding a DC 15 wisdom check. If you succeed, any creature using the tools apply their proficiency bonus even if they are not proficient in it. If they are already proficient, they doubly their proficiency bonus. The tool only functions if powered by a battery and is worth 150% of it's normal value.

Makeshift Bullets

You can replicate firearm ammunitions out in the field, albeit to a lesser quality to factory standard. As part of a short rest, you can produce a certain amount of bullets depending on the caliber, as long as you have access to Smith's Tools and 5 gp worth of metal and gunpowder. These Makeshift Bullets are crudely made, and impose a -2 on attack and damage rolls made with them.

Bullet Type Amount made per short rest
Light Caliber 8 rounds (1 pistol magazine)
Medium Caliber 30 rounds (1 magazine)
Shotgun Shell 2 shells

Arcanic Weaponsmith

At level 7, your ability to merge modern mechanisms with magic has further increased. By using a short rest, you may perform the following activities:

  • Imbue any firearm with cantrips as described in "Weaponization Initiate", no longer limited to pistols and semi-auto weapons.
  • Craft a magic grenade shell (50 gp worth of powdered diamond + 1 gp worth of iron) and imbue it with a spell that has an area-of-effect, using it's material components in the crafting process. The spell's radius must be spherical. If the radius of the spell is over 30 ft, it is set to that radius.

Arcane Cannon

Over the course of a 24-hour period, you may construct an arcane cannon. This weapon is considered a semi-automatic firearm, but you may choose it's appearance. The crafting cost of this arcane cannon is a powerful arcane focus and 1000 gp worth of powdered diamond. You require Smith's Tools to contribute to the crafting process, which can be spread out over several sessions of crafting.

Once complete, the Arcane Cannon may be imbued with any spell you know as long as the spell can target a creature or area and is not a cantrip. Then, you may imbue any amount of spell slots into the Cannon. This permanently removes those spell slots for you and applies them to the cannon until it is destroyed. The cannon cannot use leveled spell slots to downcast spells, but may upcast them. The spell imbued in the Cannon cannot be removed or replaced without destroying the Cannon. The Cannon replenishes it's spell slots at the start of each day.

If the cannon goes one week without you maintaining it, the magic properties are lost and you regain your lost spell slots.

Medical Officer

Everyone is dying. Screams of pain echo throughout Heavy Containment. The creature is gone, leaving bodies alive and dead in their wake. The medic screeches to a halt near the first one. Major laceration of the chest and arteries - this man wont last five minutes unless something is done, let alone the eight or ten people behind him. Out of options and out of time, he instructs the man to take a pill of hydrocodone and stuff his mouth with his sleeve as the medic uncaps his bovie pen. Cauterization is going to hurt like hell, but he'll live.

Two men in blue scrubs cart the man into the medbay. His sleeve drenched in saliva and his blood running onto the stretcher. The head surgeon inspects the damage, then gets his body under an X-Ray. Rib fractures and a punctured lung. He grabs a hanging mask and sets it on the patient's face, waiting until their shivers of pain cease and their heartbeat drops to normal levels. He's going to need a tube thoracostomy for the lung, and the ribs can be screwed back into place.

Because of the efficacy of these two medical officers, the patient can live another day. These two are prime examples of a Medical Officer, performing under pressure to save the lives of those around them, using the modern tools at their disposal to treat injuries that physicians of the past deemed impossible to cure. A good Medical Officer is the backbone of any squad looking to survive in such a dangerous world.

Special Access

All medically authorized personnel have Medical Clearance, which grant them access to Medbay storage rooms and medical shipments. These contain a variety of drugs such as Ketamine, Fentanyl, Isopropyl Alcohol. Beyond that are plenty of supplies such as gauze, tourniquets. Only Medical Officers are allowed in these rooms due to the presence of beneficial but addictive material.

No Pushover

Medical Officers are considered part of General Security, and fulfill the duties of Security when there are no medical needs. They have just about everything that a regular officer has, which includes a P90 sub-machine gun and medium kevlar. They can't hold as much ammunition however - medical supplies are heavy!

The Medical Officer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Hit Dice Replenished
1st +2 Gunplay Style, Modern Medic 1
2nd +2 Eye for Injury 1
3rd +2 Medical Specialization 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2
5th +3 Guardian Angel 2
6th +3 Specialization Feature 2
7th +3 Hippocratic Inspiration 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3
9th +4 Specialization Feature 3
10th +4 Mobile Task Force Promotion 4

Creating a Medical Officer

As you build your Medical Officer, think about where they worked before the Foundation. Were they a renowned surgeon in a civilian area? Were they enlisted in the Military? If so, what country? What branch? What are your character's views on their current job? Do they enjoy their job? Do they loathe waking up in the morning? How well do they handle death?

Class Features

As a Medical Officer, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Security Officer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Medical Officer level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light and Medium armor
  • Weapons: Simple, Pistol, and Full-Auto weapons
  • Tools: Healer's Kit, Tactical Healer's Kit
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • A plate carrier with light Kevlar plating.
  • A P90 with 2 magazines of 30 rounds each
  • A Military Knife, A Foundation Radio and Level-2 Keycard

Gunplay Style

You adopt a certain strategy when in combat situations, usually dictated by a mixture of your background and personality. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Gunplay Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

Planted Foot

If you don't move on your turn, you can focus on your aim and add +2 to any attack roll with a firearm.

Close-Quarters Combatant

If a creature is within 5 ft. of you, you may use a bonus action to push them back 5 ft. with your firearm. To do so, you must succeed a Strength Check contested by the creature's strength.


If you are wielding a Pistol and no other weapons, you gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls with that weapon.

Modern Medic

You have undergone extensive training for treating wounds during stressful situations. When you heal a creature with a Tactical Healer's Kit, they regain an amount of hit points determined by your Medical Officer level. You are also proficient in the Medicine skill.

Eye for Injury

At 2nd level, you are able to quickly determine who is the most injured, whether it be to help or to hurt. As a bonus action, you may determine the creature with the least amount of hit points out of all creatures that you can see. You may use this feature as many times equal to your proficiency bonus before a long rest.

Security Specialization

At 3rd level, your workplace obligations are changed to better match your specialty. Your options - MRU and Trauma Surgeon - are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th and 9th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th and 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Guardian Angel

Your surgical precision flourishes when it's needed most. If a creature within 10 ft. of you is injured, you may use a reaction to move 5 ft. towards the creature and use a Tactical Healer's Kit on them. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short rest.

Hippocratic Inspiration

At 7th level, fulfilling your hippocratic oath helps you regain lost willpower. When you heal a creature, you also regain hit points equal to half the amount that your target received, rounded up.

Medical Specializations

Medics are useful anywhere they go. With a member that knows at least rudimentary medical knowledge, any squad is at a distinct advantage. There are two main roles that medical personnel fill: Medical Response Units or Surgeons. The former is found in the front lines of a conflict, while the latter is capable of superior healing.

Medical Response Unit

A Medical Response Unit can carry an entire pharmacy on their person, cleared to use medical and enhancing drugs to boost any surrounding personnel's performance. Some are entirely safe, some are addictive, and some are harmful if misused.


When working on an operating table or the middle of a gunfight, you keep calm and make sure medicine is properly applied. As an action, you can apply a booster to a willing creature when they are in combat or otherwise occupied.

Emergency Response

At level 9, you have perfected the art of field injections. When you use an action to administer a booster, you may use a bonus action to administer another booster, whether it be on the same creature, another creature within 5 ft., or yourself.


Hardware Specialist

Hand-to-Eye Masters

The Engineer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Factory Hand Uses
1st +2 Doctorate of Engineering, Factory Hand 1
2nd +2 Swift Welding 1
3rd +2 Engineering Specialization 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2
5th +3 Shotgun Finesse, Grenade Nabber 2
6th +3 Specialization Feature 2
7th +3 Crisis Management 2
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3
9th +4 Specialization Feature 3
10th +4 Mobile Task Force Promotion 3

Creating an Engineer

When creating an Engineer, think about your life before and during your time in the Foundation. What does your character think about the anomalous world they reside in? Do they feel valued in the workplace? What school did they go to?

Class Features

As an Engineer, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Engineer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Engineer level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Simple and Semi-Auto weapons
  • Tools: Crowbar and Technician Toolbelt
  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • A light kevlar vest
  • (a) a Super-90 with 8 shells or (b) a Colt 1911 with 2 magazines of 8 rounds each.
  • A Crowbar and a Technician's Toolbelt
  • A Foundation Radio and Level-3 Keycard

Doctorate of Engineering

The amount of time and effort required to earn such a title can rival that of an average researcher, but that tends to not be mentioned too often. You have advantage to any checks made to repair mechanisms and electrical contraptions. You also apply your proficiency bonus to rolls made to discern the purpose of a machine or mechanism.

Factory Hand

You work quickly and efficiently. You may perform the following actions as bonus actions on your turn, so long as you are not suffering from exhaustion. The amount of times you can use this feature depends on your Engineer level.

  • Catch, pick up, or equip an item. This excludes grenades or other physically hazardous material
  • Repair a jammed firearm
  • Reload a weapon with the Long Reload property

Swift Welding

You know off the top of your head the least amount of time needed to melt metal with a welding torch. Because of this, you can use a welding torch quicker and more efficiently than most. As an action, you can perform the following actions:

  • Weld a door or similar object to it's doorway, or cut a stuck door open
  • Cut apart pieces of metal or wood
  • Weld two pieces of metal or wood together
  • Deal 1d6 fire damage

When working with wood, roll a d20. On a 8 or below, the wood catches on fire, which spreads to the rest of the object in one round unless extinguished.

Engineering Specialization

At 3rd level, you begin working on specialized jobs unique to your background. Your options - Architect and Mechanic - are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd, 6th, and 9th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th and 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Grenade Nabber

Others hesitate to put their hands near a hazard that may potentially kill you, but you have learned to suppress that fear. Starting at 5th level, you may pick up an active grenade or similar object before it explodes as a reaction if you succeed a DC 15 Sleight of Hand check, On a success, you may throw the grenade up to 20 ft. away. The grenade still detonates at the start of the initial thrower's turn. Other creatures can't attempt to move an explosive if you use this feature on it, regardless of if you succeed or fail.

Shotgun Finesse

While you're not meant for the front lines, you know the intricate details of your weapon, and how to use it well. When using a shotgun or other semi-automatic weapon that you are proficient with, you may attack twice when you take the attack action on your turn. In addition, you are no longer imposed with disadvantage on an attack roll if a creature is within 5 ft. of you.

Crisis Management

When things are about to go sideways, you can keep your head steady and correct your mistake before it becomes a problem. When you roll a 4 or lower on a check to repair, construct, or weld, you may choose to re-roll and take the new result. This feature can only be used once per long rest.

Engineering Specializations

The term "Engineering" is an umbrella for many different career paths. The Foundation usually employs engineers that aid the structural and mechanical upkeep of SCP facilities, with exceptions only being called in on special cases. The two main engineering jobs on-area are the Architect and the Mechanic.


An architect's job is to make sure the walls of a facility stay standing - in other words, they make sure the things cannot come in, and that the things supposed to stay in continue doing so. Architects specialize in the construction of buildings, fortification, and defenses.

Structural Reinforcement

When you deploy an FFF (Foldable Field Fortification), you may choose to reinforce it, requiring a welding torch, Technician's Tools, and 10g worth of metal to do so. A reinforced fortification has the following modifications:

  • It's AC is increased by 2.
  • Attacks that apply slashing or bludgeoning damage have disadvantage on the attack roll against it.
  • It loses the ability to be folded back up, making it permanently in it's deployed state until destroyed.

If you have Smith's Tools, you may also use them to repair structural damage or reinforce a non-metal structure. You require the aforementioned tools and must succeed a Dexterity check to do so. The DC required varies based on the material you wish to reinforce with. If a material (or similar material) is not listed here, it is not suitable for re-inforcement on the field.

Source Material Reinforcement Material Check Required
Wood Stone 12
Wood Iron, Steel 14
Stone Iron, Steel 16
Iron, Steel Mithral, Adamantine, Alloy 18




The Mechanic specializes is manufacturing and repairing tools and gadgets. Mechanics often aid Researchers in projects that involve said manufacturing prowess, and are commonly seen inspecting containment chambers, making sure everything runs as it's supposed to, and being Area-36's tech support.

Makeshift Bullets

The casing of a bullet and the gunpowder inside can be replicated out in the field, albeit to a lesser quality than factory standard. As part of a long rest, you can produce a certain amount of bullets depending on the caliber, as long as you have access to Smith's Tools and 5 gp worth of metal and gunpowder. These Makeshift Bullets are crudely made, and impose a -2 on damage rolls used with them.

The amount of bullets you can make during a long rest depends on the caliber you choose. You cannot manufacture heavy caliber rounds.

Bullet Type Amount made per long rest
Light Caliber 8 rounds (1 pistol magazine)
Medium Caliber 30 rounds (1 magazine)
Shotgun Shell 2 shells



Drone Pilot

Excellent for Defensive and Utility applications, Drone Pilots (aka Drone Specialists) provide valuable support to any coordinated defensive hold, strike team, or recontainment procedure. Most commonly seen in Chaos Insurgency cells, unmanned drones have recently gained traction in Foundation facilities and Mobile Task Forces due to their applications.

Drone Specialist

Your specialization is the operation of combat-capable drones. At 3rd level, you start with a state-of-the-art Assault Drone, a 5 ft. long flying drone mounted with twin machine guns. It's battery lasts for six hours, but regenerates energy from solar rays or specialized charging bays found in your faction's home base.

Piloting Drones

Drones normally cannot operate independently, and must require a signal from it's controller to function. At the start of your turn, you can choose to concentrate on your controller to pilot the drone, seeing and hearing through it's camera and your headset respectively. The drone has a speaker that's connected to your headset's microphone at your command.

Any action you take when piloting the drone is in the perspective of the drone. In other words, you cannot control your character and a drone at the same time. Your character can hear their surroundings, but has disadvantage on strength and dexterity saving throws, and your Passive Perception is set to 8. If you are attacked or otherwise disturbed while concentrating on piloting the drone, your concentration automatically breaks.

You may use your controller to pilot drones up to one mile away from you before your signal with the drone becomes unstable. Continuing past this point runs the risk of you losing signal with the drone.

Issuing Autopilot Commands

As an action, you can issue a drone the following commands when not piloting it. You must have your controller on hand.

Idle. Hovers in place. Defaults to this command when not piloted.

Follow / Return. Follows the controller from 10 ft above them. If the drone is not near it's controller, it will take the most direct route to them.

Alert Mode. Hover at it's current position and slowly rotate. Upon detection of movement, the controller will be notified via a loud notification.

Sentry Mode. Fire upon any creature not within 10 ft of the controller.

Patrol. Flies a pre-determined flight path. To designate a flight path, issue the Patrol command and pilot the drone in the desired path, ending within 10 ft of the location the path starts. At that point, the drone assumes automatic flight.

Toggle Engine. Turn off the engine, or turn it on. Turning the engine off saves power; an active engine generates noise.

Maintaining Drones

Drones used in combat will inevitably take damage. To heal a drone to it's maximum hit points, you must use your Technician's Toolbelt and spend one minute repairing the drone's hull, costing 1 gp worth of metal for every 15 hit points lost.

To refill a drone's ammunition supply, you may spend a turn depositing either individual bullets or magazines into the side of the drone. The drone automatically filters ammunition to the modules that require them.

In the event of a drone's destruction, it will self-detonate by overcharging it's systems, destroying all software and most of the hardware. Modules you install in a drone have a chance to be salvagable. When attempting to salvage a destroyed drone, roll a d20. On a 12 or higher, it's current module is unharmed and can be uninstalled.

Receiving a Replacement Drone

Drones are one of the most expensive pieces of equipment in your squad's kit - and having it be destroyed is an ordeal. If your drone is destroyed, you will get a replacement in your next supply shipment. However, some provisions and equipment may be missing from the supply shipment to help cover the drone's cost.

Assault Drone

Medium Construct

  • Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 6 + five times your Engineer level
  • Speed fly 50 ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) - - -

  • Damage Immunities - Poison, Psychic
  • Damage Vulnerabilities - Electric
  • Condition Immunities - charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Surge Vulnerability. When electric damage is dealt to the drone, it must roll a Constitution saving throw using the damage as the DC, with a minimum of 8. On a fail, the drone stops functioning for 1d6 turns.

Aircraft. The drone is resistant to fall damage. When attempting to maneuver through a 4 ft. wide doorway or similar opening, the drone cannot be moving faster than 5 ft on that turn, and must succeed a DC 16 Dexterity Check. This check is not imposed on openings 5 ft. or wider.

Self-Destruct. When the drone's hit points drops to 0, it falls out of the sky. When it impacts the ground, it rolls a Death Save (CON). On a success, it is simply inactive until repaired above 1 hit point. On a failure it explodes, dealing 8d6 electric damage in a 20 ft radius. Any creature can attempt to succeed a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw and take half damage.


Sub-Machinegun. Ranged Weapon Attack: the controller's Dexterity Bonus to hit, reach 40 ft.. Hit: 2d4 piercing damage. The Assault Drone carries up to 100 low-caliber bullets, and fires 5 per attack.

Drone Modules

At 6th level, you are granted supplies to construct modifications to your assault drone. You may choose one module to receive supplies for in the next supply shipment. You may choose more at later levels. The twin-turrets on the assault drone is considered a module, and cannot be used in tandem with another module. In the event of a module's destruction, replacement parts will be provided in the next supply shipment.

Floodlight Module.

A high-powered floodlight that has two functions: Highlight and Awareness.

Highlight mode allows the Assault Drone to, as an action, target a single creature or a 5 ft area with the bright beam, granting allies advantage when attacking, and the creature disadvantage when attacking the drone. The drone must be no more than 15 ft. away to gain these benefits.

Awareness mode widens the light's cone to a more practical level, granting bright light up to 25 ft. and dim light up to 50 ft. in the direction that the drone is facing.

Cargo Module.

A winch system with a hook and chain able to defy the laws of physics and carry up to 500 pounds. The Assault Drone's maximum fly speed decreases to 20 ft. when carrying cargo. The drone itself does not benefit from this carrying capacity, just the hook and chain which.

Hoverpack Module.

A chassis attachment that allows the drone specialist or another creature of medium or small size to wear the assault drone as a backpack and take flight. The Assault Drone's maximum fly speed decreases to 20 ft. when being ridden. The drone cannot be commanded or piloted when being worn.

Magic Package Module.

An arcane focus absorbs any spell casted upon it, and discharges as if it was the caster. Any spellcaster that wishes to insert a spell into the module must be no less than 5 ft. away, and costs an action to do so.


End of the Line

Extraordinary Odds

The Class-D
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Class-D Designation, Dead Man Walking
2nd +2 Unrestrained
3rd +2 Death Row Archetype
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Archetype Feature
7th +3 Fighting Dirty
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Archetype Feature
10th +4 Mobile Task Force Promotion

Creating a Class-D

Class Features

As a Class-D, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Class-D level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Class-D level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light and Medium Armor
  • Weapons: Simple, Martial, Semi-Auto, and Full-Auto weapons
  • Tools: none
  • Saving Throws: Choose two from Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom if choosing Class-D at Level 1.
  • Skills: Choose two from any skill available.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • A Metal Shiv
  • A Class-D dossier

Class-D Designation

The Foundation is slow to trust such a dangerous asset. You have disadvantage on charisma checks against Foundation personnel, and advantage on charisma checks against Chaos Insurgents.

Dead Man Walking

You have been given a second chance at life by the SCP Foundation, and having nothing else to lose makes you a dangerous threat. When you endure a critical hit, roll a d20. On a 11 or higher, you take damage as if it was a normal hit.

Defiant of Odds

At 2nd level, you are able to escape danger that would normally ensure death. When you fail a saving throw that would result in you dropping to 0 HP or dying, you are able to re-roll and must take the new result.

Death Row Archetype

At 3rd level, the skillset that you have picked up prior to your imprisonment begin to flourish. Your options - Bruiser and Strategist - are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd, 6th, and 9th level.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fighting Dirty

At 7th level, you gain the ability to counterattack those that attempt to take advantage of you. If a creature within your melee attack range forces you to make a saving throw, you can use your reaction to make one weapon attack against it. You make the attack immediately before making the saving throw. If your attack hits, your saving throw automatically succeeds, in addition to the attack's normal effects.

If you have a ranged weapon, you may use this feature with a range of the weapon instead. When you do so, you require a short or long rest before using this feature at range again.

Death Row Archetypes

There are hundreds of way to get on Death Row in America, yet only a few types tend to last long.


While they don't have a refined fighting style or know martial arts, bruisers manage to overwhelm their opponents with size, intimidation, and the sheer will to prove themselves. Bruisers can be a criminal's henchmen, gangsters out for notoriety, or just a physically apt person willing to get their hands dirty to get by.


Your adrenaline levels spike higher and higher as you build momentum in combat. If you successfully hit a creature on your turn with a melee weapon, You start a momentum chain. For every subsequent attack, you add +2 to your attack rolls up to a maximum of +10. If you fail to successfully hit a creature on a turn, your momentum chain ends and you lose the momentum bonus.

When you gain a momentum bonus of +10, your next attack is a critical hit, assuming that you keep your momentum bonus. When you hit an enemy with the critical hit, your momentum chain ends.

Mobile Task Force Eta-18 Agent

A helicoptor pushes away the nearby debris of leaves and twigs as it touches down on the forest floor. A team of four drop off and immediately form into a streategic formation as they make their way west.

What is a Mobile Task Force?

Defined as "the best of the best" in the Foundation, mobile task forces are comprised of personnel drawn from across the Foundation, mobilized

"Task Forces" Credit: ?

MTF Eta-18 "Roadrunners"

Foundation personnel who display exceptional qualities and experience are eligible to be handpicked for Area-36's Mobile Task Force. Eta-18 "Roadrunners" is a Mobile Task Force with the following responsibilities:

  • Watch over Death Valley, a hot spot for anomalous activity
  • Protect Area-36 from outside interference, such as the Chaos Insurgency and other Groups of Interest
  • Solve any Code Reds and/or mass containment breaches
  • Retrieve any anomaly that breaches to the Surface