Artificer Specialization: Runelayer

by MalGrand

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Trappers and Hunters

Some Artificers decide to focus on traps, learning and understanding various types of runes to help, heal , and harm creatures who wander too close to the Artificer's traps. As such, these types of Artificers are called Runelayers.

Rune Languages

Different Artificers work in different scripts for their own runes. Many artificers prefer their own native scripts, though some Artificers prefer to work in dead or non-native scripts.

Example Rune Scripts
Language Script Common Runes
Daelkyr Daelkyr Expel, Shatter, Cage
Draconic Draconic Empoison, Napalm, Smog
Giant Dwarvish Maim, Bastion, Fortify
Sylvan Elvish Mend, Lethargy, Haste
Infernal Infernal Shatter, Shine, Napalm
Primordial Primordial Bastion, Haste, Restore
Runelayer Features
Artificer Level Feature Name
3rd Rune Set, Rune Options
5th Activation Modes
9th Imbuing Runes
15th Superior Rune Set
Runelayer Spells
Artificer Level Spell Names
3rd Bless, Colour Spray
5th Magic Aura, Darkness
9th Enemies Abound, Magic Circle
13th Confusion, Hallucinatory Terrain
17th Antilife Shell, Planar Binding

Rune Set

Starting when you take this subclass at 3rd level, you gain the ability to create and lay various Runes as a Bonus Action. At the end of a long rest, you can prepare a number of Runes equal to twice your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of 2), including duplicates of the same Rune.

Each Rune is considered Tiny in size and has 1 hit point. When being placed, the Rune has a throwing range of 30ft and can be placed underfoot or on a vertical surface. Each Rune has three charges and is destroyed after all charges are depleted or 24 hours has passed, whichever comes first.

A Rune's effect is activated if a creature moves within 10ft of it. If a creature is targeted by a placed Rune’s effect, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC. If the Rune deals damage and the creature saves, the target takes half damage. If the Rune affects with a condition or magical effect, then the creature is immune to the condition for 24 hours, otherwise the creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of the creature’s turns.

A rune that deals damage or restores hit points starts as a number of d6s equal to your proficiency bonus. This increases to d8s, d10s, and d12s at 5th, 9th, and 15th levels respectively.

Rapid Deployment

Upon reaching 5th level, you can deploy two Runes at once using your bonus action. Additionally, you can remotely activate your Rune as a reaction, given the Rune has not been destroyed.

User Switch

Additionally at 5th level, you can have a friendly creature operate one of your Runes. If you do so, the friendly creature can plant one Rune that you give them. The Rune uses your Save DC, Die, and duration.

Part 1 | Artificer Specializations

Superior Rune Set

When you reach 15th level, you gain the ability to overcharge your Runes. As an action, you can choose to empower one rune that is placed within 15ft of you, given it has not been destroyed. You can use this feature twice per short rest. If you do so, choose from one of the following options:

  • Deepen Engraving. Increase the Rune's effect range up to a 30ft radius.
  • Empowered Engraving. Double the Rune effect's dice.
  • Bound Engraving. Increase the Rune's Lifespan to ten charges or 1 week, whichever comes first.

Activation Modes

Upon reaching 5th level, you can choose to modify your runes when you create them at the end of a long rest. For each rune, you have the option to modify each individual rune with one of the following three options:

  • Remote Trigger. You can remotely activate the Rune as a reaction, given the Rune has not already activated or been destroyed and you are within 30ft of the Rune
  • Autodeploy. When you place a Rune, said Rune immediately activates and its effect immediately is cast.
  • Power Switch. You can hand the Rune to a friendly creature, letting them plant or use the Rune. The Rune’s Save DC and turns that the Rune is able to be planted for stays the same.

Empowering Runes

When you reach 9th Level, you gain the ability to empower a piece of armour or weapon with benefits granted by your magic. These effects can be used three times per short rest. As such, you can grant one of the following benefits to the piece of gear:

  • Regeneration. As an action, the wielder can heal a number of d8s equal to half of your artificer level.
  • Ward. As a reaction, the wearer can cast shield.
  • Shocking. As a bonus action, the wearer can add an extra 2d8 thunder damage on a weapon attack.
    You can empower a number of pieces of equipment equal to your intelligence modifier.

Superior Rune Set

When you reach 15th Level, you gain the ability to overcharge your Runes. As an action, you can consume up to 3 Runes in order to empower a currently placed Rune within 15ft of you, given that it has not discharged and is not destroyed. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier. If you do this, you can choose from the following options:

  • Deepen Engraving. You can increase the Rune’s effect to a 15ft radius.
  • Empowered Engraving. You can switch the Rune’s damage to one of your choice between heat, cold, lightning, thunder, poison, or acid.
  • Bound Engraving. You can increase the Rune’s lifespan to twice your Int modifier (minimum of 1).


3rd Level Runes

Rune Name Effect
Maim When a hostile creature starts their turn within the effect area, the creature must save or take 3d6 piercing damage
Mend When a friendly creature starts their turn in the Rune's effect area, the creature restores 4d6 hit points
Lethargy When a creature starts their turn within the Rune's effect area, the creature must save or become lethargic and have their movement speed halved for 1 minute
Expel When a creature enters the Rune effect area, the creature must save or be repelled 20ft in a straight line in a direction opposite of the Rune
Bastion Creatures cannot enter within 5ft of the Rune in any direction unless said creature uses their action to enter the space

5th Level Runes

Rune Name Effect
Empoison When a creature starts their turn within the Rune's effect area, they must save or take 6d8 poison damage
Haste When a friendly creature enters the effect area for the first time on their turn, they gain double walking speed until the start of their next turn
Cleanse When a creature ends their turn within the Rune's effect area, the creature has one disease or condition removed as if under the effects of Lesser Restoration
Cover When a creature ends their turn within 5ft of the Rune, the creature is granted half-cover
Fortify When a creature ends their turn within the Rune's effect area, they gain +1 in AC until the start of their next turn

9th Level Runes

Rune Name Effect
Restrain When a hostile creature starts their turn within the Rune's effect area, they must save or become restrained for the next minute
Shatter When a hostile creature ends their turn within the Rune's effect area, the creature must save or have their AC reduced by 2 until the beginning of their next turn
Restore When a friendly creature ends their turn within the Rune's effect area, the creature gains 3d10 temporary hit points
Inspirit When a creature starts their turn within the rune effect area, the creature must save or be under the charmed condition for 1 minute
Shine When a creature enters within 5ft of the Rune for the first time, the creature must save or be blinded until the end of their turn and has their movement speed reduced to zero

15th Level Runes

Rune Name Effect
Cage When a hostile creature moves within Rune's effect area for the first time that turn, said creature must save or have their movement reduced to zero for one minute. This Rune can only "cage" one creature at a time
Napalm When a creature ends their turn within the Rune effect area, all creatures within the effect area must save or take 8d12 Fire Damage
Smog When a creature moves within the Rune's effect area, all creatures that are in 30ft of the Rune must succeed on a save or take 5d12 Poison damage and have disadvantage on all attack rolls. On a success, the creature does not have disadvantage and takes half damage

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