Cubbyhole Charm

by MisterThr33

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Cubbyhole Charm

wondrous item (uncommon), requires attunement

This hand-carved wooden figure resembles a portly dwarf, smoking a large pipe and smiling ear to ear. While you have this item in hand, you are immune to the frightened condition. In addition, you can use the figure's magic to whisk yourself away to a better place.

As an action during your turn, you can grasp the figure tightly in hand, and your mind travels to a place familiar to you. The location you choose may be a childhood home, a favorite hiding place, or another spot that holds special value for you-- but it must be a place that you have seen yourself, as the figure draws upon your actual memories and sense of nostalgia to create this place.

While you are in this imaginary realm, your body is treated as blind and deaf, and you only experience these sensations in the imaginary world. You still feel what your body feels, however, such as an ally tapping your shoulder to get your attention. You also cannot speak or take actions in the real world, except to use an action during your turn to return your mind fully to your body. While in the magical realm, you are immune to effects that would charm you (in addition to the frightened condition, if you still hold the figure).


You can use the charm to experience the imaginary realm for up to 1 hour, all at once or in several shorter journeys, each one using a minimum of 10 minutes from the duration. The charm regains any expended time at the end of a long rest.


Art by Erik Nykvist (
Watercolor stains by Jared Ondricek (

'Cubbyhole Charm' is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Created by Mister_Thr33 (the Creature Cohorts guy)


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