Bardic Inspiration

by Coopresto

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Bardic Inspiration


Bardic Inspiration is a compendium of subclasses and spells created for the Bard. None of these have been play tested yet but that is hopefully the next step. If you decide you want to play one of these classes please feel free to let me know and send me a message at u/LamboCryBaby! I would love to hear how it goes.

The contents of this compendium are intended to be balanced for play in a regular Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition group.

Bardic Colleges

Special Thanks

I want to thank everyone who has commented and critiqued these subclasses. Hopefully I have done them justice. I also want to give a special shout out to u/BedrocksTheLimit for always being willing to help me Homebrew and balance all things 5e!


Other Formats

This book can be found in PDF format.

Discussion and feedback about the book can be found on Reddit.

College of Fame

Being rich and attractive is not as easy as one would think. There is a large amount of skill and effort that goes into entertaining the masses let alone looking good while you do it. The bard that has studied at the College of Fame has escalated being a celebrity to the point of art. They can draw on the magic from the energy of a crowd and tend to preform better when all eyes are on them.

Aesthetic Appearance

Bards from the College of Fame are so attractive that enemies are often distracted by their beauty and grace during battle. It is even to the point where they struggle to focus when directly attacking a College of Fame Bard.

While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Famous Faces

Starting at 3rd level you gain a pool of publicity dice equal to your proficiency bonus that increases as you take center stage and help your allies in battle. These dice are 1d4's. You regain all expended dice on a long rest.

When you make a charisma based skill check or charisma saving throw you may expend up to as many publicity dice as your proficiency bonus and add the result to the roll.

Steal the Spotlight

Also at level 3 when a creature you can see within 30 feet of you expends a bardic inspiration that you have given them, you regain an expended publicity die.

Cheering Crowd

At level 6, when you attack a creature or are targeted by an attack, you may use your reaction to call for applause. When you call for applause, creatures you can see within 30 ft can choose to cheer you on. You may roll a number of publicity dice equal to the amount of people cheering you on up to your proficiency bonus, adding the amount rolled to the attack roll if you are attacking, or to your AC if you are being attacked until the end of your turn. If you are attacking you may call for applause after your roll but before you know the result.

You can use this feature as many times as your proficiency bonus and regain all uses once you finish a long rest.

Alluring Appeal

By level 14 you light up every room you walk into and you are the star of any show you perform in. Your celebrity status has increased to that of royalty or the elite. You now start to get recognized along your travels. Your publicity die go from 1d4's to 1d6's.

College of the Avant-Garde

To study at the College of the Advant-Garde is to study our very nature. A Bard that wants to provoke and inspire often finds their way to this college. You never know what to expect from a performance or piece of artwork. You might even be a part of their show and never even know.

Stage Presence

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Performance skill and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses it. Also you have made fighting a piece of art and you use your creative wiles in all sorts of ways. When you attack you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for all weapon attacks, unarmed strikes and damage rolls you make.

Immersive Performance

Also at the 3rd level before rolling a saving throw you can use your reaction to substitute your charisma modifier instead of the normal modifier for that roll.

You may use this feature as many times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses on a long rest.

Artistic Momentum

Starting at 6th level when a creature you can see within 30 ft of you fails an attack roll or skill check you can use your reaction to move to a square adjacent to the creature and attempt to make the same check or attack they did to rectify the failure. You make the attack or skill check with your modifiers, proficiencies, and damage rolls. If they have a bardic inspiration that you have given them you have advantage on the roll.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses on a long rest.

Misunderstood Masterpiece

At 14th level your art is profoundly deep and extremely beguiling and often is off putting to the audience that witnesses it. You have even started to include your own allies in the pieces that you make.

As an action, you can expend a use of a bardic inspiration or a creature can expend a bardic inspiration that you have given them to force a creature within 5 ft of them to make an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC as you make a performance. On a failure, the creature has disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success

College of Anguish

The bard that has studied the College of Anguish is never the one you want to see. They are the barer of bad news and the one who plays a dirge when someone is laid to rest. The weight of death lays heavy on their shoulders and they can't help but bring sorrow with their presence.

Moruning Morticion

When you choose this college at 3rd level, you have been exposed to the dead and you have watched many pass away. You dance on the line of life and death. You learn the Spare the Dying and Toll of the Dead cantrips, which count as Bard spells and don't count against the number of bard cantrips you know.

Deep Despair

You are not the bard that spreads cheer and joy throughout your adventures. You bear the weight of the horrors and pain that seem to happen all around you. Instead of inspiring you now bring despair. Instead of inspiring the ones you care for with courage and care your Bardic Inspiration now inspires deep despair in your enemies. At 3rd level you give your * Bardic Inspiration die* to enemies instead of your party. As a bonus action you can give a creature within 60 feet a Bardic Inspiration that last for 10 minutes. You can stack as many die equal to your proficiency bonus on any single creature. Your Bardic Inspiration now can do the following:


As a reaction when a creature with a Bardic Inspiration rolls for an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw you can use the Bardic Inspiration the creature holds to try and alter the result. You roll a Bardic Inspiration and subtract the number from the roll.


As an action you may expend as many Bardic Inspiration that a creature has in order to hasten their death. Roll the amount of die that you have used and the creature takes necrotic damage equal to the amount rolled.


As a reaction when a creature's hit points are reduced to 0 within 30 ft of you, you can gain back however many Bardic Inspiration they were holding.

Dreadful Dirge

At 6th level, your sorrow is contagious. You seem to create a cloud of misfortune that follows you and you emit an aura of profound sadness. As an action, you can play your painful songs and make your aura tangible within a 15 ft radius around you. The area is heavy with sorrow and is considered difficult terrain and lasts for 1 minute. While playing your song you can give any number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus that are within your aura a Bardic Inspiration as a bonus action.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Doomed Demise

Also at 6th level as a reaction when a creature is dealt necrotic damage and it is holding a Despair Die you can add your charisma modifier to the damage dealt.

Grieves Guilt

At 14th level you have taken on and carried all the guilt and weight of your party, but you have begun to learn how to share the burden you bear. As an action you can imbue your Bardic Inspiration with some of your own agony. Now you can enter a state of anguish for 1 minute. While you are in a state of anguish when a creature receives a Bardic Inspiration from you they must make a successful constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or suffer a level of exhaustion. If a Bardic Inspiration that a creature holds is used by other features the creature immediately is invigorated and is no longer suffering from that level of exhaustion.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

College of Climatology

The bard that studies climatology is often the one day dreaming and looking to the sky. Those daydreams they have will become a reality and the weather stays a fickle friend.

Nature Calls

Beginning at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Nature and Survival and you can now use an umbrella as your spellcasting focus. Also you gain three additional uses of your Bardic Inspiration.

Additionally, during the course of a long rest you can commune with your spellcasting focus to accurately predict the natural weather patterns within 3 miles of you for the next 24 hours.

Warm Wild Wind

Also at 3rd level, you can read the wind patterns and shape it for your allies. If you or an ally have a bardic inspiration die you can expend the die in order to roll it at the beginning of your turn to increase your own speed. Roll the die and see how much movement you gain.

Movement Prediction Roll
10 feet of movement 1-2
20 feet of movement 3-4
30 feet of movement 5-6
40 feet of movement 7-8
50 feet of movement 9-10
60 feet of movement 11-12

Alternatively, upon successful hit one can expend a bardic inspiration and send an enemy flying in any horizontal direction of your choice.

Movement Prediction Roll
5 feet 1-2
10 feet 3-4
15 feet 5-6
20 feet 7-8
25 feet 9-10
30 feet 11-12

Nimbus Nebula

At 6th level your knowledge of weather has increased to a supernatural level. You can choose any point within a 60 foot radius of you. At the point chosen you create a nimbus cloud by expending one of your bardic inspiration die. The cloud is 30 feet above the ground and has a 10 foot radius

Once per turn as a bonus action you may do one of the following three things;


Add a inspiration die The cloud grows 10 feet by diameter for every inspiration die.
Move You may move the cloud 20 feet in any direction. It must stay within 60 feet of you or it dissipates
Discharge the storm Roll the die to see what the storm does. You may reroll the die as many times as there are inspiration die collected in the nimbus cloud. You must take the new roll.
Storm Discharge Prediction Roll
Winds - The area below the nimbus cloud becomes difficult terrain. Also all ranged attacks are done with disadvantage towards a target within the winds. 1-3
Rain - The rain pours so heavy that any enemy below is now obscured. At the start of their turn if one starts under the nimbus they must make a strength saving throw against your spell DC or they slip and fall prone and their speed is reduced by 10 feet for every die the Nimbus Nebula cloud has. 4 -6
Lightning - Anyone you choose under the storm is near and surrounded by bolts of lightning and takes damage equal to 3d8 thunder damage plus an extra d8 die for every Bardic Inspiration dice the cloud has collected. 7-9
Hurricane - The rain, wind, and lighting effects all take place. 10-12

Accurate predictions

At 14th level you are now much more accurate with your predictions and are able to manipulate it ever so slightly in your favor. When you Discharge the Storm with your Nimbus Nebula feature you may add your proficiency bonus to the roll. If a character uses an effect granted by the College of Climatology and expends an Bardic Inspiration die within 60 feet of you, you may use your reaction to add their proficiency bonus to the roll.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses on a long rest.

Faithful Flight

At 14th level while holding your spellcasting focus you always have the effects of feather fall and you can cast fly without expending a spell slot. You do not need to know the spell to use this skill.

You may do this as many times as your charisma modifier per long rest.

College of Remedies

The College of Remedies is a college dedicated to the health and wellbeing of the world and all its inhabitants. They seek to cure ailments minor and small whether by arcane means or by just good old fashioned medicine. A bard who has studied at the College of Remedies is dedicated to fighting the spread of disease and the enemies who attempt to weaponize pain and suffering.

Medical Studies

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Medicine skill. If you are already proficient you may choose another proficiency instead. You also learn the Spare the Dying cantrip It is considered a bard spell and it doesn't count against the number of Bard cantrips known.

Restorative Treatment

Also at 3rd level, you can employ your music to keep your party healthy and alive in the heat of battle. When a creature that currently has Bardic Inspiration that you have given them has it’s hit points restored, they may roll their bardic inspiration die and add the number to the total amount of hit points healed.

In addition, if a creature that is holding your Bardic Inspiration is forced to make a saving throw that would result in them being blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned and they expend a Bardic Inspiration die they can add their proficiency bonus to the roll.

Bardic Resuscitation

Next, at 6th level your medical studies have given you the skill set to perform emergency procedures to an ally in need of serious life saving treatment. When you are within 5 ft of an injured creature you can use your action in order to provide them with medical attention. Roll a Wisdom (Medicince) check to see how many hit points the creature recovers. If a creature is at 0 hit points then you have a -5 to the Wisdom (Medicine) check.

Medicine Check HP Recovery
1-5 1 hp
10 1d6
15 2d6
20 4d6
25 6d6
30 8d6

You can use this feature as many times as half your proficiency bonus and regain all uses once you finish a long rest.

Preemptive Prescription

Starting at 14th level whenever you give someone Bardic Inspiration you can also heal their hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. If the creature is at full hit points they become temporary hit points.

College of Lullabies

Lullabies are sacred little pieces of music, and they hold a lot of power. The Bard that has studied the art of the lullaby understands that comfort and rest are vital. They are the guards of a good night's sleep. They will make sure that when the camp is made and the beds are unrolled, their allies will be able to take on anything that lies ahead.

Sweet Dreams

If you join this college at 3rd level you have studied the art of the lullaby. When you play an instrument that you are proficient in your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses it.

Deep Sleep

Also at the 3rd level you learn the spell Sleep. It doesn't count against the number of bard spells known and you may cast it as many times equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded up without expending a spell slot. You regain all uses of Sleep back after a long rest.

When you cast the spell Sleep, you may add a Bardic Inspiration to the roll for the hit points of creatures this spell can affect. Each Bardic Inspiration given adds 3d8 to the roll. You may use up to 2 Bardic Inspiration at level 5, 3 at level 9, 4 at level 15, and 5 at level 20.

Well Rested

Next, at 3rd level your ability to recover now not only applies to your body but also your bardic spirit. You are so refreshed and renewed that the amount of Bardic Inspiration you have now is equal to your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Soothing Song

At 6th level, your ability to create a safe and comfortable atmosphere has increased to a supernatural levels. When you take a short rest, you may also choose a number of friendly creatures equal to your Charisma modifier and sing them into a gentle sleep. Each selected creature gains a Bardic Inspiration die without expending any of your Bardic Inspiration uses. A bardic inspiration given this way lasts up to 8 hours or until expended. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.


At level 14 when you cast the Sleep spell, you can choose to empower it, putting the targets into a deep Slumber. Creatures put to sleep by the spell cannot be woken up by using an action. When a creature is in a Slumber and they take damage they are then forced to make a Wisdom saving throw and only on a success do they wake up.

College of Greed

Bards have been praised as support spell casters and healers in parties. But there is the rare Bard who decides to take fate into their own hands and change the course of their life. The Bard from the College of Greed seeks riches, fame, and status. They have a deep hunger that urges the Bard to keep going forward and to find adventure wherever they go.

Keen Eye

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Perception and Sleight of Hand skills. If you are already proficient you may choose another proficiency instead.


Also at 3rd level, you have only focused on yourself and this self reflection has led you to many profound truths. You now can give yourself Bardic Inspiration and you have advantage on your Bardic Inspiration rolls when you use it on yourself. Roll the Bardic Inspiration die twice and take the higher result.

Assertive Avarice

When you reach the 6th level your deep desires motivate you to go and take what is yours. When a creature within 60 ft of you starts their turn you may use your reaction to act before them. You can use an action, bonus action, and move up to your speed. When you do this, you cannot move or take actions and reactions on your next turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and you regain all uses after a long rest.

Easy Mark

At the 14th level, your hands have tendency to wander and that has led you to many a treasure. As an action if you are within 30 ft of a creature you may make a Wisdom (Perception) check to study the enemy and see the openings in their defenses. If the result is higher then the creatures AC it is successful and the creature is considered a mark. On a success you know how to assess and how to weaken a creatures armor, whether it be natural or fabricated, you find where to strike and you are able to be the hero you always dreamed of.

For the next minute when you attack a marked creature your proficiency bonus is doubled for attack roles you make against the target.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus and regain all uses on a long rest.

College of Bewitchment

There have been many legends told about the Bards from the College of Bewitchment. Most of them involve charming a line of animals and creatures either in or out of town. Either way the Bard knows how to use it's arcane connection to creatures in order to dominate a battle.

Animal Magnetism

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill. If you are already proficient you may choose another proficiency instead.

You also learn the Summon Beast spell. It is considered a bard spell for you and it doesn't count against the number of your Bard spells known.

Pied Piper

Starting at 3rd level your music has a hypnotic quality that tends to bring creatures from different areas or even different planes to come and see you. As an action you may roll your Bardic Inspiration die (This does not expend a Bardic Inspiration) and magically summon incorporeal spirits of a small creature of your choice equal to the number rolled within a 10 ft radius of you. They count as neither a creature nor an object, though they have a spectral appearance of the creatures they represent. They must all must be the same creature and the max amount of creatures you can have summoned at any given time can not exceed the highest number of your Bardic Inspiration die.

The summoned creatures can move up to 15 ft at the beginning of your turn and can occupy the same 5 ft. space of any creature that is small and larger. You can choose for a Pied Piper creature to be considered difficult terrain to move through and if a creature is attacked while a Pied Piper creature is occupying their space once per turn you can choose to add your Charisma modifier to a damage roll dealt.

Finally, when you Cast a Spell with a range of touch, a Pied Piper creature can deliver the spell as if they had cast it. If the spell requires an Attack roll, you use your Attack modifier for the roll. Pied Piper creatures last for an hour and vanish if they are not within 60 ft of you.

You can summon creatures a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended uses after a short or long rest.

Beguiling Beasts

At 6th level you learn the Conjure Animals and Charm Person spell, they are considered bard spells for you and they don't count against the number of Bard spells known.

Also if you cast Charm Person or Charm Monster you may choose to empower the spell in order to cast it on a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier that are currently in a space that is also occupied by a Pied Piper creature. If the spell is cast this way then the affected creature does not know they have been charmed when the spell ends.

Once you use this feature you may not use it again until you have completed a long rest.

Mesmerizing March

Once you reach 14th level creatures now have disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed by the Charm Person or Charm Monster spell when you cast it.

Also if a creature is currently charmed by you or is willing and they are occupying a space of one of your Pied Piper creatures as a bonus action you can move your Pied Piper creature 10 ft and lure the creature to move to the same location. If your pied Piper creature lures the creature to a spot occupied by another Pied Piper creature you can move the new Pied Piper creature and lure them another 10 ft. Although Pied Piper creatures are self preserving so you can not give an order that would result in their death.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus and regain all uses on a long rest.

College of Cartography

There is a sense of wonder and reverence when it comes to traversing the world. Be it by sea or by land or even something deeper beneath the dirt we step on the Bard that has studied at the College of Cartography understands that we are but guests on this plane of existence and the Bard of this college acts accordingly. They travel high and low and create your own destiny.


At 3rd level you learn the Mold Earth and Shape Water cantrips, which count as Bard spells and don't count against the number of bard cantrips you know.

You also gain proficiency with Cartographer’s tools and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses it.

Altered Landscapes

Starting at 3rd level your studies of this plane of existence has gained you many benefits when it comes to moving through the natural world. Your walking speed is increased by 10 ft, and you gain a climbing speed and swimming speed equal to your walking speed.

Also you can use a bonus action to scan the area around you within a 30 foot radius. You ignore all difficult terrain within that area for 1 minute

Tactical Terrain

When you reach 6th level your connection to the land under your feet is a powerful tool. As a bonus action you can use your arcane sense of the organic topography that surrounds you so that your very footsteps alters the terrain beneath you. When you take your movement you may use so a bonus action so that each space you move through becomes difficult terrain. You and creatures with your bardic inspiration can ignore this difficult terrain

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and you regain all uses after a long rest.

Arcane Excavation

At 14th level when an enemy walks on difficult terrain you have created within a 60 foot radius of you, you may use your reaction to immediately create a 5 ft wide by 10 ft deep pit collapsing the earth beneath them.

The creature must make a dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a success the creature avoids the pit and moves 5 ft in a direction of their choice. On a failure the creature falls 10 feet into the pit taking 1d6 of fall damage and lands prone.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to half proficiency bonus and you regain all uses after a long rest.

College of Nourishment

Food brings us joy, life, and good conversation. The College of Nourishment Bard understands this and studies the culinary arts with a healthy respect for what a chef can do. Creating meals for the ones you love is a great act of service and in that respect a Bard from the College of Nourishment serves us well.

Kitchen Preparation

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Cook's utensils and you learn the Create Bonfire cantrip, which is considered a bard cantrip for you and doesn’t count against the number of bard cantrips you know.


Also starting at 3rd level your unnatural fortitude is increased as you learn how to listen and take care of your body.

While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Hearty Meals

At 3rd level you have learned to pour your heart and soul into the food you make for the ones you love. With the use of your Cook’s utensils you can cook Hearty Meals for the adventure ahead. You may expend as many bardic inspiration as is equal to your Constitution modifier to create the same amount of Hearty Meals. The meals take an hour to cook and you must have access to an open flame.

As a bonus action a creature can consume a Hearty Meal in combat and until the start of their next turn they can add your Constitution modifier to all attack rolls, melee damage rolls, or Constitution saving throws they make. Outside of combat the effects of the Hearty Meal lasts for 10 minutes.

Robust Endurance

At 6th level your studies have brought you to the point where your body can radiate with health and vitality.

As an bonus action you can access your robust endurance. For one minute you have advantage on constitution saving throws and whenever you take any damage, besides psychic damage, you subtract your Constitution modifier from the damage roll.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest

Chef's Kiss

At 14th level after a long rest if you have access to your Cook’s utensils and an open flame you can create a feast for a number of people equal to your proficiency bonus and bless them with some of the natural health and stamina that you seem to have.

For the next 8 hours the chosen creatures who joined your feast have an extra hit die and their health point maximum is increased by your bard level.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest


College of Slapstick

A student of the College of Slapstick has dedicated their lives to finding the humor in all things. Tragedy and Comedy are a thin line and a true student of this college knows how to tip toe around that knives edge to find the truth.

Expert Heckler

When you join this college at 3rd level, you learn the Vicious Mockery cantrip, which doesn’t count against the number of bard cantrips you know and you may cast it as a bonus action.

Miraculous Mistake

Also at 3rd level you are not afraid of making a fool of yourself and you know how to turn a bad situation in at least an entertaining one.

When you roll an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw and the roll is 5 or below you can roll one of your Bardic Inspiration and add it to the result. This does not expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier and you regain all uses once you finish a long rest.

Klutzy Combat

At 6th level you have combined your slapstick comedy with your combat, creating opening in the mistakes of you and your enemy.

When you miss with a melee weapon attack against a creature within 5 ft of you or a creature within 5 ft misses an attack against you, the creature you are engaged in battle with still takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Pratt Falls

Also at 6th level you have fallen and picked yourself back up so many times it's considered unnatural by some. But you have studied and you know to physically recover and roll with the punches where others could not.

After you move on your turn, you may move an additional number of feet equal to half your speed, then fall prone.

Failing Up

Once you reach 14th level you have learned that in order to succeed you must fail miserably. You have found the joke and joy in everything and this profound discovery has led to you creating incredible opportunities out of devastating losses. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 1 or 20.

College of Impressions

Pretending to be someone is often a type of comedy. Impersonations and satire are very common but the College of Impressions bard has a way of becoming someone else mere moments after they have met them. They are entertainers and mimics and they use this to their advantage.

Hidden Guile

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in a Disguise kit and the skills Performance and Deception.

Change Character

Also at 3rd level your ability to change you appearance and pretend to be in the skin of another person has led you to study and work towards a way to always be the person you want to become.

You can cast the Disguise Self spell without expending a spell slot.

Personal Plagiarism

And lastly at 3rd level You can give yourself advantage on a Charisma based ability check that you roll. You must choose to use this feature before you make the roll.

You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus and you regain all uses after a long rest.

Whose Who?

Also at 6th level while you are disguised as an enemy during battle you can try to confuse their allies so they become hesitant to attack you.

When a creature targets you with an attack while you are within 15 ft of the creature you are disguised as, you can use your reaction to attempt to confuse the creature. They must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature must choose a different target, or the attack automatically misses. On a success the creature can not be affected by this feature until you leave their sight.

You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Quick Change

At 6th level you are a master of disguise and subterfuge. People see you at one moment and then you are forever lost in the crowd. You can cast the spell Disguise Self as a bonus action.

Flawless Impostor

By the 14th level your skill in impersonations can cause havoc during battle. Your words and actions are so convincing that you can compel others to believe that the creature you are disguised as is in fact the impostor.

As an action, if you are within 15 ft of the creature you are disguised as, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by a creature's Wisdom (Insight) check. The creature must be able to hear you, and the two of you must share a language.

If you succeed on the check the creature is no longer hostile towards you and is now hostile towards the creature you are disguised as. This feature lasts until you are out of combat, or it ends if you do anything harmful to it or if the creature you are disguised as uses an action to convince them they are the real one.

You may do this an amount of times equal to half your proficiency modifier and regain all uses after a long rest.

Actor Feat

This class could synergize with the Actor Feat extremely well. It is something to consider while you are choosing this class.

College of Juggling

College of Juggling Bards are masters at focusing on multiple objectives at once. They strike hard and true and usually while the enemy is distracted. They are true performers at heart and always know how to entertain.

Professional Performer

Once you have reached 3rd level you can combine combat with your juggling skills. As a bonus action you can start to juggle a max of 3 items that weigh between 1-10 lbs. While juggling these three things take effect:

  • When you attack with a versatile weapon it is always considered as being a two handed attack.
  • As a bonus action you can add another item to your juggling pattern.
  • As a bonus action you can make a weapon attack but only if it is thrown. All attacks with a thrown item deal 1d6 damage and you can use your Dexterity modifier for the attack roll. The damage dealt increases to a 1d8 at 10th level and a 1d12 at 16th level.

If you ever lose all items you are juggling from your hands then you immediately stop juggling.

At the end of your turn while you are juggling you can choose an item you have thrown that weighs less than 10 lbs and stays within a 30 ft radius of you to magically return to your hands.

Double Throw

At 6th level your skill with throwing weapons and your nimble fingers help you in battle. When you use an action to attack with a thrown weapon you can throw 2 weapons instead of 1.

Unwilling Assistant

Also at 6th level when someone attempts to attack you with a projectile that is between 1-10 lbs you can use your reaction to make a Dexterity Saving throw, if the result of the saving throw is higher than the result of the attack roll you add the projectile to what you are juggling and the attack misses. Any item juggled this way does not count towards the maximum amount you can juggle at any given time.

You can do this a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier and regain all uses after a long rest.

Master Entertainer

At 14th level You can now juggle a max of 6 items at once and the number of items you can add to your juggling pattern increases to 3 per bonus action.

Grand Finale

As an action you can attack all at once with every item you are currently juggling. They all use the same attack roll and the damage is considered bludgeoning damage.

Once you’ve used this feature you can’t do so again until you have completed a short or long rest.

College of Perfumes

The art of perfume making is an old and ancient craft that many have tried their hands at. A College of Perfume Bard learns how to manipulate your senses in order to achieve their goals. They work tirelessly on the quality of their fragrances and take pride in their perfumes.

Aromatic Supplies

At 3rd level you gain proficiency in Alchemist’s supplies and you have learned how to create a censer. A censer is a metal vessel hooked to a chain and made for burning incense or perfume in some solid form.

You can choose to wield your censer as your weapon when in battle. It is a two handed finesse weapon and you are considered proficient with it. On a successful hit a censer does 1d4 bludgeoning damage + 1d4 fire damage. If you lose your censer you can create a new one over a long rest and with 10g worth of material.

Fragrant Combat

You must expend a Bardic Inspiration in order to activate your aroma. You can keep your different aroma’s activated for a minute (no matter if you switch) and it takes an action to switch aromas. An activated aroma is centered around you and has a radius of 10 ft. Creatures without a sense of smell are immune to aroma effects.

  • Sweet - Creatures who are within the range of the aroma have disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed.

  • Relaxing - The radius of your aroma is considered difficult terrain for everyone but you.

  • Burnt - You burn a thick and smoky incense that heavily obscures the aroma’s radius with dark gray smoke.

Scented Studies

At 6th level you have learned an additional 2 aromas.

  • Rancid - When a creature attempts to enter the radius of your aroma they must roll a constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or the stench overwhelms them and they can not enter. If a creature starts their turn inside the radius of the aroma they must make a constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or they must use their movement to leave the area if possible. On a success a creature is immune to the smell for the next hour.
  • Invigorating - Any creature who starts their turn within your aroma’s radius gains temporary hit points equal to your proficiency modifier.

Discerning Nose

At 14th level your sense of smell is so refined and accurate that it eliminates the need for sight. You gain blindsight up to 30 ft and have advantage on all perception checks that rely on smell.

College of Inebriation

College of Inebriation Bards are the life of the party. They are the ones who are first to arrive and last to leave. If there are spirits and fun to be had you can bet that they will be there.

Iron Stomach

Starting at 3rd level you gain proficiency in Brewers Tools and Constitution Saving throws.

Fuzzy Feeling

Also at 3rd level your Bardic Inspiration causes a warm fuzzy feeling. When a creature uses their Bardic Inspiration on a Charisma based ability check if they roll below half your Bardic Inspiration die they can choose for the result to be half the die instead.

Drunk Casting

At 6th level when you hit a creature with a spell attack you can choose to empower the spell with arcane fermentation in an attempt to make the creature dizzy. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or become dizzy. On a success the creature is unaffected for the next hour. When a creature is dizzy and tries to move, they must roll a d20; on a roll of 9 or lower, the creature falls prone. When a creature ends its turn it can make a Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, they are no longer dizzy.

You can use this an amount of time equal to your Charisma Modifier

Alcohol Poisoning

Once you reach 14th level every action you take is seeping with booze. The air around you is thick and heavy and people can become drunk around you just from contact alone.

As an action you can expend a use of Bardic Inspiration in order to make yourself pleasantly drunk for the next minute. While drunk you have advantage on Charisma Saving throws and when you force a creature to make a Constitution saving throw they roll with disadvantage.

College of Folktales

The College of Folktales is all about weaving a story and using your arcane abilities in order to enhance your myths and legends. These bards are master storytellers who can make you believe in almost anything.

Gifted Storyteller

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Deception skill. If you are already proficient you may choose another proficiency instead. You also learn the Minor Illusion cantrip and it is considered a bard spell and it doesn't count against the number of Bard cantrips known.

Inspiring Image

Also at 3rd level, you craft images out of thin air to help invoke an empathetic response. You may learn an additional 1st level spell from the school of Illusion and it is considered a bard spell and it doesn't count against the number of Bard spells known. When you cast a spell from the school of illusion you can also give Bardic Inspiration as part of the same action.

Weaving Tales

Once you have reached 6th level you are able to make the impossible seem real. Creatures, locations, props; All these things are created in order to enhance your storytelling.

Your connection to the imaginary world allows you to cast an illusion spell that is of a level that you can cast. It can be from any spell list, and you still must expend a spell slot, as normal.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Limitless Imagination

You learn the spell Creation and it is considered a bard spell and it doesn't count against the number of Bard spells known. For you the casting time is 1 action.

In addition, you may cast creation without expending a spell slot. Once you do so, you may not doing it again until you finish a long rest. You may cast the spell using a spell slot, as normal.

College of Inspection

Nothing escapes the sight of a Bard from the College of Inspection. They observe and take note of every small detail. If you have something you need to find then you have to look no further than the Bard from the College of Inspection.

Hidden Gems

Once you reach 3rd level your ability to track and find people, objects, and places is masterful. You gain proficiency in Perception and Investigation and history and you may use a compass as your spellcasting focus.

Hide and Seek

Also at 3rd level you learn the spell Locate object and it is considered a bard spell and it doesn't count against the number of Bard spells known. Locate Object is a ritual spell for you and when cast as a ritual it has a casting time of 10 minutes.

Deep Research

At 6th level you can feel the history of the world around you and you are able to tap into the stories that are being told on a profound level. If you study an object for more than an hour then you can expend a Bardic Inspiration to cast the spell legend lore targeting that object and ignoring all spell requirements.

You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest.

Hidden Gems

At 14th level there truly are no secrets to be hidden from you. When you are seeking you have keen eyes and you trust your gut instincts. As an action your eyes glow an arcane blue and you gain true sight for 1 minute.

Once you use this feature you can not do so again until you have finished a short or long rest.


College of Odds

High risk, high reward. This is the life a Bard from the College of Odds experiences. They are gamblers at heart and they love to roll the dice or play a game of cards in their free time. College of Odds Bard tends to be on the tip top of society or living in the gutters.

Gamblers Heart

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with a Gaming Set and your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses it.


Give and Take

Also At 3rd level as a reaction when someone makes a ability check, attack roll, or saving throw you can choose any willing creature that currently has Bardic Inspiration that you have given them and you can choose to use their Bardic Inspiration on the current roll.

You can use this feature a number of times as is equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest.

Play the Odds

Starting at 6th level when you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw you can use your reaction in order to increase the roll by a number equal to your Charisma Modifier or lower. However on your next roll you subtract the same amount you gave on the previous roll.

You can use this feature a number of times as is equal to half your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest.

Tip the Scale

Before you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw you can choose to make a wager. You must claim if you believe the number that will be rolled on the die is going to be below a 10 or if it will be above. Then you make your roll and if you are correct you may add your Charisma Modifier to the result. If you are incorrect you subtract it.

You can use this feature a number of times as is equal to half your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest.

College of Stitches

A College of Stitches Bard is the one in the background who makes everyone else look good. They mend the tares that come naturally while you are living life. They are master designers and their magic and inspiration comes from weaving our experiences into what will be.

Talented Designer

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Weaving Tools. If you are already proficient you may choose another tool instead. You also learn the Mending cantrip It is considered a bard spell and it doesn't count against the number of Bard cantrips known.

If you cast Mending on a piece of fabric or cloth the area you can repair increases to 10 ft.

Also over a short rest if you have the appropriate provisions you can create fashionable clothing in any style or design if you know their dimensions.

Enhanced Appearance

Starting 3rd level you may take 1 hour to style a creature who is wearing Fashionable Clothing and shine their armor and tailor their clothes so they look sophisticated and presentable. For the next hour a styled creature can add your proficiency bonus to all Charisma based ability checks they make.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest

Grand Entrance

Also at level 3 when you enter battle you know how to help some make quite the entrance. As a reaction when a creature within 30 ft rolls for initiative you can add your Charisma modifier to the modifier.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Made with Love

At 6th level you start to see how spells and the tangible world work together and you can imbue you creations with fashionable arcane energy.

You can expend a use of Bardic Inspiration in order to weave a spell with the range of touch into a piece of clothing. The process takes 10 minutes and you must expend the appropriate spell slot it takes to cast the spell that you are choosing to weave into the fabric.

As a bonus action the creature that is wearing the article of clothing you created can activate the spell you have woven into the clothes as if you had cast it on them. Once the spell is cast the piece of clothing returns to a normal and is no longer holding magical power.

Arcane Stitching

When you reach 14th level you learn how to stitch together the very fabric of reality and everyone withing it.

When a creature that is wearing your woven clothing casts a spell or has a spell cast on them that targets themselves you can knit the spell together with a another creature within 30 ft that is also wearing your clothing. You can use your reaction so that both creatures gain the effects of the spell.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to half you proficiency bonus and you regain all uses after a long rest.

College of Tactics

War is a game and a College of Tactics Bard likes to win. There are ways to assure that your side has a better chance of victory and it takes a keen eye in order to know how and when to strike. They help with the strategy and they can see a weak spot in the enemy lines with ease.

Battle Inspiration

Once you reach 3rd level you have hardened yourself to the battlefield and you are able to analyze and strategize the best way to defeat your enemies.

You may use an action to expend a Bardic Inspiration in order to encourage an ally to attack. They gain Bardic Inspiration and On their next turn, they can take an additional action, which must be used to either make the attack action or cast a cantrip.

Once you use this feature you can not do so again until you have finished a short of long rest.

Empowered Strikes

At 6th level You inspire others with the art war and when they use your vivacious vigor for fighting your Bardic Inspiration has an added benefit.

When a creature uses your bardic inspiration for an attack roll they can roll your bardic inspiration die twice and take the higher result.

Call to Arms

When you reach 14th level you know how to rally and motivate your allies for the brutal battles that are to come. You are always prepared and your war tactics have led you down the path of victory.

When you and your allies roll for initiative you can add your Charisma modifier to your roll and to a number of friendly creatures roll equal to your proficiency bonus who are within 30 ft of you.

Once you use this feature you can not do so again until you have finished a short of long rest.

Homebrew Spells

Creating Spells

I am very new to homebrewing spells and I have no idea if these are workable. But I wanted to challenge myself and create one spell for each subclass. This was the result!

List of Spells
Encore (College of Fame)
Woeful Wail (College of Anguish)
Lullaby (College of Lullabies)
Change Climate (College of Climatology)
Sense Gold (College of Greed)
Create Mount (College of Bewitchment)
Medical Treatment (College of Remedies)
Sweet Scent (College of Perfumes)
Unexpected Aid (College of the Avant-Garde)
Sure Step (College of Cartography)
Enhance Vitality (College of Nourishment)
Reckless Aura (College of Slapstick)
Steal Memory (College of Impressions)
Invisible Projectile (College of Juggling)
Makeshift Brew (College of Inebriation)
Tall Tale (College of Folktales)
Arcane Deduction (College of Inspection)
Borrow Luck (College of Odds)
Quick Change (College of Stitches)
Spell Strike (College of Tactics)

New Spells for each Subclass


Cantrip Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: 1 round

When you roll for damage on an attack you can use your reaction to reroll a damage die. You must take the new result.

Woeful Wail

1st-level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 ft
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You burden a creature with deep despair. As an action you force a target to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell saving DC. On a failure the creature takes 1d10 psychic damage and their movement speed is halved. They may remake their Wisdom saving throw at the end of their turn. On a failure they take the 1d10 psychic damage again.


Cantrip Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 15 ft
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: instantaneous

This spell sends a creature into a magical state of drowsiness. You can choose a creature within 15 ft of you and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell DC on a failure the creature is drowsy and has disadvantage on the next ability check they make until the end of their next turn.

Change Climate

2nd-level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You can effect the climate around you to aid you battle. You create a 10 ft radius sphere around an area of your choice. You can change the climate as a bonus action. Choose one of the following options:

  • Wind: A creatures movement is doubled while in the sphere.
  • Sun: All attacks on a creature that is within the sphere are done with disadvantage.
  • Rain The area is considered difficult terrain within the sphere.

Sense Gold

1st-level Divination

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 100 ft
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: 1 minute

When you cast this spell you can feel and see all gold within a 100 ft radius. It glows a soft golden yellow and you know the exact amount of gold coins a person is carrying.

Create Mount

2nd-level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: 1 hour

You may cast this spell on a beast that is willing. Once the spell is cast they immediately grow to the size large and are able to be mounted. They keep their same stat block but their health is increased by 1d12. They understand basic commands and phrases and can serve as an ally.

Your mount serves you both in Combat and out, and you have an instinctive bond with it that allows you to fight as a seamless unit. While mounted you can make any spell you cast that Targets only you also target your mount.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the beasts health increases by 1d12 for each slot level above 1st.

Medical Treatment

Cantrip Transmutation

  • Casting Time: bonus action
  • Range: 5 ft
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

If a creatures hit points are reduced to 0 you may go to the body and provide medical treatment. For the next minute as long as you stay with 5 ft of the unconscious creature they advantage on their next death saving throw.

Sweet Scent

3rd-level Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: 1 hour

Creature's find your scent intoxicating and intriguing at the same time. Anytime you make a Charisma based ability check you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Unexpected Aid

1st-level ???

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: 10 minutes, concentration

For the spells duration when you give the help action to a creature you can add your proficiency modifier to the roll you are helping with.

Sure Step

1st-level ???

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 ft
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: 1 hour

For the next hour a creature who is under the effect of the Sure Step spell can not be impeded by difficult terrain.

Enhance Vitality

???-level ???

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 5 ft
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: 1 hour

You increase a creatures natural stamina and health. For the next hour the target of this spells max hit points increase by 10.

Reckless Aura

???-level ???

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You bring chaos to everything and everyone around you. If you take movement the turn you cast this spell you can move through creatures of size large or smaller spaces and if you do so they must succeed on a strength saving throw against your spell save DC or fall prone.

Steal Memory

???-level ???

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When you cast this spell on a target you are able to steal a core memory from their life. It is not chosen by you by rather what is closest to what is on the targets mind. For the next hour you can remember this memory vividly and the creature has no memory of the event. After the hour the memory returns to the creature and they are aware that a spell was cast upon them

Invisable Projectile

???-level ???

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

For the next minute any ammunition that you shoot turns invisable as it leaves your weapon.

Makeshift Brew

Cantrip Transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 5 ft
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You choose an area of liquid that you can see within range and that fits within a 1-foot cube and you can imbue the liquid so that it is now slightly alcoholic. The alcohol content of the liquid is the equivalent of a weak ale.

Tall Tale

??? Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 5 ft
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

The targeted creature must make a Wisdom saving throw on a success the target is unaffected and is unaware that a spell has been cast. One a failure the creature will believe the next 3 sentences that the caster says as if it is complete truth.

At Higher Levels. For every slot higher you cast this spell you can add 1 sentence to what the creature will believe.

Arcane Deduction

??? ???

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Once you cast this spell for the next 10 minutes you can use your Intelligence modifier for all ability checks.

Borrow Luck

??? ???

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You can use your reaction in order to gain advantage your next roll but you gain disadvantage on the roll after that.

Quick Change

??? ???

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You can use this spell to instantly change the outfit you are wearing. You may only change fabric or cloth and you do not change your accessories. The outfit must be of equal value to the clothes that your are modifying.

Spell Strike

??? ???

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: 1 minute

For the next minute anytime there is a spell cast that targets you, you may use your reaction to make a weapon attack.

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