Wukong & Half-Wukong (5e Player Races) [Completed]

by TheBasedShortstack

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Wukong (5e Player Race)

Journeymen of the East

A nomadic people from the east; firm in resolve, hearty of body, and kind of heart: the Wukong are a race of bipedal simian beastfolk. Bar their half bred children, there are few races that can competently match a trained Wukong in terms of raw physical prowess, let alone surpass them. In eastern lands they are regarded as good company, and often take study under monk's monasteries and druid circles.

Legacy of the Monkey King

It is believed among the Wukong that they are all decedents of an ancient monkey king known as Sun Wukong. There are many myths, and legends around this figure: a mortal who grew to rival ancient gods, one who gained immortality seven times over, one who challenged even the heavens, one who gain the respect of ancient dragons, one who achieved the pinnacle of monastic practice: enlightenment.

Boundless Potential

Just as their progenitor bore limitless potential, so to do the Wukong believe that they carry this gift. To them, anything is achievable so long as one is willing to give their all to achieve it. No dream is ever fully forsaken, no opportunity ever truly lost. With studious and determined ideals, Wukong will often wear their unfaltering stubbornness with pride as they seek to do whatever it is they choose to do. They are free, and believe in sharing their freedom with any others who are willing to partake.

Wukong Appearance

Wukong stand upright often towering between five, and nine tall. Their fur covered forms are just as varied and colorful as their mundane monkey counterparts. Wukong tend to fall into one of three main body types; lean and muscular, wide and top heavy, and thick and rotund.

They tend to adopt, and prefer human clothes and fashion. Most Wukong however dress in minimalistic simple clothes, outlandishly eccentric attire, or extravagantly regal guises.

Optional Racial Feats

True Power of the Monkey King

Prerequisites. Wukong Race Only

Increase one ability score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.

Add force damage to the damage type options available to you when you use your Descendants of the Monkey King feature.

You also gain 2 ki points to spend on Ki Features and Spells (these points are added to any ki points you have from another source but can be used only on Ki Features and Spells). You regain all spent ki points when you finish a short or long rest.

Wukong Traits

Ability Scores. Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 2, increase your Strength score by 1: up to a maximum of 20.

Size. Your size is medium.

Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet.

Age. As far as bestial races are concerned, Wukong are quite long lived; often living on average 500 years. They mature a little slower than humans, and are not considered adults until they reach their physical prime in their mid 40’s.

Once a Wukong reaches its physical prime their body will begin to age at a much slower rate, sparing them from most of the ailments of old age up until, and in some cases, throughout their twilight years.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Descendants of the Monkey King. As an action you can make a single natural weapon attack against a creature within 10 feet of you. You are proficient in this natural melee attack, and it cannot be used as an unarmed strike or benefit from the extra attack feature. This attack deals 1d10 + your player level bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage damage. (You decide the damage type as part of the initial action.)

This attack's damage increases to 2d10 + your player level when you reach 5th level, 3d10 + your player level when you reach 11th level, and 4d10 + your player level when you reach 17th level.

Starting at 6th level, this attack count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Magics of the Monkey King. Starting at 5th level you can cast both the spells enlarge/reduce, and mirror image once each with this trait. You can also cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level, or by expanding 2 ki points as an action.

Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait (choose when you select this race).

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and one extra language of your choice.

Half-Wukong (5e Player Race)

Hybrid Monsters

Born of beast and man, Half-Wukong are the children of Wukong and Humans; though they can also be born from other Half-Wukong that take a Human or Wukong partner. They are in most respects: monsters. They take some of the best and worst qualities of their dual ancestry, and grossly amplify them.

Their raw physical prowess exceeds that of their Wukong ancestors, and their ingenuity and adaptability is far more malleable than even the Humans preceded them. But for all the good traits they bare, Half-Wukong suffer most from their more primal tendencies.

Half-Wukong children tend to be extremely violent and confrontational. Given that most Half-Wukong children can overpower the average Human adult, and match an adult Wukong, it becomes difficult and dangerous to care for and raise them. This violence and confrontational demeanor tends to carry out well into a Half-Wukong’s late teens and early adulthood: unfortunately by the time most Half-Wukong mellow and gain a better understanding of themselves and the world, it is too late for them. The actions they commit as children and young adults often carry over and mar not only their own life, but the lives of their Half-Wukong kin.

Aside from Wukong and more understanding Humans and Half-Elves, most other races view Half-Wukong as vile and destructive monsters. For one reason or another, a large number of Half-Wukong parents abandon their children, are killed by their children, or send their children off to be raised by other more experienced Half-Wukong caregivers.

Against Even Heaven

Much like their Wukong ancestors, Half-Wukong hold respect for their supposed progenitor: Sun Wukong. They weave tales that mirrors those told by the Wukong, and yet the lessons they gleam are different and unique.

No matter the challenge, no matter how impossible something may seem, even if it is impossible; one should never give up in whatever they pursue: even if they must stand alone or stand against heaven itself.

Surpass Themselves Again and Again

When a wild animal is cornered or approaching its end, they will lash out and reach for any opportunity at survival; gaining strength they otherwise never would have had. This concept is one that Half-Wukong, knowingly or not, have embodied and perfected.

There is nothing more terrifying or inspiring to gaze upon than a Half-Wukong that has been pushed to their limit: because they will surpass that limit again and again. Most Half-Wukong fail to notice this, but to any onlookers of the moment; it is something that they seldom forget.

Half-Wukong Appearance

Half-Wukong are almost indistinguishable from your average human. The only notable marking of "Half-Wukong" they bare being their lengthy monkey tail. Half-Wukong are also known for their notoriously difficult to manage hair; hair that is almost always black, as other natural hair colors among Half-Wukong are extremely rare.

Half-Wukong Traits

Ability Scores. Increase your Strength score by 2, increase one other ability score by 1, increase one other ability score by 1: up to a maximum of 20.

Size. Your size is medium.

Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet.

Age. Half-Wukong, unlike most other half or hybrid races, are in most respects superior to both parts of their parentage, living on average 500 years. They mature at the same rate as humans, and are not considered adults until they reach their physical prime in their mid 20’s.

Unlike their Wukong ancestors, once a Half-Wukong reaches its physical prime their body will completely cease aging for several hundred years. Near the end of a Half-Wukong’s life they will be ravaged by the ailments of old age as their body begins to rapidly age: once this rapid aging begins, a Half-Wukong will normally expire within fifteen to forty years.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Halfbreed Descendants of the Monkey King. As an action you can make a single natural weapon attack against a creature within 10 feet of you. You are proficient in this natural melee attack, and it cannot be used as an unarmed strike or benefit from the extra attack feature. This attack deals 1d10 + your player level force damage.

This attack's damage increases to 2d10 + your player level when you reach 5th level, 3d10 + your player level when you reach 11th level, and 4d10 + your player level when you reach 17th level.

Skill Versatility. You gain one of the following: (a) proficiency in two skills of your choice, (b) proficiency in two tools of your choice, (c) proficiency in one skill and one tool of your choice.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and two extra languages of your choice.

Optional Racial Feats

  • The Prodigy feat from Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
  • The Human Determination feat from Unearthed Arcana: Feats for Races

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