Vessels, Spaceships, Starships, Ships, etc. These star-guided vehicles come in many different shapes, sizes, and builds.
The original Starship design was fashioned by the Star-Titans, beings of primordial / elemental energies, similarily descended from the Big-Bang Elementals. Not much is known about the Star-Titans, but their precursor technology and information is the closest that comes to knowing history of the Universe before all new races arose from primordial soup.
Luvar divined the schematics of the Constellation Drive from the Star Titans, which pioneered new age star-travel for the galaxy as a whole. It took until the Bulwark War to completely spread the information of star-travel to outlying systems, and even then, pockets of wild-space still exist in the vast beyond of Space.
Constellation Drives are simple magical devices not too dissimilar to the creation of say previously breaching magitek devices used for space travel, such as the much more expensive dimensional transportation in Teleportation Circles or Spells, or the much slower strength of Solar Sails and Astral Skiffs.
A Constellation Drive runs off of the energy conduits between two Star Systems in close proximity. This energy is then powered throughout a Starship, which effectively sends a Starship hurtling through dead-space quickly in a moment equivalent to FTL travel, causing Star-Travel to be much more faster and effective for all walks of life.
A Constellation Drive's components are very simple: It must be fashioned from a case that can handle temperatures up to 1000* F (a relatively cool heat in comparison to other devices), It must have a Core fashioned from a Diamond worth at least 1,000 gp or more of a diameter 1 foot wide. This Core is fashioned from precious glass or similar crystalline builds, and should be able to reflect light. Star-Titan runes are placed on the Core: depicting the astral directions, and such runes are also placed on the Case, aka the Drive.
The flaws of Constellation Drives are as followed:
If the Runes are incorrect or of a shoddier quality, the Core or Case risks overheating, and the failure of overheating risks Stellar Failure, in which the ship and its crew become smeared across space and time in a flurry of starfire.
If the Case cannot handle the temperatures of the Core, the Core risks meltdown, and explodes in an orb of brilliant starfire.
In the RARE possibility that a Ship is making its Starlane transition towards a System whose Star is undergoing Supernova or a Black Hole Event, the Ship risks being stuck in Dead Space and stranded hundreds of Light-Years away from another system, as the Constellation Line between Systems has been broken.
In the RAREST possibility, Ships might collide with one another during the Starlane transition. This potential basically has one of the most RAREST possible occurrences, especially in civilized space or realms which coordinate Star-Travel safely, moreless occurring in Wildspace.
Dimension Transportation
The Constellation Drive is a leap in the overall quality of life for universe-fairing individuals, but in the supernatural scope did Dimensional Travel always exist: Portal Gates, Teleportation Spells, and Everything else in between. Bi-Universal Travel, or Spacial Jumping is the next phase in Starship evolution, or general evolution overall. Cosmic Gateways are mythical structures employed by beings that don't want you to know they have it. Even the Core Worlds higher-echelons require the aid of higher level Teleportation spells than Gateways, and it's said that the Protodermic Wars would've been won by the Rogue AIs had they had Gateway technology.
Officers & Crew
Each ship requires people to run it: the officers in charge and the crew who follow their orders.
Types of Officers
Each type of officer is described below, along with the abilities and proficiencies that help a character excel in that role:
Officer Action: ___
Officer Actions can only be used while an Officer is on their Ship, like special actions but for the crew of a ship. Unless an Officer Action specifies a limited amount of uses, an Officer action can be used at-will.
Main Attributes: Intelligence + Charisma
The Captain issues orders, directs ship operations, and manages the crew.
Captain Action: Guided Action
As an Action, you can improve the Officer Action of another one of your Officers, granting them a bonus to their Attack Rolls or Ability Checks equal to your Proficiency Bonus, which lasts until the end of that Officer's turn.
Main Attributes: Intelligence + Charisma
The Advisor echoes the voice of the Captain if they are ever indisposed, or are unable to communicate orders.
Advisor Action: Reiterating Commands
As an Action, you can improve the Officer Action of another one of your Officers, granting them Advantage on the next Attack Roll or Ability Check they make.
Fighter Pilot Team Leader
Main Attributes: Dexterity + Intelligence
Fighter Pilots are lighter maneuverable vessels that commonly combat other Fighters and target the vital locations of hostile ships. A Team Leader commonly organizes a squadron of Dogfighters.
Pilot Action: Evasive Maneuvers
As an Action, you effectively take the Dodge Action, but for all Fighter Ships including yours.
Pilot Action: Press the Attack
As a Reaction after the Gunner's Open Fire! Officer Action has been taken, you can use one of your Dogfighter's Weapon Actions and move up to the Fighter Ship's speed (taken in either order).
Main Attributes: Wisdom + Intelligence
The Engineer is in charge of the ship's systems and redirecting energy.
Engineer Action: More Power to the ___!
As an Action, you can redirect Energy throughout the power systems of the ship. The benefits of More-Power lasts on a system until the end of your turn or until you use this Action again. You can use More-Power equal to the Mk-# of the ship's Constellation Drive, and you recharge all of these uses at the end of a Long Rest.
More Power to the Guns! You can redirect power to one Weapon System of your choice. On a hit, the weapon deals additional damage equal to your Intelligence Modifier.
More Power to the Shields! You can redirect power to the Shield Generator System. If the Shield is at 0 THP, it immediately regenerates. Otherwise, the Shield Generator System regenerates 15 x the Mk-# instead of the usual 10 x the Mk-#.
More Power to the Engines! You can redirect power to the Thruster Systems. You double the speed of the Thruster Systems until the end of the Ship Pilots turn.
Main Attributes: Strength + Dexterity
The Gunner is in charge of the ship's weaponry and heavy ordinance. Their command and understanding of the weapon systems greatly improves the ship's combat capability.
Gunner Action: Open Fire!
You can take the Attack Action on your turn to attack with one of the Ship's Weapons. You can make multiple attacks with this weapon if you have a feature, such as Extra Attack. You can use Open Fire! equal to your Proficiency Modifier, and you recharge all of these uses at the end of a Long Rest.
IT Technician
Main Attributes: Constitution + Intelligence
The Information Technology Technician is in charge of all computer systems or software on machines.
Technician Benefit: System Firewalls
Just from being the Technician, you cause the DC for hacking all Ship Computer Systems to increase by double your Intelligence Modifier. In addition, all doors on the ship can only be accessed by authorized personnel you can select.
Main Attributes: Strength + Intelligence
The Mechanic is in charge of maintaining and repairing ship systems.
Mechanic Action: Jury Rig
As an Action, you can repair a destroyed System within 5 feet of you. If you're not within 5 feet of the system, you can grant creatures attempting to repair the System have advantage on their check to repair the System as an Action instead.
Main Attributes: Wisdom + Intelligence
The Medic is in charge of maintaining the Crew's health and overall well-being.
Medic Action: Adrenaline Shots
As an Action, you can immediately force an allied Creature to use the Healing Surge action to regain HP (requiring no action by them), and they do not need to spend a Short or Long Rest to regain the use of Healing Surge. You can use Adrenaline Shots equal to your Proficiency Modifier, and you recharge all of these uses at the end of a Long Rest.
Medic Action: Emergency Responding
As an Action, you can restore an amount of Crew Casualties equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
Medic Action: Morale-Restoring Remedies
As an Action, you can make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check. On a successful check, the crew's Morale score increases by 1. You can only make this check once every 24 hours.
Main Attributes: Constitution + Charisma
The Sergeant is in charge of leading infantry or elite military forces.
Sergeant Action: Boarding Action!
As an Action and the conditions for a Boarding are met, you can use your Action to form a Boarding Party and deploy a Boarding Vessel.
Sergeant Action: Repel Boarders!
As an Action and if at least 1 hostile creature is on your Ship, you grant all Crew advantage on attack rolls against all hostile creatures on your Ship.
Ship Pilot
Main Attributes: Dexterity + Intelligence
The Ship Pilot is in charge of driving the ship.
Pilot Action: Full Speed Ahead!
You can use your Action to have the Ship take the Dash Action, effectively moving up to its Thruster Speed twice.
Pilot Action: Brace for Impact!
You can use your Action to brace the ship and crew for crashing. Allied creatures inside the ship gain Damage Reduction equal to your Proficiency Bonus against damage from crashing.
Main Attributes: Intelligence + Charisma
The Quartermaster is in charge of ship's supplies and components.
Quartermaster Action: All Access Equipment
As an Action, you can swap held or worn equipment between allied willing creatures on your ship. Additionally, you can also acquire items or equipment from the hold, only needing to be on your ship, but nowhere near the hold.
Quartermaster Benefit: Fully-Stocked
Just from being the Quartermaster, you can cause a Weapon System or a Weapon in possession by your Crewmates to ignore the Ammunition and Loading Property as long as they are on the ship. You can choose an amount of those Weapons equal to your Intelligence modifier to benefit from this effect.
Lesser Roles
- DJ / Radio Announcer
- Chef
- Bosun
- Surgeon
- Lieutenant / First Mate
- Security Personnel
- Constellation Cleere
- Accountant
- Techno-Wizard Analyst
- Magi-Chemist

Starship Stat Blocks
Starships come in many sizes, power-classes, and shapes. Here are some light rules for their capabilities.
Just the simple terms regarding the amount of Crew Required/Allowed Occupants, Cargo Space (weight is considerable irrelavent, it's how much space is available), or the term for available space inside the ship.
Ships in Biolance come in the following Size Classifications, as listed from the Size Classification table. These light rules allow for an understanding of a ship's power class, capability to hold cargo, and what sufficient powers a ship has.
Small Spacecraft. All Small Spacecraft are the categories of ships that can fit in your garage, one that can fit within the dimensions of a 10-50-100 foot cube. Effectively all Fighters are Small Spacecraft.
Medium Spacecraft. All Medium Spacecraft are the categories of ships 100-2,000 foot cube, i.e. the Personal, Transport, Corvette, Frigate-Class Spacecraft. These ships are bulky and large, unable to be maneuvered as fast and delicately as small spacecraft.
Large Spacecraft. All Large-Spacecraft fall under any spacefaring vehicle that is too massive to even require a dedicated pilot, but a whole team of dedicated pilots. Ships of this size require crew, helpers, or independent systems like astrophysicists, advanced A.I.s or Gyro-Systems, or even just spacial logicians to calculate trajectories or paths to maneuver a ship of its size.
Systems as in Arcanist / Computational / Mechanical / Electronic Systems. In Biolance, all ships draw their power from the Ship's Constellation Drive, that draws energy from Star-Systems and Starlanes.
Available Power. A Ship has Power Slots. The Mk-# in each System that's ever listed describes how many Power Slots a System uses. The Ship's Constellation Drive provides Power Slots equal to its Mk-# x 10.
Powering Systems. Depending on the length between systems and the Constellation Drive, it takes a great amount of downtime to hook up new systems to the Constellation Drive, along with available resources such as power couplings, metalloids, or wires. Dependant on the System Type:
- Computer System: Machining Kit.
- Magitech System: Arcanist's Kit.
Destroying Systems. When the Room a System is inside or an actual Object of Equipment drops to 0 Hit Points, the System is destroyed and no longer is supplied Power from the Constellation Drive. Systems that are destroyed can be considerably repaired, though with great cost equivalent to a quarter of its original cost if you purchase the materials and repair it with System Type's kit and applied Proficiency.
Also obviously, any benefits the System would grant become disabled until the Systems are repaired.
Repairing Systems. All Systems that are destroyed but not completely destroyed (say like through the disintegrate spell that only leaves dust) can be Jury-Rigged to at least activate in dire times of survival. Jury-Rigged Systems can only be repaired to half their HP, they cannot be repaired to their Max HP.
Jury-Rigging a System requires an Intelligence (Engineering) or Machining Kit Check, the DC of which equals 10 + the Mk-# of the System.
Downtime Repair. All Systems can be repaired by creatures who have Machining Kits & Proficiency in them. Over the span of about a Day's downtime, such a creature can spend their time repairing a System or Object in the ship, effectively returning the object back to Max HP as long as repairable materials are available.
Travel Pace
Ships in Biolance space through the Multiverse at the pace of their Thrusters, and travel through greater distances with the Constellation Drive. When a Ship arrives in-system from a Constellation Drive Starlane warp, it maneuvers through the system with Thruster-power. A Ship can't activate its Constellation Drive within a System, only at the edges of it, where Starlane conduits can be tapped into to activate System-jump.
In Biolance, Travel Pace factors between how fast a Ship's Thrusters work and the current capability of the ship's working Constellation Drive. Commonly in civilized space, when a charter is set through the ship's Communications i.e. Navigation Computer, the Ship communicates its premeditated System-jumps to lower the dangerous chance of Ship-jump collision.
More commonly, when unlawful ship-jumps occur, (potentially for purposes of escaping System Police or the tracking of said ships), such coordination isn't necessary, and immediate Ship-jump allowing for much much faster and impromptu travel.
Constellation System-Jumps. A system jump is only capable at the edge of a Star system, and directed to a Star-System directly connected to it.
Transplanar Jump. A transplanar jump can occur at any time, though appropriately with cautionary maneuvering. Most transplanar jumps are done with Transplanar Drives, which immediately warp a vessel into the mirrored region of a different plane of existence similar to the current material. An example being a Nebulae in the material would be a fully fleshed sea of fire in the elemental plane of fire, and transplanar jumping would be dangerous without protection from fire.
Dimensional Jump. Some ships are outfitted with lax Dimensional Drives, effectively overpowered versions of magical objects that create a higher leveled version of the dimension door spell or create a gate much larger than its normal size, ones big enough to transport fleets.
In most circumstances, a Dimensional Drive can activate a dimensional jump, a dangerous teleportation if done without proper navigation or preparation in advance, for the dangerous potential of teleportation clipping which can shunt objects or creatures with dangerous mal-effects to both.
Where are Systems placed?
Commonly, the systems of ships are broken up into parts: the Activation Panel (Device), the Machine (Weapon or Apparatus), and the Upgrades (Other Materials like Extra Batteries or Appliances).
An example is a Communication's System, broken up into the Computer (Activation Panel), the Ethernet or Radio Satellite Dish (Machine), and the Upgrades (Radio Array, Hologram Display).
Commonly the Activation Panel is on the interior of the ship, for use by its crew. The Machine is on the exterior of the ship such as a Weapon like the Guns or Devices, unless its a System that's better off being on the interior like the Core of a Shield Generator. Any Upgrades are commonly on the Activation Panel or the Machine, and are destroyed if their recipient Object is destroyed, unless they are counted as their own separate object.
Size Classification
Classification | Dimensions (feet) | Dimensions (Squares) | Level |
Fighter | Less than 100 | Less than 1x1 | 1st |
Personal | 250 x 250 | Less than 1x1 | 3rd |
Transport | 500 x 500 | 1 x 1 | 5th |
Corvette | 1,000 x 1,000 | 2 x 2 | 11th |
Frigate | 1,500 x 1,500 | 3 x 3 | 17th |
Light Cruiser | 2,000 x 2,000 | 4 x 4 | - |
Heavy Cruiser | 2,500 x 2,500 | 5 x 5 | - |
Capital | 4,000 x 4,000 | 8 x 8 | - |
Titan | 1 mile or longer in any dimension | 10 or longer in any dimension | - |
Important Systems
System | Cost |
Communications | --- gp |
Fabricator | --- gp |
Life Support | --- gp |
Sensors | --- gp |
Shield Generator | --- gp |
Weapon Systems
System | Cost |
Arcane Cannon | cost varies |
Misc. Systems
System | Cost |
Cloaking | 20,000 gp |
Life Pods | 2,500 gp |
Hypercapacitor | 7,500 gp |
Probe | 1,500 gp |
Shuttle | 1,250 gp |
Sickbay | 5,000 gp |
Simulator | 6,250 gp |
Teleporters | 20,000 gp |
Tractor Beam | 10,000 gp |
Umbilicus | 1,500 gp |
Important Systems
For two ships to communicate, they must both have a functioning communications system and be within 1,000 miles of one another. This system normally transmits only audio communication, and most systems also translate it to the listener's language, as per the tongues spell (though older models and those in disrepair are less like to have this feature).
Power Cheap
A Communications system uses Power Slots equal to only One regardless of its Mk-#.
Communication Systems includes providing radio or ethernet connectivity, especially between all devices any creatures uses on the Ship its installed on. While Communications are off, the Ship can't communicate with any Shuttles or Dogfighters it has launched.
Communications | Cost | Features |
Mk7 Communications | 500 gp | Radio, Ethernet |
Mk8 Communications | 1000 gp | Radio, Ethernet, LAS |
Mk9 Communications | 5000 gp | RADioX, Secure Ethernet, LAS, Mezzage |
Mk10 Communications | 10000 gp | Psi-Link |
Communication Models. Across the history of Biolance, multiple different Communication devices exist. Starting with Radio technology, the process of supersonic transmitted waves that bounce between the expanse of space and worlds. Radio is still the highest supported form of communication in the Biolance universe, with the broadening expanse of the Ethernet (The Digital Plane and instant-messaging + stored information) on the near horizon. Newer forms support Ethernet availability, with Ethernet Security an even higher market vs. all the technomagical hacking spells available.
RADioX. RAD or Radiation X-Messaging (Cross-Messaging) is a newer form of communication employed by many higher planed entities, that use a form of direct sunlight or radioactive messaging between systems, collected from solar-dishes.
LAS, or Luminate Astral Signals is a magical take on RADioX, often used by those in the faith or druidic. As simple as it's put, it's a process of sending messages or information directly through Starlanes and Constellations, translated with a LAS Communication computer.
Psi-Link Communication Systems are the highest expected form of communication, which directly links to the brain of a purposed psionic employed by the Graye Order. These brains employ many endless immediate benefits from a being that is potentially more intelligent and thoughtful than the common galactic folk, of which's process immediately taps into information from the Ethernet. Psi-Links also connect to user interfaces, allowing instant messaging between to creatures via telepathy, with greater distances. The technology vastly outperforms any other variation of communication, with power that is difficult to counteract or disable.
Though most ships carry rations for long journeys, many employ a magic fabricator which replicates the effects of the create food and water spell to provide a reliable source of nourishment for the crew. Indeed, many view this type of system as being part of life support itself.
Some ships use even more sophisticated replicators, capable of not only creating food and drink, but also capable of manufacturing just about anything, as per the fabricate spell. Though these more sophisticated systems are phenomenally expensive, they're essential for the largest of ships, which contain innumerable parts which can fail at a moment's notice. Any ship of Corvette size or larger with this system can be expected to have the fabricate version of this system installed.
Fabricator Model | Cost | Features |
Fat-Belly H98 | 2,500 gp | create food and water |
Elric Transmutatron | 10,000 gp | create food and water + fabricate |
Life Support
Providing a ship with air, heat, and artificial gravity, a life support system is the most integral part of a ship for its crew. If a life support system is disabled, a temporary life support system will typically be engaged, providing the ship with air and heat for up to an hour, but not restoring artificial gravity.
For less conventional starships, such as those shaped galleons or built within great trees, the life support system extends a bubble of heat and atmosphere around the entire ship.
It is possible to survive for some time without a functioning life support system, as long as crew members have functioning life suits, but these alternatives are frequently a temporary stop-gap while the life support is repaired.
A crew member with sufficient privileges with the ship computer aboard the bridge of a ship can normally disable the life support manually as an action. Depending on the ship, this may allow them to vent atmosphere from the ship, disable the artificial gravity (rendering the entire ship in a zero-gravity environment, if it's in space), disable the ship's heaters, or do all of those things to all or part of the ship.
Life Support Model | Cost | Features |
Mk3 Life Support | 500 gp | Interior Support |
Mk4 Life Support | 1,000 gp | Interior-Exterior Support |
Mk5 Life Support | 5,000 gp | Interior-Exterior Support, Preservation Support |
Mk3 Life Support. The common type of Life-Support found on all crafts that haven't the funds to improve yet. Interior Support only provides the benefits of Life Support on the interior of the ship, rather than the exterior.
Mk4 Life Support. The uncommon type of Life-Support found on expensive craft. Interior-Exterior Support provides the benefits of Life Support on the interior of the ship and the exterior.
Mk5 Life Support. The rarer type of Life-Support found on truly venerable craft. Providing the powers of Life Support previous, Mk5 Life Support also grants creatures inside a considerable amount of vitality. Whenever a creature makes a Death Saving Throw within an area of Mk5 Life Support, they have advantage on the saving throw.
Life Support & The Planes
Life Support isn't as prevalent in the Material Plane. The power of Aethon's Blessing allows all creatures to survive in the void of material space, though as for what life that means, probably means eventual death by age rather than ever reaching a place of safety. Thanks Aethon.
The effect of Material Void with Aethon's Blessing effectively means you're in an area of low-gravity, but at risk from Material Radiation and the freezing Void of space. Without Life Support, isn't advised to stay in the Material Void for long spans of time.
Most Planes, such as the Astral, Elemental, or Negative Planes aren't recommended for travel without the aid of Life Support. It's recommended to disable Exterior Support when traveling through other Planes, as they aren't able to overpower the stifling energy of the planes, especially if its the Plane of Elemental Air.
The vast majority of ships are equipped with an array of sensors used to pinpoint ships and other obstacles within 100 miles. If these sensors are missing or disabled, a ship is effectively blinded in space. Light and Medium Spacecraft aren't considered blinded, visible out to the cone of the vision of their Pilots as long as they have windows to see through out of their piloting rooms or cockpits. Weapons Systems of the ship require the ship's sensors, unless they have the Targeting Optics Upgrade installed.
Sensor Model | Cost | Feature |
Mk7 Sensors | 500 gp | Live-Feed |
Mk8 Sensors | 2500 gp | Visual Live-Feed |
Mk9 Sensors | 5000 gp | Visual Live-Feed, Sonar |
Mk10 Sensors | 30000 gp | Visual Live-Feed, Sonar, Ethereal |
Mk11 Sensors | 100000 gp | Visual Live-Feed, Sonar, Ethereal, Divinata |
Sensor Models. Most mass-produced and constructed ships with more official bearings or blueprints come with the typical Sensor Models you find here. The Drak'Thkrawl Dragon-Ships utilize Dragonsight Sensors, that tap into supernatural and magical projections. Most Mk Sensor models are produced by the Sigilate Megacorporations, specifically the Brand of Detection & Locating Houses.
Mk7 Sensors. The barebrand form of Sensors just slapped onto any ship after several varying types of prototypes. Mk6 Sensors were all removed from the market, but you can find them for cheap. Mk7 Sensors simply bring up live-green tech detections, which project vaguespace 3-Dimensionally, without intricate detection.
Mk8 Sensors. These sensors adapt both a form of live visual feed, which are strapped with cameras that both project an actual image of surrounding environments along with the ability to combine power to other Communication devices and get a better digital understanding of the ship's close proximity.
Mk9 Sensors. Sonar has existed since pretty early industrial times, utilized by many seafaring empires and technological powerhouses. Mk10 Sensors use a mix of the varying capabilities to detect vaguespace of the Material.
Mk10 Sensors. Equipped with some of the more powerful magitech and available sensor machinery. Mk10 Sensors are equipped with planar magitech, that can override Ethereal (Invisibility + Illusory) disvisibilities. These effectively act as if they are utilizing truesight within the vision of their Visual Live-Feed. Mk10 and Sensors beyond also detect up to 1,000 miles instead of 100.
Mk11 Sensors. The peak power of the Mk11 Sensor is the computational system Divinata. Either utilized by the tech-savvy or faith/magical, Divinata Sensors effectively allow the interfacing user to spend their Action to cast the spells Arcane Eye & Scrying, but their effective range is only the area within the ship's Sensors.
While the free ability to cast these super-imposing on privacy spells is available, it's wise to the cautious that many anti-scrying or abilities to cancel magical detection is possible with enough magitechnology. There's even the potential to trace back the source of the spell to the origin of the Mk11 Sensors, if there aren't measures to hide your sensors.
Shield Generator
A massive electro-arcane projector, pulsing with waves of abjuration magic, a Shield Generator is required for a ship to have a directional shield. If it is disabled or destroyed, a ship loses all of its Shield Points until it is repaired.
Shield Points basically count as Temporary Hit Points for the hull or machines on the exterior of the ship. Shields regenerate THP equal to 10 x the Mk-# at the start of Initiative Count 20.
When a Shield drops to 0 THP, it must spend 1 round recharging, of which it then regenerates 10 x the Mk-# (roughly around the end of the turn of the creature which dropped the shield).
Power Expensive
A Shield Generator uses Power Slots equal to 5 x the Mk-# instead of the conventional times the Mk-# other systems use.
A Shield Generator retains its THP even if its not being provided Power from the Constellation Drive, though it cannot regenerate its Shield Points.
Shield Model | Cost | THP |
Mk2 Force-Shield Generator | 30000 | 100 |
Mk3 Force-Shield Generator | 50000 | 300 |
Mk2 Blast-Shield Generator | 25000 | 100 |
Mk1 Ray Shield Generator | 15000 | 100 |
Force-Shield Generator. Force-Shield generators are the common form of arcane shield generators after Ray Shielding. The immeasurable danger of disintegrate or Arcane Cannon spells.
Force-Shields grant the Ship Resistance to Force Damage as long as they have Shield Points.
Blast-Shield Generator. Blast-Shield generators are old era tech, utilized during the earlier stages of galactic powers.
Blast-Shields grant the Ship Resistance to Fire & Lightning Damage as long as they have Shield Points.
Ray Shield. Ray-Shield generators are the new upcoming form of shield generators, brought into the fold of many spacecraft in the recent era. Ray Shields protect from the heat and from common las-weapons.
Ray-Shields grant the Ship Resistance to Fire & Radiant Damage as long as they have Shield Points and are active.
Ray-Shields also grant a Damage Threshold of 30 against Fire Damage as long as they have Shield Points and are active.
Ray-Shields don't stop physical attacks, Missiles and Projectiles move through it, and Ray-Shields don't subtract their Shield Points when the Ship takes damage from Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage.
Arcane Cannon
This immensely sophisticated station focuses and magnifies a spellcaster’s power, allowing them to cast spells that lay waste to entire fleets.
To use an arcane cannon, you must be a spellcaster, specifically an Arcane-Caster like Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard. A variant of the Arcane Cannon are the Divine Battery. The arcane cannon is the source of origin for any attack made with it.
If you use your action to cast an Evocation spell into the charged cannon, you can choose a ship or object as a target instead of a creature. The spell must have a duration of Instantaneous and a range of 5 feet or greater. The GM can decide if a spell is inappropriate to be magnified by the cannon.
The arcane cannon transforms the spell into a mega spell; as such, this spell fails if it is cast within an area of antimagic or gravitation. Its range and the dimensions of its spell effects are multiplied by 10, to a maximum range of 1,000 feet. Also, the spell deals 5x its damage result.
If a spell cast through the arcane cannon targeting a ship calls for a saving throw, the pilot makes that saving throw on behalf of the ship itself. Abilities like Evasion don't affect this type of saving throw.
Arcane Cannon | Spell Level | Cost |
Arcanum Mk1 | 0th (Cantrips) | 10,000 gp |
Arc Arax Mk1 | 1st-Level | 25,000 gp |
Bashkar Krev Mk3 | 2nd-Level | 40,000 gp |
Aeon Corell Mk7 | 3rd-Level | 75,000 gp |
Arcanum Models. The patented Mk1 Arcanum are a staple in most navies that employ tech-mages. Basically a staple design, that none could really improve on or copy for a better price or effect. The staple of the Arcanum Models are their malleability, a simple apprentice to even the more impressive archmage can use an Arcanum-brand Arcane Cannon to similar devastating effect, leading to the mass employ of tech-mages for military efforts.
Arc Arax Models. Created by Neo-Nova Magicorp, the Arc Arax bridged the gap between the malleable nature of 0th-level spells to the rigid backbone of 1st-tier spells. Arc Arax was one of the first of the design to perfect it, and the market is incredibly saturated in Arc Arax of all models, after believing it to revolutionize the Magi-Market only to be out-paced by advancements into Arcane Cannons which can wield higher tier spells.
Aeon Corell Mk7. Created and kept under brand by the Othroriton Magicorp, they completely skipped over the revolutionary Bashkar Krev Models, because spells of the 3rd-tier are much more of a gamechanger in the magical scope of powers. The Aeon Corell so far, has had the most amount of magical flaws as opposed to the previous series and patents that have existed. Even on the 7th model, basically sold to more private customer bases that understand the risks of the magi-machine.
Divine Battery | Spell Level | Cost |
Deus Armalum Mk2 | 1st-Level (Divine) | 15,000 gp |
Deus Armalum Mk2. The Deus Armalum is stolen and refurbished technology from the Disciples of the Black Scroll. Arcane Cannons exist for spellcasters of the arcane elemental energy, however the concept behind Divine Batteries follows around the concept of channeling the pure wrath of God. It's said the Mk1 only has one prototype and finished product in existence, both created by forging an actual God into the device. It's said the Mk1 didn't have the limitations of the Tier/Spell Level limitations, however the Mk2 was designed with a more mass-production of holy wrath in mind. It's said other devices of Divine Battery exist, but they're rare products on the Market, as Magicorps are more invested into Arcane Cannons or Psi-Tech.
The Deus Armalum is said to work better when channeling the destructive wrath of a War or Light God. It is also said that the corpses of former higher powerful Clerics or Celestial Beings are used in the manufacturing of the Deus Armalum, as conduits of creating mass divine power from a potentially weaker source.
Misc. Systems
Cloaking Device
A creature must use its Action to activate or deactivate this system, causing the ship to become invisible or return to visibility. This invisibility ends if your ship attacks, moves more than its speed on its turn, or if anyone aboard the ship casts a spell or uses a system (such as a teleporter) that penetrates the ship's hull. The ship can be invisible for a total of 1 hour each day, though this time doesn't need to be used in consecutive turns. This time recharges 24 hours after use.
Greater Cloaking Device
Technology exists that can shroud a ship in permanent invisibility. Such technology is incredibly expensive. A creature must use its Action to activate or deactivate this system, causing the ship to become invisible or return to visibility. The ship can be invisible for a total of 1 hour each day, though this time doesn't need to be used in consecutive turns. This time recharges 24 hours after use.
Hypercapacitors are immensely powerful cells of arcane energy. These cells are commonly placed in rooms next to the Constellation Drive. Utilizing advanced magi-sciences of energy conservation, any misplaced or recycled energy granted by the Constellation Drive or other systems.
A Hypercapacitor on a ship grants it extra Power Slots equal to its Mk-# x 5. A ship can have no more than an amount of Hypercapacitors equal to 1/3rd of the Mk-# of the Constellation Drive.
Life Pods
In the event of catastrophic ship failure, life pods are the last hope for survival. A ship with this system has a single-person life pod for each crew member and passenger. At any time, you can use your action to board a life pod and eject from the ship. The pod travels far enough to clear any explosion of the ship, then drifts aimlessly. The pod has extremely minimal trhusters---enough to change direction two or three times---and enough air, power, and rations to sustain its passenger for 7 days. Each life pod automatically produces a distress signal that can be detected by any ship with sensors, though such a signal only travels at the speed of light---very slow by galactic scale. A life pod can survive reentry on most planets.
This remotely piloted drone is deployed from the ship to analyze potentially hazardous environments ahead of the ship itself. The probe has no combat capabilities but transmits everything it sees and hears back to its controller. If the probe strays more than 100 miles from the controller, it loses connection and falls dormant until the controller unit is within signal range. The statistics for a probe are included.
Like fighters, shuttles are smaller ships which can be deploys from a parent ship as an action to perform a number of operations. Whereas fighters are strictly offensive, however, shuttles aren't typically equipped with weapons, and can instead hold a more sizable crew and a larger capacity of cargo. Shuttles are usually used to ferry people and goods between the main ship and a planet's surface, and make for a cheap and effective alternative to teleportation. The statistics for a shuttle are included.
Illness and injury are bound to happen on a starship, and without a dedicated healer onboard, a sickbay is critical facility on any starship. This system has a pool of 6 medical dice, which are d8s. Each of these dice recharge 24 hours after being used. You can spend 1 minute in a sickbay and expend one or more of these dice to cause you or another creature in the sickbay to regain hit points equal to the value rolled.
Alternatively, you can expend 3 medical dice to cure yourself of any disease or poison afflicted you or another creature in the sickbay.
Because voyages aboard a starship can last months or even years at a time, simulating the luxuries of home can be a great boon to the crew's morale. A simulator is an immensely complex room, technically a sentient magic item, that employs dozens of systems to create the effects of the spells hallucinatory terrain and major image to replicate entire environments and situations. Though this system was designed to train crew members for dangerous situations and to simulate tactical battles, it is just as often employed for entertainment purposes.
Blinking from the inside of a ship onto the surface of a planet is an invaluable function for many starships. As such, many ships contain a number of permanent teleportation circles specifically designed for this type of short-range transportation. The ship's engineer can use their action to activate the teleportation system, targeting a single unmoving location within 100 miles of the ship and creating a temporary destination teleportation circle at that location. This circle lasts for 1 minute or until another teleportation circle is created. Because of the resonance of a Dark Matter engine interferes with the teleportation magic, you can't create a destination circle inside a ship which has a functioning Dark Matter engine unless engineers on both ships coordinate the teleporters to allow transit.
Sometimes, a network of teleportation circles will be set up inside particularily large ships to facilitate quick navigation. Such teleporters are constantly active.
Tractor Beam
A tractor beam is a very large device designed to pull spacecraft and other objects toward the ship. If you are in the Engineer role, you can use your action to make a ranged spell attack using a tractor beam. The target must be an object or ship within 3,000 feet that is less than half the size of your ship and isn't moving away from it. If you are not a spellcaster, you only add your proficiency bonus to this attack roll.
On a hit, the target is caught in the tractor beam. At the beginning of each of your turns, you can use your action to maintain the beam and pull the target up to 500 feet closer to your ship. The target can’t otherwise move while it is within the tractor beam.
If the target is a ship, it can attempt to break free of the tractor beam. The pilot of the target ship can make a Dexterity (Piloting) check on its turn, opposed by your Intelligence (Technology) check. If you fail, the ship uses half its movement speed to escape the tractor beam and can move freely for the remainder of its movement.
An umbilicus is a long, hollow cable which extends from one ship to another (a maximum of 100 feet), allowing the transport of people and goods between the two without compromising the hull of either ship. An umbilicus is required to board another ship
Ship Upgrades
System | Cost |
Afterburners | 2,500 gp |
AI Core | 10,000 gp |
Antivirus Module | 750 gp |
Arcane-Resistant Coating | 2,500 gp |
Assault Port | 3,000 gp |
Captain's Chair | 1,500 gp |
Countermeasures | 1,250 gp |
Cruising Engines | 1,000 gp |
Ded Reckoner | 3,000 gp |
Detonation Failsafe | 4,000 gp |
Expanded Hold | 1,500 gp |
Expanded Quarters | 1,500 gp |
External Manipulators | 2,000 gp |
Internal Reinforcements | 1,250 gp |
Jump Rift | 5,000 gp |
Lifeform Scanner | 3,500 gp |
Live Feed | 750 gp |
Material Analyzer | 1,000 gp |
Medical Station | 2,500 gp |
Overshield | 5,000 gp |
Panic Drive | 5,000 gp |
Radio Array | 1,000 gp |
Reinfored Hull | 4,000 gp |
Repair Drones | 10,000 gp |
Targeting Optics | 1,500 gp |
Tri-Probe | 1,000 gp |
Smuggler's Hold | 750 gp |
Ship Upgrades
The following upgrades are listed in alphabetical order.
Afterburners. Your ship's movement speed increases by 100 feet if the pilot moves it in a straight line.
A ship's pilot can activate the Afterburners up to their Proficiency Bonus amount of times, after which the engineer must make a DC 15 Int (Machining Kit) check to cool off and restore the Afterburners over the course of 1 minute, refreshing this ability.
AI Core. Your ship's computer has an installed construct core that manifests a sentient shipboard artificial intelligence. This AI serves to keep the ship in running order and has some interaction with all of the ship's systems, allowing it to see and hear every part of the ship and control all of its systems. It can communicate with the ship's passengers via the ship's computer system and any built-in intercom systems on the ship.
The AI has an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma score (predetermined by the DM: normally Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 14). It is proficient in Tech Use and History. It can make Intelligence checks when any situation arises and will inform its passengers of any information it knows.
Additionally, at a crew member's command, the AI can directly assume any character role aboard the ship. The AI can perform any action provided by that role, taking its turn at the end of the initiative order. The ship adds +2 to all of its attack rolls or its Proficiency Die (d4).
AI personalities can vary wildly. Some are snarky and occasionally play jokes on their crew, while others are fiercely logical and derive pleasure chiefly from calculating probabilities to dozens of decimal places. All, however, generally enjoy their hulls and decks being cleaned regularly.
Antivirus Module. Your ship has a secondary arcane terminal which screens all access to the ship computer for hacking attempts. Any attempt to hack the ship’s computer or any system or door control has disadvantage.
Arcane-Resistant Coating. Any crew member that must make a saving throw to resist a magical effect originating from outside the ship can add +2 to the roll.
Assault Port. Dogfighters can deploy from your ship as a bonus action, rather than an action.
Your ship most have the Dogfighter role to accept this upgrade.
Captain's Chair. Your ship comes equipped with a luxurious command chair, laden with communication controls and a single prominent red button. The captain can take one of their special actions as a bonus action, and regains the ability to do so after 24 hours. The captain can't take the same special action twice on the same turn.
Your ship must have the Captain role to accept this upgrade.
Countermeasures. Your ship has a series of flares or a deployable decoy designed to confuse the targeting of a pursuing vessel. You can trigger your countermeasures as a reaction when you are targeted by an attack, causing that attack to have disadvantage. Once you use your countermeasures, you must load a new set in a process which takes 1 minute.
Cruising Engines. Your ship's sublight speed is doubled.
Ded Reckoner. Your ship has a complex flight computer, which attempts to calculate a course through the void. When you make a blind void jump, you can add +5 to the roll.
Your ship must have a Dark Matter engine to accept this upgrade.
Detonation Failsafe. Your ship is less likely to suffer catastrophic failure and has advantage on detonation saving throws.
Expanded Hold. Your ship's cargo capacity increases by 50%.
External Manipulators. A pair of extensible clawed arms can fold out from the hull of your ship or fold down again as an action. These arms can reach up to 50 feet and can each push, pull, or grip with a maximum force of 1,000 pounds.
Internal Reinforcements. You have improved the integrity of your ship by filling every hollow space with lightweight reinforcements. Your ship's hit points per room increase by 10.
Jump Rift. When your ship makes a void jump, any ship within 500 feet of it is carried with it when it jumps.
Your ship must have a Dark Matter engine to accept this upgrade.
Lifeform Scanner. You enhance your ship's sensors to be able to detect living creatures. The ship's engineer can spend 1 minute to scan a ship within 100 miles to determine the exact number of living creatures onboard.
Your ship must have sensors to accept this upgrade.
Live Feed. Your communications system provides a live video feed or holographic image of both parties. The recipient can choose whether or not to mask their image from your feed. Both parties must have a live feed to use this upgrade.
Your ship must have communications to accept this upgrade.
Material Analyzer. Your sensors have been upgraded with a directional scanner that determines a target's composition. The ship's engineer can spend 1 minute to scan a target within 1,000 miles, learning by percent which metals, minerals, and materials make up the target.
Your ship must have sensors to accept this upgrade.
Medical Station. A complete overhaul of your ship's sickbay has made it analogous to a small hospital. Your sickbay has twice as many (12) medical dice. Additionally, you can spend 1 minute and expend 3 medical dice to remove a level of exhaustion from yourself or another creature in the sickbay, or to end one of the following conditions afflicting you or another creature in the sickbay: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
Your ship must have a sickbay to accept this upgrade.
Overshield. An additional generator is added to supplement the shields, increasing your ship's maximum shield points by 10.
Your ship must have a shield generator to accept this upgrade.
Panic Drive. Your ship's Dark Matter engine has been heavily customized with a secondary arcane engine to pump energy into the core for faster, but more erratic charging times. Once the engineer has taken the Void Jump action to charge the Dark Matter engine, they can use their action on each of their subsequent turns to panic jump the Dark Matter drive, possibly jumping early. Roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, the ship jumps early.
Your ship must have a Dark Matter engine to accept this upgrade.
Radio Array. Your ship can communicate with another ship out to a range of 10,000 miles, rather than 1,000 miles. If the receiving ship does not have this upgrade, it can receive messages, but not transmit replies.
Your ship must have communications to receive this upgrade.
Reinforced Hull. Great alloyed bands are attached on the exterior of the hull, increasing your ship's AC by 1.
Repair Drones. A series of mechanized drones patrol the outer side of the hull, automatically sealing leaks and repairing structural damage. If your ship is below half its hit point maximum, it regains 10 hit points at the beginning of the initiative order.
Targeting Optics Mk 1. One installed ship weapon of your choice gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and it ignores half cover. You can choose this upgrade more than once, applying it to a different weapon each time.
Tri-Probe. Instead of holding only one drone, your probe bay instead holds three. Each of these probes can be controlled independently.
Your ship must have a probe to receive this upgrade.
Smuggler's Hold. Your ship has hidden compartments in its hold, perfect for smuggling. These compartments can hold up to 1,000 pounds (which don't count against your ship's cargo capacity) in objects no larger than 6 feet in any dimension.
Legendary Upgrades
Some spaceships possess extraordinary abilities, whether due to magic or superior artisanship. The upgrades below can replace a ship's existing components or provide a new element to augment a ship's abilities.
Adding such an upgrade costs 15,000 gp or more and requires 1d4 months of work. During that time, the ship must remain in port. If the ship leaves, the work must start over, but you don't need to pay the gold piece cost a second time.
Hull Upgrades
Distorting Grav-Field
A tempest of space-matter rages within these rune-etched, iron chains. Raiders and pirates who operate under the blessings of a storm titan sometimes make use of this upgrade.
By draping the chains overs a ship's hull, the spacial fury thrashes gravity around it. The air within 200 feet of the ship is difficult terrain for everything other than this ship.
Death Vessel
Crafted with materials harvested from the Shadowfell, this upgrade grants a ship an aura of dread. As an action, the ship can create a pulse of horrific energy. Every creature that is an enemy of the ship who is on board or within 200 feet of it must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is frightened of the ship for 1 minute. On a successful save, the creature is immune to the ability for 24 hours. Once this ability is used, it can't be used again until 1d4 hours have passed.
Frost-Locked Hull
This upgrade replaced a ship's hull with supernatural ice drawn from the elemental planes. The hull and the other components of the ship are immune to cold damage but vulnerable to fire damage. The ship can also move at its normal speed over ice of any thickness, floating on the ice at the same depth as it would in water.
Krauthak Bio-Hull
This vessel's hull is made of the harvested remains of Krauthak Chitin. It's AC drops to 16 + the Ship's Constitution modifier. The ship's hull gains immunity to Acid damage, and feels fleshy to crawl or walk upon.
Nanite Reinforcement
This vessel's hull is made of tiny reinforced nanites, small machines which were employed during the Protodermic Wars. The vessel can be fed metals to automatically repair itself. The ship gains a +2 bonus to all Constitution checks or saving throws. As long as the ship has at least 1 hit point, it regains 10 hit points every minute.
Titan-Reinforced Hull
A master shipwright can use superior materials and clever design following the laws behind Matter Compression. Such reinforcement doubles the hull's hit point maximum.
Vigilant Watch
A row of crystal orbs, each filled with viscous liquid and a beholder's eyeball, is mounted along this ship's hull. Invisible creatures are visible while on the ship or within 120 feet of it.
Movement Options
Ever-Air Stabilizing Thruster
These small thruster pods allow a ship to maneuver itself almost perfectly in any direction. Wind whips and whistles around the ship drawn from the Elemental Plane of Air, allowing a ship to move with a speed of 60 feet regardless other Thrusters installed, and allows it to maneuver a full 360 degree turn.
Red Dragon Inferno Thruster
Dragon parts are manufactured in the creation of the Thruster. The thrusters gain a +3 bonus to AC, and it has resistance to Fire Damage. In addition, any creature caught in the Thruster's fire must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking (12d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Weapon Upgrades
+1 Artillery
Using methods similar to those used to produce magic weapons, a skilled spellcaster imbues a ship's weapon with destructive energy. This weapon gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls, and its attacks count as magical.
Graviton Rounds
This weapon creates spectral chains that trail after its shots, restraining enemy vessels in their grasp. When this weapon hits a ship, that vehicle must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or it can't move away from the attacker. As an action, the attacking ship can end this effect, and the target can end it by taking an action and succeeding on a DC 14 Strength check.
Miscellaneous Upgrades
The following upgrades don't apply to a specific element of the ship. A ship can use any number of them, but it can gain a specific upgrade only once.
Bones of Endless Toil
The bones of ancient, mysterious creatures festoon the ship. Potent runes crawl across these remains, emitting a sickly green radiance. When a humanoid dies aboard the ship, that creature must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, it dies as normal. If it fails, it immediately rises as a zombie obedient to the ship’s captain. The zombie gains a working knowledge of the ship, allowing it to serve as a member of the crew. A number of creatures equal to the ship’s creature capacity can be animated in this manner at any given time.
Smuggler's Decryption
This program is meant to be downloaded on the Ship's Communications. Its powerful magic causes it to appear as a vessel displaying the identification of a group, captain, or realm friendly to the viewer. Multiple viewers might see different emblems or identifications.
The Decryption Program's true power is its ability to aid a ship in making rapid escapes. As an action, the ship and all friendly creatures aboard it teleport up to 3 miles to a known destination of the captain’s choice. Hostile creatures aboard the ship don’t move with the ship and fall into the water it once occupied. Once this item is used to teleport, it can’t teleport in this way again for 2d6 days.
Taskmaster Sound-System
This Computer comes in a sleek iron case with large soundspeakers. A creature can activate the Sound-System as an action, causing the soundspeakers to produce a thundering rhythm. For the next minute, the ship gains one additional action, as long as it has at least one action. Once this item is used, it can’t be activated again for 2d10 hours.
Additional Weapon Stations
Krauthak Acid Sprayer
This hose weapon is attached to harvested Krauthak acid-sac organs that produce an acidic bile that dissolves flesh on contact.
Acid Bile Sprayer (Requires 1 Crew and Grants Half Cover, Recharge 5-6). Acidic bile from a nozzle in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the cone must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 40 (9d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage is dissolved, leaving behind any objects it was carrying or wearing.
Magical Gadgets
Spacial Hopper
The vehicle's driver can activate this magical device as a bonus action, causing the vehicle to teleport to an unoccupied space that the driver can see within 300 feet away from the vehicle's current position. All creatures and objects in contact with the vehicle are teleported along with it. This device needs 24 hours to recharge before it can be used again.