N5E Jujutsu Sorcerer

by Mindfaze0

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Jujutsu Sorcerer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cursed Energy Cursed Techniques Jutsu Known Highest Rank Jutsu known
1st +3 Cursed Energy, Cursed Technique, Binding Vow 2 2 6 D-Rank
2nd +3 Jujutsu Stance,Exorcism of the wicked 2 2 6 D-Rank
3rd +3 Jujutsu Technique, Cursed Technique(2) 4 3 7 D-Rank
4th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 7 D-Rank
5th +4 Extra Attack 6 3 8 C-Rank
6th +4 Cursed Technique(3), Ever vigilant 6 4 8 C-Rank
7th +5 Jujutsu Technique(2) 8 4 9 C-Rank
8th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 9 C-Rank
9th +5 Cursed Physique 10 4 10 B-Rank
10th +6 Cursed Energy(2) 10 4 10 B-Rank
11th +6 Jujutsu Technique(3) 12 4 11 B-Rank
12th +6 Ability Score Improvement 12 4 11 B-Rank
13th +7 Exorcism of the wicked(2) 14 4 12 A-Rank
14th +7 Cursed Technique(4), Psuedo-Skilled 14 5 12 A-Rank
15th +7 Jujutsu Technique(4) 16 5 13 A-Rank
16th +8 Ability Score Improvement 16 5 13 A-Rank
17th +8 Ever Vigilant(2), Exorcism of the wicked(3) 18 5 14 S-Rank
18th +8 Cursed Technique(5) 18 6 14 S-Rank
19th +9 Ability Score Improvement 20 6 15 S-Rank
20th +9 Jujutsu Technique(5) 20 6 15 S-Rank

Class Features

As a Jujutsu Sorcerer, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Jujutsu Sorcerer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per modifier level after 1st.

Chakra Points

  • Chakra Dice: 1d8 per Jujutsu Sorcerer level
  • Chakra Points at 1st Level: 8 + your constitution modifier
  • Chakra Points at Higher Levels: : 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Jujutsu Sorcerer level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, Medium armor
  • Weapons: : All Simple Weapons, Katana, Chakram, Knuckle blades, Chained Spear, Nunchaku
  • Tools: Tracking Kit

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
  • Skills: Acrobatics, Insight, Choose any 2 from the following: Chakra Control, Perception, Athletics, Sleight of Hand, Intimidation, Investigation, History, Stealth, Survival,


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Padded Armor or (b) Combat Jacket
  • (a) 2 Simple Weapons or (b) 1 Martial Weapon
  • (a) One Kunai stack or (b) Chakram
  • 1 Paper Bomb
  • Tracking Kit

Jutsu Casting


Ninjutsu Save DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Ninjutsu attack modifier = Your proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence modifier


Genjutsu Save DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Genjutsu attack modifier = Your Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom modifier


Taijutsu Save DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength modifier

Taijutsu attack modifier = Your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength modifier

Cursed Energy

Beginning at 1st level, you begin to produce cursed energy. This energy is born from negative emotions, and thus can only naturally be drawn out within combat. When rolling initiative you roll a 1d4 and gain that much cursed energy. You gain a point of cursed energy at the beginning of your turn. If you haven’t used a feature that costs cursed energy since the beginning of your turn, you gain an additional cursed energy at the end of your turn. If a feature that uses cursed energy has a duration, while it is active you do not regain a point at the end of your turn. You may end any feature that uses cursed energy early on your turn(no action required). As an action on your turn you can call upon your negative emotions to increase your cursed energy by an amount equal to 1d6. You retain your cursed energy out of combat, however you can not charge it. You restore your cursed energy to it’s max on a long rest. Beginning at 10th level, you gain 2d4 at the start of combat and your charge becomes 1d8.

Cursed Technique

Also at 1st level, your cursed energy is able to be molded into various effects. You may use one cursed technique a turn.

You are able to pick as many techniques as you want to up to the max displayed on the class table. You may switch out one technique for another on a rest.

Binding Vow

Finally, at 1st level you are given the opportunity to take a binding vow. These vows give you power in exchange for a part of you. You can have as many vows at a time up to an amount equal to your proficiency bonus. When you gain this feature, you can select as many binding vows as you can up to your max. When you gain a level in this class you may either remove or add one vow.

Jujutsu stance

At 2nd level, your cursed energy is able to be enhance your passive abilities and therefore augment your fighting style. Select one of the fighting styles below.

Divergent fist stance

  • Your unarmed damage die becomes a d6.
  • At the end of the current turn, creature's you've hit with an unarmed attack take 1d8 force damage. This does not occur if you hit a creature with black flash.
  • When you make an unarmed attack, you may attempt a black flash. Make a chakra control check vs a dc of [16+amount of times black flash was attempted in this combat]. On a success that attack deals an additional 3d6 force damage. If you fail this check, you are considered to have attempted it 2 times.
  • You may not use this stance in conjunction with others such as gentle fist or iron fist.

Efficiency Stance

  • When you would deal damage with a weapon attack, you may spend any amount of cursed energy as you'd like. You deal an additional amount of damage equal to the amount of cursed energy spent.
  • When you hit with a weapon attack, you may reduce the die size of that weapon by one step (D12>D10>D8>D6>D4). When you do so, you may gain an additional 1 points of cursed energy. You may only gain the benefit of this twice per turn.
  • When you make a weapon attack, as a bonus action you may attempt a black flash. Make a chakra control check vs a dc of [15+amount of times black flash was attempted in this combat]. On a success that attack deals an additional 2d6 force damage.

Arrogance is bliss

  • Your unarmed damage die becomes a d6.
  • At the start of your turn, you can declare that you're becoming arrogant you may raise your unarmed and taijutsu attack bonus by any amount to a max of your proficiency bonus until the end of your next turn. Your ac is reduced by half of the additional attack bonus(min 1).
  • You may not use this stance in conjunction with others such as gentle fist or iron fist.

Boogy Woogie

  • Your unarmed damage becomes a d6.
  • As a bonus action you may clap your hands, you may swap places with one creature within 60 feet of you. The creature must make a charisma saving throw vs your taijutsu save dc. On a failed save they swap places with you. A creature can intentionally fail this saving throw.
  • When a creature within 30 feet of you is targeted by an attack, as a reaction you may swap places with that creature, becoming the new target of the attack.
  • You may not use this stance in conjunction with others

Exorcism of the wicked

Also at 2nd level, your cursed energy calls you to drive any and all evil creations from this plane of existence. When attacking a creature with the cursed condition, an undead creature, a demon, or a monstrosity, you gain an additional 1d4 to hit against that creature. At 9th level, when you deal damage to one of those creatures, you treat all 1's as 2's. At 18th level, you can spend 5 cursed energy and target up to 3 of those creatures that are at least two levels lower than you within a 20 foot radius. Those creatures must make a constitution save vs your highest jutsu save. On a failed save, they are immediately eradicated.

Jujutsu Technique

You have awakened to your own jujutsu technique. At 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 20th you gain a feature from your chosen technique.

Ability Score Improvement/Feat

When you reach 4th and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th, level, you can increase one ability score by +1 & a Feat of your choice that they qualify for. As normal you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Ever Vigilant

A Jujutsu sorcerer is always at the ready. At 6th level, pick one of the three features. At 17th level, you may pick a second one.

  • Perceptive brilliance: You gain proficiency in the perception and investigation skill. If you already have proficiency in either skills, you instead gain expertise in the skills.

  • Unfazed: You cannot be surprised while you are conscious. Additionally, you have advantage on saves vs the charmed, fear, and dazed conditions

  • Untouchable: You are unable to be targeted by attacks of opportunity. Additionally, when you take the dodge action you, attacks against you will always have disadvantage, even if the attack has advantage.

Cursed Physique

At 9th level, your cursed energy supports your weakspots. Pick two saving throws you aren't proficient in. You may add half your proficiency bonus to those saves.


At 14th level, your cursed energy covers you when your natural strength fails. When you fail a skill check or saving throw, you can spend an amount of cursed energy equal to the difference. When you do, you succeed that roll.

Ratio Technique

Your technique allows you to force a weakpoint on a target, allowing you to damage it. Even if someone has no weaknesses, you take that fact and show them that if there are no weakness in their defense that you can simply provide them with one.

3:7 crit

Beginning at 3rd level, you have learned to guarantee a fatal blow by hitting a creature in a specific point. When you make a melee attack, you can expend 2 cursed energy to attempt to critically injure a target. If your roll a 7 or 3(before taking into account attack bonuses or any other bonuses to your attack roll), you score a critical hit. Your regular crit range can only be increased by 3(17-20).

When Magnified: You deal additional damage equal to twice your proficiency modifier

Critical pierce

At 7th level, when you score a critical hit on a creature, you ignore resistance. You also treat immunity as resistance.

When Magnified: When magnified, the creature must make a constitution saving throw vs your taijutsu save dc. On a failed save, they gain the cursed and weakened condition for a minute.

Precision Crit

Also at 7th level, when you attack a creature with the cursed or weakened condition or when there is another creature within 5 feet of your target, you gain the benefits of the 3:7 crit feature without spending cursed energy.

Super Crit

At 11th level, your technique allows you to critical hit anyone, regardless of their defenses. When you would score a critical hit on a creature, but they have a trait. jutsu or feature that block critical hits, you may spend an additional 4 cursed energy to ignore that jutsu or feature. When you spend cursed energy to do this, you deal an additional 4d12 damage.

Cursed Crit

Also at 11th level, when you land a critical hit on a creature, it gains the cursed condition.

Brutal Crit

At 15th level, when you hit a target with a critical hit, you roll an additional five damage die.

The Perfect Ratio

At 20th level, you are to perfectly open up a target's defenses. When making an attack, at the cost of 12 cursed energy you may crit on a roll of 3-7(before taking into account attack bonuses or any other bonuses to your attack roll). If you get a crit as a result of this feature, it ignores immunity and can't be reacted to. You may give yourself either advantage or disadvantage on this attack.


You utilize one of the rarest techniques, infinity, to control the battlefield. With this infinite power you are able to break the enemies and force them to battle on your terms.

Infinite Space

At 3rd level, As a reaction to being targeted by an attack, you attempt to stop the attack dead in it’s tracks using the neutral part of infinity. At the cost of 3 points of cursed energy you can grant yourself an effect on a table as you roll a 1d4. Beginning at 11th level, you may instead roll a 1d3.

d4 Effect
1 You activate your barrier of infinity as soon as the attack activates. You gain immunity to the damage from the attack and the conditions it would inflict.
2 You quickly pull up your barrier, however it isn't powerful enough to defend from every attack. You gain a +4 to ac against the triggering attack.
3 Your barrier is activated but the power isn't potent enough to stop the attack. You gain resistance to the damage of the attack.
4 The barrier you put up is extremely unrefined, barely being able to slow down the attack. You reduce the damage of your attack by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus

Blue: Convergence

At 7th level, As a bonus action, at the cost of 5 cursed energy select a point within 90 feet of you. All creatures of your choice within a 60-foot radius of that point must make a strength saving throw your ninjutsu save dc, on a fail they’re pulled to the selected point and gain the cursed condition. On a successful save they’re pulled 15 feet closer.

When magnified: The range of the radius increases to 90 feet. Additionally, structures of your choice within the range are pulled into the selected point.

Red: Divergence

Also at 7th level, At the cost of 6 cursed energy, as an action, all creatures within 15 feet of you must make a strength saving throw vs your ninjutsu save dc. On a failed save creatures in range take 7d10 force damage, gain the weakened condition for a minute and are pushed back 60 feet. If the creature hits a solid surface they take double falling damage. On a success, the creature takes half the force damage and is pushed back 5 feet. At 13th level, this becomes 10d10 force damage.

When magnified: The initial range is increased to 30 feet. Additionally, they are pushed back an additional 10 feet.

Unlimited Colors

At 11th level, your cursed energy is more plentiful than you once thought. You gain an additional +2 cursed energy at the beginning of your turn.

Limitless Defense

Also at 11th level, your infinite barrier can activate subconsciously. Once per turn, you may reduce one instance of damage by your proficiency bonus.

Hollow Purple

At 15th level, at the cost of your action and bonus action, you combine both the attractive force of blue and the repelling force of red to form a 15 foot radius sphere that shoots out in a 100 foot line before dissipating. This sphere does 2d12 force damage for every point of cursed energy put into it. Anything that comes into contact with the sphere must make a dexterity saving throw against your ninjutsu save+2. On a failed save they take the full damage, on a successful save they only take half.

When magnified: On a failed save the creature also becomes dazed and weakened.

Infinite Void

At 20th level, at the cost of 15 cursed energy, you can summon the infinite void. As a full turn action, you form a 30 foot radius sphere centered on yourself. This domain displays to every creature inside of it, everything in the universe. Their senses are bombarded with every feeling, sight, sound, taste, and smell in the universe at once. Creatures must make a wisdom saving throw vs your ninjutsu save dc. On a failed save the creature is paralyzed. On a successful save the creature is dazed and slowed. A paralyzed creature can remake the save at the end of their turns to be dazed. A dazed and slowed creature remains this way until the domain expansion ends. The domain is in effect for one minute. Creatures outside of the domain expansion cannot enter the domain or see inside of it. However, they can attempt to end it early by destroying it. The domain expansion has 150 hp, is resistant to all damage types, and has an ac equal to your ninjutsu save dc.

Heavenly Restriction

Although you haven't been gifted with the vast power of cursed energy, you have traded that for power enhanced by the heavens. This is less of a technique and more of a new fighting style.

Heavenly Pact

At 3rd level, the growth of your cursed energy is stunted. However, in exchange you were granted extremely powerful boosts to your regular body. When your max cursed energy in this class would increase, you only gain 1 instead of 2. Additionally, you do not gain an additional d4 for starting cursed energy at 10th level. You gain the Mind over Matter or Matter over Mind pact without lowering one of your ability scores, this does not count against your max for pacts. At 11th level, you may gain the other pact you did not choose.

Deadly style

Also at 3rd level, your attacks are able to be enhanced with cursed energy with excellent energy conservation. You gain the Cursed Strike technique, this does not count against your max cursed techniques. When you use the technique, it costs only 1 cursed energy. At 11th level, you may use it with no cursed energy required. Additionally, if you used cursed strike you may use a different cursed technique in the same turn.

Evasive maneuvers

At 7th level, you are able to quickly escape match-ups that seem unfavorable. As a bonus action, you may take the disengage action. Additionally, when you take the disengage action, your movement speed increases by 15 feet. Additionally, you reduce any falling damage taken by 6d6.

Heavenly Body

At 11th level, when you use the cursed strike technique, you gain advantage on that attack. Additionally, at the beginning of your turn you gain 1d4+1 temporary HP.

Peak health

At 15th level, the pact you have forged with the heavens has granted you health that many wish they could obtain .You gain immunity to disease and poison damage. Additionally, you gain full proficiency in the two saves picked from Cursed Physique

Apex of Human Form

At 20th level, your body has been honed to make expert use of the cursed energy you had been granted. You gain an additional reaction. Additionally, at the start of your turn, you may pay 15 chakra. When you do so, you gain 10 cursed energy.

Cursed Speech

Your cursed energy allows you to make your words reality. Your screams of command causes your enemies screams of terror.

Influential Presence

At 3rd level, your powers allow you to influence all those who oppose you with little contest. You gain the C-rank jutsu suggestion. When you concentrate on this genjutsu, you may pay the cost using cursed energy.

Words of Power

Also at 3rd level, your cursed speech modifies your genjutsu in terrifying ways. When casting a genjutsu with the auditory keyword, you may spend 3 cursed energy. When you do so, you force affected creatures to make a constitution saving throw vs your genjutsu save dc. on a failed save, they gain a rank of chilled, burned, or bleeding. The condition chosen depends on the phrase you said while casting the jutsu (for example "freeze!" or "burn away!"). At 11th level, you can instead pay 7 cursed chakra to inflict two stacks of the condition.

Blast Away!

At 7th level, your voice can physically influence a creature. As an action for the cost of 3 cursed energy target one creature within 10 feet of you. This creature must make a wisdom saving throw vs your genjutsu save dc. On a failed save, they're knocked back 70 feet. If the creature collides with a surface they take double falling damage. You must make a constitution save vs your own genjutsu save dc. On a failed save you take 4d4 necrotic damage.

Vocal Casting

Also at 7th level, when you cast a genjutsu with the auditory keyword, you may spend 4 cursed energy to raise the dc by 2.

Cursed Speech Conversion

At 11th level, when you concentrate on a genjutsu with the auditory keyword, you may pay the concentration cost with cursed energy.


Also at 11th level, you shout out to anyone nearby that they need to move immediately. As a bonus action, you may spend 5 cursed energy. Every creature within 30 feet of you must make a charisma saving throw vs your genjutsu save dc. A creature can choose to fail this throw. On a failed save, affected creatures must move to a point of your choice within their movement speed.

Conditional Mind

At 15th level, you can destroy a creature's sense of safety, making them believe that they are suffering. As an action you can expend 5 curse energy and force a target within 40 feet of you to make an intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature gains 2 ranks of the slowed, dazed, or fear condition for a minute. You must make a constitution save vs your own genjutsu save dc+1. On a failed save you take 6d4 necrotic damage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your genjutsu modifier per long rest.

When Magnified The target gains one stack of the condition on a success.


At 20th level, you can cause a creature's body to destroy itself. As an action you can expend 10 curse energy and force a target within 30 feet of you to make an intelligence saving throw vs your genjutsu save DC+3. On a failed save they take 12d10+30 necrotic damage. You must make a constitution save vs your own genjutsu save DC. If this reduces a creature's HP to 0, they automatically die. On a failed save you take 10d6 necrotic damage. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your genjutsu modifier per long rest

When Magnified: The target takes an additional 20 necrotic damage.

Shadow summoning technique

Your cursed energy allows you to summon and control creatures made from pure shadows. Although they lack the pure offensive capabilities of other cursed energy users, they battle side by side with their shadow creations.

Shadow summon

At 3rd level, you are able to manipulate shadows to form majestic creatures. You learn the summoning technique jutsu. You are unable to make normal contracts with sage creatures. Instead you use the jutsu to control shadows that take the form of these creatures. Summons from this jutsu are called shadow summons. You begin with two different D-rank summons. At 6th level, you gain two C-rank summons, at 10th level you gain two B-rank summons, at 14th level you gain two A-rank summons, at 18th level you gain two S-rank summons. You control the one summoning jutsu. You can pay the cost of the jutsu using cursed energy. If one of your creatures were to die, you may spend an amount of DT equal to the rank of the shadow summon to revive it. (D-rank=1, C-rank=2, etc).

Shadowy Shield

Also at 3rd level, you can enhance your shadow summons to better aid your goals. When you summon one of your shadow summons, you may spend an amount of cursed energy equal to the rank. When you do, the summon gains an additional +2 to ac until it is unsummoned.

Shadow Sacrifice

At 7th level, when a shadow summon would die, you can choose to pour it's power into a living shadow summon. Doing this removes the summon from your list and prevents you from obtaining it again. A shadow summon who is given this power gains the following benefits:

  • The shadow summon's HP and CP increase by an amount equal to half the sacrificed shadow summon's HP and CP respectively.
  • The shadow summon gains 2 of the jutsu of the sacrificed summon.
  • The shadow summon's gains an ability score improvement of +4.
  • The shadow summon gains one feature from the sacrificed summon.
  • If the sacrificed shadow summon was of the same species, the shadow summon's rank increases by 1. If the shadow summon is S-rank, it gains an additional 2 jutsu within it's jutsu limitations.

A creature can only benefit from this feature once.

Your Battle Is My Battle

Also at 7th level, you can summon two of your shadow summons at once. Additionally, when you control a shadow summons as a bonus action. As an action you can spend 3 cursed energy, when you do you may control another shadow summon.

Shadow Storage

At 11th level, you are able to reach use shadows as a way to hold your items. You gain access to a shadow pocket dimension. This pocket dimension can hold up to 10 bulk of items. You can draw an item out of the dimension by paying 2 cursed energy as an action. You can only pull an item out of the shadow if you are within 5 feet of a shadow.

Quick Summon

Also at 11th level, you can spend 5 cursed energy, when you do you can cast summoning technique by using your action or bonus action.

Chimera Shadow Garden

At 20th level, as an action you can spend 20 curse energy. In doing so, you activate the Chimera Shadow Garden. For the next minute, all your shadow summons are summoned. You can control two creatures as an action, one as a bonus action, and three as your reaction. If a shadow summon were to reach 0 HP, they are immediately unsummoned. If your HP is reduced to 0 during this minute, this feature immediately ends. You may use this feature once per long rest.

Cursed Technique

Cursed Strike

Cost: 2 Cursed Energy
When you deal damage, you do an additional 2d4 damage.
At Higher Levels: At 5th level, this becomes 2d6. At 9th, it becomes a 2d8, At 13th, it becomes a 2d12.

Cursed Jutsu

Cost: Special
Your are able to substitute chakra that would usually fuel jutsu. When you would cast a jutsu, you may pay an amount of cursed energy in place of chakra. The max you may pay corresponds with the rank of the jutsu (D-Rank/C-Rank: 3 CE (Cursed Energy),B-Rank/A-Rank: 5 CE, S-Rank: 6 CE)

Cursed Dash

Cost: 5 Cursed Energy
Duration: Up to 1 minute
As an action, you may activate this technique. For the duration your movement speed increases by 20 feet
At Higher Levels: At 9th level, this becomes 30 feet.

Cursed Defense

Cost: 4 Cursed Energy
As a reaction when you would take damage from an attack or saving throw, you may reduce the damage by 2d8.
At Higher Levels: At 9th, this becomes 3d8 damage. At 13th, this becomes 4d8.

Cursed blast

Cost: 3 Cursed Energy
As a bonus action, make a ranged ninjutsu attack on a creature within 60 feet. On a hit you deal 3d8 force damage. A creature hit must make a charisma saving throw or gain the cursed condition.
At Higher Levels: At 5th level, this becomes 4d8. At 9th, it becomes a 5d8, At 13th, the target rolls at disadvantage to resist the cursed condition.

Reverse Curse technique: Heal

Cost: 5 Cursed Energy
As an action, you select one creature within 5 feet of you. You restore 3d6 hit points to the target.
At Higher Levels: At 9th level this increases to 4d6 hit points.

Cursed Sight

Cost: 4 Cursed Energy
Duration: Up to 10 minutes
You gain dark vision of 90 feet for the duration.

Reverse Curse Technique: Cleanse

cost: 6 Cursed Energy
As an action, you select one creature within 5 feet of you. If the creature has the burned, bleeding, shocked, or poisoned condition, you heal 2 stacks of the condition.

Cursed Amplification

Cost: 3 Cursed Energy
When you use a feature that has the option to be magnified you can apply the effects to the technique.

Cursed Condition

  • A creature with the cursed condition cannot benefit from advantage
  • Whenever a creature who possesses the cursed condition would roll a d20 for any roll, they replace the d20 with a 2d8. This aspect of the cursed condition can only trigger twice for the duration of the condition.
  • When a creature takes damage from any feature from the jujutsu sorcerer class, they take an additional 1d6 force damage.
  • A creature with the cursed condition can attempt to remove the condition as an action. The creature must make a dc 16 charisma check. Otherwise, it is removed within a minute.

Binding Vows

The binding vows listed below are practically optional and are not required to take. However, if you so choose....

Seeing without eyes

Gain: You gain blindsight of 450 feet, being able to perceive your surroundings as well as someone who can see.
In exchange...: You permanently gain the blinded condition.

Cursed Vitality

You may take this multiple times, you psychopath.
Gain: You gain an additional amount of cursed energy equal to your level in this class. Thereafter, you gain an additional +1 cursed energy every level.
In exchange...: You reduce your max chakra points by an amount equal to your level in this class. Thereafter, you lose an additional -1 every level.

Curse tinged spirit

You may take this multiple times, good luck lol.
Gain: You may gain a point of cursed energy at the end of your turn, even if you used a technique during the turn. Additionally, when rolling a die to charge your cursed energy, you reroll all 1's.
In exchange...: You reduce your max chakra points by an amount equal to your level in this class. Thereafter, you lose an additional -1 every level.


Gain: While you are not within those 8 hours, you regenerate an additional +2 cursed energy at the start of your turn. In addition, for one hour after you go into overtime, you gain a +2 to your con, dex, and str stats.
In exchange...: You designate a period of time equal to 8 hours of the day to limit yourself. During those 8 hours, you only gain 1 cursed energy at the start of your turn and none at the end of your turn(DMs....please make sure your player picks a suitable time period).

My technique

As a bonus action you give away the intricacies of your jujutsu technique to up to 3 creatures within 80 feet of you. A creature can only be told if they understand the language you are speaking. Once a creature is informed, this cannot be used on that creature until they complete a long rest. For 1 minute from being told this, the following effects are activated,
Gain: Your jujutsu technique is automatically magnified, with no action or cursed energy required. If your technique does not have an magnification effect, it deals additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus(In the case of shadow summons, their attacks do additional damage equal to your proficiency modifier).
In exchange...: Informed creatures gain a +3 to their ac and against saving throws against any attack/save that originates or is augmented from your Jujutsu technique for 1 minute.

Matter over mind

You trade mental power for physical power, this may be taken multiple times.
Gain: Select your strength, dexterity, or constitution. The current score and maximum of that stat increase by +2.
In exchange...: Your linked mental stat(shown on the table below) current score and maximum decrease by -2.

Mind over matter

You trade physical power for mental power, this may be taken multiple times.
Gain: Select your intelligence, wisdom, or charisma stats. The current score and maximum of that stat increase by +2.
In exchange...: Your linked physical stat(shown on the table below) current score and maximum decrease by -2.

Mental Stat Physical Stat
Intelligence Strength
Wisdom Dexterity
Charisma Constitution

Cursed elements

You gain the ability to cast jutsu that you otherwise wouldn't be able to. You may take this multiple times, selecting a new element each time.
Gain: You gain access to one nature release. Once per turn when you deal damage with a jutsu using this nature release, you deal an additional die of damage.
In exchange...: Once per turn when you take damage from a jutsu that has a nature release with an advantage against the one you picked to gain, you take an additional die of damage.


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