Freelancer Chart Endwalker Update

by TheNewAdventuresOfCOMETDM

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Unrestricted -- Choose up to five of these:

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Double Take (RA) Use only after you miss a target with an attack. Reroll the attack. This counts as a Basic Attack. 3 turns
Opportunity [SwA] Until the start of your next turn, increase the damage of all unaspected DoTs inflicted by yourself and allies by +1. Each bleed stack counts as its own DoT for this ability. 4 turns
Bloodthirst (SwA) When you successfully attack a target, you are healed equal to half the damage dealt, rounded up. Lasts 2 turns. 4 turns
Feint [SwA] You sweep your weapon in a fake attack, throwing the enemy off guard and granting yourself Bravery. 5 turns
Presence of Mind [RA] Your next single target heal or attack can be made as a SwA. 5 turns
Elemental Affinity [SwA] Your Summoned Companion’s next successful attack will cause the target to gain a Weakness (+1 damage taken) to its element for three turns. If the target already has that Weakness, this attack deals an extra +2 damage. 5 turns
Venomous Bite [SwA] Your next successful Basic Attack applies Bleed and Poison. 4 turns
Quick Nock [StA] Make two single target Basic Attacks with -2 damage. These attacks gain +1 damage for each unique Negative Status Effect on the target, up to a cap of +4. 3 turns
The Blackest Night [SwA] Grant one target a 2 HP Shield until the start of your next turn. If this Shield is lost before the start of your next turn, the CD of The Blackest Night is reduced by 2 turns 4 turns
Souleater [StA] Make a single target attack that heals you equal to the damage dealt. In addition, inflict Elemental Waning (Dark) on the target for one round. 4 turns
Rough Divide [StA] Close the gap between you and one target, making an True Strike on them and inflicting Bind. 6 turns
Medica [StA] Up to 5 targets are healed for 3 Flat HP each and gain Regen. 6 turns
Rouse [StA] For its next 3 turns, your Summoned Companion gains a +2 damage bonus. 4 turns
Adloquium [StA] Make a single target heal with +1 to healing, and the target gains a Shield equal to half the amount healed. 3 turns
Assassinate [StA] Instantly teleport behind an enemy, then make an attack against them. If you are under the effect of Hidden, this attack does +2 damage. 4 turns
Divination [SwA] Grant up to 5 allies +1 damage for 2 turns. 4 turns
Jump [StA] Leap into the air, becoming untargetable. At the start of your next turn, you land, making a single target attack. 3 turns
Substitution [RA] Substitute yourself with a dummy, negating all damage to you from a single attack. 6 turns
Performance [StA] Begin playing an instrument of your choice, adding +100 to all allies rolls until the end of your next turn. You cannot act or move and your HC is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn. N/A
Torre [StA] Make a single target attack that deals no damage. If successful, mark the target for 2 rounds. Whenever they attack you they take damage equal to half the damage intended for you, even if the attack is blocked, dodged, or otherwise negated, and you are healed for 1 Flat HP. This does not reduce the damage you take. 4 turns
Doubling/Halving Function [StA] Mark an ally or enemy with either Doubling Function or Halving Function. Their next roll is either doubled or halved. 4 turns
Sinusoidal Wave Make a single target True Strike. One target is healed equal to the damage dealt by this attack. 5 turns
Blazing Shot [StA] Make a Basic Attack that also applies Oil and Elemental Waning (Fire) if it is successful. 3 turns
Vitality Potion [StA] Increase one ally’s max HP by 2 for 3 turns. Then roll to heal them with an additional +1 to healing and apply Regen to them. 5 turns
Elixir [StA] Shorten one ally's cooldowns by 2 turns. 5 turns

Unrestricted -- Choose up to five of these:

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Battle Cry [SwA] You and a single ally both gain +150 to your next attack roll. 3 turns
Scapegoat [RA] All the damage you would take for one round is taken by a single ally instead. If that ally would be reduced to -3 HP or less, this effect immediately ends and the ally is reduced to -2 HP instead. 4 turns
Pact [SwA] Sacrifice 2+X HP to give your current Summoned Companion a bonus to its next two rolls equal to X multiplied by 100. NA
Tainted Blood [StA] Spend your own HP as you use this ability, up to 4 HP. You gain a Shield equal to half the HP spent, rounded up. For the next three successful attacks against you, the attacker will automatically take X Flat damage, where X is the amount of HP you spent. 4 turns
Duplicate [SwA] You are able to replicate a Positive Status Effect from one target onto another. You cannot replicate a Positive Status Effect onto yourself. 2 turns
Time Dilation [SwA] Increase or decrease the duration of a status effect on one target by one turn. 2 turns
Phantom Bonds [SwA] Afflict one enemy with two stacks of Phantom Bonds until the start of your next turn. When that enemy is attacked, one stack is removed and they take 2 Flat damage. When the second stack is removed, the target is also afflicted with Bleed. 4 turns
Illusory Fae [StA] One ally is healed for 2 Flat HP for every action they take. Lasts 2 turns. 4 turns
Run Them Through! [StA] You make a running charge (this charge distance must be counted in seconds) towards a target in a straight line, causing all those riding your mount to make a single target Basic Attack with +1 damage added for every second of the charge's distance, max +3 damage. 4 turns
Dual-Wielding [StA] On your next turn, you may make two Basic Attacks with only one Standard Action. These extra attacks can only be used once for each use of this ability. 5 turns
Warp Strike StA] Teleport to any target you can see, and make an True Strike at +1 damage on them. 3 turns
Lethal Injection [StA] Make a melee attack on a single target. If it hits, inflict the target with Poison and they take +1 damage from all sources of damage for one turn. 5 turns
Onze of Prevention [SwA] Mark an ally in melee range with Preventative Medicine for 3 turns, disappearing when it activates. Should they be afflicted with a Negative Status Effect, it is prevented. Should they drop to 1/2 of their Max HP, they are healed for 3 Flat HP. 3 turns

Restricted -- Choose a single one of these:

Ability Name Ability Description Cooldown
Vengeance [StA] - You take -1 damage from all sources, and when you are successfully hit by an attack you deal 2 Flat damage to the attacker. Lasts 3 turns. 4 turns
Benediction [StA] Immediately heals 1 ally back to their Max HP. 7 turns
True Thrust [StA] Make a Basic Attack. If it hits, grant yourself Inspired. 6 turns
Wall [SwA] Grant Shell, Stoneskin and Protect to a single target. 4 turns
Crescendo [PA / RA] After you roll initiative at the start of combat, make a Raw Roll. Send this number to the DM and ensure they know this is your Crescendo roll. You may switch out an ally's or enemy's roll with your Crescendo roll. OPC
Mug [StA] Make a single target attack that will sunder your enemy, stealing one stat bonus of your choice to add to your own bonuses for three turns. Caps at +200. (Ex: If the enemy has +300 to STR, you will steal +200 to STR from them and they will keep a +100 to STR). 6 turns
Cover [RA] Take all damage intended for a single ally for 2 rounds. 4 turns
Requiescat [StA] Make a single target True Strike with +1 damage. For your next 3 turns, your STR and MP bonuses are each increased by +50, and you may combine your STR and MP bonuses when making attacks and heals. 4 turns
Nascent Flash [SwA] Choose a target. You and that target are healed for an amount equal to the damage you deal this turn. 3 turns
Leylines [SwA] Create a small, stationary area around you which lasts for 3 turns and grants you a +100 to your attack rolls so long as you remain in that area. So long as this area persists, you may use your Swift Action to instantly teleport to it. 4 turns
Gaia's Protection [RA] Choose up to 5 targets that are currently being attacked. They each take -2 damage from this attack. 4 turns
Heated Barrage [StA] Make three single target attacks, each dealing only a maximum of 1 Fire-aspected damage before damage bonuses. After the third attack, any Oil and Elemental Waning (Fire) effects on the target are consumed for +2 Raw Damage each. 5 turns
Mounted Focus [SwA] You mark a target. While marked, you gain +1 damage a +100 to all rolls against that target, but suffer -2 damage and -200 to all rolls against any other target. This mark persists until the target dies, or you spend a StA to change targets. 2 turns
Nature's Bounty [SwA] Either grant your current Summoned Companion two Positive Status Effects (See Chart) OR roll to heal it with +3 to the heal. 4 turns

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