Rho Aias: The Seven Rings that Cover the Burning Heavens

by Wikilast

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Rho Aias: The Seven Rings that Cover the Burning Heavens

Shield, legendary (requires attunement)

Ornamented Great Shield made of bronze, covered in seven layers of ox hide, said to be an ultimate defense against any thrown weapon.

  • Attunement. In order to attune to this shield, you need to place it on the soil and sacrifice your blood onto it. After the required amount of blood has been spilled the shield will dissolve into the ground and from it will sprout rocket larkspurs. The flowers are going to entangle the non-dominant arm of the user at which point the attunement is complete.

  • Layered defense. While you are attuned to this shield you gain a +3 bonus to AC and even tho the defence does not occupy your hand it will reject any other shield placed in your hands. It does not prevent you from carrying a weapon in both hands, however.

  • Consolida ajacis. You gain the ability to speak with the flowers on your arm whenever you wish. You gain proficiency in the history skill. If you already have it, you gain expertise in it. The flowers are Lawful Neutral.

  • Shields true name. When you are attuned to this shield when you see a creature being targeted by ranged attacks or spells as well as unusually large weapons such as thrown boulders and shots from siege engines, or even attacks like a dragon's breath weapons, you may choose to use your reaction to move up to your speed and create a petal-shaped, translucent, seven layered shield of magical force that creates a total cover in 20 feet diameter between you and the triggering effect. When the shields blocks a total amount of damage equal to 7d12+7, it shatters and the remaining damage from the attack (if any) is transfered to the caster of the shield. This shield does not protect against melee attacks or creatures using reach weapons or spells that require Wisdom, Charisma or Intelligence saving throws.

Once you used this ability you must finish a long rest to do so again this way, but You can expend your own life force to use Rho Aias again. If you do so, you will suffer two levels of exhaustion.


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