Captain Krakentooth's Guide to the Seven Seas

by KoatheDM

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Captain Krakentooth's

Guide to the Seven Seas

By KoatheDM. Art by Grandfailure.

Of Ships and the Sea

Welcome pirates, privateers (if yer fancy), and land lubbers! Although the Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure path has allowed for DMs to have a different way to run ship combat and navigational encounters at sea, this here guide seeks to integrate ship combat into traditional combat in a way that is easier to pick up and understand, as well as give players agency and engagement in Naval Combat as Officers of the ship they helm! Although there may be a quite a bit of writing here, it is meant to dispel the greatest enemy of all pirates! Ambiguity! I shiver at the writing the very word!

A Ship is an Object, Not a Creature

  Ships are to be considered objects, not creatures. As such, they automatically fail any saving throw against spells that affect the ship, however the ship cannot be targeted with spells that specifically target a ‘creature within range.’ For example, a ship would take full damage from a Fireball, but a ship is immune to the effects of Hold Monster, because it is not considered a creature. Along the same line, a ship cannot suffer any conditions, and is immune to Poison and Psychic damage.

Traveling with or without the Wind

  In typical naval combat, whether or not the ship is with the wind does not factor into its speed, however the wind often matters when traveling long distances. Typically to ensure that the ship is sailing with the wind, the Quartermaster (refer to the Officers section) makes a Navigator’s Tools check of 10 at the start of each travel day. Upon success, the ship’s travel speed is maintained as the ship catches the wind. Upon failure, the ship’s travel speed is halved as the course does not travel with the wind. The DC of this check may increase or decrease depending on various environmental effects, such as calm waters, stormy weather, or even hurricanes.

Optional Wind Ruling

  If you wish to be more realistic in naval combat, and include wind factors in naval combat, assume that the ship’s total speed is halved unless it is moving in the same direction of the wind. Keep in mind that in naval combat there are many moving parts, player turns, ship turns, officer actions, and so on, so having more moving parts may slog down combat.

Repairing a Ship

  Whether a ship has taken water, taken fire from an enemy pirate, or had its mast split in twain, a ship eventually must be repaired. A ship can be repaired on the sea, however a ship can only be repaired up to half its total hit points; unless the Bosun or ship has some kind of technology that will allow for the repair of the boat on the outside without the ship taking in water or suffering water damage. In order to repair a boat beyond half its hit point total, the ship must be docked in a harbor or elevated so its underbelly can be worked on, and so it does not take in more water while being repaired.

To repair a ship; wood, canvas, nails, and other materials are needed. Every 10 pounds of spare materials (typically wood) costs 1 gp. For example, if a crew wanted to stock up on 2,000lbs of wood and repair materials, they would need to spend 200gp.

Repairs at a Harbor

  At a harbor, or when a ship is similarly docked, the ship can repaired using 10lbs worth of wood, nails, and canvas for 3 hit points, up to a maximum of 30 hit points per hour. If a creature repairing the ship has the Mending spell, the ship is repaired for an additional 2 hit points per 10lbs of wood, nails, and canvas used.

Repairs at Sea

  To repair a ship quickly, a Bosun can take the Repair downtime activity for as many hours as they see fit, where the Bosun makes a Strength (Carpenter's Tools) check, and consults the Repair Table. For every creature that is aiding the Bosun in this repair effort, they gain a +1 bonus to their roll. If the Bosun, or a creature aiding the Bosun, has the Mending spell, the ship is repaired for an additional 2 hit points per 10lbs of wood, nails, and canvas used.

Repair Table
Result Outcome
5 or less You use 10lbs worth of wood, nails, and canvas to repair 1 hit point, up to 10 hit points per hour for as long as you take this downtime activity.
15 You use 10lbs worth of wood, nails, and canvas to repair 1 hit point, up to 20 hit points per hour for as long as you take this downtime activity.
20 You use 10lbs worth of wood, nails, and canvas to repair 2 hit points, up to 40 hit points per hour for as long as you take this downtime activity.
By KoatheDM.


  When a ship has a crew, morale plays a significant role in how well a ship functions, and is representative of the general mood of the crew; which can affect many outcomes during Naval Combat.

A crew typically has a Morale Bonus of +0, and this is considered to be the baseline Morale Bonus. The Morale Bonus of a crew can change depending on the actions taken and situations occurring during Naval Combat, and can reach a maximum of +6 or a minimum of -6. This Morale Bonus is added or subtracted to a ship's initiative check, and half of the Morale Bonus (rounded down) is added or subtracted to skill checks a Naval Officer makes as part of an Officer Action or during repairs, Ship Weaponry attack rolls, and Ram attack rolls.

A crew's Morale Bonus naturally decreases or increases by 1 every 4 hours until it is at its baseline of 0 again. If a crew does not have a Cook and a Surgeon the baseline Morale Bonus of the crew is -2.

How Morale is Reduced

  If your ship suffers a critical hit from a ship weapon, multiple crew members die, a poor decision is made from an officer that causes extreme detriment to the crew, a Naval Officer rolls a natural 1 on one of their Officer Action skill checks, or another similarly demoralizing event or action occurs, the crew's Morale Bonus is reduced by 1.

How Morale is Increased

  If the crew scores a critical hit with a ship weapon, sinks an enemy ship, kills the captain of the ship before naval combat is over, a Naval Officer rolls a natural 20 on one of their Officer Action skill checks, or another similarly uplifting event or action occurs, the crew's Morale Bonus increases by 1.

By KoatheDM. Art by Grandfailure.

A Ship’s Statistics

Armor Class

  As expected, this is the ship's Armor Class, which is typically determined by what kind of material the ship is made out of. Most ships have an AC of 14-16, but this can change depending on the kind of ship.

Hit Points

  This is the total amount of hit points a ship has. If the ship is reduced to half its hit point maximum, its travel and combat speed are halved. If the ship is reduced to zero hit points, it sinks.

Damage Threshold

  Due to a ship's massive size, ships have a Damage Threshold, or DT. When the ship takes an instance of damage, if it is lower than the ship's DT, the ship does not take damage.


  A ship's speed is represented with two values, its travel speed and its combat speed. It’s travel speed represents how far a ship can travel in an hour and its combat speed represents how far a ship can travel in a single round of naval combat. Also listed in the ship's speed is its means of propulsion or locomotion. This is typically sails or oars, but ever-elusive arcane engines also exist.


  Sometimes a ship is large enough that it needs a crew to sail properly and effectively. A crew is separate from naval officers, which are more specially trained and expensive. There are Small, Medium, and Large crews. If a ship has a crew listed in its stat block, the ship needs the crew to sail properly. If a ship is helmed without an appropriately sized crew or with no crew at all and the ship requires one; the travel and combat speed of the ship is quartered.

  • A Small crew is comprised of 5 persons and costs 3gp per week.
  • A Medium crew is comprised of 10 persons and costs 5gp per week.
  • A Large crew is comprised of 20 persons and costs 10gp per week.
  • An Officer costs 5gp per week.

Naval Officers

  Naval Officers are separate from a crew and are roles that are adopted by player characters, or NPCs if needed. In order for a ship to sail effectively, a Captain, First Mate, Quartermaster, and Bosun are required for a ship to sail. If a ship has ship weaponry, a Powder Monkey is required, and if a ship has a crew of any size, a Surgeon and a Cook are highly recommended to have aboard, as without them, the morale of the crew is drastically reduced, however they are not required.

More information regarding a Naval Officer's role as well as Officer Actions are listed further in this document.


  A ship's stat block indicates how many creatures and how much cargo it can carry. Creatures include both the crew of the vessel and any passengers who might ride along. Passengers don't generally engage in running a ship, but they also don't need to be mere bystanders.

The cargo of the ship notes the maximum amount of cargo a ship can carry. A ship can't move if its cargo exceeds this capacity, and will begin taking water.


  Most ships are Large, Huge, or Gargantuan. A ship's size category is determined by its length or width, whichever is longer. For instance, a ship that is 10 feet long and 20 feet wide would use the size category that has a 20-foot width, which means the ship is Gargantuan. The larger the ship, the more crew is typically needed to keep the ship functioning, and the larger the ship, the more actions a ship typically gets in combat.


  Large ships are usually quite uncommon, as they are incredibly small (sometimes even glorified or modified rowboats). A Large ship has one ship action, and typically does not require a crew to sail effectively.


  Although still on the smaller side, Huge ships are often used by small raiding parties that focus on speed and deftness or are concentrated vehicles of war. A Huge ship typically has two ship actions, and typically requires a Small crew to sail effectively.


  The size of most ships, Gargantuan ships encompass many traditional brigs, galleons, and other sailing ships. Gargantuan ships typically have three ship actions, and typically require a Medium or Large crew to sail effectively.

By KoatheDM.


If you'd like to explore running a ship, it needs officers to oversee its operations - officers who fill seven different roles. Some roles aboard a ship reflect the need for trained experts to direct a crew's efforts. In order to gain access to Officer Actions in Naval Combat, the Captain, First Mate, Bosun, and Quartermaster must all be filled by separate characters. If the ship has any Ship Weaponry, a Powder Monkey is also required. These are the roles that are considered necessary in Naval Combat, however, in order for a ship to function in any decent capacity, there is also need for a Cook and Surgeon. Although the Cook does not have any Officer Actions in Naval Combat, it is still needed by the crew in order to keep their morale high.

Officer Actions

  During the ship’s turn in Naval Combat, a player character (or important Officer NPC) can give up their turn in initiative to take an Officer Action. These Officer Actions happen simultaneously during the Ship’s turn, and can change the result of some of the Ship’s turns. The types of officers are described below, along with their Officer Actions they can take in Naval Combat. These Officer Actions can only be taken in Naval Combat.


  The captain issues orders and is considered the leader of the ship. Captains typically have high Charisma and Intelligence scores, and are typically proficient in Water Vehicles and the Intimidation and Persuasion skills.

Double Time

  Provided your crew can hear you, you shout out inspiration or threats at your crew to work double time. If you succeed on a Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check of 15 (20 if the Ship’s total hit points are halved), the Ship gains an additional action this round.

Full Steam Ahead!

  Provided you are at the Helm, you can continue to steer the ship and lead it towards victory. The Ship can take the Move action twice this turn, as opposed to once.

Daring Maneuver

  Provided you are at the Helm, you can attempt a daring maneuver. This maneuver could be a 90 degree turn, safe passage through a razor-sharp reef, or any other movement the ship could do within reason. To successfully complete this Maneuver, the ship must take the Move action at least once this turn, and you must succeed on a Wisdom or Intelligence (Water Vehicles) check. The DC for this check is typically 15, but it may be reduced or increased depending on the difficulty of the maneuver you are attempting.

Unruly Inspiration

  Provided the Officer can hear you, you shout inspirational phrases or threats at your Officer so they can do their job better! If you succeed on a Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check of 12, the Officer takes an additional Officer Action.

First Mate

  The First Mate keeps the crew’s morale high by providing supervision, encouragement, and discipline. A First Mate benefits from a high Charisma score, and typically has proficiency with the Intimidation and Persuasion skills.

Chin Up!

 You attempt to inspire your crew despite whatever the enemy is throwing at them! Make a DC16 Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check. On a success, the crew's Morale Bonus increases by 1.

Double Time

 Provided your crew can hear you, you shout out inspiration or threats at your crew to work double time. If you succeed on a Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check of 15 (20 if the Ship’s total hit points are halved), the Ship gains an additional action this round.

Unruly Inspiration

  Provided the Officer can hear you, you shout inspirational phrases or threats at your Officer so they can do their job better! If you succeed on a Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) check of 12, the Officer takes an additional Officer Action.


  The Bosun or Boatswain, provides technical advice to the captain and crew and leads repair and maintenance efforts. A Bosun typically has a high Strength score, and has proficiency in Carpenter’s Tools and Athletics.

Fortify Ram

  You bolster the parts of the ship that are about to make contact with your sorry foes, increasing its weight and bolstering it for a massive takedown! Make a DC13 Strength (Carpenter's Tools) check. On a success, if the ship makes a Ram attack on its next turn, it ignores the DT value of its target on a hit, it automatically knocks all creatures on the deck of the targeted ship prone if it hits, and it deals an additional 2d10 bludgeoning damage on hit.

By KoatheDM
Prepare for Impact!

  You prepare the rigging and boards of the ship for a hefty impact. Make a DC13 Strength (Carpenter's Tools) check. On a success, until the start of the ship's next turn, the first time the ship would take damage due to ramming or being rammed, the ship instead only takes half damage and creatures on the deck of the ship are not knocked prone.

Quick Repair

  Provided the ship is damaged, through spare planks, linen, nails, and ingenuity, you can provide a quick repair to the ship. Make a Strength (Carpenter’s Tools) check. On a 10 or higher, the ship gains 10 temporary hit points. On a 15 or higher, the ship gains 15 temporary hit points. On a 20 or higher, the ship gains 20 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute before they break down and you have to actually repair the boat.

Powder Monkey

  The Powder Monkey, or the Master Gunner, keeps a keen eye on many of the ship weapons on a ship, keeping general maintenance and upkeep to ensure that they are performing at their best. A good Powdermonkey typically has a high Intelligence or Wisdom score to spot details in their weaponry and typically has proficiency in Martial weapons.

Fire at Will!

  You assist in aiming one of the Ship’s weapons that is within 10 feet of you to immediately fire, where it gains advantage on its next attack roll made before the end of the ship’s next turn.

Pack the Good Powder

  You pack a cannon within 5 feet of you with extra potent gunpowder. If the cannon hits, it deals an additional 2d10 bludgeoning damage.

Rapid Bombardment

  You attempt to put a much higher focus on the rate of which a ship weapon can be fired as opposed to accuracy. Make a DC16 Intelligence or Wisdom check. On a failure, one ship weapon ignores the normal restrictions on ship actions it takes for being fired multiple times on the same turn at a cost of the attacks being rolled with disadvantage. On a success, one ship weapon ignores the normal restrictions on ship actions it takes for being fired multiple times on the same turn.


  You prepare a ship weapon and ready for the perfect moment. You can ready one ship weapon attack for a certain trigger, as if taking the Ready action, which lasts until the start of your ship's next turn. If you fire a ship weapon readied in this way, it gains a +2 bonus to its attack roll.

By KoatheDM. Art by Warmtail.


  The Quartermaster plots the ship’s course, relying on knowledge of nautical charts and a study of weather and sea conditions. A reliable Quartermaster tends to have a high Wisdom and Intelligence score, as well as proficiency with Navigator’s Tools.

Angle Trajectory

  By factoring minor changes in the wind and quickly calculating distance and speed, you can attempt to further optimize the aim of a ranged ship weapon. Make a DC15 Intelligence (Navigator's Tools) check. On a success, one ranged ship weapon of your choice instead only suffers a -2 penalty to attacking in its long range as opposed to rolling with disadvantage.

Predict Wind Change

  Through quick and careful analysis of the wind and its current patterns, you can potentially reduce the effects of sailing with headwind! Make a DC20 Intelligence (Navigator's Tools) check. On a success, if the speed of the ship is reduced by a factor of wind, the ship ignores this for its next turn.


  The ship’s Surgeon tends to injuries, keeps illness from spreading throughout the ship, and oversees sanitation. A capable surgeon typically has a high Intelligence or Wisdom score, and has proficiency in the Medicine skill and usually a Herbalism Kit. If a crew does not have a Cook and a Surgeon, the baseline Morale Bonus of the crew is -2.

Anatomical Knowhow

  When fighting a large or larger creature, you can attempt to recall knowledge on the creature and give pertinent advice on where to shoot. Make a DC16 Intelligence (Nature, Religion, or Arcana, depending on the creature) check. On a success, one ship weapon of your choice has advantage on its next attack roll made against a large or larger creature you can see. The DC for this check can be lower or higher as the DM sees fit depending on the rarity or familiarity of the creature.

Dress Wounds

  You quickly attempt to dress the wounds of your crew. Make a DC14 Wisdom (Medicine or Herbalism Kit) check. This DC increases by 1 per crew size above Small. On a success, any crew that were dying are now stabilized and the crews Morale Bonus increases by 1.


  A ship’s cook works with the limited ingredients aboard a ship to make meals. A skilled cook keeps the crew’s morale in top shape, while a poor cook drags down the entire crew’s performance. A talented cook typically has a high Wisdom or Intelligence score depending on their style of cooking, and typically has proficiency with Brewer’s Supplies and Cook’s Utensils. If a crew does not have a Cook and a Surgeon, the baseline Morale Bonus of the crew is -2.

By KoatheDM

Ship Weaponry and Munitions


Armor Class: 15

Hit Points: 50

Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 120/480 ft.,  one target. Hit: 17 (2d10) piercing damage.

Weight: 1,000 lbs

Ammo: Bolt (5gp & 5 lbs)

Cost: 750gp


Armor Class: 19

Hit Points: 80

Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 600/2,400    ft., one target. Hit: 39 (4d10) bludgeoning damage.

Weight: 1 ton

Ammo: Cannonball (20gp & 20 lbs)

Cost: 2,000gp


Armor Class: 18

Hit Points: 80

Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 5 ft., one      target. Hit: 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage. If this attack  misses by 5 or more, or does not surpass the targeted  ship's DT, any creatures on the deck of the ramming    ship are knocked prone. However if this attack exceeds  the targeted ship's AC by 5 or more, all creatures on the  targeted deck of the ship are knocked prone.

Weight: 3 tons

Cost: 500gp


Armor Class: 15

Hit Points: 40

Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 200/800 ft.  (can't hit targets within 60 feet of it), one target. Hit: 22  (2d10) bludgeoning damage.

Weight: 3 tons

Ammo: Stone (1gp & 4 lbs)

Cost: 600gp

Harpoon Launcher

Armor Class: 14

Hit Points: 40

Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 100/200 ft.,  one target. Hit: 17 (2d10) piercing damage. If this hits a  creature, the creature is then tethered by the Harpoon,  and cannot move further than the Harpoon's tether    distance. A creature can escape this tether by        attempting a DC14 Strength check as an Action to      remove this tether, or by dealing 10 damage to the rope  itself, which has an AC of 14 and has immunity to      poison and psychic damage.

Weight: 800 lbs

Ammo: Harpoon, 30ft, 60ft, 90ft, or 120ft tether      distance (10gp & 10 lbs, 16 lbs, 22 lbs, & 28 lbs)

Cost: 600gp

Gunpowder Keg

Cost: 250 gp

Weight: 20 lbs

Gunpowder is chiefly used to propel a bullet out of the  barrel of a pistol or rifle, or it is formed into a bomb.    Gunpowder is sold in small wooden kegs and in        water-resistant powder horns.

Setting fire to a container full of gunpowder can cause it  to explode, dealing fire damage to creatures within 10  feet of it (7d6 for a keg). A successful DC 12 Dexterity    saving throw halves the damage. Setting fire to an      ounce of gunpowder causes it to flare for 1 round,      shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light    for an additional 30 feet.

By KoatheDM

Sample Ships


  • Armor Class 15 (wood)
  • Hit Points 400
  • Damage Threshold 25
  • Speed 40ft., (4mph)
    •  2 Sails
  • Crew 10 (Medium)
  • Cargo 25 tons
  • Size Gargantuan - 3 Ship Actions
  • Cost 25,000gp


2 Cannons and 1 Ballista


  • Armor Class 15 (wood)
  • Hit Points 600
  • Damage Threshold 40
  • Speed 25ft., (2.5mph)
    •  1 Sail
  • Crew  ---
  • Cargo 40 tons
  • Size Huge - 2 Ship Actions
  • Cost 20,000gp


  • Armor Class 14 (wood)
  • Hit Points 320
  • Damage Threshold 2
  • Speed 60ft., (6mph)
    •  3 Sails
  • Crew 5 (Small)
  • Cargo 20 tons
  • Size Gargantuan - 3 Ship Actions
  • Cost 20,000gp


  • Armor Class 15 (wood)
  • Hit Points 300
  • Damage Threshold 20
  • Speed 40ft., (4mph)
    •  1 Sail
  • Crew  ---
  • Cargo 15 tons
  • Size Huge - 2 Ship Actions
  • Cost 8,000gp


1 Ram


  • Armor Class 14 (wood)
  • Hit Points 250
  • Damage Threshold 20
  • Speed 30ft., (3mph)
    •  2 Sails
  • Crew 5 (Small)
  • Cargo 15 tons
  • Size Gargantuan - 3 Ship Actions
  • Cost 8,000gp


2 Cannons


  • Armor Class 14 (wood)
  • Hit Points 250
  • Damage Threshold 20
  • Speed 45ft., (4.5mph)
    •  1 Sail
  • Crew  ---
  • Cargo 10 tons
  • Size Huge - 2 Ship Actions
  • Cost 8,000gp


1 Ballista


  • Armor Class 13 (wood)
  • Hit Points 180
  • Damage Threshold 13
  • Speed 40ft., (4 mph)
    •  1 Sail
  • Crew  ---
  • Cargo 7 tons
  • Size Large - 1 Ship Action
  • Cost 3,000gp


  • Armor Class 14 (wood)
  • Hit Points 230
  • Damage Threshold 18
  • Speed 20ft., (2 mph)
    •  1 Sail
  • Crew  ---
  • Cargo 12 tons
  • Size Huge - 2 Ship Actions
  • Cost 4,500gp
By KoatheDM

Ship Upgrades

Sail Upgrades

Silk Sails

Common, 100gp per sail

By careful work of a professional sailmaker, typical canvas sails can instead be replaced with Silk Sails that can bear specific colors and images. If all of the Sails of a ship are replaced with Silk sails, the travel speed of the ship increases by 0.5 mph and the combat speed of the ship increases by 5 feet.

Rapid Deploy Sails

Common, 150gp per sail

Rapid Deploy Sails are sails that have been modified with specific knots, levers, and pulleys so they can be activated as an action, where the sail will deploy and raise within 6 seconds.

Demonsilk Sails

Rare, 500gp per sail

These sails are made from the demonsilk of bebeliths, and are extraordinarily strong and efficient. The sails gain immunity to fire damage and the ship gains 20 extra hit points.

Trollskin Sails

Very Rare, 700gp and 350gp worth of onyxes and powdered gemstones per sail

These sails are a horrible amalgamate of troll heartflesh, skin, and silk that have created a self-stitching sail that is nigh indestructible. The ship gain 40 extra hit points, and the sails naturally regenerate themselves every hour, provided there is a 10 foot cube remaining.

Screaming Sails

Rare, 2,000gp and 2,000gp worth of enchanted ectoplasm and powdered onyxes

Woven from the energy of captured wraiths and bound with the spirit of a banshee, these sails groan mournfully when they catch the wind. As a Ship action, the Captain of the ship can speak the command word of the Screaming Sails, where it releases a chilling groan. Every creature hostile to the ship who is on board or within 300 feet of it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, or the creature takes 4d6 psychic damage and is then frightened for 1 minute. Once this ability has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Everfull Sails

Rare, 2,000gp and 3,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

These billowing sails are woven from cloud-stuff and trace laetium drawn from the Elemental Plane of Air. Wind whips and whistles around them, increasing the ship’s speed by 2mph or 20 feet in combat. Furthermore, the ship’s speed is no longer reduced by a factor of wind.

Mercurial Glass Sails

Rare, 1,000gp and 4,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

These heavily enchanted magical sails are made of a flexible, incredibly thin glass that have the ability to store and utilize magical energy. As an Officer Action, an Officer can place their hand on this sail and fill it with magical energy, where a 3rd level or higher spell slot must be expended. Doing so fills the sail with magical power, increasing the speed of the ship by 1mph or 10 feet in combat, for 8 hours. If the spell slot expended was higher than 3rd level, the speed increases by 1mph per spell level above 3rd.

Defiant Sails

Legendary, 5,000gp and 9,000gp worth of enchanted mithral and powdered ivory

These sails glitter with a fine coat of mithral treated with abjuration magic. While the sails are unfurled, ranged weapon attacks made against the ship and anyone aboard it are made with disadvantage, as a result of the sails' protective magic. This drawback doesn't apply if the attacker is aboard the ship.

By KoatheDM

Hull Upgrades

Expanded Hull

Common, 150gp

Through expert carpentry in most shipyards, the hull can be bolstered with additional planks to expand its cargo and increase the general durability of the ship. The ship's cargo capacity increases by 25%, the ship’s DT increases by 1, and the ship's hit points increase by 10.

Hydrophobic Deck

Uncommon, 100gp and 100gp worth of powdered gemstones

Through careful enchantments, the deck of a ship can be enchanted to be entirely hydrophobic, so water will always slick off of the deck towards the sea, never forming puddles or a wet deck.

Glass Bottom

Uncommon, 150gp and 150gp worth of powdered gemstones

By means of carefully enchanted and reinforced glass, this upgrade can add a completely transparent glass bottom to the bottommost deck of a ship, granting the ability to see clearly underneath the ship. This glass is reinforced and enchanted so it has the same strength as the rest of the ship.

Dragonscale Plating

Rare, 5,000gp worth of Dragon scales and refined Mithral

The hull of the ship is reinforced with the plates of a Dragon. The AC of the ship increases by 3, the hit points of the ship increases by 25%, and the DT of the ship increases by 3.

Furthermore, depending on the scales of the dragon used, the ship gains resistance to acid, cold, fire, or lightning damage and has a DT of 30 against that specific damage type.

Chains of the Tempest

Rare, 1,000gp and 4,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

A tempest rages within these rune-etched, iron chains. Raiders and pirates who operate under the blessings of a storm god sometimes make use of this runic enchantment.

By draping the chains over a ship's hull, the storm's fury thrashes into the water around it. The water within 200 feet of the ship is difficult terrain for everything other than this ship. This effect can be temporarily ceased as a Ship Action or Officer Action by speaking the chains’ command words.

Armor Plating

Common, 1,500gp

By the use of carefully placed iron plates that are perfectly balanced on all sides, it is possible to armor a ship without decreasing its speed or significantly increasing its weight. By adding these plates, the ship’s AC increases by 2.


Rare, 2,000gp and 5,000gp worth of enchanted silks soaked in ether

Used for quick maneuvers in otherwise impossible to navigate seafaring environs, the Hull of the ship is heavily enchanted with conjuration and evocation runes that leave the wood with silver runic filigree that occasionally leave iridescent wisps of smoke. This magical upgrade is compatible with other Hull upgrades. As a Ship Action, an officer can speak the command word and cause the ship (including everything and everyone within or on the ship) to briefly turn Ethereal until the end of the ship's next turn. During this time, the ship and creatures on the ship can pass through solid objects and creatures. If the ship ends its turn within a solid object, the ship is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space, and all creatures on the ship take 1d10 force damage per 5 feet shunted. The ship takes quadruple this damage. Once the etherhull has been used in this way, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Field of Vigilance

Very rare, 2,000gp and 6,000gp worth of beholder eyeballs encased in diamond and crystal

A row of crystal orbs, each filled with viscous liquid and a beholder's eyeball, is mounted along this ship's hull. Invisible creatures are visible while on the ship or within 120 feet of it.

Reinforced Hull

Rare, 9,000gp

A master shipwright can use superior materials and clever design to make a ship's hull more resilient. Such reinforcement doubles the ship’s hit point maximum.

By KoatheDM

Bones of Endless Toil

Very rare, 3,000gp, 4,000gp worth of powdered onyxes, and enchanted bones worth at least 3,000gp

The bones of ancient, mysterious creatures festoon the ship. Potent runes crawl across these remains, emitting a sickly green radiance. When a humanoid dies aboard the ship, that creature must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, it dies as normal. If it fails, it immediately rises as a zombie obedient to the ship's Captain. The zombie gains a working knowledge of the ship, allowing it to serve as a member of the crew. Up to 20 creatures can be animated in this manner at any given time.

Diver’s Hull

Very rare, 4,000gp, 3,000gp worth of powdered gemstones, and a gemstone found in the abyss of the ocean worth at least 3,000gp

The hull of this ship is enchanted with deep sea runes, and as a Ship Action, the captain can speak the command word, where the ship will be surrounded by a translucent bubble for 1 hour. While the ship has this bubble, the ship can descend and ascend in the water at a rate of 30 feet per turn in addition to its normal movement. A ship cannot dip further than 400 feet below the ocean surface. While within this bubble, creatures aboard can breathe normally despite being underwater. Once the Diver’s Hull has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Deadbone Hull

Very rare, 4,000gp and 6,000gp worth of enchanted bones and powdered onyxes

The wood and Hull of this ship is instead made of deeply enchanted necrotic bone. The ship counts as desecrated land, crew atop the ship have resistance to necrotic damage, friendly undead atop the ship have their speed increased by 10 feet, and any hostile creatures that are on the ship have vulnerability to necrotic damage. Furthermore, as a Ship Action, an Officer can speak the Deadbone Hull’s command word, and the bones of the ship can rattle and shake and release a miasma of empowering necrotic energy, where all friendly undead on the ship gain the effects of the Haste spell for 10 minutes. Once the Deadbone Hull has been used in this way, it cannot be used again until the next midnight

Adaptive Hull

Very rare, 5,000gp and 7,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

The Hull of this ship has been heavily enchanted and within the main mast of the ship lies a scale of each Chromatic dragon, as well as a shards of various metals and resistant materials. The ship has resistance to all damage, as the Hull of the ship magically changes into a material that is resistant to whatever hits it before reverting back to wood.

Unstoppable Hull

Legendary, 5,000gp and 10,000gp worth of enchanted adamantite

One of the most sought after and rare magical upgrades on the seven seas, the Hull of this ship is heavily enchanted with protective abjurative and conjuration sigils. As a Ship Action, the Captain can speak the command word and activate the latent enchantments of the Hull, where the wood will transform into a magical adamantite for 1 minute. During this time, the ship magically floats, its speed is halved, and its damage threshold is increased by 100. Once this property has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

By KoatheDM

Laetium Plating

Rare, 1,250gp and 1,250gp worth of imbued laetium

Made from the gravity-reducing magical metal of Laetium native to the Elemental Plane of Air, significant Laetium Plating can be added to a ship without reducing its speed, and even magically increasing its buoyancy. By adding these plates, the ship’s AC increases by 3 and the cargo capacity of the ship increases by 25%.

Living Wood Walls

Very rare, 2,000gp, 8,000gp worth of powdered gemstones, and magically treated bioluminescence worth at least 2,000gp

Through powerful druidic enchantments, the planks and wood of the boat can become a living, symbiotic entity. The planks of the ships take on natural streaks of pink, white, blue, red, or light green, and every hour that the ship is in seawater, the ship regains 5 hit points as the planks will now repair and sew themselves back together.

Additionally, if a creature on the ship taps any wooden part of the ship twice, a small bioluminescent light will sprout from the plank that sheds 20 feet of bright light and 20 feet of dim light which disappears after 8 hours, or until it is tapped again. A ship with Living Wood Walls can only have 25 bioluminescent lights at a time

By KoatheDM

Spell-Turning Deck

Very rare, 5,500gp and 8,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

Through intense abjuration based enchantments, the entirety of the Hull of a ship can be enchanted with a pearl and gold filigree that reflects all manner of magic. Whenever the ship is targeted with a spell attack roll, the Captain rolls a d6. On a 1-5, the spell is negated and nothing happens. On a 6, the spell is reflected back to the caster as if they had hit themselves with their own spell. Furthermore, the ship now has resistance to all damage dealt by spells.

Drownweed Walls

Rare, 1,800gp, 1,500gp worth of powdered gemstones, and an enchanted Drownweed Heart worth at least 250gp

Via careful druidic growths and powerful enchantments, the outer walls of the Hull of the ship can cultivate a magical variety of Drownweed. Any creature that moves within 15 feet of the Drownweed who has not spoken the command word at least once in the last 24 hours, must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of 14 or become Grappled by the Drownweed. While grappled in this way, the creature is Restrained and takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage at the start of their turn. A creature can escape this effect by using their action to attempt a Strength (Athletics) check of 14, freeing themselves on success, or by dealing 10 slashing damage to the Drownweed. The Hull’s Drownweed walls have a total of 80 hit points, and they regain 1 hit point every minute. If the ship has not been in seawater for longer than 48 hours, the Drownweed shrivels up and becomes inert until it is submerged again.

Nautiloid Seed

Very rare, 5,000gp, 10,000gp worth of powdered gemstones, and an enchanted Elder Brain stalk worth at least 2,500gp

By unholy rituals that draw upon the magic of the Far Realm, tentacle-like growths sprout on the outer hull of the ship. The ship gains 6-12 thick grasping tentacles that faintly move and wriggle at the command of the Captain. The ship's hit points are doubled, the ship regains 5 hit points every hour, and if the command word is spoken, the tentacles can writhe and pull the ship allowing it to move on land at a speed of 20 feet per round or 2mph per hour. A ship with a nautiloid seed cannot be repaired by normal means and instead can be targeted with spells that restore hit points (i.e., cure wounds, healing word, prayer of healing, etc).

Weapon Upgrades

Screaming Ammunition

Common, 100gp per munition

This ammunition is enchanted to whistle and release a magical wail on hit. On hit, this ammunition wails and each creature that can hear within 30 feet of the target must succeed on a DC15 Constitution saving throw or become Deafened for 1 minute. A creature deafened in this way can remake their initial saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect upon success. Once used, the munition’s enchantment is lost.

Explosive Ammunition

Common, 150gp per munition

This ammunition is enchanted to explode on impact. On hit, the ammunition explodes, dealing an additional 2d6 fire damage and everything within 5 feet of the target is set on fire. Once used, the munition is destroyed.

Barbed Harpoon

Common, 150gp per munition

This harpoon is especially barbed and designed to rip at the flesh of the tethered creature. A creature tethered by this harpoon takes 1d8 piercing damage at the start of each of their turns, and takes 1d8 piercing damage whenever they attempt to break this tether.

Monsterhook Harpoon

Common, 150gp per munition

This harpoon hook is specially designed to pierce and hold onto larger creatures. Creatures who are medium or smaller have advantage on their Strength checks made to escape this tether, however creatures who are large or larger have disadvantage on their Strength checks made to break this tether.

Olibar’s Leadweb Ammunition

Rare, 200gp per munition

This magical munition was designed and produced by Abigus Olibar, an ingenious artificer who designed the munition to be used in nonlethal ways to take down pirates. If this munition hits a ship, it explodes into a 20 foot wide hypersticky magical substance that weighs almost as much as lead that only sticks to wood. This substance remains for 1 minute before dissolving, and while it is stuck to a ship, the ship’s speed is reduced by 20 feet. This substance can be scraped off as an Officer Action by a Bosun, where they must succeed on a DC14 Strength check. Once used, the munition is destroyed.

By KoatheDM

Tangleweed Ammunition

Uncommon, 200gp per munition

This ammunition has been enchanted with volatile druidic magics. On hit, the ammunition explodes and rampant vines grow on all surfaces within 15 feet of the target. Moving through these vines is difficult terrain, and any creature caught in the initial explosion (including the initial target), must succeed on a DC15 Strength saving throw or become Grappled by the vines. A 5 foot cube of these vines can be cleared as an action, or if it is dealt 15 damage (AC of 9, immunity to poison and psychic damage). Once used, the munition is destroyed.

Spelldraining Harpoon

Uncommon, 350gp per munition

Used by monster hunters who have magical quarries, creatures who are tethered by this harpoon have disadvantage on all spell attack rolls and spellcasting ability checks, and if they force a creature to make a saving throw due to a spell, the targeted creatures have advantage on their saving throw.

Reinforced Ram

Common, 800gp

A Reinforced Ram is a specialized piece of hardware that can be placed at the top of the ship, and it is usually coated in bronze or iron. Although the shape and structure of the Ram can differ, a Reinforced Ram always knocks the targeted ship’s crew prone on hit, removes the possibility for the ramming ship’s crew to be knocked prone on a miss, and the ram itself deals an additional 1d10 bludgeoning damage.

Thunderous Ram

Uncommon, 500gp and 800gp worth of powdered gemstones

This ram is enchanted with thrumming sigils that activate when met with kinetic force. When the ship hits an attack with this Ram, the sigils activate and the spell Thunderwave is casted from the Ram at 4th level (DC16).

Mechanical Harpoon Launcher

Uncommon, 2,000gp

Used by monster hunters to reel in monsters as they are closer to their deaths, this mechanical harpoon launcher can be activated as a bonus action, where it will begin to pull any creature it has tethered. The creature is pulled 10 feet closer to the mechanical harpoon launcher at the start of each of their turns that they are tethered by it, and this continues until the creature is within 5 feet of the harpoon launcher or it is deactivated as a bonus action.

Amplified Cannons

Rare, 2,000gp and 2,000gp of powdered gemstones

As opposed to a normal iron cannon, amplified cannons are typically modified with golden inlay, crystal knobs and vent fields, as well as a number of intricate runes and enchantments. These cannons, although they still use cannonballs, are enchanted to use the magical prowess of the user to fuel their shots. In Naval Combat, only one ship action is needed to fire a specific creature with this cannon if a creature who can cast a spell is firing the cannon, as it automatically aims where they wish to fire. Furthermore in traditional combat, as opposed to needing an Action to load, aim, and fire; the Amplified Cannon only needs to be loaded and fired if it is helmed by a creature who can cast spells as the cannon automatically aims towards their target.

Additionally, an amplified cannon can be empowered through magical energy to further improve its potency. When fired by a creature who can cast a spell, they can add their Spellcasting Ability modifier to the attack roll, and they can choose to expend a spell slot. For each spell level expended, the amplified cannon deals an additional 1d10 force on hit.

Animated Artillery

Very rare, 2,000gp and 4,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

This enchantment is placed upon a ship weapon that is usually immobile, where it instead magically grows a pair of legs when needed. On the ship’s turn in combat, Animated Artillery can move up to 30 feet on the deck of the ship as commanded by an Officer. Furthermore, in Naval Combat, only one ship action is needed to fire a specific creature with this weapon as it automatically aims where they wish to fire. Furthermore in traditional combat, as opposed to needing an Action to load, aim, and fire; Animated Artillery only needs to be loaded and fired as the animated artillery automatically aims towards their target.

By KoatheDM

Helm Upgrades

Improved Rudder

Common, 400gp

An improved rudder allows for faster, more responsive turns. When the captain makes a Daring Maneuver, they have advantage on their ability check.

Everwatching Owls

Uncommon, 100gp, 150gp worth of enchanted stone, and 150gp worth of powdered gemstones

These three ornate statutes of owls sit upon the ship, and as a Ship Action or Officer Action, an Officer can speak their command word and cause the owls to animate, using the statistics of an Owl, with its creature type becoming a Construct as opposed to a Beast. These owls telepathically communicate with the Officer that summoned them, and the Officer can hear and see what the owls see, as long as they are within 1 mile of the Officer. If an owl is reduced to zero hit points, it disappears and reappears as an inanimate statue on the ship. These owls remain animated for 10 minutes before they disappear and reappear as statues on the ship. Once the Everwatching Owls have been used, they cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Melora's Toll

Uncommon, 500gp and 500gp worth of powdered gemstones

This 8 foot tall, 5 feet wide coral and quartz statue crafted in Melora’s likeness is enchanted to affect sea life around it. As a Ship Action or Officer Action, an Officer can place their hand on the statue and speak the command word, where it will produce a resonating ping that can be heard from up to 200 feet away. Any Beast or Plant that breathes underwater within 500 feet of Melora’s toll must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw of 14 or become Charmed by the crew of the ship for 1 hour. Once Melora’s Toll has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.


Uncommon, 4,000gp and a gemstone worth at least 500gp

Used by pirates that specialize in boarding tactics as opposed to the use of cannons and artillery, this bright cerulean crystal usually sits near the wheel where the Captain or First Mate has easy access to it. As an Officer or Ship Action, the First Mate or Captain of the ship can lay their hand on the crystal and speak its command word, where the ship (including everything and everyone on and within it) will teleport to an unoccupied space the officer can see within 100 feet of them. Once the Blinkgem has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Mirage Gem

Very rare, 2,000gp and an amber gem worth at least 3,000gp

This massive amber gemstone is typically placed next to the wheel of the ship, and as a Ship Action or Officer action, the Captain can place their hand on the gem and activate it. Once activated, two illusionary duplicates of the boat and crew within appear immediately flanking the boat itself 50 to 200 feet in distance. These illusionary duplicates look as if they are sailing as normal, and if they are not controlled by the captain, will continue to sail in a straight line as if taking the Move Ship Action once per turn. As a Ship Action or Officer action, these illusionary duplicates can be controlled to move in a direction of your choice. These illusions last for 10 minutes or until they are ended early as a Ship Action or Officer action or they move more than 3,000 feet from the ship.

Physical interaction with an illusionary ship reveals it to be an Illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its Action to examine the image can determine that it is an Illusion with a successful DC15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. A creature has advantage on this check if they are within 60 feet of the ship, as the illusionary crew is not as detailed in their actions. If a creature discerns the Illusion for what it is, the creature can see through the image, and its other sensory qualities become faint to the creature.

Bound Captain

Rare, 5,000gp and 2,000gp worth of powdered enchanted onyxes

The trapped skeletal soul of a captain is bound to the helm. When the command word is given, the bound captain can continue steering and leading the ship in a single direction. If the bound captain is required to make any checks in regard to seafaring, it gains a +5 bonus to its check. The bound captain cannot navigate, set courses, or take Officer Actions; it can only pilot the ship to avoid immediate danger.

Seacalling Helm

Rare, 3,000gp and 5,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

The Helm of the ship is enchanted with imagery of brilliant coral reefs and flowing cascades and waves. As a Ship or Officer Action, the captain can speak the command word and animate the water around the ship in a 50 foot radius, where up to 4 Water Weirds are animated. These water weirds are friendly to the ship and crew, and can be commanded by the First Mate or Captain as an Officer or Ship Action. These water weirds cannot be more than 50 feet from the ship, and if they are forcibly moved further than 50 feet from the ship, they are instantly destroyed. These water weirds last for 10 minutes and once this helm has been used it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

By KoatheDM


Rare, 4,000gp and 4,000gp worth of powdered onyxes

These four platinum cages contain dim yellow lights that faintly move, each giving off bright light out to 40 feet and dim light out for another 40 feet. As a Ship Action, an Officer can completely sequester the light these Deathlights give off, reactivate them, or command them to emit only 20 feet of dim light. Or, as a Ship Action, an officer can speak the command word and have each light escape from the platinum cage and act as a Will-O'-Wisp for 10 minutes that take their turns at the same time the ship takes its turn. These Will-O'-Wisps must be directly commanded what actions to take on their turn through a Ship Action as commanded by a First Mate or Captain on the deck of the ship, otherwise they will take no actions. If a Will-O'-Wisp ever moves more than 2,000 feet away from the ship, its soul is freed and it immediately dies, and that Will-O'-Wisp is lost forever. Once the Deadlights have been used, they cannot be used again until the next midnight.

Wheel of the Trickster

Very rare, 5,000gp and 5,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

The wheel itself is made of a purple and ebony wood that is enchanted with silver and faux platinum filigree built within. As a Ship Action, the Captain, provided they are at the wheel, can speak the command word of the Wheel of the Trickster, where the entire ship is then covered by the Major Image spell, as if the Captain had casted the spell. This special version of the spell does not require concentration, has a radius that is just large enough to cover the entirety of the ship, its illusionary nature can be changed as an Officer Action or as a Ship Action commanded by the Captain, and has a Spell Save DC of 15. This spell lasts for 1 hour or it can be ended early if the Captain lets go of the Wheel of the Trickster. Once the Wheel of the Trickster has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Raven Queen's Embrace

Very rare, 8,000gp and 4,000gp worth of powdered silver and black diamonds

This ornate and detailed statue of the Raven Queen aboard the ship harbors incredibly potent illusionary magic, and is commonly favored by smugglers. As a Ship Action, the Captain or First Mate can whisper the command word to the statue of the Raven queen, where her eyes will weep black ichor, and the ship, as well as all of the crew on it will become invisible. Creatures invisible in this way can see the outline of other crew members and of the ship. This invisibility lasts for 10 minutes, and the ship remains invisible unless a ship action that would deal damage is taken, or it is targeted by a Dispel magic spell, where the Raven Queen's embrace is considered a 6th level Spell. Crew members stay invisible as long as the ship remains invisible, but their invisibility ends if they attack, cast a spell that requires an attack roll or forces another creature to make a saving throw, or if they are no longer on the ship. Once the Raven Queen's Embrace has been used, it cannot be used again until the next midnight.

Ire of the Seven Seas

Legendary, 8,000gp, 4,000gp worth of powdered gemstones, and a sapphire worth at least 4,000gp

This massive sapphire usually sits by the wheel of the ship and within is a permanent swirling hurricane. As a Ship Action, the Captain of the ship can speak its command word where the Maelstrom (Spell save DC of 14) spell is casted as if the ship is the point of origin, which extends outwards 30 feet in every direction from the ship. The ship is immune to damage from this spell. Once the Ire of the Seven Seas has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

By KoatheDM

Figurehead Upgrades

Watchful Figurehead

Rare, 500gp and 300gp worth of powdered gemstones

This enchanted figurehead is usually placed at the bow of a ship and is inert until the command word is spoken as an Action, where its eyes will magically alight. While active, the figurehead has a passive Perception of 17, the ability to see in darkness as if it were bright light out to 120 feet, advantage on all Perception checks relying on sight, and gains a +7 bonus to its Perception checks. While active, the figurehead will keep watch and send telepathic alerts to each Officer on board if an object or creature is approaching the ship.

Figurehead of the Red Dragon

Rare, 1,000gp and 3,000gp worth of enchanted dragon scales

This figurehead depicts a red dragon rearing to strike, its mouth open. As a Ship Action, this item can be activated to create a 60-foot cone of flame that originates from the figurehead. Each creature caught in the cone must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once a ship uses this action, it can't use it again for 1 minute.

Chains of the Damned

Rare, 3,000gp and 2,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

This figurehead depicts a sallow skeleton covered in massive iron chains. As a Ship Action, massive spectral chains will rise from the figurehead and launch at a ship within 60 feet of the figurehead. The ship is then bound by these spectral chains, and cannot move more than 60 feet from the figurehead. This lasts for 1 minute or until it is ended early as an Officer Action by speaking its command word or it is dispelled.

Figurehead of the Fireater

Rare, 2,000gp and 3,000gp worth of treated moltanite and powdered rubies

This figurehead depicts a crystalline fire elemental and is always warm to the touch. With this figurehead, the ship is resistant to fire damage, and if the ship is ever on fire, at the start of the ship’s turn the figurehead magically siphons away the fire, dousing the ship.

Figurehead of the Storm Quintessent

Rare, 4,500gp and magically treated branch of a tree that has been struck by lightning worth at least 3,000gp

This figurehead depicts a storm giant clutching a thunderbolt and is made with the essence of a Storm Giant Quintessent. As a Ship Action or Officer Action, this figurehead creates a 60-foot cone of thunderous energy. Each creature in the cone must make DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature that fails its saving throw is also pushed 10 feet away from the figurehead.


Very rare, 4,000gp and 5,000gp worth of crushed onyxes and enchanted bones

This alters the bow of the ship to become hollow with jagged wood and bone teeth. As a Ship Action, the Captain can command the ship to open the bow where it will unhinge like a jaw and crunch downwards with immense force. This melee attack has a 10 foot range, a +7 to hit, and deals 9d10 piercing damage against ships. If this attack hits, you can choose for the ship to become attached to their target, where both of the ship’s speeds are reduced to zero until it is released as a Ship Action, your ship takes 40 damage in one turn, or the opposing ship’s Captain makes a Wisdom (Water vehicles) check of 18 to maneuver out of the maw of your ship.

Figurehead of the Shield Guardian

Very rare, 5,000gp and 7,000gp worth of enchanted metals and powdered gemstones

This figurehead depicts an armored knight. As a Ship Action or Officer Action, the figurehead can be activated where it will animate and jump onto the deck of the ship, using the statistics of a Shield Guardian. This Shield Guardian is considered to be Bound by all of the Officers of the ship. This Shield Guardian acts on the same initiative as the Ship and does not take any actions or moves unless an Officer action is taken to command what action it should take for that turn. This Shield Guardian remains animated for 1 minute. At the end of that time, it teleports back to its position as a figurehead. Once the Figurehead of the Shield Guardian has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

By KoatheDM

Brig Upgrades

Ringing Brig

Uncommon, 250gp and 250gp worth of powdered gemstones

These simple enchantments emulate the alarm spell on the brig of the ship. Whenever a creature enters or exits the Brig, all Officers on the ship are mentally notified with a ringing bell sound. This sound awakens sleeping Officers.

Brig of the Silent

Uncommon, 250gp and 450gp worth of powdered gemstones

The brig of the ship has polished bars and glowing dark purple transmutation runes that can be seen along the outside of the brig. A creature within the brig cannot hear any sound outside of the brig as they are magically deafened.

Crusader's Brig

Uncommon, 500gp and 1,000gp worth of powdered silver and ivory

Favored by inquisitors and crusaders, the brig is lined with glowing silver runes on the floorboards. The crusader's brig is a permanent Zone of Truth, (DC14), and if a creature succeeds on their initial saving throw the glow of the runes turn noticeably red for a brief moment. A creature automatically fails their saving throw against this spell if they are kept within the brig for longer than 4 hours.

Spellbane Brig

Uncommon, 1,000gp and 3,000gp worth of powdered gemstones and enchanted lead

Although this brig appears to be normal, faint purple runic sigils can be seen throughout the bars and floorboards. Any creature that attempts to cast a spell within the brig must first succeed on a DC19 spellcasting ability check. Upon failure, the spell fails, the spell slot is consumed, and the creature loses the ability to cast spells for 1 hour or until they are brought out of the brig.

Amber Brig

Uncommon, 2,000gp and 3,000gp worth of enchanted amber

The brig of the ship is filled with a magical amber that faintly glimmers and feels pliable when touched. When an incapacitated creature is touching the amber brig and both the Captain and First Mate speak the command word as an Action, the incapacitated creature is then pulled into the brig and magically suspended in the amber brig, where they are then magically petrified. The amber brig can hold as many creatures as the ship's original brig could. A creature can be brought out of the amber brig if the Captain and First Mate both speak the command word as an Action and both think of the same creature. Alternatively, if Dispel magic is casted on the amber brig, and a spellcasting ability check of 19 is met, the amber brig will release all creatures trapped within. Once a creature is released from the Amber Brig, they are no longer petrified. The amber brig has an AC of 22, and 70 hit points, and regains 20 hit points every minute.

By KoatheDM

Miscellaneous Upgrades

Smuggling Compartments

Common, 100gp per compartment

Through specialized carpentry of the boards on the ship, it is possible to modify the bulkhead so that the gaps between them serve as compartments that are very difficult to spot, which can hold a variety of items. Each compartment is a 5 foot cube that requires a Perception check of 20, or a thorough Investigation check of 16 to spot. The ship can have a maximum of 4 of these compartments before the integrity of the ship is at stake.


Uncommon, 150gp and 150gp worth of powdered gemstones

A Wisplight is a 5 foot tall, 3 feet wide pedestal with a glowing center surrounded by latticed iron. If a crewmember places their hand on the Wisplight and speaks the command word as a Ship Action or Officer Action, the Wisplight can produce up to 30 glowing globules that each produce 15 feet of dim light. These glowing globules can be placed anywhere within 500 feet of the Wisplight, which stay in place and move at the same rate the ship is moving.

While a crewmember has their hand on the Wisplight, as a Ship Action or Officer Action, they can snuff out any lights, move any lights around, produce additional lights, cause globules to produce 15 feet of bright light and 15 feet of dim light, or cause the globules to produce 5 feet of dim light.

Diving Bell

Common, 250gp and 100gp worth of powdered gemstones

This enchanted, 15 foot wide copper or iron bell has an enchanted glass top that can hold up to four medium creatures. Diving bells are attached to a magical crank and pulley system on the ship, and they can be lowered into the sea as an action, where it will descend 80 feet per round, to a maximum depth of 3,000 feet. Two medium creatures are required to work the crank and pulley system, and the diving bell can be lifted at a rate of 30 feet per round.

While inside the diving bell, creatures can breathe normally for up to 8 hours and do not suffer the drawbacks of extreme pressure.

Ascending Ropes

Uncommon, 250gp and 200gp worth of powdered gemstones

Favored by swashbucklers, the rigging and ropes within the ship are enchanted to magically tighten themselves and repair themselves. If any check is required to make a knot with any of the ropes on a ship, the check is made with a +5 bonus, and if the ropes are torn, frayed, or ripped, they will repair themselves over the course of 1 hour.

Furthermore, if a crewmember tugs on a rope as a bonus action, the rope will spring up and rocket the crewmember upwards 30 to 60 feet, depending on how hard the crewmate tugged on the rope.

Orcus Veil

Uncommon, 400gp and 150gp worth of powdered onyxes

This blackened enchanted skull can be placed anywhere on the ship. When an Officer places their hand on the Orcus Veil and speaks its command word as a Ship Action, it will produce a marine fog in a 100 foot radius centered on the Orcus Veil that lightly obscures the area. Creatures on the deck of the ship however can see through the fog without it obscuring their vision.

Climate Sphere

Uncommon, 500gp and 500gp worth of powdered gemstones

Used commonly by those exploring arctic waters, this simple steel sphere has the same temperature of a creature's internal body temperature and is heavily enchanted with divination and transmutative magics. The tempature on the deck and on the inside of the ship is always temperate and comfortable, creatures on the ship are immune to the environmental effects of extremely cold or hot climates, and are magically dried after 1 minute, no matter how soaked they may be.

Tongue of the Illithid

Uncommon, 1,000gp and 1,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

This aberrant-inspired effigy on the ship typically evokes imagery of Elder brains or illithids, and is made with potent telekinetic enchantments; usually with illithid brain matter acting as catalyst within it or volatile Psi crystals. All crew on the ship can telepathically communicate with any other creature on the ship, regardless if they share a language or not.

By KoatheDM

Druidic Goodmast

Uncommon, 500gp and enchanted druidic bark worth at least 2,000gp

The center mast of this ship is made of ancient, still living gnarled wood of a great druidic tree. This tree magically drips fresh drinkable water into any containers that are set at its feet at a rate of 1 liter every 10 minutes and produces 30 goodberries at the start of each day at various points in the mast.

Taskmaster’s Drums

Rare, 1,000gp and 2,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

This 4-foot-tall bronze drum comes with a pair of iron mallets and is imbued with emboldening magics. An Officer can activate the drums as an Officer Action, causing the hammers to float above the drum and strike it to produce a thundering rhythm. For the next minute, the ship gains one additional action, as long as it has at least one action. Once the Taskmaster’s Drums have been used, they cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Nest of the Eagle

Uncommon, 1,500gp and 1,500gp worth of powdered sapphires

This magically altered crow’s nest greatly improves vision and almost sharpens the gaze from those standing within. While a creature is in this crow’s nest, they ignore the effects of objects or creatures that are lightly obscured, they have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, and they can clearly see up to 2 miles away.

Smuggler's Lanterns

Common, 2,500gp and 500gp worth of powdered gemstones

Commonly used by smugglers, these 12 lanterns produce 40 feet of dim light each, and have a soft blue tint to the light. Anybody on the ship can see the light these lanterns emit, but creatures that are not on the ship cannot see the light emitted from these lanterns. A creature who can see invisible creatures, see into the ethereal plane, or has truesight can see the light of these lanterns.

Water Weird Bowls

Rare, 2,500gp and 1,500gp worth of powdered gemstones

Through careful conjuration and binding of water weirds, it is possible to create a large bowl on the side of the ship that contains a water weird that is linked to the bowl itself. A ship can only have up to four of these Water Weird Bowls at a time. These Water Weirds act on the same initiative count of the ship, and do not take any actions unless the Captain takes their Officer Action to do so.

Beyond protecting the ship, Water Weird Bowls are typically placed within reach of the ocean, and the Water Weirds can dip into the ocean to help pull the ship. During travel, each Water Weird increases the ship’s speed by 0.5mph and increases the speed of the ship by 5 feet during combat. If a Water Weird dies, they will regenerate from the bowl after 7 days have passed.

Stasis Anchor

Very rare, 1,500gp and 3,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

Gilded filigree and crystal runes are placed at multiple points within the ship that faintly pulse with powerful arcane energy. As a Ship Action or Officer Action, an Officer can speak the command word of the Stasis Anchor while on the deck of the ship, where the ship will become magically fixed in place for up to 8 hours. Until the duration ends or the command word is spoken again, the ship does not move, even if it is defying gravity. Once this property has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Krakenguard Bottom

Rare, 2,000gp and 3,000gp worth of powdered gemstones

Used by pirates and sailors that frequently trek through dangerous waters rich with monstrous sea abominations, this upgrade projects a magical illusion on the bottom of the ship to appear from those looking below as if the ship is not there; allowing for the concealment of the ship's presence to most sea monsters. A suspicious or especially watchful creature can attempt a DC16 investigation check to see through the illusion being projected.

Bound Water Elemental

Very rare, 3,000gp, 3,500gp worth of powdered gemstones, and a Water Elemental

Known to be one of the more difficult and dangerous magical alterations for a ship, this remodels the back of a ship with enchanted copper, gold, and iron to create a magical housing cell that can trap and control a Water Elemental. If a Water Elemental is brought into the housing cell, it must succeed on a DC17 Charisma Saving Throw. Upon failure, the Water Elemental is trapped and bound to the ship. Upon success, the Water Elemental is shunted out from the space.

While a Water Elemental is bound to the ship, it vastly improves the sailing of the ship. The ship’s speed increases by 2.5 mph, it’s speed increases by 25 feet in combat, the Captain has advantage on all Seafaring checks and Daring Maneuvers , and if the command word is spoken, the Water Elemental can pull the ship to a complete stop after 6 seconds, even if the ship is moving at full speed.

By KoatheDM

Thundercalling Mast

Rare, 4,000gp and 3,500gp worth of powdered sapphires

The mast of the ship is made from a tree that was struck by lightning and still survived snd grew despite it, in addition to a plethora of enchantments. The ship gains resistance to lightning damage and gains a special +10 to its DT against lightning damage. Furthermore, a captain or first mate can use a ship action to speak the command word of the thundercalling mast as long as they are on the deck of the ship, where they can cast the spell Call Lightning at 5th level, without requiring concentration. This spell ends if the officer who took this ship action leaves the deck of the ship, and the action taken to call down lightning can be a ship action or an officer action, but it cannot be used more than once a round. Once the Thundercalling Mast has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Unseen Fleet

Rare, 3,000gp and 4,500gp worth of powdered gemstones

At the start of each day, up to Twenty Unseen servants will appear on the deck of the ship, which follow the commands of all Officers on the ship. These Unseen Servants can act as crew, and cannot leave the deck of the ship. A ship can only have 20 Unseen Servants on the ship at a time.

Mordenkainen's Magnificent Quarters

Rare, 2,000gp and 6,000gp worth of powdered gold and gemstones

Used commonly by archmages that are forced to travel by sea, this magical door can be placed anywhere on the ship, and leads to an extradimensional space that can be up to a 100 foot cube. The quarter is furnished and decorated as the Captain wishes, and it can be changed as an action by the Captain upon touching the door, provided there is nobody within the quarters. Once the quarters have been altered, this action cannot be taken again until the next dawn. Furnishings and other objects created by these matical quarters dissipate into smoke if removed from the quarters. If the door takes more than 80 damage on a turn, it is destroyed and any creatures inside the extradimensional space are expelled into the open spaces nearest to the door.

The Smuggler’s Dream

Legendary, 5,000gp and 10,00gp worth of powdered platinum and diamond

This flag is meant to be flown from a ship's mast. Its powerful magic causes it to appear as a flag or banner displaying the symbol of a group, captain, or realm friendly to the viewer. Multiple viewers might see different flags or crests.

The banner's true power is its ability to aid a ship in making rapid escapes. As a Ship Action, the ship and all friendly creatures aboard it teleport up to 3 miles to a known destination of the Captain's choice. Hostile creatures aboard the ship don't move with the ship and fall into the water it once occupied. Once the Smuggler’s Dream is used to teleport, it can't teleport in this way again for 7 seven days.

Extradimensional Hold

Legendary, 5,000gp and 10,000gp worth of powdered astral diamonds

At the very bottom of the hold, where one would normally keep all of the cargo of the ship, is instead a heavily enchanted black mat that seems to absorb all sunlight and looks akin to a midnight sky. This is the entrance to an extradimensional space that only opens when a command word is spoken as an Action by one of the officers of the ship. The extradimensional space can hold up to 30 tons, not exceeding a volume of 5,000 cubic feet. As an action, an officer of the ship can speak a separate command word while touching the extradimensional hold, alongside the name of the object desired and the desired quantity, where it will then be teleported on top of the extradimensional hold if it exists within it, and if there is space for it on the mat. If the extradimensional Hold is ever dealt more than 70 damage in a turn, it ruptures and is destroyed, and its contents are scattered in the Astral Plane.

Breathing Creatures inside the extradimensional hold can survive up to a number of minutes equal to 120 divided by the number of Creatures (minimum 1 minute), after which time they begin to suffocate.

Placing a bag of holding, a Handy Haversack, Portable Hole, or similar item instantly destroys both the item and the hold, and opens a gate to the Astral Plane where the extradimensional hold once was. Any creature or object within 90 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random Location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes, and the ship takes 30d10 bludgeoning damage. The gate is one-way only and can't be reopened.

All-Ends Sapphire

Legendary, 4,000gp, 12,000gp worth of powdered gemstones, and a sapphire worth at least 666gp

Used by the most covetous and jealous pirate Lords, this incredibly dangerous gem works as the catalyst for several dozen volatile evocation runes stored throughout the ship. The sapphire that works as the catalyst for this upgrade must be worn by the Captain, of which it counts as a legendary wondrous Item that requires attunement. If the captain of the ship dies, the sapphire cracks, releasing its volatile enchantment, and the ship, as well as everything within 100 feet of the ship takes 10d10 force damage and 10d10 fire damage as the ship erupts into a magical explosion of flame and sheer arcane energy.

By KoatheDM

Bound Marid

Legendary, 10,000gp, 10,000gp worth of powdered gemstones, and a Marid

Typically used by those absorbed by pride in the belief that they are unstoppable, this magical housing cell typically replaces the brig of a ship with heavily enchanted and bound iron, platinum, diamond, and gold. If a Marid is brought into the housing cell, they must succeed on a DC20 Charisma saving throw. Upon failure, the Marid is trapped and bound to the ship. Upon success, the Marid is shunted out from the space.

While a Marid is bound to the ship, it vastly improves the sailing of the ship. The ship’s speed increases by 5 mph, it’s speed increases by 50 feet in combat, the Captain has advantage on all Seafaring checks and Daring Maneuvers, when the ship takes the move action it does not have to move in a straight line, the ship can be piloted without anyone at the helm at the telepathic command of the Captain as the Marid controls the water underneath the ship, and the Captain can command the ship to come to a complete stop at any point, even if the ship is moving at full speed.

By KoatheDM


  • Version 2.1
    • Added weight to ammunition
    • Changed bonuses to hit and damage of naval weaponry
  • Version 2.0
    • Completed overhauled with added specificity if needed
    • Removed individual components of the ship
    • Added new Officer Actions
    • Added Morale Bonus
    • Added Rules for Repairing
    • Added Sample Ships
    • Added Ship Weaponry Stats
    • Added Ram Ship Action
    • Added 56 new Ship Upgrades
    • Reworked previous ship upgrades to match Ship and Officer Actions
  • Version 1.1
    • Added Demonsilk Sails, Trollskin Sails, Dragonscale Plating, Laetium Plating, Nautiloid Seed, Bound Captain, Wisplights, Orcus Veil, and Statis Anchor to Ship Upgrades
    • Added simplified rules for ships and Officers
  • Version 1.0
    • Initial Release


  This homebrew was made by KoatheDM, and you can find more homebrew content on Patreon! I also have an Instagram account, Reddit account where I post and tease other homebrew content by the name of KoatheDM, and a Twitter where I also tease upcoming content! This document was made through GMbinder. Art by Grandfailure, Warmtail, and Phantasmogoria.

By KoatheDM

This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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