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# The Justiciar, the Bamstacks Variant An elf stares into the eye sockets of a lich who has been kidnapping locals as sacrifices for a dark ritual. The air is thick with necromantic magic, the lich preparing to raise a great army of the undead. With a quick flick of his hands, the elf creates a cylinder of arcane energy around the lich and charges in, sword and shield at the ready. A fae charged with war crimes stands at the center of an arena, solemn witnesses in robes and armor all around him. He is armed with exceptionally made equipment, preparing for his trial by combat. A human with an enormous sword separates from the crowd. Something about her frightens the fae, a mien of quiet confidence and cold calculation emanates from her. Off to the side of the room, a gavel bangs, and the human wreathes her blade in arcane energies. She removes the fae’s head in one swing. He was guilty, and he was spared pain. It was a merciful execution, a mercy he didn’t deserve. A gnome wizard stands trial in a courtroom for reckless endangerment of his apprentices. A tiefling defends him, laying out evidence to prove his innocence. A dragonborn prosecutor rebuts, exhibiting a list of injuries and the circumstances leading to them. The tiefling provides the best defense possible, but the gnome knew his fate long before he walked into the court. He should have known better than to send his 16-year-old apprentice to retrieve those mushrooms from the Underdark! Justiciars are a unique mix of soldier and lawyer. They serve the Arcane Court, an independent, nation-neutral magical law agency whose jurisdiction is spellcasters and magical beings. These arcane law officers spend years in study and training to reach peak physical, mental, and magical conditioning, and it shows when you run afoul of them. ***Note.*** This variant is a modified version of OAP's Justiciar found [here](
##### The Justiciar | Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Cells | Spells Known | Spell Points | Max Level | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | 1st | +2 | Judicial Education, Binding Cell | 2 | - | - | - | | 2nd | +2 | Fighting Style, Court Magic | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1st | | 3rd | +2 | Judiciary Division | 2 | 3 | 2 | 1st | | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1st | | 5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Judiciary Division Feature | 3 | 5 | 3 | 2nd | | 6th | +3 | Applied Study | 4 | 6 | 3 | 2nd | | 7th | +3 | Judiciary Division Feature | 4 | 7 | 4 | 2nd | | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 8 | 4 | 2nd | | 9th | +4 | - | 4 | 9 | 5 | 3rd | | 10th | +4 | Prohibitive Cell | 4 | 10 | 5 | 3rd | | 11th | +4 | Punitive Cell, Binding Cell improvement | 4 | 11 | 6 | 3rd | | 12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 | 11 | 6 | 3rd | | 13th | +5 | - | 5 | 12 | 7 | 4th | | 14th | +5 | Judiciary Division Feature | 5 | 12 | 7 | 4th | | 15th | +5 | Arcane Safeguard | 5 | 13 | 8 | 4th | | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 5 | 13 | 8 | 4th | | 17th | +6 | Judicial Education improvement, Judicial Arcanum (5th level) | 6 | 14 | 9 | 4th | | 18th | +6 | Judiciary Division Feature | 6 | 14 | 9 | 4th | | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 6 | 15 | 10 | 4th | | 20th | +6 | Judge's Cell | Unlimited | 15 | 10 | 4th |
\pagebreakNum ## Class Features As a justiciar, you gain the following class features. #### Hit Points ___ - **Hit Dice:** 1d10 per justiciar level - **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 10 + your Constitution modifier - **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per justiciar level after 1st #### Proficiencies ___ - **Armor:** Light armor, medium armor, heavy armor - **Weapons:** Simple weapons, martial weapons - **Tools:** None - **Saving Throws:** Intelligence, Wisdom - **Skills:** Choose two skills from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, and Perception #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - *(a)* leather armor, *(b)* scale mail, or *(c)* chain mail - *(a)* a martial weapon and a shield or *(b)* two martial weapons - *(a)* a longbow and 20 arrows, *(b)* a hand crossbow and 20 bolts, or *(c)* 4 javelins - *(a)* a scholar’s pack or *(b)* a dungeoneer’s pack - A copy of the Tome of Magical Law Alternatively, you may start with 8d4 x 10 gp and then buy the equipment you start with. ### Justiciar Multiclassing Justiciars follow all the normal rules for multiclassing. The following tables function as additions to those listed on page 163 and 164 of the Player’s Handbook. If your group uses the optional rule on multiclassing in the Player’s Handbook, here’s what you need to know if you choose justiciar as one of your classes. ***Ability Score Minimum.*** As a multiclass character, you must have at least an Strength or Dexterity score of 13, and an Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already a justiciar. ***Proficiencies Gained.*** If justiciar isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as a justiciar: Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons ***Spell Points.*** As a justiciar, add half of your levels, rounded down, in the justiciar class to the appropriate levels from other classes to determine your available spell points. Your maximum spell level is dictated by the highest spell level you would have for any of your classes. For example, a Warlock 7/Justiciar 3 would have 8 spell points, and a max spell level of 4th level, from warlock. \columnbreak ### Judicial Education In the schooling you underwent to become worthy of entering the Arcane Court, you spent hours poring over ancient lore books and exploring the dark corners of old libraries, granting you a vast knowledge of cultural mores and societal laws. Over the course of a short rest, you can attune to a settlement you’re in as if it were a magical item. You spend this time studying your Tome of Magical Law, reminding yourself of the culture if you studied it previously, or extrapolating its customs from similar cultures you’ve studied. While attuned to a settlement this way, you can ascertain the laws and norms of the society without making an ability check. This allows you to determine if an action your party plans to take in the area would be considered illegal or faux pas, or if another creature you’re witnessing is breaking the settlement’s laws or customs. If your Tome of Magical Law is ever lost or destroyed, you can create a new one over the course of three days work (8 hours each day), using 25 gp of leather, paper, ink, and other raw materials. Alternatively, you can purchase a new one at any suitable library or bookstore for 100 gp. Once you reach 17th level in this class, when you attune to a settlement, you can choose to have it not count toward your limit of attuned magical items. You can be attuned to only one settlement in this manner at a time. ### Binding Cell You can manipulate arcane energies to create a cell that holds and repels creatures. As an action, you can choose a point within 30 feet that you can see, creating a 5-foot radius, 10-foot-high cylinder centered at that point. If there isn’t enough room for your cell, its radius and height reduce until it is of the maximum possible size in the space available. The cell counts as a magical effect of a level equal to your proficiency bonus, and can be dispelled. A creature hostile to you that attempts to pass through the cell’s barrier must make a Charisma saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier). On a successful saving throw, the creature passes through the barrier. On a failed save, the creature can’t penetrate the barrier, and its speed drops to 0 for the remainder of the turn. A creature must make this saving throw each time it attempts to pass through the barrier. A creature that can cast at least one spell makes this saving throw with disadvantage. Alternatively, a creature pushed or thrown across the cell’s barrier by a creature hostile to it passes through the barrier without making a saving throw. \pagebreakNum ### Fighting Style At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a fighting style more than once, even if you later get to choose again. #### Archery You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. #### Close Quarters Shooting When making a ranged weapon attack against a target within 20 feet of you, being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on the attack roll, and the attack ignores half and three-quarters cover. #### Defense While you are wearing armor, you get a +1 bonus to AC. #### Dueling When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. #### Great Weapon Fighting When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. #### Protection When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield. #### Two-Weapon Fighting When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of any offhand attacks. #### Versatile Fighting When wielding a versatile weapon with two hands you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls. When wielding a versatile weapon with one hand, and nothing in your other hand, you gain a +1 bonus to both your attack rolls and your Armor Class. You can also make a shove attack or an unarmed strike as a bonus action so long as you have a free hand to do so. ### Court Magic By the time you reach 2nd level, you’ve begun applying the arcane knowledge from your study to cast spells. However, justiciars do not have the same relationship with magic as many other orders. You have learned to cultivate a small reserve of quickly recovering arcane energy that you use to augment your martial prowess and subdue your foes. See chapter 10 in the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting and the end of this document for the justiciar spell list. \columnbreak #### Spell Points The Justiciar table shows how many spell points you have to cast your justiciar spells of 1st through 5th level. The table also shows the maximum level of spell you can cast. To cast a spell you must expend one spell point per level of the spell. You may cast a spell at a higher level (up to the maximum spell level) by spending one additional spell point per level added. You regain all expended spell points when you finish a short or long rest. For example, when you are 5th level, you have five spell points. To cast the 1st-level spell *command*, you must spend one of those points, and you cast it as a 1st-level spell. If you are 5th-level, you could choose to expend 2 spell points to cast *command* at 2nd-level. #### Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher At 1st level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the
justiciar spell list
. The Spells Known column of the Justiciar table shows when you learn more justiciar spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s Slot Level column for your level. When you reach 9th level, for example, you can learn a new justiciar spell, which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the justiciar spells you know and replace it with another spell from the justiciar spell list, which must also be of a level for which you have spell slots. #### Spellcasting Ability Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your justiciar spells, so you use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a justiciar spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
**Spell Save DC** =
8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier
**Spell attack modifier** =
your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier
### Judiciary Division At 3rd level, you are promoted from your position as an apprentice to a specific role within the Arcane Court. Choose a division: the Division of Defense, the Division of Enforcement, the Division of Execution, the Division of Prosecution, or the Division of Reformation. Your choice grants you features when you choose it at 3rd level, and again at 7th, 14th, and 18th level. #### Division Expanded Spells Each division practices a number of extra spells not pertinent to the other divisions, allowing you to choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a justiciar spell. Each division has a table of division expanded spells containing spells that are added to the justiciar spell list for you. \pagebreakNum ### Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. ### Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. ### Applied Study At 6th level, you learn to use your encyclopedic knowledge of magical lore and creatures to quickly deduce an opponent’s traits. You can recognize a non-shapechanging creature’s type without making an ability check, unless it is using magic to disguise its nature. As a bonus action, you can further study a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see, learning your choice of the following without making an ability check: * One type of damage the creature is vulnerable to, if any. * One type of damage the creature is resistant or immune to, if any. * One condition the creature is immune to, if any. * If the creature is resistant or immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and/or slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. * If the creature is in its true form. * The creature’s Challenge Rating. ### Prohibitive Cell Beginning at 10th level, when a creature hostile to you attempts to teleport out of your cell, attempts to open a portal to a location or plane outside your cell, or otherwise attempts to escape the cell by magical means, the creature must make a Charisma saving throw as though it’s attempting to pass through the cell’s barrier. On a failed save, its attempt fails and has no effect. ### Punitive Cell Starting at 11th level, your more potent arcane abilities begin to bolster the power of your cell, much to the chagrin and suffering of your enemies. Whenever a hostile creature begins its turn inside your cell, it takes 1d10 force damage. ### Judicial Arcanum At 17th level, you are recognized by the High Judges as worthy of learning the Arcane Court’s great magical secrets, called arcanums. Choose one 5th-level spell from the justiciar spell list as this arcanum. You can cast your arcanum once without expending spell points, and you must finish a long rest before you can do so again. You can also expend an arcanum to cast a different justiciar spell you know at a level corresponding to the level of the expended arcanum’s spell. For example, if you chose the 5th-level spell *geas* as an arcanum, and you also know the *magic missile* spell, you can expend this arcanum to cast *magic missile* as a 5th-level spell without expending spell points. Additionally, when you finish a long rest, you can spend 10 minutes studying a Tome of Magical Law to replace your arcanum spell with a different one of the same level from the justiciar spell list. You regain all uses of your Judicial Arcanum when you finish a long rest. When you spend 10 minutes studying a Tome of Magical Law at the end of a long rest, you can replace one or both of your arcanum spells. ### Arcane Safeguard By 15th level, you’ve become powerful and careful enough that you’ve learned to ward yourself against the effects of spells. You have resistance to damage from spells, and advantage on saving throws against spells. ### Judge's Cell At 20th level, your power, focus, and skill make you worthy of the title of Judge. When you create a cell, choose one creature you can see. Until you create a new cell, that creature automatically fails all Charisma saving throws it makes to attempt to pass through your cell’s barrier. Creatures with legendary resistances can expend a legendary resistance to succeed when they fail a saving throw trying to get out of the cell. ## Judiciary Divisions The Arcane Court acts as an independent lawenforcement, court, and correctional system for magic users and magical entities. The organization’s general neutrality serves to make it a trusted body by most nations, despite it having no alliance or ties to anyone. The Court is broken into several divisions that each serve a purpose within its judiciary system, the members of which are each trained in martial combat and battle magic, in addition to the scripts of law, in case justice needs to be dispensed on the road. Most of the Court’s work involves sending individual justiciars to wander the planes and prevent otherwise unreported crimes. Certain matters, however, require that a creature be brought back to face trial in one of the Court’s headquarters. Such creatures are offered two choices of trial: judgment in court by a high-ranking justiciar who has been distinguished with the rank of Judge, or a trial by combat.
The Division of Defense
This division’s primary responsibility is to represent accused creatures in trials presided over by a Judge. They can also be hired by expeditions to act as escorts and protectors. #### Defense Expanded Spells | Spell Level | Spells | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:| | 1st | *compelled duel*, *cure wounds* | | 2nd | *lesser restoration*, *warding bond* | | 3rd | *aura of vitality*, *revivify* | | 4th | *aura of life*, *death ward* | | 5th | *circle of power* | #### Defender's Cell *3rd-level Defense feature*
While you are inside your cell, hostile creatures inside your cell have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you and creatures with similar features. #### Zealous Representation *3rd-level Defense feature*
When a creature within 5 feet of you hits a creature other than you with an attack, you can use your reaction and up to your maximum spell level in spell points to give the attacked creature temporary hit points equal to five times the expended spell points. You can then make a weapon attack against the triggering creature as part of the same reaction. #### Defender's Rebuttal *7th-level Defense feature*
When a creature within your cell takes damage, you can use your reaction to magically substitute your own health for that of the target creature, causing that creature not to take damage. Instead, you take the damage. This damage to you can’t be reduced or prevented in any way. #### Alibi Aegis *14th-level Defense feature*
You learn to magically transfer your own resilience to nearby allies. When you and a creature within 30 feet are both subjected to the same saving throw, and that creature’s saving throw result is lower than yours, you can use your reaction to have that creature use your saving throw result, potentially causing it to succeed. You can use this feature after you and the creature roll, but you must choose to use it before the DM says whether your or the creature’s roll succeeds or fails. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. #### Arcane Bastion *18th-level Defense feature*
You and allied creatures within 10 feet of you gain a +2 bonus to AC, and to saving throws against spells. \pagebreakNum
The Division of Enforcement
This division’s primary responsibility is the tracking and subdual of wanted criminals, and the investigation of crime scenes. They can also be hired as private detectives to locate and retrieve missing persons and objects. #### Enforcement Expanded Spells | Spell Level | Spells | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:| | 1st | *detect evil and good*, *hunter's mark* | | 2nd | *detect thoughts*, *locate object* | | 3rd | *clairvoyance*, *haste* | | 4th | *arcane eye*, *locate creature* | | 5th | *scrying* | #### Enforcer's Cell *3rd-level Enforcement feature*
You learn to press the assault against creatures within your cell. Whenever you make a weapon attack against a creature inside your cell, if it was the last creature you hit with an attack, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll. #### Excessive Force *3rd-level Enforcement feature*
When you take the Attack action, you can expend spell points up to your maximum spell level to make one additional weapon attack as part of your Attack action. If this extra attack targets a creature you previously hit with an attack this turn, you make this extra attack with advantage, and it deals an additional 1d4 force damage per expended spell point. #### Revelatory Cell *7th-level Enforcement feature*
While a creature is within your cell, its true form is revealed if it is in a different form. Additionally, creatures within your cell do not gain the benefits of being invisible. #### Breaching Expert *14th-level Enforcement feature*
You’ve become an expert at invading enemy strongholds and exploring the deepest and darkest of holes your quarry might hide in. You have advantage on saving throws against traps, and resistance to damage from traps. Additionally, while inside a structure created by a sentient being, such as a castle, crypt, palace, or house, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. #### Incorruptible Officer *18th-level Enforcement feature*
You gain immunity to the charmed and frightened conditions, as well as to all curses and possession effects, such as a Ghost’s Possession action. When you touch or attune to a cursed item, it does not stop being cursed, but the curse does not affect you. \pagebreakNum
The Division of Execution
This division’s primary responsibility is to execute creatures found guilty by a Judge, creatures whom the Judge believes are incapable of reformation. Though a justiciar of any division can be called upon to take part in a trial by combat, members of this division are most likely to receive the order. They can also be hired to slay creatures that are plaguing settlements. #### Execution Expanded Spells | Spell Level | Spells | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:| | 1st | *thunderous smite*, *wrathful smite* | | 2nd | *branding smite*, *hold person* | | 3rd | *blinding smite*, *fear* | | 4th | *phantasmal killer*, *staggering smite* | | 5th | *banishing smite* | #### Executioner's Cell *3rd-level Execution feature*
Once per turn when you hit creature inside your cell with a melee weapon attack, the creature takes an extra 1d6 damage of the weapon's type. #### Arcane Guillotine *3rd-level Execution feature*
You learn to imbue your attacks with the force of your
magic. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon
attack, you can expend spell points up to your maximum spell level to deal an additional 1d8 force damage per expended spell point, to a maximum of 3d8. #### Macabre Mien *7th-level Execution feature*
You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses Intimidation, and you can use Intelligence, instead of Charisma, for your Intimidation checks. #### Improved Arcane Guillotine *14th-level Execution feature*
Once during each of your turns when you use your Arcane Guillotine, you can force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is frightened of you for 1 minute. It can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effects on a successful save. #### Executioner's Spoils *18th-level Execution feature*
Whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points
with a melee weapon attack, kill the creature, and the creature has a challenge rating of 10 or above, you
recover 3 expended spell points. \pagebreakNum
The Division of Prosecution
This division’s primary responsibility is the investigation and prosecution of accused creatures in trials presided over by a Judge. They can also be hired by local governments and groups to mediate disputes and explore unknown areas. #### Prosecution Expanded Spells | Spell Level | Spells | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:| | 1st | *faerie fire*, *shield* | | 2nd | *suggestion*, *misty step* | | 3rd | *blink*, *tongues* | | 4th | *compulsion*, *confusion* | | 5th | *passwall* | #### Prosecutor's Cell *3rd-level Prosecution feature*
You gain the ability to teleport into your cell. When you create a cell, or as a bonus action on a subsequent turn while your cell is active, you can teleport to an unoccupied space within your cell as long as you are on the same plane as it. You can teleport this way only once per cell. #### Cross Examination *3rd-level Prosecution feature*
When a creature within your weapon’s range or reach hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction and expend a spell slot to make a weapon attack against the creature. The attack deals an additional 1d6 force damage per level of the expended spell slot, to a maximum of 3d6. #### Prosecutor's Retort *7th-level Prosecution feature*
When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you. #### Voiding Clause *14th-level Prosecution feature*
You know the *counterspell* spell, it is a justiciar spell for you, and it doesn't count against your Spells Known. You can cast *counterspell* without expending spell points. You add your proficiency bonus to any Intelligence check you make as part of casting the spell this way. Once you cast *counterspell* this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. #### Prosecutor's Analysis *18th-level Prosecution feature*
You can use your Applied Study to further study a creature at the beginning of each of your turns, no action required. Weapon attacks you make against the target this turn are made with advantage, and count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. \pagebreakNum
The Division of Reformation
This division’s primary responsibility is to oversee the correction of prisoners a Judge has determined can be reformed. They most often do so by magically linking with the creature and showing them the correct behaviors through having the creature fight alongside them as an ally. They can also be hired to capture and transport problematic individuals. #### Reformation Expanded Spells | Spell Level | Spells | |:---:|:---:|:---|:---:| | 1st | *animal friendship*, *find familiar* | | 2nd | *animal messenger*, *find steed* | | 3rd | *conjure animals*, *phantom steed* | | 4th | *conjure minor elementals*, *find greater steed* | | 5th | *conjure elemental* | #### Correctional Officer *3rd-level Reformation feature*
You are gifted a creature, called your captured companion, by your superiors. You become linked to it, and it accompanies you on your adventures and fights alongside you to atone for its crimes. Choose a creature that speaks at least one language and has a challenge rating of 1/4 or lower. Your captured companion gains a variety of benefits while it is linked to you. Your captured companion is stored in a capture stone. As an action, you can use your capture stone to summon a captured companion to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you, or to return a captured companion to your capture stone. You can have only one captured companion summoned at a time. If your capture stone is ever lost or destroyed, you can create a new capture stone with 8 hours of work and the expenditure of 50 gp worth of arcane components. Your captured companions are then transferred to the new stone. Your captured companion loses its Multiattack action, if it has one. \columnbreak
The companion learns to speak and understand Common, if it doesn’t already know it. It obeys your commands as best it can. It rolls for initiative like any other creature, but you determine its actions. It otherwise acts according to its alignment. If you are incapacitated, your companion acts on its own, but will protect you if you are in danger since it dies if you do. Your captured companion has abilities and game statistics determined in part by your level. Your companion uses your proficiency bonus rather than its own. In addition to the other areas where it normally uses its proficiency bonus, a captured companion also adds its proficiency bonus to its damage rolls. It also becomes proficient in all saving throws. For each level you gain after 3rd, your animal companion gains an additional hit die and increases its hit points accordingly. Whenever you gain the Ability Score Improvement class feature, your companion’s abilities also improve. Your companion can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or it can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, your companion can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature unless its description specifies otherwise. If you later gain another captured companion, these hit dice, hit points, and ability score increases are retroactive. If your captured companion drops to 0 hit points, it makes death saving throws, as normal. A captured companion making death saving throws can be returned to your capture stone, but continues to make death saving throws at the start of each of your turns until it either dies or becomes stabilized. If your captured companion dies, you lose your link to it, even if it is later revived. If you die, each of your captured companions dies. By performing a 1 minute ritual, you can release a captured companion from its incarceration. Its link to you ends, and it is teleported back to its home, wherever that may be. \pagebreakNum
#### Reformer's Cell *3rd-level Reformation feature*
When you or your captured companion reduce a hostile creature that speaks at least one language within your cell to 0 hit points with a weapon attack or a spell with only one target, you can use your reaction and expend spell points up to your maximum spell level to attempt to capture the creature. If you do, your cell constricts on the target, ending the duration of the cell. The creature is captured if its challenge rating is no higher than the one associated with the number of expended spell points, as shown in the following table. If it is successfully captured, the creature returns to life and consciousness with 1 hit point. It is then absorbed into your capture stone, linking to you as a new captured companion and gaining all of the associated benefits. Your capture stone can store up to two captured companions. If you would capture another creature beyond this number, you must break your link with a captured companion of your choice. That creature is teleported back to its home, wherever that may be, and is replaced by the new companion. | Spell Points expended | Challenge Rating | |:---:|:-----------:| | 1-2 | 1/4 | | 3 | 1/2 |
#### Coordinated Attack *3rd-level Reformation feature*
When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can choose to substitute one of your attacks to have your captured companion use its reaction to make a weapon attack. #### Resting Stone *7th-level Reformation feature*
Your capture stone becomes a haven for your injured captured companions. Whenever one of your captured companions drops to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to return it to your capture stone. Captured companions inside your capture stone make death saving throws with advantage. #### Collaborative Correction *14th-level Reformation feature*
When a hostile creature that speaks at least one language is reduced to 0 hit points while in your cell, you can attempt to capture it using your reaction, no matter the source of the damage. You must still expend a spell points, as normal. Additionally, your capture stone can now store up to three companions, instead of two. #### Prolific Reformer *18th-level Reformation feature*
When you attempt to capture a creature, you can expend one of your arcanums instead of expending spell points. If you do, you successfully capture the creature if it has a challenge rating of 2 or lower. You can’t have more than one captured companion with a challenge rating of 1 or higher. Additionally, when you successfully capture a creature, you can immediately expend a cell to create a new cell as part of the same reaction. \pagebreakNum
Justiciar Spell List
##### 1st Level Absorb Elements
Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil and Good
Tenser's Floating Disk
Thunderwave ##### 2nd Level Arcane Lock
Find Traps
Magic Weapon
Mind Spike
See Invisibility
Tick of the Clock^HB^
Weapon's Kairos^HB^
Zone of Truth \columnbreak ##### 3rd Level Counterspell
Dispel Magic
Dispelling Smite^HB^
Elemental Weapon
Glyph of Warding
Liliander's Hellspear^HB^
Magic Circle
Protection from Energy
Sunshine Gleams^HB^
Remove Curse ##### 4th Level Bane Weapon^HB^
Freedom of Movement
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
Stoneskin ##### 5th Level Devilsight^HB^
Dispel Evil and Good
Legend Lore
Teleportation Circle
True Absorb Elements^HB^
> ##### Art Credits > Art (Page 5): **Phill-Art: Commission - Bugbear Paladin** [(Link)](
> Art (Page 6): **Chris Rahn: Azorius Justiciar** [(Link)](
> Art (Page 7): **peterskore: Twin Blades** [(Link)](
> Art (Page 8): **polarlex: Sir Keldorn Firecam** [(Link)](
> Art (Page 9): **ZeenChin: Maddox Normal** [(Link)](
> Art (Page 10): **Concept-Art-House: King of Time Regular** [(Link)](
> Page Stains: /u/flamableconcrete