Barbarian : Path of the Battlerager (revised)

by Carreau

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Barbarian : Battlerager (Revised)

Armored Terror

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in heavy armors. Moreover, wearing heavy armor doesn't prevent you from gaining the rage bonuses.

Moreover, during a short or a long rest, you can fix metallic spikes to a shield or an armor. When you do so, your spiked shield or armor also counts as a melee martial weapon with which you are proficient and that deals 1d4 piercing damage on a hit. That damage increases to 1d6 at level 6.

If you fix spikes on a magical shield or armor, piercing damage dealt by it counts as magical damage.

Spiked Armor

Beginning at 6th level, when you have a spiked shield or armor equipped, you gain the following benefits:

  • You deal piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Modifier to your target when you make a successful shove attack.
  • Creatures grappled by you or grappling you take piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Modifier at the start of each of their turn until the grapple ends.
  • When a creature makes a melee attack against you, you can use your reaction to bristle your spikes. when you do so, until the start of your next turn, any creature that makes a melee attack against you, including the triggering attack, takes piercing damage equal to your Proficiency Modifier.
A word about that rework

The Battleragers are known for 2 things : they wear armors, and they charge. My goal with this rework was to double down on those two traits to give that subclass the feeling of being an unstoppable bulldozer that stomps everything on its path.

Ruthless Bull's Charge

Starting at 10th level, after you move at least 10 feet in a strait line while raging, you can use an action to make a Ruthless Bull's charge. When you do so, you move up to your speed in a strait line, and you can make a shove attack against each creature that ends up being within 5 feet of you at any point during your charge. On a successful shove, a target is pushed 5 feet away from you (on one of your sides, as you push it out of your way), and is knocked prone. On a failed shove, your charge ends.

Alternatively, if there is no creature on your way during the charge but you encounter a structure (a wall, a door, a tree etc.), you deal bludgeoning damage to that structure equal to the distance (in feet) you have run during your charge before hitting it.


Beginning at 14th level, you become immune to magical effects that should reduce your speed or immobilize you when you are raging. Moreover, when you use the Ruthless Bull's Charge feature while raging, you ignore difficult terrains and you gain resistance to all damage types until the end of your movement.

Art Credit : Wizards of the Coast

Homebrew lovingly made by LeRoiDeCarreau

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