School of the Arcane Specialist
While it is common that wizards study specific schools of magic to enhance their arcane craft, there are those that seek a much closer expertise by simply mastering specific spells. Arcane specialists are wizards that have an incredible depth of knowledge in an incredibly few number of spells. Such knowledge provides them an innate ease in heightening these spells, as well as a grander connection to magic as a whole.
Arcane Adept
Upon taking this school 2nd level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill if you didn't already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses this proficiency.
Specialized Spells
Starting at 2nd level, you have gained a specialty with certain spells. Choose two cantrips, and two 1st-level spells from your spellbook. These spells are always prepared, and don't count against the number of spells you can prepare.
Each time you cast one of these spells, you can choose to enhance it. Doing so adds one of the following effects of your choice:
- Each time you make a concentration check for this spell, you gain a bonus to the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
- This spell is treated as if you cast it one level higher than the spell slot expended.
- You double the spell's range.
- Creatures of your choice, up to your Intelligence modifier, roll against your spell save DC with disadvantage.
- If the spell would target only one creature and fail, you can immediately target a different creature within range.
- You lengthen the duration of the spell, extending 1 minute into 10 minutes, 10 minutes to 1 hour, or 1 hour into 2 hours.
You can enhance a spell this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest. You regain all of your expended uses after using your arcane recovery feature.
Each time you level up in this class, you can switch one specialized spell with another spell of the same level from your spellbook.
Each time you finish a long rest, you can attempt to switch one of your specialized spells. Make a d20 roll. On a 11 or higher, you successfully chance it with another spell of the same level from your spellbook.
You also specialize more spells from your spellbook as you progress in this class. You specialize two 2nd-level spells at 6th level, two 3rd-level spells at 10th, and two 4th-level spells at 14th level.
Spell-Bound Empowerment
At 6th level, you can use the specialty you have with your spells to enhance those cast by your comrades. When a friendly creature casts a spell while you are concentrating on one of your specialized spells, or after you casted a specialized spell your last turn, you can spend your reaction to enhance their spell with the same effect you gave your specialized spell.
Once you have enhanced an ally's spell in this way, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Ingrained Magic
Starting at 10th level, your study has provided you a much closer connection to ambient magic. You are always under the effects of the Detect Magic spell, and it extends to a range of 60 feet.
Moreover, you don't expend a use of your Specialized Spells feature if the spell misses or fails to affect its targets.
Mastery In Specialty
Upon reaching 14th level, your craft with your spells is unparalleled. You can enhance your specialized spells with up to two effects at once through one use of the feature.
School of Bloodletting
Often known as "pure necromancers" or "plague doctors", wizards of the school of bloodletting are magical doctors before all else. Capable of weaving their magic through a creature's blood, they learn how to enhance both in order to fulfill their goals. Those deep in the knowledge of the school can learn not only how to heal and impair those around, but even how to transform into one of them.
Adept in Health
When you take this school at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in Medicine, and gain a bonus to any checks made with it equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and diseased.
Blood Magic
Also at 2nd level, you can salvage blood sample from creatures affected by your spells. Whenever you would deal damage to a creature through a spell, you can conjure up to 5 ounces of their blood into a blood vial, which then appears on your person. Additionally, you can spend an action to instead prick a willing creature within 5 feet of you, reducing their hit points and hit point maximum by 1 and creating a blood vial in your hands. This hit point maximum reduction lasts until they finish a long rest.
You can use any of these blood vials as a spellcasting focus for your spells. Additionally, you can expend these vials in one of the following manners towards the creature the vial is made of.
- Whenever that creature would make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can use a reaction to destroy the vial, reducing or increasing their roll (your choice) by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
- As an action, you can destroy the vial to try to know where the creature is. You immediately know their general location if they are within a number of miles equal to your level in this class. If they are within 60 feet of you, the creature is always visible to you, regardless of hiding, cover, or invisibility until the end of your next turn.
You can have a set of amount of these vials at any given time equal to your proficiency bonus, and can create a max amount per long rest equal to double your proficiency bonus. These vials become useless after a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus.
At 6th level, you can cure diseases by draining through spilled blood or through a magical transfusion. As an action, you can touch a creature and cure them of one disease or poison affecting it. Doing so reduces their hit points and hit point maximum by 5, unless you choose to reduce yours instead. You can cure multiple diseases and neutralizes multiple poisons within a creature through one touch, reducing hit points and hit point maximums by 5 for each cure or neutralization.
Additionally, you can end one condition afflicting a creature by reducing their (or your) hit points and hit point maximum by 10. The condition can be blinded, deafened, or paralyzed.
This hit point reduction is restored after finishing a long rest. If such a reduction would kill a creature, you fail to perform this feature on the target.
Blood Sacrifice
At 10th level, you can use your blood to its fully potential. You gain additional ways to expend your hit die.
- Whenever you cast a ritual spell, you can expend one hit die to have the spell take 1 minute longer to cast, rather than 10 minutes.
- You can expend hit die to regain hit points outside of a short rest. When doing so, you do so with disadvantage.
- As an action, you give one of your hit die to a creature you touch. You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
Additionally, you regain an additional amount of expended hit die equal to your proficiency bonus when you finish a long rest.
Bloody Transformation
At 14th level, you can adopt a creature's form by consuming its blood. Whenever you create a blood vial from a creature, you can use it to transform into that creature for the next 10 minutes, destroying the vial in the process. You can only transform into this creature if its Challenge Rating (or its level, if the target doesn't have a Challenge Rating) is equal to or less than your wizard level.
While transformed in this manner, your game statistics, including mental Ability Scores, are replaced by the Statistics of that creature, but you retain your alignment and personality. You assume the hit points of this creature, and when you reverts to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. If you reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren't knocked unconscious.
While transformed, you are limited in the actions you can perform by the nature of what your target can do, and you can't speak, cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech unless its new form is capable of such actions.
If you transform into a non-humanoid creature, your gear melds into the new form and you can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of your equipment.
Once you have used a blood vial in such a manner, you can't do so again until 7 days have passed.
School of Forbidden Knowledge
Curiosity is as dangerous as it is rewarding. To some wizard, they push their curiosity to its limits, delving into the eldritch depths in order to uncover mysteries surrounding their reality and others. These wizards do not limit themselves to the teachings common for other wizard, which can be often seen as a great offense and insult to other wizards. But on the verge of insanity and greatest, these eldritch wizards could not care less about the offense of their fellow magus.
Delve into the Eldritch
When you take this school at 2nd level, you can peer into the chaotic essense of the arcane in order to obtain locked magic. You learn deep speech and gain proficiency in arcana.
Additionally, when you prepare spells at the end of a long rest, you may attempt to prepare a spell outside of your spellbook. Choose a spell from any class, and make an ability check using your Intelligence modifier. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level. This spell must be of a spell level you can cast.
On a success, you prepare that spell. It does not count against the number of wizard spells you can prepare, and you treat it as a wizard spell until the start of your next long rest, at which point you lose it.
On a failure, you fail to prepare the spell, and subtract the amount of spells you can prepare equal to half the spell's level (minimum of 1) until the next time you prepare spells.
Resilient Heart and Mind
Also at 2nd level, your search for knowledge has strengthened your body against mental and physical dangers. Your hit point maximum increases by 2, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level in this class.
Forbidden Mind
At 6th level, you gain resistance to psychic damage.
When a creature would try to telepathically speak with you or read your thoughts, you can spend a reaction to force them to make an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, they take 1d12 psychic damage and cannot telepathically speak or read thoughts (whichever they used on you) for the next minute.
Instill Maddening Knowledge
At 10th level, you can instill forbidden knowledge into your foes. When a creature would fail an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw provoked by you, you can curse their mind with maddening information. For the next minute, it rolls a d4 and subtracts the number rolled from all ability checks or saving throws it makes. A creature can attempt to forget this information as an action, making an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. On a success, it ends this effect early.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after a long rest.
Forbidden One
At 14th level, your connection to the unknown has permanently altered you.
- You are immune to being frightened.
- You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws.
- When using your Delve into the Eldritch feature to prepare a spell, you can reroll the ability check with advantage.
- You gain proficiency in a language, tool, and skill of your choice. Whenever you perform an ability check using a skill you are proficient in, you can use your Intelligence modifier for the check.
School of Mimicry
Wizards who follow the school of Mimicry see any spell as being able to be replicated. Such wizards are rare to invent their own spells, as they spend the majority of their effort taking the work of others. Often regarded from other wizards as thieves and scoundrels, such accusations matter little when they can cast spells other wizards would simply WISH to use!
Adept Plagiarist
When you choose this school at 2nd level, you are adept in reading and copying other writings. You halve the amount of time it takes to copy a spell into your spellbook. Additionally, you are proficient in the Forgery kit, and can use it as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells.
Spell Theft
Also at 2nd level, you know how to mimic spells you witness. Whenever a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you would cast a spell that you don't know but can cast at a level of which you have spell slots, you can use your reaction to copy the spell. Copied spells count as prepared wizard spells for you, but don't count for the number of spells you have prepared. Copied spells are copied at their lowest possible spell level, and cannot be cast using higher level spell slots.
You can copy a combined spell level worth of spells equal to your proficiency bonus, and you can't copy a spell with a spell level higher than your proficiency bonus. Once you finish a long rest, you lose any copied spells you have.
Empowered Possession
Starting at 6th level, spells you could normally learn become more powerful when copied. Whenever you copy a spell from the wizard spell list, you can choose to gain one of the following benefits when casting it:
- You have advantage on the attack roll made for this spell.
- You treat any rolled 1's on the damage die of this spell as 2's.
- You have advantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain your concentration on this spell.
Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws from spells that you have currently copied.
Transcribe Copy
At 10th level, you can keep copied spells within your book. As an action, you can add a copied spell into your spellbook, costing you half the price it would take normally. When added into your spellbook, a copied spell can be cast using higher level spell slots if it can. You can transcribe up to 2 copied spells of any level into your spellbook, and must replace one of your choice when you want to add another.
Additionally, the combined spell levels of spells you can copy is now equal to double your proficiency bonus.
Fraudulent Redirection
Beginning at 14th level, you can claim someone else's spell as your own as they cast it.
When a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you would cast a spell, you can attempt to seize it as a reaction. Make an ability check using your Intelligence modifier. The DC equals 8 + the target's spellcasting modifier + the spell’s level. You have advantage on this check if you already know this spell.
On a success, the creature's spell fails and has no effect, and you immediately cast the spell. If the spell requires a spell slot in which you do not have, you cast it using the closest spell slot you have above it. If you don't have any spell slot of that level or higher, you instead cast it using the closest spell slot you have below it, and you take a number of d6's worth of necrotic damage equal to the spell's lowest possible spell level. This damage ignores resistance and immunity, and cannot be reduced in any way.
Once you have cast a spell using this feature, you cannot use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
School of Mystery
Without mystery, there is no curiosity or surprise in life. Wizards who study the School of Mystery often study magic to preserve the wonders and mystery of magic, using their knowledge to maintain a balance between mystery and discovery.
Deceptive Proficiency
Upon taking this school at 2nd level, you have become adept in deception and mystery. You gain proficiency in the Stealth or Deception skill. When using either skill, you gain a bonus to the rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
At 2nd level, you can magically hide an object out of sight. As an action, choose a Medium or smaller object that you can see within 30 feet of you. The object becomes invisible for 10 minutes or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell).
A creature wearing this object is not treated as invisible, but the object does not give them disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks if it would do so normally. A creature wielding a weapon made invisible in this way has advantage on the first attack they make on each of their turns.
Creatures have disadvantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks made to find these invisible object if they are not being held.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest. You can also use your Arcane Recovery feature to regain all expended uses of this feature, rather than expended spell slots.
Forgetful Appearance
At 6th level, you can manipulate a creature's perception of you, allowing you to remain inconspicuous. As a bonus action, choose a creature you can see. That creature must succeed an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC or forget one of the following:
- Any conversations it may have had with you in the past hour.
- Your physical appearance.
- Your name.
A creature has advantage on this save if they personally know you. A creature who succeeds this save is immune to this feature until you finish a long rest.
Shrouded in Mystery
Starting at 10th level, your magic inherently carries a sense of mystery. Each time you cast a spell that targets a creature, you can cause you or the target to become invisible until the end of your next turn. If the spell targets multiple creatures, you choose which one of these creatures turns invisible.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses after a long rest.
Danger in the Unknown
At 14th level, your mystery is fatal when wielded properly. Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws provoked by you while you are invisible or not visible to them. When you roll damage through these saving throws, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2.
School of Sleep
The need to rest and sleep is an essential need for nearly every living creature. Be it in the woods, in a cozy inn, or in the deepest corners of the world, one can find a place to sleep the night away. Wizards who study this field of life learn to manipulate what makes others drowzy, and can even call upon objects from their dreams into reality.
Sleep Expert
When you take this school at 2nd level, you have gained a stronger control over your sleep.
- You can't be forcefully put to sleep.
- You can fall unconscious as an action, and can wake up on your own accord (no action required)
- Creatures don't have advantage on attack rolls against you, nor score a critical hit on a hit, due to you being unconscious.
Instill Drowsiness
Also at 2nd level, you can instill great drowsiness into specific creatures. You always have the Sleep spell prepared. It counts as a wizard spell for you, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can have prepared. You can cast it without expending a spell slot a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. You can also use your Arcane Recovery feature to regain all expended uses of this feature, rather than expended spell slots.
When casting Sleep in this way, you can choose to target one individual creature within range, rather than a group of creatures near a point.
More than just a Dream
At 6th level, you can awaken with an object from your dreams in hand. During a short or long rest, you can choose to create one nonmagical object of your choice in a unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. This object appears once you wake up. The value of the item in gp can't be more than 30 times your wizard level, and the item must be Medium or smaller in size. Any creature can use their action to make a Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC, noticing faint clouds engraved on the object on a success.
This object remains until you start your next long rest, at which point it dissipates into clouds.
Protection Against the Night
At 10th level, you can ensure safe sleep for those around you. Upon starting a long rest, choose a number of creatures you can see equal to half your level in this class. Until the end of this long rest, these creatures (including yourself) gain the following benefits:
- They are treated as invisible to any creatures but those affected by this feature.
- While unconscious, the first instance of damage each of them take is halved.
- Each creature treats their space as comfortable and dry, regardless of the weather around them.
At 14th level, you have obtained a greater control over sleep.
- Each time you cast the Sleep spell, it is cast one spell level higher than the spell slot you used.
- Your Sleep spells now last for up to 8 hours.
- Any time a creature affected by your Sleep spell would be awoken, they must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or remain unconscious.
- When you would bring a creature to 0 hit points, you can choose to have them be stable when falling unconscious.
School of Somatomancy
A rare school amongst the arcane community, primarily composed of warriors or wizards who wish to enhance both their body and mind through magic. After all, what good is to wield such power if a simple dagger can prove to be the death of you? Students of this school learn to awaken the hidden power within their muscles, allowing them to reach a powerful balance between the might of the arcane, and the might of one's fist.
Studied Physique
Upon taking this school at 2nd level, your body has been honed to appear akin to mighty warriors. Your hit point maximum increases by 2, and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class.
Arcane Might
Also at 2nd level, your study on the capabilities of flesh has granted you the ability to magically unlock your body’s full capabilities.
While you aren’t wearing armor, you can use a bonus action to awaken your inner might, this effect lasting for a minute. It ends early if you fall unconscious, die, or end it early (no action required).
While your body is awakened, you gain the following benefits:
- Your Strength score is equal to your Intelligence score, unless it is higher.
- You have advantage on Strength (Athletic) checks.
- Your unarmed strikes are treated as 1gp weapons, and have the Light property.
- Your unarmed strikes are magical, and use a d4 for damage. This increases to a d6 at 6th level, and a d8 at 14th level.
- When casting a spell that uses a ranged spell attack, you can instead make it a melee spell attack.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
Extra Attack
Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.
Might is Right
At 10th level, you can use your magic as fuel to keep your body functioning while using your Arcane Might feature. Upon starting your Arcane Might, and as a bonus action while the feature is active, you can expend a spell slot to gain temporary hit points. Expending a 1st level spell provides you 2d6 temporary hit points, and each following spell slot level increases it by 1d6.
Titan Fists
At 14th level, you have surpassed your fellow mages by becoming a symbol of might and magic. You are treated as Huge when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Additionally, you add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to the damage of your unarmed strikes and melee spell attacks while using your Arcane Might feature.
School of Teaching
For many wizards, the art of wizardry is first learned at an academy, where one can later specialize in a type of magic. But for there to be schools, there must be teachers to teach this magic. Wizards of the School of Teaching compose the majority of these magic tutors, learning from the very start how to educate others in the ways of magic. Through them, any creature can learn wizardry, but perhaps not permanently.
Skilled Teacher
When you choose this school at 2nd level, your knowledge is vast, and you can use this to teach those who wish to learn. You gain proficiency in three Intelligence skills of your choice.
Whenever you finish a short or long rest, choose a number of willing creature equal to your Intelligence modifier that you can see. They gain proficiency in an Intelligence skill of your choice that you are proficient with. They are proficient with this skill until the end of their next long rest.
A creature must have an Intelligence score higher than 3 for them to learn this skill from you, and they must be able to understand you.
Once you have taught a group of creatures in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Minor Magic Adept
Also at 2nd level, you can teach folks how to cast cantrips. Whenever you use your Arcane Recovery feature, you teach a number of willing creatures equal to your proficiency bonus a cantrip you know. Creatures can cast this cantrip a number of times equal to their Intelligence modifier (minimum of once) until they finish their next long rest. Intelligence is their spellcasting ability for this cantrip, and for the cantrips spell attack or spell save DC (if any).
If one of the creatures can already cast spells, they can cast this cantrip using their own spellcasting ability, instead of Intelligence. A creature must have an Intelligence score higher than 3 for them to learn a cantrip from you, and they must be able to understand you.
Arcane Tutor
Starting at 6th level, nearly any creature can cast spells after spending time learning from you. During a long rest, you can impart a number of willing creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier knowledge on a spell. This spell must be one you have prepared, and must be of a spell level equal or lower than half your proficiency bonus. Until their next long rest, these creatures can cast this spell once without expending a spell slot. Intelligence is their spellcasting ability for this spell, and for its spell attack or spell save DC (if any).
If one of the creatures can already cast spells, they can cast this spell using their own spellcasting ability, instead of Intelligence, by spending the required spell slot for that singular casting of the spell. A creature must have an Intelligence score higher than 5 for them to learn a spell from you, and they must be able to understand you.
Enlightened Student
Beginning at 10th level, a creature who learned a cantrip or spell from you can use your Intelligence modifier as their spellcasting ability, instead of their own, for the cantrip or spell you taught them. They can also use your Intelligence modifier for the purpose of calculating how many times they can cast the cantrip you taught them.
Reciprocal Teaching
At 14th level, you can also learn spells from others by having the both of you teach each other. Whenever you start a long rest, choose a willing creature to become your study partner. Each of you must choose a spell from your known or prepared spell lists, that is of a spell level equal or lower than your respective proficiency bonus, and of a spell level of which the other can cast.
At the end of this rest, you know the spell your study partner chose, and they know the spell you chose. The spell you learn is considered a wizard spell for you, and the spell your partner learns counts as a spell from their class. These spells are considered prepared. You both possess these new spells in such a manner until the start of your next long rest, in which you both forget the spell your study partner chose.
Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you start a new long rest.
School of the Mind
Your study of magic is bound to the mind, sharpening it into a razor edge in order to fend off your enemies. Created both through inspiration and fear towards Mindflayers and their creations, wizards of the School of the Mind often venture in the hopes to one day mentally overpower these tentacled aberrations. These wizards exist as inquisitors, diplomats, or with enough bad luck, the most esteemed slave of Mindflayers.
Intrusive Telepathy
When you take this school at 2nd level, you can speak telepathically to any creature you can see, provided the creature is within a number of feet of you equal to 10 times your level in this class. If you already had telepathy in some manner, this range increases to 15 times instead.
You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic thoughts, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.
As a bonus action, you can force a creature you can see within this telepathic range to roll an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, you forcefully connect yourself to its brain for the next minute or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell). While this connection remains, you learn the surface thoughts of the creature, granting you advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Insight) checks made against them, as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks made to find them.
Additionally, you can spend your bonus actions on each of your subsequent turns to do one of the following.
- Prevent them from taking reactions until the start of your next turn.
- Give them disadvantage on concentration checks until the start of your next turn.
You choose if this creature is aware of this connection or not. If the creature succeeded the save, they automatically know someone attempted to enter their mind, and are immune to this feature for the next 24 hours. A creature immune to mind-reading or telepathy is immune to this feature.
You can invade someone's mind in this manner a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest. You can also use your Arcane Recovery feature to regain all expended uses of this feature, rather than expended spell slots.
Mental Fortitude
Also at 2nd level, your brain has become incredibly resilient. Your Intelligence score cannot be reduced.
Detect Intellect
At 6th level, you can mentally probe the area around you for any possible sentient creatures. As an action, you induce a mental probe. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher within range of your telepathy. You also learn if their Intelligence score is below or above 10, but not the specific score.
You can perform this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Rupture Thoughts
At 10th level, you gain resistance to psychic damage.
Additionally, you learn a new way to use your Intrusive Telepathy. While mentally connected with a creature, you can end the connection early as a bonus action. When doing so, you force them to make yet another Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, you rob them of their ability to cast a spell they can currently cast.
Choose a spell they know, have prepared, or can currently cast. This spell must be of a level equal or lower than your proficiency bonus. Until the end of your next long rest, that creature is unable to cast that spell, and you count it as prepared wizard spell, but don't count for the number of spells you have prepared.
If the target can't cast spells, they instead take an amount of psychic damage equal to your level in this class.
Once you successfully have used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Overpower Mind
At 14th level, you can use your mind to possess a weaker-minded individual. As an action, choose a creature that you can see within your telepathic range or one you have located through your Mindsense. They must succeed a saving throw against your spell save DC or be possessed by you for the next minute. A creature with an Intelligence score higher than you has advantage on this save.
This effect ends early if the body you have possessed drops to 0 hit points, if your original body drops to 0 hit points, or if the body you possess leaves your body's telepathic range.
Once you possess a creature’s body, you control it, and your actual body drops prone into a catatonic state. Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the creature, though you retain your alignment and your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You retain the benefit of your own class features. If the target has any class levels, you can’t use any of its class features.
Until the feature ends, the possessed creature’s soul can perceive from their body using its own senses, but it can’t move or take actions at all.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
School of Tongues
Communication is the tool for progress and cooperation within any groups of people. The wizards who study under the School of Tongues often seek a way to bring the world together through language, or manipulate the world through clever wordplay. With this expertise, these wizards can make or destroy cohesion, and can cast their spells through noise alone.
Educated Speech
When you take this school at 2nd level, you learn three languages of your choice. You also gain a bonus to Charisma checks equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).
Alter Communication
Also at 2nd level, your knowledge in languages allows you to alter someone's capacity's to communicate. As an action, you can force a creature you can see or hear within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, you can force one of the following onto them;
- The creature is unable to speak coherently or be properly understood, possibly causing the failure of charisma checks. If the creature can cast spells, it is unable to perform Verbal (V) components.
- The creature is deafened to the noise from other creatures.
- You and the creature can understand each other, even if you don't share a similar language.
On subsequent turns, you can use your bonus action to maintain this effect, extending its duration until the end of your next turn. However, the effect ends if you move more than 30 feet away from the creature, or if you can no longer hear or see the creature.
Wary of Silver-Tongues
At 6th level, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened when it has verbal components.
You also only require a verbal component to cast cantrips.
Linguistic Magic
At 10th level, you no longer require somatic components for spells that use verbal components. If a spell has somatic components and no verbal components, you can instead cast it with a verbal component.
Multilingual Voice
At 14th level, you are always under the effect of the Tongues spell, and are immune to the Silence spell and effects akin to it.
As an action, you can magically share the Tongues effect of this feature to another willing creature you can see or hear within 15 feet of you. This shared effect lasts for 1 hour.