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# Monk ## Way of Hunger *Monks under the Way of Hunger strive to attune themselves to nature, making themselves predators in order to make the worlds evil their prey. They absorb the lifeforce of their enemies like a wolf consumes a rabbit, ensuring they are the peak of the food chain. Their powers are highly disputed between other monasteries, who see the Way of Hunger either as vampirism or a tradition that must be respected like all the others.* #### Ravenous Strikes When you choose this monastic tradition at 3rd level, your blows can instill or feed a feral hunger within yourself. Once per turn, upon you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or monk weapon, you can perform one of the following effects on the target. - You can gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. - If the target is hit by another creature before the start of your next turn, you can spend your reaction to make melee weapon attack towards them. - Until the end of your next turn, you can't suffer disadvantage on attack rolls against this creature. #### Feral Blows Also at 3rd level, your unarmed strikes count as natural weapons. Each time you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you choose if you deal bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage. #### Vicious Hunger Starting at 6th level, you can force creatures to suffer an unquenchable hunger, causing them to attack friends and enemies alike. As an action, you can choose a creature within 60 feet of you to roll a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they immediately spend their reaction to attack the nearest creature within range, gaining a bonus to their attack roll equal to your Wisdom modifier. This attack cannot be a spell, and if the creature has multiple attack options, the DM chooses which one they use. If there are no valid targets, they take necrotic damage equal to your levels in this class. You can spend 2 ki points to give disadvantage to the save, and choose which creature they attack if there are more than one within range. \columnbreak #### Survival of the Fittest At 11th level, your training allows you to consume a portion of a creature's lifeforce when they would be brought to death's door. When a creature within 15 feet of you has its hit points reduced to 0, you can use your reaction to devour a part of their ki, performing one of the following abilities. - You move up to your movement towards a creature you can see. You can then either perform a flurry of blows at no ki cost or one melee attack if they are within range. If the attack hits, you can attempt a stunning strike at no ki cost. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. - Choose one of target's physical ability scores. For the next minute, you use that score rather than the one you normally possess for that ability. - You regain an amount of ki equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). Any ki gained beyond your ki point maximum are lost. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. You can spend 4 ki to regain a use of this feature. #### Starving Strength At 17th level, your desire to feed empowers your strikes, as well as your ability to consume. You add your Wisdom modifier to your damage rolls made with Flurry of Blows. Furthermore, you can perform all effects of your Ravenous Strikes, rather than just one. \pagebreakNum ## Way of Peak Physique *Those who follow this monastic tradition take it upon themselves to perfect their body above all else. To fully master their ki is to fully master their body, and so these monks develop ways to fully utilize each part of their body.* #### Incredible Fitness Upon taking this tradition at 3rd level, you know how to complement your strength and agility together. You gain proficiency in the Athletic and Acrobatic skills. Additionally, choose Constitution or Strength. You get a bonus to Dexterity checks equal to your chosen ability score's modifier, as well as a bonus to checks using your chosen ability score equal to your Dexterity modifier. The first creature you hit on each of your turns takes extra damage equal to your chosen ability score's modifier. #### Battle Physique Also at 3rd level, your body is much stronger than those of similar physique to you. Your martial art die is increased by one size (1d6), increasing by one size each time it would normally increase as you progress in this class. You also gain an additional way in using your Deflect Missile feature: you can use your reaction to deflect a melee weapon attack that hits you. If you reduce its damage to 0, you can immediately deal an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to two rolls of your Martial Arts die towards your attacker. You can perform Deflect Missiles in such a manner a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 1 ki point to use this feature again. #### Resilient Body Starting at 6th level, you add your chosen ability score modifier to your Ki save DC, and you have advantage against gaining levels of exhaustion. Whenever you would make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw, you can choose to do so with advantage. You can gain advantage in this manner a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 2 ki point to use this feature again. \columnbreak #### Hardened Counters At 11th level, your fitness empowers your combat to higher levels. Whenever you start your turn with 0 ki, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, you regain an amount of ki equal to your chosen ability score modifier (minimum of +1). Whenever you would reduce a melee weapon attack's damage to 0 through your Empowered Body feature, you can spend 1 ki point to attack your attacker with the weapon they used against you, rather than using your martial die. You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and the weapon counts as a monk weapon for the attack. Finally, whenever you could use your Deflect Missiles feature but have no available reactions, you can spend 3 ki to regain a reaction. #### Peak Physique At 17th level, your fitness has achieved its peak. - Your Martial die is now 2d6. - Whenever you make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution ability check or saving throw and the total roll is lower than your respective ability score, you can use your score as the roll instead. - In combat, you get a special reaction that you can take once on every creature's turn, except your turn. You can use this special reaction only to perform Deflect Missiles, and you can't use it on the same turn that you take your normal reaction. \pagebreakNum ## Way of Pressure *Those who follow the way of pressure recognize the inherent weaknesses in everything. While such a path may lead to great pessimism, these monks strive to use this knowledge to defend themselves and their goals, striking at their enemies weak points in order to impede them while aiding their allies.* #### Sudden Weak Point At 3rd level, your chosen path provides you greater knowledge to common weak points within the living. Once per turn, your first attack scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. #### Apply Pressure Also at 3rd level, you know exactly where to strike in order to disrupt a creature's combat capabilities. Once per turn, when you hit a creature, you can grant them one of the following demerits of your choice. - **Head.** The target has disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks until the start of your next turn. If the target is currently concentrating on a spell, it has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain its concentration on the spell until the start of your next turn. - **Throat.** The target cannot speak until the start of your next turn. If the target was holding its breath, reduce the amount of time it has left holding its breath by one minute. - **Arm.** The target has disadvantage on its next weapon attack, and cannot cast spells with the Somatic (S) component until the start of your next turn. - **Torso.** The target subtracts a d4 from the next Constitution saving throw it makes before the start of your next turn. - **Groin.** The target takes extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. - **Leg/Wing.** The target's movement speed is halved until the start of your next turn. Additionally, until the end of its turn, it provokes opportunity attacks from you regardless of where it moves. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses upon finishing a long rest. While you have no remaining uses, you can spend 1 ki point to regain a use of this feature. If the attack was a critical hit, you can use this feature without expending a use or ki. \columnbreak #### Temporary Resolution Starting at 6th level, your knowledge in weak points allows you to not only exploit them, but heal through them. As an action, you can spend 2 ki points and touch a creature. A condition of your choice that is affecting them is suppressed for one minute. Additionally, you can spend 3 ki points to cure a creature from paralysis. #### Apply Critical Pressure At 11th level, your knowledge on anatomy allows you to greatly disadvantage your foes in one fell swoop. When using your Apply Pressure feature, you can instead grant your target one of the following demerits; - **Head.** The target is blinded until the start of your next turn. - **Throat.** The target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or else it falls unconscious for a minute, unless it takes damage or someone uses their action to shake or slap them awake. At the start of each of its turn, the target can roll a Constitution saving throw, ending the effect early on a success. - **Arm.** The target takes extra damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die, and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they drop an item they are holding. If they are holding one or more items, you choose which one is dropped. - **Torso.** The target is poisoned until the start of your next turn. This ignores immunities to being poisoned. - **Groin.** The target is incapacitated until the start of your next turn. - **Leg/Wing.** The target drops prone, and standing up costs the entirety of its movement. If this attack was a critical hit, you can grant both linked demerits instead. Once you have used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. While you have no remaining uses, you can spend 2 ki points to regain a use of this feature. #### Corrupt the Nerves At 17th level, your capabilities can leave your enemies frozen in place. Your first attack per turn now scores a critical hit on a roll of 18 to 20, and you can spend 1 ki point to have your other attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 until the start of your next turn. Additionally, if a creature gains three demerits from your Apply Pressure or Apply Critical Pressure at once, or suffers from your Stunning Strike feature while being affected by either of the former features, they are paralyzed until the end of your next turn. \pagebreakNum ## Way of Restoration *Monks of the Way of Restoration seek to help those who have been harmed through life, in hopes to aid them in overcoming what they face and push forward. Many of these monks have they themselves experienced such pain, before being helped by monk following this path. These individuals use their teachings to both aid others and themselves, adapting against incoming challenges so that they can later overcome any challenges. If there is a will, there is a way.* #### Mending Touch At 3rd level, you learn the *Mending* cantrip. Objects you repair gain a golden line where they were fixed. Whenever a creature fails an ability check or saving throw, you can cast this cantrip on them as an action, granting them advantage to the next time they roll that same ability check or saving throw. This effect lasts until they repeat that ability check or saving throw, or when you finish a long rest. You can cast *Mending* in this manner a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you regain all expended uses after a long rest. #### Self-Reinforcement Also at 3rd level, you gain these benefits. - **Repaired Skin.** Whenever you would be hit by an attack roll and take damage, you can spend your reaction to increase your AC by an amount equal to your Constitution modifier. This increase lasts until the end of your next turn. - **Repaired Will.** Whenever you would fail a saving throw and suffer its effects, you can spend your reaction to gain a bonus to your saving throws equal to your Wisdom modifier. This increase lasts until the end of your next turn. - **Retaliation.** Whenever you would take damage, you can spend your reaction to add half your Wisdom modifier (rounded up) to your attack and damage rolls. This increase lasts until the end of your next turn. At 11th level, you can spend this reaction before suffering the effects of the attack or spell. As a result, the triggering attack roll or spell DC may fail to affect you if your AC or saving throw now surpasses it. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 2 ki points to use this feature again. \columnbreak #### Uplifting Aura At 6th level, your path passively reinforces you and your injured allies while you rest. Whenever you finish a long rest, you and a number of creatures you can see equal to your Wisdom modifier have their hit points and hit point maximum increased by an amount equal to your levels in this class. This hit point maximum increase lasts until you begin another long rest. Additionally, whenever you or a creature within 30 feet of you spends one or more Hit Dice to regain hit points during a short rest, they treat one of those rolls at its maximum value. #### Greater Mending Touch At 11th level, you can spend 2 ki points to cast the *Lesser Restoration* spell, and 3 ki points to cast *Remove Curse* without requiring material components. Once per long rest, you can spend 4 ki points to cast *Greater Restoration* also without requiring material components. #### Avatar of the Restored At 17th level, bringing you to the verge of death only empowers you. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Doing so grants you the following benefits. - You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to half your hit point maximum. - You add your Wisdom modifier to your attack and damage rolls. - You add your Constitution modifier to your Unarmored Defense. - Whenever you are the target of a harmful spell or attack, you can spend a reaction to perform an opportunity attack against your attacker if they are within range. This transformation lasts for 1 minute. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. \pagebreakNum ## Way of the Echoing Tremors *The Way of the Tremor teaches how to perceive the world beyond sight, to witness the actions and decisions made around you by the ripples they leave in their wake. Monasteries that teach this tradition are often found near large bodies of water, deep below the earth, or within dwarven strongholds. Monks following this way demonstrate that even the smallest of shakes can provide the greatest changes.* #### Ripples of Awareness Upon taking this monastic tradition at 3rd level, you can heighten your senses to the tremors around you. As a bonus action, you gain a tremorsense equal to your Unarmored Movement bonus, and this special sight lasts until you fall unconscious, die, or 10 minutes have passed. Gaining this tremorsense while blinded instead doubles the range, and remains as such while you are blinded. You can use this tremorsense to detect vibrations in water instead. Doing so halves its range. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. #### Quaking Strike Also at 3rd level, you know how to quake ground and water with just the faintest of steps. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one of the attacks to strike the ground below you, causing any creatures within a 10 foot radius to make a Strength saving throw against your ki save DC. A creature takes an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die and falls prone on a failed saved, while a successful save causes a creature to take half damage and not fall prone. At 11th level, the damage of this quake increases to two rolls of your Martial Arts die, and the range of this radius increases to an amount equal your Unarmored Movement bonus. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 1 ki point to use this feature again. \columnbreak #### Flowing Waves At 6th level, you can redirect the force that would push you down back towards your attacker. You have advantage against falling prone, and when you would succeed against it, you can use your reaction to attempt to prone your attacker. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your ki save DC or fall prone. #### Sure-Footed At 11th level, you are capable of manipulating your ki to allow you to tread anywhere. You can remain on liquids and vertical surfaces without falling. If you fall prone on either of these surfaces and are not incapacitated, you fall prone on that surface rather than falling off it. #### One with Motion Upon reaching 17th level, your connection to motion bonds you to the world around you. You gain the following benefits: - You can perform a Quaking Strike as an action. Doing so doubles its range, increases the damage to four rolls of your martial arts die, and causes the area to turn into difficult terrain for the next minute. You can also choose to have it only target hostile creatures. - You gain tremorsense with a range of 10 feet. This range is added to your Echoing Ripples feature. - When using your Flowing Waves feature to force an attacker prone, you can instead target a different creature within 5 feet of you. \pagebreakNum ## Way of the Empty Spirit *Monks of the Way of the Empty Spirit value a pure and empty state of mind, desiring to reach their most inner or primal state of being. Through their rigorous training in mastering their own spirit and removing negative ki, these monks can enter a state of their most primal self, allowing them to perform great feats without needing to channel their ki.* #### Soul-Crushing Fists At 3rd level, you can force your ki into another creature, striking at their very mind and soul. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you can spend ki points to deal extra psychic damage to the target, in addition to the unarmed damage. The extra damage is one roll of your Martial Arts die for 1 ki point, plus an extra roll for each additional ki point spent. The max amount of ki you can spend in this manner for a single unarmed strike is an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus. #### State of Emptiness Also at 3rd level, you can achieve your most pure form when you are devoid of manipulation. At any time you would have 0 ki during your turn, you can enter a state of emptiness as a bonus action. While in this state, you gain the following benefits: - Features that require an amount of ki equal to half your proficiency bonus or less in order to be used now require no ki. You can perform each of these available features only once per turn. - You have advantage on Wisdom checks and Wisdom saving throws, and can use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Dexterity modifier when making Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws. - You can use your Wisdom modifier, rather than your Dexterity or Strength modifier, for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons. This state lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious, if you regain ki, cast a spell, or if you end it on your turn as a bonus action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. \columnbreak #### Spiritual Disruption Starting at 6th level, you can disrupt or aid a creature's spirit. As an action, you can spend 1 ki point to touch a creature. For the next minute, at any time that target rolls an attack roll, saving throw, or an ability check, you can cause that roll to have advantage or disadvantage. This effect then immediately ends after the roll. When you use your Flurry of Blows, you can replace one of the unarmed strikes with a use of this feature without spending a ki point for the effect. #### Soul Unbound At 11th level, entering purity frees you from the chains binding you. If you enter your state of emptiness while under the effects of a harmful spell, ability, or condition, the effect is suspended for the duration of the state. Additionally, you can enter your state of emptiness as part of starting your turn or upon reaching 0 ki points, rather than as a bonus action. You can do so once per long rest. #### Incorruptible Spirit At 17th level, those who try to corrupt you when you are at your most pure may find themselves corrupted. Whenever you would succeed a saving throw against a spell, magical effect, or condition while in your state of clarity, you can use your reaction to reflect the effect. Doing so turns your attacker into the target, as though the spell, magical effect, or condition originated from you. You can perform this feature once per short or long rest. \pagebreakNum ## Way of the Olympian *Those who follow the monastic tradition of the olympian are expert wrestlers, capable of grappling others with sheer tenacity and willpower. Inspired by a great god of strength and endurance, this monastic tradition prides itself in limiting their use of conventional weaponry, and to instead use their own enemies as weapons instead.* #### Strong Body and Mind Upon taking this monastic tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Acrobatics and Athletics skills, and can use your Wisdom modifier, rather than your Strength or Dexterity modifier, when using either skill. While attempting or escaping a grapple check from a creature your size or smaller, you can spend 1 ki point to have advantage on the check. #### Unconventional Weaponry At 3rd level, you can use your enemies as weapons. You can spend your bonus action to take the Grapple action. Your movement is also only halved when grappling a creature of your size or larger, as opposed to a creature one size smaller than you or larger normally. Whenever you would be grappling a creature one size larger than you or smaller, you can make attacks with them. They are treated as a monk weapon for you, and you use your Martial Arts die when attacking with them. If you hit another creature with the creature you are currently grappling, they both take damage. If the creature you are grappling would fall to 0 hit points and die, you treat their corpse as a monk weapon that uses your Martial Arts die for damage. A creature your size or larger are treated as two-handed weapons for the purpose of being a monk weapon. #### Divine Physique At 6th level, you gain a climbing speed and swimming speed equal to your walking speed, and can jump vertically or horizontally an amount equal to half your walking speed (with or without a running start). #### So long, Friend Also at 6th level, your herculean grappling allows you to throw your foes. While grappling a creature your size or smaller, you can spend a bonus action to force them to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, you can throw them with a range of 30/60 until the end of your turn. On a successful save, they break out of your grapple and safely land in a unoccupied space within 10 feet of you. This range increases once you reach 11th level (60/120). Once you have used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 3 ki points to use this feature again. \columnbreak #### Superior Body Weaponry At 11th level, you count as one size larger when determining grapples. Whenever you would be using a creature or corpse of size Large or larger as a monk weapon, your reach is equal to the amount of tiles they normally take. As a result, you would have a 10 foot reach when attacking with a Large creature or corpse, a 15 foot reach with Huge, and so on. Additionally, when using a Large or larger creature as a monk weapon, you reroll any 1's dealt through your Martial Arts die. #### Meat Shield At 17th level, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures you are grappling. Additionally, whenever you would be the target of an attack or harmful spell, you can spend your reaction to make your grappled creature the target instead. This attack or spell must not come from this creature, and you cannot use this reaction if you are wielding a corpse. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 3 ki point to use this feature again. \pagebreakNum ## Way of the Sacred One *Monks who follow the Way of the Sacred One are deeply religious, following the codes of their gods and beliefs with a religious fervor. They value purity of spirit and mind, this drive allowing them to be gain various benefits through their faith.* #### Holy Mind Upon taking this monastic tradition at 3rd level, you have been blessed by your faith. You gain the following benefits: - When you damage a target with an unarmed strike, you can change the damage type to radiant. - You gain proficiency in the Religion skill. - If you can’t already, you learn to speak, read, and write Celestial. - Your martial art die increases by one size (1d6 at 3rd level, max of 2d8 at 17th level) when hitting fiends and undead. #### Holy Ki At 3rd level, you can manipulate your ki to replicate holy spells. You can cast *Bless*, *Ceremony*, *Daylight*, *Guiding Bolt*, and *Sanctuary* without requiring material components. You can cast each of these spells once per long rest without expending ki. Once you have cast a spell this way, you can cast it again at its base spell level by spending an amount of ki equal to the spell level. Additionally, you gain the *Light* cantrip if you don't already know it. If you did, the light created by the cantrip is treated as sunlight. #### Mark of Repentance At 6th level, you can force a creature to repent. When you hit a creature on on your turn, you can forgo the damage and force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they have disadvantage on attack rolls until the start of your next turn, and they take radiant damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die each time they attack. This effect ends early if the target is attacked before the start of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 2 ki points to use this feature again. \columnbreak #### Blessing of Enlightenment At 11th level, your faith has rewarded you with higher knowledge. Whenever you make an Intelligence check, you treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. You also learn the *Commune* spell, which you can cast once per long rest without material components. #### Divine Repentance At 17th level, your faith empowers your strikes against a creature who failed to repent. - If a creature affected by your Mark of Repentance makes an attack, your next unarmed strike against them is a guaranteed critical hit. - You can spend 6 ki to cast *Holy Weapon*, targeting your unarmed strikes. Once you have used either feature, you can't use them again until you finish a short or long rest. \pagebreakNum ## Way of the Shifting Sands *Monks who follow this monastic tradition are trained in secret oasis sprinkled around deserts, hidden away by magical illusions that can be broken only by those who wish to learn their monastic arts. Having trained under the harsh sun and frigid nights, these individuals blend the desert's tricks and heat into their fighting styles, and can shift into the earth without a trace.* #### Blessing of the Oasis Upon taking this monastic tradition at 3rd level, you have trained you physical and mental resilience within the harsh desert. your hit point maximum increases by 3 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class. You can also survive for a week without needing water. #### Trick of the Light Also at 3rd level, you can bend light to make yourself disappear, as well as deliver burning blows. When using your Patient Defense, you can turn yourself invisible until the start of your next turn. This ends early if you attack a creature or force a saving throw, at which point the target takes extra fire damage equal to one roll of your martial arts die. At 11th level, this invisibility remains until the start of your next turn, regardless if you attack a creature or force a saving throw, and you deal this fire damage to the first creature you hit while invisible. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 1 additional ki point when you activate Patient Defense to use this feature again. #### Desert's Illusions At 6th level, you can harness your ki to cast certain spells. As an action, you can cast *Blur*, *Disguise Self*, *Major Image*, *Mirror Image*, or *Silent Image* without requiring material components. You can cast each of these spells once per long rest without expending ki. Once you have cast a spell this way, you can cast it again at its base spell level by spending an amount of ki equal to the spell level. Additionally, you gain the *Minor Illusion* cantrip if you don't already know it. \columnbreak #### Sand's Embrace Upon reaching 11th level, you have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks. Additionally, you gain a burrowing speed equal to your Unarmored Movement bonus, allowing you to burrow through loose earth such as soil, sand, mud, as well as snow. While doing so, you don't disturb the material you move through, and you gain a tremorsense of 15 feet while burrowed. If you end your turn burrowed, you take 1d10 bludgeoning damage and are immediately pushed to the nearest unoccupied space. At 17th level, you can burrow through stone and ice at half your Unarmored Movement bonus. #### Searing Illusion At 17th level, you can grant the desert's blessing to your allies. When using your Trick of the Light, any friendly creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you can also become invisible until the start of your next turn. A targeted creature can end their invisibility early on their turn, causing their next attack roll to deal extra fire damage equal to two rolls of your martial arts die. Once you have used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 6 ki points to regain a use of this feature. \pagebreakNum ## Way of the Shooting Star *The starry night provides wonders and delight to its onlookers, many unaware of the sheer might these celestial bodies possess. A monk who follows this traditions channels their ki to mimic these otherworldly objects, their hair or feet glowing in the night. Those who go against such warriors will have to content with blinding speeds and the roaring flames they deliver.* #### Streak of the Cosmos Upon choosing this tradition at 3rd level, your Unarmored Movement increases by 10 feet, and continues to do so every time it normally increases (to a maximum of +60 feet). You can also take the Disengage and Dash action at the same time when using Step of the Wind. You can use Step of the Wind in this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. While you have no uses available, you can spend 1 additional ki point when you activate Step of the Wind to use this feature again. #### Aspect of the Stars Also at 3rd level, your strikes channel a falling stars power when you mimic them. If you move at least a number of feet equal to your Unarmored Movement bonus, you gain the following benefits until the start of your next turn: - The next attack you hit with an unarmed strike or monk weapon deals an additional roll of your Martial Arts die. This extra damage is fire damage. - When you roll a 1 on a damage die for an attack with an unarmed strike or monk weapon, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1. - You can move through a creature's space regardless of their size. At 11th level, the damage of this feature increases to two rolls of your Martial Arts die. #### Starry Step Starting at 6th level, you are capable of moving like comets across the night sky. Whenever you jump or fall, you can halt your descent and instead move on air as if it was horizontal ground. You start falling again once you finish your turn, unless you have used Step of the Wind this turn or you finish your movement on a solid surface. #### Wishing Star At 11th level, you can mimic the magical abilities a wishing star can provide. You learn the *Guidance* spell. You can also spend 1 ki point to cast *Guiding Bolt* or *Augury*, or 4 ki points to cast *Haste* or *Melf's Minute Meteors*. #### Star-Fall At 17th level, you can channel the absolute destruction celestial bodies can perform. As an action, you leap into the sky above. Upon the start of your next turn, choose a space within 100 feet of where you were. You descend onto that space, creating a 40-foot-radius, 80-foot-high cylinder of bright light. Choose fire, bludgeoning, or thunder. Any creatures of your choice within this area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d10 of this damage type on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Any creature within this area also falls prone upon failing this save. Once you have used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.