Trembling Mountain Monk

by dot1121

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Way Of The Trembling Mountain

One With The Earth

Beginning at 3rd level, you become one with the earth granting you the following benefits. You gain Tremorsense out to a number of feet equal to 10x your proficiency bonus.

Additionally as a bonus action on your turn you may spend 2 ki points to don a suit of earthen armor that gives you a +1 bonus to your Armor Class and damage rolls from your unarmed strikes. While in the armor you also gain the following abilities:

  • While you wear the armor you have a number of temporary hit points equal to 2x your monk level. The temporary hit points and armor last for one minute or until you are reduced to zero temporary hit points.
  • You gain resistance to non magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • You are not affected by difficult terrain
  • You may cast the earth tremor spell once while in the armor.
  • you may also expend a number of temporary hit points up to your level to cast the magic missile spell dealing your martial arts die in damage.

Lightning Rod

Beginning at 7th level, when a creature casts a damaging spell targeting you or a creature within 15 feet of you, you may choose to spend a number of ki points equal to 1+ the spells level (minimum 2) to attempt to channel the magic into the earth. When you do so, roll, your martial arts die a number of times equal to the spell’s damage dice. If your roll is higher than the damage roll the magic is channeled into the earth dealing no damage. If your roll is lower you take the remaining damage. While in your earthen armor you may reroll 1s rolled when you use this ability.

Stone Shard Strike

Beginning at 10th level, your magic missile spell does not reduce your temporary hit points. Additionally when you hit a creature with this magic missile spell that creature's speed is reduced by 10 feet.

Trembling Mountain

You may cast the earthquake spell once per long rest while in your Earthen Armor.


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