Expanded Awakened Plants by SonixverseLabs

by Sonixerse

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Expanded Awakend Plants

Awakened Plants

There are only very few regions on the Material Plane wherein some form of plant life is not present. These lifeforms come in many varieties often adapting to the conditions of the biome that they dwell.

Sometimes due to their vicinity to magical ley lines or the influence of druidic magics, these otherwise inert plants gain a life of their own. Depending on the origin of this magic these plants acquire a personality of their own or are under the control of another force, whether for good or evil.

Awakened Shrubs

Awakened shrubs make up the majority of all kinds of awakened plants. This classification is rather broad as it encompasses all forms of underbrush and smaller flora.


Briarthorns are known for their prickly leaves that are almost as sharp as knives. These leaves are often used to deter herbivorous animals from making a meal out of them.

When awakened, it turns out these plants tend to have a personality as prickly as their appearance as they tend to be quite territorial. Additionally, their newfound sentience has taught them a few new tricks such as firing a storm of blade-like leaves at anyone who upsets them.


Rivervines are aquatic plants that often take the appearance of seaweed or kelp. When awakened these plant's can prove to be quite dangerous since they tend to live in large groups and will work together to entangle and drown their attackers.


Daliahs are one of the most beautiful of all plants and come in dozens of variations. They all share the same base characteristics as they tend to sport a unique array of flowers that emit a slightly hypnotic pollen. Such an arrangement is unique to each plant as some sport a specific arrangement, coloration, or number of flowers.


Blighted shrubs are often awakened in a different manner than most of its other kin. These plants gain sentience due to the influence of necromantic magic or parasitic spores. As a result, these plants tend to seek out other plants to drain their life force to sustain them. However, if desperate enough, they have been known to come after beasts and humanoids.


Winterblooms are a rather unique breed of plants that only appear in the coldest of environments. Since flora in such environments tend to be quite scarce, most herbivorous creatures tend to be attracted to them. These plants use this to their advantage to acquire sustenance as it absorbs the body heat of the unsuspecting creature to make up for the general lack of nutrients and sunlight in such a cold climate.


Nightleafs are plants that have adapted to living in the Underdark where there is not any sunlight. These plants sport a beautiful array of bioluminescent leaves which protect it from aberrant magics in the Underdark as well as guides pollinators to its branches.

When awakened, these plants seem to hate any form on sunlight immediately fleeing at the presence of it. Despite this innate fear, there is no evidence that sunlight seem harm the plant as seen in other creatures, outside of possibly mental trauma, if plants even suffer from that.

The tree variant of these plants are known as umberwood.


Sunblooms are one of the dazzling of all plants thanks to its leaves scintillation with a golden radiance. As their name suggests, they resemble miniature suns with their gleam branches and unlike other plants, they have a natural immunity to fire. Many believe that they plants were brought from the Upper Planes as a gift of the gods or possibly the work of a mischievous adventurer who smuggled their seeds from their native planes.

The tree variant of these plants are known as gladefire.


Amberwoods are easily recognizable thanks to their glistening appearance as if their are coated with wax. This film is actually a layer of viscous amber. This amber is highly prized for its many uses.

This sap is quite popular to make very potent ales and desserts. These deserts are known to be extremely sweet or sour but have been known to be extremely acidic if too much is consumed. This sap also is particularly useful as a fire retardant.


Cacti are the hardiest of all plants living in the harshest and most arid of environments. Their leaves are perfectly adapted for retaining moisture and as well as repelling the heat. They also have a unique ability to regrow from the most lethal of wounds and even dismemberment.

Despite their thorny appearance, awakened cacti are actually the most amiable of all plants and often provide aid to the stranded in the desert.. Unfortunately, despite their best intentions, they have a hard time understanding personal space.


The duskbloom is probably the most peculiar of all plants. Whereas most plants require light for sustenance, the duskbloom takes it to a whole new degree. The leaves of these plants have the unique ability to completely siphon light from it surroundings.

When awakened, these plants can prove to be quite the nuisance as they tend to migrate towards large sources of light, such as large towns or cities.

Awakened Shrub Template

small plant, unaligned

  • Armor Class 9(Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 11 (3d6)
  • Speed 20ft., 20ft. climb

13(+1) 8 (-1) 11(+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
  • Damage Resistances Piercing, bludgeoning, psychic damage
  • Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 12
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed
  • Challenge 1/8(25 XP)

False Appearance While motionless, the shrub is indistinguishable from a normal shrub

Spider Climb The shrub can climb difficult surfaces without needing to make an ability check

Rooted Defense The shrub has advantage on saving throws and ability checks against be pushed, shoved, or knocked prone.

Flammable Whenever the shrub takes fire damage, it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. It must use its action to put out the flames. However, while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration..


While in sunlight, the shrub gains the following benefits:

  • Regeneration It can regain 5 hitpoints at the start of each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and hasn't taken fire damage on its turn.
  • Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can end one of the following conditions: poisoned.


Rake +3 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 4(1d4+1) slashing damage.

Awakened Bush Template

large plant, unaligned

  • Armor Class 9(Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 34 (4d10+12)
  • Speed 20ft., 20ft. climb

18(+4) 8 (-1) 16(+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

  • Skills Perception +2
  • Damage Resistances Piercing, bludgeoning, psychic damage
  • Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 12
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed
  • Challenge 1/2(100 XP)

False Appearance While motionless, the bush is indistinguishable from a normal bush

Spider Climb The bush can climb difficult surfaces without needing to make an ability check

Rooted Defense The bush has advantage on saving throws and ability checks against be pushed, shoved, or knocked prone.

Flammable Whenever the bush takes fire damage, it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. It must use its action to put out the flames. However, while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration..


While in sunlight, the bush gains the following benefits:

  • Regeneration It can regain 5 hitpoints at the start of each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and hasn't taken fire damage on its turn.
  • Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can end one of the following conditions: poisoned.


Rake +5 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 9(2d4+4) slashing damage.


Thorns Creatures that grapple or make a melee attack against the shrub while within 5ft. of the shrub takes 3(1d4) piercing damage.

If a bush, the target takes 5(2d4) piercing damage.


Razor Leaf(Recharge 5-6) Creatures within a 10ft. radius must succeed a DC 10 saving throw or take 5(2d4) slashing damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes half damage.

If a bush, the DC is 13 and the target takes 10(4d4) slashing


  • Movement Speed 20ft. swim

Amphibious The shrub can breathe in air and in water


Vine +3 to hit:, 10ft., , one target. Hit 4(1d4+1) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Small or smaller creature, it is grappled(escape DC 10).

Vine (Bush Only) +6 to hit:, 10ft., , one target. Hit 9(2d4+4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled(escape DC 14).


Aromatic Pollen Creatures other than the shrub that first enter or start its turn within 5ft. of the shrub must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. Creatures poisoned in this manner cannot target the shrub or its allies. It can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns. Upon a success, creatures are immune to being poisoned in this manner for the next 24 hours.

If a bush, the DC is 13.


  • Damage Resistances Poison, Necrotic

Blighted Resilience The shrub has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned or diseased.

Witherblight Creatures hit by its attacks must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become blighted for one minute . Blighted creatures take an additional 1d8 necrotic damge and the blight can heal for half the damage.

If a bush, the DC is 13.


  • Damage Immunities Cold

Cold Aura Creatures that first enters or start its turn within 5ft. of the shrub, takes 3(1d4) cold. If a bush, the target takes 5(2d4) cold damage.


Night Bloom The shrub gains the benefit of photosynthesis while in dim light, darkness, or at night instead of daylight.

Sun Turning When it starts its turn or first enters sunlight, the nightleaf must use its action to Dash as far away from the source of light as it can. It can safely navigate any hazardous terrain. If it cannot escape, it takes the Dodge action for the duration.

Bioluminesence The shrub has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects. It gives off dim light in a 5ft. radius.


  • Damage Resistances Radiant
  • Damage Immunities Fire

Frost Susceptibility The shrub or bush takes cold damage, it loses its heated body, photosynthesis, and illumination ability until the end of its next turn.

Heated Body Creatures that grapple or make a melee attack against the shrub while within 5ft. of the shrub takes 5(1d8) fire damage. It only gains these benefits while its Photosynthesis effect is active

Illuminate The shrub gives off bright light in a 5ft. radius and dim light an additional 5ft.


  • Damage Resistances Acid, fire

Sticky Form Creatures that grapple the shrub or hits it with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. is grappled by the shrub (escape DC 10). Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.

The DC 14 for a bush

Fireproof Film The amberwood is not set aflame and does not lose the benefits of photosynthesis when it takes fire damage

Acidic Amber Creatures grappled by the shrub take 4(1d4) acid damage at the start of each of its turns. For a bush, the target takes 5(2d4) acid damge


Sticky Rake +3 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 4(1d4+1) slashing damage. If the target is a Small or smaller creature, it is grappled(escape DC 10).

Vine (Bush Only) +6 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 9(2d4+4) slashing damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is grappled(escape DC 14).


  • Damage Resistances Fire

Heatproof The cactus cannot be set aflame. Upon succeeding a saving throw against an effect that deals fire damage, the cactus takes no damage. It can still benefit from photosynthesis even if it takes fire damage.

Spiked Body A creature that touches the cactus takes 4(1d6) piercing damge. If a bush, it takes 7(2d6) piercing damage.

Self Propagation The cactus can still regain hitpoints from it photosynthesis feature even if it starts its turn with 0 hitpoints. It can still die as normal upon failing all of its death saving throws.


Light Drain Upon taking radiant damage, the duskbloom takes no damgae but regains a number of hitpoints equal to the radiant damage dealt.

Dusk Leaf The duskbloom emits nonmagical darkness is a 5ft. radius around it. Dim light extends an additional 5ft. around it. This darkness extinguishes non-magical and magical sources of light.

Awakened Tree

Awakened trees are some of the largest of all kinds of awakened plants. These entities are a bit rarer than their small kin as they require much more magical energy to animate their forms.

However, once awakened, or in some cases tames, awakened trees are incredibly useful creatures. They can serve as plants of burden and are extremely versatile battle creatures. THanks to their hardy forms as well as their attunement to many druidic magics, they serve as the ideal troop transport easily bypassing enemy lines and able to move a large number of troops at a time over long distances.

Because some of these trees share similar traits to smaller varieties of awakened plants, this section while only highlight species that haven't been previously mentioned.


As their name suggests, timbersteel trees are known for their incredibly durable bark. In fact, this bark is much harder than steel and is used as armor for many druidic tribes. However, despite its strengths, it still has one weakness wherein it quite flamable and requires additional modifications for optimal use.

Razor Willows

Razor willows are known for their tendril-like leaves that drape from its branches. These leaves are razor sharp and primarily serve as a defense against herbivores. Unwary travelers can easily end up heavily wounded by these creatures as it is easy to become entangle and lacerated by its leaves.


Lotus woods seem to resemble colossal flowers with thick wooden stems. Just like their smaller flower counterparts, they are known for their aromatic pollen that actually as many medicinal properties from just inhaling its spores.


Sirenwood often resemble dead trees thats to their pale, twisted bark and scarce variety of trees. However, these plants are very much alive and the hollow nature of their anatomy can generate a rather interesting effect. When the slightest wind blows across the tree, it can create an eerie howling cacophony that is known to drive a creature mad in fear. However, the sound of the scream sounds different depending on the unique structure of each tree. However, when in a forest of sirenwoods, this cacophony becomes nearly unbearable.


Whisperglade trees are the most bizarre of all trees. There origins are not entirely understood, but some believe they are the result of magical experimentation on trees while others believe their are an aberrant species of flora native to the underdark.

These trees seem to feed off of the psychic energy of living beings around them. As horrific as this sounds, this effect seems to be relatively harmless and actually serves as a boon to nearby creatures. Since these trees seem to reside in magically volatile environments such as the Underdark, their ability to siphon psychic energy actually dampens harmful psionic magics to nearby creatures.

However, this psionic aura can generate some unintended consequences as its psychic attunement also occasionally causes one to see hallucination or hear the thoughts of nearby creatures. Additionally, if the tree is harmed in anyway, it can redirect this psychic energy in a painful blast against its attacker.

Describing their appearance is quite problematic as their coloration tends to change the longer your look at it. To make things even more peculiar, it seems that the appearance of the tree seems to unique to each individual observer as accounts from multiple observers looking at the same tree seem to describe vastly different appearances.

Awakened Tree

Huge plant, unaligned

  • Armor Class 16(Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 63 (6d12+30)
  • Speed 20ft., 20ft. climb

19(+4) 6 (-2) 20(+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +7, Perception +3
  • Damage Resistances Piercing, bludgeoning damage
  • **Damage Immunities ** Psychic
  • Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 13
  • Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed
  • Challenge 4(1100 XP)

False Appearance While motionless, the tree is indistinguishable from a normal tree

Spider Climb The tree can climb difficult surfaces without needing to make an ability check

Rooted Defense The tree has advantage on saving throws and ability checks against be pushed, shoved, or knocked prone.

Siege Monster The tree deals double damage to buildings and objects

Flammable Whenever the tree takes fire damage, it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. It must use its action to put out the flames. However, while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration.


While in sunlight, the tree gains the following benefits:

  • Regeneration It can regain 10 hitpoints at the start of each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and hasn't taken fire or necrotic damage on its turn.
  • Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can end one of the following conditions: poisoned.


Multiattack The tree can make two Entangling Root Attacks. It can substitute a Root Attack for a Fling.

Raking Limbs +6 to hit:, 10ft., , all targets within range. Hit 14(4d4+4) slashing damage.

Entangling Roots +6 to hit:, 10ft., , one target. Hit 14(2d6+4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled and restrained(escape DC 14). A creature must use its action to break free from the root. The creature can also choose to attack the root to escape. THe roots has an AC of 16, 15 hitpoints, resistances to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, and is immune to all conditions. Destroying the root does not deal any damage to the tree.

Fling One Large or smaller object held or creature grappled by the tree is thrown up to 30 feet in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes a solid surface, the target takes 4 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone.

Elder Tree

Gargantuan plant, unaligned

  • Armor Class 18(Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 210(12d20+84)
  • Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb

24(+7) 6 (-2) 25(+7) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +11, Perception +4
  • Damage Resistances Piercing, bludgeoning damage
  • Damage Immunities Psychic damage
  • Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 12
  • Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed
  • Challenge 12(8400 XP)

False Appearance While motionless, the tree is indistinguishable from a normal tree

Barkskin The tree can reduce bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage by 7.

Spider Climb The tree can climb difficult surfaces without needing to make an ability check

Rooted Defense The tree has advantage on saving throws and ability checks against be pushed, shoved, or knocked prone.

Siege Monster The tree deals double damage to buildings and objects

Flammable Whenever the tree takes fire damage, it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. It must use its action to put out the flames. However, while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration.


While in sunlight, the tree gains the following benefits:

  • Regeneration It can regain 20 hitpoints at the start of each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and hasn't taken fire or necrotic damage on its turn.
  • Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can end one of the following conditions: poisoned.


Multiattack The tree can make two Entangling Root Attacks. It can substitute a Root Attack for a Fling.

Raking Limbs +11 to hit:, 20ft., , all targets within range. Hit 35(8d6+7) slashing damage.

Entangling Roots +11 to hit:, 20ft., , one target. Hit 14(4d6+7) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled and restrained(escape DC 19). A creature must use its action to break free from the root. The creature can also choose to attack the root to escape. THe roots has an AC of 18, 30 hitpoints, resistances to bludgeoning and piercing damage, and is immune psychic damage and to all conditions. Destroying the root does not deal any damage to the tree.

Fling One Huge or smaller object held or creature grappled by the tree is thrown up to 60 feet in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes a solid surface, the target takes 4 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone.


  • Damage Resistances Acid, Poison
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Timbersteel Bark The tree can reduce damage taken by 5.

Resilient Form The tree has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned or diseased.

Razor Willow

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Willow Snares Creatures that first enter or starts its turn within 10ft. of the willow must succeed a Strength save of 14 or become grappled and restrained by the willow. Creatures grappled in this manner take 5(2d4) slashing damage at the start of each of its turns.

Lotus Wood

Aromatic Pollen Creatures that first enter or start its turn within 10ft. of the tree have advantage on saving throws against being blinded, deafened, exhausted, paralyzed, or poisoned. If an elder tree, the radius is 20ft.


  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Howling Wood Creatures that first enters or starts its turn within 30ft. of the tree that can hear it must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the end of its next turn. If an elder tree, the DC is 19.

If another sirenwood is within 30ft., creatures have disadvantage on the saving throw.

Upon a successful saving throw, creatures are immune to being frightened in this manner for 24 hours.


  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Night Bloom The tree gains the benefit of photosynthesis while in dim light, darkness, or at night instead of daylight.

Bioluminescence The tree has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects. It gives off dim light in a 10ft. radius. If an elder tree, the radius is 20ft.


  • Damage Resistances Radiant
  • Damage Immunities Fire

Frost Susceptibility When the tree takes cold damage, it loses its heated body, photosynthesis, and illumination ability until the end of its next turn.

Flaming Aura Creatures that first enter within 10ft. of the tree, takes 9(2d8) fire damage. If an elder tree, the radius is 20ft.

Heated Body Creatures that grapple or hit the tree with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. of the tree takes 9(2d8) fire damage. It only gains these benefits while its Photosynthesis effect is active

Illuminate The tree gives off bright light in a 10ft. radius and dim light an additional 10ft. If an elder tree, the radius is 20ft. both effects


  • Damage Resistances Fire
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1.

Heatproof The cactus cannot be set aflame. Upon succeeding a saving throw against an effect that deals fire damage, the cactus takes no damage. It can still benefit from photosynthesis even if it takes fire damage.

Spiked Body A creature that touches the cactus takes 7(2d6) piercing damage. If an elder tree, it takes 14(4d6) piercing damage.

Self Propagation While in sunlight, the cactus can still regain hitpoints from it photosynthesis feature even if it starts its turn with 0 hitpoints. It can still die as normal upon failing all of its saving throws.


  • Damage Resistances Acid, fire

Sticky Form Creatures that grapple the tree or hits it with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. is grappled by the tree (escape DC 16). Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage. If an elder tree, the DC is 19.

Fireproof Film The amberwood is not set aflame and does not lose the benefits of photosynthesis when it takes fire damage

The DC increase to 19 for an elder tree

Acidic Amber Creatures grappled by the tree take 5(2d4) acid damage at the start of each of its turns. For a elder tree, the target takes 10(4d4) acid damge


Sticky Limbs +7 to hit:, 10ft., , all targets in range. Hit 14(4d4+4) slashing damage. If the target is a Small or smaller creature, it is grappled(escape DC 15).

Sticky Limbs (Elder Tree Only) +11 to hit:, 20ft., , all targets in range. Hit 35(8d6+7) slashing damage. If the target is a Small or smaller creature, it is grappled(escape DC 19).


  • Damage Resistances Poison, Necrotic

Blighted Resilience The tree has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned or diseased.

Witherblight Creatures hit by its attacks must succeed a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or become blighted for one minute . Blighted creatures take an additional 1d8 necrotic damage, cannot regain hitpoints, and the blight can heal for half the damage dealt. Creatures can repeat it saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect upon a successful save

If a elder tree, the DC is 19.


  • Damage Immunities Cold

Cold Aura Creatures that first enters or start its turn within 10ft. of the tree, takes 9(2d8) cold. If a elder tree, this radius increases to 20ft..

Whisper Glade

Psychic Wood When a creature deals damage to the tree while within 30ft. of it, it takes 9(2d8) psychic damage. If an elder tree, the range increases to 60ft.

Psychosynthesis Whenever a creature that is not an undead or construct is within 30ft. of the tree, it can benefit from the effects of photosynthesis. If an elder tree, the range increases to 60ft.

Psychic Sensitivity The tree can pinpoint the presence of a creature that is not an undead or construct within 1 mile of it. However, it cannot determine the identity of the creature.

Psychic Dampening Creatures that starts its turn or first enters within 30ft. of the tree has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. Additionally, it gains resistance to psychic damage.

If an elder tree, the radius increases to 60ft.


Light Drain Upon taking radiant damage, the duskbloom takes no damgae but regains a number of hitpoints equal to the radiant damage dealt.

Dusk Leaf The duskbloom emits nonmagical darkness is a 10ft. radius around it. Dim light extends an additional 10ft. around it. This darkness extinguishes non-magical and magical sources of light.

If an elder tree the radius for both increases by 10ft.

Awakened Mushroom

Whereas trees tend to be the staple form of plant life on the surface of the Material Plane, fungi dominate the sunless realm of the Underdark. Instead of relying on sunlight, mushrooms tend to gather nutrients from nearly anything such as decomposing matter or even from other living creatures as a parasite.

Mushrooms are much different from their surface dwelling kin. Although they do not possess the regenerative abilities of their kin, they also do not share many of the weaknesses of other plants and have more tools at their disposal to defend themselves.

Their primary means of defense and reproduction are microscopic spores that it can use to infect other creatures as well spread its offspring over long distances.

Despite their differences, mushrooms are able to be awakened in the same manner as other plants and often serve similar functions as their surface dwelling counterparts.


Blight spores are probably the first thing to come to mind when regarding sentient mushrooms. Their main form of sustenance tends to come from other plants, but occasionally, especially when awakened, it devours living creatures. Its spores are especially designed to decompose its prey by preventing any regenerative abilities a creature may possess and making it extremely susceptible to the mushroom's attacks.

Thankfully, most of the times, these mushrooms are content to being scavengers but have been known to search for and pursue living creatures if other forms of food is lacking.


Mirespores are known for the psychadelic spores. Exposure to such spores begins to warp the mind of its victim causing them to see hallucinations of their own making. Unfortunately, this ability makes them the prime target as their spores are used for ingredients in many ale, medicines, and pleasure drugs.

When awakened, mirespore mushrooms tend to be quite friendly creatures, although they tend to be pranksters. They favorite tactic is to use distract their victim with psychadelic spores while they proceed to steal their belongings, typically anything shiny. However, in the end, these mushrooms typically don't harm any creature unless threatened and often will return belongings once they grow bored of it.

Host Spore

The hostspore mushroom is the most parasitic of all of its kin. Creatures infected with its vampiric spores that ties the essence of its victim with the life force of the mushroom.

If a creature dies while infected with these spores, it serves as the perfect breeding ground for the mushroom to spawn its offspring, often within an hour of the creature's death.


Spellspore mushrooms are the rarest and most sought after mushroom on the material plane. These mushrooms can only be found in the deepest and most remote portions of the Underdark. Because of their magically volatile environment, its spores actually emit a slight anti-magic aura to protect it from such effects.

If inhaled by a creature, it can temporarily disrupt the ability for a creature to tap into the magical aether around it hindering its ability to cast spells.

For many centuries, it was believed that these spores were primarily used a defense, but further studies from observing awakened variants seem to suggest that these fungi actually feed on magical energy as they tend to flock towards sources of magic.

The origin of their awakening is rather unclear as spells and rituals that often creates such sentience has no effect on these fungi. It is theorized that with enough consumption of magic, a mushroom can eventually generate a spark of sentience.


Despite its name, frost spores are only found in regions of extreme heat such as volcanoes, elemental hotspots, and even the Elemental Plane of Fire. These mushroom crave warm has extreme heat has the capability of mending its wounds.

As a result, these mushrooms tend to attack any nearby source of heat whether it be a living creature or even elementals. They tend to surround themselves in a cloud of misty spore which sap the very body heat from any creature that wanders to close.

However, their appetite for heat leaves them extremely vulnerable to any form of cold.


The most common of all mushrooms are the umberspore. These mushrooms are often the primary sources of light in the Underdark living in large patches lighting up ground or even the ceiling with various hues of otherworldly light.

When awakened, they are generally the most peaceful of all mushrooms prefering to keep to themselves. However, when threatened, their spores have been known to cause blindness.


As their name suggests, ragespore mushrooms are able to incite a furious rage within creature's they infect with their spores. While infected, the mushroom is actually in fully control of that creature causing it to harm other creatures and eliminate anything that would compromise the mushroom's safety.

Although this tends to be a defense mechanism, sentient ragespores have proven to be quite calculating with their spores. They uses their abilities to take control of nearby creatures inciting it into a violent rampage to attack any nearby creature.

The mushroom often does not care who the victor is as long as one creature dies. Once the its work is complete, the mushroom can move in to feast on the remains at its leisure since its host did all the hard work for it already.

Awakened Mushroom

small plant, unaligned

  • Armor Class 11(Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 20 (3d6+9)
  • Speed 20ft.

14(+2) 6 (-2) 16(+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +4, Perception +2
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic, Psychic
  • Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 12
  • Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed
  • Challenge 1/2(100 XP)

False Appearance While motionless, the mushroom is indistinguishable from a normal mushroom

Stench Creature that first enter or start its turn within 5ft. of the mushroom must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the start of its next turn.

Spore Puff Whenever the mushroom is grappled or hit with a melee attack by a creature within 5ft. of it, that creature must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its next turn.

Death Plume Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, creatures within 10ft. of it must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 5(1d8) necrotic damage + 5(1d8) poison damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes half damage.


Spore Slam +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one target. Hit 5(1d4+2) bludgeoning damage. Creatures must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of its next turn.

Awakened Mushroom

Huge plant, unaligned

  • Armor Class 13(Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 63 (6d12+30)
  • Speed 20ft.

19(+4) 6 (-2) 20(+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)

  • Skills Athletics +8, Perception +2
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic, Psychic
  • Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 12
  • Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed
  • Challenge 4(1100 XP)

False Appearance While motionless, the mushroom is indistinguishable from a normal mushroom

Stench Creature that first enter or start its turn within 20ft. of the mushroom must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the start of its next turn.

Siege Monster The mushroom deals double damage to buildings and objects

Spore Puff Whenever the mushroom is grappled or hit with a melee attack by a creature within 10ft. of it, that creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its next turn.

Death Plume Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, creatures within 10ft. of it must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 9(2d8) necrotic damage + 9(2d8) poison damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes half damage.


Multiattack The mushroom can make two club attacks

Spore Club +6 to hit:, 10ft., , all targets within range. Hit 11(1d12+4) bludgeoning damage. Creatures must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of its next turn.

Spore Plume(Recharge 5-6) Creatures within a 30ft. radius other than the mushroom must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 9(2d8) necrotic damage + 9(2d8) poison damage and become poisoned for one minute. Creatures poisoned in this manner can succeed its saving throw at the end of each of its turns.


Blightspore Creatures poisoned by the mushroom cannot regain hitpoints for the duration. Whenever creatures recover hitpoints, it takes necrotic damage instead. Whenever creatures take necrotic damage, it takes maximum damage instead of roll.


Mire Spore Creatures poisoned by this mushroom are subjected to psychadelic hallucinations. For the duration of this effect, creatures have a movement speed of 0 and have is considered incapacitated.


Host Spore Creatures poisoned by this mushroom are infected with symbiotic spores of the mushrooms. Whenever the mushroom takes damage, it can use its reaction to split the damage between it and a creature that is poisoned by the mushroom while within 30ft. of it. The mushroom takes half damage and the creature takes necrotic damage equal to the other half of damage dealt.

Spore Spawn If a creature poisoned by the mushroom is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it is killed. After 1 hour, that creatures returns to life as an awakened mushroom.


Spellspore Creatures poisoned by this mushroom cannot cast or concentrate on spells for the duration of this effect.

Anti-magic Spores The mushroom creates a antimagic field in a 10ft. radius around it. If a giant mushroom, the radius increases to 20ft.


Cold Susceptibility Whenever the mushroom takes cold damage, it takes maximum damage instead.

Frostspore Creatures that first enter, start its turn within 10ft. of the mushroom, or is poisoned by the mushroom, it takes 9(2d8) cold damage.

Flame Heal When the mushroom takes fire damage, it takes no damage and is healed a number of hitpoints equal to half the damage dealt.

Umber Spore

Illumination The mushroom can give off bright light in a 10ft radius and dim light an additional 10ft.

Umber Spore Creatures poisoned by the mushroom are blinded for the duration.


Rage Spore Creatures poisoned are considered charmed by the mushroom. Creatures charmed by the mushroom cannot willing target or harm the mushroom or its allies.

On its turn, it is under the full control the mushroom obeying its every command with it actions, or bonus action.

Forest Effects

By their very nature, plants tend to have a drastic impact on their environment around. This is more so the case with many of the various forms of plants seen on the Material Plane. You can choose to roll a d20 to determine the effect of the respective tree or mushroom forest. You can choose to roll randomly or select as many appropriate effects to simulate the forest you wish to build.

d10 Effect Description
1 Blightwood Whenever you take a short or long rest, you can only recover half the amount of hitpoints gained.
2 Wildwood Each time a creautre casts a spell of 1st level or higher, it must roll on the Wild Surge table to determine a magical effect..
3 Spellwood Whenever a creautre casts a spell, it must succeed a DC 10 Charisma saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the spell effect fails but the spell slot is still expended. Creatures in this area has advantage on saving throws against spell effects.
4 Mistwood Creatures in the forest can only see up to 10ft. without their vision obscured by pollen, spores, or a similar effect.
5 Banewood Whenever creature take a short or long rest, it must succeed a DC 10 saving throw of the DM's choice. On a failed saving throw, that creatures ability score decreases by 1. Upon dropping to 0 is a certain ability score, the creature dies.
6 Deadwood Whenever a creature is reduced to 0 hitpoints while in the forest, it is instantly is killed and its corpse is transformed into an awakened plant or mushroom within the next hour.
7 Direwood Beasts born within this forest increase by one size larger. If it has a dire or giant variant, it transforms into that form instead.
8 Moonwood Creatures within this forest that are shapechagners or have the ability to change its shape must succeed a DC 10 Charisma saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it is unable to transform or use such effect for the next 24 hours while in these woods wasting a use of that ability.
9 Godwood The woods takes on the traits of one creature type from the following list: Aberration, Celestial, Dragon, Elemental, Fey or Fiend. Creatures of the select type have advantage on saving throws while in this area and creatures have disadvantage on saving throws to resist their spells and effects.
10 Tanglewood Travel within this forest counts as difficult terrain. Additionally, Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight has disadvantage. Vision beyond 60ft. is shrouded by dense plant life.
11 Howling Woods Creatures that take a long rest within the forest must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it is unable to gain the benefits of a long rest due to restless sleep.
12 Duskwood The surrounding forest is shrouded in non-magical darkness
13 Whispering Woods Creatures can hear a small fragment of another creature's thoughts (no longer than 5 words) as long as that creature is within that same forest and within 1 mile of those creatures. The creature has no clue of the thought's owner nor its location
14 Rosewood Whenever creature take a short or long rest, it roll its hit die with advantage. Additionally, it can end one status effect upon itself.
15 Cinderwood For every hour a creature spends within this forest, it must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 5(1d8) fire damage and suffer one level of exhaustion. Creatures are immune to this effect if it is resistant to fire damage.
16 Frostwood For every hour a creature spends within this forest, it must succeed a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 5(1d8) cold damage and suffer one level of exhaustion. Creatures are immune to this effect if it is resistant to fire damage.
17 Ghostwood The forest is full of haunting sounds and shapes just at the edge of ones senses. These illusions are amplifications of animals and sounds of the forest.
18 Sunwood The forest is shrouded with sunlight, even if the sun is completely obscured from view by the foliage
19 Mazewood The forest seems to be continually shifting and any physical evidence of tracks disappear after 10 minutes. Wisdom(Survival) checks are made with disadvantage
20 Frenzywood At the end of each short or long rest while in the forest, creature must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it suffers from an effect on the Short-Term Madness table.

Art Credits

Cover Art: Nikaleles

Awakened Shrub: NaleBunny96

Awakened Tree: Joshua Martin

Elder Tree: Ricardo Castes Abrantes

Awakened Mushroom: Reinhard Gutzat

Giant Mushroom: Anton Kurbatov

Follow me on GMbinder for future content: Sonixverse Labs


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