The Stormchaser Overhaul
Legacy Edition
Spellcasting Attributes
Intelligence-Based Warlocks
Some patrons, such as the Great Old One, Keeper of the Depths, and Accursed Archive are particularly suited to a more intelligent warlock, but any of them can be suited if you've talked with your DM about how this may be implemented.
These rules are designed to enable you to play a warlock that is based on Intelligence as the primary attribute for the class instead of Charisma.
Wizards beware - the warlock is entering your domain with secrets once thought forgotten.
Saving Throws
Your saving throw proficiencies become Intelligence, Wisdom instead of Charisma, Wisdom when you select this class at 1st level.
Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your warlock spells, so you use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a warlock spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier: your proficiency bonus
+ your Intelligence modifier
Class Feature and Invocation Alteration
Whenever a warlock class feature or an Eldritch Invocation references your Charisma modifier, you must use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier.
Wisdom-based Warlocks
Some patrons, such as the Fey, Storm Lord, Ashen Wolf, Eternal Citadel, Forgotten Graveyard, and Warrior-Saint are particularly well suited for a warlock that relies on Wisdom, but many of them can be suitable if you've talked with your DM about how this may be possible.
These rules are designed to enable you to play a warlock that is based on Wisdom instead of Charisma as the primary attribute for the class.
Clerics and druids should stand aside, for the darkest parts of nature and gods once thought forgotten have returned.
Class Skills
The class skill list is replaced with the following one: Animal Handling, Arcana, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Religion, Survival.
Spellcasting Ability
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your warlock spells, so you use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a warlock spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier: your proficiency bonus
+ your Wisdom modifier
Class Feature and Invocation Alteration
Whenever a warlock class feature or an Eldritch Invocation references your Charisma modifier, you can choose to use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier.
Class Features
Armor: Light armour
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose 2 skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature and Religion
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) a standard crossbow and 20 bolts or
(b) a simple weapon - (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
- (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
- An underlay, a simple weapon, and two daggers
Pact Magic
Spells Known
You know a number of warlock spells equal to your Charisma modifier + half your warlock level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Eldritch Invocations
- Agonising Blast is no longer available as an Eldritch Invocation, as all cantrips add the ability score modifier to damage.
- Thirsting Blade is no longer available as an Eldritch Invocation, as it is now natively part of the pact of the blade.
Pact Boon
At 3rd level, your otherworldly patron bestows a gift upon you for your loyal service. You gain one of the following features of your choice.
Pact of the Blade
You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it (see the Weapons section for weapon options). You are proficient with it while you wield it. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Your pact weapon disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die.
You can transform one magic weapon into your pact weapon by performing a special ritual while you hold the weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your pact weapon thereafter. You can’t affect an artifact or a sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your pact weapon if you die, if you perform the 1-hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1-hour ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space when the bond breaks.
At 5th level, you can attack with your pact weapon twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Pact of the Chain
You learn the find familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual. The spell doesn’t count against your number of spells known.
When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms: imp, pseudodragon, quasit, or sprite.
Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to make one attack with its reaction.
Pact of the Tome
Your patron gives you a grimoire called a Book of Shadows. When you gain this feature, choose three cantrips from any class’s spell list (the three needn’t be from the same list). While the book is on your person, you can cast those cantrips at will. They don’t count against your number of cantrips known. If they don’t appear on the warlock spell list, they are nonetheless warlock spells for you.
If you lose your Book of Shadows, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous book. The book turns to ash when you die.
Pact of the Talismanᵀ
At 20th level, you have grown beyond mortal limits. Your Charisma score increases by 4, and your maximum for this score also increases by 4.
to 5e with
If you're reading this, the chances are that you're playing in one of my games, or you've found my content via Discord or Reddit.
I hope you have fun, and if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask.
Campaign specific house rules can be found in the house rules channel of that campaign's category on my discord.
The spellcasting attribute warlock variants are based on the Compendium of Forgotten Secrets by WHK (/u/GenuineBelieverer)
Extra thanks to my dedicated patrons and the members of my discord for their playtesting, feedback and critique!
Special mention goes to deity tier patron
Kane Taylor, aka "Zombie Cat ASMR".
Art Credits
Cover: "Surreal lightning over the ocean"
by Imgur Gallery 3CpCAad
Stormchaser Roleplaying on Patreon
The Stormchaser d20 RPG
Part 1: Creating a Character
Chapter 3.1: Barbarian
Chapter 3.2: Bard
Chapter 3.3: Cleric
Chapter 3.4: Druid
Chapter 3.5: Engineer
Chapter 3.6: Fighter
Chapter 3.7: Monk
Chapter 3.8: Paladin
Chapter 3.9: Ranger
Chapter 3.10: Rogue
Chapter 3.11: Sorcerer
Chapter 3.12: Warlock
Chapter 3.13: Wizard
Expanded Subclass Spells
Chapter 5: Equipment
Part 2: Playing the Game
Part 3: The Rules of Magic
Legacy Links
Legacy Index
Legacy Part 1
Legacy Part 2
Legacy Part 3
Legacy Part 4
Legacy Barbarian
Legacy Bard
Legacy Cleric
Legacy Druid
Legacy Engineer
Legacy Fighter
Legacy Monk
Legacy Paladin
Legacy Ranger
Legacy Rogue
Legacy Sorcerer
Legacy Warlock
Legacy Wizard
Legacy Expanded Subclass Spells