# The Archfey Tanil
The most common route to become a Bokkaran Warlock is to take the Archfey Tanil as a Patron. Tanil, as all patrons, requires service in exchange for abilities (and is the reason Tanil grants these abilities).
## Tanil's values
A Warlock serving Tanil must uphold these values.
* Growth and protection of nature (plants and animals)
* Resistance of oppression against nature and worthy sentient creatures
* Kindness to those who are good
## Tanil's Service
A Warlock serving Tanil must perform services to expand Tanil's interests.
* Their alignment must be chaotic-good or neutral-good, and their behaviors must correspond.
* They must work for natural order by opposing:
* the spread of humanity into forests, mountains, or verdant grasslands,
* the defiling similar natural places or the harming of natural inhabitants of these areas
* harm or violence against vulnerable travelers
## Tanil's Invocations
Followers of Tanil can choose from the following unique invocations instead of standard Eldritch Invocations if they choose. They are not required to do so.
### Blessing of the Glade
Tanil has deemed all her followers worthy to seek out Tanil's Glade when they die. However, your pursuit of this opportunity now grants you a special Blessing while alive. When you take a long or short rest, your spirit can travel to Tanil's Glade and you can benefit from Tanil's kindness. If you do take this spiritual journey during the rest, all hit dice rolled to regain hit points are considered to roll their maximum value during that rest period.
Note: After selecting this Invocation you cannot change this invocation to a different invocation like you would with a normal warlock Invocation.
### Tanil's Bow
_Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature_
You can call on Tanil to produce a magical longbow into your hands using your Pact of the Blade feature. When you draw back its string and fire, it fires an arrow of hard wood with a sharp leaf at this point, which vanishes after 1 minute. You have advantage on attack rolls against Undead with the bow. When you hit any creature with it, you can expend a spell slot to deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage to the target per spell level.
### Tanil's Rebuke
_Prerequisite: 5th level_
You know the Arms of Hadar spell if you don't know it already. You can now use this spell as a reaction which you take in response to being damaged by a creature within 10 feet of you that you can see. You may do so once without expending a spell slot, and can do so once after finishing a long rest.
### Tanil's Vengeance
_Prerequisite: 10th level_
You gain the power to commune with Tanil and call forth the damage inflected to the natural world caused by _civilized_ creatures over the millenia. The ground shakes and visions of Tanil's natural laws winning over these civilizations blast from your mind.
Everyone (defined as those not following of Tanil) within a 5 foot radius of you must make an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage. Iteratively, for each creature that fails their saving throw, the psychic blast in turn affects everyone in within a radius 5 feet greater than the radius of the spell that affected them. Each creature can only be affected once during the use of the ability. The damage of those affected at each iteration increases by 1d4. You may use this power only once after a short or long rest.
The maximum range of this spell is uncontrolled. Damage to any individual creature is limited to a number of d4 dice not greater than one half your Warlock level rounded down. The total number of creatures who can be affected by this spell can be no more than 10 times your Warlock level.
For example, if you are within 5' of 3 creatures, each of those creatures must make an Intelligence saving throw. If one creature fails their saving throw, they take 1d4 psychic damage. If that creature is within 10' of 4 other creatures (beyond the initial 3 creatures who were affected), those 4 creatures must make Int saving throws. If one of those creatures fails, it takes 2d4 psychic damage. Any creatures standing within 15' of that affected creature must now make Int saving throws and take 3d4 damage on failed saves. These creatures then spread the psychic blast with a range of 20', and so on, with no more than 100 creatures being affected and no creature taking more than 5d4 psychic damage.
**If the percentage of creature taking psychic damage who have a good alignment is greater than 25% Tanil will curse the caster.**