School of Pastrymancy - Wizard subclass

by SkogDM

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School of Pastrymancy

You focus your study on the pâtissier or baker arts allowing you to magically imbue pastry delights, control temperatures to a fine degree, craft wonders of gluten, and conjure or manipulate doughs and fillings to smite and control your foes. Your magic makes you equally able to craft a 5 star delicacy for the senses and summon strands of pastry to whip at your enemies. Some pastrymancers find their calling in the kitchens for lords, crafting wonders for the feasts of nobles. Other pastrymancers are saviours of the poor, creating nutritious bread to fill the bellies of the masses while protecting them from would-be oppressors.

School of Pastrymancy Features

Wizard Level Feature
2nd Pâtissier Extraordinaire, Marvellous Delicacies
6th Gluten Strands
10th Manage Temperature
14th Bake

Pâtissier Extraordinaire

2nd-level School of Pastrymancy feature

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a conjuration or pastrymancy spell into your spellbook is halved.

Additionally, if you’re not already, you become proficient with Cook’s Utensils.

Marvellous Delicacies

2nd-level School of Pastrymancy feature

Starting at 2nd level when you choose this school, as an action you can conjure a mouth-watering, wondrous pastry of any form you like into your hand which lasts for 12 hours. A creature can use an action to eat your pastry. Eating a pastry restores d6 hit points and recovers a single spell slot equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up). The spell slot can’t be higher than 3rd level. For example, when you are a 4th-level wizard, whoever eats your pastry can recover up to a level two spell slot. The pastry provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day.

When you use this feature at level 6, you can make two pastries. At level 10, you can make three pastries. A creature can only eat one of these pastries a day.

You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Gluten Strands

6th-level School of Pastrymancy feature

Starting at 6th level, whenever you cast a spell that hits multiple creatures or causes them to make a saving throw, you can use a reaction to summon sticky strands of glutinous dough to bind those creatures. All Medium size or smaller creatures affected by the triggering spell must make a Strength saving throw. Creatures that fail the Strength saving throw are pulled together to a central point within 5 feet of each other as strands of dough manifest and stick them together. Passing the Strength saving throw causes creatures to avoid the effect.

The dough lasts for one minute and creatures pulled together in this way can’t move further than 10 feet away from all other creatures under the same effect. Any creature under this effect can make a Strength saving throw on each of its turns to break free.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Manage Temperature

10th-level School of Pastrymancy feature

You gain resistance to cold and fire damage. You can also add your Intelligence modifier to one of the damage rolls of any spell that does cold or fire damage.


14th-level School of Pastrymancy feature

You can spend an action to cook the dough of any creature caught in your Gluten Strands. Any creature that is caught in your Gluten Strands must make a Constitution saving throw. Creatures that fail the Constitution saving throw take 5d12 fire damage and become restrained as the dough hardens. Creatures that pass the Strength saving throw take half damage and aren’t restrained.


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