Sea of Knives Campaign Guide

by Lukeoftheseals

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The Sea of Knives Player-Choice Style Campaign Guide

Tales from Terra Transbietta


I love D&D. I feel that is not a foreign concept to any who read this guide. I was introduced to it by a friend who suspended my wariness by showing me the show Critical Role. Seeing friends have fun telling a shared story within the mechanics of a game was amazing to see. Since then me and friends have had many great adventures and bonding experiences. Yet we have also had campaigns suspended indefinitely, GM burnouts and some frustrations. I love D&D so I thought it couldn't be the game itself and I was right. Expectations of the game and how it is played was not quite right. I think few people in the modern world can commit to a weekly game of D&D and organise the same evening off as everyone you want to play with, let alone be brilliant story-tellers with years of experience. I have had a few campaigns collapse or had to be severely adjusted because of real life issues causing players to miss sessions at crucial points for their characters, or have to leave entirely. Part of me thought it was because of my game design or performance but this is wrong (don't get me wrong there are flaws but who is perfect?) Real life should always come before a game of fun. Realising this I explored other ways of running the game and saw what other groups were doing. One of the most promising ideas that inspired me was a campaign style run by Ben Robbins called West Marches. I highly recommend looking into this. An open world where players took more of a roll in organising and less commitment. Some of the ideas of the style I liked but it lacked in other ways that got me excited to play it let alone run it. So I developed some of my own ideas and created a new style inspired from this: The Player-Choice Campaign. This experiment has led to the most satisfying game I have played and has had the greatest response from my players. I hope this document is shared widely so other game masters and players find the same enjoyment or even take it further. If you enjoy this publication please check out my other documents that build upon this!


Chapter 1 – The Player-Choice Style Campaign


Principles of the Style

Community and Communication

Setting Essentials

What can your setting be about?

Chapter 2 – Factions and Societies

Black Tooth Cove

Vruunheim States and The Argent Supremacy

Coradite Coalition



Minerie Capital


Praitan Port

Bathylon Dominion

The Krakens Reach

The LightKeepers

Chapter 3 – Aimos and the Sea of Knives

The Sea of Knives

Ghostmarches ruled by The Swampqueen

Vruunheim Coast

Cote Du Soliel

Krakens Corridor

Chapter 4 – Session Options

Take A Faction Mission


Free Roam a Known Settlement

Game Masters Choice

Out of Session Choice

Chapter 5 – Adventures Advice and Rule Options

Chapter 6 – Naval Travel and Combat


Naval Combat



Example Ship

Legendary Ship

Chapter 7 – Items, Treasures and Assets


Trade Goods

Wonderous Materials

Magical Items

Chapter 8 – Followers and Enemies

Chapter 9 – Aimos Character Options

Appendices A - Powers and Pantheons

Artificier Specialist - Aeronaut

Barbarian Path - Pulseless

Cleric Domain - Chance

Druid Circle - Abyss

Fighter Archetype - Tactician

Monk Tradition - Way of Balance

Paladin Oath - Oath of the Odyssey

Ranger Conclave - Explorer

Rogue Archetype - Treasure Seeker

Sorcerer Origin - Siren

Warlock Patron - Timeless

Wizard Arcane Tradition - Naturalist

Appendices B - Human Peoples and Cultures

Appendices C - Map of Terra Transbietta

The Player-Choice Style Campaign


This is a guide for Dungeon Masters for a modified fifth edition d&d game explaining aspects of a Player-choice style campaign. It also contains an example setting designed for this style called The Sea of Knives with relevant player options, items and mechanics. This publication is to be used to supplement Wizard of the Coast works like the Dungeon Masters Guide and much like that publication the rules written here are to be altered to whatever suits your play style to make it a fun experience for you and your players. New Way and A New Setting to Play D&D! There are many unique and amazing worlds to play D&D and other RPGs in. Typically these are expected to be run by a game master designing a narrative or open-world where the players are guided session by session to whatever the player or game master objectives are. This can be great but can cause some of the below issues impeding enjoyment. Game Masters are expected to put in a lot of work and either have to prepare for every eventuality or create a detailed planned session and curb the players in a way to prevent deviation. It can also mean a lot of pre-planning sessions ahead which restricts your own ability to create a new fun thread or adapt the current story in any way, committing you and your players to a game which may not be what you want. Players in these games are presented choices only through sessions and as heroes/ protagonists in this shared story experience they may choose something unexpected, putting pressure on GMs to lead a satisfactory game without inspiration and time. Finally D&D is just a game, life comes first and circumstances change. A player may join a campaign and leave for real reasons halting the progression of it for everyone. These issues can lead to GM burnout, tension or just the collapse of a bonding storytelling experience. To help prevent the above and fully enjoy what D&D has to offer I recommend a player-choice campaign and is listed below

Principles of this style

To facilitate the player-choice style campaign I recommend a combination of out of game tools and in game principles.

Players decide beforehand

In this player-choice style before every session players must choose what Session Choice (see below) they wish to play beforehand, gather fellow players who are like-minded and organise the date with a GM. Session Choices have clear objectives, rewards and sessions needed to complete them. Everyone agreeing to the short term objective means everyone is committed to the same thing and the GM is more free to tell players when they are deviating. The multiple options make it possible for many active and non-active player groups to play in the world at one time. Players may change groups and explore various things and have different interactions with each other. As such every session is very different and can include easily-recyclable material. If large story-arcs are part of your setting, having several groups enjoy the plot together can help progress the story quicker if they share information and piece things together. This is to be encouraged. It is also enjoyable to react to what your players find they like playing and increase the likelihood of those things. Different players have different desires from D&D as such it is important to have diversity in Session Choices (see below.) Some players only want the occasional one-shot, others dungeon crawls, gruelling survival strategy, some want involvement in heroic plots and some just want to build relationships with NPCs. This style of playing can accommodate all these aspects.

During play do your best to assure Session Choices and expected times are adhered to. People have real lives to lead and can get rightfully dissuaded if promised a game that requires a greater commitment than advertised. Do your best to communicate during the session if tangents go on too long and let players know if you cannot wrap up the Session Choice in the expected time. Strategies to help with this are included in Optional Advice below.

Community and Communication

As with any RPG game I recommend openly communicating with players throughout. Discuss your expectations, frustrations and enjoyment. This seems like an obvious thing to say but in the rush to play it can be forgotten. Encourage players to do the same with each other too. When talking to your players do not be afraid to share your thoughts or even game content. It can be an inspiring moment that still will lead to excellent in-game experiences and can even lead to collaborations. Making your players feel involved is an important part of this style and there are some tools that help with that.

I recommend some sort of chat and editable document open to all players and GMs. Initially this can be where GMs and players can organise decisions and put up Session Choices and information that the players have access to about the game (this can include resources on how to play, knowledge their characters have unlocked.) This creates not only a practical tool but can evolve into a community. Players may begin investing in the setting in real life and could be encouraged to upload things such as character achievements, assets they acquire or other creative outlets like art or writing. As time passes this digital space will become a place for player character to player character bonding, loot distribution and Out-of-Session Choices. Another useful tool is a setting handout. Give your new players a handout, containing an opening cinematic and also information on the world, which succinctly explains the situation they are in and bind them to the home-base. It should also let them understand enough of the setting to make informed choices in future. Doing this prepares them for the sessions ahead and reduces in-game time explaining events. If done right it can highlight themes of the campaign which can get a player excited or let them know it is not right for them.

Setting Essentials

In-game requirements that help with this setting is creating a home-base. A home-base needs to have some level of isolation to allow exploration based Session Choices, at the heart or the frontier of the unknown. Ideally a home-base would be somewhere the players start as an unknown party, that is open enough that players can influence it but is ruled by an authority they are unable to challenge. This is where players get their Session Choices and retreat to once objectives are achieved. Their characters have a safe haven, free of outside threats, a place for Out-of-Session Choice and access to whatever facilities you deem necessary. It should also not be completely detailed allowing expansions depending on the player characters personalities and demands. It is possible in a later stage to allow characters to change home-bases to another faction but this should not be necessary unless players are unsatisfied with the current set up.

Another feature is managed player travel. The home-base should be set somewhere far from large political factions, free of external threats but close to exploring unknown frontiers. So usually it is isolated in some way. Yet unless the players choose the Explore Choice they should be able to be transported to their objective with minimal in-game time. As such travel should be controlled to some degree by the GM to manage time along the journey. Travelling back from the mission should not take up session time or incur any encounters.

This player-choice style campaign brings more relevance of exploring and shorter quests. As we discuss in Session Choices players can choose to explore some of the unknown areas around their home-base or take a mission that takes as little as one session to complete. This does not mean that your sessions should play like a series of one-shots with no narrative threads or unity. Overarching plot and separate anthologies are both fun to play. I recommend using a mixture of both and give out clues when the players stumble upon a larger story-arc. Or if players actively want a long narrative, let them know what is available around them out-of-game or even in game. This can be done through Faction missions, things they discover during Exploring or even within an Out-of-Session Choice.

What can your setting be about?

Whatever you and the players choose! This guide will be focused on an example setting called Sea of Knives and what can be chosen there. It is an unexplored marine area broken up by small uncivilised islands surrounded by dangerous seas, in the world of Terra Transbietta. It is perfectly suited for the play style listed above. Players will start as neutral adventurers operating out of Black Tooth Cove, a secret guarded pirate haven in the centre of the Sea of Knives. Before each session players can decide who they want to play with and what Session Choices (chapter 4) they want to take. They can do much to explore uncharted wilds, dig deep into clues for a conspiracy, search for lost knowledge, raid merchant vessels, get involved with political schemes, save the world, fight monsters, take loot or just sail past any of this. It is up to you to provide the players with the choices from what you enjoy running. Remember as a GM you are a player too. If you try a few Session Choices and find the experience unsatisfactory you can make the options you prefer more frequent.

The Sea of Knives is just one example, the player-choice style principles can easily be applied to other settings. Rather than a fantasy pirate-exploring setting you can easily take your players on a sci-fi adventure in an uncharted solar system, or a post-apocalyptic scenario through a wasteland on traversable on dirty war machines, a dead wild-west where the only way to explore is through ancient rails on steam trains or a portal hopping adventure through time and space. Just remember your setting is for players and players are not made for it.

It is up to you to provide the players with the choices from what you enjoy running. Remember as a GM you are a player too. If you try a few Session Choices and find the experience unsatisfactory you can make the options you prefer running more frequent.

Factions and Societies

The Sea of Knives is surrounded by other larger biomes. Aimos acts as a connecting point for civilizations that otherwise would never meet. Those civilizations that have grown around here are desperate to keep their foothold, keep their traditions or dominate trade, causing conflict between them. The main powers the players would have heard of are below. I recommend using Black Tooth Cove as the Home-base for players. You can use the format used in its description as a template to convert any other settlement in Aimos into a home-base to suit your and the players' game. In a player-choice style campaign I do not recommend fleshing out every service or aspect of each possible home-base to leave room to reflect what your players would enjoy more.

Black Tooth Cove

A secret pirate-hold ruled by Nirvorth, Lady of the Black & enforced by the Blacktooth Bruisers. The Bruisers are a feared party; they suffer no fools and do not take prisoners. Out of necessity anyone who is established on the island tends to be good at surviving and as such offer tribute to Nirvorth to keep the peace. It will not benefit any PC to challenge this area. The rules are simple: No fighting outside of the Blood Locker with weapons or magic, No stealing unless starving, No speaking of Blacktooth Cove outside of it, New landers must be brought to the Lady of Black for tribute, failure to win the Lady's approval will lead to death. These only apply when characters aren't on their own boat. A ship is a captain's kingdom and Nirvorth does not claim ownership over that.

Everyone who lands for their first time must be taken to Nirvorth where, if she approves, she brands them with a magical mark of a dragon skull with crossbones. The exact nature of this may be unknown to the player but if they begin to skirt the rules they begin to feel it itching. It also serves as extra motivation to not be searched by enemy authorities, most of whom have a kill pirates policy.

Anyone can make Black Tooth Cove their home. Escaped murderers, the mad, exiles are common. In a place where murder is allowed, occurs and overlooked there is a surprising community here. There are services and connections that do more than just trade with visitors but help improve life for those that dare live here.

Interesting Services and Functions

Any large settlement can usually provide useful goods and services for players but below are examples of unique ones found in Black Tooth Cove. Since it is an illegal pirate port you can expect permanent services to have two purposes. One is to support the pirate industry. The other is to take money off that industry.

Scratching Post – Ships and Supplies

Acting as the make-shift quartermaster and general goods store is an exiled tabaxi with leopard-like patterns called Sun-over-red-earth. He has stashed a number of stolen ships , ship upgrades (see chapter 6) and also intermediary for chartering ships. His post is a crow's nest by the docks which one must climb up to, they find a fat tabaxi sitting on pillows, usually playing with dangling objects or smoking a shisha pipe.

The Bonethrowers Cave – magic

Following a lightly trodden path, winding away from the lively subdued atmosphere of the Witches Watch, leading up a jagged cave in the obsidian caldera that surrounds Black Tooth Cove. When you enter it immediately takes a turn then another, so very little light, sound or anything from the outside world penetrates this cavern. This leaves you with the noises of The Bonethrowers Cave. A creaking noise, a growing wind and your rising heartbeat. A small cavern filled with junk, furniture, knick-knacks, bubbling cauldrons and taxidermy. The cave continues behind some hanging cloth and leathers that do little to keep out some sort of draft, exhaling like a great monster, it's almost hypnotic and the more you stare the more powerful the gusts of wind are. Sitting on an old rocking chair, surrounded by shelves, a tiny campfire and many knick-knacks is a hunched lithe humanoid, the Bonethrower herself. She is in a complete black veil and always asks "do you know? What lies beyond? do you know?" She sighs heavily when given the wrong answer (see secrets later in this section for more.)

The Bonethrower is a hoarder of magic items, creature parts and oddities willing to take coins or make strange fey bargains.

Wɘapons amd Armour - Blacksmith

Smoke billows from the chimney embedded into the empty shell of a dragon turtle along with a rhythmic clunking reverberating from it. A door where the head of the great dragon turtle should be is made out of thick wrought iron. In badly written common and giant are instructions to “knock loudly!” Players need to do an athletics check to knock in a way for the smiths inside to hear. If successful, thunderous footsteps approach the door and it swings open to a two-headed ettin. One half is Wrobam, who is bare chested and holding a large hammer, the other is Wroban covered in thick aprons and protective clothes. Wrobam specialises in weapon making, Wroban in armour and protection. They argue constantly about which is better. Their belt shows a symbol of a broken melon. They make and sell the array of weapons and armour found in the Player's Handbook as well as custom builds.

Xorns Desire – Clothes and Cobbles

Along the high street towards Krakens Pub is the best place for the finest clothes. Based in the captain's quarters of a wrecked luxury schooner that was called Xorns Desire is a tailor called Doogey Windarmour. A Vruunid dwarf who has thinning bald hair and perfectly trimmed beard everything about him is neat and disciplined. This includes the rankless uniform of the old Vruunheim Navy he still wears. Lacking a lot of customer service skills at first Doogey tries to get to the point but once working on his craft his inner personality shows. He becomes excited and flamboyant, possibly in a way strict military Vruunid dwarven families may not encourage. He sells clothes, fine clothes and a few magical items e.g. cloak of protection found in the Player's Handbook. He also custom makes items such as costumes for the Bloodlocker.

Plastered and Blastered - Naval Ammunition

This establishment caters to captains and quartermasters that wish to provide the best for their crew. Does your crew love strong liquor to celebrate success? Do you look at your rum stores full of empty barrels and wish the space could be used more for weapons? Do you like coconuts? Introducing the one stop shop for your moonshine-projectable-flammable needs! Founded by Human treasure seeker Captain Throatslitter, who got the idea of propelling moonshine filled coconuts at her enemies, this brewery/ armoury is developing ammo that is also drinkable (see Chapter 10.)

Inns and Brothels

As a pirate cove in the middle of the remote and dangerous Sea of Knives many things are lacking here. Fresh water, basic infrastructure, foodstuffs, culture and law. What is not not lacking are taverns and brothels that cater for the needs of visitors and residents. Below are some of the examples found in Black Tooth Cove.

Krakens Pub

Made of the hull of a giant wooden ship, this pub is owned by Nirvorth who has her office in the back. Everything about this pub is a clash. The chairs are mostly mismatched, there are suspicious stains on the floor in the shape of a person and some of the drunks on the floor have not breathed for a while. Despite this there is a stage with an elegant wood crafted frame that looks like a kraken, there is a library of hundreds of alcohol types behind the bar and the kobold bartender is in a little bow-tie and waistcoat. His name is Yix, he is afraid at any moment he will be killed horribly. He has reason to believe this.

The Hidden Treasure Pub

This establishment is taking advantage of lack of health and safety laws in Black Tooth Cove. Made from a mismatch of shipwrecks pushed together, with dodgy walkways between them, every corner can be a dead end or entrance to another room. The main bar itself is a large open bar, surrounded by many broken seats indicating the favourite past-time here. Fluneck, the gnome who runs the pub who uses a small library ladder to travel behind the bar, will occasionally ring a bell. The first person who knocks out somebody after the bell is struck gets a free drink.

Dead Mans path

Located in Witches Watch, the part of Black Tooth Cove always in shadow, is a more morose inn. Made from the hull of a small narrow ship of darkwood, there is no door, just dark cloth hanging marks the entrance. It is constantly hazy as smoke from candles and patrons seem to stay trapped in the air. There are small booths and tables lit by tiny candles. The tiny bar is manned by a fallen aasimar, startling good looks, dark hair and piercing eyes, dressed like an undertaker. He doesn't speak. He actually is a fallen celestial and mourns his loss. Most of the patrons here seem to be drinking away some sort of trouble. A permanent bar fly is Otto the Miserable, a very dour-looking gnome with a sign next to him reading “make me laugh for 10 gp”. He is immune to Tasha’s hideous laughter.

Buried Chest

One of the brothels in Black Tooth Cove with a 1gp average price, proudly sitting on the highstreet. Cocktails, some liquors and spicy foods are served in a parlour by purple clad staff. Ran by the ladies themselves (although here that term also includes some men) and tend to be in a small team and cater to chosen recurring customers. Currently run by a former Minerie House Slave, Madam Bliss, a tiefling. When entering for the first time an old patron is turning 60 and is being celebrated.

Booty bay

Not the classiest of establishments but when you’ve sailed for weeks it is a sight to behold. A terrifying bit of architecture, built of half rotten decks and masts, this structure leans over the docks nearly into the lagoon itself. The women on the balcony trying to get in patrons may not help this imbalance either. Inside is a large saloon style bar with many wings and additions added over time. 1sp average price for entertainment and slog, grogs, bitters and bilgewater can be found in the bar, next to a buffet of all sorts of snacks, not necessarily the cleanest or freshest mind. The women have an array of costumes that can be worn at request but otherwise there aren't many unique selling points but to lonely sailors that's fine. Ran by a dwarf called Mosser Underbelt who is secretly in a pact with a fiend. He threatens the girls that whoever does worse goes into “room 6” to deal with their “special clients”. The fiend in return for his patronage is stopping the workers getting pregnant, unknowingly by actually taking the unborn children.

Maiden Voyage

The most dreamt about location by pirates in the Sea of Knives other than the Plane of Wenches. This establishment offers many magical delights which can take coins, a lot of it, but trades in many other things. Ran by an Eladrin with supposed ties to an Archfey known as The Prince of Hearts, she is known as the Countess of Curtains. Long red hair matching a very revealing velvet dress and she wears a golden masquerade ball mask. Why she set up shop here is the subject of many conversations which soon drift into other interesting things about her.

The Bloodlocker – Fight Club

Overseen by war clerics but run by a goblin bookey called Yufric, Guv'nor of Pain this is Black Tooth Coves prized entertainment. Basically a bowl of dirt in the ground surrounded by a domed cage yet it attracts more people every night than any other establishment. Yufric is rude and ugly who insults patrons, everyone hates him which he uses to goad people to give him money or enter the ring to fight. A variety of fights can happen here to single duels, group battles, gladiator events or other weird sports. Killing outright is discouraged but accidents do happen. Visitors can bet on victors as much as they want and can see as much as double their reward. Participants can do the same and winners get a standard 100gp each and one free post match punch on Yufric. Participants are encouraged to come up with a pseudonym and disguise to avoid outside match grudges. This is an excellent way for players to test their abilities, work as a team and learn more about combat, in a relatively safe way, in wrestling outfits. This can also be the site to resolve tensions and dramatic punishments e.g. The Dread Pirate Killer Leviathan in the past has used The Bloodlocker to force disappointing crew members to fight to the death, only allowing one to leave.

Part-time traders

Many traders and travellers pass through Black Tooth Cove before heading to ports where goods get taxed. These set up shop in stalls called the Dockside Market. As such PCs can find a huge array of goods and interesting characters

Important NPCs

Lady of the Black, Nirvorth

rarely found outside her office is the ruler of this pirate haven. She appears like a dark skinned human with fine features except her smile which is a bit too wide. She dresses in full black leather catsuit and wears a wide pirate hat with multiple black feathers. Few know her origins but do not dare question her claim to rule. Her very presence causes fear instincts to go into overdrive and she always has a smell of something caustic and powerful.


The Leader of the Blacktooth Bruisers needs to be vicious to enforce Lady Nirvorths word in a pirate cove. Cutter is the right man. He appears as a badly burned scarred elf, with ancient eyes. His speech in common is rough but in elvish is noble and old fashioned. Most of the men under his command dwarf him in size yet he controls them absolutely. He always carries around twin blades on his back with vicious jagged edges and rarely uses them. The older folk on the island try to tell tales of when he did, but have to stop before breaking down in tears. Cutter is always on the watch for threats to Lady Nirvorths rule and ready to end them in the most efficient manner.

The Bonethrower

Rocking in the chair in a dark cave is arguably the most mysterious figure in town. The Bonethrower has been part of Blacktooth Cove longer than the lagoon people say. She appears as a lithe frail woman but covered in a full black veil nobody knows of her race or the full extent of her abilities. She uses old and blood magic but has great knowledge of things to come and the natural world. She passes her time with potion makings, hoarding magic items and interesting knick-knacks and bargaining with adventurers.


The kobold bartender in Krakens Pub. Dressed in a small waistcoat and bow-tie Yix scurries around the bar he single handedly runs as if his life depends on it. In a dangerous place like Black Tooth Cove it might.


Nirvorth is an ancient Black Dragon daughter of the Ebon Doom, Ruler of the Black, the most powerful dragon since the first age. He sent Nirvorth and her siblings centuries ago to conquer Aimos by taking over places of power. They were never heard of again and the house of the Ebon Doom diminished in that time. She was chosen to take over a point of greatest power in Aimos, a place guarded by The Lightkeepers, and nearly succeeded. One last defender stopped her by using an ancient curse the “Mallachd Ceangail Anam,” a curse of soul binding. The Lightkeeper tied her souls to Nirvorths bonding them for life. If the defender dies Nirvorth dies. If they separate too far they die. This also left Nirvorth with some interesting side effects, she couldn't die while her soul bound was alive and she began to share the nature of her captor, as such she has a conflicting personality and morality of an evil black dragon and a heroic Lightkeeper. Finding an accord with her new position, she protects the Lightkeepers interests whilst picking at and interfering the civilisations around her and gaining followers under a banner of black. That doesn't mean she is happy about being chained to another, so secretly keeps an eye out on how to break her bond. If this happens her cruel and evil nature will return fully.

Black Tooth Cove is the weapon of The Lightkeepers. All the power of an activated Beacon can be collected, focuses and utilised from here. The appearance of a Knife is an illusion in reality it is a giant ancient lighthouse and one of the most powerful weapons in the world. The entrance of this structure can be found in The Bonethrowers Cave. The Bonethrower is an ancient lightkeeper who used her ancient magic to prevent Nirvorth conquering it. They came to an accord, after much conflict, that allows the site to be guarded while pursuing their now shared desires of wealth and power. The Bonethrower was once known as Brona of Sorrows, a firlbolg follower of the celtic deities and trained under Slievenamon, the mountain of women, in the feywild. She was a hero but that all changed when using the soul curse for Nirvorth. She constantly hold back her now corrupted nature, although the desire to hoard is obvious as is her now skeletal appearance under the veil. She purposefully isolates herself worried of hurting others but the occasional lightkeeper still tries to connect with her plus she watches Nirvorth for any sign of betraying their accord.

Vruunheim States & The Argent Supremacy

The last shrinking “true” Grotid (see appendices) human nation has been driven to the edge of the continent by other civilisations and wild hordes. These humans were forced to turn to new ways to thrive after being pushed into resource limited lands. This bastion of Grotid culture united in these trying times under the dynasty of Grotvulfs and have since turned from fruitless land-based wars to newer ways to establish themselves. They have invested greatly in their naval abilities, winning them many victories and establishing themselves as a power in Aimos. This was not enough for some. A coup successfully wiped out the royal family and now the new regime is making waves.

Now under the control of Feldmarschall Schwarzen Egger and Zeemarschall Tronald Dump the Vruunheim States is now a colonial war machine. The coastal city of Argid has led the charge for colonising the surrounding islands, discovering resources and building vast fleets. Tronald Dumps state sponsored company, The Argent Supremacy, is leading this domination of Aimos leading to hostilities with the other civilisations. Although not concerned with the morality of their missions, The Argent Supremacy also suffers from unconcerning leaders, willing to shift blame and dodge responsibilities. The fortified city of Xerid, under The Feldmarschall is amassing an army. Using propaganda he has convinced the Vruunid people enemies are everywhere and only through strength of arms and loyalty to him can they defeat such evil. He categorises all people as part of his glorious mission or enemies that must be stopped. It is no wonder there are those that hate the new regime, perhaps waiting for a chance to overthrow these oppressors.

The Old Navy rebellion is ready to topple the regime. Veterans sworn still to the royal family and disgusted at the moraless leadership ready themselves for warfare. Expecting revolters, especially after a bloody coup, the regime has been harsh on any resistance. Public executions of suspects are common and forces dedicated to hunting for dissidents are very active. The Old Navy rebellion bides its time, especially since they are also protecting the last surviving Grotvulf, Princess Katya!

One of the greatest civil rights issues within this human nation is the multi-generational internment camps for Orcs. These Orcs are descended from an invading horde that caused brutal devastation to Vruunheim at that time. Only a few remember this event and a majority of those held have no connection to their traditions. Those held have been used as free labour or even as soldiers by the State in return for the promise of freedom and a form of citizenship. There are some examples of Orcs making their way in Vruunheim society and leading good lives but many that are released find themselves still subject to obstacles. The amount of work some of these Orcs must do can be variable, in some cases nearly impossible.

Services and Functions

Vruunheim is varied in landscape from steep mountain peaks to dark forests to wide flat grasslands. Even without these natural boundaries there can be huge distances between cities and clusters of civilisation all with subtle differences in the cultures, history and services provided. Since this setting is focused on this mostly marine continent the city the players will likely end up is Agrid, a prosperous coastal city and headquarters to The Argent Supremacy. Below is a list of unique services that players could access in Agrid.

Pyter und Gunter Markethallen!

A little way past the dockside near the city square is a large stone hall with wide open doors, beckoning all to look. Founded by two brothers now in their winter years of being the world's finest, most magical and convenient shopping experience. This market hall contains stalls and goods of the best quality goods and craftsmen. The reveal of their seasonal and festival decoration halts town traffic. The brothers are twins and are humans that both have large bellies and friendly rosey faces. In recent history they have had a fall out splitting the Markethallen into two identical halves and have filled it out with similar stalls. They constantly compete with each other driving down prices, much to the consumers' benefit.

Kastle Sind Wir

At the border of the rich district, high enough to see over the sprawling city and into the sprawling Vruunid landscape is travel/ real estate agent Tomas Koch. His offices are located in a thin spiralling stone tower with one enviable future, the view of outside the compacted city. He uses this subtle metaphor to inspire clients to buy or rent Castles littered over Vruunheim. As states unified and boundaries have changed there are many in decline, especially since the coup removed many royalists from power. Tomas has purchased these Strongholds hoping to make a profit of those with aspirations of making it to the elite class.

Clock Maker

Tucked in a forgettable corner in the Markethallen, unclaimed by either Pyter and Gunter. In fact both brothers have no idea it is there. This humble shop is one of the locations of The Clockmaker. This entity nobody who leaves can ever remember any feature of but do not find that unusual. Trades in watches and powerful magical items.

Borsdag Mal

A whirling factory of ink, smoke and yelling journalists, The Borsdag Mal is Vruunheims first printing press and newspaper. Built by Wilbut Clugbert, a Fingortab dissident, to prove his communities' worth to the Regime, this factory is one of the most modern inventions in the world. Previously focused on spreading community news, Clugbert Jr has been pressured by members of the Argent Supremacy to include propaganda and manipulate stories.

Sigmud Fraud

The offices of Sigmund Fraud seem like one of many upper class homes in Agrids well paved streets. A humble sign with brass lettering stating “Dr Fraud Offices, Mentanalyst'' is the only external signal otherwise. A pioneer in the field of Mentanalyst Sigmud claims by talking with a patient he can cure a wide range of personality defects and emotional trauma. Many are happy with the results although confused why they had to talk about their mother so much.

Jodel College

Grotid people have developed an ancient tradition of Jodelling. This specific form of singing was utilised by their bards in the upper mountains around Oxtrid to communicate long distances, cause avalanches to fall upon foes and other incredible feats. The practise has been shrunk much and this bardic college has been formed by a few masters that have left Oxtrid to encourage new blood to join. They have failed to impress many people and the city guards have been called repeatedly for noise complaints.


A new wave of transport has revolutionised inner city travel. Founded by great mages from a distant valley, is Uberkart. Using a magical calling device (see chapter 7) a mount is summoned and will carry the user to their destination. They have even integrated the spell within other devices used by those with a lot of money such as the P-watch made by Plum tech. Users of this device have been assaulted mid journey by traditional carriage drivers in a street war between the humble taxi and the arcane giants.

Old Navy Barracks

Founded generations ago by the first Zeemarschall Starkstahl. When the Vruunid people were nearly pushed to the brink of collapse this is where their first navy developed and overcame most of the issues of the time and since then has led the way for Vruunheims cultural, technological and military turn towards the sea. Since the rise of the regime and Zeemarschall Tronald Dumps focus on his Argent Supremacy this harbour has been left to crumble, focusing on the new dockyards. The site was meant to be stripped of all its worth but members of The Old Navy Rebellion have hidden aspects of this academy, including facilities for marine training, weaponry, shipyards and secret entrances to the city.

Important NPCs

Princess Katya

The last member of the Grotvulf dynast. This young human was a child when her family was slaughtered and only survived by the loyal sacrifice of the former Zeemarschall Starkstahl. She has been hidden by royalists seeing her country used by the greedy. She has not been idle, learning more about her history, the people and has tried to make herself as knowledgeable Queen as possible. Nearly a woman now but wise beyond her years she waits for the right moment alongside the Old Navy Rebellion to take Vruunheim from the Regime.

Zeemarschall Tronald Dump

A small man with strange wrinkled skin and greasy hair, some suppose this is actually a goblin in disguise. An aristocrat with delusions of being a good businessman, despite being in debt multiple times. He rose to popularity by doing public shows with participation from lower folk called The Intern. His controversial opinions kept him in the public eye and nobles invited him to events as a joke. Yet this shrewd survivalist has used the ample opportunities given to him. With unbreakable belief in himself he is now the Zeemarschall and has become more volatile since then. He has surrounded himself only with those with absolute loyalty shielding him from the negative consequences of his own actions or presenting them as his enemies faults. He is co-leading the Regime alongside Feldmarschall Egger and is continuing to push the policies of colonisation, mostly for his own benefit.

Feldmarschall Schwarzen Egger

Former strongman and military Hero now co-leader of The Regime of Vruunheim, although he thinks he is the true leader but allows Dump to have fantasies. Known for his muscles and fighting he was often overlooked as just a grunt but actually has a shrewd mind, charisma and iron will. Legendary special forces agent, his work inspired bards across the land. Seeing his popularity rise made him notice it was a new sort of power he could wield. He gained swift promotions and led him to an opportunity. He led the slaughter of the Grotvulf royal family and claimed Vruunheim for him and his allies. Now operating in Oxtrid his focus is to turn Vruunheim into a warmachine, capable of taking landlands, defeating enemies and claiming anything it desires. Although based in the Bastion he does lead from the front, inspiring the troops, and wields his power to induce fear.

Anton Austeig

An admiral of the Argent Supremacy and runs the operation as best he can with Tronald Dump's interference. Was a Kommodore and best friend of the previous Zeemarschall Starkstahl. A shrewd tactician and excellent sailor he has been essential in preventing many Coradite Coalitions schemes. He arose to his latest appointment by supposedly betraying Starkstahl to Tronald as tribute. The Old Navy knows a different story, that Starkstahl already died of wounds received and he has used his friends' sacrifice to spy on The Regime for The Old Navy Rebellion.

Sarge Windarmour

Surprising de-facto leader of The Old Navy Rebellion. The rebellion contains many nobles in exiles, royalist officers, jobless merchants and more. Yet this lowly dwarf has risen to the top. Before the coup he was the drill sergeant of the Old Navy Academy and responsible for the training of all the officers. When the coup happened there were many splintered rebels, a lot were crushed. Maybe it's his stubbornness, training or practicality but in the chaos he managed to organise groups to task and rebel in controlled practised manners. Able to form a network due to his past connections he built up The Old Navy rebellion and is the only person to know how far it stretches outside of individual cells.


In the heart of Agrid (see Chapter 3) is a resistance force against Zeemarschall Tronald Dump made up of veterans of the Old Navy. They are still sworn to the royal family and hate those that sully their flag. They plan on a series of maneuvers that puts Princess Katya back on the throne but little do they know there is a traitor among them.

Xerid (see Chapter 3) based on Feldmarschall Eggers new worship of the Ascendent, supernatural strength, brutal machine and religious purges are all tied together. In order to perform the coup and ascend to power he made a deal with the ruler of the Nine Hells themself, although they are hiding their identity. This has also led to him seizing control of one of the Lightkeepers temples and taking their relic. As if this wasn’t bad enough this was only his side of the deal, the worst is still to come for the innocents of Xerid and the world when it is time to fulfill his end of the bargain.

Coradite Coralition

Mostly former-enemies, these are individual city states that have recently formed a loose trading coalition. They contain a variety of governing styles, cultures and interests. Though in a loose coalition and supposed allies against common threats (like Argent Supremacy, Bathylon Dominion & Pirates) they are very jealous and suspicious of each other. Privateers are often hired and used to alleviate these feelings.


Hidden somewhere on an island in the Ghostmarches is the Theocracy of Zamide. Worshippers of an extreme religion dedicated to harsher aspects of The Stormfury. It is uncertain what they want out of the coalition making many in the coalition uneasy but their magical manipulation of weather, mastery of haemocraft and other gifts are highly prized. They rarely welcome delegates or traders, the only people entering seem to be slaves bought at markets throughout Aimos who do not return. Slavers around Aimos use the threat of selling slaves to this Theocracy as a threat to those who are difficult to control. However there are stories of the city state itself. They tell of following a strange labyrinth throughout the swamp, hearing the city before fogs reveal it. Chants of drones singing and screaming “May we see her depths!” Eventually this leads to a wide lake with crumbling ruins around and within it. In the heart is a small island in between where bridges connect it to the two sides. Here is a large half sinking black dome now dedicated to the most wicked aspect of The Stormfury. This island is where tributes are brought.

The city states main focus is the worship of and actions dedicated to The Stormfury as such the leader is the highest priest of the Tidecallers, Elder Mistmyr. Although her origins are up for debate there is no denying her devotion and swift solving of problems. The ranks of the Tidecallers seem to only include the hardened, the fanatical and the broken. Supporting society to help their leadership live in constant fear of being called heretics, leading to a fate worse than death. They are supported by a huge slave population to act as labour for industry and services. The one escape for them seems to be joining the ranks of the Tidecallers, an option open to even slaves. Death is rumoured is not the end here.

What the Tidecallers actually want in Aimos is unknown to even most of them, questioning Mistmyr’s vision is cause for heresy. She claims to be building towards a way for them to prove themselves and gain the favour of their Divine. Outsiders worry how much strength they actually have in reserve and what they could do if it is released.

Services and Functions

Since Zamides are a total theocracy with little outside trading most of the services are unpaid and seen as extensions of the city-state government. For outsiders only some of these services will accept coins.

Mast Markets

A series of small stalls and workshops built on top of masts in a lagoon. Usually made of torn canvases or recovered driftwood. Here is where artisans of the city present their goods for inspection of the Tidecallers and eagerly wait for rewards. Expansion of a workshop is only done with the express permission of the Tidecallers.

Weighed Anchors

Slave markets where slaves are brought to be sold. Security is seemingly lax but the truth is escape requires crossing deep fast moving water guarded by trained crocodiles. In order to escape a slave would need to have the Stormfurys favour in which case they would be welcomed as a Tidecaller or a new challenge to be conquered.

Tributes to the Tides

This is a site of religious practise the Zamides hold dear, that would infuriate most other societies. A stretch of tidal flats where gold, slaves and goods are piled on a tide line. Whatever survives the tide is allowed into Zamide society. Unless won in a contest it is against Zamide doctrine to accept riches unless blessed by their Divine.

Drowned Hall

At the heart of the city is a cathedral of worship and trial ground to devotion of The Storm Furys ideals. By excelling here and passing the sacraments one can leave with enough divine power. Broken Shore Contest is at the heart of the Zamide doctrine. As such anyone in this society worshipping a religion of competition and war can call out another for a duel. This is a sacred right with many rules and a hallowed spot for honour to be satisfied. In order to learn their haemocraft arts one must go through a trial within the Broken Shore that kills four in ten participants.

Important NPCs

Elder Mistmyr

Female celestial blooded high priestess and ruler of the Zamides. Her origins are unclear as well as her age. Appearing as a small young girl in a tattered sea-foam coloured hooded dress with piercing green eyes and bright smile many would not see her as much of a threat even after noticing the patterns of self-scarification. Yet she is one the most powerful petitioners of The Stormfury and just like the sea she can turn from smiling to thunderous at a moment.

Brother Jobe

Leader of the Tidecallers expeditionary forces. A warrior in his own right who was once a slave of The Weighed Anchors and challenged his captors and won. Tales tell of him trying to leave but constantly challenged by forces of The Stormfury, including a whale who he was swallowed by. Eventually he saw it as a sign his place was within the Zamides, Jobe has pushed against teh use of slavery and better treatment of captives.

Sister Garker

A staple in the heart of the Drowned Halls is a storm giant exile. She studies the patterns of the stars against a tidal rockpool for portents of future battles and messages of the Divines.

Mother Mari

Appearing as an old dwarf woman is the woman responsible for the training of Tidecallers, nurturing or breaking them to achieve their best selves. Called by some as sadistic, correctly, her methods are brutal. She has been challenged to the Broken Shore many times and despite appearing beyond her peak, her power is still growing.


This branch of worship makes sacred the right of challenging and striving for betterment. It is also the same religion that would make The Kraken (See Below) its highest member, as the current Chosen of The Stormfury. Elder Mistmyr outwardly supports The Kraken and claims Zamides is a vassal for its Reach but truthfully she wants it dead. She believes her purpose is to take the title of Chosen from The Kraken or atleast offer a challenge to keep it strong. Something The Stormfury seems to agree with. Elder Mistmyr is patient and has tried many schemes without being obvious enough to bring the wrath of the current champion against her people. It is only a matter of time before she crosses that line.


On a few scattered fragile tiny islands, amongst the crystal water and reefs, lies the enchanted atolls of Bisu. Run by descendants of a great archmage and his apprentices, this city state contains scholars and arcanists obsessed with the pursuit of magical knowledge and growing their prowess. The populace is a mixture mainly of humans, half-elves, elves and dragonborn who all value the goals of this Magocracy. Currently those goals are to further their knowledge, gain arcane components and recover lost magical artefacts. It is presided over by the Archmagus, a group of the most well accomplished wizards in their fields, all in charge of a different aspect of the Bisunians teachings. This is the same structure that has been in place for the few centuries since its founding and the positions are usually kept till death, with a few exceptions. Changes have been proposed but long debates and longer processes make sure those proposals are lost.

The Magocracy is centered on a large island made of three joint steep sided dormant volcanos that have begun their slow descent to the bottom of the sea, becoming atolls. On the outer side very little development or activity occurs for several reasons. One being the obsidian structure of the ancient volcano is hard to manipulate by magical or other means. The second is that the structure inside thrives. This site was founded in a place of arcane resonance which were settled by ancient Dragonborn who have left ruins, who built within the caldera rock by unknown means. One of these Caldera ruins is used as living, work and research quaters of the upper echelons of society known as Caldera City. Due to growing population size a sign of excelling in the society is to have a floating home that stays within the confines but grants the residents more space than within the carved city. The second is reserved for The Azure Academy whose traditional schooling function is massively different in aesthetics to the crowded magical metropolis in Caldera City. The Third is off limits to those not on the Council, much to the annoyance of the residents in the small space. This is known as the Closed Crater.

Likely the least populated of the Coradite Coalition but they make up in attack power what they lack in numbers. A single war-mage can rain fire equivalent to a warship. Combining this with the elemental airships produced flown by the Bisunians make them welcome allies.

Services and Functions


The jewel in the crown of Bisu’s magical and technological superiority is this airship yard. Making ships powered by contained extreme elemental energy has many potential challenges, including espionage, industrial accidents and acquiring resources. As such the Aerodrome gains alot of investments from the Azure Council. To acquire an airship one needs absolute approval of the Council or steal one but stealing these national treasures will be a declaration of war. Production was limited, as power sources for the elemental engines can be difficult to get, until the authorisation of utilising living Primordial beings, willing or not. Now the Aerodrome contains a prison of captured primordials, some barely sentient, others very much suffering.

Arcanum Archive

Whilst the Aerodrome has demanded a lot of attention every citizen of Bisu believes the Arcanum Archive is the most valuable asset they have. This is a collection of books, studies and magical materials that Bisunians have contributed towards for centuries. In order to gain the rank of Master or above one needs to have a contribution accepted into these almost hallowed halls. The items here are categorised by type and by what rank is needed to access it. As most of the populace are arcane practitioners of various abilities and risks, the more volatile and powerful the material or research wanting to be checked out requires approval of higher ranks. This resource is considered a right for the populace and is always at the centre of many political debates on how it should be controlled. The wonders found in this Archive is said to have few rivals in Aimos making it a dream goal for many thieves.

Azure Academy

Education and arcane research are principal tenets of Bisunian society. Every member born is meant to study arcane pursuits and contribute to the society with whatever practises they excel best at. So all children are inducted into the Azure Academy. They can graduate from Student to Novice which qualifies them for the most basic roles in Bisu. Adepts are students that study for longer gaining advanced theoretical knowledge. Masters is the next stage for a young mage, one who advances their studies but actively contributes to the Arcanum Archives halls with their own research. Magus’ are people who have shown mastery in multiple arcane fields and have taken responsibility for a role within the societal structures, these roles are rare and highly competed for.

The Azure Academy is infamous for its harsh standards and lax safety rules. No doubt students of this academy can leave as superb mages but many young children have been greatly injured or worse without consequences to the academy.

Important NPCs

Ekalis Trushard

Archmagus of Antiquities - the youngest member of the Azure Council and by far the most active. A human although with some partial handsome elvish features, he is a glamorous and modern image of a mage. Hungry to keep his standing, his energy seems limitless as he organises and leads digs, oversees the monumentally complicated Arcanum Archives and rubs shoulders with other Magus’ to promote research. Most of the Archmagus’ have written this up as youthful passion and insecurities but some such as Fumbledoor see an older and deeper soul, with a long term plan they can’t quite discern.

Amonora Cahagan

Archmagus of Innovation - The only female member of the Council and only one that has been for some time. Although Bisu is technically an equal society where magical merit is what a person's worth holds, in practise promotions come about with who you know and what club you are in. Most of the exclusive clubs are male only. Amonora is an old elf who has seen this countless times and waited for an opportunity to prove herself beyond doubt. After being missed again for promotion, she went over the heads of the council, helped write the Coradite Coalition and set it up so Bisu would gain favourable conditions and trading agreements. This has wrinkled a few powerful people but Amonora, gained promotion and has held onto her new position and often takes chances on those that would have little.

Uzin Onorim

Archmagus of Civilogistics - a fantastically old humanoid who nobody is quite sure what race or gender Uzin is. Uzin rarely is found outside of their chambers and acts as administrator, judge and civil leader in Bisu. Rarely speaks, preferring to communicate through subordinates, the rare time they do speak however leave scholars and poets scribbling it down like gospel and debate for decades over each word.

Wobey Eronin

Archmagus of Natural Wonders and Structures - a jolly human male that is rarely in Bisu except to catch up on his favourite shows and stock up on his favourite tea. An explorer in every aspect. He searches the world trying to find and understand new phenomena and uncover secrets within the physical realms. Despite his significant contributions he is a frustrating academic to work with often forgetting to fulfill his duties in research or teaching.


Archmagus of Realities - nobody can tell if Estria is a bad or good example of what happens when you throw yourself into your own research. Estria was an aging human who used a nexus of focused ley lines to increase his divination and thought processes, believing himself close to a breakthrough or perhaps even Divinity. Something went astray in one of these experiments and Estria was no more, until reformed into the energy being called Exalted. Exalted has since roamed through Bisu, motives unknown, occasionally intervening or helping with research. Some of these examples are quite shocking, including the time an adept rudely requested his assistance and was polymorphed permanently into a talking chicken.

Headmaster Fumblefloor

Archmagus of Teaching - Like most of the Archmagus, Fumblefloor is a wizened old man of incredible age and talent. He stands tall, usually wearing traditional robes, small spectacles and often eating sweets. He appears to be a gentle and kind soul but there are rumours of some of the secrets he used to ascend to and hold his rank, enough to give even Ekalis pause.

Ildor Camorn

Archmagus of Defense - the latest to hold this revolving door position. The Archmagus of Defense is traditionally the Council position that has the shortest tenancy. Usually it attracts people who develop their own speciality in the most extreme way leading to it backfiring in some way. Some examples in the last century include the Flying Zombies Incident of 820 T.A., The Giant Blob Kerfuffle of 853 T.A. Roving Reverse-Dragons Slaughter of 873 T.A., The Time We All Became Jeff of 866 T.A. and The Let's Not Talk About It of 902 T.A. Ildor is the latest to rise to the position and the most promising and most controversial. He was not a native Bisunian but a captive hunjat warrior (see appendices) that was abandoned by his country. A mage slayer by speciality with some basic arcane learning, he is a practical man growing up with little but this practicability is an effective way of thinking the Bisunians fail at. He doesn’t believe in learning for its own sake but for necessity and tactical surprise. Since taking the position he has focused on fundamentals. This includes strengthening the already existing defences, uniformed and integrated training, building up intelligence networks and not focussing on big personal projects. Although many do question his motives, he lets his actions speak for themselves and although once a captive he feels he was always in a similar choiceless position in his homeland.


The original settlers of Bisu should have been more cautious and less excited to claim an abandoned place of power. The extinct dragonborn culture they inherited was part of the resistance against evil Divines alongside the Lightkeepers. Not all the soldiers of this evil force were destroyed but imprisoned in magical isolation. As the millenia pass some of the wards keeping these beings back have weakened slightly. Enough for one of Those-From-Beyond has been able to slowly corrupt Bisunian leadership and make deals with more receptive individuals.

Minerie Capital

The largest and backbone of the Coradite Coalition, spread along hundreds of picturesque islands by the sunlit coast, is the Minerie Capital. An offshoot of the old crumbled Viborian Empire, these Mhye humans (see appendices) were left stranded amongst the sub-tropical islands and were determined to rise back to wealth. A mostly mercantile based society where wealth means all, shown in expensive displays and tastes, these humans are trying to keep themselves to the comfort they are used to.

The society was founded after the disastrous fall of the Old Viborian Empire. Refugees of this mysterious catastrophe fled to the mining outposts, colonies and summer villas in Aimos through the help of traders. Emperor Narcissus IV also arrived and claimed dominion over his subjects again. For generations the citizens followed the supposed exile emperors. However a lack of any significant military victories, by the Narcissus dynasties lack of military experience or counsel, shrunk the Mhye haphazard empire even smaller. Under Philto Narcissus II the Tumultuaria occurred. Philto, disconnected & ignorant to the needs of the masses or anything outside his Villa island, diverted more guards, wealth and resources to him and his council of Patricians. People starved, settlements attacked, suffered and all the while taxed or property just taken for the Emperor. Using the Minerie mines built under the Villa an underground attack occurred ending once and for all the Viborian dynasty and shackles of the old caste system. The Patricians threw Philto to the wolves, in an attempt to save themselves. When it was obvious they were still targets they ran into the mines themselves. They eventually were cornered and rather than fight, they sealed themselves in. Later on it was discovered that they turned to cannibalism in order to survive but no Patrician lived in the end. It was said the diplomacy of the merchant Gallicles Minervalis that saved the Aimos Mhye from chaos and built the founding principles of The Minerie Capital. Working with other companies the Mhye merchants used their connections to rebuild infrastructure and trade, dismissing the old fashioned notion of colonies and empires instead operated in a few islands in the Cote du Soleil and have slowly built up their wealth and naval presence.

On the outside this capitalist civilisation may seem harsh and unfair. There are many without wealth, without freedom even, but there is a belief that merit and hard work leads to riches, so respect those that have made it to that level is strong. For a warrior society only the strong can rise. In an aristocratic society only those of the right breeding can flourish. In a hunter society only the hungriest. In a magocracy only the smart. In a theocracy the most devout. Within this society theoretically anyone can succeed, the strong, the smart, the lucky, the hungry, the industrious.

It is a vibrant, multi-cultural and distinct society. Formerly the greatest power in Aimos and was trying to dominate many of the other factions until the rise of the Vruunheim States. The leaders of this land generally come from merchant backgrounds so know when to cut losses and adapt to new opportunities. The Minerie Capital founded the Coradite Coalition believing it the most cost-effective solution to ending warfare and the acquiring of their new allies' values. Ran by a senate that is openly for sale. Every vote for a representative is bought for and whoever out of the big merchants puts in the most money will see their chosen candidates in the senate enacting policies that suit them, usually laws to stem their business rivals. Although there are people with more civil motives. There is alot to this game however, spending too much can leave a bidder out-of-pocket which may not recover by next elections. Pacts, double-crosses and sabotages are common.

Services and Functions

The Minerie Capital has many different outposts and cities under its banner but the one that attracts the most visitors and contains most of the powerful citizens is Minerie Insular (see chapter 3) which contains the below unique services.


The largest known slave market in Aimos. Captives and criminals of the Minerie Capital can end up with no legal rights and come here to be traded into someone else's property. Educated ones may be given a profession and others may be condemned to mines. There are active political movements trying to increase protections or ban slavery alltogether, arguing people can contirbute more to Minerie society and have the right to earn their place. For the thousands of people that get traded through every day these discussions are impossibly far off.

Ludus Scarvorus

A legendary gladiator school run by Lanista Magnus, a former slave in the Colosseum Superiores who managed to gain such popularity and win so many impossible fights he was freed. Through unsure means, he “acquired” his former Lanista’s Ludus and has now created the most renowned gladiator school in Aimos. His rivals hate his domination in the games and sow rumours of cheating, but the truth is clear when his warriors fight, they excel above all others. His secret is that he offers them the same freedom he has been given. Magnus supplements his income by training wealthy individuals with some of his craft, learning specialised combat methods he has developed in the ring.

Beatus Beret

The blessed bathhouses of Minerie Insular are a luxury and hygienic essential that is the envy of most of the known world. Utilising natural hot springs the grandest of all of these is run by an ancient sea elf calling herself Siren Lorenah. She is an outrageous personality that is invited to every party, as the land's biggest gossip it's always important to have her on your good side.

Va Dincis Workshop

In the midst of the rabble by the dockside is a small workshop people give a wide berth, despite the only occupant being a small human in ragged noble clothing. More rough denizens have tried to break in to steal from this apparent noble but leave maddened, spouting about contraptions and strange designs. This apparent inventor is watched over by many interested parties hoping something will be produced that is understandable and useful.

Preening Tower of Lisa

Amidst all the splendor and wondrous architectural achievements, standing slighting off kilter is the ancient Preening Tower. Apparently home to the traditional delicacy the Minerie call Piza, and finest chef school in Aimos.

Chapel of Divinity

The working title name of a long awaited exhibit made by four extremely gifted Tortles who excel in painting and sculpting. These Tortles are slow to complete their masterpiece but when they do produce something it is deemed excellent. Many of the elite class compete heavily to be their patrons and receive their gifts.

Important NPCs

Senator Minervalis

A descendant from the namesake of the Minerie Capital and inheritor of the greatest mercantile conglomerate in Aimos. Minervalis is a human entering his silver years but with the confidence and passion of a young man still wanting to make his mark on the world. As well as furthering his company's interests he works in the Senate to keep the society stable and strong.

Senator Nicalius

A rag to riches success story. Born from freed slaves and worked his way to the Senate and his own company. Popular amongst the aspiring and working classes and promotes shaking up the current systems in place, this tiefling is seen as a threat by some of the old guard.

Senator Marelillius

Born from the elite class but one of few who has actively given away the majority of their wealth, this wisened human has travelled far and wide to reach philosophical and historical knowledge. He believes the excessive tastes of the elite actively prevent continued growth and will lead to collapse of the society, so advocates moderation.

Praefecti Caelistis

Whenever elections occur there is rapid turnover of people in leadership positions especially in the civil and military service to be replaced with advocates of whoever has invested most in the senate. Caelistis is a constant exception. She is the fleet commander and greatest military mind of the society who has the dedication of legions and fleets. Her reputation is untarnishable as is her record of constantly winning battles. A threat to politicians if she ever turned towards it but too practical to bother. Her iron will of preserving the Minerie Capital way of life is an inspiration to soldiers and bane to their enemies.


Behind the glamour of the Minerie Capital there is a secret organisation controlling almost everything. Tenebris Fortuna oversees the advancement of the Minerie Capital from the shadows. Using a system of strange favour coins (known as the bloodied coin, made from pieces of the daggers used in the Tumultari), criminal and political influences are the unknown rulers of the land. Founded when the Tumultari occurred. Philto actually invited his major critics from the mercantile class to his Villa and poisoned and threw them down the mine. Desperate and dying, these merchants cried out for help and the Vile Throne listened.

In return with power to fight back against the Emperor and being spared death the Vile Throne would ask for their assistance throughout the ages until the debt is paid. As collateral it will hold until the souls of all the citizens of the land. Amassing power, knowledge and wealth they spread rumours and rewards hoping one day they could be strong enough to fulfil the deal whilst also preventing another unworthy ruling class to rise and promote Minerie Capitals growth.

The leaders are the Hades Damnatio, cursed immortals with twisted powers. Each one requested an ability from The Vile Throne but are lessons of being careful for what you wish for. Obol, the leader, appears like an old man but with his eyes replaced with coins. He wanted to always see what fate had coming but now can never see what is around him.

Currently there are few people in the Minerie Capital structure that do not owe their success to this shadowy group.


Connecting a set of lifeless solid rocks is the gnome city of Fingortab. Nobody knows how they got there or why, but for whatever reason these gnomes are determined to work in this harsh environment, coming up with ingenious/ deadly solutions to survive.

The gnomish city of Fingortab is built like some sort of metallic spider sprawled over and through three gigantic rocks hundreds feet above the surface of the water. Entry to this city is done by being hoisted into its belly in a giant bucket, leaving incoming visitors in a small artificial lagoon. Instead of a blue sky theirs is bronze, instead of a beach there are rusted iron docks. But it is a port, just with an atmosphere of claustrophobia and insanity.

This city state is split into four areas, three built into the rocks Fingortab stands on and the sprawling structure that connects them. Drop Bucket Hold is the metallic connecting construction between the three rocks, highly protected by the Patrollers and where most visitors stay and trade. It also contains the Architects Auratorium, the meeting place of the choosing society leaders, their workshops and living quarters. It is also where petitioners meet them and a great arena for showcasing the annual designs which is the selection process to becoming or being removed from The Architects. The Architects is a sprawling and competitive organisation, containing 99 of the greatest inventors in Fingortab, selected by committee during the annual selection. Most are too afraid of losing their position next year so focus only to promote themselves in the rankings rather than trying to make Fingortab a better place. The gnomes here work hard, and play harder. Revelry rock is where gnomes spend their work tokens for entertainment. The deeper into the rock the newer and scarier the entertainment. A combination of magic, recklessness and innovation has led to unique entertainment found only here. Alot of which is very loosely regulated and can cause harm or death.

The reason for the need of Revelry Rock is Quota Quarry. Where the majority of work takes place. Gnomes clock in, work, and sleep in bad conditions in this area until they have enough tokens or completion of their own project is to clock out. Many will work months or years straight in an Architects factory for a binge in Revelry Rock whereas some will work full time for years to support their own projects in hopes of ascending to the Architects ranks. In order to cope with the high work demand and shorten their time here many gnomes take Fizz (see chapter 7), a drug that prevents exhaustion and prevents long rests. The Slab is the final area and the physical representation of the cost of this society. Once a residential area the bottom levels were turned to mines to gather more resources, something began to change. People began to go mad and change physically becoming what is now referred to as Hacked. The response was to seal this off entirely, only opening to throw in other undesired from the society. Yet breaches do occur so Patrollers are always on the lookout.

There is a faction within Fingortab that believe the practises made common are wrong. They believe The Architects do not serve the interests of the people, the Slab event needs answering for and people need better working conditions. This faction is called The Demolitionists, once a political stance now driven to the extreme, as moderate members have been sent to The Slab or killed. They are currently engaged in guerrilla warfare but how they plan to achieve their ultimate goal of toppling the current administration is unknown. Being the closed member of the Coradite Coalition to Vruunheim States makes the situation here worse. Almost constantly at siege by warships the gnomes of Fingrortab joined the alliance as a way to have supplies shipped to them while they maintained defense, something the gnomes excel at. Their navy is small but contain elite “Turtleships” which are slow but tough ironclads and their offensive weaponry is based on blackpowder, a rarity in Terra Transbietta. This gives them a devastating advantage in combat. The gnomes have yet to reveal the secrets of blackpowder to their allies but Praitan Port, who supply them a special pitch that can be refined into powerful blackpowder.

Services and Functions

Tipsy trail

Most cities have a night district but in a place without a day/night cycle, the party is always happening in the Tipsy Trail. A series of magical neon lit pubs loudly scream at passers by to enter their premises. One of many places for workers to blow off steam in the Revelry Rock, either by drink, Fizz or whatever the publicans have whipped up to outcompete their rivals. Lady Cee’s place is one of the most popular with arcanotech themed cabaret shows. Phaaabnis is one of her rivals, who is an innkeeper for Spinning Wheels which doubles as a forum for speech and debate.


A marvel of tinkering and illusion magic that is the newest hotspot in Revelry Rock. Crystallis is home to Crystallis machines where citizens can spend tokens to enter an illusionary world in illusionary form in order to participate in a variety of activities. Some of these include sporting events where avatars battle each other for the roar of the crowd and sponsors. These are rarely fatal but to help the illusions feeling triggers have been added including pain.

Night Gardens

Covering many of the deepest dankest levels of Quota Quarry are the fungal gardens that help nourish the populace of Fingortab. Many citizens toil their time away to nourish the slow growing crops for their employers. Unfortunately in order to increase space there have been a few openings to The Slab and The Underdark allowing the risk of invasion. This has only increased the cost of fungus to consumers but here has the greatest diversity in fungus crops making it a treasure trove for alchemists.


Another staple of Revelry Rock is the noisiest attraction, which is saying something, Blastborg is a shooting range, which has the twist of utilising Blackpowder (see chapter 7.) Here customers can fire weapons at explosive targets and enjoy watching it split into millions of little pieces. They also design experimental weapons but to utilise them there is a long list of paperwork one needs to sign. Ran by a gnome only calling himself Nitro. Always covered in soot and completely deaf but cannot use sign language since most of his fingers are missing. His assistant Woopsie helps translate for him.

The Pigeon Toss

The most highly anticipated event of the year is The Pigeon Toss. It is so beloved that this annual event has a huge space of land in the limited Revelry Rock. The Pigeon Toss is where competing tinkerers must race each other in mechanical machines to catch the “pigeon” for great prizes. To keep things fresh all year workers toil away to change this arena and add new challenges. Plans and prototypes for new vehicles and vehicle improvements can be discovered here.


The heart of Quota Quarry are rows of stacked workshops where tinkerers work on their employers designs and if they have enough energy, their own. The greatest tinkerers in Aimos work here and may be persuaded to stop their own task to produce something for wealthy travellers.


Gemseekers are a guild of dungeon and cavern raiding gnomish warriors who exploit passages found and breaches into the slab. These independent hunters work outside the Patrollers for great profit, although the risk from creatures of the Underdark is high.


In Drop Bucket Hold is the sprawling centre of The Architects power. The Auratorium is the meeting place and living place of the ruling class of Fingortab society. Here is where candidates present their annual contribution to society in order to become one of ninety-nine Architects. To gain such an attempt takes an insane amount of work hours worth of tokens, let alone an incredible design or invention to get into this exclusive club, which is likely subject to party politics, corruption and conspiracies. Architect quarters are within this structure and have great workshops and living space according to their ranking.


One of few establishments within Drop Bucket Hold is the Inn called Turntables. Ran by Klebbor, a gnome whose mother comes from outside Fingortab and his father from within, this place offers rest to the few traders that come to Fingortab and currency conversion for those that want to explore the city. The rates nobody knows is accurate but at least people who buy token don’t have to spend decades working in the Quota Quarry for them.

Important NPCs

Master Architect Gnodwepp

Currently the number 1 ranked architect and de facto leader of Fingortab. He is the signatory of the Coradite Coalition, designer of the clock in systems and credited to inventing the pitch burning engines that power Turtleships.

Senior Architect Berembrep

Currently the number 2 ranked architect and biggest rival of Gnodwepp. Working on an improved design of Gnodwepp’s engines but needs his secret designs and access to blackpowder and praitan pitch, which is restrained from him.

Architect Fynkwig

Currently ranked number 23 architect and inventor of Fingortabs current airflow system. Secretly she is currently working with the Demolitionists. Junior Architect Sladadli - Currently ranked number 78 architect and inventor of The Crystallis entertainment system, an upcoming young celebrity and seen by some as the new wave of big technology.

Strategist Zonsman

Both the fleetmaster and wharfmaster. Essentially in charge of ships, Drop Bucket Hold and oversees ship building and dealing with outsiders. "Legendator" Purtpurp - the reigning Crystallis champion and celebrity within the city.


Master Architect Gnodwepp actually stole the plans of Praitan Pitch engines from a partner who he murdered in industrial sabotage. The original designs that have his victims' names on its held in his safe.

The Hacked are actually people who have suffered ill effects of Fizz. Some people who overuse it and suddenly rest can have a flood of magic and energy on their next long rest causing madness and mutation. The Architects know this but banning Fizz will destroy production.

Demolitionists use the air vents to move around, including those in the slab. They have a secret invention, a submarine, in a moonpool there that they use to get supplies. It was deemed a good place to have as a headquarters away from the patrollmen. Yet their network and supplies have come under notice from the denizens of The Slab. These include Hacked, criminals and monsters coming from the underdark.

Praitan Port

The final and newest member of the coalition. Invited by the gnomes of Fingortab these humans live in a stone city surrounded by a vast swamp. Descendents and followers of an ousted Grand Duke, Edmer Praitan I from a distant feudal society, made a home in the swamp to build their strength to one day return to their fatherland and claim it for themselves. They still claim this distant throne despite generations of never seeing this productive land and only the dismal landscape of the Ghostmarches around them. Still clinging to this claim, the Duchy is in charge but most of the government is run by stewards coming from the aristocracy. The rest of the people fall under a strict class system. This city state has found some luck in discovery of Praitan Pitch, cordite infused pitch that burns bright or can be refined into Blackpowder. This source led to trade pacts with the gnomes of Fingortab who in turn have shared some knowledge on how to utilise it. The gnomes concentrate on exciting and novel ways of utilising it; these humans have made advancements in the basic principles of Praitan Pitch making some new designs to benefit the town.

Despite being of Grotid descent, Praitan Port has failed to create good relations with Vruunheim throughout the years despite several attempts. The arrogant nature of the so-called Dukes and Duchess have not lent to good diplomatic ties, although most of these were before Vruunheim had seen their Blackpowder weapons. This is the same for most of the interactions with the other denizens of the Ghostmarches. Now with the dawn of their military armed with muskets they claim many small villages and outposts as vassals, much to many dislikes. Although technically agreed to these terms most of these settlements are so overlooked by the Praitan Port authorities they are an authority to themselves creating smuggling and crime rings within Praitan Ports structures. There are a few that want to be part of Praitan Ports protection and willingly pay homage but some have found the actual benefits outweigh the costs.

The city of Praitan Port itself is divided between highly industrious working class areas and wealthy neighbourhoods. From smoking factories and labyrinths of tightly packed terraced homes, workers pass through the smog to small pitch warmed homes, usually stopping at a pub or gin house before doing so. The most elevated areas are reserved for the upper class. Here is grand gothic architecture, grand churches, parks, townhouses, and The Iron Palace of Praitan. Members of this class have pitch lighted streets, proper sewage and as fresh as air as possible. Gentlemen spend their time overseeing their investments before retiring to membership clubs and lounges. Ladys are not held in equal regard in this society but a movement by a group called the Electettes have been gaining momentum to stop this.

The lineage of Praitan have had recurring issues with madness and rarely shown good leadership qualities. Most think the shame and pressure leads to this. The current heir is no different. Edmer the fourth is still a teenager but inherited some of the faults of his parents. Rarely seen by the public he spends most of his time in The Iron Palace, leaving the running of the civilisation to advisors. He does not have a direct heir yet but there are several members of his extended family that can make a claim for his title.

Services and Functions

Shrapnel Shipyard

Separated from the main dockside by a wall of iron and patrolling soldiers is the heart of the Praitan Ports naval power. A joint venture of industrialist Sir Stephenson and the authorities are shipyards building advanced warships and naval weapons. Here are the tightly guarded secrets in making Blackpowder Cannons (see chapter 6.) Overseen by the Fingortab Tinkerer turned Praitan noble Sir Gezzlebrum.

Star Mall

The industrialist Sir Fredsor has managed to make a wondrous feat of engineering. Creating an avenue of constant light amongst some of the greatest quality shops Praitan Port has to offer using Praitan Pitch powered lamps known as Pitchlights. This avenue features some of the haughtiest fashion boudoirs, fine tailors and overpriced jewellers.

Gin Rats Warrens

Gin is one of many luxuries that has taken root in Praitan Port life, but it is one that can be made cheaply and accessed by the poor. By using dangerous brewing mechanisms a series of Gin sellers have popped up in town much to the upper classes' horror. They passed legislation banning these ventures but finding some loopholes consumers can still buy from sellers. By using a series of pipes gin can still be bought on the street without the need for shops or even seeing the selling party. The Gin Rat has set up a series of tubes and cash points, using the many orphaned pickpockets in town, to allow business to continue. Visitors can visit these tubes and get their dose.


Art and music is something most souls need but access to theatres is limited to most. Spinsingers is a shop that offers a way to play music in all homesteads. Using a contraption that looks like a grinding wheel crossed with a funnel, large disks can be played to reverberate the works of the worlds most demanded bards. Ran by a half-elf, Edwina Volta, a child of an immigrant, in the smog struck workers area this shop is visited by even great nobles for the invention of a Spinnerphone (see chapter 7.)

All Hope Hospital

In a world with healing magic the advancement of non-magical medicine has not been seen as necessary, except by those without access to funds to beseech high ranking priests. Lady Starling has taken it upon herself to make sure anyone has good access to care and treatment without the need for paying to the established churches. In researching and experimenting she has discovered preventative measures to prevent ill health and disease. She has set up a hospital, thanks to sponsors and her own family wealth, to treat the sick and teach her new discoveries.


For centuries the most advanced means for humans to transport is through magic and horses. No more! Copper Farthings are here. A shop taking off with the upper echelons showcases a new mode of transport with two wheels and no beast of burden. Ran by Dana Exeport is what surely is not a short term silly fad. Right?

Cadtree Factory

Being part of the Coradite Coalition has allowed Praitan Port access to new foodstuffs. John Cadtree was a humble trader who saw an opportunity to turn some of the bitter beans imported into sweet treats. The Cadtree factory now produces the addictive substance known as chocolate.

Important NPCs

Edmer Praitan IV - The current Duke of Praitan Port and at the age of twenty he lives up to his ancestors legacy. That legacy happens to be useless, arrogant and drunk. Edmer is under the belief any hardship is an attack on him so defends by attacking those around him or ignoring it entirely. These traits has led much of the day to day running of Praitan Port to underlings, some with their own agendas.

Victoria Praitan

The strong-willed sister of the Duke, Victoria's subtle manipulations within the Iron Palace has led to her brothers' most disastrous ideas to never see fruition and the greatest harm to her nation to being evaded. As a woman in a patriarchal society she is often dismissed as insignificant but those in court with wisdom respect her judgement and knowledge of rulership.

Lord Bootington

Although born outside of the city into one of its vassals, Lord Bootington has enough noble blood to enter into military officer ranks where he proved his tactical expertise time and time again. When others of stronger blood have made blunders he has proven himself practical and reliable. So much so he is now the highest ranking General in Praitan Ports forces.

Lord Timmerson

Is of noble blood but not noble spirit. Edmers right hand man and “acquirer” of assets that prove necessary for the crown. A staunch believer in the aristocratic system he has made many ventures that have turned into failures which he blames on the incompetence of others without ever accepting responsibility himself. He has a network of spies against other industrialists and a seemingly endless supply of wealth and resources despite his own family holdings being unprofitable for many years. Some say has taken rolls into shadier professions in order to keep up his position and lifestyle.

Sir Ismabard Stephenson

Inventor and Industrialist specialising in mechanical engineering and transport, employing many of the factory workers in the dockside. A hard working man who is passionate about new science and solving daily problems, he is often distracted by new ideas and thoughts.

Lord Ewart Gladrock

Despite being a noble of the richest blood Lord Gladrock refuses to fit into any society norms. Rejecting his family's chosen career path they instead decided to travel the world, write poetry and learn from other cultures. They have returned to Praitan Port to spread ideals on love, tolerance and unconformity. Despite this they are wealthy enough to avoid the worse consequences and are seen as eccentric instead.


The smog around the town of Praitan is dangerous more so than most. By burning Praitan Pitch the coradite within it forms a special reaction altering the veil around the town. Distant planes and entities can interact with the town and its denizens. Lord Bootington and Sir Stephenson are aware of this and are trying to prepare accordingly.

Victoria Praitan is sponsoring the Electettes and trying to create social change within Praitan Port. Working with Sir Ewart Gladrock they are trying to change the situation in the city for the betterment of all. Alot of industrialists and Aristocrats hate this and are working to find these benevolent sponsors and leading a campaign, in private and public, to ruin them.

Other Factions

Bathylon Dominion

Deep beneath the blue sea and stretching from Aimos atolls to distant Vanith Coastline is the isolated Bathylon Dominion. An empire under the sea including many aquatic humanoids and a society foreign to all surface dwellers. Bathylon is truly strong and its savagery is the fear of every sailor. They rarely bother with friendly relationships with the surface world. The few times they have tried to be diplomatic have ended badly and they have long memories. So if a surface dweller encroaches on what they believe is theirs, there is no warning or explanation, they just end the threat.

This multiracial society was founded by sea elves retreating away from surface wars and coming across rifts to the plane of water. These rifts allowed colossal monsters to slip between worlds and sow havoc. The elves reached out for any allies, finding some through these rifts itself. In the plane of water the mighty Tritons tried to stem this tide on their side with martial prowess but found themselves completely outgunned. Together with the elves they formed an army and on Terra Transbietta sealed most of these rifts, saving the world for invaders from beyond. From there they settled forming a safe community under the sea integrating many other aquatic residents without homes.

The society still holds deeply to their noble warrior structure, with good reason. Under the sea there are few natural or built boundaries that can be used for defense and enemies still prowl. Most are trained as militia to supplement the standing army. Other than martial training civilians and soldiers are encouraged to take up divine and natural magics. These not only provide a magical arsenal, utilities and protections but also unite the citizens internally with the same moral structures, keeping peace. The community does not really have a concept of private property for the most part, everything was done for the betterment of everyone, although luxuries and individual treasure are held acceptable so long as it wasn’t a gaudy display. Theft is almost unknown and generosity is expected, including from leaders. Bonds and truths are held sacred, most die before breaking a vow and in doing so, their clan takes on the vows' completion. In past dealings with surface folk one of the sources of tensions was this. They were surprised by liars or people not living up to vows generations after it was accepted.

A new threat to this Dominion are the exploration and colonial efforts of surface dwellers. Although mainly underwater there are a few tactical and economic atolls Bathylon holds. The biggest threat however is the seemingly unstoppable Kraken and its forces. They are bent on the destruction and subjugation of Bathylon and may prove the greatest threat they have ever faced. Already losing territories some have accepted the need to adapt to new ways for help and others believe the tools to defeat it are within their own lost ruins.


The portals through to the plane of water can never be fully sealed and must be guarded at all times. With The Kraken slowly wearing down Bathylon, the leaders have some tough choices. Send resources towards guarding the rifts at the cost of their own people or to fighting The Kraken at the cost of the world or they can choose to abandon their watch and flee from The Kraken, leaving the underwater titans to battle things out, likely at great cost to the unaware surface species.

The Krakens Reach

Beneath the waves lurks the most legendary creature in the world. The fear of the ocean can be traced back to one creature who bides its time, allowing coastal civilisations to recover before feasting again. Even those that escape its clutches by reaching land turn in fear as it crawls out of the sea, its huge maw just as capable of swallowing them in air. The Kraken is said to be one of the oldest and most powerful creatures on Terra Transbietta. A survivor of eons, it is rumoured to be part Divine or practically a god in its own right, but nobody knows its true history. Powerful beyond reckoning, able to warp the weather into a frenzy just with its presence and strong enough to topple cities, its greatest weapon is its mind. This monster has watched the rise and fall of races, civilisations and knowledge and learned. Almost a force of nature it has been granted boons by The Stormfury, becoming its Chosen champion in the realm, furthering its power to untold heights.

The Krakens Reach is the name given to everything under The Krakens' control. A network of monsters, slaves, civilisations and spies that allow The Kraken to spread its vast influence over the world. The Krakens Reach offers no gifts except abilities to highly useful agents such as spies or warlords. To those that join they are stripped of their cultures, histories and even names and put to work wherever The Kraken deems. The Reach currently extends to frozen shores to distant tropical lands, some villages outwardly worship it and others have no idea they have been subtly controlled, above and below the sea.

The Lightkeepers

The Lightkeepers are a secret group of heroes from all over the world, united in keeping the world protected from evil, particularly from Evil Divines. Originally descended from an alliance of five different cultures that united at the end of the Primal Age against evil invaders, over the ages The Lightkeepers have changed dramatically.

Originally made up of worshippers of good Divines to save the world they have at times, like many institutions, has been corrupted. In their history they have an evil authority, other times fractured with infighting and destroyed multiple times. The current structure is its simplest and keeps the mission. Warriors, mages, healers and heroes from all over the world have been recruited in its ranks. They go about their own business but if they discover an evil plot that is beyond them, they can call their allies.

At the end of the Primal Age an alliance of evil Divines tried to corrupt Creation by targeting the world of Terra Transbietta, seeing a weakness in Creation there. Spurred on by the arrival of Atropus, the not quite sentient Unborn Planet they attacked. The devastation was immense. Ancient races wiped out, old empires destroyed and the fabric of the world was warped. Some creatures like dragons and giants which previously dominated had their fertility greatly reduced, so have never been able to recover their numbers. It was ended by the assistance of good Divines, including the recently ascended Dawnchosen and a number of mortals. These mortals, worshippers of the divines focussing on different ones, banded together and built a weapon called The Beacon. This Beacon was activated when the worshippers concentrated holy relics together by placing them in hallowed structures known as The Lighthouses. The Beacon has not been activated since then, most fear using it as it has the power to kill even Divines.

Since this ancient battle some of these Lighthouses and Relics have been lost. The Lightkeepers currently hold The Lighthouse of Argid, powered by the Harp Strings of The Radiant One built by ancient Dragonborn, using it as their secret home base, under the guise of simple worshippers. The next is the Bastion of Xerid (see chapter 3) built by Earthen, ancestors to Dwarves. It and its Relic, the Gauntlet of The Oathkeeper, are currently under the control of Feldmarschall Schwarzen Egger who uses it for his own designs and has outlawed Lightkeepers. Close to the forested west is the Taighsolais on Ebon Rock (see chapter 3), built by Firbolgs. It is united with its Relic, the Cauldron of the Changebringer, but its power has been twisted. Lost by the Lightkeepers to a powerful necromancer who has reversed its power. He was supposedly killed by his slaves who now run the island in isolation. They are fearful of becoming enslaved again so do not even allow Lightkeepers entry but the shadow of the necromancer lingers still. In the far stormy north there is the Blastforge built by the Giants of old Ustaria, its exact location is lost as is its Relic, The Rod of The Stormfury. The final one is the Moonspire of Aslanis, built by the elves. It, like the city, has fallen deep beneath the waves and now is the lair of The Kraken. Its Relic, The Sceptre of the Starwanderer, has been lost somewhere in the feywild. The Lightkeepers wish to collect the Relics and the Lighthouses as they are powerful but together can help prevent a threat that slips through their proactive protection. Rumours have it whoever helps united these Relics with the lighthouses could receive a Divine Boon (see chapter 7)

Aimos and The Sea of Knives

The Sea of Knives is surrounded by other large biomes together making up the mostly marine continent of Aimos. Aimos has been ravaged by various cataclysms in the past and is still subject to magical and natural energies, strange ocean currents and weather patterns. These factors make the lands of Aimos variable in ecosystems ranging from sub-arctic to tropical systems with diverse dangers to match. During various ages civilisation have risen or expanded into it but have all fallen, littering the continent with various treasures and pieces of history. Below are the biomes in Aimos and what can be found in them.

The Sea of Knives

Players start their adventures in the Sea of Knives in the middle of the sub-continent of Aimos. Aimos is a mostly marine subcontinent and due to converging ocean currents, past climate changes & magical influences it has a variety of biomes. The Sea of Knives, which distinguishing features are large jagged rock formations, known as Knives, that occasionally break up the surf forming numerous isolated small islands. These small islands rarely can support large settlements so have mostly been ignored by large political powers but are refuges for pirates, bandits, monsters, wayward wizards and more. As such civilization is unlikely to be found here and only the most hardy traders pass through this dangerous shortcut. Weather ranges from subtropical to temperate depending on current, time of year and location. Previous societies have risen and fallen in this area also. Because of these factors each Knife can hold completely different adventures and many diverse dangers. This has built up a superstition among sailors that landing on a Knife is cursed so many avoid exploring what treasures and secrets these places hold.

This preface is known by players and makes a reasonable in-game narrative for dozens of self-contained sessions. If your game contains multiple parties it also gives motivation for groups to take the Exploration action because once a Knife is explored the rewards they hold are claimed.

What each Knife contains can be entirely up to the game master. They may take from other sources, tie into narratives, shed light on world lore or just be a hideout for some lonely treasure hoarding monster. For example you can adjust areas such as Parnast, Dragoncult Camp or Greenrest from Wizards of The Coasts Hoard of the Dragonqueen or Feathergale Spire, Rivergard Keep Sacred Stone Monastery and Scarlet Moon Hall from Princes of the Apocalypse if you want to tie in those adventures. The challenges should be adjustable for any level group that comes across it or if not let the players know in some way it is beyond them right now so come back later. If game masters only want to communicate this directly to the players other ways to do this is by making the Knife inaccessible for other in game reasons, such as storms, magical weather, surround it with monsters or locked until a relevant key is found.

The placement of these Knives can also be completely random if they do not tie in with some narrative or outside influences. You can make a grid, each square representing an amount such as 50 miles, for your own map and roll two dice of your choosing to place the Knife. Each Knife should contain some sort of adventure which involves a reward. Some of these rewards may not be short term financial like a magical item or treasure hoard. They can contain Boons of powerful beings, lore or even rare goods to be traded in a friendly port (see Trade in chapter 4.) They should also be part of some sort of quest that involves exploring the island, some of which can be given from a notice board mission (see chapter 4), a random encounter (see chapter 5) or not discovered until stepping foot on the island. Here are some of the examples of what can be found in the Sea of Knives:


A tiny Knife juts out of the foamy sea like a withered finger as you get closer you see skeletons and wrecks of maybe a dozen boats, anchored, abandoned and left as play things for the waves. It is gentle enough landing, no signs of reefs, tidal surges, and nice landing points. The knife seems to level off to some sort of plateau. On top of the small island there is a cave littered with bodies and skeletons. In the middle is an undying warrior sitting on top of a chest guarding the treasure inside that he can't open. He was once a captain whose ship crashed there fighting his crew to the death for whatever is inside the chest. He has forgotten when he first came here, he has forgotten the sacrifices he has made, he has forgotten his own name but he has not forgotten the pain. What is in the box must be worth it. A successful DC lock-picking check or knock spell opens it.

Barren Adventures: Discover what is inside the chest guarded by the Undying Warrior, if it has caused so much death it must be good right?

Black Tooth Cove

This island appears like any other Knife, a large dominating chunk of obsidian. Yet passing through a secret illusion, one can sail into a lagoon at the heart of this steep sided mountain which reveals a secret pirate haven. The settlement itself is ram shackled and unplanned. Most of the buildings are made of wrecked ships and are on stilts. The town is built outward from the docks between the beach and up into steep natural black walls. Small waterfalls offer limited fresh water but it relies on food shipments heavily. Despite the hardships and legalities (or lack thereof) this is where traders and crews from all over drop anchor to rest, hide or do business. Be warned, although it holds great promises to those of certain ability, this pirate-hold has rules everyone must stick to, lest they gain the wrath of the Pirate Queen Nirvorth, The Lady of the Black (see Chapter 2.)

Broken Teeth

A vicious set of knives stab out of the water like a series of joined broken teeth. They seem completely bare of flora, fauna and settlement but the cracked rocks and deep shadows may hide something you can't see without landing. A group of large, kelp-eating, lizards live on the islands eating fish & a group of very isolated and in-bred goblins. They are convinced the party are their deities as they believe everything beyond the sea is the afterlife. A group of goblins will try to sneak aboard the player's ship to reach the Holy Lands. They don't mention it but one of the reasons they believe the players are gods is because they an ancient shrine built by their ancestor crudely depicting at least one of the party

Broken Teeth Adventures: Recently ships have gone missing, last spotted near this Knife. The crews can be found toiling away in a quarry on this island with no memory or personality, bringing up massive piles of blackpowder. The culprit is a mad gnome using psychic manipulation on them all. They plan on loading ships with Blackpowder to enter and blow up Fingortab (see Chapter 2.)

Players encounter prospectors from the Argent Supremacy or Coradite Coalition looking to discover resources on the island. They find many exposed veins of precious metals within the goblin tunnels. The goblins are completely hostile to any attempt to exploit the resources of their home, not caring of their value to others. They are also resistant to accepting “civilised” cultures. The prospectors are likely to recommend “sudden relocation” or “forceful employment” of the goblins, which are gathering forces far beyond originally thought possible to repel them.

Choker Cove

A jagged Knife pierces the sky flanked by a wide reef of treacherous rocks, a thin cave shows light from the other side. The current begins tugging at your ship as if pulling you towards this mouth. Going around it could a day on your journey but going through is told be suicide by veterans of this sea. This cave is a place of hundreds of shipwrecks, all trying to get shortcuts or sucked through accidentally. Navigating your way quickly through requires a successful skill check to avoid crashing by being taken with the current. Stopping in order to search through these wrecks you must anchor your ship after navigating your way in and swim down. When searching, use investigation checks to see how quickly it goes. Meanwhile the ship will be attacked by scavengers, like Chokers (see wizards of the coasts Volo's Guide to Monsters), interested in live flesh for a change. They come in waves, sometimes jumping down, running across flotsam or swimming underneath. Underwater conditions get harder the deeper the players go, increasing the investigation check needed to search the shipwrecks. Failure on the investigation can lead to random underwater combat.

Choker Cove Adventures: A nobleman's daughter from Praitan Port wishes to claim her inheritance over her fathers estate, unfortunately her step-mother has an old will stating his estate will pass solely to his wife. This was three wives ago. An up to date will is in a locked safe aboard his pleasurecraft, she will give the players the combination of the safe and permission to take whatever else is inside, if the will is given to her.

A shipbuilder has been trying to crack the secrets of gnomish technology from Fingortab for ages but is unable to recover a wreck to investigate. If players help him investigate a wreck he promises them a considerable sum.

Shallows -0 -30ft

Far Dynasties Ship – A vertical side facing sail, Far Dynasties style, pokes out of the water like a tattered fin, you can see the rear end of the ship remains intact whereas the front has completely smashed into the wall. It includes: damaged captain's log written on bamboo slips so not deteriorated, 9 crates of black tea worth 100gp each, 1 crate of dragon spice worth 1000gp and ki infused nun-chucks (see chapter 7.)

Praitan Luxury Sloop – the ghostly remains of a tall once elegant, non-nonsense sails stand out proud in these murky waters. Classic Praitan style, showing off wealth and class without being crass or flashy. This was probably a small ship, likely a luxury sloop for some rich Praitan. Contains 2d4 art pieces worth 100gp+ , armour of gleaming, philter of love, potion of growth and a veterans cane.

Minerie Slave Trade Ship – Its prow barely peaking over the surface like a humpback caught in time is a galley of sorts, without a figurehead and made with timber from warmer climates. The mast has long shattered and sunk to the bottom. Contains: taskmasters drum, 2000gp in a locked chest at the edge of a crack in the hold where chained skeletons of slaves still lie. Requires a sleight of hand check to get it without it slipping down into the chasm. Skeletons are undead but are chained.

Deep - 30-60ft

Gnomish turtle-ship – Half crashed into the side of the channel, like a sword in a side, shaped more like an iron turtle than a ship is some sort of steel contraption which could only mean its a gnomish turtleship. Parts of the aft are bent and shattered revealing the dark interior like a jagged mouth. Includes: Clockwork oars (broken), arcane ammo for ship weapons, blackpowder barrels (see chapter 7), 3 elemental gems. All the barrels in the cargo hold are metal and are electrified when touched, players must make their way below into the arcane engine to turn it off otherwise take 3d6 lightning damage every round touching something in the cargo hold.. The arcane engine room requires 3 arcane/ tinkerers checks to deactivate each one lowering the damage but there is a construct waiting to defend it still, rusted and slowed by salt water.

Elven Ship – a living vessel from the feywild. It is fine to look around, but if you try to take something the livingwood tries to entangle you requiring an athletics or acrobatics check to escape grapple. Includes: Arrows +1, Weapon of Warning, Cloak of Elvenkind, Bracers of Archery and a Quiver of Elhonna.

Northlander Longboat - As players descend deep the current shifts, a snarling visage suddenly comes into view. A draconic head but unmoving and barnacle covered. This is the figurehead typical with the northern humans, known as Northlanders. Some old shattered shields still line the outside. Includes: taskmaster's drum, shield +1, potion of hill giant strength, javelin of lightning, Northlander arm ring of protection, berserker axe and a horn of valhalla (brass.) The Northlander chief is the only corpse still left on board, clutching the berserker axe embedded into the ship. He becomes an undead if prised away from the axe and will never stop it until he gets it back.

Bottom - 60ft+

Neonach Ship – The water here is getting darker, the silt ever present choking and binding but it clears just for a second to show the bottom of the ravine and briefly what it contains. A half buried ship in bad condition, , a ship of strange design and glittering wing like sails. Includes: wizard spell book (containing spells up to 6th level), scroll of (4th level spell), +2 arrows, golden dragon sail, wings of flying, wand of secrets. It is covered in silt and mud that can act like quick sand or blinds . Something in the dark however may be able to take advantage.

Frost-giant Galley – The descent into the cove only gets darker and more frigid, more than natural. A faint ghostly blue light surrounds a ship, larger than any you've ever seen. Clearly a simple design, single hulled longship but made for giants and judging by the ice that surrounds it, probably frost giants...Includes: a frost-locked hull.

Shadowfell Ship – In the dark heart of the gulley, yet still very obvious to see this ship. There is no seaweed or shoal of fish obscuring it, in fact getting closer not even visible is a barnacle on this chain covered pale white ship of otherworldly feel. Includes: churning hull, screaming sails, bone of endless torment, onyx dog, ebony fly, holy oil, cloak of the bat, periapt of wound closure, lantern of revealing. However every round spent in the ship whispers try to make the PCs join them. Increasing DC wisdom saving throws or they start drowning

Ebon Rock

One the western extreme of Aimos lies Ebon Rock, the site of the great library and Lighthouse (see chapter 2) Taighsolais. Once a green land now decimated by the last ruler, an evil necromancer. They used the island and place of power to experiment evil magics, including how to reverse the Cauldron of Dagda to create undead, trailing it with slaves. They were slain by those slaves who now use Ebon Rock as a colony for freed slaves. They are worried about being enslaved again so have cut off ties to all but those that need sanctuary, even The Lightkeepers. The colony has also sealed off Taighsolais to avoid the minions of necromancers but despite these efforts the evil is spreading again. Sickness and famine has ripped through their settlements and some have whispered that the necromancer is returning.


An island, made of salt. The surface is a caldera of wonderland of salt in crystalline form. These crystals vary in size from dust to halfling size. The crystals here do not dissolve in fresh water as such a small lake is at the top. Some say this place is the result where a falling star had thrashed into the earth, boiling away all the water leaving behind the salt. The adamantine at the core of this knife still absorbs and releases heat so when the salt dissolves too much it evaporates the seawater around to reform the island. Trading goods: Export: Salt at 0.25x cost. Special Resource: Adamantine

Evershine Adventures: Right now the island is being probed by excavators looking to investigate the strange properties of this Knife, believing it has rare materials leading to its strange properties. They do not realise that the island has been used as a salt mine in the past, the entrances resealed. They accidently trigger a sequence of events, by drilling into these tunnels the freshwater above leaks into the mine causing a loop of dissolving salt, allowing more water to enter the salt mines, potentially collapsing the island entirely.

Isle of yesterday

The crashed site of a Nautiloid, an illithid dimension hopping ship. It was founded a few decades ago by a Bisunian researcher looking into this source of great power that still generates a small fog of strange arcane energy. They rescued an arcane illithid who became their apprentice then murderer. The illithid is continuing trying to better understand how to be human and set out ooblex gardens made from his experiments. Heading towards it reveals ghosts of the past that try to lure players into senses of normality then try to take them towards the nautiloid for experiments. He doesn't really care if players live or die as he still can continue working from their preserved brains. A lot of his notes and machines are in quasit so unreadable to most. The broken nautiloid contains an augmentation machine (see Volo's Guide to Monsters by Wizards of the Coast) prison, dissection chamber, transformation chamber (ooblex sources) and The Brain Library. The Brain Library contains the original brains of the Illithids victims including the original researcher that can try to help the players.

Isle of Yesterday Adventures: Rumours of a strange island that have echoes of the past that may hold the key to many secrets. Yet people that have dared to visit come back drained of personality. The culprit is the garden of ooblexes in the arcane fog, that construct fake scenarios of their former victims. They interact with the players the best they can to feed on their memories or to take them to their master.

Junk Island

The water around this island has a reflective sheen on top of it unknowingly caused by The Clockengine at the heart of the island digging for oil. It is an out of control construct made by a Fingortab (see Chapter 2) tinkerer designed to autonomously produce clockwork machines. It is now out of control and its children have taken over the island killing all organic life bar those hiding in the long grass of the island. Trading goods: Iron & Copper (both in scrap form so worth half the trade price see chapter 7) and Charged Copper.

Junk Island Adventures: The now disgraced tinkerer behind The Clockengine seeks outside help to stop it. His former Architects at Fingortab (see Chapter 2) are unwilling to spend resources on the matter and do not believe his dire warnings, The Clockengine is learning. The Clockengine has yet to figure out how to produce machines capable of leaving the island but every batch of machines becomes stronger than the last. Their objective is to gather as many resources and “inspiration” as they can and throw it into the engine. Inspiration being organic creatures that have abilities the machines are trying to learn, perfect and improve.


A very thin Knife with steep sides leading to a small plateau. The waters around it and the slopes are covered in what looks like scrap paper. It has only one inhabitant, a crazed eladrin artist trying to find his muse. He has been banished from the Seelie Court by the Summer Queen herself until he paints something as beautiful as he destroyed, the purest form of mortality. He constantly mumbles to himself until he spots the players. "Something as strong and wild, but subtle and wise, with beauty and charm, quick wit and a reservoir of so much more....something that is worth a thousand stories and can inspire a thousand more! That is what I must paint, yet....i am stuck here! I need a! You will be my muse!" The shore is littered with slashed paintings of incredible quality. Muse Adventures: The artist will paint portraits of all who visit him and ask them to perform their greatest mortal skill, but slash the character's portrait after if they do not meet his standards (players need a 30+ or natural 20 to please him.) Slashing the portrait causes psychic damage to the players. If the players attack him, he will fight by pulling out scenes from his pictures to attack him while slashing at them or their portraits. As he dies he exclaims, “I see it! finally I have it...the key to capturing life's picture of course you need to see its end...” If the players actually manage to become his Muse he grants them a boon, they won't die of natural causes so long as the portrait hangs in the Palace of the Summer Queen.


Everything seems plentiful on this lush large Knife but anybody that eats the food must make a wisdom saving throw or never want to leave. The plants want them to lie down and become fertiliser or worse. The plants have evolved greatly as this was once an ancient elvish mythal. This is a site of heightened magic and protection, this one used the unique coradite substance to help create livingwood and other experiments. Before their retreat the elves managed some success unknowingly. The plant life here became sentient but fearful they were not powerful enough to stop whatever made the elves flee. They have evolved many strategies from this fear including the ability to turn humanoids into their servant defenders by killing them and reanimating them as plant monsters. The island can be split into sections and challenges listed below.

Treasure: depends on the areas explored below.

Trading goods: exports hard and soft lumber at 0.25x cost. Special resource: Ironwood and Coradite.

Cortahaugh – A rose-filled hall home to a former-humanoid Tam Lin. He doesn't quite remember being a humanoid and fully a champion for the plants. He may be convinced to let the players on the island live if they remind him of his humanity. Cortahaugh is where the source of elvish magic is, from a fountain made of coradite feeds the fresh water system of the Knife. It appears to be a grand hall lined with beautiful rose-like flowers. A single thorn-prick causes a fatal poison. If a player comes here and is afflicted he emerges and says, “What makes you take the poison rose, why did you break the tree? Why comest thou to Cortahaugh, Without the leave of me?” Depending on the response he heals the player by drawing the poison into himself with an embrace. During this embrace players and Tam Lin share an intense psychic connection and are able to share memories and ideals beyond speech. The Coradite fountain feeding the plants can be destroyed and about 6000 gp worth of Coradite extractable. Doing so will kill the plants and players have to survive waves of enemies before they drop dead. Firstump – a very gentle old ironwood treant. He tries to restrain the players and warns them not to move until he can summon the guardian, it is dangerous for mortals and could be dangerous for the plants too. Firstump if killed produces 15000gp worth, or can freely give 1000gp worth if this encounter is solved on friendly terms. Sprouts Spring – this is what looks like a massive graveyard mixed with a vegetable garden. This is where people are taken to become mindless plant guardians. Failure to sneak past this area causes guardians like wood woads to rise and attack them. This place can contain random loot from bodies, including 2d4 trinkets, potion of gaseous form, 200gp in various currencies, amber jewelry (worth 100gp), tourmaline brooch (100gp) and a wooden shield.

Plane of Wenches

A small nub of a knife with a single cave entrance guarded by an old crone. She offers all who visit a choice to visit her home or go to the portal towards the Plane of Wenches. What players don't know is that everything in the Plane of Wenches is made of wenches. Everything. If you choose her home you have a delightful cup of tea and she can talk to you about healing herbs and gossip about rumours of the land. In the plane of wenches you have to fight hungry cannibal women after waking up in a leather and fur covered room being offered some sort of delicious smelling meat…

Sleeping Watcher

A temple slowly sinking into the sea is already impressive. The gargantuan titan, made of the essence of earth frozen, half-erupted from it, makes this even more impressive. Some older sailors say this was the site of some sort of cult who dared summon a buried primordial to do their bidding before it was halted by the forces of good. Many say it is a weapon built by the giants of old to destroy the dragons before slumbering in victory. Others rumour it was a cursed celestial punished to always be tied by the earth and never fly to the heavens. Whatever the case the titan remains inert leaving three questions. What is within this temple it is emerging from? Can it wake up again? More importantly, what will it do when it wakes up?

The Salty Surprise

Not actually a Knife but a tavern on the back of a dragon turtle that moves often. Run by Marco Hlothran (halfling) & Lagakh (half-orc) who travel the ocean with their dragon turtle friend Kale. They are beholden to nobody and are retired adventurers. They are currently happy in life by serving drinks, providing aid, swapping stories and getting goods. If the players provide them with an interesting quest however they may find themselves with an old itch that needs scratching.

Thunderforge of the Flaming Sword

A sheer slick Knife with no obvious way to get up to the top. The empty bowl caldera at top is empty for most of the year yet a few times per year it is host to trials hosted by a war cleric Lightkeeper (see Chapter 2.) This ceremonial site can be used for dueling but the most important event is once a year the challenger can take a Trial of the Storms and whoever is left standing gains a great boon. Trials are based on the individual Divines' tenets. Thunderforge of the Flaming Sword Adventures: Players particularly of martial interest may hear rumours of the Trail of the Storms, the greatest arena fight in all of Aimos. If they fight well enough in the arena they may be visited by Lightkeeper Roiland Aker (see Chapter 2) and told of the next bout.

The war Divine who runs the Thunderforge is angry with the unchallenged rise of the cruelty and dishonourable warfare, likely sponsored by one of his enemies. He demands any of his prospective champions defeat a tyrant which can include that of The Swamp Queen, Lady Nirvorth or Feldmarschall Egger.

The Tower of Jen'Gaa

This Knife is the abode to an Archmage of The Lightkeepers (see Chapter 2) and on it is the ancient mysterious Tower of Jen'Gaa. Said to be built by a Dao in the second Age Massive stone slabs make up this tower are constantly shifting, some levitating from their spot and being lifted on top as if this stone building is trying to defy the dominance of the sky. The docking site is guarded by two gargoyles who only let people pass peacefully if they know the right passcode. The area around the Tower is a fruitful garden due to its lush loamy soil tended by homunculus familiar to the Archmage.

The Archmage focuses on the earthen element and can give quests and knowledge based on these. His sanctum is in one of the slabs of the tower which is reached by going through a dungeon. Every room in the dungeon has a choice of gemstones players press to be taken to a different room, each with a challenge based on the earth element.

The first room the players enter is the opal room. The players emerge into an unearthly landscape. It is a place similar to what the priests describe the Hades is like, mist covered floors hiding pits of bubbling despair except unlike the Grey Wastes however there is light being reflected off these strange multicoloured rocks giving the area a sickening glow. Pillars of rainbow rocks rise up dripping in some sort of strange mud before sinking back down again. They stand on a cracked shifting colour platform and see about 40ft across is another similar one with some sort of alcove with a glowing ruby, sapphire and yellow topaz. The smell and heat are intolerable. It is hard to imagine anyone in this place and that is when the ground shifts underneath the players...

Depending on their choice they may enter another room like the yellow topaz room. It is a cavern with beautiful gold glowing stalagmites and stalactites, both slick and very wet. At the top of the room are the gems to leave. An opal, sapphire and a citrine. The cavern is 60ft high and wide. In the centre of the room is a sand-timer attached to a table. Turning it upside down switches gravity briefly causing players to rapidly impale themselves on the stalactites and stalagmites. Players must make two Dexterity Saving Throws or take 6d6 bludgeoning damage on each failure, half damage on a success.. Turning it to the side suspends gravity allowing players to safely touch the leaving gems.

One of the third tier rooms could be the Citrine, which looks much like a jewelers workshop containing all sorts of scopes and tools for the trade. Workbenches of copper reflect a source-less orange light giving the place excellent sight of gems being made into jewelry. To help clean and cut gems there are various oozes in bottle jars, one of which is broken...At the end of this room is a set of gems, a diamond, a ruby and an amethyst.

This dungeon can continue for as long as you wish but end in the diamond room, The Mage's Sanctum which contains the below treasures.

The Tower of Jen’Gaa Adventures: a homunculus familiar flies to your ship, injured and confused. His master the Archmage of Jen'Gaa has been turned to stone! He needs help getting to the top of the tower to give him a potion of un-petrification.

Wild Primals

Crazed elementals run the Knife, using wild natural magic against any creature they can see. The island is beautiful and contains many unpicked ruins of a bygone civilization. Wild Primals Adventures: The primordials of this Knife were peaceful and worked often with druids and other nature inclined folked. They only became maddened after someone took an idol keeping them in check. If it is discovered and returned they may return to a peaceful existence. You just need to find it and get past them first...

Zeal of Approval

Ogre is a Knife that strangely enough is home to ogres. Originally fleeing to this island to escape True Giants they have set up a bizarre society. They achieved this peaceful society only by making a deal with a fiend. Part of the deal was that they must send a steady stream of their greatest warriors into The Cavern of Champions. Here the champions must face-off with a fiend and if they lose their soul is used in infernal combat for eternity. If they succeed the deal is over. Failure to provide applicants means the devils can claim whatever soul they fancy. To determine their champion, rather than having a blood sport, the Ogres play the hit game known as Melonball (see chapter 5) in Melonsmash Stadium. This is an oddly genius way of determining who is actually most likely to free their people without having to lose lives.

Trading goods: - Exports: Hard and Soft Timber at 0.75x cost. Imports: Livestock at 1.5x standard cost. Special resource: Melon.

Zeal of Approval Adventures: A halfling and ogre duo can be seen picking melons from the shore line. They are on their own as nobody wants to help them, let alone be on their team. The ogre is extremely short sighted and the halfling is...rabid. They would be best friends with anybody who helps them win the game!

Ghostmarches ruled by The Swampqueen

The Ghostmarches linger further to the north of the Sea of Knives. It is a hostile quagmire full of feral folk, hungry monsters and people shy to authority and taxes. Harsh terrain and the struggle to survive are dominating features here. Morality tends to be a luxury many go without especially those that are greedy for more. Yet there is diversity here. Human settlements are quite recent, a majority of the humanoids here are the rarer sort than found on the more civilised continent. Lizardfolk, bullywogs, tortles, goblinoids, yuan-ti and other races are native to this land and have all developed their own alien cultures.

When players first enter this region it is in the grips of a creature known as The Swamp Queen, who has taken over the marshlands and laid a fog over the land. She has summoned and united various monsters to rule over this land, exiling or destroying any folk that stand against them. As they enter players can get this read to them: “You sail on hope thinking that the mist will fade soon. That hope fails as the mist does not. It thickens and permeates everything around you. It intrudes into your clothes making it feel humid one minute and cold just as you get used to humidity, reminding you it is still there. It muffles your words. And it may be your imagination but does it carry a greenish tint? A slight hint of land shows this is just a reflection of the monotony misery that awaits landers. An endless quagmire awaits. This is a place better folk tend to avoid. This is a place that oozes...ooze. This is a place where life struggles but death doesn't. The mist hides things from you. But you are not hidden from them. They watch. They watch until you are weak.

Until the mist is destroyed players will not be able to update their map for this region

The mist thickens, dampening everything around, choking the sound of your ship even from slapping the dirty water. You look around for your comrades who are obstructed from you and the cold seeps in further making you feel lonely. "Hahahaha" a cackling laughter coming from all directions or just in your head. "This land is claimed, for the lost, the outcasts, the monsters. Only those that follow my call are allowed on these hallowed lands. YOU ARE NOT WANTED HERE! HEAR ME AND BEGONE! CREATURES OF THE GHOSTMARCHES HERE MY CALL, insert character names here ARE UNWELCOME, SO DECREES THE SWAMP QUEEN!"” (At this point the players can make a wisdom saving throw or be subject to Curse of The Ghostmarches: Avatars made of the ghostly fog of this land will rise up randomly to fight any character who fails. The Fog avatars are only visible to those players affected.)

Until The Swamp Queen is destroyed the entire biome acts like a dungeon. Friendly settlements are gone. The fog makes it so nobody but a monster can navigate their way through. Players can enter and never leave or enter and find themselves in part of the land meant to be days traveled from their entry. So where they end up can be entirely random. To escape The Swamp Queen's terror, players must fight their way through the areas under her control and defeat the villains holding it for her. Once players weaken her control enough they are able to take the fight straight to the Swamp Queen and end her reign of terror.

The Ghostmarches can be split up into the sections below each containing different challenges and dangers traversing throughout and possible villains they can run into. Other challenges can be up to the GM including environmental threats, traps, survival challenges and role-playing encounters. Suggestions can be found in the below Encounter Tables for each area. For every hour of travel I suggest rolling a d4 running a scenario. Some of these challenges will lead to rewards or things that may benefit the party throughout the Ghostmarches. Others will be combat with some monster that drains their resources. Sometimes the players may randomly bypass these scenarios and end up taking the fight straight to the lead monster.

Myth Lha Othied

This land was once an elvish mythal, a place of great natural importance and heightened with magic by the elves. It is left behind by the elves but in a rush. Leaving behind wisps and powers which grew into sentient corrupted plants, all now part of the Swamp Queens army. Guarded by individuals who chose not to leave or had no choice. In order to remove the Swamp Queen's influence on this place and move into the next part of The Ghostmarches players must make their way past villains and towards the Spring of Seasons, stop the plant awakening process and defeat the Heartwood Centurion.

Myth Lha Otheid Encounter Table

Boss Monster Skill Challenge Scenario
Spring of Seasons and Heartwood Centurion Colleen the Conjurer Chase from Wisps Divine Sanctuary
Knot Branch Avoid an Ent patrol Refuge
Willow of the Wisps Grasping Branches Cache of Goods
Eleath Phantomscream Crazed Lumberer Recruit Ally
Dazlar Thinleaf Creepy Doll Recruit powerful ally
GM Decides GM Decides GM Decides

Spring of Seasons

The area is mostly stunted trees but in the centre is a grove surrounded by one quarter cherry blossoms, another orange trees, another in oak and the final quarter has evergreens. In between lies a coradite fountain in elvish runes, some of which protect the fountain from harm. The fountain can be twisted to change the flow of water, right now the water flows into the swamp creating various corrupted awakened plants. The fountain can be manipulated to pour water in different directions creating different creatures or setting it in the right combination turns it off allowing the coradite to be extracted without engaging the protection runes. Inscribed into the base is the following poem written in elvish:

“To Stop the flow of Life, You must journey the Seasons If not will find Strife For not following our Reasons Those who rings in great number Water has a way, to wake life from slumber, start with hope, joy and play, followed by light, a time of reckless abandon, then share the harvest with goodwill sleep again with worries foregone even with the dark and creeping chill”

The poem gives a clue in which way the water should flow, starting with Cherry Blossoms, then the Orange Trees, then Oak, finally the Evergreens. These represent the normal flow of seasons. It takes an action to manipulate the fountain. Every failure leads to a tree awakening to become a corrupted tree. After the puzzle players are attacked by the Heartwood Centurion.


Heartwood Centurion – Once an elf guardian of this mythal that refused to retreat with his kind. Now maddened by loneliness and protects this twisted forest long forgetting the reason for its creation along with his humanity. Utilises practised martial prowess and nature based magic to attack precisely, damaging greatly and frequently with a few protective spells cast on himself.

Colleen the Conjurer – She is a wood-based fey creature whose actions boost her conjuration as she hides. A trickster with a cruel heart she was cast out of the feywild for cheating in games and would respond violently. She seems immature but very dangerous due to her lack of empathy and care for life.

Knot Branch – It is a plant creature of your choosing but splits themself to make a smaller version. Each splinter has equal health to half of the propagator. One of many corrupted awakened plants in this section Willow of the Wisps – She is a witch that can summon will-o-wisps. Very little is known about Willow or her relationships with the unworldly entities she summons but her connection to death is unmistakable.

Eleath Phantomscream – A shambling corpse dressed in decaying doctor's clothes, Eleath still refuses to behave in any way that acknowledges he is no longer a learned scholar. Some say he was far too involved in his research into what causes death, even recreating some deaths on his assistants. This undead necrotic magic user has two unique abilities. One is that he can cause an area of effect blast. Secondly any effect, spell or attack that causes a creature to go to 0 HP is repeated.

Dazlar Thinglehoof – A delusional satyr charmer who enchants his opponents as a legendary action. He believes he provides inspiration to simple mortals and he is on a mission to spread good music. The truth is he is average, pretty good after three or four drinks. Unable to accept this he controls people around him to celebrate his work, forgetting that they aren't able to look after themselves while under his spell.

Skill Challenge

Chase from wisps - skill challenge for each player to avoid being touched by these undead spirits, failure leads to lightning damage that reduces a character's maximum hit points until their next long rest. Success leads to escaping the wisps and finding loot from an unfortunate soul that didn’t. Recommended skills: athletics, acrobatics, survival and nature.

Ent patrols - skill challenge for each player to avoid being spotted and squashed by these living sentinels, failure leads to bludgeoning damage and destruction of some non-magical items. Success lets them overhear conversations and gives them the choice of what is next on the encounter table. Recommended skills: stealth, nature, athletics, survival and acrobatics.

Grasping vines - skill challenge for each player to avoid being entangled by thorny venomous vines, failure leads to poison damage and reduction in movement until the character's next long rest. Success leads to gaining poison that can be applied to weapons. Recommended skills: perception, acrobatics, medicine, survival and nature.

Crazed lumberer - skill challenge for each player to try to calm down a maddened lumberer swinging and screaming wildly, failure leads to players taking slashing damage and having their speed reduced. Success leads to information by the lumberer preparing them for their next combat encounter, gaining a surprise round. Recommend skills: persuasion, intimidation, survival and history.

Creepy doll - skill challenge to work out what happens when a doll appears in a nearby tree, then later on crudely dressed as one player, later again better dressed and with facial features, failure leads to players losing features such as clothing, items and even body parts. Success grants players the benefits of a short rest as energy is returned to them. Recommended skills: perception, arcana, religion and investigation.


Divine Sanctuary - players find a hallowed site belonging to a Divine or similar power. This site provides enough safety for a long rest and the chance for further checks to gain other divine benefits.

Refuge - players find a brief respite of safety which provides them enough safety for a short rest and the chance for a long rest.

Cache of goods - players find a hidden pile of potentially useful items that can help them heal, repair, harm their next enemy, gain information or just monetary value.

Recruit ally - players meet a local or group of locals to the area that is trying to survive the monsters. With the right dialogue they provide the players aid and join them for their next combat.

Recruit powerful allies - players meet a powerful individual or group that is trying to defeat the Swamp Queen forces. With the right dialogue options they provide the players aid and join the players for every combat until the area is freed.

Petrified Praitan Port

Praitan Port is one of the members of the Coradite Coalition (see Chapter 2) however right now this gothic city has been taken over by The Swamp Queens minions, who have taken revenge on the high and mighty people of this town. A majority of them are predominately petrified like gargoyles within the fog covered city with strange shadows coming from poor gas lights. Dominated by those who have suffered for or because of the City, both alive and dead, all part of The Swamp Queens forces. In order to remove the Swampqueen's influence on this place and move into the next part of the Ghostmarshes players must make their way past villains and towards the Iron Palace of Praitan and end the echoes.

Praitan Port Encounter Table

Boss Monster Skill Challenge Scenario
Iron Palace Beastly Bill Labyrinth Streets Divine Sanctuary
Inquisitor Cail'drix Desecrated Shrine Refuge
Gravecaller Steve Dark Rooftops Cache of Goods
Silence Sewn Shut Recruit Ally
Magpiecaller Grizzlewurt Bank Vault Recruit powerful ally
GM Decides GM Decides GM Decides

The Iron Palace of Praitan

This was once home to the outcast dynasty of Praitan, nobles of a far off country whose descendants still claim vassal-ship over it. Generations have lived in this gothic palace dreaming of a glorious return, yet generations have produced no closer result. Those descended from Duke Praitan have lived in the palace in luxury, with no will or knowledge on how to achieve their inherited dream, instead choosing to busy themselves with expanding the palace most unintentionally making their palace more cut-off and obscured from their exiled home outside. As such the Iron Palace is a twisted maze of confusing architecture with little visibility outside. With The Swampqueen’s reign echoes of these wasted nobilities roam these halls in wailing sorrow or mindlessly repeating tasks or reliving moments of horror. By convincing some of these echoes to move on or even help their citizens, players begin weakening the influence of The Swamp Queens undead lieutenant in the area, Lord Humphrey Morten.


**Lord Humphrey Morten **– An undead noble that betrayed the city to let the wave of monsters enter. Utilises Praitan Pitch firearms and is able lay down a storm of death and metal. He once was an advisor to the Palace but grew hungrier for power, justified by his own disgust of the citizenry of Praitan, who he says show immortal attitudes which is what keeps them in this limbo like exile. Loot: hagatha letter, praitan pitch, money, coradite pieces, flintlocks/pistols, Beastly Bill – Once a scout now a cursed lycan who can slip in and out of moonlight. An ability he used to slip back into the city that cast him out in order to savage the citizens he once protected.

Inquisitor Cail'drix – Is a maddened cleric of the Sea, this zealous witch hunter has found the worst in many people and now can no longer see good. He damns souls with his tidebell, a staff which has a bell on the top that brings about a sense of dread. Can be used as an action that halves the current hit points of a single creature.

Gravecaller Steve – Steve looks like a normal working class man really. Unremarkably normal. Yet a look into his eyes shows a colder side to him which only gets warm when he talks about his friends at his work in the cemetery. Steve works alone. He is a necromancer that summons toxic zombies that do damage when hit by melee attacks and explode on death. Otherwise nice enough guy.

Silence – A mysterious porcelain skinned woman with her mouth sewn shut. Locked up most of her life by abusive parents believing her to be a vessel for evil and beat her whenever she made a noise. Whether they were right or not no longer matters, she now is. She has a constant aura of the Silence spell around her and can cast both dispel magic and counter-spell as a legendary action.

Magpiecaller Grizzlewurt – Ones for sorrow, twos for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy. Grizzlewurt loves that ol rhyme. She is obsessed with magpies. So much so that they used them as inspiration, stealing shinies and hiding in rooftops. This landed her in jail until The Swampqueen’s offer. She tries to interfere with the player's approach by summoning swarms of magpies whilst singing but will try to hide from sight. Marsh Magpies are a bit different from mainland magpies. All have green instead of blue feathers, are a bit larger and the ones she prefers the ones a bit broken.

Skill Challenge

Labyrinth Streets - skill challenge to navigate through the partially destroyed, fog covered city, failure leads to the next monster encounter having a surprise round against the party. On a success the party gains a surprise round against the next monster encounter. Recommended skills: survival, perception and history.

Desecrated Shrine - skill challenge to repair a fallen idol, failure leads to a curse on the characters granting them the effects of the Bane spell until their next long rest. On a success they gain a blessing such as healing or another beneficial effect. Recommended skills: religion, history and carpenters tools/ mason tools.

Dark Rooftops - skill challenge to navigate over the rooftops of the city once it is clear the ground is too dangerous or blocked, failure leads to bludgeoning damage and reduction in movement until the next long rest. On a success, characters can choose their next encounter from the table. Recommended skills: acrobatics and athletics.

Sewn shut - skill challenge to help still living victims of the monsters, some of which have their mouths sewn shut, failure leads to the screams attracting a nearby encounter. Success and players immediately recruit an ally. Recommended skills: medicine, investigation and sleight of hand.

Bank vault - skill challenge to quickly infiltrate and extract wealth from an unguarded bank vault before an enemy patrol occurs, failure leads to the party being split as some are trapped and are forced to find another route. Success leads to the party gaining treasure. Recommended skills: stealth, sleight of hand, perception and investigation.


Divine Sanctuary - players find a hallowed site belonging to a Divine or similar power. This site provides enough safety for a long rest and the chance for further checks to gain other divine benefits.

Refuge - players find a brief respite of safety which provides them enough safety for a short rest and the chance for a long rest.

Cache of goods - players find a hidden pile of potentially useful items that can help them heal, repair, harm their next enemy, gain information or just monetary value.

Recruit ally - players meet a local or group of locals to the area that is trying to survive the monsters. With the right dialogue they provide the players aid and join them for their next combat.

Recruit powerful allies - players meet a powerful individual or group that is trying to defeat the Swamp Queen forces. With the right dialogue options they provide the players aid and join the players for every combat until the area is freed.


The quagmire is by far the biggest section of the Ghostmarches and dominating feature of the land even without The Swamp Queen. The monotony is endless and every step is footstep is harder than it should be, each sinking down in the wet earth. This area is home to the roaming monsters that have been hunted to the edge of the wilds by angry humanoids.

To free this area from The Swamp Queens influence you must free the prisoners at Bullywog Bog from Dr Ooze and his dreaded Amalgor. Other creatures roam the quagmire to find others to bring back for this wicked fate or to eat since the experiments are off limits until the Dr is done with them.

Quagmire Encounter Table

Boss Monster Skill Challenge Scenario
Bullywog Bog Face Taker Quick Mud Divine Sanctuary
Blerub Scumsucker Mangy Wolves Refuge
Grum Harvest Fungus Cache of Goods
The Big 'Un Strange Smells Recruit Ally
Fleshseeker Igor Mangrove Root Recruit powerful ally
GM Decides GM Decides GM Decides

Bullywog Bog

The brackish lagoon home to a bullywog tribe became a sanctuary of many of the denizens of the Ghostmarches. Once conflicting tribes and species flocked together for protection from The Swamp Queens forces, little did they know they were being herded. Now Bullywog Bog is a pen for Dr Ooze to conduct his experiments on their poor souls .


Dr Ooze - is a mad alchemist who turned himself into an ooze now obsessed with the ideas of combining creatures in different unnatural ways. Chased out of civilisations he has found purpose in The Swamp Queens forces and with ample subjects has managed to create Amalgor. Amalgor is an abomination that consumes and integrates creatures around him and is all types. Dr Ooze has not only been feeding him denizens of the Ghostmarches but also others loyal to The Swamp Queen to make it more powerful.

Face taker – A changeling of sorts, it kills humanoids and carves off their faces. By wearing the face it also absorbs some of the memories of its victims and abilities. Every time it is reduced HP of a certain amount it reveals another creature it has killed with a different set of abilities.

Blerub the Scumsucker – a giant that throws smaller creatures at players from its sack. Some of these creatures are feral starved animals, others mad humanoids, some may be half-eaten from the previous mentions. Nobody understands why he collects things in his bag and none have survived asking him.

Grum – A monstrous mound of decaying plant life and warped magic. This creature absorbs magic and gains the spell slot used to cast druid spells as a legendary action.

The Big Un' – Swamps are known for their legendary reptilian lurkers. The Big Un' surpasses all expectations of a giant croc that senses weakness. It goes for the weakest player in terms of hp.

Fleshseeker Igor – A revenant that has been unable to track down his quarry and end his existence, yet his hunting skills have improved over the years of unlife. He has set up snares and traps throughout the quagmire ready to exact bottled up vengeance to whoever he can catch.

Skill Challenge

Quick Mud- skill challenge to escape the swamp mud that tries to pull down the characters, exerting great pressure to even keep moving, failure leads to characters gaining a level of exhaustion. Success they find the body of a previous traveller who was not so lucky but seemed to be carrying useful items. Recommended skills: survival, nature and athletics.

Mangy Wolves - skill challenge to fend off a group of starving desperate canids, on a failure characters gain piercing damage and reduced movement until the next long rest. On a success, characters recruit the wolves as allies. Recommended skills: intimidation, animal handling and performance. Harvest Fungus - skill challenge to extract useful components from nearby fungus, on a failure they erupt in poisonous gas and players gain the poisoned condition until their next long rest. On a success the characters are able to gain temporary hit points. Recommended skills: nature, sleight of hand, survival and herbalist kit.

Harvest Fungus - skill challeenge to extract some useful fungus without triggering a reaction from it or the neighbouring clusters. Failure leads to gas spores being released poisoning them. Success makes the equivalent of a healing potion or similar. Recommended skills: sleight of hand, nature and survival.

Strange Smells - skill challenge to identify and avoid strange scent in the air, caused by hallucinogenic gas leak, failures leads to the frightened conditioned until the next long rest. A success can lead them to find abandoned loot before escaping the gas. Recommended skills: perception, investigation, medicine and persuasion.

Mangrove Roots - skill challenge to avoid the wrath of an abandoned temple of snake themed worship after falling into it, failure leads to being cursed. On a success players gain a blessing. Recommended skills: persuasion, religion and history.


Divine Sanctuary - players find a hallowed site belonging to a Divine or similar power. This site provides enough safety for a long rest and the chance for further checks to gain other divine benefits.

Refuge - players find a brief respite of safety which provides them enough safety for a short rest and the chance for a long rest.

Cache of goods - players find a hidden pile of potentially useful items that can help them heal, repair, harm their next enemy, gain information or just monetary value.

Recruit ally - players meet a local or group of locals to the area that is trying to survive the monsters. With the right dialogue they provide the players aid and join them for their next combat.

Recruit powerful allies - players meet a powerful individual or group that is trying to defeat the Swamp Queen forces. With the right dialogue options they provide the players aid and join the players for every combat until the area is freed.

Hungering Hollow

Only unlockable when at least one of the other settings is completed. The Hollow is a hill that sits within a hill surrounded by swamp waters, before The Swampqueens arrivals were already unpleasant, now noxious if not poisonous. The Hollow has a network of dark mud caves where twisted roots reach and worms can drip like rain. It seems to shift as players make their way through. Eventually The Swamp Queen invites them to her grand ritual.

The Savage Ritual

The Swamp Queen has gathered slaves and the treasure of the land. She piles the slaves in cages facing the treasure. With enchantment and promise of freedom and wealth she tells them the first one to reach the treasure gets it. She hopes these simple and traumatised victims will turn on eachother, as the cages are released the savage will attack each other. As the savage reaches the centre they fall through a thin layer of fog, into a pit, adding to the sacrifice which will summon an avatar of her patron.


The Swamp Queen – Her origins, her species and her goals are completely unknown. It is up to the GM to find something that suits the arcs of the players fighting her and tie it in. Are they worried about a demonic incursion? Perhaps she is the one summoning them and uses fiendish powers. Perhaps one is being hunted by the Wild Hunt perhaps she has fey connections? Did the players reject someone early on in the game that swore they would regret their decision?

Acolyte Ssephire – A yuan-ti assassin who made too many political enemies. She decided there were too many knives in her home land for her to leave. Finding purpose again with the Swamp Queen she brews potions by day and goes hunting at night. She attacks using poisonous clouds, daggers and drinks invisibility potions.

Aunty Muddwallow - a hideous hag whose sole purpose is to cause as much misery as possible. She lurks in her solitude collecting pieces of people in order to use them for later discord. If players have ever done a deal with a hag, chances are she has bought the goods. She will attempt to use NPCs and PCs to kill each other without lifting a finger.

Bridle Slickraptor – Harpies are cursed creatures normally. This harpy is especially for spellcasters. Every-time a spell is used she absorbs the spell slot which she uses to make her own spells more powerful.


The Swamp Queen is likely someone the players know or a character from their backstory such as a parent they believe to be dead. After the tragedy she struggled to cope, going to the civilised lands to seek aid. After being treated badly she slips into insanity but finds her way to the Hungering Hollow where she is corrupted by the influences of the Hungering Maw. Her goal is to have a ritual that brings through an avatar of this evil Divine to cause savage destruction onto the world. The ritual relies on the death of people choosing to become monsters but can be stopped by one selfless sacrifice of someone who has kept their humanity.

Vruunheim Coast

To the south of the Sea of Knives lies a sliver of sea that is dominated by the continental Vruunheim States (see Chapter 2). Colonies on a few small islands act as buffers between the rest of Aimos and the mainland which boasts picturesque lowlands to the north that fades into dramatic forests and mountains to the south. The land can provide well for the denizens of the Vruunheim States but political turmoil has led to ineffective bureaucracies that fail to govern the populace well. This has led to the desire of rapid expansions into Aimos as both a national focus to distract people and a way to bring in short-term cash. As such the Vruunheim Coast is the frontier for a war for dominance of trade, land and resources. This makes the area dangerous for any who are not in favour with Vruunheim States navy, The Argent Supremacy, whose silver and black sails police these seas. Yet The Argent Supremacy is limited, weaknesses in the frontier are exposed and taken advantage of very quickly by enemies of the state or monsters seeking rewards, usually at the price of innocent Vruunid people's suffering.


Coastal mercantile Agrid is the shining gem on the dulling crown of Vruunheim States. The largest coastal city and main source of trade. It is a hub of high culture, production and wealth. It is currently under the governance of Zeemarschall Tronald Dump. He has gathered his loyal followers and operates the Argent Supremacy from this city. Not everybody is happy about his governance, he focuses on promoting policies that serve his followers instead of the many problems in a large society. Also many are still loyal to the ousted royal family, especially naval veterans who suffer under his inexperienced hand.

Trading: Exports: everything at normal cost. Imports: everything at normal cost.

Agrid Adventures: Zeemarschall Tronald Dumps Argent Supremacy has suffered some setbacks from pirates and the Coradite Coalition. To improve morale and public perception he has set great rewards for anybody who can bring back Coradite colours, captured from a naval battle for a parade. The trouble is he has also decreed that the first people to do so should be his inept sons. Not many have survived the Dumps boys ineffective command let alone capture enemy standards. Can the players manage to survive their aristocratic attitudes?

The Argent Supremacy is about to show off their new flagship: The Mary-Anne. A party is to be held aboard the ship as it sails around the Argid Lighthouse with many of the nobles and Tronald Dumps family. The ship is massive, capable of great speeds despite not utilising any sails. Enemies of The Argent Supremacy would be grateful for any information on how it works or if it was to be disabled.

The Old Navy has been underground for a number of years, gathering allies and support to overthrow the Dump regime. They need outside help to weaken Dump's hold and strike at his credibility while drumming up support for the monarchy to be installed (see Old Navy Rebellion in Chapter 2.) The trouble is somebody is a double agent, waiting for information on where the last royal is so Dump can end them once and for all.


An island naturally split into two separate sections, a bridge connects them and each side is home to a village that is convinced they are better than the other. They don’t fight and they aren’t violent to anyone or each other but they are extremely petty and residents will tell rumours about the citizen’s of the other town.

Trading: Export: one side exports silk at 0.75x cost, one side exports iron at 0.75x cost. Import: gold & silver at 1.75x cost. Special resource: adamantine at the side that exports silks.

Brominid Adventures: The mining village is excited about a discovery of adamantine by a local miner, making them wealthier than their rivals and likely to receive favourable attention from the mainland. Members of the silk village are planning on sabotaging the mine before the official prospectors are in. The trouble is threefold. The adamantine vein is directly between both sections and both would have shared claim, so split the profits. The discoverer and his overseer know this but do not know how to proceed. The silk villagers unknowingly would trap themselves and be killed.


One of the members of the Coradite Coalition, this geniocracy of industrious gnomes lie well within Vruunid Waters. A giat city of metal built on three hard obsidian knives, like a spiderweb is constantly under siege from the Argent Supremacy. Despite this Fingortab seems completely impenetrable, at least not from outside (see Chapter 2.)


A Vruunid controlled goblin colony near the border to the Sea of Knives. A small rocky island with a huge gilded lighthouse dominating its highest point. The cliff faces have been carved into neat terraced gardens, and a cove contains a small but nice harbor that appears to be well equipped for repairing ships- all in all a nice place to restock, resupply, and perhaps do some trading. Ships that approach, however, will discover that the murky waters around this island hide a veritable minefield of shallow reefs, rocks, and shipwrecks, all of which are nearly impossible to spot and avoid. Fortunately, the island’s inhabitants are a friendly tribe of goblins who will happily make skilled repairs to the party’s likely sinking ship… for a rather large fee. The local inn offers a small discount to those staying during ship repairs- bringing down the rates to a mere ‘extremely high’. These goblins are excellent craftsmen, so there are a wide variety of (somewhat expensive) goods available at the trading post. Lastly, the goblins also charge a fee to show sailors the safe way back out to sea when they go to leave, which may vary depending on their behavior. Should anyone complain, the goblin points out the giant lighthouse they built to warn people.

Trading: All exports are double the price. All imports are half.

Gobid Adventures: Get my money back! An enraged patron hires the party to get their money back from a group of fraudulent goblins, promising a 50% commission on all money they manage to recoup. If the party enters they may fall in the same trap and it becomes clear any repair, service or goods they have had to purchase are of poor quality. All the while the exploitative goblins sit on the party's hard earned gold. They are protected by watchful Argent Supremacy marines and their own militia however. If the parties play it smart they may discover certain scams the Goblins don’t want people to know. Turning off the real lighthouse and using a fake one to force ships to be repaired for example.


The bread-basket of Agrid. This recently colonised island has been a relief for the expansion of the metropolitan Agrid, thanks to its fertile soil and large flat land it provides plentiful food for the island settlers and the mainland. The people here see themselves as true servants of Vruunheim but over recent years have been shocked by the pulling of Argent Supremacy forces. Raiders and monsters have in the past overrun the town and still no action was taken to help support the island. The governance was then taken over by Kommodore-Kommissar Nachthugel, who has been scorned by Tronald Dump for using resources to build up defences, food stocks and train up the local militia. He has even treasonly dealt with would-be raiders by buying them off or paying for protection. Nachthugel skirts a dangerous line in order to protect his charges, something he knows the current regime would never do.

Trading: Export crops and livestock at 0.5x cost, Import silks and ore at 1.5x cost.

Greenid Adventures: People are demanding the Kommodore-Kommissar exile the orc farmers from the island. The orcs are freed orcs, rare in Vruunheim and have come to Greenid to find a peaceful existence. Or so they claim. Neighbouring farms are losing crops and racial tensions are high. Attempts to talk to the family have not gone well, some were raised in Vruunid internment camps and are enraged having demands made of them. The truth is they are suffering too. Does one of their children have an affinity to the Crawling Rot? Is somebody setting them up? When the players investigate, do they pass the same scarecrow in every field? Greenid is under attack by wyvern riding bandits. Players arrive as farmers try to enter the fort as guards scramble towards the ballista and the walls. Many folk are cut off and the wyvern riders have control of most of the island, looting and killing as they will. To survive they will need the players to reinforce defences, scout the enemy, interrogate captives, fight champions, save hostages and defeat the enemy.


Founded as a mining settlement for rare materials this small island is relatively bare and reliant on supplies from the mainland. As the miners kept following veins, conditions got more dangerous as they began mining under the sea itself. Alot of the original settlers began refusing the dangerous conditions causing a problem for the original Kommodore-Kommisar who had to report the strikes to the Argent Supremacy. They soon replaced him with Gauleiter Herr Felix Fleiss who came up with a “pleasingly efficient” solution to the worker rights issue. He requested labourers from the mainland internment camps. Orcs descendents from an invading horde generations ago, pirates, prisoners of wars and undesirables were forced to go beneath the surface of the island. Their only access to goods coming from the guarded entrance which only arrives when the prisoners gather enough usable goods. Not everyone on the island has been happy about the Argent Supremacy direct takeover. Many of the original settlers have had to cut their losses and leave, unable to compete with the forced labourers. Others have found work in helping Fleiss’ scheme and supporting the Argent Supremacy forces.

Trading: Export copper, salt & gems at 0.5x cost, Import Livestock at 1.5x cost.

Kotbussid Adventures: The forced miners refuse to work, causing a hunger strike. They claim there is something in the tunnels with them that they need the soldiers to deal with. The Gauleiter refuses to negotiate and sends men to the mine, believing it to be a trap to take hostages and escape. The truth is they have mined into an underground pocket where an ancient aberration has been released. It is enjoying the hunt in the dark but once its food supply runs out it may seek other hunting grounds. Gauleiter Fleiss is under pressure to continue mining high quantities of goods and is using any excuse to condemn people into forced labour. Passing trading ships with slightly irregular paperwork, anyone in town causing a “disturbance” and even children loitering. The settlers are terrified and under his heel.

New Vresdid

A military outpost staking a claim over a resource-rich island. The problem is built on the opposite side of the island The Minerie Capital has an outpost with claim over the island too. The forested island is a daily battlefield with naval strikes, sabotage and raids. Currently exportation is reduced as Kommodore-Kommissar Katzen is building a fleet with the resources harvested in an attempt to gain a great naval victory and end the stalemate.

Trading: Export hard timber and iron at 0.75x cost (reduces to 0.5x cost if one side takes complete control.) Import weapons for 1.5x cost. Special Resource: Coradite (not available until one side takes complete control.)

Treasure: Kommodore-Kommissar Katzen personal map of Vruunheim and areas of their interest, half built and fully built warships, siege and ship weapons, and hundreds of tonnes of mahogany, iron, flour.

New Vresdid Adventures: Kommodore-Kommissar Katzen is trying to hire privateers and mercenaries to help gain control of the island. Missions include sneaking into key enemy posts for reconnaissance, assassination of key targets, escort workers extracting goods, rescue kidnapped, lead new troops into battle, interogate prisoners, join a naval bombing and sabotage structures.

A foreman has been turned up dead under mysterious circumstances. The Kommodore-Kommissar can not spare attention to the matter right now and leaves it to the players. Following trails they may find a secret plot. A Coradite node has been found in one of Argent Supremacy controlled mines. The units guarding it have been trading it with their counterparts in the Minerie Capital rather than hand it over to their superiors. Their Kapitan have silenced the whistleblower.


Oxtrid has a royal and illustrious history but now is a reminder of how dire the Vruunheim States situation is. It was the ancient seat of power in the centre of all the fractured Vruunheim States that all those Grotid people respected. The once numerous states have been reduced and Oxtrid is now on the very western edge of its control. Upon the extreme mountainous range bordering Aimos with the next continent the supposed capital city of Oxtrid hangs dearly onto the illusion of grandeur. Once famed for their production of medicine and scholars, it now faces hordes of imminent invaders to its west, still suffering from The Regimes rise and a massive wealth loss as many citizens and nobility have left for places like Agrid. During the Rise, royal institutions have been destroyed, looted and not replaced. The peoples that have been left behind are high nobles in denial, stubborn scholars and citizens unable to afford the costs of protection to leave via the mountain pass. A few of them have stepped up to try and save the city but two political factions have formed. Those that wish to adapt to their new circumstances and try to become more self-sufficient. Then others that wish to use every resource to embed themselves back as the centre of Vruunheim States, winning over nobility and encouraging trade to come back.

Trading: Export: medicine & dairy goods for 0.5x cost. Import: fish, timber & spices for 2x cost.

Oxtrid Adventures: A group of dissidents have stolen a piece of the Broken Crown of Vruunid, a precious heirloom of Vruunheim State and Oxtrid pride. They plan to cross the mountains to sell it to an enemy warlord called Vonlawine. The dissidents are doing this in order to gain more peace with the warlord so they gain more land for the city's dwindled farms.

Help a researcher called Luddenheimer with an experimental furnace capable of heating the entire city, independent from burning coal, timber or other imports. He needs more of a special material called Radstein, the trouble is the only source he knows off is in a cavern system that has been overrun with creatures that have now mutated in its presence.

Help the Committee get the palace for the Feldmarschall’s visit. Members hope to offer it to him as his permanent abode so his regime focuses on protecting Oxtrid more. Rumours begin to circulate there will be an assassination plot, likely a survivor of The Coup.

Port Llastid

An old coastal town and once home to the Old Navy. Formerly the launching site of Vruunheims naval forces, it has a violent history that has not stopped since focus has shifted to Agrid. Port Llast's harbor is strewn with shipwrecks-the tombs of seafarers and marines who fought for the town's spoils and lost.

Trading: Export: fish, salt & canvas at 0.5x cost. Import: Iron and stone at 1.5x cost.

Port Llastid Adventures: The town is under attack! Opportunistic raiders (e.g. frost giants, drow, sahuagin or pirates) have attacked the town. Rather than defend the entire town many of the veterans are in reserve protecting a single vessel. This is the secret hiding place of the only surviving member of the royal Von Grotvulf family, Princess Katya!


On the border of the Sea of Knives is an Argent Supremacy colony, usually peaceful making decent livings from fishing and lumbering. Slowly the citizens are being subtly killed off and being replaced by shapeshifting monsters that can appear human. Those that remain live in fear, not knowing who to trust and not wanting to be next.

Trading: Export fish, soft timber & silver at 0.75x cost. Import: Beer, wine, spirits at 2x cost and Textiles at 1.5x cost.

Traisdid Adventures: A ship is guarding the harbour by a crazed captain preventing anybody leaving or entering and trying to bomb the town. The captain has tied up most of his crew and is acting alone. The truth is one of the men that was onshore trading had been replaced and tried to kill him. He has gone mad with the experience. All the crew he has tied on the ship are innocent unlike those that stayed onshore for the night.


Ruled by the steel hand of Feldmarschall Schwarzen Egger. The formidable city is the beating heart of the growing Vruunheim’s might. Paved streets wind through stone buildings adorned in banners of the regime and there is a strong military presence. Soldiers here parade and protect the public before being sent off to defend Vruunheim and deliver the Vruunid people's interests. Lately what that interest seems to be is to be complete subjects to the Feldmarschall. He has funded his military endeavourers using funds stolen in the regime's rise. Yet even that has dwindled. Now he is targeting religions, institutions and individuals he has no use for in order to gain their wealth and power. Foremost among them are The Lightkeepers (see Chapter 2), who operated from the Virtues Beacon, a massive stone temple in the centre of the town. He has banished them and all worship except that of his mysterious patron deity known as The Ascendent. He has made the Lightkeepers temple into his fortress and temple to The Ascendent, taking control of the divine features and using it as an example of his and his patrons strength. The true identity of The Ascendent is dependent upon your campaign but it could be an elder evil, arch-devil or abyssal prince.

Trading: Export: stone & soft timber at 0.75x the cost. Import: slaves at 2x the cost.

Xerid Adventures: Upon entering the city there is a demonstration. Two Lightkeepers are set to be executed, by the Feldmarschall himself, for their worship and supposed plot to kill the Feldmarschall. This is true, but not just the two of them. The Lighkeepers in the crowd will try and rescue their comrades but what will the players do when it is clear the might of The Feldmarschall and his magical gauntlet is too much for them? The military are trying to keep quiet a series of disturbing murders and rumours of magical monsters prowling the city, to prevent people questioning their ability to protect. A Kapitan, unsure who to turn to, can try to approach the players to help solve the murder using what clues they have gathered. If it gets out they have let slip this information they could be charged. Not an investigator themselves, they don’t see a way to protect the people without requesting help. The clues he has may lead knowledgeable players to believe there is a fiendish presence in the city, one released with the Feldmarschall’s worship of The Ascendant.

Cote du Soliel

Cote du Soleil, or Isles of Enchantment, is an area of south-eastern Aimos distinguished by a tropical climate, warm water current and passionate desires for wealth and blood. “As you slow down, sweat dripping off your brow, you finally take a moment to look around. You see the crystalline turquoise water stretching in front of you tempting you to dive into their ultimate escape. Islands off in the distance shine like jewels with their jade crowns of sub-tropical trees and pristine white beaches. Bold and colourful in every sense of the word in the vivid emerald wilderness, one can spot sunshine-yellow parrots and glimpse fiery-red orchids, and fish of every color dart through corals in shades of purple and orange under the crystal-clear waters. How this paradise can be so close to where you were before is baffling. This is the first time you feel the sea has fully invited you to join her, rather than challenge you or fight you. It is beautiful. Others may not feel like sharing this beauty. Welcome to what the Mhye call the Cote du Soliel also known as the Isles of Enchantment.”

A Hundred Day Island

This isolated community whose inhabitants are descendants of the first humans to settle Aimos. Their lives are a snapshot of the ancient culture, where elsewhere lies in ruin and mystery. The first day players arrive on the island they are greeted by a pregnant woman who they must help give birth. If successful the community hosts a celebration and the players are invited to join. Players are confused the next day however when the new born is a toddler the next day. It’s not just the toddler, subtle signs of aging can be spotted on everyone who spent the night at the village, including the players.

Trading: Export: Wine, beer and livestock at 0.5x cost, Import: all metals and precious stones at 2x cost.

A Hundred Day Island Adventures: It turns out life expectancy for these humans is a hundred days which they think is normal. Players must work out the mystery as they soon realise their own mortality has shrunk. At the heart of the community is a statue to Lathyopi. The community believes it is the Great Prince of Divines, but it is actually a Demon Prince, who is trying to see the future of mortal evolution and also taking their souls. Destroying the statue reveals ancient lore and possibly further treasure.


Home to various aphid-like humanoids that are a complete mystery to most intelligent races. They have no discernible personality, language or culture. Instead they live in giant mounds that they simultaneously use as a garden, fortress and home. When intruders threaten their tree they swarm in mass, even exploding into boiling paste, which can be used to patch up the tree.

Akreenpolis Adventures: At the top of one of these mounds swarms of Akreens have emerged capable of flight. They leave the mounds when air currents are strong enough to take them towards other lands which they decimate like locusts or perhaps get ready. A minerie merchant, Hammando, is paying large sums of money for amber recovered on the island. See Antiquorum Parco for more.

Antiquorum Parco

A private island owned by Hammando, a Minerie capital merchant. He has used his massive fortune to combine the expertise of several experts across the Coradite Coalition in a grand attraction to be funded by visitors in the future. Upon arriving players find themselves welcomed by Hammando who explains alongside his development team and family they can join the test run for visitors. They are instructed to enter a carriage which takes through a gigantic doorway framed with the title “Antiquorum Parco.” As the doors fly open an orchestra in the distance starts playing. Just as the door closes the orchestra is interrupted by a loud primal roar...

Hammando is testing out the visitor side of things with his own family representing visitors and may accept new guests who happen by. He is also assisted by a cocky, sarcastic Zamide Priest Teff Goldblum, frustrated Fingortab artificer Sami L Motherfobber Backson, greedy and corrupt Bisunian mage Dwayne Nahahah and expert Praitan Hunter Dob Bite.

Antiquorum Parco Adventures: Players get trapped inside the park alongside Hammandos children and beasts from the primal age. They must navigate through the terrain and avoid security traps to escort the children to safety.

Dob Bite is stuck with a puzzle. He will only allow a female identifying character to help. Upon solving it he will say “Clever Girl”

Dwane Nahahah has stolen secrets from Hammando and triggered a series of traps behind him. He intends to escape the park and sell the secrets. Make sure he doesn’t leave.


A desert island prone to sandstorm and lightning strikes. The resulting combinations leave strange glass structures littered around the island, some react with the wind to make eerie sounds. Ruins of previous settlements can also be found here, half buried sinking into the sand. Ancient dwarven stoneships, Mhye amphitheatres and Azeshi trading posts can be found in various crumpled states. Lurking in a few of these are the causes of the ruin. Blue Dragons offspring of The Azure Ambusher, Lyzraeth.

Aspeculo Adventures: A dwarven explorer needs an escort into Aspeculo to find the secret of ancient dwarven stone ships, huge hovering vessels the size of towns. He suspects they crashed here due to natural hazards rather than any sinister intent. He may be wrong.

A merchant convoy from distant Azesh, the desert land home to the robed religious Azeshi Caliphate, has been lost around Aspeculo. Probably fallen to one of the many dangers of the job in this world. Yet a Vizier himself, a djinni, has requested aid on recovering a particular treasure. What could be worth so much for this intention? Or who?

Aureli Insular

A mining colony with few resources and few things of worth. The only reason why this venture is set up by the Minerie Capital is for Coradite mining. Even the most minor amount is worth a fortune, hence why the soldiers assigned and the poor slaves are stuck here. The island has few other resources and conditions are harsh. Small scale fishing and a coconut plantation are the only other industries on the island neither a wealthy source of living. Survival on the island is heavily reliant on shipments of fresh water from Minerie Capital merchants or other private interests. As such the Navarch (naval officer) Felecitus has been assigned to protect mining interests and supply lines from pirates and enemies.

Trading goods: Coradite at 1.25x cost.

Aureli Insular Adventures: Navarch Felecitus shipments have been targeted by aquatic humanoids. If they don’t get the next mining shipment to their contact no new water supply will be sent. You are to help to prepare an ambush.


These sunken volcanoes are home to a magocracy part of the Coradite Coalition (see Chapter 2.)

Booty Island

This is a very large and very thickly forested boot-shaped island, hence why some people say it gets its name. This forest paradise is home to many unique endemic creatures from gentle deer-fish, large beetles that act as lawnmowers and huge boars. All useful ingredients to the owner of this private island, Totalli Notdolce. A famous master cobbler and icon to the capital's fashion industry. He spends his time designing, enjoying art and auditioning for his harem of beautiful big-bottomed women. This is the real reason behind the name. Every year he hosts a competition where women fight to be number one in his fashion show, by any means necessary.

Trading goods: Export: fish & soft timber at 0.75x cost. Import: textiles and crafted goods at 1.75x cost.

Booty Island Adventure: One of the finalists of Notdolces Miss Secrets Competition has been murdered. Can the players work out that death is more than what it seems?

Castrum Tempestas

One of the forts developed by the Minerie Capital, this one fights threats from the north including that of the Bathylon Dominion (see Chapter 2). On the outside of the barrier reef surrounding the inner islands of the Minerie Capital it is the first line of defense and a power centre for all settlements outside the barrier. This is also what makes its takeover so devastating for the Minerie Capital. A gladiator by the name of Gladicus has taken over it and is calling from a slave revolt. The merchants of the Minerie Capital have so far underestimated him and the cost needed to remove his rebellion.

Castrum Tempestas Adventures: Discover why Castrum Tempestas has not been sending reports back to the rest of the Minerie Capital.

A merchant had his estate plundered by Gladicus’ soldiers, and they took his son. Bring him back for a great reward. Perhaps upon finding the son you discover he ran off willingly with a slave he loves. Go to Castrum Tempestas and challenge Gladicus to single combat for the prisoners he has taken in return he gains a lawful deed to the fort signed by the Praefecti herself.

Gladicus has had his rebellion split. Kriklius, his second, has formed a great army to march into Minerie Insular and free those from the bonds of the wealthy and cruel. Gladicus takes those who remain and attempts to flee across the Sea of Knives where they can be free. Who do you assist on their journey?

Castrum Manlius

The Coradite Coalition opposite of New Vresdid (see Vruunheim States above.) A military outpost staking a claim over a resource rich island. The forested island is a daily battlefield with naval strikes, sabotage and raids. Currently the focus of Praefecti Caelistis, the fleet commander for the Minerie Capital. She is frustrated by the lack of investment from the merchant elites she fights for. With a complete report from a prospector there will be no doubt she will be offered more fire power but the island remains contested for now.

Trading: Export hard timber and iron at 0.75x cost (reduces to 0.5x cost if one side takes complete control.) Import weapons for 1.5x cost. Special Resource: Coradite (not available until one side takes complete control.)

Castrum Manlius Adventures: Praefecti Caelistis is trying to hire privateers and mercenaries to help gain control of the island. Missions include sneaking into key enemy posts for reconnaissance, assassination of key targets, escort workers extracting goods, rescue kidnapped, lead new troops into battle, interogate prisoners, join a naval bombing and sabotage structures.

Northlander Mercenaries launch a surprise landing on the island. Find out who leads them and on whose side are they on. If searched they all have pockets of Minerie coins and perhaps a note from a political rival of the Praefecti.


You observe a rather small island in the distance, being no bigger than the size of a small courtyard. The floor is all level paving slabs and framed by columns. Upon closer inspection, you notice that there is a table in the center of the island, surrounded by ten or so chairs. The table is set for what seems to be a grand feast, displaying all sorts of exotic food and drink, completely fresh. However, there is no mention of this island on any map, and you find no indication that anyone else has been there recently.

Courtyard Adventures: Tantalus escaped Tartarus long ago but not his curse of constant starvation, of everything he wants being just out of reach. So he set up a trap. A banquet where the more you eat the further away reality becomes until you are in his demi-plane away from divine powers. He traps devout people hoping they or their Divines can break his curse. They can't walk off the courtyard as it expands with every step, whereas others can leave fine. Players may find their party members or npcs trapped. Find a way to destroy Tantalus or his curse.

Crescent Island

A small sandy atoll that curls around Feverant Fons (see below). It is a beautiful beach island made of pure white sand from the reefs. Rumours say it is a piece of an elvish temple to the Starwanderer. Crescent Island Adventures: A couple of young spa guests from Fervent Fons have taken an impromptu sailing trip on the desert island. Had they paid more attention they would have realised that this month it is dangerous to be on the local beaches due to a migration of creatures of deep, that swarm in unimaginable numbers.

The rumours of this island being tied to a moon goddess are partially true. When the moons align in the right way it can reveal secrets and treasures hidden by the elves. A Bisunian mage wishes to recover some of these and willing to hire people to help. The path is not as clear as they believe however as Minerie interests seek a cut and the elves themselves will want some things kept secret.

Dead Man's Sand

Also known as the hill of Calimord. A wide island made of cresting sand dunes. The high staging post is used by the Minerie Capital to crucify enemies coming into their land. Crucified and on display to all that pass it is a grim reminder to all that don’t pay their dues. Many would consider it a waste of land but it was deemed inhospitable as at night biting insects emerge to feast on anything they can. Trespassing on the island is forbidden.

Dead Man's Sand Adventures: A convicted pirate has information required by a patron of PCs but they won’t tell it unless the PCs help them escape. Can they trust their target? What will releasing this convict into the world do?

Dawnlight Pass

A huge natural arch over the barrier reef that shields the inner islands owned by the Minerie Capital. The Minerie Capital uses this as one of few entrances to their seas by the west where traders and travellers get their first taste of capitalist society. It is essentially a toll booth combined with a fort. The prices vary on whatever guard is on duty or how they are feeling. Corruption is not seen here as the way it is in most societies. Everyone has a duty in Minerie Capital to the coin. As such bribery is to be expected.

Dawnlight Pass Adventures: A new appointment by the Praefecti is trying to clean up the nature of bribery within the Pass. This is causing great disruption in trade, from merchants unused to this honest policy from the Minerie Capital. Traders, honest and villainous, have to wait together until processing is done and creating a flotilla of tension and crime. Some of the guards want things to go back to the old ways. Whose side will the PCs support?


An island discovered generations ago by shipwrecked convicts and criminals, namely the family calling themselves Serptius. They were rediscovered by the Minerie Capital and immediately paid off their old fines and purchased the island. They did this using the abundance of raw gems on the atoll. Attempts have been made to acquire the island back from the Septius but no prospector has returned except one who claims something protects the islands and lives in its lagoon.

Trading: Export: gems (diamonds) at 0.25x cost. Import: water, food & crafted goods at 1.5x cost.

Diamondus Adventures: A young aristocrat is looking for help. They have fallen in love with the heiress of the Serptius fortune on one of her trips to Minerie Insular. They have had correspondence but all contacts have been cut off since she was forced to return to Diamondus. She mentioned something in her letters that her father was about to crash the Minerie Capital forever.


Built on a small cluster of islands is The City of Canals and Faces. Encito is a one of the southern cities of the Minerie Capital and has created its own distinct culture and reputation. Encito has been at times independent, invaded by foreign powers, devolved and pulled back into the fold. It has unique industries specialising in the creation of luxury goods but also tourism, especially from those hoping to get a glimpse of the glamour of the many nobles trying to outdo each other. Encito is split into districts: Urbs Antiqua, Azeshi District, Portus district, Inrigua District, Arcane District, Shining District and the Faceless District.

Trading: Exports: Silk & Crafted Goods at 0.5x cost. Import: Gems, Spices and Food at 1.5x cost.

Encito Adventures: The ruling Doge, a title exclusive for the somewhat devolved Encito, is about to perform a symbolic ceremony marrying Encito to the Sea, on the prized ship The Ducentaur. An excellent opportunity for separatists and nationalists alike to attack.

In one of the masked ball parties of the nobles a woman has fallen off the walled mansion to the main street, dead. A spoiled drunk noble having an accident is easy to sweep up, even after the civilians see it but this one lingers. Especially once her devil mask and wings can’t be pulled off and seem to be real. Waste from the prospering city is being filtered into the heart of the Inrigua District, a problem for the poorer folk that is deemed acceptable plague too. When mysterious monsters are spotted lurking the canals coming from there.

Favianguard Castello

Home to the flamboyant Aethergale Society, an obnoxious name for a more obnoxious bunch of rebellious children of nobles, who have had enough of the boarding schools. At first their nature led them to fleeing with their prized Hippogryph mounts to indulge in banned games and aerobatics. Then they began a club of sorts and started delusions of forming their own society, paid with parents' money, something those parents have invested a lot in trying to hide. The Aetherknights grew in name, less so in deed, as did their own list of tenets. They promote a dashing image and are given to drinking, singing, wearing fashionable clothing, and general revelry As it began to grow the members accepted more diverse people. Peasants with ideas of becoming nobility, criminals they believed could have second chances and an enigmatic Eladrin, who seemed to possess secret knowledge of flight and power.

Favianguard Castello Adventures: For those that have ever dreamed of soaring through the sky, taming a flying mount and belonging to something more, this place sings a song in the heart that draws them to it. Welcome to all who prove they have the need for speed, and those that pass the initiation. Can you handle the trial? A noble couple is missing their daughter. They know she has joined this society and just asked them to remain in touch. The last few letters mention a new leader and a new purpose. They sensed a change in their daughter, to them she seemed frightened. They need help getting her home.

Feverent Fons

A volcanic landscape of exploding geysers, home only daring gem hunters and native lizardfolk. The lizardfolk have made domiciles around the natural hot springs but development on this island has likely peaked due to the volcanic activity.

Trading: Export: gems at 0.75x cost. Import: chickens at 1.25x cost. Special resource: Ignin

Feverent Fons Adventures: A mining operation has been trapped under a solidified lava flow. Only tools of Ignin can break through to free them but the nearest source is guarded by a powerful creature.

Lilac Refuge

An island of tranquil druids from all walks of races, carrying a necklace of bright purple (see chapter 7) matching the lanterns around them. Those subject to the light who are evil will lose their memories and become pacifists unless they have their lights taken away. In the forbidden temple is a central light created by a Lightkeeper of old and is the source all the others stem from.

Lilac Refuge Adventure: A criminal awaiting trial has gone missing from a prison ship nearby. A simple druid matches their description and is surrounded by people who swear by them.

Minerie Insular

The main city of the Minerie Capital. A major city of great wealth and architecture. It has a rigid class system where the few are wealthy but there are many slaves and those treated barely above such. It has many notable features:

Villa Reliqua Maris - The ancient seat of power of the Minerie, though repairs have been made since the great revolution it's a shadow of its former splendor. Used during large events and political meetings it sits on a hill looking down on Novus Urbaris and on top of the minerie mines.

Minerie Mines - The ancient tunnels that were mined for gems before the Villa was built. Some of the Villa has been built into these and apparently contains secret passages and tunnels. Novus Urbaris - The sprawling residential area of most of the citizenry of the Minerie capital that leads straight up the Villa and around the Aurum Fons up to the dockside. Contains a variety of different classes built alongside each other. Piazza Superiores - On the other side of the island, across from the docks, a newer district of great manors for the greatest Merchants Faucibus Industria - A large sprawling dockside containing most of the industry and honest work. Hortus Voluptatis - A pleasure ground built behind the Piazza Superiores leading up to the Villa. Aurum Fons - Whatever business isn’t done at the docks is done in this great entertainment square between Novus Ubaris and the docks. Contains large entertainment including the colosseum. Founded by Mhye refugees, part of the ancient Viborian Empire. When it collapsed many fled on boats run by the merchant class to safety to the former colonies across the sea and found themselves still under the rule of the surviving emperor. When this dynasty continued to lead them to disaster the mercantile class began demanding more rights leading to a bloody coup that has made Minerie Capital what it is today, a capitalist government where those with the most wealth gain the most privilege to decide the fate of the society (See Chapter 2 for more)

Trading: Exports: everything at normal cost. Imports: slaves and livestock at 1.25x cost.

Minerie Insular Adventures: noblewoman's prized pet blink dog she was walking in the park is set upon by her rival who hired some thugs. She will offer great rewards and favours for those who help return it to her. The Colosseum is having a massive event attracting warriors from the globe for a very grand prize. To gain entry you must prove yourself worthy by bringing a trophy to the event, taken from an enemy of the Coradite Coalition. A Vruunheim Colour perhaps?

Common folk and slaves are rising against the current status quo inspired by Gladicus. A slave in the Colosseum who threatens the rulers themselves.

A collector is unable to finish his library and needs people to acquire books from their Bisunian allies without being caught.

A descendent from the line of Narcissus wants their ancestors' prized ring in order to unlock a safe recovered in the ruins of Old Viboria. It is said that under the Villa the final emperor was killed. In the mines however not all that fell to the blades have necessarily departed.

Paradise Lost

A tribe of aasimar women that have been exiled from the rest of the world by one of the Divines. They have sworn to never leave their island and guard a passage to the Grey Wastes. In ages past they helped a plot of an enemy Divine Their law made by their queen Dippolota says only women are allowed to the island.

Paradise Lost: The residents of the island have all been transformed into Stone by an evil mage who will only undo the curse in return for several artefacts of great power.

Find out what happens to the men born on the island.

Krakens Corridor

The largest sea in the world and possibly the most dangerous area. Although life is sparse on the surface, underneath it holds secret biomes, empires and life hostile for those who dwell on the surface. A frontier even more alien than that of other realms but holds lost secrets and treasures of their own.

Algal Forest

Starting in the Photic Zone to the upper reaches of the Mesopelagic Zone. A mass of untamed kelp between the shallows and Grey Dunes. More vibrant and supportive than any biome on the surface, it holds massive diversity of life which of course means predators in huge abundance.


In the Hadal zone. An underwater elf city and Lighthouse location. Now it is the throne of The Kraken and its massive network, he surrounds himself with monsters but also cave pockets of slaves taken from the surface. Dead Reefs Deep in the Abyssal Zone. Graveyard for large whales and such, providing structure for creatures such as zombie snot flowers and hungry scavengers.

Den of Fire

One of few islands on its surface. A beautiful valley held within protective mountainous peaks. A untouched paradise seemingly, yet there is a reason nobody has settled this land. An Ancient Red Dragon slumbers below, scheming in isolation, ready to rule the world.

Ghost Kelp Canyon

Within the Hadal Zone. Deep within the crack of the ocean floor where light itself is not just lost, but has never existed are littered with forests of thin branching ghostly plants producing strange bulbous bioluminescent sacks. The creatures that linger in this place have no concept of civilization or life, just an existence of hunger.

Floating Islands

Found throughout the Surface and descending to the Bathypelagic Zone. Small Islands float above the surface thanks to jellyfish-like beings holding that buoyant, they process the coradite nodules contained within. A Bronze Dragon watches over this knowing the life here is unique and can be exploited for evil. At the very least an excellent platform for launching attacks from.

Grey Dunes

Starting at the Mesopelagic Zone and falling deep into the Abyssal Zone. The biggest biome of the open ocean, a sparse desert where efficiency is key to survival. Although on the surface it is monotonous it is not without dangers. Occasionally broken up by large vents spewing chemicals obscuring vision and home to several elementals. Patches of sinking sand can be found, caused by large worms that tunnel underneath.

Hearten Fields

Found in patches in the Photic Zone. On several gentle valleys between the shallows and the mountains, next to the Algal forest, it acts as a collection point for detritus but still within the light, it acts as the Bathylon agricultural hub for red kelp farming and other creatures hunt within its bountiful coverage.


Only spotted rarely on the Surface. An island looks like it’s almost there and many sailors have tried to reach it, yet have never touched it.

Jelly Bloom

In large swathes of the Bathypelagic zone. A sprawling army of cnidaria and oozes that appears in such great numbers they become the biome itself. Some are harmless and others deadly.

Moss mats

Dotted on the Surface. What appears to be a very grassy and very flat island from afar reveals itself to be a free-floating mat of ocean vegetation. It’s home to a complex ecosystem of seaweed, moss, bugs, amphibious fish, and tentacle horrors, as well as several key alchemy ingredients normally only found on the ocean floor. It’s too loose to stand on near the edge, but further in it’s like standing on a water bed, making it difficult terrain. Don’t jump around too much because creatures can fall through and may find it harder to resurface.

Phantom River

Snaking through the Abyssal Zone. A hypersaline body of water that starts in the Shattered Reef and leads through Dead Reefs into the Ghost Kelp Canyon. All sorts of life take sustenance from its strange chemistry and other things linger within, waiting for larger prey.


Usually found dotted in the Mesopelagic Zone and occasionally reaching to or past the surface. These natural mounds give support to large bioluminescent bulbous sacks anchored by long thin stems. Dungeons have been formed inside some of the long emptied Coradite mines the Lightkeepers needed, mined at great cost of life and now provides homes to cavern dwelling monstrosities.


Stretching throughout the Photic zone, especially around tropical islands. Series of reefs that connect atolls together. These are the marine equivalent of urban areas for wildlife and underwater creatures. In one of these is a massive sprawling biodiverse city under the Bathylon Dominion. Aliquarus the new capital of the Bathylon Dominion. Without the usual natural boundaries that prevent invasions this area is under constant battle to keep those within safe.

Shattered Reef

Found in the Bathypelagic Zone. Once the heartland of the Bathylon Dominion now a ghostly shell of deep reef and broken cities. Between the Mountains and Grey Dunes. Here lies Osirey, the once Dominion capital now a city ruled by Undead.

Session Choices

Once delivered the handout mentioned above players should be presented a list of options they can take. Each option should be clearly defined with expected rewards and sessions needed to complete.

Opening Cinematic

An opening cinematic is an important part of the player-driven campaign style. It should be part of a small handout given to new players so they can understand the stakes and themes of the campaign and get straight to the action. Below is an example using Black Tooth Cove as the starting home-base. “You stand on the rickety and rot smelling wooden boards of an old galley as it seems to head straight into a black cliff face of a large rock. Yet another of the inhospitable jagged spikes that make up the Sea of Knives. It would be easy to avoid, in fact it is taking the burly Captain everything to sail towards the only place one could wreck in miles. You see a large wave bringing a bit of flotsam against the cliff which mercilessly shatters it into splinters. The same fate the vessel you stand on, and you, share if what you are told is wrong. The captain continues on his path, the bosun yelling orders to the crew, or just yelling at them, it's hard to tell. A sweaty young genasi crewman, fifteen summers old at most, but already lost most of his adult teeth, sees you looking nervous at the galley going full speed towards the Knife, hands clenched against the wooden rail and eyes wide.

"First time through the Crash?" He enquires, as you nod your head, hopefully not shaking too much. "Used to give me the shits too, until Breeden pointed it out. The spot right there! " He extends his finger to what seems like the rest of the uniform unbreakable wall. "No waves crashing on it, see? No white white caps nothing to wor..."

"Clayden back to your post or I swear the creatures of Umberlee will be feeding on your leaking skin by nightfall!" The tattooed bosun yells over the waves as young Clayden disappears off to do what he is meant to do, presumably.

You surge toward the island faster than you thought possible. You surge under the shade it casts and all you can hear is the crashing waves and your own pulsing heart. Unable to look away, the ship, momentarily caught in a back current, as it readies for one final push toward the rock. You see the bow of the ship completely disappear. Not shatter, disappear as if vanished by the island. Then the deck leading up to the mast, midship deck and finally yourself. You emerge breath still held from behind the illusionary wall inside a black walled steep gorge, crisscrossed with suspended bridges and walkways above you. On it are a dozen or so of hulking figures patrolling in onyx leathers and a mismatch of weaponry. Some you see many dangerous devices normally used in siege warfare. The ship slows through the gorge uncontested, squeezing through the narrow area before emerging into a large lagoon, forested with masts of dozens of ships from all over the world. This is the place you were promised. If there's work, glory or treasure to be found outside the attention of the Coalition or any nation, this is the place to find it.

As the vessel you convinced to transport you here creeps to a crawl to find a place to dock you see a group of black leathered bruisers follow your arrival led by a lean looking elf. The ship docks and the crew disperses beginning the process of loading or unloading goods, or beginning the process to find some way to waste their wages. As the gangplank lowers the lean elf in black leathers and covered in burn marks walks up, followed by an entourage. "Welcome! Welcome to Black Tooth Cove!" He exclaims, making direct eye contact with you. His smiling scarred face is the last thing you remember before you are knocked out...

“So what is it you all have to offer?” Demands the voice in the dark, too impatient to let you wake in your own time. Still dazed, you piece together the events in your life that have led you to this place. Maybe you are on the run from powerful evil, or are searching for a long lost secret or maybe you followed the promise of gold. It doesn't matter now. The blindfold itches and the binds burn. Reaching out with other senses you smell of something caustic, old parchment and dust thick in what you presume to be a room. Groans and moans of your fellows fill the room as they similarly discover the situation. Your sixth sense reaches out and you feel cold. Danger. However this is your chance. A chance to reach your goals. If only you can survive meeting Her.

“Coming to the island" As she breaks the silence the cold feeling intensifies, "without tribute, is a very serious matter. No gold you carry, so I can only assume you mean to pay in the blood price..." what if you were lied to, what if this is how it ends..." or you can work off your membership fee... Assist me in completing one of my jobs, at your choosing and we can move on. I have a need for talented individuals for a number of... opportunities. Prove you are such and do have value beyond chum. So what's it to be? Lend me your steel, earn gold, sail the seas, making us both happy, or....” You feel a sharp point press into your neck and then a warm trickle of blood.

Unable to break out of your shackles binding you to the room...fear and survival instincts kick in. Attempts of escape, escape you. Fighting is not an option. One by one you and the others bound agree to terms with Her, the one rumoured as, the Pirate Queen Nirvorth, Lady of the Black. Blindfolds and chains fall as you find yourself in an office, far larger than you expected. You take in the walls, most with bookshelves or unorganised oddities that stretch up higher than your vision. One thick wood door, presumably the way out and of-course Her. Leaning casually on an large ironwood desk a beautiful dark skinned female of human like appearance, clad in a seamless full black leather outfit, she observes you take in her office. “I will enjoy our relationship together” she purrs....smiling a bright white smile contrasting the rest of her appearance as she holds out her hand. As you accept her handshake her grip turns into a vice and her smile turns cruel and wider than humanly possible. Pain erupts in your hand, forcing you to your knees and you hold back a scream. You smell something acrid and it takes you a while to realise whatever is being done to your flesh. She finally releases and you grip your palm. You see her brand, still tender somehow magically caustically burned into you. A dragon skull with two crossed bones underneath it.

You have arrived at Black Tooth Cove, a refuge for pirates, traders, lost souls and more. Hidden from the reach of the surrounding political powers and savage seas you can use this place as a home base. Here you will find notices for jobs, equipment to buy, traders or places for your downtime activities. So long as you can as you keep on Lady Nirvorths good side of course. Here your characters meet like minded adventurers and decide what Session Choice you want to take before the session starts.”

This example binds the players to the home-base, lets them know options are available to fulfil their long term goals, puts them under the authority of a powerful NPC and starts them all at the same origin point. Players at this point are encouraged to fulfil one of the Notice Board Missions below and once complete can take any session choice they please.

Take a Faction Mission

The home-base of your players and other factions the players can interact with should provide quests for their characters. Player characters tend to be more powerful than ordinary citizens and can take missions of great consequence and risk, as such these are highly paid. Below are some examples but to immerse your players the phrasing of these should reflect the culture they are in. For example a lawful trading post could have delivery quests but a pirate cove could have smuggling missions instead. An enclave of priests can have missions of resolving conflicts whereas a bloodthirsty warrior society could dominate.

The exact details of the sessions do not need to be fleshed out until players choose it. You can be vague in these descriptions so long as players are given a general idea of what is happening. Below are examples using Black Tooth Cove as the home-base:


These missions focus on the recovery of an asset, usually guarded, either by purchase, skill or force.

Example: Acquisition – a will of a rich noble from his sunken yacht located 100 miles north and return it. Reward: 300gp each. Expected time: 1 session.


This mission involves the removal or destruction of something or someone.

Example: Elimination – the monster responsible for the prevention of a mining operation 150 miles south east. Miners refuse to work until it is dead. Reward: 500 gp each. Expected time: 1 session


On this choice players must carry out an inquiry to discover and explore the truth of something.

Example: Investigation - Merchants of the Speedy Fortune have not reported from a delivery mission to the west. Find them and you will be rewarded. They set off westwards and would turn North at 100 miles until reaching their next trade post. Your goal is to find any trace of the Speedy Fortune merchants and return home (250gp reward each.) Bonus objectives: bring back any survivors (up to an extra 200 gp each) Estimated play time: 2 sessions.


Players should expect combat as Raid missions usually involve a rapid surprise attack on an enemy to gain a quick sum or negatively impact them.

Example: Raid - Attack an outpost of twisted dragon worshippers 300 miles to the east at Scarred Sky Overlook. They have been destructive to interests in that area. Rewards: 700 gp each Estimated play time: 2 sessions


In these sessions players decide to approach the vast wilderness without knowledge of a particular end point. Before the session begins the party has to decide where they want to go. They must tell the GM what directions they wish to take and how many sessions they wish to go on for. To make this travel interesting I recommend that every day of travel has a chance of some sort of encounter, therefore the longer the journey the more chance of discoveries and risks. The rewards here are less tangible. Perhaps players will find plot hooks, loot, interesting locations, areas off-limits they need to return to or just losses. There is another reason players can take this choice, especially with games with lots of parties. By exploring and claiming things before other players they may find themselves greatly advantaged compared to those who will never be able to recreate those initial discoveries. Therefore exploring can yield great rewards but also greater risk just to get there.

Free Roam a known Settlement

Sometimes the adventurer's life is a bit much. A little break is needed to recover, stocks need resupplied, or maybe players want to explore more of a particular setting like the Home-base. In which case a party can take this action. In the game they can go shopping, take part in local customs and interact with interesting NPCs. They may be able to find information, make connections, reveal more about their characters and have a greater understanding of the setting. Crafting, research and other out-of-adventure activities can be considered but likely the GM will suggest to do this using the Out-of-Session Choice. If players wish for more guidance during these Sessions you can create background events that players can engage with. Below is a list of examples for background events for Black Tooth Cove. Honeymoon Festival – the moons of this world reflect the light of the Sun in a rare orange glow which marks the Honeymoon festival. People of the world take this as a sign for romance. It is said that anybody that finds love on this day is true love. How can you get your players to engage with this? Does an NPC confess their love to a player? Can a local bard put together a show called “Light Me Up”/ “Non-seeing date” / Romance Island and they can invite players to participate?

A slave trader comes to town – a slave trader has come to town to sell their wares, on the safety of their boat. Anybody who trespasses or tries to free can be killed with weapons or magic. They also won't have any protection of the Blacktooth Bruisers though.

Krakens Pub is closed, Lady Nirvorth is having a private audience and Yix is wandering the streets alone and scared.

An earthquake shakes through town, it seems minor but a few of the shabbled buildings have damage. There's also still a risk of an aftershock.

A body has been found of a traveller nobody claims to know. The Blacktooth Bruisers have no interest investigating it or the strange black mark on their hand.

A talent show is on at Krakens Pub, grand prize 100gp!

Druids are petitioning the use of animals in the Bloodlocker.

People in witches' watches notice strange spooky occurrences. They report ghosts, fiends and there have been a few deaths without marks on their body.

Some people were kicking a live rat around in an alleyway! Poor thing its brain is visible and yet covered with a purple shimmer.

Wrobam and Wroban are trying to sign people up to play melon ball with them in the bloodlocker! Recruitment

If your setting includes recurring NPC followers, players may choose this option. For example do they need crew for a boat or guards for a stronghold or employees? Having a recruitment session is a great way to have the players choose who they want around them and who they will be interacting with. It can be presented as players acting as judges in a way similar to TV talent shows or judges of other challenges the players want. NPCs do not have to be entirely fleshed out at this point as some may be rejected. I recommend not presenting any NPC to the players that is more powerful as they are. A good gauge I use is that NPC recruits cannot have a challenge rating more than half the current player character proficiency. This still allows the players to realise they are the protagonists in the story. For example of Crew Units see chapter

Game Masters Choice

Sometimes you can write a session for your players that you want to run. Maybe it has been inspired by something they have done, to do with one of the player backstories, or a consequence of their efforts. Present this option alongside the others after one of their choices.

Out-of-Session Choice

Out-of-session choices can be an excellent way to save time in session and allow players to progress/ interact with the setting created. Out-of-session choices can be anything from a player asking for a conversation with a NPC they didn't have time to talk to, spend gold, take a downtime activity (ideas outlined in Xanathars Guide to Everything by Wizards of the Coast) or talk to each other in character. These are excellent ways to bond to the game in everyone's own time. I recommend none of them be too demanding to do mechanically, as few skill checks as possible if a conflict is chosen, and to be resolved quickly.

Downtime Examples

Religious service: After a great trial in which his deity and her divine gift were instrumental, paladin Lord Ashdawn of Ingoria wants to dedicate his time in service to the Divines. His player can roll a persuasion or a religion check. He rolls a 14. He spends his time bringing supplies to the ill and wounded, curing who he can and bringing peace to those he cannot. In return he gains 1 favour. This can be with his Church who will equip his party with healing potions once, his deity may be able to grant him an extra spell slot for the next battle or he encounters a guard, who is willing to hear him out as Ashdawn heals his mother.

Crime: Danger Fox wants to steal from a rich noble in Shye Volisinnia. He must spend 25gp in order to gather information for the attempt. His player makes 3 checks. Stealthk, thieves tools and an investigation or perception or persuasion He rolls a 21, 8 and natural 20. Danger slips past the manor's lazy defenses and gets inside the bedroom, where intelligence says he keeps personal treasures inside a lockbox behind a portrait. When he picks the lock and the door swings open, he steps back without looking. He steps on the noble small dog that was sleeping by the foot of the bed. As the noble and his wife wake up demanding what he was doing, he convinces the noble he was hiding in the closet after having an affair with his wife. As the noble turns to accuse the wife he already suspects, Danger grabs as much as he quickly can and stealthily makes an exit. He passed 2/3 checks gaining half the total gold.

Ask your GM of what each downtime activity involves before selecting it.

Adventures Advice and Rule Options

Random Encounters

During travelling the unknown especially in RPG settings can lead to unforeseen encounters. It does not mean every session should be bogged down in combat before reaching the player-choice. Random encounters can be anything from simply seeing a beautiful natural event, an NPC follower is sad nobody noticed it's their birthday, a magical storm approaching, finding an amnesic traveller or a plot device dropped conveniently for players. You can have these events by rolling dice every day of travel but are allowed to adjust the frequency by changing what dice you use.

Time saving

Making sure sessions are completed in the advertised time is an important part of this style and important to players' real lives. Ways I have found to make sure you are able to do this is by making combat adaptable. If the players have 20 minutes to complete a session and you know combat is coming up ask yourself is it necessary? Can this be done with a skill challenge instead? Or with RP? Maybe even a cut-scene? If combat still has to continue you can create layers onto the original encounter that the players do not see and be taken away without them knowing. For example: instead of fighting a boss bad guy and all their minions, have the minions wait around the corner ready to be called in. That way if the combat is taking longer than expected you do not need to add this extra layer. The boss bad guy still has too many hit points left? Or too few? Maybe a piece of armour breaks off on an attack, lowering their AC? Perhaps a strange object around their neck glows menacingly and empowers them? If the combat is still taking too long, what if the environment changes around the players, combat is suspended until the players can use a skill challenge to overcome this new action.

Another way to save time is to post loot in the chat rather than distribute it in game, this way players can talk more about how to divide it amongst themselves without a long session discussion. If your loot involves magic items that would be a major desire immediately you can suggest it will take a while to identify or attune to it anyway.

You can also answer questions not immediately relevant later, give a few relevant details but let players know their characters would know more and you will send it to them. This is especially useful for lore related questions rather than having all players sit and listen to a piece of your worlds setting only one may want to know.

Most importantly, as always, communicate with your players. If the session is going on too long let them know. They made the commitment to you too.


One rule you can start with is that there is no detailed map of setting in or out of the game. This way players have to collaborate and make their own map of the setting based on descriptions. This can get them more invested in the game and encourage exploration.


If players have an idea in mind of an encounter or session they want to play but do not know how to ask, suggest that their character pays for information in game. Spending currency to find rumours and information their character becomes knowledgeable of a desire of the player.

Unlocking Session Choices

You may want to start by saying that players can only take a few options so both they and you can better understand how you want to play, the setting and each-other. This in game represents the faction having trust in them.


As players interact more with the world, go on more adventures and gain power they can increase their notoriety with individuals and factions. Depending on how you track this it can lead to in game benefits. Benefits could mean more services, discounted items, access to higher level followers, friendlier interactions with NPCs. Downsides could mean negative relations with factions and individuals, increase in negative encounters and expulsion from services.

Damage threshold refers to the hull being immune to any single attack below that number e.g. a crossbow hits a warship for 8 piercing damage but the ship loses 0 HP. Weapon Slots are areas where large siege weapons can be mounted. Some weapons are dependent on the Ship Type. Unless otherwise stated ships are immune to psychic, necrotic, poison damage and immune to the blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned and unconscious conditions. Ships have a charisma, wisdom and intelligence of 0 unless otherwise stated. Some ships are sentient like some magical items.

**Navigator **- responsible for plotting the ship's course and studying weather and charts. A good navigator tends to have high intelligence and wisdom with proficiency in navigator's tools, nature and survival. During combat they can make a navigator's tools check to increase movement speed by half for one round. Outside of combat they are responsible for plotting the right course and avoiding the ship getting lost.

Quartermaster - responsible for making sure equipment, materials and systems are available and functioning for missions. During combat the quartermaster can lead a boarding party onto the enemy ship if the proper conditions are met or make a perception/ investigation check to see if there's a weakness in the enemy ship, if successful the next round of attacks to that target is successful. Outside of combat they may have to make checks to make sure equipment and goods are up to quality

Surgeon - oversees the health and medical needs of the crew. A good surgeon tends to have a high intelligence and proficiency in herbalism kit and medicine. During combat a surgeon can make a medicine or herbalism kit check to heal a single or multiple crew member their proficiency bonus x d6 HP. Outside of combat they may be required to make medicine checks to monitor the health of the crew.

Cook - using limited supplies a cook is responsible for making meals and keeping up morale. A good cook has proficiency in cooking utensils or brewing kits. Unlike other special crew a cook has no special ability in combat but outside combat they can raise morale of the crew with a successful cooking tools or brewing kit check.

Gunner captain - oversees the maintenance, prepping and firing of whatever weapons are onboard. During combat weapons are fired with the Gunner captains proficiency bonus added onto the attack roll. Outside of combat they can train crew to give members a bonus to firing

Items, Treasures and Assets


Maps are treasured items. As well as containing the locations they found they also have notes on settlements, trade routes, dangers, hidden organisations and treasures. As such these can be worth more than gold and are often secret. Sharing your map with anyone other than players, or have it taken from you would be a great loss. Your GM will not fill in the blanks or correct any mistakes.

Trade Goods

Trading, stealing and smuggling bulk goods across dangerous seas is what makes life at sea so profitable. Listed below are goods that take up the major bulk of trade in and through Aimos. Canny players can make huge profits by taking advantage of differences in demand across the various trade posts. These are all in large amounts to be traded as such which is why some may differ in relative cost as compared to Players Handbook . Some like silks may come from far off exotic lands and others like Coradite are exclusive goods only found in Aimos. Like most things this guide covers, these are the standard prices for general goods there is more the players may yet to discover.

Metal (t) Cost (gp)
Iron 200
Lead 400
Copper 1000
Silver 10000
Gold 100000
Platinum 1000000
Mithril 5000000
Coradite 10000000
Adamantine 10000000
Textile (sq. yard) Cost (gp)
Canvas 0.1
Cotton cloth 0.5
Linen 5
Silk 10
Spices (t) Cost (gp)
Salt 100
Ginger 2000
Cinnamon/ pepper 4000
Cloves 6000
Saffron 30000
Livestock Cost (gp)
Chicken 0.02
Goat 1
Sheep 2
Pig 3
Cow 10
Untrained Slave 50
Pony 30
Skilled Slave 200
Warhorse 400
Timber (t) Cost (gp)
Softwood 1
Hardwood 40

Wonderous Materials

Throughout Terra Transbietta are magical materials that can be used in crafting magical items. Can be found in many forms but only useful enough in crafting in certain forms or concentrated purity. Extracted from rare nodules, usually around rifts between realms, or within components of creatures that have some of these properties. Below are general examples of native Wonderous Materials found in Aimos, materials from other planes, like Infernal Iron forged in the Hellfire of The Nine Hells, are rarer but possible to be found. Every individual creature, plant or ore can contain different components which can be traded, used by a master craftsman or be crafted by a player. If players have tools they wish to use to make ingredients of their craft available the examples below can be modified to encompass that e.g. a player with alchemist's tools could make a potion of resistance (acid) with Caustic Ooze but a chef may not. Instead they may be able to create a meal with the same effect by buying or harvesting the Decaying Heart of a Black Dragon.

Adamantine - 5000gp/lb - a rare ultrahard metal with a dull green tarnish. When used to craft metallic weapons and armour all Adamantine used count as double its material worth. It can be smithed solely to create magical Adamantine Armour. It can also be used to create weapons or ammunition that are effective against objects. Whenever an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition coated in adamantine hits an object the hit is a critical hit. The knowledge of its formation in Terra Transbietta is unknown, much to the annoyance of geologists, miners and alchemists. The preceding theory is that they are actually parts of meteorites or gifts from cosmic beings. Therefore Adamantine can rarely be found anywhere.

Arcane Essence - 300gp/lb - distilled powered form of magic itself, a useful adaptable reagent used within all crafting. When refined it usually breaks down in small piles of sand that are constantly changing colour. When used to craft spell scrolls, Manuals, Tomes or write in Wizard spell books all Arcane Essence used count as double its material worth. Can be ground into ink that can be used to create Manuscript of the Weave. Harvestable from many magical creatures, through the recycling of magical objects or found in places exposed by extreme magic.

Blackpowder - 35gp/ Powder Horn (2lbs) or 250gp/Keg (20lbs) - small black granules with a salty taste used to create explosives or other powerful mechanical effects.Setting fire to a container full of blackpowder can cause it to explode, dealing fire damage to creatures within 10 feet of it (3d6 for a powder horn, 7d6 for a keg). A successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw halves the damage. Setting fire to an ounce of blackpowder causes it to flare for 1 round, shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.

Caustic Stock - 200gp/lb - caustic globules carefully harvested at great risk, this Wonderous Material acts like an acid (vial) even when undistilled. A concoction brewed entirely out of Caustic Stock can become Flask of Corrosion. When used to craft items that deal with acid damage or resisting acid it counts as double its material worth. Found within monsters like oozes, Black Dragons but can occasionally gather in volcanic or swamp areas with low PH.

Chitinous Splinters - 100gp/lb - many monstrous insectoids lurk in hives that communicate and operate completely foreignly from anything close to humanoid. These creatures have many harvestable chunks with venomous or anti-venomous compounds a knowledgeable craftsman can use. These can include carapace pieces, antennae, wings and more. When used in brewing of poisons and creations of items to negate poison Chitinous Splinters count as double their material. Armour crafted solely of Chitinous Splinters becomes Carapace Armour. Weapons and ammunition made from it become more deadly in the injecting of poison, poisons applied to Chitinous gain an extra poison damage dice and the DC to resist the poison increases by the crafters proficiency bonus.

Cold Iron - the bane of the faerie. Cold Iron is the term given to iron treated without flame or magic but with trained skill, will and technology that is an anathema to the free living fey. This pure mortal invention was used to push back fey invasion in the past, the scars and fear of it manifesting into a real negative physical reaction for fey folk to this day. Although not more expensive to gain compared to regular iron, the knowledge of how to work this material is now rare.

Coradite - 5000gp/lb - a super rare material that in pure metallic form is a pinkish colour with a blue sheen, found exclusively in Aimos. This material is known as a conductor of pure magic and yielded many magical uses. Living things exposed to coradite for a long time may uptake these properties in themselves and form organic coradate. When used in making any magic item Coradite or Coradate counts as double its material worth.

Curious Threads - 100gp/lb - many ancient cultures have legends or myths on the golden threads of fate that binds existence and destiny together. The inspiration of these tales may be what is commonly known as Curious Threads, thin golden strands that bring about strong senses of deja vu. When used in making items that deal with luck or telling the future Curious Threads count as double its material worth. Robes made only of this material become a Vestment of Fortune.

Ectoplasm - 1000gp/lb - this slightly luminous buoyant silvery substance unnerves the mind and the usual physics around it. This alien substance seems to absorb and redirect psychic and magical energies around it in unusual ways. When used in making magic items that deal with etherealness or enhancing sight Ectoplasm counts as double its material worth. A map stained entirely out of ectoplasm becomes a Map of Secrets. Usually found in areas with high concentrations of ghosts or other visitors from the ethereal plane.

Extractable Mana - 400gp/lb - found in every state extractable mana tends to be azure in colour and heightens magical potential. When used in making items that create evocation spells or force type damage Extractable Mana counts as double its material worth. A potion created only from Extractable Mana can become a Potion of Mana. Extractable Mana can be naturally produced in a few fungal species but has also been reported to be found in rare gems.

Ignin - 500gp/lb - this opal like mineral contains flashes of reddish energy within. Hot to the touch this prized gem contains raw primordial fire energy. When used in making magic items that deal or resistance fire damage Ignin counts as double its material components. When Ignin is used as the only source firing and sculpting clay a Ceramic Sentinel can be created. Ignin can be found within active volcanoes.

Ironwood - 400gp/lb - kept hidden in secret forests usually protected by natural guardians, mighty sentinels known as Ironwood Trees contain a living substance stronger than steel. When used in making wooden magic items (such as staffs, wands and arrows) Ironwood counts as double its material cost. A wand made entirely out of Ironwood becomes an Unyielding Focus. Some believe Ironwood was more common in ages past, likely coming through when the border between Terra Transbietta and The Feywild was weaker, but was overharvested much to the cost of ancient forests. Some druids and other wild protectors hold these trees as sacred and try to prevent their extinction.

Mithral - 2500gp/lb - a light extremely flexible metal that appears silvery-blue and lighter than expected. Very useful in smithing, heavy and medium (except hide) armour made from it tends to be lighter. This means If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks or has a Strength requirement, the mithral version of the armor doesn't. A ring, choker or bracelet made entirely of mithral can become an Astonishing Band. Found most commonly in the underdark but exposed veins have been found near the surface.

Monstrous Viscera - 100gp/lb - the world contains many magical creatures whose flesh itself retains some powerful energies even after harvesting. When used in making magical leather armour and leather clothing (such as boots, belts or cloaks.) Premium Monstrous Viscera counts as double its material worth. A cloak made only of Monstrous Viscera can become a Mantle of Terror. Boots made only of Monstrous Viscera can become Savage Stalkers. Since Monsterous Viscera can be found from various products including the hide, bone and blood of a variety of creatures, some material may contain even more effects.

Necrotin - 400gp/lb - This sickly milky green substance seems to feed and retain necromantic energies which in its raw form is already lethal, but can be refined further. When used in making magic items that deal necrotic damage or resisting necrotic damage Necrotin counts as double its material worth. A poison concocted from only Necrotin can become the Last Breath. Necrotic can be found occurring in three common forms; in Grave Moss a ghostly white tendril fungus found around from unhallowed graves and around crumbling ruins touched by necromancy, in Tomb Rot a nickname of some necrotic tissues found in dying creatures and in Dead Stones which are typically found in crumbling ruins touched by necromancy.

Obsidian - 500gp/lb - occurring naturally around certain lava flows, this super sharp glass has been used by primitive societies for its sharp or beautiful properties and have successfully attacked even the most magical advanced explorers. Advanced crafters know this is no coincidence and its worth can be truly magical, or perhaps anti-magical. When used in making magic items that deal with abjuration and anti-magic Obsidian counts as double its worth. Lenses blown entirely of Obsidian may become Eyes of Reflection. Obsidian can be found around certain volcanoes and in deserts.

Pearlescent Salt - 100gp/lb - as civilisations grow there is a massive effort to find the greatest luxuries and bring them to the ruling class for favours, it is said Pearlescent Salt is one of the greatest of these treasures ever found. When used in crafting items that deal with charm or enchantment Pearlescent Salt counts as double its material worth. When used with a special recipe a meal can become a Five Pearl Feast. Pearlescent Salt has been found on shorelines the next low tide after strange luminescent creatures were spotted in the sea or dried from rain after strange rainbows were spotted.

Tempest Mote - 1000gp/lb - Lightning in a bottle is not just a figurative phrase. With raw elemental energy prevalent concentrated forms of pure storm energy can be found and crafted with. When used in crafting items that deal with lightning or thunder including damage or resistances all Tempest Motes count as double its material worth. If a ranged weapon is made entirely out of Tempest Motes or its variants it can become an Arcing Canon. Tempest Motes can be found in areas greatly influenced by The Plane of Air, in certain creatures such as Behirs and Blue Dragons and also collected from animated clockwork constructs in a form called Charged Copper.

Warped Lazuli - 200gp/lb - a deep purple precious stone, similar in structure to lapus lazuli, that has been found throughout the ages and worn by ancient elders. It is said to elevate their spirit and protect themselves against harm. When used in the creation of items that deal in psychic spells, damage or protection from them Warped Lazuli counts as double its material worth. A rod carved only from this stone can become a Zen Pulse.

Wisps of Shadow - 400gp/lb - this strangely part-solid, part-gas like material of floating dark threads is more common than first thought of, finding it however is still difficult. This material has a habit of slipping out of view or dampening light around it or even transforming to something less conspicuous. When used in crafting items that deal with stealth checks, obscuring perception or illusion, Wisps of Shadow count as double its material worth. If an art piece is created from only a purified paint made from Wisps of Shadow then it can become an Immortal Reflection.

Magical Items

Apostille of the Maw

Firearm (Revolver +1), very rare (requires attunement)

A six-barrelled hand held firearm, advanced for its age. Made of scorched iron and smooth ivory, the barrel end looks like a series of jagged teeth pointing towards its target.

Ammunition (Revolver Ammo), Range 80/320ft, Reload 6, Misfire 2, Light, 1d10 piercing damage. This magic weapon has +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls. If this weapon kills a target the wielder has to shoot again, as a free action, towards the nearest target. If there are no enemies to target the available allies, including civilians must be targeted. If there are no available targets the weapon misfires.

Reload. The weapon can be fired a number of times equal to its Reload score before you must spend 1 attack or 1 action to reload. You must have one free hand to reload a firearm.

Misfire. Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, and the dice roll is equal to or lower than the weapon’s Misfire score, the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and the weapon cannot be used again until you spend an action to try and repair it. To repair your firearm, you must make a successful Tinker’s Tools check (DC equal to 8 + misfire score). If your check fails, the weapon is broken and must be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm. Creatures who use a firearm without being proficient increase the weapon’s misfire score by 1.

Arcane Ammo

Weapon (any ammunition), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) Much like ammunition for other ranged weapons, firearm ammunition can be infused with magical properties to give bonuses on attack and damage rolls depending on its rarity. Once it impacts a target the ammunition is no longer magical.

Arcing Canon

Weapon (Ranged Weapon), rare (requires attunement)

A ranged weapon made entirely out of a form of Tempest Mote, this magic item shakes with static forces ready to unleash its potential. When the weapon hits it does an extra 1d6 lightning damage and once per short rest can do an Overload Shot. Overload Shot - make an attack roll. Every creature within a 30ft cone that would have hit instead must make a constitution saving throw DC 14. On a failure they are stunned and take 1d6 lightning damage. On a success they take half that damage.

Astonishing Band

Wonderous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)

Intricately smithed bands of mithral can be infused with magical essences, making it both unbelievably beautiful but also unlocks some magical protective properties. The ring has 6 charges and regains 1d4 at dawn. If it ever gets to 0 charges the rings magical properties become inert. The wielder can cast the following spells as an action by spending the following charges; Blade Ward (1 charge), Shield (2 charges), Pass Without a Trace (3 charges), Protection from Energy (4 charges.)

Basket of Endless Feasts

Wonderous Item, Uncommon

This well woven wicker basket is light to carry but always sounds like several objects are rolling around. It weighs around 5 pounds. Once per day, you can use an action to reach into the bag and use command words, doing so will produce a meal. The food disappears after an hour.

Cosy - a small but delicious home-cooked meal suitable to fill up 1 to 2 medium sized creatures.

Get Together - a decent sized amount of tasty, although not amazing food for 6 to 8 people

Grubs Up - an explosion of food erupts from the basket the next time it is opened, enough food to weigh up to 250 pounds. The food is low nutritional and taste quality but filling and can be warm. Any target within 30ft not expecting this must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.

Bisu Robes

Wonderous Item, Uncommon (requires attunement from a wizard)

A light blue robe gifted to students of the Azure Academy of Bisu upon graduating. During arcane recovery a wizard can imbue these robes with a first level spell that normally costs a spell slot. As a bonus action they can release the held spell. The Bisu Robes hold the spell until changed with another or released.

Carapace Armour

Armour (Medium or Heavy), Very Rare (requires attunement)

Lighter and more maneuverable from metal equivalents this armour is rare to harvest and create outside the underdark. The strength and class requirements to wear this armour is removed if there were ones previously. You have resistance to poison damage while wearing this armour.

Cauldron of The Changebringer

Wonderous Item, Artefact (requires attunement)

One of the most treasured relics amongst the legends of the Northern Calba people but also occasionally coming up in tales of other lands including as The Grail of Life and the Fountain of Eternity. These tales tell of miracles of healing, resurrecting dead heroes and even landscapes. These are all true and more has yet to be discovered. Blessed by The Bringer of Smiles and gifted onto the world it has appeared when most needed and disappeared when done, to prepare for another adventure.

The Cauldron is made of an unknown metal with intricate patterns forged into its outside, the inside however is completely smooth but reflects light in a way to reflect seasons, memories and future possibilities.

Random Properties. The artifact has the following random properties, which you can determine by rolling on tables in the “Artifacts” section of the Dungeon Master’s Guide:

2 minor beneficial properties

2 major beneficial properties

Enhanced Spellcasting. While this cauldron is on your person your spellcasting is enhanced. Your spell attack rolls and spell save DC are increased by +3.

Seasonal Spells. While the Cauldron is on your person you can use an action to cast one of the following spells using your spell save DC and spell attack modifier (if you do not normally have spellcasting abilities with this staff it is wisdom.) The Cauldron contains 10 charges. These charges are regained every time after it is bathed in dawn light for 30 minutes.

2 charges each: Cure Wounds, Entangle, Purify Food and Drink 3 charges each: Healing Spirit, Spike Growth 4 charges each: Create Food and Water, Plant Growth 5 charges: Control Water, Freedom of Movement Once per decade: Regeneration

Blessing of the The Bringer of Smiles. You gain +2 wisdom while attuned to the Cauldron. As an action you can give help to a creature you can see. That creature receives a bonus to their next attack roll, ability check or saving throw equal to your level. Once you use this ability you can’t use it again until the next dawn. Sentience. The Cauldron is a neutral good item with an Intelligence of 10, Wisdom of 18 and a Charisma of 14. It has hearing and darkvision out of a range of 120 feet. The Cauldron communicates by showing visions within itself.

Clockwork Bolt Launcher

Weapon (Ballista), Rare

If the materials are available the Gnomes of Fingortab utilise these mechanical siege weapons even over the blackpowder cannons. Shaped like a ballista but with numerous complicated cogs built within it. This has the same statistics of a Ballista with the following changes. It takes one medium sized creature an action to aim and fire. An action a user can also put it in automatic mode, which fires all the bolts held within the clip within the same action at a single target. During this mode the target must make a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC = 10 + number of bolts fired.) On a failure they take the damage of all bolts fired. On a success all bolts miss and the clip needs to be reloaded. Up to 6 bolts can be held by the clip at any one time. It takes an action to reload the clip.

Explosive Ammunition

Weapon (Ammunition), Uncommon (Loaded), Very Rare (Overloaded)

Whether using magical means or mechanical being struck with this ammo is a destructive chaotic blow few ever forget. Loaded Explosive Ammunition deals an extra damage dice (equal to its original damage dice), the type of which is fire, Overloaded Explosive Ammunition deals an extra two damage dice. If any of these damage dice reach the maximum amount it could be, the dice is rerolled and the new number is added onto the previous total. Once the Explosive ammunition impacts a target it is no longer magical and is destroyed.

Eyes of Reflection

Wonderous Items, Rare (Requires Attunement)

These obsidian lensed goggles fit over humanoid eyes, adjusting for the wearer. While wearing these lenses you have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks to spot illusions and invisibility and can cast the Find Traps spell once per day.

Favianguard Saddle

Armour (Barding), Uncommon

While this saddle and decorative armour is attached to a mount, dexterity checks for the mount and the rider are at advantage whilst flying. Once per day can cast expeditious retreat on the mount.

Five Pearl Feast

Wonderous Item, Rare

This platter of deliciously prepared food is welcome on any occasion. It comes in many forms as the Pearlescent Salt that gives the meal its magical properties can be applied to many recipes. Those that have ever tasted such a delicacy agree it was the tastiest meal ever. Due to the magical salty nature of the Feast the meal is preserved until eaten. Each Five Pearl Feast contains 6 charges. Taking a charge worth of a Feast takes 10 minutes after which any participant gains the below benefits.

Gain 2d8 temporary hit points for a day

Gain advantage on any saving throws against fear or poison until their next short rest

Gain the effects of the Bless spell for an hour


Potion, Common This bubbly purple liquid is often found in small canisters. Drinking it removes the negative effect of an exhaustion level. You require an equal number of Fizz to the exhaustion level. When you take this potion make a constitution saving throw the DC equal to 5 + the number of Fizz consumed within 24 hours. On a success no negative effect happens. On a failure the GM rolls on a Madness table of their choice.

Flask of Corrosion

Wonderous Item, Uncommon

Similar in size to an oil flask, this flask contains a thick noxious concoction that clears nostrils for a large area around. The flask can be thrown at a single target, on a hit the target takes 8d8 acid damage and half as much on the next turn. Or can be applied to a melee weapon as an action and for next minute every melee attack with that weapon does an extra 1d8 acid damage. If the weapon is non-magical the weapon is destroyed at the end of that minute.

Fluxweave Battlelauncher

Weapon (Siege), Very Rare

Built by half maddened and fully drunk pirate tinkerers, The Fluxweave Battlelauncher is a dangerous example of what happens when you retrofit an Amulet of the Planes so the safeguards to prevent tears between worlds are instead weaponised. Armour Class: 15. Hit Points 25. Range 60/120ft. 15ft radius effect. Action to prepare, Action to sim and action to fire. On a hit 8d6 force damage strikes the target area and any creature within it. Due to the chaotic nature of the device any 6 on the rolled d6 is rolled again, increasing the damage. On a 10 or less the player rolls on the below Fluxweave Battlelauncher random effect table. On a natural 1 the table is rolled and both the effect and damage is applied to those within 15ft of the Battlelauncher.

D100 Result Effect
1-10 A tear in reality forms causing a huge but brief implosion. Everyone within 60ft must make a dexterity or strength saving throw (DC 15) or be transported to another area within or outside Creation of the GMs choice.
11-20 A traveller from across time and space appears. They have 1 round before turning into dust
21-30 The area within the 60ft impact site becomes an anti-magic zone for 1 day
31-40 Everything within 60ft of the impact site, under 500 pounds, is subject to the Levitate spell. The effect lasts 1 minute
41-50 An overpowering tick-tock noise permeates the battlefield. For one round no dice is rolled in their place a 10 is used
51-60 Everyone who has died within 120ft of the impact site raises as a zombie as a brief view of the Shadowfell appears
61-70 An eruption of verdant life explodes from the impact site, as a forest bursts into existence protected by fey as per the Conjure Fey spell
71-80 The weather within 1 mile around the impact site changes suddenly as a connection to the Elemental Planes is made. This can take the form of extreme heat, extreme cold, an earthquake or a thunderstorm breaks out
81-90 A wave of pure evil explodes from the impact site. A dark shadow then forms into a fiend of the GMs choice
91-100 The pulse of force energy tears a hole into an area within the upper realms. Everyone within 120ft must make a DC15 Religion check. On a success they heal 5d8 hit points. On a failure they take 5d8 radiant damage

Gauntlet of The Oathkeeper

Wonderous Item, Artifact (Requires Attunement)

Wielded by many leaders throughout the ages to hold order and peace of the civilians they have sworn to protect. The rumours of its power has prevented wars and given sanctuary to those hoping to escape the ravages of the world. Imbued with the power of The Oathkeeper to protect those who hold their tenets at heart.

The Gauntlets are made of pure adamantine and the only blemishes are the celestial script for the words “Truth, Honour and Loyalty.”

Random Properties. The artifact has the following random properties, which you can determine by rolling on tables in the “Artifacts” section of the Dungeon Master’s Guide:

2 minor beneficial properties

2 major beneficial properties

Enhanced Attacks. While wearing these gauntlets your attacks and defense are enhanced. Your weapon attack rolls and AC are increased by +3.

Lawful Spells. While wearing the gauntlets you can use an action to cast one of the following spells using your spell save DC and spell attack modifier (if you do not normally have spellcasting abilities with this staff it is intelligence.) The Gauntlets contain 10 charges. These charges are regained every time after it is bathed in dusk light for 30 minutes.

2 charges each: Compelled Duel, Heroism, Shield of Faith 3 charges each: Branding Smite, Zone of Truth 4 charges each: Crusader's Mantle, Remove Curse 5 charges: Banishment, Death Ward Once per decade: Geas (at a 7th level)

Blessing of The Oathkeeper. You gain +2 intelligence while attuned to the gauntlets. As an action you can give help to a creature you can see. That creature receives a bonus to their next attack roll, ability check or saving throw equal to your level. Once you use this ability you can’t use it again until the next dusk. Sentience. The Gauntlets are a Lawful Good item with an Intelligence of 16, Wisdom of 14 and a Charisma of 14. It has hearing and darkvision out of a range of 120 feet. The Gauntlet communicates by giving feelings of encouragement, shame and other to the wielder.

Geobukseon Dragonhead

Weapon (Siege), Rare

Crafted by shipwrights of a peninsula in the distant Jade Sea. This beautifully carved iron dragonhead replaces a ship's figurehead and is often used on turtleships. It works by loading the iron mouth with explosive bundles and lighting them to produce an inferno. Armour Class: 15. Hit Points 50. Range 30ft cone. Misfire 3. Takes two actions to prepare and action to fire. Target takes 8d10 fire damage. Ammo: blackpowder or similar package worth 50gp.

Misfire. Whenever you make an attack roll with a firearm, and the dice roll is equal to or lower than the weapon’s Misfire score, the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and the weapon cannot be used again until you spend an action to try and repair it. To repair your firearm, you must make a successful Tinker’s Tools check (DC equal to 8 + misfire score). If your check fails, the weapon is broken and must be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm. Creatures who use a firearm without being proficient increase the weapon’s misfire score by 1.

Harp Strings of The Radiant One

Wonderous Item, Artifact (Requires Attunement)

Some moments throughout time have been captured perfectly that they echo throughout the ages. Deeds of valour have only been completed with the encouragement of a passing bard. Towns unite in darkest times through simple songs. An ailing person performs one last dance with their one true love. These are just some of the deeds performed by instruments made with the Harp Strings of The Radiant One. Blessed by the youthfully spirited Divine.

Seemingly made of pure golden thread with a faint glow inside, the Harp Strings are always warm to the touch.

Random Properties. The artifact has the following random properties, which you can determine by rolling on tables in the “Artifacts” section of the Dungeon Master’s Guide:

2 minor beneficial properties

2 major beneficial properties

Shining Resilience. While these Harp Strings are on your person your defenses are enhanced. Your saving throws and death saving throws are increased by +3.

Hopeful Spells. While wearing the gauntlets you can use an action to cast one of the following spells using your spell save DC and spell attack modifier (if you do not normally have spellcasting abilities with this item is charisma.) The Strings contain 10 charges. These charges are regained every time after it is bathed in midday light for 30 minutes.

2 charges each: Bless, Healing Word, Guiding Bolt 3 charges each: Calm Emotions, Enhance Ability 4 charges each: Fireball, Daylight 5 charges: Charm Monster, Hallucinatory Terrain Once per decade: Firestorm

Blessing of The Radiant One. You gain +2 charisma while attuned to the Strings. As an action you can use the light within yourself to give yourself aid when most in need. As an action you can gain a number of hit points equal to your character level. Once you use this ability you can’t use it again until the next midday. Sentience. The Strings are a Neutral Good item with an Intelligence of 14, Wisdom of 10 and a Charisma of 18. It has hearing and darkvision out of a range of 120 feet. The Gauntlet communicates by sending off pulses of warmth and searing heat.

Immortal Reflection

Wonderous Items, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

Everlasting life has been pursued by mortals since their dawning. Some have tried pursuing a noble legacy, some have tried to find impossible treasures, others through service to otherworldly powers and some use twisted necromancy. Unknowingly some artists have found a secret, although have not realised the cost till much later. Creating a self-portrait from only Wisps of Shadow and attuning to it binds the characters soul to it. When attuned in this way the player does not age and no longer has to make death saving throws. They can become unconscious but cannot die. Their body cannot be destroyed or physically permanently damaged by normal means. However if the painting is destroyed all the damage they have taken since attunement happens at once to the player. The self-portrait takes every wound or physical change the player should have. The painting has an AC of 10 and HP of 100. It is vulnerable to fire and radiant damage.

Ki Infused Nun-Chuck

Weapon, Uncommon (Requires Attunement by a Monk)

Developed by the martial arts experts of the Far Dynasties to further utilise their discipline in an impactful way no other class could. Before attacking the monk can choose to do one to three flourishes. For each flourish the monk spends a ki point and makes an acrobatic check (DC= 10 +(5 x number of flourishes)). On a success the monk gains +3 on the attack roll and gains an extra d6 for each number of flourishes they perform. On a failure the monk accidently hits themselves taking the damage that was meant for their target. The nunchucks have the same stats as a mace but have finesse and light properties.

Last Breath

Potion (poison), Rare

Extracted and distilled by master poisoners is the concoction known as Last Breath. Usually comes in a small vial, what many do not realise is that it is not the sickly grey liquid that kills, but the vapour that builds around it. Upon opening or smashin the vial every creature within 10ft radius, that isn’t a construct or undead, must make a DC 17 Constitution Saving Throw. On a failure the creature is poisoned and has disadvantage on death saving throws, until neutralised. A creature unable to breath lives 1+its constitution modifier minutes after which it drops to 0 HP.

Lilac Torque

Wonderous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

The Torque has 10 charges. While wearing it you can use cast the following spells by spending the required charges, using your spell save DC (choose wisdom or charisma if you do not currently have one): Calm Emotions (2 charges), Misty Step (2 charges), Non-Detection (3 charges), Healing Word (2 charges), Lesser Restoration (3 charges), Dimension Door (5 charges) and Life Transference (4 charges.) The charges are regained by taking a long rest on Lilac Refuge (see Chapter 3.)

Curse: If the character is of evil alignment their alignment changes to Neutral Good. Anyone who attunes to the Torque has their memories removed unless aware of the secret of the Lilac Refuge. The memory loss can be removed with a Remove Curse or Greater Restoration spell.

Mantle of Terror

Wonderous Item, Uncommon

Mantles of Terror take many forms, some are pieces of recently slain monsters wrapped around the shoulders of a warchief or others are stitched pieces of unnerving flesh wrapped around the bony frame of a long maddened mage. Wearing a Mantle of Terror grants a +2 to intimidation checks against creatures that can see you. At the start of initiative the wearer gains Terrifying Presence action. If the wearer isn’t incapacitated they can use this action and cause every creature of the wearers choice make a wisdom saving throw (DC 14) or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success. Creatures that succeed are immune to this action for 24 hours.

Manuscript of the Weave

*Wonderous Item, Very Rare *

This thick arcane tome is instilled with the raw essence of the magic and connects to the ley lines of the world. With enough dedication a character can unlock magical secrets otherwise locked to them. If you spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer studying the books contents and delving into its secrets you can gain a fifth level spell slot and the knowledge to cast one spell up to fifth level. Intelligence, charisma or wisdom can be used as the spellcasting modifier. Once this knowledge is gleaned the book is unable to provide this benefit with anyone for a century. A wizard can use this Manuscript as a spellbook and an arcane focus.

Map of Secrets

Wonderous Item, Rare

This map can focus on a location and reveal secrets beyond the vision of normal vision. As part of a 10 minutes ritual you can unfurl the map at a location no larger than 100ft. During this ritual you create a command word, binding the map to the site. Once the map is bound to a location it is unable to be changed. From then on whilst on the same plane of existence you can unfurl the map and speak its command word as an action. Doing so reveals a blueprint of the bound, showing any magical sources, creatures and passages. Saying the command word again removes the map, making it appear as a blank parchment.

Petrified Mast

Wonderous item, uncommon

Made from the glowing husk of a former ancient tree. A valuable ship improvement that helps defend a vessel against dangerous storms and creatures. By attaching this mast to a ship you give the boat resistance to lightning damage.


Wonderous item, Uncommon

A revolutionary new device from Plum Inc. and master artificer Jeeves Stobbsprocket. An elegant pocket watch with a beautiful electrum sheen would sell for a hefty amount of gold just on its looks but it also allows mundane members of the public to channel some cantrip-like abilities known as Aspps (application spells). The p-watch holds up to 3 Aspps. To change the currently held Aspps you must visit a Plum Store. Aspps choices are below. All Aspps take an action to use.

Climate Aspp - can create a tiny harmless sensory effect from the watch that predicts what the weather will be at your location for the next hour.

Torch Aspp - can use the watch to create an area of bright light of 10ft radius and dim light for 10 ft. P message - can send a short voice message to another p-watch wearer within 60ft. May be disrupted by magical effects, built up area and faint winds.

Ringer - can create a sound that lasts up to 1 minute from the pre-installed library of P Sounds. To unlock more sounds join P-Sounds + subscription!

**Portie **- can show a minor illusion of an image that you have previously captured as Pimage as an action. P-watches can hold up to 5 images.

Find your party - can locate any other p-watch wearer that has accepted your party invite within 200ft. Remember do not accept party invites from strangers.

More to come in the next update! Visit your local Plum Store to find out more!

Savage Stalkers

Wonderous Item, rare (requires attunement)

Harness the primal power of monstrous creatures these boots give the wearer to perform outlandish feats. Using a bonus action you can activate this raw potential. For 1 minute your speed is increased by 10 feet, your jump speed is doubled and unarmed strikes deal an extra 1d6 slashing damage. This damage is magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.

Sceptre of The Starwanderer

Weapon (Quarterstaff), Legendary Artefact (Requires Attunement)

Of all the items that the graceful elves have ever been blessed with, this is one of the most secret and powerful. A gift from the Starwanderer to the mortals of this world in their darkest days, to guide them to salvation. Utilised by lunar priestesses it has been responsible for a number of incredible features from stopping genocides in the bitter Crown Wars, transporting refugees to the Feywild, helping lovers find love and holding back the oceans itself. Yet with the Retreat of the Elves begun and the world changed, the legendary object and its deeds have slipped from mortal memory. Originally passed down from High Priestess to High Priestess of the Moonspire of Aslanis, its lineage was interrupted by the city slipping beneath the waves. Great efforts were made to find this object but war distracted the Elves. What they didn't know was that it was used by an acolyte to escape into the Feywild where it was stolen by a trickster Fey. This rod has an end made of a pearlescent stone, said to be a piece of moon rock that reflects and shimmers, encased in three decorated crescents. The rod is made of silver and covered in elvish astronomical symbols that occasionally move, fade or glow depending on the star's positions.

Celestial Spells: While holding the staff you can cast the following spells using your spell save DC and spell attack modifiers (if you do not have spells normally your spellcasting ability with this staff is charisma.) The Staff contains up to 10 charges. Charges are regained everytime a long rest is taken after holding it under starlight for 30 minutes.

2 charges each: Charm Person, Sanctuary, Tashas Hideous Laughter 3 charges each: Mirror Image, Pass without Trace 4 charges each: Dispel Magic, Beacon of Hope Once per decade: Crown of Stars

Exalted Radiance: Can be used as a +3 magic staff or mace that grants a +3 to attack and damage rolls and does an extra d8 radiant damage on hit. It can be used as a spell-casting focus granting +3 to spell attack rolls.

Blessing of The Starwanderer: you gain +2 Charisma while attuned to the Staff. As an action while wielding this Staff you can teleport to an area you can see within your character level x5 feet away. Once this ability is used it cannot be used until you rest under the next starry night.

Sentience: The Staff is a sentient chaotic good weapon with an Intelligence of 12, Wisdom of 10 and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision out of a range of 120 feet. The weapon communivates by transmitting emotions and lighting up the patterns of the Stars on it.

Standard of Starkstahl

Wonderous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)

A torn naval banner, displaying a snarling black wolf facing forwards on a golden background, that always seems to move like a strong sea breeze is blowing even when still. It can be attached to a 10ft pole or a ship's mast. Furling and unfurling the banner requires an action. The Standard has the following properties: Symbol of Strength. As a bonus action you touch the unfurled standard and cause it to emanate inspiration. You and your allies within 20ft gain advantage on their next attack roll within the next minute. Once this property is used it can’t be used again until finishing the next long rest.

Fearful Visage. As a bonus action you can touch the unfurled standard and invoke an unworldly howl frightening your enemies. All enemies within 120ft must make a DC 16 wisdom saving throw or become frightened. This effect lasts 1 minute or until the banner is furled. Once you use this property it can’t be used until finishing the long rest.

Call of the Sea. As a bonus action you can touch the unfurled standard and summon the knowledge of the seafaring lineage of the Starkstahls. If aboard a ship all vehicles (water) checks are at advantage for 1 minute or until the banner is furled. Once this property is used it can’t be used again until finishing the next long rest.

Uberkart Caller

Wonderous Item, Uncommon

A small polished rectangular pebble with a carved arcane U shaped glyph on it. This magical device is becoming more popular in Vruunheim cities and expanding in other parts of the world. By using an action and pressing the stone you can summon an Uberkart or Executive Uberkart, if one is available nearby. Uberkarts are carriages whose stats are combined with a Driver and mounts. The Uberkart Driver if summoned will agree to take you and up to 6 allies to a destination of your choice for a rate of 2cp per mile or 1sp per mile. The Uberkart Driver is not under your control and can take different routes than expected. The agreement is void upon extreme damage, vomit or not agreeing with the Uberkart Drivers opinions on divisive subjects. The Uberkart and Executive Uberkart has the below stats:


Large construct, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
  • Speed 40 ft.

18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 7 (-2)

  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Languages
  • Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


Hit and Run. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (8d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Executive UberKart

Large construct, unaligned

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14)
  • Speed 50 ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Senses passive Perception 11
  • Languages
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)


Bloody Copper Farthings. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (8d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Unyielding Focus

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can cast a reaction to spend 1 charge to cast the shield spell, or 1 or more of those charges to give yourself a bonus equal to the number of charges spent on a saving throw. The wand regains 1d6+1 expended charges daily after a long rest buried in soil. If you expend the wand's last charge roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles in ashes and is destroyed.

Vestment of Fortune

Wonderous item, very rare (requires attunement)

The robe is black with streaks of gold moving through it like comets streaking through the night sky. While you wear this robe you gain the following benefits: You can reduce the damage of a critical hit against you by your character level once per long rest. Whenever you see a creature within 60ft roll a 1 or 20 on a d20 you can use a reaction to make them reroll. You must use the 1 or 20 on your next d20 roll. You can ignore disadvantage on one attack roll, ability or saving throw once per long rest.

Zen Pulse

Rod, rare (requires attunement)

Whilst holding this rod you gain advantage on wisdom saving throws against charm or frightened effects. You can use an action and present the rod and say its command word to let out an aura of calm. Each creature of your choice within 60ft that is currently charmed or frightened has that effect ended upon them.

Zepte of Grotvulfs

Rod, Artifact (requires attunement)

Handed down the royal lineage of Vruunheim from before written history, this Sceptre has magical abilities that have kept the nation from falling in their darkest times. Whilst holding the rod you can enhance your leadership skills with the following properties: Once per day you can make your voice loud enough to be heard clearly from 300ft, while this effect is active you can gain advantage on a Charisma check of your choice. As an action you can grant temporary hit points equal to your character level to allies within 30ft. These temporary hit points last 1 minute. Once this property is used it cannot be used again for 1 month. You can cast the Ceremony spell without components once per day. Attack and damage rolls with this weapon gain +3.

Followers and Enemies

Throughout campaigning in the Sea of Knives players may combat, recruit or deal with NPCs. Many creatures are already described in other sources but below are some examples of crew units players can recruit in ports like Black Tooth (see Chapter 3 for Recruitment Session Choices). Crew units are NPC combatants that do not need individual stat blocks. Many of these units fight in uniform and are led by a slightly more powerful leader. Some may have perks outside of combat. Most units are taken by using statistics of creatures of appropriate CR level and matching the descriptions you give. As a guide I recommend allowing players to recruit NPCs of a CR higher than their proficiency bonus, although individual exceptions can be made up to the GM. As NPCs stick around with levelling players it may be appropriate to passively level them alongside the players proficiency by changing their stat block. Players that take an active interest in training or upgrading their followers should be allowed to try.

The Nightcrew

A group of outcast misfits that have nothing in common besides sharing a home together on the high seas, these weirdos have formed a family that look after each other, their interests and their home at all costs. What makes this group special though is that each has a unique proficiency in a different skill or tool. For example X-San, the changeling geisha, is a master with the disguise kit whereas Crick, the creepy contortionist, is an expert acrobat. Below are examples of The Nightcrew stats when recruited at low level and advanced with active upgrades.


Medium humanoid (any race), any non-lawful alignment

  • Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
  • Speed 30 ft.

15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +5, Wis +2
  • Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4
  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Languages any two languages
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)


Multiattack. The Nightcrewmember makes three melee attacks: two with its scimitar and one with its dagger. Or the captain makes two ranged attacks with its daggers.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.


Parry. The Nightcrewmember adds 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the captain must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.


*Medium humanoid (any race), *

  • Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
  • Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)
  • Speed 30 ft.

15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +6, Wis +3
  • Skills Athletics +5, Deception +5
  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Languages any two languages
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Evasion. If the Nightcrew member is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, the Nightcrew member instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.


Multiattack. The Nightcrew makes two melee attacks or makes two ranged attacks with its shortbow or fires and loads the musket

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 3) piercing damage. Two-handed, reload 1, Misfire 4


Parry. They can add 2 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the Nightcrew member must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

The Damned Orcs

Throughout the world civilised folk fear the savage raiding parties of the green skinned savage orc tribes, this includes those on the sea too. Former slaves to Vruunheim (see chapter 2.) These Orcs broke free and have signed up for the pirate life, embracing the live fast, kill many lifestyle. A welcome martial addition but if kept around long enough these orcs can show a tender and truly loyal side to them. Below are low and high level examples of these furious fighters.

Damned Orc

*Medium humanoid (orc), *

  • Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
  • Hit Points 93 (11d8 + 44)
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 13 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Str +6, Con +6, Wis +2
  • Skills Intimidation +3
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common, Orc
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.

Orcish's Fury. The Orc deals and extra 4 (1d8) damage when it hits with a weapon attack (already included)


Multiattack. The Damned Orc makes two attacks.

Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (1d12 + 3 + 4) slashing damage.

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6 + 4 + 4) piercing damage.

Battle Cry (1/day). Each creature of the Damned Orcs Choice that is within 30ft of it that can hear it, and not already effected by Battle Cry, gain advantage on attack rolls until the start of the Damned Orcs next turn, The Damned Orc can make one attack as a bonus action

Blunderbuss. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 15/30 ft., reload 1, misfire 4, scatter. Hit: 17 (2d8+3+4) piercing damage.

The Bloodied

Hailing from the harsh fjord dominated land to the north are a group of veteran raiders that have been banished by their Jarl. These Northlanders wander the Sea of Knives to rediscover their purpose, honour and strength.


Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

  • Armor Class 17 (splint)
  • Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
  • Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages any one language (usually Common)
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Multiattack. The Bloodied makes two longsword attacks. If it has a shortsword drawn, it can also make a shortsword attack.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.

Shield Wall!. So long as the Bloodied member is next to another Bloodied they can reduce movement to 5ft for 1 round and increase their AC by the number of Bloodied warriors within the shield wall.

Howling Pack

In the dark forests of the Alvaron Isles, the Calba folk often encounter threats through the tears towards the Feywild including bloodthirsty beasts. Some of these leave their victims with the curse of lycanthatropy. A few brave warrior souls have learned to master this curse but have found themselves unwanted and chased from their homeland, despite noble deeds. These are the Howling Pack, warrior werewolves. At low levels they use the same stat block as a Werewold described in the Monster Manual but below is an example of an upgrade they could receive due to story and quest progression with fey creatures.

Moontouched Lycan

*Medium humanoid (human), *

  • Armor Class 14 in humanoid form, 14 (natural armor) in wolf or hybrid form
  • Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
  • Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. in wolf form)

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Perception +9, Survival +6
  • Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered
  • Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 19
  • Languages Common (can't speak in wolf form)
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Shapechanger. The werewolf can use its action to polymorph into a wolf-humanoid hybrid or into a wolf, or back into its true form, which is humanoid. Its statistics, other than its AC, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Keen Hearing and Smell. The werewolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Magic Weapons. The lycans weapon attacks are magical.

Moonstep. Once per long rest the Lycan can take the Misty Step as a bonus action


Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The werewolf makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws or spear.

Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.

Claws (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.

Spear (Humanoid Form Only). Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, or 8 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.


The realms of creation stretch far including nightmarish places where the Mindflayers gather their strength and conduct experiments. These experiments include humanoid augmentation on subjects taken as children from across space. Many of these experiments end in instant death or states of living that are worse. The X-scapes are one of few successes, managing to make it to their teenage years wielding psychic and chaotic energies. Each of these teenagers possess a cantrip of a unique elemental power. Luckily these teenagers were rescued in a Githyanki raid and have made their way to Terra Transbietta to learn about the world taken from them.


Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

  • Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
  • Hit Points 52 (7d8 + 21)
  • Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Wis +5
  • Skills Athletics +4, Deception +3, Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
  • Damage Resistances psychic
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
  • Languages Common, Deep Speech
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Spellcasting. Its spellcasting ability is Constitution (+6 to hit with spell attacks). The X-scape has following spells it can innately cast:

Cantrips (at will): Firebolt/Forceblast/Psiwave/Lightbeam
1st level (3 slots): Chromatic Orb, Cause Fear
2nd Level (1 slot): Mind Spike, Shadowblade

Unstable Design. As experiments of an alien mind whenever the X-scape cast an innate spell and rolls a 7 (10-CON modifier) or less each creature within 10ft of them must make a DC13 CON Saving throw taking 5 (1d8) psychic damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one


Multiattack. Can make 2 shortsword attacks

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit reach 5ft, one target. Hit :6 (1d6+3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) force damage.

Cantrip. Ranged Spell Attack +6 to hit, range 120ft, one target. Hit 11 (2d10) specified damage.

Chromatic Orb (1/day). Ranged Spell Attack:+6 to hit, range 90ft, one creature. Hit 18 (4d8) damage rolled randomly by X-scape: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder

Aimos Character Options

Aimos, in the material world of Terra Transbietta, is mostly a marine sub-continent full of adventures, conflicts and mysteries. New breeds of adventurers and heroes have journeyed here developing unique skills and abilities to overcome their struggles.

Artificer Specialist – Aeronaut

Artificers pursue many specialisms. An Aeronaut are those that look down on others inventors literally. With great glee they traverse through the air with unnatural ease, able to quickly survey terrain, escape situations and pull off dashing maneuvers. Some of these come to the Aimos hoping their aerial edge will outpace those that rely on the sea. As their machinations develop they are able to cut through tempests, bomb foes and inspire those to follow their dreams.

Tool Proficiency

3rd-Level Aeronaut Feature

You gain proficiency with Vehicles (Air.) If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with another type of artisan's tools of your choice.

Aeronaut Spells

3rd-Level Aeronaut Feature

You always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the below table. These spells count as Artificer Spells for you, but don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Artificer Level Spell
3rd Feather Fall, Zephyr Strike
5th Cordon of Arrows, Warding Wind
9th Conjure Barrage, Lightning Bolt
13th Death Ward, Freedom of Movement
17th Steel Wind Strike, Swift Quiver

Wearable Invention Nullifying Gravity

3rd-Level Aeronaut Feature

Your pursuits have led you to build a personal flying machine. You can build or maintain one at the end of a long rest so long as you have access to your tools and access to 100gp worth of crafting materials. You can only have access to one WING at a time. If you build a new one the old one is destroyed. The machine can be attached to your person and be activated as a bonus action. The WING remains activated till the end of your turn. You cannot use this ability while wearing heavy armour or use a weapon with the heavy property. If your turn ends midair you fall.

  • You gain the following benefits while your flying machine is activated:

  • You gain a flying speed equal to your remaining movement.

  • Your WING can be used as a spellcasting focus.

  • When you make a weapon or spell attack while flying you gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Air Strikes

5th-Level Aeronaut Feature

Striking from unorthodox positions allows you to deal unexpected damage to your foes. When you damage a creature with an attack or spell while airborne you deal an additional 1d8 of the attack's damage. If the attack or spell affects multiple creatures, one creature of your choice takes the bonus damage.

Evasive Maneuvers

9th-Level Aeronaut Feature

You develop your WING so it is more reliable. The flying speed granted when the SPAM is activated is now double your movement speed. Also if you end your turn mid-air you can hover in place.

Expert Aviator

15th-Level Aeronaut Feature You have reached a peak of Aeronautical expertise few have ever achieved. When your WING is now activated, it now lasts for 1 minute at a time and you now gain the additional benefits:

  • You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  • Your WING can now carry another creature of small or medium size with no penalties.
  • Your Aerial Maneuver damage increases to 2d8.

Barbarian Path – Pulseless

Some people describe warriors as cold blooded killers, in the case of these Barbarians they aren’t too far wrong. The Path of the Drowned is one few people would ever choose, seen as most as a curse. Usually the result of an incomprehensible ritual, injected with a formaldehyde based serum in a mad experiment or a warrior too stubborn to die at sea, Pulseless Barbarians are those whose rage has managed to take them through death and back. By going through this process they lose many aspects of humanity and gain something...other. Those of the Path of Pulseless wander the world as outcasts, feared by folk, scared of the aura of death they surround themselves with. Some embrace this dark path, others seek a way to escape this path and others remain lost for all of their long days.

Brush with Death

3rd-level Pulseless Feature

Your exposure to death has left you tainted with necrotic energies. You do not need to eat or sleep, although you do need to rest the usual amount for your race, and you now do not age. You gain resistance to necrotic damage and your rage damage now does necrotic damage. Whenever you damage a foe with necrotic damage in this way you regain hit points equal to that necrotic damage.


6th-level Pulseless Feature

Your state of near living has made you more aware of those with life around you. At level 6 you can expend a use of your rage to enter a Bloodlust State that lasts for 1 minute or if you decide to end it. While in this state you can sense any living creature within 60ft as if you had Blindsight. This sense does not detect undead or constructs.

Deadly Killing Machine

10th-level Pulseless Feature

At level 10 whenever you enter your Rage, at the start of your turn you gain any lost HP up to half your level in this class (rounded up.) Also any necrotic damage you deal you regain any lost HP to a maximum of your Barbarian Level per turn.

Going down with me

14th-level Pulseless Feature

The necrotic energies inside you are so potent that if uncontained, can be deadly. Starting at 14th level if you fall to 0 HP, while raging, you release a wave of necrotic damage within 30ft of you, ending your rage. Every creature within 30ft of you must make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.) You can only use this feature once per long rest. On a failure they take damage equal to your Barbarian level, on a success they take half damage.

Bard College – Shanty

The College of Shanties house the most widespread and well travelled Bards in the world. Witnesses to new lands, heroic deeds, bad tattoos and the edges of existence itself these bards motivate and untie the crew around them to push through lulls and fight off danger to complete the most epic of voyages.

Bards of this college are usually accepted on most seasoned captains ships but newer ones may require convincing to host one aboard, seeing the expense of hiring a Bard as impractical. These bards need one chance to remove this doubt. Their abilities range from helping avoid boarding with simple parlays and quelling mutineers with a simple karaoke night. These bards are capable of forming intense friendships quickly but just as quickly move on to the next adventure when they dock.

Bonus Proficiencies

3rd-level Shanty Feature

When you join this college you gain proficiency with either Vehicles (water) or Navigators tools and one artisan's tool of your choice.

Working Song

3rd-level Shanty Feature

Also at 3rd level, you learn how to weave subtle magic into rousing music that helps your allies focus on their tasks.

If you sing for at least 1 minute, you can bolster the focus of your allies. When you do so, choose a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) within 60 feet that can hear you. These creatures gain advantage on one ability check of your choice they make while you maintain concentration on this ability for up to 1 hour. The effect of the song ends early if you lose concentration or if you voluntarily end it (no action required). Once you sing this song, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Catchy Tune

6th-level Shanty Feature

At level 6 when a creature you give Bardic Inspiration uses that inspiration they can attempt to give another creature the same Bardic Inspiration as a bonus action. In order to attempt this they choose another creature without Bardic Inspiration within 60ft that can hear them and succeed on a performance check (DC = 10 + the Bards Proficiency Bonus.) The Bardic Inspiration die becomes a size lower every time it is passed on to a minimum of a d6. Once the d6 is expended the Bardic Inspiration die is spent.

Song of Camaraderie

14th-level Shanty Feature

At 14th level, you excel at bolstering your crew’s camaraderie and encourage them to do likewise. From now on whenever a creature receives one of your Bardic Inspiration Die they gain temporary hit points equal to the maximum of the bardic die roll of the Bardic die they just received.

Cleric Domain – Chance

The Powers of Luck affect all peoples and societies with and without their knowledge of so. They determine who gets born into what family, the events and hardships that they must overcome and if any amount of struggle can be successful. Luck is what many people try to control, with talismens and wierd rituals but it cannot be truly controlled but higher beings have found ways to influence it subtly. The Power of Luck is often the hardest for mortals to recognise as their interventions are hard to determine as the regular path of fate or the chaos of the multiverse. Some of these Powers imbue individuals with the ability to change the odds for moments great and small although they too must weather the burdens of a world of chance themselves. Some of these gain livings through gambling, others as guides in dangerous ventures and others are sought after by powerful but superstitious entities. Chance Clerics are welcome additions to most operations as they not only empower themselves but their allies too.

Chance Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spell
1st Bless, Chaos Bolt
3rd Enhance Ability, Mirror Image
5th Bestow Curse, Counterspell
7th Banishment, Staggering Smite
9th Circle of Power, Skill Empowerment

Gambling with Fate

When you choose this Domain at 1st level you gain proficiency in two gambling tools of your choice and the cantrip Guidance if you didn't already know it.

Lady Luck’s Smile

At 1st level whenever you are within 30ft of a creature that rolls 1 or 20 on a d20, from an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, you can use your reaction and invoke some of your domain power to strengthen or weaken the critical effect. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier (a minimum of one) and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

When you use this feature you choose one of the following effects:

Change the Odds. When the target creature makes a damage roll you can force them to reroll their damage dice and decide which result they must use.

Fumble. You force the creature to make a Dexterity Saving throw after resolving their D20 roll. On a failure they can either be knocked prone or drop an item they are holding.

Keep the Dice Rolling. The target creature's next d20 roll has an advantage or disadvantage.

Channel Divinity: Slim Chance

Starting at 2nd level you can use your Channel Divinity as a bonus action to close your eyes for a chance to strike a target with full force. Choose a target within 30ft and the next attack roll you have against them will be subject at disadvantage but is not subject to effects that can prevent your attack from hitting such as cover. If that attack hits, the damage dealt is at its maximum.

Do you feel Lucky

At level 6 when you cast a spell at a higher level you can choose to roll the dice. When you cast a spell at a higher level you roll a d20. If the result is lower than 8+ your proficiency bonus you succeed if it is higher you fail. On a failure you spend an extra spell slot equal to the spell slot of the lowest possible casting of the spell. On a success you only spend the spell slot of the lowest possible casting and do not spend the higher spell slot.

Fortune Favours the Bold

At 8th level your weapon attacks deal more potent damage. Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon, roll an extra 2d8 damage and take the higher of the two results and add it onto the damage dice. The damage you deal is of the same type of your weapon. When you reach 14th level roll 3d8 and add the highest 2 results to damage dice.

One in a Million Shot

At level 17 your mastery of creating results from chaos has given you the ability to give you and your allies an edge. As an action you give your allies, up to your wisdom modifier, one use of your Divine Intervention Ability that they can use as a reaction. Once you use this feature it cannot be attempted again until your next long rest. If successful neither you or your allies can use Divine Intervention for 7 days as described in the Divine Intervention feature.

Druid Circle – Abyss

The deep ocean holds many wonders. It includes voids of darkness bigger than any desert, trenches deeper than any on land but also motes of erupting volcanic activity giving enough energy to create delicate life. Despite being the largest environment in the world it seems completely alien to those who have peaked into it. The denizens of this ecosystem are even more strange. This fragile unknown can be a harsh place, light and resources are scarce and pressure immense, but the creatures there have adapted. The primal need to survive has led to arms races of evolution. Druids of the Abyss take lessons from this struggle for survival, channeling the beautiful although dangerous adaptations of the denizens in the dark, in the light of day.

Deep Water Diver

Your connection to the deep sea has led to you gaining the physical adaptations to resisting the worst of the environmental effects. At level 2 you gain cold resistance and a swim speed equal to your walking speed. Also any effects due to pressure you ignore.

Bioluminescent Form

You have learned to subtly manipulate your wild shape to recreate the bioluminescent abilities of the creatures of the deep. At level 2 as an action you can expend one use of wild shape ability and transform into a creature of the deep. While in this Bioluminescent Form you gain the following benefits:

  • Creatures with a swim speed that can see you can understand you, as if you are communicating telepathically with them.
  • You can cast an area of bright light for up to 15ft radius and dim light for another 15ft radius.
  • As an action you can cast a Bright Lure. You cast your lure within 20ft of yourself and every creature of your choice within 10ft of the lure or enters its range must make a Wisdom Saving throw. On a failure they become charmed by the Lure and have disadvantage on any attack roll until the lure dissipates. On a success they become immune to this effect for 24 hours. The Lure lasts until the end of your next turn.

Lurking in the Dark

At level 6 you have learned from the most patient predators how to create a perfect ambush. You gain blindsight for up to 30ft.

In addition whenever you use your Bright Lure action in Bioluminescent Form you can choose to damage foes distracted by your lure. When your Bright Lure ends any who have failed their saving throw takes 1d8 lightning damage.

Under Pressure

Starting at level 10 whenever you can empower spells with the power of the crushing depth. Whenever cast a spell that deals cold damage you can imbue it with extra damage. Any target that is affected by cold damage from a spell by you must make a Strength Saving Throw. On a failure they take bludgeoning damage equal to 2d10 + your wisdom modifier.

Creature of the Deep

You gain a further connection with the fauna of the abyss. Whenever you enter your Bioluminescent Form from 14th level you gain the following additional benefits:

  • You gain the following damage resistances: bludgeoning and acid damage. You also gain immunity to cold damage.
  • You can spend an action to attempt to cast the Charm Monster spell as if you were casting it at a spell level equal to your proficiency bonus, without knowing the spell or having its components, on creatures with a swim speed. Once you use this feature you can’t use it till your next long rest.
  • When struck by an attack you can use your reaction to cast your Bright Lure ability.

Fighter Archetype – Tactician

Tacticians are fighters who do not merely deal damage for the sake of it. They choose to fight knowing they will win, every blow part of a grander scheme that can lead to their enemies falling. Combat is a puzzle they must solve before moving onto the next one. They contain a wellspring of knowledge that they enact with precise blows. They travel in various forms, such as captains boarding enemy ships or as pugulists chipping away at larger foes or unassuming champions of lofty empires.

Knockout Dice

You harbor a wellspring of mental prowess within yourself, based on analysis of surrounding events as you use your superior knowledge to manipulate events to your plan. This power is represented by your Knockout die, the starting size of which is a d6. The die changes representing your command of the situation, awareness and mental exhaustion.

Knockout Dice Options. You can use your Knockout die in the following ways:

  • Destroy Armour - When you hit a target with an attack you can reduce the target's AC by your Knockout Die. A target can be subject to only one Destroy Armour effect at a time.
  • Absorb Blows - You can use your reaction to reduce the damage of a weapon attack by your Knockout Die against a target you can see.
  • Spring a trap - When a target triggers an attack of opportunity you can add your Knockout Die to the attack roll. If the creature is large or smaller you can force them to make a Dexterity Saving Throw, they become prone on a failure.
  • Initiative - When you roll initiative you can increase or decrease your initiative score by one use of your Knockout Die.
  • Calm under Pressue - When you use an action to make an ability check during combat you can add your Knockout Die to it.

Changing the Die’s Size. If you roll the highest number on your Knockout die, it decreases by one die size after the roll. This represents the effort expended by you to allow your plan to fall into place. For example, if the die is a d6 and you roll a 6, it becomes a d4. If it’s a d4 and you roll a 4, it becomes unusable until you finish a long rest. Conversely, if you roll a 1 on your Knockout die, it increases by one die size after the roll, up to its starting size. This represents you conserving effort for later use. For example, if you roll a 1 on a d4, the die then becomes a d6.

Knockout DC Some of your Knockout die effects require a target to make a saving throw. The DC for these saving throws are 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence Modifier.

Replenishing the Knockout Die. Whenever you finish a long rest your Knockout die resets to its starting size. When you reach certain levels in this class the starting size of your Knockout die increases: at 5th level (d8), at 11th level (d10) and 17th level (d12.)

Knockout Die Replenishment. During a short rest you can calm your mind and focus, and restore your Knockout die to its starting size, unless it is completely spent. You can’t use your Knockout Die Replenishment ability again until you finish a long rest.

Ingenious Mind

Whether your education is formal or informal there is no doubt you have some higher learning. At 3rd level you gain proficiency in two skills or languages of your choice.


At level 7 you gain greater insight on your foes. If you spend a minute observing or interacting with another creature outside of combat you gain knowledge on some of their abilities. The GM lets you know two of the following characteristics:

  • Intelligence Score
  • Constitution Score
  • Strength Score
  • Flaw, if available
  • A piece of information from its history, if available
  • Damage Resistances and Immunities

All Part of the Plan

At level 10, if you are targeted by an attack you can sometimes redirect it towards another creature using a new Knockout Die option.

  • Redirect. If a creature that you can see targets you, with an attack you, can attempt to redirect it against another target within 5ft of yourself. Using a reaction make an attack roll + your Int modifier + your Knockout Die, if the result is higher than the original attack you can successfully redirect the attack so it hits the new target.

Quick on your Feet

Starting at 15th level when caught in an ambush you can still process information quick enough to turn the tides in your favour. You take your turn within the surprise round and if you have no uses of your Knockout Die remaining you regain one back at the end of the surprise round.

Improved Knockout Die

At level 18, your mastery of events has improved so that you have gained a second Knockout Die. Your Intelligence modifier gets added to any Knockout Die rolls that do not already use it.

Monk Tradition – Way of the Balance

Monks of the Way of Balance learn to understand and embrace the extreme spectrums of life and forces in order to utilise powerful offensive and insurmountable defensive techniques in order to create harmony in the world. They wander as travellers learning about various life experiences, acquiring skills and bringing peace between opposing forces.

Members of this order have diverse backgrounds, encouraging each other to try to diversify their life experience so together they can work on creating a shared wisdom. Their greatest fears are those that become imbalanced and hostile to listening and open discussion.

Forms of Moon and Tides

Like the moon and tides work together to push and pull the sea to take and reclaim land this technique is used by Monks of The Way of Balance to harness dual aspects to defend and attack. Starting at 3rd level you can use a bonus action and a ki point to enter into one of the below forms. These forms last until the start of your next turn.

Ebb Form: Until the start of your next turn you can reduce any bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage by an amount equal to your martial arts die.

Flow Form: Until the start of your next turn you gain a bonus with damage rolls with any weapon attack with a monk weapon or unarmed strike equal to your proficiency bonus.

Push and Pull

At 6th level you master the ability to react more effectively to other energies around you. You now gain two reactions per turn.

Shining Lights and Hidden Depths

Starting at 11th level you gain the ability to protect your allies and harm your foes by redirecting light and darkness. As an action you can change the balance to an area within 30ft of you. By spending a ki point for every creature affected you can give disadvantage or advantage on the next attack roll against a targeted creature. You must have an equal number of creatures of each effect. This effect lasts 1 minute or until used. Once this action is done it can't be used again until the next short rest.

Cosmic Dance

At 17th level you have mastered complete balance. You can now activate both Ebb and Flow forms with the same bonus action by spending 3 ki points more. Your forms now have the below benefits:

  • Ebb Form: You can reduce all damage types and your wisdom modifier is added to the damage reduced.
  • Flow Form: You can change the damage type to one of your choosing and your wisdom modifier is added to any damage rolls using an unarmed strike or monks weapon.

Paladin Oath – Odyssey

The Oath of Odyssey calls to those warrior souls who gather their shield brothers to seek out the horizon, explore the world and return from each journey stronger and more epic. Every culture has examples of these individuals, usually demi-gods, naval commanders, exiled kings or larger than life figures that acquire followers and together make it through the unknown. Many folk tales, poems and ballads revolve around these figures seeking out their fate but the truth of what happened on these journeys are only known by the legends themselves and their faithful companions.


Camaraderie. The people you travel with are your family, each life is worth giving your all for.

Seek the Next Horizon. The world is huge and unexplored but few dare enter these voids of unknown, it is up to you to do it for them.

Bring Hope with you. Voyages are often filled with trials, by keeping your will strong you can continue ahead and inspire others to follow you.

Oath Spells

Paladin Level Spells
3rd Heroism, Compelled Duel
5th Calm Emotions, Warding Bond
9th Beacon of Hope, Dispel Magic
13th Divination, Freedom of Movement
17th Skill Empowerment, Legend Lore

Channel Divinity

Champions Challenge: You issue a challenge that compels other creatures to do battle with you. Each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature can't willingly move more than 30 feet away from you. This effect ends on the creature if you are incapacitated or die or if the creature is moved more than 30 feet away from you.

Heroic Battlecry: As a bonus action, you can bolster injured allies with your Channel Divinity. Each creature of your choice that can hear you within 30 feet of you regains hit points equal to 1d6 + your charisma modifier (minimum of +1) if it has no more than half of its hit points.

Divine Allegiance

Starting at 7th level, when a creature within 5 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to magically substitute your own health for that of the target creature, causing that creature not to take the damage. Instead, you take the damage. This damage to you can't be reduced or prevented in any way.

I can go the Distance!

Starting at 15th level, you have advantage on saving throws to avoid becoming paralyzed or stunned.

Hero of Legend

At 20th level as an action, you can assume the form of a Heroic Champion for 1 minute, radiating divine might and exceptional prowess. How this form takes is up to you. For example you could have a heavenly glow, float slightly above the floor, your armour disappears and transform into a robes of pure light.

While in this form you gain the following benefits:

  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons.
  • Your allies have advantage on death saving throws while within 30 feet of you.
  • You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws, as do your allies within 30 feet of you.
  • Your weapon attacks gain extra radiant damage equal to a d12.
  • This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or die. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Ranger Archetype – Explorer

This Ranger travels beyond the borders of the known in order to unite to bring unity and solutions to both the familiar and unfamiliar. They may root out secrets, treasures, histories and even societies to find they are protected, so this ranger quickly adapts to whatever danger is in front of them. These Rangers seem driven to shed light in the hidden corners of the world but can leave without a trace to preserve any balance they find. They are sought out as guides for travellers for their knowledge and expertise in navigating uncharted territories with ease and providing safety for their charges.

Explorer Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Explorer Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of ranger spells you know.

Explorer Spell Table

Ranger Level Spells
3rd Alarm, Comprehend Languages
5th Rope Trick
9th Leomund’s Tiny Hut
13th Elemental Bane
17th Far Step

Wanderers Toolkit

When you choose this archetype at Level 3 you gain proficiency in either the Navigators or Cartographers tools. In addition you learn an extra language of your choice.

Environmental Mirroring

Starting at level 3 you have explored so many biomes that you have learned tricks to keep yourself guarded from the worst of its effects. You have advantage on saving throws against environmental hazards such as extreme cold or heat. In addition you prepare offences against targets based on some of the areas you may have explored or have learned about. Whenever you finish a long rest you can choose one of the below perks:

Polar Pioneer. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 cold damage. In addition whenever you hit a foe with a weapon attack their movement is reduced by 5ft per strike to the start of your next turn.

Oceanic Voyager. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 lightning damage. In addition whenever you hit a foe with an attack the lightning damage strikes any creatures of your choice within 5ft.

Arid Traveller. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 fire damage. In addition the creature and any flammable materials they are carrying set on fire. The creature takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of your turn unless it uses an action to put out the fire.

Woodland Pathfinder. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 poison damage. In addition you gain advantage on any saving throws against being poisoned.

Marsh Walker. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 acid damage. In addition if the creature is wearing armour you reduce its AC by 1d4 per strike to a maximum of your proficiency bonus.

Cavern Dweller. Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 psychic damage. In addition their next attack roll is reduced by 1d4 per strike to a maximum of your proficiency bonus.

The extra damage increases to 1d6 when you reach 11th level in this class.

Refuge Provider

At level 7 you can utilise your knowledge of travelling through hostile environments to quickly set up a safe refuge for you and any travelling companions. You can spend 10 minutes setting up a camp for you and your companions to take a rest in. It gains the following benefits:

  • You set up a series of traps that can help against intruders. You can choose a number of traps equal to your wisdom modifier and set them around your camp as part of this feature. If the trap is triggered the effect is it targets the triggering creature and deals 1d8 piercing + your wisdom modifier damage. The trap uses your attack bonuses. The traps can be detected and disabled with a successful Wisdom (Perception) check then Wisdom (Survival) check against your spell save DC.
  • You and your companions are unaffected by environmental hazards.
  • You and your allies gain bonuses to Wisdom (Perception) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks equal to your Wisdom Modifier.

At level 15 your Refuge Trap damage increases to 2d8 piercing damage + your wisdom modifier and gains extra damage from your Environmental Mirroring Feature.

Resilient Traveller

You have become toughened from a life of exploring. Starting at level 11 you gain advantage on saving throws against disease and exhaustion. In addition if you do suffer any from exhaustion you do not gain any effects from Exhaustion Level 1 and Exhaustion Level 6.

World Voyager

At level 15 your defences against the wild have improved greatly. You gain damage resistance to the damage type you choose in your Environmental Mirroring feature. In addition Beasts, Monstrosities and Plants appropriate to the landscape you have chosen in your Environmental Mirroring Feature have disadvantage attacking you.

Rogue Archetype - Treasure Seeker

This Rogue works to bring the past to the present to unlock a greater future for themselves or others. Some secrets are protected and better hidden than others so this rogue deftly manages these obstacles with research, knowledge and skill. They gather resources in many ways including navigating through at home to a grand library, to dealing with shady customers in the back room of an inn. These rogues are seemingly guided by fate itself, or dumb luck, to uncover their quarry no matter the risk.

Grapple Shot

Often escaping dangerous situations you now learned how to tie your enemies up or make a quick getaway. Starting at 3rd level whilst you have a rope or similar device on your person you can use a bonus action to make an attack roll against a creature or an object within 30ft radius as if it was a finesse weapon you are proficient in. On a hit your target is grappled whilst you still hold the grapple device. Whilst a target is grappled by you in this manner you have advantage on any Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to move it or yourself. The grapple disengages if the target breaks free or as a free action by yourself if you are still holding onto the device. You may use bonus actions in an attempt to shove or pull creatures or objects grappled in this manner.

Well Learned

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level you gain proficiency in history and one other intelligence skill of your choice. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check check you make that uses either of those proficiencies. Alternatively you gain up to three languages of your choice.

Quick Escape

From 9th level after successfully using your Grapple Shot feature your movement increases by half for the rest of this turn. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Appraising Eye

By 13th level, you can take a bonus action to make an Intelligence (Investigation or History) to appraise an object you can see within 60ft. If successful you can discern the presence of magic, historical significance, function, age and worth of such an object.

Adventuring Academic

When you reach 17th level you now have the ability to make multiple grapple shots in a single turn, so long as you have enough devices on your person. As a bonus action you can attempt to grapple shot up to three creatures or objects. Whilst creatures are grappled this way they are also restrained.

Sorcerer Origin - Siren

Storytellers around the world all tell of mysterious events where sailors and travellers vanish after being lured away from their path by otherworldly singing or tempting treasure. The result of which is never known. Your innate magic comes from these events. Maybe you have been exposed to some unknown ritual by witches in the mists or the descendant of some unknown magical creature or your birth coincides with some sort of magical marine confluence.

Whatever the origin you may not have known you were special until later on in life. You may have always had a magnetism with people which has grown suspiciously so. You may have discovered physical features such as scales or the ability to hold your breath for a really long time.

In some cultures these are signs of a dangerous individual that is a threat to the common folk and others the gift of a leader and others may see you as a weapon to be warped. In certain lands dynasties with Siren blood hold positions of power without discovery or ever questioning their true origin.

Alluring Magic

Starting from 1st level your link to the Sirens shows in your magic and appearance. You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Siren Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.

Whenever you gain a sorcerer level, you can replace one spell you gained from this feature with another spell of the same level. The new spell must be an enchantment or illusion spell from the sorcerer, warlock, or wizard spell list.

Siren Spells

Sorcerer Level Spells
1st Charm Person, Sleep
3rd Calm Emotions, Enthrall
5th Catnap, Major Image
7th Compulsion, Hallucinatory Terrain
9th Dominate Person, Modify Memory

In addition consult the Enticing Captivation table and choose or randomly determine a way your connection to your origin manifests while you are casting any of your sorcerer spells

Enticing Captivation

d6 Enticement
1 Your eye colour changes to a aquamarine
2 Your voice, although soft and welcoming, echoes
3 A pleasant salt smell emanates from you
4 Your skin becomes iridescent like fish scales
5 Waves can be heard by you and those effected by you
6 Swirling patterns overlay your body

Siren Song

At 1st level you can inherently perform a beautiful song that weaves enchanting magic into the ears of all who hear it. As a bonus action you can spend at least one sorcery point and begin a song that lasts one minute. As part of the same bonus action or a later one you can choose a number of creatures within 60ft of you equal to the sorcery points spent, that are within range. They must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your spell save DC or be charmed by you. Once a creature succeeds this effect they are immune to it for 24 hours. While charmed in this way you can force one of the following effects:

  • Submissive - they gain disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
  • Sleepy - You can cast a similar effect to the Sleep spell but the dice rolled is a d6 for every sorcerer level you have
  • Snared - the creature cannot move away from you by choice (You can be moved away from them and they have no obligation to follow. The creature may be moved away from you by another force but may be hostile towards it)

These effects end if you are unable to use a bonus action to keep up the song, a minute passes or they are out of range. Once you use this feature you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Works like a Charm

When you reach level 6 you gain the ability to empower your spells with a charming effect. By spending a sorcery point, you can enhance your spell save DC for an individual target against your charm spell by up to your proficiency bonus.

Monster of the Deep

Additionally at level 6, you gain resistance to cold damage and you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or deafened. In addition when you enter water you can gain a swim speed equal to your movement speed. This effect manifests by transforming your legs into a tail.

Tempestuous Screech

At level 14, when your Siren Song ability ends you can choose to release a wave of sonic energy. As a reaction you can choose to force every creature within 30ft to take thunder damage equal to your sorcerer level and to make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a success nothing happens on a failure they get knocked prone.

Master Manipulator

From level 18, as an action you can spend 5 sorcery points and draw on the powers that fuel you, transforming yourself into a beguiling beauty for 1 minute. When in this form you gain the below benefits:

  • Whenever you see a creature successfully attack you or an ally within 60ft you can release a screech as a reaction. Make a spell attack roll, on a hit you deal do 3d10 thunder damage.
  • You are immune to thunder and cold damage.
  • Any creature caught by your Siren Song feature now have disadvantage on any spell save DC to resist your spells

Warlock Patron - Timeless

Your choices have led you to making or some day making a deal with a patron that can alter the flow of time itself. As a being that works across the passage of time their motives can be far reaching and may not be found out till generations pass. Many beings are envious of this power or wrathful of any changes to their detriment leading to enemy entities targeting you as a tool of this great power.

Expanded Spell List

The Timeless lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Timeless Spell List

Spell Level Spells
1st False Life, Zephyr Strike
2nd Augury, Blur
3rd Catnap, Haste, Slow
4th Divination
5th Legend Lore, Restore Dead


Starting at 2nd level you gain knowledge of your own mortality and the ability to alter it. At the end of a long rest you can choose the age in which you appear until your next long rest. Doing so grants you the ability to alter some of your physical and mental statistics.

  • Child - you remove 2 points from your Constitution Score and gain 2 points to your Dexterity Score.
  • Youth- you remove 2 points from your Wisdom Score and gain 2 points to your Strength Score.
  • Adult- you remove 2 points from your Dexterity Score and gain 2 points to your Constitution Score.
  • Elder - you remove 2 points from your Strength Score and gain 2 points to your Wisdom Score.

Temporal Tampering

At 2nd level you gain the ability to temporarily halt the passage of time. As an action you can stop the movement of environmental effects not being concentrated on or actively controlled by another creature such as falling objects or lair effects. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn. You must complete a long or short rest before using this ability again.

Timing is Everything

In combat from level 6 you have a greater ability to determine when you strike. You can forgo your turn in combat in order to take two turns next round. You can also choose to take two turns in combat by forgoing your next turn. Once you use this ability it cannot be used again until your next short or long rest.

Manipulate the Timestream

At level 10 you can manipulate the effects of your own or others spells. As a reaction you can reduce or increase the length of a spell duration by a number of rounds equal to a level of a spell slot you expend. Once you use this ability you cannot use it again until you take a long or short rest.

Paradox Lash

Your connection to the threads of fate is strong at 14th level, although your control over such forces are unknown. As an action you may try to briefly remove yourself or another creature, within 30ft, from the current situation you are in by shifting your target to another reality. When targeting an unwilling creature they must make a Charisma Saving Throw equal to your DC. So long as you are concentrating on this effect it can last up to 1 minute before the target reappears. The target does not perceive any time has passed and appears in the nearest unoccupied space it was removed from. If you lose concentration or the effect fails a wave of force damage erupts from around the target. Every creature within 30ft of the target must make a Strength Saving Throw. On a failure they take force damage equal to half your maximum hit points. On a success they take half. You must take a long rest before using this action again.

Wizard Arcane Traditions – Naturalist

Wizardy is academic in nature but the study of nature is difficult to do without getting your hands dirty, literally in most cases. Naturalist wizards may be just as capable in studying and education as their counterparts but can receive a stigma to haughtier mages keeping to ivory towers. A Naturalist knows better and understands that life in the world is an amazing source for designs, inspirations and knowledge so venture out for field research, despite the harm they could face. Utilising their knowledge of the natural world these wizards are able to use abilities that they have researched in the wild and apply them with intelligence in new and exciting ways.

Nature Journal

At level 2 in addition to your wizard spellbook you can gain a Nature Journal or combine them both. In addition to acting as a regular wizard spell book, you can record notes on some of the flora and fauna you encounter in your encounters. By spending the same time and resources it takes to record a 1st level spell into a spell book you can research it and gain greater knowledge on Plant and Beast abilities. The creature being researched can only be less than or equal to your proficiency bonus. If the creature has no ability or the ability is only in reference to an attack you cannot do, it is not researchable. If you lose your nature journal you are unable to prepare any benefits from it until you replace it, as you would a wizard spell book.

Once a creature is researched you gain the use of one of their abilities if you prepare it. You prepare which ability to use as you prepare your spells. You can prepare up to your Intelligence modifier worth of researched abilities. Any DCs or attack modifiers from the abilities use the noted creatures original modifiers. Abilities do not include actions, bonus actions, reactions or statistics.

You begin with the following abilities:

  • Pack tactics - you have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated

  • Keen Smell - you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell

  • **Plant Camouflage **- You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in any terrain with ample obscuring plant life

Biological Background

At 2nd level you gain proficiency in nature and animal handling if you do not already have it.

Heightened Senses

At level 6, your research into Flora and Fauna has allowed you to better understand how they can sense the world around them. You can now research their senses, spending the same time and resources as you would copying a second level spell in your wizard spell book, and prepare them as you would a researched ability.

Monstrous Research

Your fascination in living creatures has evolved in understanding draconic and monstrous creatures. At 10th level, you can now research the abilities of creatures with the Dragon or Monstrosity tag and prepare them as you would a Beast or a Plant. To research these abilities you need to spend the same time and resources as you would copying a third level spell into your spellbook.

Advanced Learning

You have advanced your knowledge by working with draconic and monstrous species and have opened your insight into how the creatures react to their environment and the damage defences they have. You can now prepare the condition and damage resistances and immunities of your noted creatures. To prepare these resistances you need to spend the time and resources as you would copying a fourth level spell into your wizard spell book. To prepare immunities you need to spend the time and resources as you would copying a fifth level spell into your wizard spell book.

Appendices A - Powers and Pantheons

There are many powerful entities beyond mortals and monsters that operate in Creation, the multiverse around Terra Transbietta, that are capable of shifting cosmic scales. Some individuals or groups can overlap for example a God can also be a Demon Lord. Most rarely interact with mortals of Terra Transbietta whereas Divine Deities take an active interest.

Non-Divine Powers

Demigods - The progeny of higher powers and mortals, rare but have existed throughout legend.

The Courts of the Faerie - Alliances of Archfey able to dominate the chaotic magical fey realm, connected heavily to nature and wild magic.

Dreadlords of the Shadowlands - Tyrannical rulers of the Shadowfell able to warp their vast territories to reflect their essence.

Archoelementals - Primordial children of the Titans of Old, creatures of elemental origin that can channel the power of one of the building blocks of Material Worlds.

Slaad Lords - Chaos Lords within the everchanging realm of limbo, bowing to no divine power or fiendish regime they vary too much to categorise or define but their abilities are immense.

The One and The Prime - Leader of Mechanus and ruler of Modrons who is an overseer of all order within Creation itself but their logical mechanical nature is cold and unchanging.

Celestial Paragons - Celestial rulers within the Upper Realms that operate independently from Deities and keep the Upper Realms peaceful without interfering with other planes.

Demon Princes - Fiendish rulers of at least one layer of The Abyss, endless independent realms of horror, entropy and chaos. Their nature is so chaotic and evil for its own sake they often war against each other that they are unlikely to ever be a unified front.

Archdevils - The all-powerful bureaucracy ruling the Hells that bound together all devilish fiends keeping this engine of evil in check. Led by The Fallen Grace who remains on the throne, ever cautious of the greedy nature of his underlings hoping to ascend up the ranks.

The Opposition - Operating in Sigil, The City of Doors, in the centre of all Creation and connected to all realms, although no Divine or other Powers seem to be able to gain strength there. The Opposition are an oddity even amongst the vastness of creation. The City of Doors has a community watched over by a mysterious Ancient One and are said to provide the greatest opposition to any destabilising attempts against Creation. Far Realm - things that live beyond Creation that try to intrude and unravel all within. They are maddening to behold and powerful beyond reckoning. They have had one incursion fended off, but even that nearly ended existence but changed it forever, creating the Abyss, corrupted some of the Ancient Ones and wiped out nearly all of the Divine.

The Ancient Ones - Mysterious figures said to be amongst the first consciousness in creation. Vehemently against creatures of the Far Realm. Their power is unknown as is their purpose, numbers or even names.

The Divines of Terra Transbietta

Are a loose affiliation of powerful creatures that draw some power from the worship of mortals of Terra Transbietta and at times have interfered with the affairs of the Material Realms. They come from various origins, some being mortals themselves once, and vary on relationships, goals and morality. In this world The Divines are known to be real as a fact but there are still debates on how they affect our world, are they merely forces within the world mortals anthropomorphise? Are they voices within each spirit vying for dominance? Or are they giant figures looking down upon the material realms from far away? The answer could be all, some or none. It is not necessary for the cosmic mysteries of The Divines to be entirely revealed.

It can be hard to determine when The Divines if any have interfered with the mortal realms and what benefits they gain as they work on a cosmic scale. They may not be present as much as believed or there can be various alliances of Divines working for multiple outcomes. Mortals from different cultures may perceive these entities in different ways and they themselves are multifaceted. One might perceive the Stormcaller as a warrior that summons lightning to justly smite their foes and other times the Stormcaller is a bitter spirit responsible for frigid winters and culls of the weak. The relationships with mortals also are variable. Some have entire religions, or multiple religions, dedicated to them with hierarchies. Others may bestow selected champions or seers with powers to enact desirable changes or work mysteriously to allow favourable events to take place.

Name Domains Tags Alignment
Allhearth Death, Life, Peace Community, Fertility, Healing, Love, Suffering NG
Atropus Death, Grave Darkness, Planet, Stillbirth, Undead NE
Bringer of Smiles Knowledge, Life, Nature Agriculture, Culture, Fertility, Luck, Love CG
Banished Titans Forge, Tempest, War Chaos, Desolation, Elements, Strength CE
Ceaseless Spinner Knowledge, Trickery Darkness, Lies, Subterfuge, Spiders, Spying CE
Crawling Rot Death, Nature, Trickery Corruption, Disease, Insects NE
Dawnchosen Light, Peace, War Dragons, Hope, Redemption, Sacrifice, Sun NG
Draconic Despot Light, Tempest, War Greed, Domination, Rebirth LE
Eternal Warden Death, Grave, Life, Peace Afterlife, Love, Duty N
Fateweaver Arcana, Grave, Knowledge Divination, Magic, Secrets, Time LN
Fallen Grace Light, Order, Trickery, War Domination, Bureaucracy, Tyranny, Fire LE
Grand Architect Forge, Order, Knowledge Civilisation, Creation, Trade N
Hungering Maw Death, Nature, War Armies, Blood, Hunger, Hunt, Slaughter CE
Lifewell Life, Light, Nature, Peace Fertility, Healing, Hope, Parenthood NG
Oathkeeper Light, Order, War Honour, Justice, Protection LG
Radiant One Forge, Life, Light, Nature Creation, Culture, Fire, Healing, Youth NG
Song Seeker Arcana, Knowledge, Light, Trickery Culture, Eloquence, Travel, Writing CN
Star Wanderer Knowledge, Trickery, Twilight Darkness, Divination, Love, Travel CG
Stormfury Nature, Tempest, War Blood, Seas, Storms, Strength, Vengeance CN
Those-from-Beyond Trickery, Twilight Distortion, Horror, Madness, Vastness CE
Vile Throne Death, Grave, Peace Despair, Exile, Greed, Spite, Undeath NE
Wildfather Life, Nature, Tempest Animals, Storms, Wilderness CG


The Allhearth, the Welcoming, is the patron of families and all the subtle and obvious things that are needed to keep healthy communities together. Often identifying as a maternal figure, the Allhearth is credited by mortals for hygiene, families and communication. She is often called for help with childbirth, patience and endurance throughout the world under many names such as Frigg by Northlanders, Hestia by Mhye and Macha by Calba.

The Allhearths worship is widespread throughout but does not attract rigid hierarchical institutes or massive temples but the love of The Allhearth creates small festivals of thanks shared by communities.

The Allhearth has been overlooked but stories prevail of her wrath are to be some of the most feared. Tales of sickness taking those who fail to keep up good domestic principles or cities that do not provide good infrastructure occur in every civilisation. She is also credited for taking away sickness and sometimes hands it to those who deserve it.

She is said to work with the Eternal Warden, to provide respectful treatment of the dead, whisper good matches in the ear of the Bringer of Smiles, works with the Grand Architect and hosts many others such as the youthful Radiant One between their travels. She despises the Crawling Rot and is always on the lookout for the Vile Thrones schemes to dismantle homes and families.


Atropus, The Unliving Unborn or The Dark Star, is the patron of undeath and stillbirth. When the Divines first came to be, one failed to emerge. That potential energy was corrupted and became a planet sized mass of unconscious evil. Atropus drifts through the cosmos ignorant of the destruction it causes by its proximity. Being too close can collapse fertility, increase necromantic powers and warps light itself.

Atropus has no worshippers in Terra Transbietta and it's only interaction in the world was drifting close to the realm during the end of the Primal Age. Its presence has forever reduced the fertility of the creatures exposed in that age, like dragons, elves and giants, thus changing the powers forever.

What became of Atropus is unknown, it is predicted to have been destroyed by an immortal alliance known as The Lightkeepers or even destroyed by what would become Dawnchosen. It seems not to have any consciousness or communication but some suggest it is able to follow cues or is aware enough to move towards certain attractions. Pieces of it have been discovered exploding an area with a massive amount of evil.

Banished Titans

When the world was fresh consciousness formed around the primordial chaos of the elements themselves. These Titans ruled with pure strength dominating Creation sending worlds reeling as their very presence was both creation and destruction. Some of these died, their essences forming the Elementals Planes, fueling the Material Realms. Others were imprisoned in a realm of barriers, depths and impossible escape. Yet they roar and snap the endless chains around them, ready to explode through any weakness of their bounds. They are credited with the creation of elemental chaos, the vastness of Creation and the continual forming and destruction of worlds.

Cults of the Banished Titans flare up causing times of great upheaval. Their children still wander the Elemental Planes as well as many primordials that heed their call and will support individuals or cults that seem strong enough to finally begin the events that will free the Banished Titans. Every few centuries these cults seem to flare up, led by an evil Elemental Prince of Evil after years of building their strength. Occasionally all the evil Elemental Princes will try to establish themselves into the Material realms, using a mortal prophet as a key component. Not all of them realise if they are all summoned into Terra Transbietta it could allow for the Banished Titans to follow, their very presence could shatter the world itself.

The Banished Titans have rarely worked with any other Divine, they find the intricate plots of the Vile Throne, Fallen Grace and Ceaseless Spinner ineffective and weak. It finds the Wildfather and Lifewell its greatest opponents, usually more attune with the natural world and will see signs of its not subtle coming before it is strong enough to contest.

Bringer of Smiles

A joyous presence wherever he goes, The Bringer of Smiles, also known as The Changebringer, is the patron of providers and agriculture. Seen in many forms, from a jolly old man at harvest time giving away treats to a well muscled wanderer passing through a stilted relationship, the Bringer of Smiles has often been seen as male but there are unconfirmed sightings he has taken many forms. He is credited with the changing of the seasons, reckless loves, lucky encounters and good revelry.

The Bringer of Smiles is worshipped in various forms throughout the world especially in rural areas. People hoping for change often leave out tribute, depending on what they want to change, this could be from relationship status, working situation, place in society or a cultural upheaval. Priests of his are often travelling and permanent places of worship are kept humble though big enough for large gatherings. Communities hold festivals, particularly around harvest time, giving thanks to him and stepping into the new season together.

By no means is The Bringer of Smiles may seem at times very simple but he often takes a leadership role if the good aligned Divines need to work towards a common goal. He is said to be as knowledgeable as the Song Seeker, can control the flow of time like the Fateweaver and will wage into any foray alongside the war gods being indistinguishable in his fight.

The Bringer of Smiles works with most of the good or neutral Divines, even those such as the often rigid Grand Architect consider him a friend. Some stories place him as son of The Lifewell, sibling to the Wildfather, father to Radiant One and more interestingly husband to the Stormfury.

He despises The Fallen Grace and the deals made in its name to bind mortals to service and doom, he will often try to route out any clauses and provide chance ways for its victims to escape his clutches.

Ceaseless Spinner

In the shadows something watches. It watches everything you do, to see if you are doing what it wants and you better make sure you are. You should be thankful. She watches over you, she protects you. Within her plan you have purpose, Her purpose and it is the only thing that matters. You do not know exactly what that is but you hope you are fulfilling the silent ultimatums. In the corner of your eye you may see something scuttling ready to report on your deepest secrets. You do not know if you have done things right but you hope that thin, pointed dark limb reaching out is not for you. You aren’t ready to be dragged into the dark. Maybe you should prove yourself? Someone must have done something to displease Her. A traitor, if you could prove yourself...How did this dagger end up in your hand? This is the presence of the Divine known as the Ceaseless Spinner, Queen of Spiders, She Who Watches, That Which Lies. Patron of spies, assassins and liars. It is known to promote the stealing of secrets, the feeling of being trapped and infiltration. Normally taking the form of a beautiful dark elf woman or taking the form of a poisonous spider but her domain indicates she can be invisible, the darkness itself or even appear as your closest ally.

The Ceaseless Spinner is worshipped as by many manipulators and spies and is the prime source of worship in Drow culture. In the matriarchal society arcane use is limited, anything that is not within her doctrine is heresy and social advancements are commonly through assassination. Her worshippers are often responsible for causing strife between factions using the guises of other Divines and manipulating good and evil folks for a long term outcome that benefits themselves. Since The Ceaseless Spinner deals in long term schemes it can be hard to tell when you are being manipulated.

The Ceaseless Spinner willingly uses other Divines in their schemes, rather than using her own power but has burned many bridges when these schemes have been found out. Those with simpler motives like the Hungering Maw have been an easy source of manipulation but their simple drive has led them to blunder her operations or just easily ignore her. She delights in particular trapping Divines such as the Oathkeeper in schemes using their own mechanisms and rules as a web. Her greatest foes of the Divines are those with secrets and knowledge she cannot access The Fateweaver being her greatest enemy and to a lesser extent The Song Seeker. The Star Wanderer is her most hated however, able to avoid her traps and turned a majority of her worshippers into the cursed Drow. This hatred is not surprising, in some lore they were the co-creators of the elvish race before sundering. A break up made even more painful by the amount of love that was there before.

Crawling Rot

In the deep places of the cold earth and the fearful soul is the touch of the Crawling Rot, the Buried Horror. Depicted as a colossal skittering worm like creature, a creature made of leaking poisonous fungi or a plague victim hounded by flies, The Crawling Rot is said to be responsible for rampant disease, choking to death, claustrophobia and revolusion.

The Crawling Rot is worshipped by desperate people, tribes at the edge of plague filled swamps or Underdark societies in order to spare themselves from the many afflictions it can bring to them. In other parts of the world which has defences against disease and cave-ins the essence of the Crawling Rot can infiltrate weak willed leadership bringing about xenophobia or the fear of being rejected. Necromancers often turn to The Crawling Rot hoping to find a way to avoid the natural cycle of life and death. From these pockets of panic springs of rot and disease pour forth.

The Crawling Rot has some overlapping goals with the Vile Throne and occasionally The Fallen Grace. It did have more in common with the Ceaseless Spinner but has grown weary of its schemes and now contends with it in various places. The Allhearths teachings in the world reduce its chances of gaining footholds and The Oathkeeper often acts as a barrier to its infiltrations. The Eternal Warden is its greatest enemy, able to sense the rise of needless death and prevent the spread of necromancy and plagues.


The most tumultuous event in the history of Terra Transbietta ended with a sacrifice. When the evil Divines assaulted the realm all seemed lost. Entire empires crumbled by The Hungering Maw, once mighty races brought to near extinction by Atropus, land masses changed by The Crawling Rot and even the sun was consumed by one of Those-from-beyond all coordinated by The Ceaseless Spinner. The most ardent of mortal defenders was a dragon. He was slain by the combined assault of the enemy, sacrificing himself so others would escape and continue the fight. His death was not in vain. He returned with Divine power in an event known as the Duel Destruction which ended with The Dawnchosen defeating the Those-from-beyond in an explosive battle which created the New Sun. Pieces of the divinity he was imbued still continues to defend the world of his birth. The Dawnchosen is the patron of good aligned draconic creatures and dragonborns and is a symbol of hope and renewal.

The Dawnchosen is actively worshipped by elements of the now scattered dragonborn race and other societies they occupy. Festivals of thanks remain within the societies that remember the event and huge temples are built to commemorate the event. Some societies shun the origin of the Dawnchosen, whether by prejudice of dragons or to belief it is heresy that mortals can ascend to such heights.

The Radiant One, The Oathkeeper and strangely The Eternal Warden were his greatest sponsors whereas The Grand Architect and The Fallen Grace were opponents of his ascension, feelings that may not be entirely resolved although The Fallen Grace ended up supporting it in a deal. The greatest foe is The Draconic Despot, the five-headed patron of evil dragons. This eneminity is deep because it is caused by heartbreak, when both were mortals they were soulmates.

Draconic Despot

The Draconic Despot, the Five-Headed Dragonqueen, is the patron of chromatic dragons and evil leaders. Once a champion of ancient dragonkind she took part in the defense of Terra Transbietta against the assault of evil Divines at the end of the Primal Age. She saw her mate, now known as the Dawnchosen die. In desperation she turned The Fallen Grace and made a deal. What the deal contained exactly is unknown but it led to The Dawnchosens ascension and her own descent to madness, greed and destruction. She led a war after the duel descents that nearly saw her children dominating what was left of the fragile world. She was slain and went to the Nine Hells.

Although not part of the bureaucracy itself she seems to hold territory and power something that is hated by the Archdevils. She seems to be amassing power and it is no secret many of her descendents still act in her name. Her return may be inevitable. Her influence can be felt when raiders take part in razing innocent settlements and stripping it of worth and hoarding it for its own sake.

She seems to have a relationship with The Fallen Grace although seemingly mutual it is impossible for most to fathom The Fallen Grace can work with something not subservient to itself. Her hatred is most focused on The Dawnchosen who was in mortal form her love but was responsible for her destruction and fall to Hell.

Eternal Warden

All mortals know and fear the power of death itself. The boundary of life and death is inevitable and unknown. They make up stories of what is beyond and villainise the act of dying. Many imagine the figure behind this transition as a spectre reaping lives with cold disregard, a monstrous judge who sorts your soul into an afterlife or an angelic figure who carries them away. The Eternal Warden can be all of these things yet people that have been brought back from the beyond tell of a young stranger, with a sad but warm smile. The Eternal Warden is patron of those that deal with death and loss.

The Eternal Warden is shunned by many peoples except those fearful or desperate to prevent a loved one from dying. Yet churches are common providing healing, funeral and counselling services. Its greatest concern is with the slaying of the abominations that mock death such as unliving entities. Entire orders in its name go hunting and preventing these creatures and their sources.

The Eternal Warden interacts with all the Divines and other non-divine powers, good and ill, delivering souls to the final place. His interactions with The Vile Throne and The Crawling Rot are tense yet The Eternal Warden carries out their duties, many evil deities try to manipulate or even conquer The Eternal Warden but none have been successful. They also have conflicts with good aligned divines that beg on behalf of mortals to prevent them carrying out the duty. The Fateweaver is often understanding of the duty they carry. The Lifewell always welcomes them and the relationship is described as a mother with a son.

Fallen Grace

In the depths of the nine hells lies The Fallen Grace, head of the bureaucracy that keeps the armies of the most evil fiends under their control. The Nine Hells is filled with the sound of the agonising tortures of damned souls, toyed with for punishment of their life sins, enjoyment of higher fiends or being manipulated into becoming part of the very system that hurts them. How one creature has amassed this superpower is partially forgotten. It is said The Fallen Grace was an Ancient One that was charged with controlling the fiends and punishing the souls of the damned. A duty it may still do, forcing it into making tough decisions or has been corrupted by the evil it stood against. Other stories say it is part of a great world serpent that wrapped around Creation itself to protect it, it was shattered splitting into two beings, one evil and the other fell creating Hell in with its descent. Others say it was a snake that grew in the hellish depths of the Creation that grows still with each passing sin. Either way it has managed to hold onto that power not by using its incredible power but with long term schemes, compromising innocents and tempting wills with deals. It was instrumental in creating the Pact Primeval, where after The Dawn War the Divine and Non-Divines agreed on the division of the Creation and agreements of conduct. Some say The Fallen Grace may have made the pact in its favour. This being has been seen by some as the patron of deceivers, tyrants and the wicked.

The Fallen Grace has worshippers throughout the realms and agents. Fiends in disguise and damned souls try to infiltrate places of power, blackmailing figures or getting them to sign deals and distracting them with the fine print. Some worship him without knowledge, doing deeds in the name of other Divines but contributing to their schemes. Most are unwilling victims out of fear but some actively seek its power out, believing they can avoid the repercussions, they never do. Some of these worshippers gain terrible influences and can pass on lingering scars of their sins to their children.

Despite being evil The Fallen Grace has had working relations with other Divines. As a lawful being and one with a stake in Creation it actively works to preserve it. The armies of The Nine Hells engage in wars with The Vile Throne, Crawling Rot and Hungering Maw and other realms. It is likely without these wars the forces of the Evil Divines would have overwhelmed the good. There are occasional plots against the goods but rarely outwardly enough to cause enough of reparations. Most try to avoid it, the long term goals of The Fallen Grace are unknown but total domination of Creation likely and they would best like to avoid that.


The Fateweaver, Dictator of Destiny, is the patron of seers and magic. Often seen as one or more figure weaving golden threads, their faces covered, The Fateweaver is seen as the balancer of order and protector of the threads that hold Creation. Often called upon to change the past or guide the future The Fateweaver is one of the Divines whose intervention is rarely able to be distinguished.

Worshipped by scholars and diviners as a source to glimpsing into mysterious knowledge and further understanding of concepts beyond the day to day. Rarely petitioned by humble folk except to help in times of great strife. The Fateweaver is also meant to know intimately about magic, past and future as such orders of mages have beckoned the Fateweaver to be their patron, whether patronage is given is as mysterious as The Fateweavers will.

The Fateweavers duty in tending and watching over the creation leaves their relationships hard to tell. They are said to offer support to the Eternal Warden but closest relationship is with the Star Wanderer. Their relationship is antagonistic but close and sometimes described as sibling-like. The Fateweaver often contends with some of the evil Divines hoping to glimpse more into the threads of creation to give them an edge. The worst foes are that of The Ceaseless Spinner who tries to wind the threads for her own benefit and Those-From-Beyond, that just try to ruin Creation itself.

Grand Architect

The Grand Architect, The Forgeheart, is the patron of craft, workers and cooperation. Seen by some cultures as a smith, others an authority over a massive industry and some as a father figure returning home to a dysfunctional family. When taking an avatar they appear in a masculine figure, sometimes as a wise old man and other times as a strong worker. Seen as a particularly hard worker he takes the role of planning and organising the structure of the good Divines.

Worshipped commonly thought Terra Transbietta under various names such as Odin and Moradin. Temples are found in the beating heart of industries and leaders of communities look to him for help advancing their civilisations and grander schemes. Guilds are often built upon tenets thought to please him and religious worshippers will contribute time and services to the wider community in his name.

He is known to be ruthless when incompetence or intervention threatens his designs or mechanisms. Efficient in carrying out his duties he can often overlook smaller figures, yet has often seen error of his ways once a strong enough challenge is presented.

The Grand Architect works hard to safeguard those he deems under his protection. Cooperating with The Oathbringer, The Allhearth and often in conflict with The Stormfury, The Bringer of Smiles, and the strongest challenge from The Wildfather. The Radiant One at times has been a student and someone who keeps him in check. Most Evil Divines he tries to prevent any plot lest they grow too large, Those-From-Beyond being completely despised, but The Fallen Grace is his greatest adversary, able to understand best how to corrupt his own designs for its own gain.

Hungering Maw

Roaming hordes once armies that explode into a machine of unrelenting bloodlust, beasts without conscious delighting in viscera, predators lurking in dark alleys for naive innocents...These are the creatures the Hungering Maw, The Bloodlust Unleashed, inspires and sponsors. It sometimes appears as a roaming mutated predatory beast striding along plains birthing hungry monsters that follow it towards new prey, this is in essence the spirit of savagery, the hunt and sick desires.

Worshipped by sects of fiends and bestial humanoids in various names and forms. Groups of these worshippers erupt in the fringes of societies or in rural areas, leading to raids to gather victims for their primal urges. If not stopped some of these can gain powers that mutate them into disgusting abominations.

The Hungering Maw is fickle and impatient with allies although not choosy so long as there is a promise of slaughter soon. At times has been in conflict with all others but been pushed back but never defeated.


The Sacred Water is one of the most well regarded of all Divines. She (referred to as but never confirmed) rarely appears in avatar forms but is seen as a force or spirit who some say all Divines descend from. Some even suppose she is an Ancient One who out of kindness takes active interest in all wellbeing of the creatures of Creation. Tales throughout the world tell of spirits, blessings and safety emerging from secret glades and rivers at chance times when exiles and soon to be heroes need it most.

The Lifewell is worshipped throughout the realm both passively and religiously. Some druids and priests take her as an example and draw upon her power for healing and peace. Her tenets are unknown except for absolute kindness.

She rarely intervenes with other Divines directly but chance blessings have found their ways to good Divines in their battle with evil ones.


The Oathkeeper, also known as The Just Hammer, is the patron of knights, law enforcement, monarchs, lawyers and honest merchants. The Oathkeeper is a protector of sorts patrolling boundaries in the Upper Realms, occasionally acting as judge in internal affairs and truth seeker. There are various depictions of the Oathkeeper, as an armoured knight, an ancient king, a notary or even as a gryphon, usually seen as a male but exceptions have been made. They are often called upon to strengthen vows, to help with promises, investigate the truth, repel invaders and make sure deals go through.

Worship in the Oathkeeper is common in law enforcers who see them as a patron but also some merchants. Those merchants that do worship The Oathkeeper can be trusted to keep their word and if something falls through will default without issue. As such guilds of these merchants are trusted and stable investments welcome in most societies. The Oathkeeper is also sworn on by romantic adventurers setting out for the first time in quests of good and justice. Many ceremonies and awards are done under the symbol of the Oathkeeper, alot of societies not believing them to be official otherwise, these include marriages, namings and entering into community service.

The Oathkeeper can be a bit zealous in their search for the truth or correcting a believed wrong. At times can be quite lacking in understanding in particular circumstances and requires convincing what is technically wrong and right can be the same. The Oathkeeper duty of guarding boundaries and agreements between the Divines and other entities makes them the first line of defense against conflict. Likely the most experienced in combat of the good Divines.

The righteous path of The Oathkeeper brings them in regular conflict with many Divines particularly The Stormfury whose regular bouts of wrath can encroach on ancient lines agreed eons ago. The Oathkeeper in the past has worked with The Fallen Grace but is not naive enough to ever let their guard down against one with a bad reputation. The Ceaseless Spinner and The Vile Throne are those it keeps the most watch for, knowing they delight in breaking their word and can slowly manipulate those in need.

Radiant One

The Shining Flame, is the best spirit of youth, adventure and hope summarised. They wander between realms of other Divines learning crafts and specialities, taking them further or incorporating them in new exciting ways. The Radiant One excels and pioneering and thinking outside the box. Their personality is bright as flame, teeming with optimism and warms even those less welcoming of Divines. As such they can be seen as the patron of students, pioneers, poets and apprentices. The Radiant One has been said to be a golden haired young warrior or red haired young woman. Either way they always take on a handsome youthful appearance.

Often overlapping with many different Divines rolls, The Radiant One does not have extensive worship on their own. Few orders or temples are built to them but a lot of people create small shrines if they feel like they felt The Radiant Ones touch. Celebrations around new seasons and olympic style events are often in The Radiant Ones honour.

The Radiant One spends a lot of time learning from the other Divines, they excel at smithcraft, healing, travelling, fighting, domesticating beasts, magic, romance, playing music to name a few. They also can combine and put their own twist on these skills making it hard to predict what exactly they will do next. The Radiant One also seems to hold a wellspring of pure light within themselves that is barely controlled. Some say it can bless and heal when in a good mood and in a bad mood erupt like an exploding star.

The Radiant One operates with many Divines and is one more likely to show forgiveness to those who have done wrong and challenge those that are comfortable. Some such as the Allhearth and Oathkeeper try to watch over them and others like The Fallen Grace and The Ceaseless Spinner try to manipulate them. Both have failed so far, the rebellious nature of youthful pride is untameable.

Song Seeker

The Song Seeker, The Eloquent One, is a jovial figure that is said to make great journeys throughout the planes, often appearing in avatar forms, learning everything from the greatest scholars, wisest drunks and wondrous innocents. The Song Seeker is said to be the most knowledgeable amongst The Divines, even more so than The Fateweaver and The Ceaseless Spinner. Their avatar constantly shifts taking on an unassuming mortal bard, high wizard, ancient dragons and other creatures. Yet where they go after their journeys remains a mystery. The Song Seeker is the patron of bards, writers and singers.

The Song Seeker inspires many stories and worship. There is great variety in how they are perceived and what they inspire. Bardic colleges, arcane schools and artistic festivals can all be parts of their worship.

The Song Seeker can be a bit of an anathema in terms of actions. They can slip away from trouble leaving behind only a taunt for foes and sometimes stand strong hurling rocks the size of mountains and other times mastering magic beyond armies of archmages with ease.

The Song Seeker occasionally works with The Star Wanderer both travellers but will diverge paths towards unknown roads and messier affairs and will occasionally settle down in areas without any known reason. They hate The Ceaseless Spinner who tends to hide inspiration but more hates The Crawling Rot who infects entire groups of innocents and takes them away too soon.


The Starwanderer is the preserver of light. A being that dances between the stars and all places of beauty between. They are a being of freewill, grace and etherealness. They are said to appear as pure moonlight, a unicorn or a celestial elf, usually in female form. They revere natural beauty, especially hidden pieces of it. She is said to be the creator of the elves and still their patron alongside being a patron of navigators, astrologists, poets, good outlaws and romantics.

The Starwanderer is worshipped in many cultures as beauty and love are her interests, things revered in most societies. Elves in particular hold her as the highest of Divines, and she seems to hold value they do. Temples provide healing services, guidance, poetry readings, divinations and marriages. Small gatherings occur in her name doing secret rituals in shadowy glades.

She rarely directly intervenes with events preferring her own delights but when she is outraged her foes can burn up in a beam light, followers be suddenly beset with inspirations or visions or she can appear in a winged worm striking beautiful and deadly bolts into her enemies.

The Starwanderer has good relationships with many of the Divines, those with similar penchants such as the Songseeker but also with those more dutiful such as The Fateweaver and even occasionally the Eternal Warden, who she visits on time. Strangely she spends a lot of time with the Wildfather who provides her sources of beauty although the nature of this relationship is unknown. Her greatest intervention was with The Ceaseless Spinner, who corrupted the Dark Elves of Terra Transbietta in the Crown Wars. She cursed all of them into the Drow who now hide from her light in the Underdark. Yet her most hated foes are The Hungering Maw and The Vile Throne, who destroy beautiful things for fun.


Northlanders sailing on a raid hear the sounds of lightning behind them, the wind picking up the rain from behind them and into the faces of the watch who look away. In an orc fighting pit a warrior challenges his father murderer for chiefdom, he is hurting from the poisoned cuts yet he beats his chest, as she does so this ancient act is taken up by the crowd, the stadium starts to roar, the chief staggers in fear. A dwarven whale hunter gains another catch, fattening his already bulging pockets and smiles, not realising the creeping tentacle reach up from the depths. Riders of humans woop in joy as they shoot their new blackpowder weapons at the fleeing rebellious peasants, overtaking them just as a fog descends, making their ranged weapons cease with moisture and cover for the vengeful victims to rush in close. A Calba champion stands at the ford, preventing an invading army entering his homeland. An accord was agreed that they can cross if he is defeated in single combat. Many have fallen to him, yet in the forest a woman dressed in blood red watches his next foe enter the ford, just as the champion is about to strike a killing blow a swarm of ravens descends upon him. These are the actions of The Stormfury, a chaotic Divine that seems to love violent confrontation and challenging those who are comfortable. They seem to manipulate events so fights are even so the real victor is indisputably the strongest, although it may not be seen as entirely fair by some. They appear to be fickle even amongst their champions requiring much service to prove themselves. They are able to wield the most terrifying aspects of nature, fighting and magic but can be cunning and play long games. They are the patron of warriors, sailors and competition.

Worshipped in some way in many cultures, prominent in warrior cultures of harsher lands. Here they are seen as unstoppable tempests or a woman with blood red hair riding a chariot surrounded by crows or a handsome warrior whose smith work makes thunder. Tributes are gathered to their shrines, especially in port towns for safe passage or before feats of strength or before battle.

The Stormfury can be benevolent and unkind, seemingly good and evil depending on the situation and what side you are seeing it from. They are divisive. They have supported coups which could be seen as destabilizing a government or the replacement of a corrupt leadership. When they have taken to battle there is no dispute whatever form they take, it is intimidating.

As such a divisive figure they have created tension amongst the Divines. The Oathkeeper, Grand Architect and Allhearth have conflicted with them at times. The Banished Titans and Hungering Maw anger them, as they often empower their disciples without much of a selection process. The Wildfather seems to be their greatest foe but they often overlap in areas, both understanding the fundamental forces of the strong surviving.


Outside the multiverse of Creation lies The Far Realm. To say nothing is there is a lie. Forces of entropy, madness and undefinable terror all lie within, some of these are sentient. The cosmic horrors known as Those-From-Beyond care only about the unravelling of everything. They have long fought to piece the weave that defends Creation and they have succeeded. Since then they have corrupted Divines, created the abyss, destroyed countless worlds and spawned monsters. Their leader The Elder has been confined by the other Divines into The Sea of Fallen Stars, yet his influence still reaches out spawning chaos and disruption. They are the patron of nothing but a representation of vastness, alien ideals and unknown reality.

The alien minds of Those-From-Beyond make it hard to tell what they want and their structure, it is possible even they don’t know. Since they have come to the world there is an increase in aberrations all with varieties of motives, powers and societies. These include Beholders, Aboleths and Mindflayers. Most of these creatures may not know of their original source or care to. Some mortals have been drawn by their psychic calls, especially those on the edge of madness. They receive visions and perceive reality differently which allows them to navigate through physical challenges with ease. Some are given psionic powers and others have their shape warped to be akin to twisted deep sea creatures.

With The Elder and most of Those-From-Beyond sealed, remaining aspects of it still in Creation hide in the deep places of worlds, out of view of wrathful Divines. Those-From-Beyond have no known allies, although are said to be responsible for the corruption that turned the Banished Titans and Ceaseless Spinner into evil beings alongside other monstrosities. The Fateweaver remains vigilant watching the Weave of Creation for signs of warping due to their presence.

Vile Throne

The Ruler of the despairing fields of The Grey Wastes, a swamp like realm without colour, joy and hope. The Vile Throne is depicted in many ways, an empty throne on a pile of moaning dead made out of bones, a dour celestial called Hades cheated into ruling this miserable underworld and sometimes Hel, a giantess with a half rotted face. The Vile Throne is the Divine that promotes the feelings of loneliness, abandonment, shame and depression. They are the patron of exiles, revolters and jailors.

Worship of this Divine was common with most having a similar tale. They say The Vile Throne was a well regarded beautiful member of The Divines then became exiled to The Grey Wastes. Some say they were betrayed or became ambitious. Since then they wander in a place without joy gathering as many lost souls as possible to join their torment. Worship is now done in secret as many of the wishes of the Vile Throne is to harm other Divines, bring them low by stealing or defacing their own beauty. Worshippers may gain manipulation of necromantic forces or control the emotions of others. They can occasionally do deals, similar to The Fallen Grace, yet these appear to be less iron-clad guarantees.

In the gloomy underworld they rule The Vile Throne seems only to enjoy hurting others out of spite and schemes barely beyond that. Although intelligent and ambitious they can be fickle and not as committed to deeper plots or long term goals, occasionally getting obsessed by something in particular. The Vile Throne hates The Star Wanderer and is jealous of The Radiant One.


Only appearing as natural phenomena, The Wildfather has no known avatar, voice or even personality. Alongside The Lifewell they may be one of the oldest Divines if not an Ancient One. Yet those intune with its power called The Wildfather a he. Their power is routed in the natural world if not actually responsible for all of nature itself. They are the patron of druids, living creatures and protectors of the natural world.

Worship is common throughout Terra Transbietta in societies that are in tune with the natural world such as Woodelves, Calba and druid sects. More seen as a force of nature there aren't known tenets besides protecting natural life cycles and preventing conflict between civilisation and the wild. Since the wilderness is vast and has many aspects to it there are multitudes of beliefs focussing on different aspects. Worshippers gain many powers from summoning lightning, turning into beasts and healing.

The Wildfather has confusing relationships with other Divines and Powers. They conflict with some in some regards yet will support them in others. Their worshippers are often the first to sense an evil Divine scheme being more in tune with the balances of life and seek out a way to regain the balance.

Appendices B - Human Peoples and Cultures

In this section we discuss some of the major human races found in Terra Transbietta. Humans are capable of great diversity so can vary in terms of lifestyle and beliefs not just country to country but even within one domicile. The “races” described here are a large scale overview of the origins of certain groups of humans that have some shared characteristics but the truth as in our world is a bit more complex. The Peoples described below are very broad categories so players and GMs may find exceptions or changes in their own campaigns. Many of these Peoples are inspired by some of our own cultures but are not accurate analogies of them or their complexity. Our world has contained a huge array of distinct cultures with their own subtleties that have changed over millennia. As such the Peoples below may share some aesthetic traits as cultures in our world, they are not meant to be a fully comprehensive example of certain cultures. Rather the general categories below are meant as ways for players to see diversity exists in this world and if they wish to play humans with traits similar to their own identity or one they admire it is perfectly reasonable they are allowed to do so. It is not a comprehensive list either, there are many more Peoples to be discovered. It is also important to keep in mind these humans have been influenced by humanoids, magic and events that have never occurred in our world.

The homeland of humanity is widely debated. It is hard to point down an original location because as dwarves say, the bastards were suddenly everywhere. Despite the confusion humans are undeniably successful. Divided in many ethnicities, tribes & some have become plane-touched or bred to become other distinct Peoples, it is hard to keep track of all of them. One theory is they come from an original race from what is now the Fever Sea before the eruption of Megurc and so they scattered. Although a lot of scholars say that they most likely arose in Kroul once the eruption of Megurc wiped out other dominating creatures nearby.

Kroul was home to a range of races & peoples to begin with. Some say the resource rich land fell to in-fighting in which the mighty dark skinned human reigned supreme. This is supported by the fact that the main human Peoples are the Watu Tribes. Watu are dark skinned tall people with dark eyes. Watu are rare outside of Kroul but can be found in metropolises & great trading areas. Their own culture was rare to see outside of their land but rumours had it was a haven of advanced knowledge and morality. Almost every venture to Kroul by other Peoples was met with failure, even those with the ability to cross the Fever Channel. Yet in recent generations others have been able to cross and found a land nearly empty of a dominant power or any People capable of expelling them. This has led some to believe a catastrophe has led to the downfall of the Peoples here and allowing for others to come and try to establish their own settlements and agendas. Nations of Watu have been rebuilding but have become split in differences of worship, tradition and core values.

The northern parts of The Great continent is home to many cultures of paler human races collectively known as The Armen. The first encounters with them were by the Elves in Ravran who state they then split into many Peoples.

Some became the Calba also known as the Secret Ffolk. They are pale skinned with hair ranging from red to brown with blue or green eyes. It is common to find descendants of this People in the Collitrean retreat or Alvaron Isles, although what some people call “True Calba” culture has shrunken to a few wild islands, secret glades and deep glens. These are said to have learned the natural ways of the Wild Elves, some forging by the Dwarves, ingenuity & craftiness from the gnomes. As such they have a deep tie to nature and tend to form rural based societies, with complicated but strict hierarchies, religious beliefs and warrior codes. Calba are known as romantics and freedom loving.

Grotids are a People of pale people with hair ranging from blonde to black with gray to blue eyes. It is said they closely learned from the dwarves, learning strength in stone, laws and settlement. The origin of what Grotid means is debated but some translate it as “Brotherhood” or “Fortified” which both have purpose in their core values. Grotid Peoples have tried carving the land to their benefits, setting up settlements with strong fortifications and relying on martial prowess. They often create systems of laws to protect themselves and their people but do tend to follow aristocratic based leadership. Examples of Grotid culture can be found in Ravran, Vruunheim states in Aimos and Traldor. Grotid peoples are known as rational, hard working and reliable.

To the coasts of the cold Frojish lands comes the harsh People known as the Mennesker, also known as the Northlanders. Northlanders tend to be tall pale people with blonde hair and blue eyes. They claim they were ousted from The Great Continent by other Peoples forcing them to resource lacking, uncomfortable islands and coastal regions. As such many Mennesker societies have roots or are still deeply involved with raiding. These societies revere warfare and conquest. Some have carved out kingdoms and jarldoms in the Moonlit Sea, Aimos, Traldor and the Endless Frojish. In theory these Jarldoms may be aristocratic hierarchies but unlike others of the Armen the Mennesker reward are more likely to advance individuals by their value not their heritage. Mennesker people are known as boastful, warmongering and revelry.

The Dakoree, meaning the Many Speeches, are perhaps the most isolated of the human Peoples, most unaware they exist. They tend to have skin colouring from yellow brown to reddish brown with long straight course black hair with little body or facial hair. These humans live in the continent of Vanith and have separated into diverse tribes, some expansive but most nomadic or semi-nomadic tribes with a notable exception below. The Dakoree, as the name implies, have fractured in a way that it is hard to group them besides their physical characteristics except all have a deep connection to their environment. The Dakoree cultures are all based strongly on the means they support themselves and as such tend to be sustainable in nature. Dakoree people are known as thoughtful and wise.

The Azyaya are an exception to The Dakoree. Although they share similar physical characteristics they havebuilt a nation based on religious sacrifice, slavery and expansion. An apocalyptic like event, or a series of disasters nearly ruined the Azyaya empire leading to a near collapse of their nation due to infighting and attacks from enemies. The Azyaya empire has yet to rebuild to its former glory. Azyaya members are known as fierce and unforgiving. Out of all humans they are known for their agricultural ingenuity, calendar development and land manipulation. During the third age they held most of Viboria but were soon decimated by new settlers from the Mhye, before that Viborian Empire also fell mysteriously to ruin.

The Mhye People origins are lesser known, appearing to settle later than other races indicating they come from a union of races. These carry a dark or olive complexion and dark brown to black hair and brown eyes. Their societies were first noted as coastal city states that expanded and colonised coastlines around the globe. Some of which can still be found around Megurc, Traldor and Aimos. They were quick to master civilization, unifying peoples and developing luxuries and art. The domination of the Myhe settlers has been well studied but their rapid expansion from the late Second age has been said to be their downfall. The Mhye peoples united under a Viborian Empire, sharing a booming culture, rich in the luxuries of their synergy, protected by the greatest armies. Yet this empire was still vulnerable to events such as in-fighting, natural disasters which allowed for the ever-present pressure of their enemies to close in. Colonies became independent far too quickly or dominated by other forces, stretched too thin the Mhye abandoned most of them leading to a sequence of losses that made the Mhye of Old Vibora to become doomed. Some say this was revenge for their greed, or a divine battle happened due to them discovering and worshipping many gods or something else. Some say their expansions the Viborians discovered a new power they could turn to in that desperate time, one that would mean they would never again rise during the Third Age. Mhye people are known as passionate and romantic.

Mubutuk Adharu, the southern part of The Great Continent, has harsher climates than in the north but has become tamed by the two oldest continuing human societies from two different Peoples: The Hunjats and The Ren.

Hunjats, or the Desert Masters, are people that have mastered the harsh barrens of Il Imarathan. They tend to have brown to wheatish skin and dark eyes and hair. A majority now live under religious societies ruled by Sultans & under the Great Caliph with some exiles occupying southern Traldor. The Azeshi are those under The Great Caliph and were formerly desert dwelling people who have made a great empire by having strict religious based societies with clear laws based in morality. Their trade innovations in harsh environments have led to riches allowing for both Azesh and neighbouring Sabjur (ruled by factions of Sultans) to become advanced in culture and arts. Their religious based societies seem confusing to outsiders but have allowed for great stability leading to innovations in maths and science. Hunjats are known to be hospitable, well educated and loyal.

One of few human Peoples that can match the Hunjat success is that of The Ren, or The Refined. In their lands they developed buildings made of paper and wood, focusing on magics, inventions & philosophy. The Ren are generally short and slim, with amber to yellowish bronzed coloured skin and hazel to dark brown eyes. Most Ren societies such as in Horoyako and Hanguo are influenced by the Far Dynasties of Yù Tǔdì as it is possibly the most powerful and oldest empire in the world. As such rarely have these Peoples needed to turn to outside trading finding it easier to deal with those with shared values than that of outsiders. As such the Ren peoples have advanced completely independently of other Peoples leading to unique ideas that amaze outsiders. They are known to be patient, intelligent and skilled.

The Polawaii, Of the Many Islands, People are a name given to what is a very widespread and diverse peoples found between Osse and the Jade Conglin. They are tall, with straight or wavy dark hair with hazel eyes, flat wide nostrils and with yellowish-bronzed skin tones. Few Polawaii have the desire to leave their lands, or waters. Polawaii tend to form close-knit small communities on small volcanic islands and rely on large family groups. They have a rich oral history and live sustainable lives utilising their marine prowess to gather goods from the sea. Most encounters with other Peoples have been from individuals with an innate desire to explore. They are known to be traditional and formidable.

Appendices C - Map of Terra Transbietta