Oath Of The Sun Paladin

by dot1121

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Oath Of The Sun Paladin


Oath Of The Sun

Tenets Of The Sun

  • Life Flourishes While Your Enemies Burn. Your light is comforting to your allies, while your enemies shrivel up and die in your radiant light
  • The Pinnacle. you are the pinnacle specimen of your race; let the rest of the world know that as well
  • Take Pride In All You Do. Your pride refuses to allow you to do something less than 100%.
Oath Spells
Level Spells
3 Hellish Rebuke, Burning Hands
5 Aganazzar's Scorcher, Flame Blade
9 Fireball, Daylight
13 Fire Shield, Wall Of Fire
17 Flame Strike, Immolation

Light Makes Might

While in dim light or darkness, your strength, constitution, and charisma scores are normal, while in bright light or sunlight your strength, constitution, and charisma scores increase by 2 and your size increases by one size category.

Channel Divinity

Also at 3rd level you gain the following Channel Divinity Options

  • Melt Armor. As a bonus action on your turn you can channel the heat of the sun within yourself to melt down the armor of all creatures of your choice within 10 feet. While concentrating each creature within 10 feet takes 1/2 your paladin level in fire damage and has their Armor Class reduced by your proficiency bonus. If they are in metal armor the creature takes your paladin level in fire damage and their armor class is reduced by 2x your proficiency bonus. The armor class is reduced until you stop concentrating.

  • You're On Fire. As a reaction to you rolling maximum damage on a damage roll on either fire damage or radiant damage you may reroll that dice adding the new result to the damage. Additionally, While not in dim light or darkness, creatures hit by your attacks must make a wisdom saving throw or be blinded until the beginning of it's next turn.

Solar Aura

Beginning at 7th level, You and your allies within 15 feet gain resistance to fire and radiant damage.

Master Of The Sun

Beginning at 15th level, you gain immunity to fire and radiant damage. Additionally non hostile creatures within your aura gain the same benefit.

The One

Beginning at 20th level, for one minute you can choose to become the most powerful version of yourself as a bonus action granting you the following benefits.

  • You are a source of bright light for 120 feet and dim light another 60 feet. Additionally while outside the sun shines as bright as it would on a clear day at noon regardless of time.
  • Each creature has disadvantage on all attacks made against you or any creature within your aura. On a hit they take 2d10 fire damage. Additionally you are immune to ranged nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (such as arrows, slings, etc.)
  • The ground beneath your feet melts as you move leaving the area as difficult terrain.

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