Monk - Way of Antimagic

by Soupangel44

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Monk - Way of Antimagic

Magic is a shortcut, a form of cheating, only used by liars and thieves. Physical prowess is the only proper way to the top, or at least that is the belief of monks of the Way of Antimagic. They hone their bodies to be able to withstand magic, and eventually be able to reflect it upon the casters who have the gall to release it upon the world.

Monk Level Feature
3rd Deflect Magic, Peak Performance
6th Arcane Deletion
11th Physical Retaliation
17th Shared Agony

Deflect Magic

Starting when you adopt this way at 3rd level, your Deflect Missiles feature also works on spells that require ranged attack rolls, as well as magic missile.

Peak Performance

Also at 3rd level, your physical training pays off. Once per turn, you can add a bonus to your unarmed strike’s damage. This bonus is equal to half of your current Ki points.

Arcane Deletion

At 6th level, you can spend 3 Ki points to cast counterspell as a 3rd level spell.

Starting at 11th level, you can spend 1, 2 or 3 additional Ki points to upcast this counterspell to 4th, 5th or 6th level respectively.

Starting at 17th level, you may spend 4, 5 , or 6 additional Ki points to upcast this counterspell to 7th, 8th, or 9th level respectively.

Physical Retaliation

Beginning at 11th level, you seek immediate justice for the crime that is magic. Whenever a creature you can see casts a spell that targets you or a creature friendly to you, you can expend up to 3 Ki points as a reaction to move up to your walking speed towards the spellcaster and make a number of unarmed strikes equal to the Ki points expended.

Shared Agony

At 17th level, you learn to show spellcasters the affliction that is magic. When you are damaged by a spell, you can expend up to 5 Ki points to damage the caster as well. The creature who cast the spell takes damage of the same type of the spell equal to the number of expended Ki points x 10, not exceeding the amount of damage you took from the spell.


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