
by Shortround5560

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Gunfighter Class

Gunfighter Class - Page 3

Pistoleer Archetype - Page 6

Sharpshooter Archetype - Page 6

Commando Archetype - Page 7

Cryptid Slayer Archetype - Page 9

Infanteer Archetype - Page 10

Duelist Archetype - Page 10

Multiclassing - Page 11

Weapons - Page 12

New Weapon Properties - Page 12

Ammunition - Page 13

Melee Weapons and Armour - Page 13

Simple Ranged Firearms - Page 14

Martial Ranged Firearms - Page 15

Ranged Grenades - Page 15

Exotic Ranged Firearms - Page 16

Specialised Ammunition - Page 17

Adventuring Gear - Page 19

Feats - Page 20

Rare Items - Page 21


The mercenary’s hand hovers over her holster. Her opponent stands in a similar pose on the opposite end of a dusty street. When the clock bells chime, their rivalry will end. One of them will be declared the fastest gun this side of the Wastes; the other will end up in a beggar’s grave.

The hunter squints at a field of blinding white snow. His targets, a pack of orcs, are little more than black specks in the distance. He slows his breathing and aims for the lead figure as his finger slowly squeezes the trigger.

A commando slips through the shadowy underbrush toward the circle of cult members, her carbine primed to shoot down their leader. Keeping out of sight, she raises her weapon and prepares to cut the cult’s ritual short.

All of these individuals are gunfighters, warriors who live and die by the steadiness of their hand and the sharpness of their eyes. They are a diverse group made up of former soldiers, independent mercenaries, killers for hire, and skilled hunters, but they are united by their unparalleled skill with a firearm.

Gunfighters learn how to use a wide variety of firearms. The individual characteristics of these weapons vary, but the core principles - trigger control, sight picture, and controlled breathing - do not, and all gunfighters learn the skills they need to operate their weapons under a wide array of conditions.

Creating a Gunfighter

As you create your gunfighter, think about how you came to choose this life. Did you take up the gun as a soldier in the military? How did you respond to surviving your first firefight? Did you learn your skills from a grueling drill instructor, or did a patient mentor teach you how to shoot? Where did you acquire your weapons? Were they bestowed upon you by a benefactor? Perhaps you scavenged your weapon and learnt how to use it the hard way, or maybe you first wielded a family member’s firearm in order to drive beasts away from your farm.


You can make a gunfighter quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom. Second, choose the Mercenary Veteran background.

Class Features

As a Gunfighter, you gain the following class features;

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per gunfighter level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per gunfighter level after 1st


  • Armor: Light Armour, Medium Armour
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Simple Firearms, Martial Firearms
  • Tools: Gunsmith's Tools

  • Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) light armour or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a simple or non-crafted martial pistol or (b) a simple or non-crafted martial rifle
  • 20 rounds of basic ammunition for your chosen firearm(s)
  • (a) a soldier’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • a set of gunsmith’s tools

Fighting Style

Beginning at 1st level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

AKIMBO SHOOTER: You can engage in two-weapon fighting with light firearms and can add your ability modifier to the damage of the off-hand attack.

BLIND FIGHTING: You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.

BRUTAL AIM: When you make a damage roll with a firearm you are proficient with, and roll a 1 or 2, you can reroll the damage die and must use the new result.

CLOSE RANGE SPECIALIST: When making a ranged attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature and you have a +1 bonus to attack rolls on ranged attacks against them.

DEFENSE: While you are wearing armour, you gain +1 bonus to AC.

DUAL ATTACK: You can engage in two-weapon fighting with a one-handed melee weapon and pistol so long as they both have the light property, and can add your ability modifier to the damage of the off-hand attack.

PISTOL DUELING: When you are wielding a pistol in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

SHARPSHOOTER: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with a two-handed firearm you are proficient with.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Fighting Style, Grit, Grit Tricks
2nd +2 Weaponsmith
3rd +2 Gunfighter Archetype
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Gunfighter Archetype feature
7th +3 Smart tooling
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Overwatch
10th +4 Fast Reflexes
11th +4 Gunfighter Archetype feature
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Savager
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement
15th +5 No Rest for the Wicked
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Gunfighter Archetype feature
18th +6 Ability Score Improvement
19th +6 Hemorrhaging Critical
20th +6 Dead-Eye


You gain a number of Grit Points equal to your Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of One) + your Proficiency Bonus. You regain 1 expended Grit Point each time you score a critical hit against a creature, or deal a killing blow with a firearm to a creature of significant threat (DM's discretion). You regain all expended grit points after a long rest.

Grit Trick

You learn to perform signature trick shots with firearms, are skillful enough with a weapon to handle it effectively, or are naturally at home in combat. You must be wielding a firearm you are proficient with to use this feature.

Grit Tricks come in two forms; 'Trick Shots' and 'Gun Tricks'. All Trick Shots include Shot in the ability name. Some firearms many not be able to have Trick Shots applied to them, but may still have Gun Tricks applied. You may only use one Trick Shot a turn, and only affect one attack within that turn (including Reactions). You may only use each Gun Trick once per turn.

You know a number of Grit Tricks of your choice, which are detailed under "Grit Tricks" below, equal half of your Proficiency Bonus (rounded up). Grit Tricks learnt from your subclass or feats do not count towards this limit.

Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you may change one Grit Trick you know with a different Grit Trick.

Saving throws Some of your trick shots require your targets to make a saving throw to resist the trick shot's effect. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Grit Trick save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier.


Beginning at 2nd level, after you complete a short or long rest, you can produce basic ammunition for a firearm you are proficient with at half the cost, although material components are still required - such as lead, blasting powder, casings, and other appropriate material. You can craft a number of bullets equal 1d20 + your Wisdom Modifier. This requires use of a Gunsmith's Tools.

You may also repair damaged firearms, or even draft and create new ones (DM's discretion). Some extremely experimental and intricate firearms are only available through crafting. This requires use of a Gunsmith's Tools.

Gunfighter Archetype

At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you emulate in your approach to firefights. The archetype you choose grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.

The archetypes available to you are listed at the end of the class description.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Smart tooling

At 7th level, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses a Gunsmith's Tools and when you craft bullets as part of your Weaponsmith feature, you have advantage on the roll to determine the number of bullets you craft.


Starting at 9th level, if you are currently wielding a loaded firearm and do not have an enemy within 10ft of you, you can use your reaction to make a ranged attack against a creature that moves within your line of sight and is within the firearm's normal range, by expending 1 Grit Point. You can do this a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier.

You regain the uses of this feature when you complete a short or long rest.

Fast Reflexes

At 10th level, the many firefights you've survived have honed your reflexes to respond to danger. You may expend 1 Grit Point to grant yourself advantage on Dexterity Saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you can't be Blind, Deafened, or Incapacitated.


At 13th level, you have become adept at crafting material into the items you need. So long as an area has some form of industry, such as a rural farming village, you are able to find supplies to create basic material components - such as lead or blasting powder as part of your Weaponsmith Feature. This is not allow you to create specialised components used for specialised bullet types.

No Rest for the Wicked

At 15th level, if you roll initiative when you have less than half (rounded up) your total Grit Points, roll 1d4 and gain that many Grit Points.

Hemorrhaging Critical

Upon reaching 19th level, whenver you score a critical hit on an attack with a firearm, the target additionally suffers half of the damage from the attack at the end of its next turn.


At 20th level, when you perform a ranged weapon attack with a firearm you are proficient with and miss, you may choose to hit instead. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum of one) and may not use it if the Firearm misfires. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Grit Tricks

These Grit Tricks are presented in alphabetical order.

Aimed Shot: When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend 1 Grit Point and use your Bonus Action to gain advantage on the attack roll.

Burst Shot: When you make the Attack Action with a Firearm with the Burst Property, you may elect to expend 1 Grit Point if you have more than half of your ammunition remaining in your Firearm. If you do, you expend all ammunition that is remaining and make an attack roll against each creature within a Cone up to your normal range. You may not benefit from the Extra Attack feature the turn you use this Grit Trick.

Cock it!: As part of the Extra Attack Action, you may reload a Firearm you have proficiency with instead of making a second attack, by expending 1 Grit Point.

Dazing Shot: When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend 1 Grit Point to attempt to dizzy your opponent. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must make a Constitution Saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attacks until the end of their next turn.

Disarming Shot: When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend 1 Grit Point to attempt to shoot an object from their hands. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must succeed on a Strength Saving throw or drop 1 held object of your choice and have that object be pushed 10 feet away from you.

Forceful Shot: When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend 1 Grit Point to attempt to trip them up and force them back. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must succeed on a Strength Saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you.

Listen in!: You use the powerful blast and thundering sound of your firearm to shake the resolve of a creature. When making a Charisma(Intimidation) check, you can expend 1 Grit Point to gain advantage on the roll. This counts as an attack action for the purposes of reload.

Piercing Shot: When you make a firearm attack against a creature you can expend 1 Grit Point to attempt to fire through multiple opponents. The initial attack gains +1 to the firearm's misfire score. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and you make an attack roll with disadvantage against every creature in a line directly behind the target within normal range. Only the initial attack can misfire.

Pinning Shot: When you take the Attack Action with a firearm you are proficient with, you may expend 1 Grit Point. If you do, this attack counts as two attack actions for the purposes of Reload, and the target must succeed on a Wisdom Saving throw or become Prone until the start of your next turn, in addition to normal effects.

Get Down!: When you are targeted by a ranged weapon attack, while in three quarters cover, you may use your reaction and expend 1 Grit Point to give the attack roll disadvantage.

Rapid Repair: You learn how to quickly attempt to fix a jammed gun. You can attempt to repair a misfired (but not broken) firearm as a bonus action, by expending 1 Grit Point.

Rapid Shot: If you make the Attack Action with a Firearm with the Burst Property, while you have advantage on the attack roll, you may instead choose to make two separate attack rolls without advantage but roll half as many damage dice (rounded down) for both attacks, by expending 1 Grit Point. This attack counts as two attack actions for the purposes of Reload.

Ricochet Shot: As part of your attack, you fire a trick shot that ricochets off of stone, metal, or a similarly hard surface. If you are aware of a creature in total cover, you can target it if there is a clear path for the bullet to travel along, by expending 1 Grit Point.

Suppressing Shot: When you make the Attack Action with a Firearm with the Burst Property, you may elect to expend 1 Grit Point if you have more than half of your ammunition remaining in your Firearm. If you do, expend all ammunition that is remaining and choose a point you can see within your weapon's range. Any Creature within 10 feet of that point must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature's speed is reduced to 0, and it can't use reactions until the start of your next turn.

Winging Shot: When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend 1 Grit Point to attempt to topple a moving target. On a hit, the creature suffers normal damage and must make a Strength Saving Throw or be knocked Prone.

Violent Shot: When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can enhance the volatility of the attack, by expending 1 or more Grit Points. For each Grit Point expended, the attack gains +2 to the firearm's misfire score. If the attack hits, you can roll one additional weapon damage die per Grit Point spent when determining the damage.


If Violent Shot causes a weapon to misfire, it is the modified misfire score used to determine the repair DC, not the weapons!

Gunfighter Archetypes

The choice of firearm is an important one to gunfighters. Although the skills needed to use one type of firearm transition to most others, gunfighters develop certain talents for their favoured weapon. The gunfighter archetype you choose reflects your preference.


Pistoleers deal in lead. They are highly skilled gunfighters who rely solely on their reflexes, skills, and trusty sidearms to take down their enemies at close range. Some have honed this skill over the course of long years of practice both on and off the battlefield; others have learned the fundamentals of shooting in the military or under the tutelage of another pistoleer.

Pistoleers often make their livings by serving as bodyguards or guns for hire, and their skills allow them to easily find employment as mercenaries.


At 3rd level, you no longer suffer disadvantage on attack rolls due to hostile creatures within 5 feet of you if you are attacking with a pistol(s). Additionally you do not need a free hand to reload a pistol with the reload property, so long as you are proficient with the pistol.

Quick Draw

At 3rd level, you develop rapid quick-draw skills. You add your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) to your initiative rolls.

In addition, at 9th level, you may use the Overwatch feature, even if there are enemies within 10ft of you.

Bullet Time

Beginning at 6th level, you've honed your senses to avoid attacks effortlessly. You can now take the Dodge action using a bonus action. You can do this a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier.

You regain the uses of this feature when you complete a short or long rest.

Additional Grit Tricks

At 6th level, you learn the Return Fire and Dual Shot Grit Tricks.

Return Fire: When a creature targets you with a weapon attack, before it makes the attack roll, you can use your reaction to make a ranged attack against the creature, by expending 1 Grit Point. If your attack deals damage, the creature makes its ranged attack roll with disadvantage.

Dual Shot: You can use your Trick Shots feature to fire two bullets in quick succession. Once per turn, as a part of the same Attack action, you can perform an additional attack against the same target, by expending 1 Grit Point.

Chain Shot

At 11th level, when you perform a ranged weapon attack against a target you have already hit with a ranged weapon attack during your turn, you gain advantage on the attack roll against that creature.


At 17th level, when you take the Attack action on your turn, you can choose to fire a barrage with a fully loaded pistol(s). As part of the attack, instead of attacking as normal, make one attack roll against a number of creatures, of your choice, you can see within 30 feet up to your pistol(s)'s Reload Score.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


Sharpshooters are masters of the long arm. Given the range from which they traditionally deal death, they are among the most feared combatants. Many of these gunslingers were part of an elite military unit or developed their skills as a result of inborn potential and practice. Some hone their talents as hunters living on the frontier of civilization, where one’s accuracy with a rifle can mean the difference between feast and famine. Those who master the rifle are keen-eyed, capable not only of spotting targets at a great distance, but also of finding the ideal sniping position or blind from which to fire.

Sharpshooters who have left military service often find employment as guns for hire, and their skills, along with the high cost of maintaining their weapons, demand a premium fee.

Natural Hunter

At 3rd level, your keen eyesight allows you to see through the concealment that obscures your targets. You do not have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks in a lightly obscured area.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you already have proficiency in the Stealth skill, you double your proficiency bonus when you make Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Finally, you gain proficiency with Exotic Firearms (Sniper Rifle).

Prone Shooter

At 3rd level, you learn to fire from a prone position. You do not suffer disadvantage on range attack rolls with firearms you are proficient with due to the Prone condition.

In addition at 9th level, if you have not moved during your turn, you may use the Overwatch feature at long range while you are Prone or behind cover.

Long Shot

At 6th level, you learn to make incredible long-distance shots. If you do not move during your turn and make a ranged attack, with a firearm you are proficient with, at long range, you do not suffer disadvantage due to long range.

Additional Grit Tricks

At 6th level, you learn the Placed Shot and Wounding Shot Grit Tricks.

Placed Shot: When you make a ranged attack roll, your shot strikes at a vulnerable gap in your target's armour. By expending 1 Grit Point, you may ignore the target's damage resistances.

Wounding Shot: You fire a trick shot that leaves the target bleeding vital fluids. You may expend 1 Grit Point, before making your attack roll. If the attack hits, the creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take additional damage equal to your Wisdom Modifier (minimum 1) at the start of each of its turns. This effect lasts until a creature uses an action and makes a successful DC10 Wisdom(Medicine) check to bind the wound or until the creature receives healing. The damage dealt by this trick shot is not cumulative with additional Wounding Shots. This trick shot deals no additional damage on constructs or undead.

This shot also causes the creature to leave a trail of blood, ichor, oil, or other fluids, unless against a creature that would not (DM's discretion).


At 11th level, you've become adept at sniper tactics. Once per turn, if you dealt a killing blow to a creature, you may immediately move a distance up to your speed.

This movement does not count as moving for the purposes of this archetype's abilities.


Starting at 17th level, your shooting becomes so precise that you can land extremely debilitating and destructive shots against your enemies. Once, on each of your turns, when you hit a create with a ranged weapon attack, choose one of the following options.

Headshot: Your target takes additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of one). If the target is a living creature, it must make a Constitution saving throw against your Trick Shot DC. On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the end of its next turn.

Crippling Shot: Your target takes additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of one). If the target is a creature, it must make a Constitution saving throw against your trick shot DC. On a failed save, the creature’s speed is halved, and it has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws. This effect lasts for 1 minute.


Commandos have been forged during years of warfare in some of the most brutal campaigns in the lands. They are among the toughest soldiers, and their special training has forced them to master a variety of skills, including camouflage and covert unit coordination.

In battle, they crawl to the very edge of no-man’s-land to silently neutralize enemy scouts and snipers before disappearing back into the woods without a trace.

Masters of clandestine operations, sabotage, and targeted elimination behind enemy lines, commandos are elite soldiers of a rare breed—the best of the best. They strike out on the most dangerous and sensitive assignments, and their paramount goal is always simple: complete the mission at any cost.

Dakka Dakka!

Commando's are capable of putting out a dizzing number of attacks, that rivals that of even the fastest Fighters, but this comes at a cost, and they will quickly find themselves out of supply for their unusual weapon of choice. As such, they should always be prepared to fix bayonets or draw their infamous Trench Knives and Swords to engage the enemy in hand to hand combat, or carry sidearms.

Elite Training

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the Trench Knife and Trench Sword Martial Melee Weapons, Grenades, and Exotic Firearms (Assault Carbine).


At 3rd level, you maintain a constant level of vigilance when it comes to your immediate surroundings and are an expert at hiding. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. If you already have proficiency in the Stealth skill, you double your proficiency bonus when you make Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Trigger Discipline

At 3rd level, when you make an attack roll with a firearm that has the Burst Property, and the firearm misfires, you may re-roll the die to see if it misfires, although the attack still misses regardless of the new result.

In addition, at 9th level, if you deal the Killing Blow to a creature with your Overwatch feature, while using a loaded firearm with the Burst Property, you may immediately make another attack against another creature you can see and in range as normal. This second attack can not trigger this ability again in the same round.

Tactical Flexibility

Starting at 6th level, your battlefield expertise allows you to quickly adapt to both the current conditions and your mission’s objectives. At the start of each of your turns, you can expend 1 Grit Point and choose one of the following options.

Silent Operation: You no longer automatically give away your position when you attack from a hidden position; you only give away your position if your attack hits. If your attack misses, a creature must succeed on a Wisdom (Perception) check contested by your Dexterity (Stealth) check to know your position.

Tactical Reposition: On your turn, you can take the Dash action or Hide action as a bonus action.

Sabotage: The first ranged attack you make this turn against an object, structure, or vehicle deals double damage.

Frag Out!: You may make an attack action with a grenade as a bonus action.

Additional Grit Tricks

At 6th level, you learn the Lightning Reload and Double Tap Grit Tricks.

Lightning Reload: You may reload any firearm as a bonus action, by expending 1 Grit Point.

Double Shot: If you make a ranged attack with a firearm that has the Burst Property, you may expend 1 Grit Point, before making your attack roll and the attack counts as two attack actions for the purposes of Reload. If the attack hits, the creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw. If the Saving throw fails, you may make an additional attack with the same weapon, against the same target, with advantage.

Snap Shot

At 11th level, you become able to place your strikes more accurately and control the recoil of your weapon. When making an attack rolls, you score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20, instead of 20.

Takes More Than That!

Starting at 17th level, nothing can stop you from completing your mission. If you take damage that reduces you to 0 hit points, you may use your reaction to delay falling unconscious, until the end of your next turn, so long as you have Grit Points remaining.

While you have 0 hit points, taking damage causes death saving throw failures as normal, and three death saving throw failures can still kill you. When your next turn ends or you have 0 Grit, whichever comes first, you fall unconscious if you still have 0 hit points. If you score a critical hit with a firearm that has the Burst Property, before that happens, you immediately gain 1 hit point and stabilize.

Once you have used this ability, you can not use it again until you finish a long rest.

Cryptid Slayer

Cryptid Slayers are formed when the Hunted becomes the Hunter. Using old knowledge with modern technology, when creatures go bump in the night, it is they who bump back. They hunt down anything from ancient dragons to beholders with extreme precision and skill. Determined and well researched in a variety of lore, they track down creatures that makes the average person tremble in fear.

This unique skillset comes not just from honed reflexes in the darkest parts of the world, but from intimate knowledge about these creature's strengths and weaknesses and knowing how to exploit them using specially crafted ammunition.

Hunter's Eye

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to identify weaknesses in your quarry. As a bonus action, when you hit a creature with a firearm you are proficient with, you can expend 1 Grit to mark the target with Hunter's Eye. You immediately learn whether the creature has any damage immunities, resistances, vulnerabilities, and Condition Immunities and what they are, for 1 minute.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Tools of the Trade

At 3rd level, when you craft ammunition as part of your Weaponsmith Feature, you may choose to instead craft Specialised Ammunition. If you do, you craft half as much of the chosen ammunition. You still need specialised components to use this feature.

Dark Scholar

At 6th level, you have read many tomes on the nature of your quarry, and know how best to find further information. You learn one language of your choice and gain proficiency with one of the following skills of your choice; Acrana, History, Investigation, or Religion. If you already have proficiency in one of the listed skills, you can instead choose to double your proficiency bonus for any ability check you make that uses the chosen proficiency.

You gain an additional language and an additional skill proficiency from the above list (with the ability to double the bonus of an existing proficiency from the list) at 11th and 17th level.

Additional Grit Tricks

At 6th level, you learn the Heart of Steel and Weakening Shot Grit Tricks.

Heart of Steel: When forced to make a saving throw against being Charmed or Frightened, you may expend 1 Grit Point to have advantage on the saving throw.

Weakening Shot: When you make an attack action with a Firearm you are proficient with against a creature affected by your Hunter's Eye feature, you may expend 1 Grit Points. If you do, the creature counts as being Vulnerable, or loses Resistance if it is, to that Damage type, for 1 minute or until they take damage of that type.

DM: Specialised Ammunition

When any form of crafting is included, it is tempting to homebrew items to make it your own. As a cautionary note to GM's, while thematic for the Archetype, it is NOT recommended to allow the creation of specialised ammunition that deals Psychic Damage, even if that damage is minor, when there is a Cryptid Slayer in the party due to the Killing Shot and Weakening Shot Grit Tricks interaction.

Switched On

At 11th level, you've learnt that, against creatures of the dark, fast reactions can mean the difference between life and death. If you've already taken your Reaction, you may spend 1 Grit Point to take an additional Reaction. You may only use this feature once per round.

Slayer's Gaze

At 17th level, you are feared by the creatures you hunt, and for good reason. When you use your Hunter's Eye feature, the creature must pass a Wisdom Saving Throw (Grit Trick save DC) or become Frightened of you.

In addition, you learn the Killing Shot Grit Trick.

Killing Shot: When you make an attack action with a Slayer Pistol with against a creature affected by your Hunter's Eye feature, you may expend 1 or more Grit Points. For each Grit Point expended, if the attack hits, instead of rolling damage normally, the target must make a Constitution Saving Throw. It takes 2d8 Psychic Damage for each Grit Point expended or half as much if it succeeds. You may only use Killing Shot once per long rest.


While other gunfighters may have tales of valour sung in their names, it is the humble Infanteer that finds themselves holding the line. They are hardy folk, regardless of what exact form they appear in.

Infanteers are men and women that have spread across battlelines, hastily dug emplacements, seized ground and held it, enduring withering attacks the whole while. They are the anvil nations forge warring campaigns on, and many a gunfighter has started their career within the ranks of the military.

Those that survive long enough, find they are capable of feats of endurance thought impossible, and give credibility to the phrase "Beware old men in a profession where the young die often."

In the Trenches

At 3rd level, you are used to being in the thick of a firefight. You gain proficiency with the Trench Knife Martial Melee Weapon, Shields and Grenades.

Gritted Teeth

At 3rd level, you've learnt to take blows on the chin and turn them to your advantage. At the start of your turn, if you take damage equal to or more than a third of your total HP (rounded up) in the previous round, you gain 1 Grit Point.

In addition, when finish a short or long rest, you may use one hit die to gain Temporary Hit Points, equal to hit die + your Constitution Modifier. You gain +5 to this roll at 5th level, +10 at 9th, +15 at 13th, and +20 at 17th.

Thick Skin

At 6th level, you are hardier than most folk. You gain proficiency with Constitution Saving Throws.

In addition, you may use your Bonus Action and expend 1 Grit Point to deploy a piece of cover next to you. The cover is 5ft by 1ft and offers half-cover to anyone behind it. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Additional Grit Tricks

At 6th level, you learn the Tough Stuff and Look Out! Grit Tricks.

Tough Stuff: When you are hit by an attack, you may expend 1 Grit Point. You have resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn.

Look Out!: When an ally is hit by an attack within 5ft of you, you may expend 1 Grit Point and use your Reaction to protect them. You take the damage of the attack, even if it would of normally missed, using the original target's Resistances and Vulnerabilities.

Dig In

At 11th level, you have learnt how to maximise cover during a prolonged firefight. You treat half cover as three quarters cover.

Tough S.o.B

At 17th level, you've have endured it all and can keep going. You ignore the effects of 1st level exhaustion until you have suffered 2 or more levels of exhaustion and if you fall to 0 Hit Points, you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to half your Gunfighter level (rounded up) + your Constitution Modifier.

In addition, as an action, or a reaction to an attack against you by expending 1 Grit Point, you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to your Gunfighter level + your Constitution Modifier and can only use this ability once per long rest.

Temporary Hit Points gained from this feature last 1 minute.

Temporary Hit Points Reminder

  • You can receive Temporary Hit Points, even at full health.
  • Healing can not return Temporary Hit Points.
  • Temporary Hit Points do not stack, you choose whether to keep the ones you have, or gain the new ones. For example; if you have 10 Temporary Hit Points and a spell or ability grants you 12, you can have 10 or 12, not 22.
  • Temporary Hit Points can not stabilize you, but will absorb damage if you are unconscious.
  • Temporary Hit Points last until they're depleted or you finish a long rest, unless stated with the ability.
  • Hit Points and Temporary Hit Points are two different things.


The pirate storms the decks of the enemy ship, the noble warrior calls the banners from neighbouring regions, the officer rallies his troops before they storm the enemy position.

All these people are Duelists. They have not only mastered blade and rifle, but the social skills that accompany them. How to properly gain access to limited resources, how to leverage their way into courts above their position, or are just too damned lucky for their own good.

Whether favoured by the Gods, their own sense of self, or just blind luck, they fight most effectively when armed with pistol and blade and are able float between social circles naturally for their own ends.

Smooth Talker

At 3rd level, you have learnt the art of conversation and how to read a person, whether it is to persuade someone to share information, negotiate dealings, or talk yourself out of trouble.

You gain proficiency in Insight and Persuasion skills. If you already have proficiency in the either skill, you double your proficiency bonus when making checks with that skill, if you have proficiency in both you may choose one of them.

Additionally, you gain proficiency with Martial Melee Weapons.

Lead and Steel

Starting at 3rd level, if you hit a target with a melee weapon, you no longer suffer disadvantage on attack rolls due to hostile creatures within 5 feet of you if you attack with a pistol against that creature, until the end of your turn.

In addition, at 9th level, if a creature makes a melee attack against you, you may use your Overwatch feature against that target even you have creatures within 10ft of you and they have not moved, after their attack has been resolved.

Elegantly Spoken

Starting at 6th level, you are adept at adjusting to demanding social situations, even those without outside of your circle of influence. Whenever you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check, you gain a bonus to the check equal to your Wisdom Modifier.

Additional Grit Tricks

At 6th level, you learn the Proper Duel and Luck of the Draw Grit Tricks.

Proper Duel: You may expend 1 Grit Point to issue a challenge to a hostile creature within 60ft of you. As a bonus action, make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by a creature's Wisdom (Insight) check. The creature must be able to hear you, and the two of you must share a language.

If you succeed on the check, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you and can't make opportunity attacks against targets other than you. This effect lasts for 1 minute, until one of your companions attacks the target or affects it with a spell, or until you and the target are more than 60 feet apart. On a failure, the challenge is ignored, and nothing happens.

Luck of the Draw: You may expend 1 Grit Point to make use of any Grit Trick listed within the Gunfighter Class or Archetypes, even if you do not know it or would not be able to learn it otherwise. Conditions and Costs listed within that Grit Trick still apply.

Master of Arms

At 11th level, you can choose a second option from the Fighting Style Class Feature.

Art of the Duel

Beginning at 17th level, your mastery of pistol and blade lets you turn failure into success. If you miss with an attack roll against a creature within 5ft of you, you can roll it again with advantage. Once you do so, you can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Class Balancing Notes
Before diving into the collection of weapons, feats and items introduced with this Gunfighter class, it is worth speaking about the class. The Gunfighter is intended to function as a streamlined class that can drop in any game without out shining the basic classes found in the D&D5e already.
The Gunfighter relies on keeping their weapon of choice supplied and loaded. Ammunition counting is as much part of this class as mag-dumping into a dragon
In addition, managing the action-eco will be important. Nearly all Gunfighters should find their various actions crowded, bonus action particularly, as they debate whether it's worth trying to get an extra shot off or do they get a reload in now? Do they use one of their Grit abilities or save it for later?
Even with all this though, simply dropping the Gunfighter class in may not be suitable for your campaign. Firearms are powerful weapons that help nations define boarders, and have knock on effects within the world. It may be suitable to limit this class, and to make life easier for a GM, this can be achieved by removing Exotic Firearms or other items from the equipment list.

Optional: Multiclassing

The prerequisites to Multiclass into Gunfighter is Dexterity 13 and Wisdom 13.

You gain proficiency with Simple and Martial Firearms.


No Gunfighter is complete without their trusty boomstick of choice, nor the accompanying equipment that goes alongside them. Whether a Gunfighter favours small pistols or a large rifle, or even the infamous Assault Carbine, their ability to use these weapons effectively can mean the difference between life and death.

The Weapons Table shows the most common weapons used by Gunfighters, their price and weight, their damage and any additional abilities they may possess. While exact patterns of firearms may vary, nearly all will fit within the examples given.

Each weapon is classified as a melee, ranged; firearm or grenade. In turn they are broken down into Simple and Martial, with firearms also possessing Exotic. While Simple and Martial weapons are largely interchangeable - a skilled Fighter may have a preferred weapon, but will be able to use any weapon well - Exotic is different. Exotic Weapon Proficiency can not be generic and must include a specific weapon type, for example; Exotic Weapon (Sniper Rifle).

This is because Exotic Firearms represent unusual patterns of weapons; they may be particularly rare, require an unusual, skilled operation, or even crew weapons that require multiple users to use effectively. Often specialist training is required, or a lifetime of acclimation to the Firearm. To represent this, Exotic Firearms typically have a host of special rules and abilities, or superior profiles.

Exotic Without Proficiency

While a character may use any weapon listed here, it takes someone well trained to use Exotic Firearms effectively, due to their unusual nature. As such, when making an Attack with an Exotic Firearm you are not proficient with, you suffer disadvantage on the attack roll, and do not add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll (as normal).

New Weapon Properties

Some weapons have new special properties related to their use, as shown in the appropriate Weapon Table.

Alternative Ammo: This firearm is capable of being loaded with a variety of ammunition. The weapon profile listed uses Ammunition denoted by its Reload Score, but may use Specialised Ammunition, detailed later.

Area of Effect (AoE): This weapon's ammunition explodes when it hits a target and may hit nearby creatures as well. Each other creature within a number of feet equal to the AoE range (noted in Parentheses) must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier). On a failed save, the creature takes half of the damage dealt to the original target. Siege weapons still roll to determine Area of Effect Damage.

It's a dud!

When making an attack with a weapon with the Area of Effect or Grenade Property and you miss, rather than worry about where the grenade scatters or an errant shell fails, it is assumed that missed attacks are duds or explode in an otherwise harmless area, unless the DM rules otherwise.

Burst: This weapon releases multiple projectiles when fired (noted in Parentheses). To calculate the number of bullets within a fully loaded Firearm, multiply the Burst Number with the Reload Number, for example; Burst(5) Reload 6, means the firearm consumes 30 bullets (5 times 6) per reload and 5 bullets with each Attack. In addition, Firearms with the Burst Property may not benefit from Trick Shots, unless the Trick Shot specifically says 'with a Firearm with the Burst Property'.

Crew: This weapon functions best with multiple users. A number of creatures may use this weapon equal to its Crew Score (noted in Parentheses) and may use their Action in someway decided by the DM, typically a Gunner (Attack Action) and a Loader (Reload Action). Crew weapons always take an Action to Attack with, Reload, or otherwise, and do not benefit from the Extra Attack Feature.

If a Crew weapon has less than it's Crew Score operating, Attacks with it suffer from disadvantage. If a creature has Exotic Firearm Proficiency with the weapon, they count as two creatures for the purposes of Crew.

Emplaced: This weapon is particularly large and requires users to assemble it for use. Without being broken down, they are considered immovable. It is assumed it takes a skilled crew 1 minute to break down the weapon for transport or 1 minute to assemble it.

External Magazine: The firearm has some form of specialised loading method. A firearm with External Magazine can only be reloaded equal to the number of Magazines or Belts for that firearm in a character's inventory, which are detailed under Adventuring Equipment below, per short or long rest.

Grenade: You must throw and remove this weapon from your inventory when you make a ranged attack with it. Add your Dexterity modifier to the attack roll, but do not add it to the damage roll.

Hidden: The nature of this weapon is concealed or is easily discreeted on a persons. Creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks to find or identify the the weapon.

Misfire: Whenever you make an attack with a firearm, and the dice roll is equal to or lower than the weapon's Misfire Score (noted in Parentheses), the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and the weapon cannot be used again until you spend an action to try and repair it. To repair your firearm, you must make a successful Gunsmith Tool's check (DC equal to 8 + misfire score). If your check fails, the weapon is broken and must be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm. Creatures who use a firearm without being proficient increase the weapon's misfire score by 1.

Reload: The weapon can be fired a number of times equal to it's Reload Score (noted in Parentheses) before you must spend 1 action to reload it. You must have one free hand to reload a firearm but, if you wield two light ranged weapons with reload property, you can reload them both at once as part of your action.

Siege: Siege weapons are intended for use in vast naval battles or attacking city walls. Siege weapons automatically score a critical hit if they hit the target and deal maximum damage against an object, structure, or vehicle, for example; 1d6 deals 12 damage, 1d8 deals 16 and so on. Area of Effect does not trigger Siege.


There are many variances with bullet calibres; the amount of powder grain used, the exacting material for the casing or the metal used for the projectile. For sake of simplicity, and ease of logistics, most weapons will accept one of three standards of cartridges: Light, Medium, and Heavy, which make up the basic ammunitions types.

  • Light Cartridges are typically used in smaller pistols or rapid firing firearms, such as the Pocket Pistol and the Assault Carbine.
  • Medium Cartridges are used in most pistols and rifles, such as the Revolver Pistol and the Rifle, Musket.
  • Heavy Cartridges are used by high powered firearms and high-end military equipment, such as the Precision Rifle and the Chaingun.

Bigger Bullets

Heavy Cartridges count as two bullets for the purposes of the Weaponsmith Class Feature.

When crafting Ammunition, it is assumed that a character knows what specification their weapon is and are able to make ammunition to match it, or they are able to find it in stores when visiting an appropriately stocked shop.

Finally there is Specialised Ammunition. These are types of Ammunition for rarer weapons and many that have unique effects when used, but are harder to create and find. Specialised Ammunitions are detailed under "Specialised Ammunition" later, for use in Firearms, namely variants of the Shotgun.

If a firearm does not have an indication as to what Ammunition type it uses, it uses Medium Cartridges of some variation. If a Firearm uses a different form of Ammunition it will be noted in it's weapon profile under it's Properties either by 'L.', 'H.', or 'S.' accompanying it's Reload Score.

Basic Ammunition Costs and Weights are detailed under Adventuring Gear. Finally, unlike Arrows and Bolts, bullets are a single use type of ammunition, whether they are destroyed on contact with the target or embedding so deep into terrain they can not be found. Ammunition for Firearms, except the Harpoon Gun, is unrecoverable once it has been used.

Melee Weapons and Armour

Simple Melee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Bayonet 3gp 1d4 Slashing 1lb Special

Martial Melee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Harpoon 1gp 1d6 Piercing 3lb Thrown (20/60)
Trench Knife 3gp 1d4 Slashing 2lb Light, Special
Trench Sword 12gp 1d6 Slashing 4lb Light, Special
Name Cost Armour Class Weight Properties
Pavise 40gp +2 12lb Special

Special Melee Weapons

Bayonet: Bayonets are small dagger-like blades that can be affixed to the barrel of a firearm or crossbow. They are most often used by soldiers in close-quarter combat. A character may use an action to attach a bayonet to a firearm or crossbow. If they do, they may make melee attacks with the bayonet without having to first stow their ranged weapon. When mounted on the end of a Rifle (or appropriately long ranged weapon), they may make attacks as if armed with a Spear, without the Thrown Property.

Many Bayonets, when attached to a ranged weapon, may prevent a character from making ranged attacks with their weapon, at DM's discretion.

Trench Knife: Trench Knives are knives that have been adapted by soldiers to feature protruding spikes, knuckledusters or other crude attachments. When a character makes a melee attack with a Trench Knife, they can use it to make an Unarmed Strike.

Trench Sword: Trench Knives are knives that have been adapted by soldiers to feature protruding spikes, knuckledusters or other crude attachments. When a character makes a melee attack with a Trench Sword, they can use it to make an Unarmed Strike.

Special Armour

Pavise: A large oblong Shield, a character may use an action to doff and deploy the Pavise. When deployed, the Pavise remains upright and in place, offering half-cover to anyone behind it. It takes an action to don the Pavise.

Simple Ranged Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Blunderbuss 300gp 1d8 Piercing 10lb (15/60) Reload(1), Misfire(2), Two-handed, Alternative Ammo
Cane Gun 150gp 1d6 Piercing 2lb (20/60) Reload(1) L., Misfire(1), Hidden
Cannon 1000gp 4d12 Force 8000lb (300/900) Crew(2), Reload(1) S., Misfire(2), AoE(5), Siege, Emplaced
Double Barrel 400gp 1d10 Piercing 15lb (15/60) Reload(2), Misfire(2), Two-handed, Alternative Ammo
Harpoon gun 200gp 1d8 Piercing 15lb (60/120) Reload(1) S., Misfire (1), Two-handed, Special
Hunting Rifle 400gp 1d12 Piercing 10lb (120/300) Reload(1) H., Misfire(2), Two-handed
Pepperbox Pistol 250gp 1d6 Piercing 3lb (20/60) Reload(4) L., Misfire(2), Light
Pistol, Musket 150gp 1d8 Piercing 5lb (30/80) Reload(1), Misfire(1)
Pocket Pistol 60gp 1d4 Piercing 1lb (20/60) Reload(2) L., Misfire(1), Light, Hidden
Rifle, Musket 300gp 1d10 Piercing 10lb (60/150) Reload(1), Misfire(1), Two-handed

Simple Ranged Firearms

Simple Firearms make up the most common form of firearms due to their simple and reliable nature, and ammunition for them is the more common place. Many armies still use the humble Musket as their main weapon, despite there being more advanced weapons available, and many a pirate has held superior ships hostage at cannon point.

Simple Firearms are characterised by a simple, muzzle loaded tube with an external fuse, or multiple barrels loaded by 'break action' and fired with a simple trigger mechanism. The exact nature may differ, a Musket may have a string fuse that is lit by an external flame or a flintlock mechanism, but they use the same weapon profile.

Harpoon Gun: This firearm is designed to launch a harpoon and embed it into the target, typically by fishermen hauling in large fish. They are normally fitted with iron rings that can be used to tie off and anchor a harpoon line to a secured point, such as those found on a ship.

The true range of the harpoon is limited by the rope or cable attached to it, if the rope or cable is shorter than the harpoon gun's range, the harpoon will stop at a distance equal to the length the rope or cable.

If the harpoon gun hits its target, a harpoon is embedded into the target. The target can not move further away from you than the length of the rope or cable, without first destroying the rope or cable, or removing the harpoon as an Action, which deals 1d4 Slashing damage to the target. You can take the Shove Action against the creature as if you were within 5ft of the target. If you win the contested roll, you may either knock the target prone or pull it 5ft towards you.

Dealing 5 Slashing damage to the rope or cable (AC 7) destroys it without causing additional damage to the harpooned creature and a new harpoon is required to Reload the firearm, otherwise it is assumed the Harpoon is reeled in as part of the Reload Action if not embedded.

Optional Rule: Wet Powder

Many Firearms are particularly vulnerable to weather conditions, like rain and moisture, and being submerged in water.
Should such a situation arise, increase the Misfire Score by +5 or, in extreme cases, the firearm fails completely, forcing a Gunfighter to affix bayonet or draw alternative weapons.

Martial Ranged Firearms

Martial Firearms are ubiquitous with the military, particularly those of wealthier nations. While more complex than Simple Firearms, often having some form of self-loading method, they offer additional firepower in the form of internal magazines, revolving chambers or levers that action the weapon.

Martial Firearms are typically characterised by some form of expanded ammunition pool contained within the weapon. Whether that is a lever actioned tube, a rotating chamber, or a user operated bolt. Additionally, they usually require some form of maintenance outside of simply keeping the barrel clean of fouling.

While Martial Firearms have the most variance, again the exact nature of a Firearm may differ but they use the same profile.

Martial Ranged Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Burst Pistol 300gp 2d4 Piercing 6lb (15/30) Reload(4) L., Misfire(5), Light, Burst(3), External Magazine
Cannon-shield 90gp 1d12 Piercing 20lb (10/30) Reload(1) H., Misfire(1), Heavy, Special
Gun-sword 175gp 1d8 Piercing 8lb (20/60) Reload(1), Misfire(2), Special
Hand Cannon 250gp 1d12 Piercing 10lb (50/150) Reload(1) H., Misfire(4), Heavy
Hand Mortar 250gp 2d8 Fire 25lb (30/80) Reload(1) S., Misfire(4), AoE(5), Alternative Ammo
Heavy Rifle Crafted 2d8 Piercing 20lb (150/450) Reload(1) H., Misfire(3), Heavy, Two-handed, Alternative Ammo
Holdout Pistol 150gp 1d6 Piercing 3lb (20/60) Reload(8) L., Misfire(3), Light
Long-arm Revolver 400gp 1d8 Piercing 13lb (80/240) Reload(5), Misfire(3), Two-handed
Precision Rifle 500gp 2d6 Piercing 15lb (150/400) Reload(1) H., Misfire(3), Two-handed
Repeating Pistol 200gp 1d10 Piercing 5lb (40/80) Reload(4), Misfire(3)
Repeating Rifle 400gp 1d10 Piercing 13lb (80/240) Reload(4), Misfire(3), Two-handed
Revolver Pistol 200gp 1d8 Piercing 5lb (40/80) Reload(5), Misfire(3), Light
Sawn-off Crafted 1d8 Piercing 5lb (15/30) Reload(2), Misfire(2), Alternative Ammo
Shotgun 350g 1d10 Piercing 12lb (15/60) Reload(5), Misfire(4), Two-handed, Alternative Ammo
Slayer Pistol Crafted 1d10 Piercing 6lb (40/80) Reload(4), Misfire(3), Alternative Ammo
Sword-cannon 195gp 1d12 Piercing 20lb (20/80) Reload(1) H., Misfire(2), Heavy, Two-handed, Special

Cannon-shield: This shield contains a heavy, short-ranged rifle mounted in the centre of the shield. It functions as a shield, and can be used to make an Attack as a bonus action, as an off-hand weapon. It must be doffed before it can be reloaded. A cannon-shield grants +2 AC while it is equipped.

Gun-sword: The Gun-sword has a single-shot rifle within the blade. A Gun-sword can be used as a melee weapon; it is treated as a Longsword. Due to the nature of the firearm, it can not be reloaded in combat.

Heavy Rifle: A weapon formed when military officials experimented with extending the range of their Precision Rifles. While it has become known as the poor man's sniper rifle, it does allow the use of some specialised ammunition, which is valued by many sharpshooters.

Sawn-off: What happens when someone willing takes a hack-saw to a perfectly good Double Barrel. While frowned upon within the firearm community, it is a formidable weapon at close range.

Slayer Pistol: A Slayer Pistol is seen as the Cryptid Slayer's mark of their profession. Due to the nature of their work, many are custom made by the Slayer themselves to accept the customised ammunition required to hunt their quarries.

Sword-cannon: The Sword-cannon has a single-shot rifle within the blade. A Sword-cannon can be used as a melee weapon; it is treated as a Greatsword. Due to the nature of the firearm, it can not be reloaded in combat.

Ranged Grenades

Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Explosive Grenade 35gp 1d8 Piercing 2lb (20/60) Grenade, AoE(5)
Incendiary Grenade 50gp 1d8 Fire 2lb (20/60) Grenade, AoE(5)
Stun Grenade 50gp - 2lb (20/60) Grenade, AoE(5), Special
Demolition Charge 120gp 1d12 Force 2lb (20/40) Grenade, AoE(10), Siege, Special


Grenades are single use items, typically used by elite military units to create openings they can expliot.

Stun Grenade: Instead of dealing damage, the creature hit must make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC16) or be Blinded and Deafened. Creatures caught in the AoE must make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC12) or be Blinded and Deafened as well.

Demolition Charge: Rather than be thrown, a Demolition Charge may be placed and set to go off in between 1 to 4 turns, decided by the user.

DM: Homebrew Grenades

Grenades come in many forms, especially in a world where magic can be contained and released when needed.
When creating Grenades not listed previously, it is advised to treat them as expensive scrolls. For example, a more potent Incendiary Grenade may function akin to Fireball (and be a lot more dangerous to the target and the user!).
While costings and rarities may vary in your world, it is recommended to use the following list;
- Cantrip-1st: Common: 50-100gp
- 2nd-3rd: Uncommon: 101-500gp
- 4th-5th: Rare : 501gp-5000gp
- 6th - 8th: Very Rare : 5001gp-50000gp
- 9th: Legendary : 50001gp+
This price and rarity list here is also appropriate for scrolls.

Exotic Ranged Firearms

Exotic Firearms covers a wide catchment of different types of weapons, from the rapid-firing Chaingun to the powerful, single-shot sniper rifle. They are the rarest form of firearms, with some of them even being custom made or designed for a specific purpose.

Most of them see use within military organisations, within specialised units or the defining feature of entire divisions.

While there are few group defining features of Exotic Ranged Firearms, they are all exceptionally complex weapons that require specialised training to use correctly.

Artillery Cannon: The Artillery Cannon is a heavy emplacement weapon, used for firing shells across the horizon for several miles. When making an Attack at long range the Attack roll is made vs DC rather than AC and it is on the Crew Members to gather information on the target location. How this is achieved may vary, as may the results at the DM's discretion. As an indication of expected difficulty, a shot on a stationary, visual target at 901ft on a clear day is considered Easy (DC10), while a shot on a moving target 5 miles away with minimal information during a storm is considered nearly Impossible (DC30).

Chaingun: When using a Trick Shot that says 'expend all ammunition that is remaining', you instead expend 20 ammunition and if a Trick says 'you have more than half of your ammunition remaining in your Firearm', instead you may use that Trick Shot so long as you have more than 20 ammunition remaining. Trick Shots that trigger this ability count as firing twice for the purposes of Reload.

Nock Gun: An unusual firearm, created more to prove it could be done. It resembles a scaled up Pepperbox Pistol, featuring 7 barrels loaded with Heavy Ammunition. When the weapon is fully loaded, the user may choose to fire all 7 barrels at once as an action. Expend all remaining ammunition in the firearm, and make an attack roll against the target, suffering disadvantage. If the attack hits, deal 7d12 Piercing damage to the target and you take 7d4 Bludgeoning damage. In addition you must pass a Strength Saving Throw (DC12) or be knocked prone. This action counts as firing 7 times for the purposes of Reload.

Sniper Rifle: Sniper Rifles are as much a weapon as they are a work of art. Whether painstakingly adapted from an existing rifle by the marksman or women themselves, or crafted to bespoke specifications by artisan weaponsmiths, they are a sharpshooters pride and joy.

Exotic Ranged Firearms

Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Artillery Cannon 2000gp 8d12 Force 3850lb (900/-) Reload(1) S., Misfire(3), Crew(4), AoE(50), Siege, Emplaced, Special
Assault Carbine 500gp 2d4 Piercing 12lb (40/100) Reload(6) L., Misfire(5), Two-handed, Burst(5), External Magazine
Battle cannon 450gp 2d12 Bludgeoning 30lb (50/150) Reload(1) S., Misfire(3), Two-handed, Heavy, Crew(2), AoE(5)
Chaingun 800gp 2d8 Piercing 30lb (100/250) Reload(10) H., Misfire(5), Two-handed, Heavy, Crew(2), Burst(10), External Magazine, Special
Nock Gun 2100gp 1d12 Piercing 24lb (70/210) Reload(7) H., Misfire(4), Two-handed, Heavy, Special
Sniper Rifle Crafted 2d12 Piercing 18lb (200/800) Reload(1) H., Misfire(3), Two-handed, Alternative Ammo

What's a pistol?

Many rules reference pistols. Pistols are small one-handed firearms that typically use Light or Medium ammunition, but does the Gun-sword count as a pistol? No.
Firearms that have pistol in their name count as pistols. The exceptions to this is the Hand Cannon, and the Sawn-off.

Specialised Ammunition

Specialised Ammunition is typically loaded one round at a time and may be loaded into a suitable firearm so long as it's Reload Score is not at it highest value, for example a Reload(5) weapon that has not yet been fired can not be loaded, but a Reload(5) weapon that has been fired once may. A character makes a reload action to do so, and is assumed that if the firearm is loaded, they manipulate the weapon so they may reload it directly into the chamber.

Alternatively, a character may choose to fully load their firearm with exclusively Specialised Ammunition with a number of Specialised Ammunition up to it's Reload Score or a mixture of Specialised or Basic Ammunition. The amount, order, and type is declared as part of the Reload Action. An attack may only benefit from one type of Specialised Ammunition.

Acid Shot: For use in the Slayer Pistol, it changes the Slayer Pistol's damage to Acid and requires a vial of acid to manufacture. A single vial of acid has enough acid to make 10 Acid Shot.

Aerodynamic Bullet: A specially made bullet for use in the Sniper Rifle and Heavy Rifle. When using an Aerodynamic Bullet, extend your normal range by 50ft and long range by 100ft.

Artillery Shell: A complex shell, made from alchemical components that launches a highly volatile explosive charge for the Artillery Cannon. It requires specialised equipment to manufacture, found in advanced weapon factories and can not be made using a Gunsmith's Kit.

Battle Cannon Shell: A small Artillery shell for use in the Battle Cannon, it requires alchemical components and some form of volatile explosive to manufacture.

Blessed Shot: For use in the Slayer Pistol, it changes the Slayer Pistol's damage to Radiant and requires some form of blessed component, such as holy water, to manufacture. If used against a fiend or undead, the shot deals an additional 1d6 Radiant damage.

Cannon Ball: A heavy lead ball for use in the Cannon, the weight and size of it makes it difficult to craft without suitable tools.

Chill Shot: For use in the Slayer Pistol, it changes the Slayer Pistol's damage to Cold and requires some form of crystal or alchemical component to manufacture.

Cursed Shot: For use in the Slayer Pistol, it changes the Slayer Pistol's damage to Necrotic and requires some of cursed component, a vial of blood, or similar, to manufacture.

Dragon's Breath: A shell that lets loose a blast of fire for use in the Blunderbuss, Double barrel, Sawn-off and Shotgun, that requires thin shavings of metal to manufacture, such as iron fillings. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a DC16 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.

Flame Shot: For use in the Slayer Pistol, it changes the Slayer Pistol's damage to Fire and requires a flammable liquid, such as oil or fuel, to manufacture. Alternatively a vial of Alchemist Fire may be used, which has enough liquid to make 20 Flame Shot.

Flare Shot: For use in the Slayer Pistol, the round releases a brightly glowing orb of light that hovers in the air, that requires a suitable component such as oil or flash paper. When using Flare Shot as part of an attack action, instead of rolling damage, pick a point within range of your firearm. An orb of light appears at that point, descending slowly, and sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet for 1 minute.

Flash Shell: A shell that explodes with a bright flash, blinding the target, for use in the Blunderbuss, Double barrel, Sawn-off and Shotgun, that requires some form magical component or rapidly burning substance, such as flash paper. When using a Flash Shell as part of an attack roll with a suitable firearm, the target takes normal damage but must make a DC16 Consitution Saving Throw or be Blinded until the start of your next turn.

Grapple Hook Shot: An unusual type of ammunition, it involves loading a blank into the firearm and dropping a Grappling Hook down the muzzle, for use Blunderbuss, Double Barrel, Sawn-off and Shotgun. When using Grapple Hook shot, instead of dealing damage the attack launches a Grappling Hook up to the maximum range of the Firearm.

Specialised Ammunition
Item Cost Weight
Acid Shot(10) 10gp 1lb
Aerodynamic Bullet 5gp 0.2lb
Artillery Shell 100gp 30lb
Battle Cannon Shell 3gp 1lb
Blessed Shot(10) 10gp 1lb
Cannon Ball 2gp 9lb
Chill Shot(10) 10gp 1lb
Cursed Shot (10) 10gp 1lb
Dragon's Breath 50gp 0.1lb
Flame Shot(10) 10gp 1lb
Flare Shot 35gp 0.1lb
Flash Shell 50gp 0.1lb
Grapple Hook Shot 5gp 4lb
Glow Shot 3gp 0.2lb
Mortar - Chill Shell 20gp 2lb
Mortar - Fire Shell 10gp 2lb
Net Shot 50gp 3lb
P+ Round 30gp 0.2lb
Salt Shell 50gp 0.1lb
Scatter Shell 30gp 0.1lb
Shock Shot(10) 10gp 1lb
Silver Ammo(10) 100gp 1lb
Solid Slug 25gp 0.1lb
Thunder Shot(10) 10gp 1lb
Wing Clipper 50gp 0.1lb

Glow Shot: A round used both by Cryptid Slayers and Hunters, it marks the target with a glowing liquid that leaves a trail, required as part of its manufacture. For use in the Slayer Pistol, Heavy Rifle, and Sniper Rifle, when using Glow Shot as part of an attack with a suitable firearm, instead of dealing damage the target leaves a trail of glowing liquid behind it that allows the target to be easily tracked.

Mortar - Chill Shell: A shell for the Hand Mortar that explodes with an icy blast, it requires some form of chilling liquid with a magical charge to freeze it, or similarly appropriate alchemical components. When using a Hand Mortar Chill Shell as part of an attack roll with the Hand Mortar, it instead deals 1d8 Cold Damage, has AoE(5), and reduces the movement of the target and creatures in the AoE by 10 feet.

Mortar - Fire Shell: A shell for the Hand Mortar that explodes with a fiery blast, it requires some form of flammable liquid, such as oil, contained within a suitable container, to manufacture. When using a Hand Mortar Fire Shell as part of an attack roll with the Hand Mortar, it

DM: Specialised Ammunition

Much like Grenades, specialised ammunition is encouraged to have homebrew elements added to them.
When creating Specialised Ammunition, it is recommended to design them with a specific target in mind, like the Salt Shell and Creatures with Etherealness.
Again, like Greandes, pricing and components should be considered in line with Scrolls.

deals 2d8 Fire Damage and has AoE(5), as listed in the Hand Mortar Profile.

Harpoon: A steel, hooked spike, for use in the Harpoon Gun. It can be used as a melee weapon and is detailed under Martial Melee Wepaons.

Net Shot: A round that fires a net towards the target, required for it's manufacture, for use in the Blunderbuss, Double Barrel, Sawn-off and Shotgun. Instead of dealing damage, a Large or smaller creature hit by a net is Restrained until it is freed. Net Shot has no Effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, Ending the Effect and destroying the net.

P+ Round: A bullet carefully overloaded with powder for use in the Sniper Rifle and Heavy Rifle. When using a P+ Round, you gain +2 to your damage roll, but -2 to your attack roll.

Salt Shell: A round for use in the Blunderbuss, Double Barrel, Sawn-off and Shotgun, it fires a collection of ritually treated salts, which are required for its manufacture. When using a Salt Shell as part of an attack roll with a suitable firearm, it instead deals 1d6 Piercing Damage and the target must make a DC16 Wisdom Saving Throw or be unable to leave the current plane until the end of your next turn.

Scatter Shell: A round for use in the Blunderbuss, Double Barrel, Sawn-off and Shotgun, it fires a number of ball-bearings, which are required for its manufacture, designed to spread out and hit multiple targets. When using a Scatter Shell as part of an attack roll with a suitable firearm, it gains AoE(5).

Shock Shot: For use in the Slayer Pistol, it changes the Slayer Pistol's damage to Lightning and requires some form of electrically charged component, such as a piece of twig from a tree that has been struck by lightning, to manufacture.

Silver Ammo: Creating Silver Ammo for firearms is a more demanding task than creating usual silvered ammunition for traditional weapons, the explosive power of firearms normally destroying the silver. Silver ammo may be used in the Slayer Pistol, Blunderbuss, Double Barrel, Sawn-off and Shotgun, following the normal costing and requirements.

Solid Slug: A round for use in the Double Barrel, Sawn-off and Shotgun, it fires a single slug of lead at the target, which is required for it's manufacture. When using Solid

Slug as part of an attack roll with a suitable firearm, double its normal range and long range and the firearm deals 1d12 Bludgeoning damage instead of normal damage.

Thunder Shot: For use in the Slayer Pistol, it changes the Slayer Pistol's damage to Thunder and requires alchemical components to manufacture.

Wing Clipper: A round for use in the Blunderbuss, Double Barrel, Sawn-off and Shotgun, it fires a vast number of small ball-bearings, which are required for its manufacture. While less damaging, it is useful for grounding creatures with wings. When using Wing Clipper Ammunition as part of an attack roll with a suitable firearm, it instead deals 1d6 Piercing Damage and reduces the targets flying speed by half.

Adventuring Gear

Ammo Bandolier: This simple leather crossbelt features ten to twelve leather loops suitable for holding firearm charges or magazines that can be easily accessed during combat.

Assault Carbine Magazine: A Magazine for the Assault Carbine, it holds up to 30 Basic Light Ammunition.

Burst Pistol Magazine: A Magazine for the Burst Pistol, it holds up to 12 Basic Light Ammunition.

Chaingun Belt: A fabric or leather loading Belt for the Chaingun, it holds up to 100 Basic Heavy Ammunition.

Gas Mask: Gas masks are a rare but not unobtainable piece of gear, typical issued to military units. Affixed tightly to the head, this mask creates an impermeable seal around the wearer’s mouth and nose with a filter that allows the wearer to breathe in dangerous environments.

A character can don or doff a gas mask as a bonus action. While wearing a gas mask, a character suffers a −5 penalty to passive Perception and Wisdom (Perception) checks but is immune to inhaled toxins, such as those produced by the stinking cloud spell. Replacement filters for a gas mask cost 5 gp each and provide enough protection for 1 hour of exposure to caustic gases.

Goggles: Created for mechaniks, alchemists, and others who work in hazardous professions, goggles have entered widespread use across the world. A character wearing goggles has advantage on saving throws to avoid being Blinded but has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. A character can don or doff a goggles as a bonus action.

Grenade Bandolier: A grenade bandolier is a leather belt with loops that can store up to 6 grenades for easy access.

Shooting Stand: A single pole with a forked end, that allows a shooter to rest their firearm on to fire from a more stable position. A Shooting Stand counts as a Quarterstaff, but on a roll of a natural 1 to hit, the Shooting Stand breaks and can no longer be used. As an action, a creature may deploy the Shooting Stand and rest their firearm in it, offering +1 to ranged attack rolls with the firearm.

Equipment Pack

Soldier’s Pack(16gp): This gear consists of a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, a small hammer, 3 yards of oilcloth, 10 days of rations, and a canteen. A 30-foot coil of hemp rope is strapped to the outside of the pack.


Gunsmith’s Kit: In addition to specialized gunsmith tools, this kit includes a number of tools useful for cleaning, disassembling, and reassembling firearms, as well as a scale for measuring blast powder, lead and molds for pouring shot to make ammunition. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to maintain or repair a firearm or to craft ammunition.

Meteorologist's Kit: A kit that houses a collection of tools, including a barometer, anemometer and hygrometer, used for making short-term weather predictions; invaluable for adventurers, sailors and merchants alike. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to determine, measure or predict weather conditions.

Pyrotechnician's Kit: A kit that includes several tools and alchemical components that are used when working with or creating explosives. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to maintain or repair explosives or explosive devices, like grenades.

Weapon Attachments

Weapons Attachments are items that may be fitted to a weapon, namely firearms.

How many attachments!?

While there is no hard fast rules on how many attachments a firearm may have, it is recommended to control it in a sensible way. Exact limits may vary from setting to setting, players may come up with unusual attachment methods and so on. Rather than try and dictate what can and can not be done, it is best to discuss this with your table, with the DM having final say.

Bipod: A pair of small legs that are affixed to a firearm in some way, that allows the shooter to have a more stable position. When Prone or behind cover, the Bipod may be deployed as a bonus action, and offers +1 to ranged attack rolls with the firearm. When a character moves, the bipod is broken down as part of the movement and must use a bonus action to deploy it again.

Quick-spring Holster: A leather bracer that is fitted with a spring-arm mechanism that hides a pistol or dagger, enabling the weapon to be easily concealed and accessible beneath a loose fitting sleeve.

A pistol or dagger fitted with a Quick-spring Holster can be draw or sheathed without using your Free Action, and a weapon sheathed within a Quick-spring Holster gains Hidden.

Sling: A Sling may be fitted to a single Firearm, typically a strip of leather that loops over a person's shoulder or rope tied to clothing. Stowing a weapon equipped with a sling does not use your Free Object Interaction.

Adventuring Gear
Item Cost Weight
Ammo Bandolier 15sp 0.5lb
- Light Ammunition(10) 2gp 0.5lb
- Medium Ammunition(10) 5gp 1lb
- Heavy Ammunition(5) 10gp 1lb
Assault Carbine Magazine 1gp 0.5lb
Bipod 10gp 1lb
Burst Pistol Magazine 1gp 0.5lb
Chaingun Belt 4gp 1lb
Gas Mask 20gp 2lb
Goggles 5gp 1lb
Grenade Bandolier 5gp 1.5lb
Gunsmith's Kit 15gp 10lb
Meteorologist's Kit 50gp 25lb
Pyrotechnician's Kit 50gp 20lb
Shooting Stand 1gp 5lb
Sling 5sp 1/2lb
Suppressor 50gp 2lb
Reflector Sight 20gp 1lb
Rifle Scope 20gp 2lb
Tripod 50gp 25lb

Suppressor: A rare weapon attachment for a weapon, that is a metallic tube that affixes to the end of a firearm's barrel. You no longer automatically give away your position when you attack from a hidden position; you only give away your position if your attack hits. If your attack misses, a creature must succeed on a Wisdom (Perception) check contested by your Dexterity (Stealth) check to know your position. If a creature must make a Wisdom (Perception) check to know your position already, they suffer disadvantage. You may not affix a bayonet to a firearm with a Suppressor.

Reflector Sight: A non-magnifying optical sight that uses a collimator to allow the viewer looking through the sight to see an illuminated image of a reticle that stays in alignment with the device the sight is attached to that allows for quick target acquisition. When making an attack action with a firearm fitted with a Reflector Sight against a target within 30ft, you have +1 to your attack roll.

Rifle Scope: When attached to a rifle, this sighting device provides optical magnification that increases a shooter's accuracy. When you take the Attack action and attack with a rifle equipped with a Rifle Scope, you can use a bonus action to aim through the scope. The Attack ignores penalties associated with darkness, lightly obscured areas, or heavily obscured areas, that are non-magical.

Tripod: A large metal frame that attaches to Firearms to manage recoil. A firearm fitted with a Tripod loses the Heavy Property but gains Emplaced.


New Feats introduced with the Gunfighter class, they are available to all classes.


Not only are you skilled with Firearms at range, but are capable of making effective use of them when affixed with bayonets, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain +1 bonus to damage rolls with Bayonets.
  • Two-handed Firearms with a bayonet attached gain a reach of 10 feet.
  • When you take a melee attack action with a Firearm that has a bayonet attached to it, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack.

Close Quarters Fighter

You are at your best in the heart of a firefight, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Dexterity score 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When making a ranged weapon attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll.
  • Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover against targets within 30 feet of you.


You have mastered shotguns in all forms, and how to make best use of them, gaining the following benefits:

Prerequisite: Gunfighter or Grit Slinger Feat

  • You may craft Specialised Ammunition for the Blunderbuss, Double Barrel, Sawn-off, and Shotgun, using the Gunsmith's Kit.
  • When you make an attack action with advantage against a target that has another target within 5ft of it, you may choose instead to make an attack against both targets without advantage.
  • You learn the 'Top-off' Grit Trick; You may expend 1 Grit and use your Bonus Action to load one shell into a Double Barrel, Sawn-off, or Shotgun, and increase your current Reload Score by 1. You may use Specialised Ammunition with Top-off.
  • You do not suffer disadvantage due to long range with a Blunderbuss, Double Barrel, Sawn-off, and Shotgun.


You've learnt how to use grenades to best effect, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain Proficiency with Grenades and Pryotechnician's Kit.
  • You may draw and ready a Grenade as part of your attack action with it and may add your Dexterity Modifier to damage rolls.
  • You may create, or draft, Grenades (DM's discretion) with appropriate material with a Pyrotechnician's Kit.

Grit Slinger

You've learnt how to turn a bad situation to your advantage with a firearm in hand, gaining the following benefits:

Prerequisite: Wisdom 13

  • You gain Proficiency in Simple or Marital Firearms.
  • You learn two Grit Trick options of your choice from the Gunfighter Class (not Archetype Grit Tricks). Whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace one of these Grit Trick options with another one from the Gunfighter Class (not Archetype Grit Tricks).
  • You gain 2 Grit to spend on Grit Tricks. You regain all expended Grit Points after a long rest.

Heavy Gunner

You have strengthened yourself to be able to use large and unusual firearms more effectively, gaining the following benefits:

Prerequisite: Gunfighter and Strength 16

  • You gain Proficiency with a Crew weapon of your choice from Simple, Marital or Exotic Firearms.
  • Crew weapons you make the attack action with benefit from the Extra Attack Feature.
  • Crew weapons you use may benefit from the Cock it! Grit Trick.

Pistol Master

You master fighting with one pistol, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with one-handed pistols when you are only armed with one weapon.
  • When you make an attack action with a one-handed pistol, while you have one hand free, you can use your bonus action to make a ranged attack with that pistol.
  • You cannot be disarmed while wielding a one-handed pistol while your other hand is free.

Shield Slinger

You have mastered firing your firearm while wielding a shield, bracing against it, gaining the following benefits:

  • When you are armed with a Shield, you may use two-handed firearms as if you had a free hand, and may Reload as if you had a free hand.
  • You may use an Action to duck behind the Shield and brace into it, treating the Shield as Half-Cover until the start of your next turn.
  • If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet of you with your shield.

Twin Fighter

You master fighting with two pistols or a melee weapon and a pistol, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a separate ranged weapon in each hand, or a ranged weapon and a melee weapon.
  • You can engage in two-weapon fighting with two pistols or a pistol and a one-handed melee weapon, even when a weapon you are wielding isn't light.
  • You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.

Weapons Trained

You've learnt how to use Firearms effectively, gaining the following benefits:

  • Increase your Dexterity or Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency with Simple and Marital Weapons, or an Exotic Weapon of your choice.

Rare Items

Magical Firearms and Equipment

As part of playing as a Gunfighter, a character often forgoes use of traditional magical weapons. This is mitigated by use of weapon attachments, special ammunition, or a superior weapon profile on their basic weapons.
As such, weapon attachments should be made available to a Gunfighter when other characters would be gaining their first magical weapons, while gaining access to Rare or Very Rare weapons when other characters gain access to Very Rare items.
A number of examples have been included below, either for use in games or as examples of possible ideas for homebrew-ing weapons and items.

Arcane Scope: Wonderous Item, Rare

A Rifle Scope that is bolstered by a mix of magical and mechanical properties. It behaves as a Rifle Scope but has 3 charges. As part of the Bonus Action to use a Rifle Scope, you may choose to expend a charge. If you do, you ignore penalties associated with darkness, lightly obscured areas, or heavily obscured areas, that are

magical in nature in addition to non-magical. The Scope regains 1 charge per day.

Arcane Shooting Rest: Wonderous Item, Very Rare

A collection of magical components and mechanical contraptions, the Arcane Shooting Rest is the apex of sharpshooting aids, allowing a shooter to affix their firearm to it and make minute adjustments to their aim.

An Arcane Shooting Rest weighs 50lb and takes 10 minutes to set up correctly and a two-handed firearm may be affixed to the Arcnae Shooting Rest. The Firearm gains Emplaced when attached to the Arcane Shooting Rest. The shooter may spend an action to calibrate and align the Firearm to their target. If they do, their next attack action with the Firearm gains +5 to the Attack and has advantage. The Arcane Shooting Rest must be recalibrated between shots.

Blasting Lance: Lance, Rare

A specially crafted lance, with a built in explosive charge in the tip, typically used from horseback to deliver thunderous charges.

A Blasting Lance may be used as a melee weapon; it is treated as a Lance. Fitted to the tip is an explosive charge, that releases a focused explosion on the target. As part of an attack, the user may use their bonus action to activate the charge, dealing an additional 1d12 Force Damage to the target, or 2d12 if used from Horseback. This damage benefits from the Siege Property and may also apply Siege to Constructs. Replacement charges cost 40gp and are considered Rare. Due to the nature of the weapon, it can not be reloaded during combat.

Dominator: Revolver, very Rare (Requires Attunement to a Good Character)

A Revolver that has been magically enhanced to assist the user hunting the evil and unjust in the world.

The Dominator has +1 to attack and damage rolls. In addition it deals an additional 3 Radiant damage to creatures that have an Evil Alignment.

Execrator: Weapon attachment, Rare (Requires Attunement)

A combination of magical runes and mechanical components, the Execrator is an enchanced barrel for use with Firearms.

An Execrator has 5 charges, regaining 1d4 charges per day. When a weapon with an Execrator attached is used to make an attack, but before rolling to Hit, they may expend a charge. On a hit, the attack deals an extra 1d8 Radiant damage to demons, fiends, devils and undead.

Farsight Goggles: Wonderous Item, Rare

A set of goggles that is used by military reconnaissance units to monitor enemy troop movements, allowing them to see enemy maneuvres to aid their leaders in trying to predict the best course of action for the coming battle.

Farsight Goggles function as Goggles and have 3 charges, regaining 1 per day. A wearer may expend a charge when they are donned, they no longer suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and suffer disadvantage on Saving Throws to avoid being Blinded. In addition they provide the wearer with darkvision up to 60 feet. This effect lasts for 1 hour, or until the Farsight Goggles are doffed.

Lead Spitter: Assault Carbine, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

An Assault Carbine pattern that has been tried and tested by many military units, modified over years based on feedback from Gunfighters that have used it.

Lead Spitter has +1 to attack and damage rolls. In addition, attacks with this firearm have their critical range increased by 1, for example rather than critically hitting on a 20, they do so on 19-20.

Lionhart: Gun-blade, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

A Gun-blade that has been converted to be capable of multiple shots, with engravings along the blade, although is unusual to fight with.

Leonhart is a Gun-blade that gains +1 to hit and damage rolls when used as a Gun-blade or Long Sword. Additionally it has Reload(6), rather than Reload(1).

Lightmass: Repeating Rifle, Rare (Requires Attunement)

A Repeating Rifle fitted with a vicious bayonet, under the barrel, that is made up of a series of short blades that spin by some unknown alchemical or mechanical component.

Lightmass gains +1 to attack and damage rolls and is permanently fitted with a bayonet. Attacks with the bayonet deal 1d8 Magical Slashing damage and the target suffers 1d4 Slashing damage at the start of their turn. In addition, the bayonet does not prevent you from using the Repeating Rifle as Ranged Weapon.

Curse This Repeating Rifle is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with Lightmass, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one, unless no foe is within 80 feet of you that you can see or hear.

Whenever a hostile creature is within 20ft of you while Lightmass is in your possession, you must succeed a DC15 Wisdom Saving Throw or become compelled to make a Bayonet Attack against the Creature.

If moving would cause you to take an Attack of Opportunity from a creature, you must make a Melee Attack with the bayonet against that creature instead, if you have multiple possible targets, you attack one at random. Finally, you are compelled to always wear some form of headwear, whether that is a hat, helmet, or bandana, and are fearful of surprise attacks when not wearing one.

King-slayer Bullet: Legendary, Specialised Ammunition

A finely crafted bullet designed for the specific task of allowing a Sniper Rifle to reach previously thought impossible ranges. Crafting a single one marks the pinnacle of a weaponsmith's skill, as they count individual grains of premium powder into an expertly crafted case, to propel an exactly weighed round.

A King-slayer Bullet is a rare form of Specialised Ammunition that must be crafted by a master weaponsmith. When making a ranged firearm attack with a Sniper Rifle using a King-slayer Bullet, the long range of the firearm becomes 2 miles. When making an Attack at long range the Attack roll is made vs DC rather than AC and it is on the shooter to gather information on the target, in addition to how well they prepare for the shot. How this is achieved may vary, as may the results at the DM's discretion. As an indication of expected difficulty, a shot on a stationary, visual target at 801ft with known weather conditions is considered Moderate (DC15), while a shot on a moving target 2 miles away with minimal information during a storm is considered nearly Impossible (DC30).

Samaritan: Slayer Pistol, Uncommon(+0), Rare(+1), Very Rare(+2), Legendary(+3) (Requires Attunement)

It is said the original design for this pistol comes from a pistol wielded by a devil from another realm to hunt his own kind. Since, many weaponsmiths have copied and adapted the design for this oversized Slayer Pistol.

Regardless of the exact quality of the Samaritan design, they all share similar features. A Samaritan may be loaded with Specialised Ammunition as if it was a Shotgun. For Rare or rarer rarities, it may also be loaded with Specialised Ammunition as if it was a Hand Mortar. Bonuses from Rarity apply to attack and damage rolls.

Sharpe's Shooter: Rifle, Musket, Rare (Requires Attunement)

A Musket that has been used in far off lands by an unnamed Major, who was said to be one of the fastest shots in the world during his youth.

Sharpe's Shooter has +1 to attack and damage rolls, and 5 charges, regaining 1d4 per day. If Sharpe's Shooter is used to make an Action Attack, benefiting from the Extra Attack feature, the user may expend 1 charge to reload the Musket as one of the attacks.

Super Shotgun: Sawn-off, Legendary (Requires Attunement)

A Sawn-off rumoured to have been wielded by a legendary figure to defend the world from a demonic incursion. The Super Shotgun deals 2d8 Magical Piercing damage and has +3 to attack rolls and damage rolls. When used against demons, fiends, devils, undead or celestials, it deals an additional 2d8 damage.

Terrible Information: Legendary, Sniper Rifle (Requires Attunement)

A Sniper Rifle that was invented by a vengeful nobleson that hunted the murderers of his family, a breach-loading wheel lock rifle, it is said to carry his hate with it.

Terrible Information has +3 to attack and damage rolls, and has a maximum of 6 charges. When a character armed with Terrible Information is hit by a spell, it gains a charge and gains 1d4 charges per day. When a attack with Terrible Information hits, they may expend any number of charges to deal 1d6 Lightning damage for each charge spent. If the attack would hit multiple targets, the character chooses one to take the additional damage.

Valkyrie: Hand Mortar, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

A specially made Warhammer, featuring 6 Hand Mortars contained within the head, that may be activated from a trigger engineered into the handle.

Valkyrie gains +1 to attack and damage rolls when used as a Hand Mortar or Warhammer. It may be used as a melee weapon; it is treated as a Warhammer. It uses the weapon profile for ranged attacks of the Hand Mortar, but has Reload(6) rather than Reload(1). Due to the nature of the firearm, it can not be reloaded in combat.

While expanded from Matt Mercer's Gunfighter subclass for fighter, this class has been influenced by Iron Kingdoms Requiem, /u/ZowJr's Arcane Artillery expansions and many others. While Matt Mercer's Gunfighter is readily available, and Requiem is a full book expansion that contains far more than Gunfighers alone, I feel it only proper to link /u/ZowJr's RedditPost, especially if there are gun nuts out there looking for more in-depth firearm rules or details for firearm specific sub-classes for other classes.


Art Credits

No class is complete without art. Many thanks to the artists that create them, and I have listed art in order of appearance with links to the original artist as best I can.

No Mercy Percy - Dvapid

Gunfighter - Hyunjoon Kim

Riflemen - Privateer Press

Elven Sniper - Privateer Press

Trench Fighter - Privateer Press

Demon Hunter Dwarf - Ren Beili

Trenchers in Peril - Fstitz

Female Musketter - Sy Lee

Dwarven Rifle - David Hueso

Harpoon Gun - Beaulamb 1992

Rifleman at Rest - Hogoul Kim

Undead Slayer Dwarf - Yi Xuan

Trench Buster - Privateer Press

Good Samaritan - Mike Mignola

Steampunk Sniper - Lamin Martin

No Mercy Percy Back- - Tomasz Chistowski


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