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Kokushibo: Sword of Asmodeus

Duty and Corruption

Everyone knows about the blood war. When an infinite horde of demons fights a hellfire steel army of devils, it tends to make an impact.


While this conflict mainly took place on the lower planes, it sometimes spilled onto the material plane. This caused the creation of several militant groups. In the Far East, one of these groups were called the Demon Slayer Corps. A group of elite swordsmen sworn to destroy the demon threat.


After having villages and towns ransacked, their emperor elected for a more offensive approach. Like how the Hell Riders stormed Avernus behind the angel Zariel, the Demon Corps stormed the first layer of the Abyss behind their greatest warrior, Kokushibo.


After entering Pazunia, the Demon Corps met against an onslaught of demon kind. The warriors were master swordsmen and slew many but were eventually overran by sheer number. As the corps retreated, Kokushibo stayed behind covering the survivors' escapes. Suddenly, the ground shook and opened. The remaining warriors and Kokushibo were thrown into the Grand Abyss. Waking up in a deep unknown layer, Kokushibo found himself alone.


Over the years, Kokushibo kept to his vow to destroy all demons. With each swing of his sword, another demon fell. But, as demon blood spattered on his body and the atmosphere tried to kill him, he slowly became corrupted. Sleep was no longer necessary, fatal wounds healed rapidly, foes became slower and weaker, his sword techniques grew legendary. Eventually, he forgot how he got into the Abyss or why he was there. He knew what he had become but didn't care.

It is still not known if it was luck or if he remembered his fall, but over the next few centuries Kokushibo began to find his way back up the Abyss. Corpses piled along the way. Occasionally, he'd even kill a nameless demon lord. At last, he reached Pazunia where it had begun. He saw waves of demons across the horizon enter the depths of the River of Styx. He's quarry was countless.


On the other side of the River, in Avernus, Legions of Devils held back the demons as always... except for Zariel's. Shockingly, the demons did not attack her position on the shore. "Where are they," some thought. "Did they reinforce another landing area?" No, that would be too smart.


At last, a Molydeus appeared half-dead crawling out of river alone. Gracefully, its head slid off following the sound of a sheathing sword. A single Man stood victor wearing a kimono and wielding a wicked looking katana. Uninterested in the devil ranks, he looked towards the distance where demons clashed with hellfire steel. "This one looks fun." Zariel smiled and stepped forward alone to fight what she assumed to be demon lord. After a few hours, word reached me that my Champion was gravely wounded and lost a few of her generals. Even more, this supposed demon lord was killing its own kind and ignoring devils.


With a snap of my fingers, Kokushibo was brought before to me in chains. I offered him a deal in the face of annihilation. Kokushibo would be able to continue killing demons when it suited me. In return, he would be the door-man of my citadel in Malsheem and occasionally eliminate a rebellious archfiend or an annoying mortal. By not being a devil, he would never scheme for power. By being a demon, an Archfiend would never try to coerce him to their side to betray against me. A convenient pawn indeed.



Medium, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 22 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 235
  • Speed 60 ft.

24 (+7) 26 (+8) 24 (+7) 22 (+6) 28 (+9) 22 (+6)

  • Saving Throws Dex +17, Con +16, Wis +18, Cha +15
  • Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +16, Perception +18, Insight +18
  • Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, and piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning from non-magical weapons
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities blinded, frightened, poisoned, and exhausted
  • Senses truesight 120 ft., See Through World 60 ft., passive perception 28
  • Languages Common, Abyssal, Infernal
  • Challenge 30 (155,000 XP)


Immense Speed. Kokushibo's speed allows him to out pace even the greatest swordsmen.

-When Kokushibo rolls for initiative, he rolls an additional two times and acts on each of those initiatives during a round.

-Kokushibo has six reactions instead of one and can use multiple a turn. He regains his reactions at the beginning of his first turn.

-Kokushibo has Evasion from the PHB

Enhanced Regeneration Kokushibo regains 20 hp at the start of each of his turns if he has at least 1 hp and isn’t in sunlight. If Kokushibo takes radiant damage, this trait doesn’t function at the start of his next turn.

-(3/day) If Kokushibo loses an appendage, is beheaded, or reaches 0 hp, he immediately has the effects of the spell Regenerate. As well, the missing limb (even his head) grows back immediately.

Blood Demon Art 'Flesh of the Sword' While his sword is drawn, Kokushibo cannot be surprised and can see in every direction. If his sword breaks or he is disarmed, the sword regenerates from his palm at the beginning of his next turn.

Sunlight Sensitivity Kokushibo takes 20 radiant damage when he starts his turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, he has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks and loses concentration on See Through World.

Legendary Resistance (3/day) Kokushibo can choose to succeed on a saving throw that he fails

Magic Resistance Kokushibo has advantage on saves against spells or magic.

Magic Weapon Kokushibo’s attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities.


Multiattack. Kokushibo makes four attacks. Once per turn, Kokushibo can use a Breathe of the Moon technique by replacing a number of attacks equal to the tier of the form.

Flesh Katana Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 5 ft. or 15 ft. if extended., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 8) slashing and (2d8) force damage. This attack crits on a 19-20.

Crescent Moon Ranged Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, range 60/120 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 8) slashing damage. This attack can only be made while his sword is 15ft. long.

Sword Shape Change (Bonus Action) Kokushibo can use his bonus action to increase the length of his sword to 15 ft. giving his attacks within 10 ft. disadvantage but allowing him to perform tier 3 and tier 4 Breath of the Moon forms. He can use a bonus action to reduce the length of his sword to 5 ft. allowing him to perform tier 1 and tier 2 Breathe of the Moon forms.

See Through World Kokushibo’s three pairs of demon eyes grant him superhuman kinetic vision allowing him to see the muscles, blood flow, and joint movement of his opponent. Kokushibo fixates on one creature within 60 ft. Until Kokushibo switches his fixation as a bonus action or loses his concentration, he has advantage on attacking that creature and on any saving throws that creature causes him to make. As well, that creature has disadvantage on attacks made against Kokushibo.

Breathe of The Moon

Kokushibo has mastered the Breathe of the Moon. This sword style is known for its use of swings that create omni directional air slashes. The style can be used to cut through the strongest of defenses... even magical.

Kokushibo mastered an unbelievable 16 forms of Breathe of the Moon. Each form is separated into a tier from 1-4. Once a form has been used from a tier, that entire tier can't be used again until it has recharged.

First Tier (Recharge 15-20 on a d20)

First Form “Dark Moon Evening Shrine" Kokushibo draws his sword and slashes swiftly in a single motion. Kokushibo makes a flesh katana attack. On hit, the attack deals normal damage and the creature must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or take 4d4 slashing and 3d4 force damage. At the beginning of each of their turns, they bleed and lose 4d4 hp. They can use an action make a DC 15 medicine check or have someone else do it to stop the bleeding.

Second Form “Moon-lit Pearl Flowers” Kokushibo unleashes an upswing of crescent blades. Creatures within a 10 ft. long, 15 ft. wide line in front of Kokushibo must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity or Strength saving throw. On a failed save, they take 4d4 Force Damage and cannot make attacks of opportunity against Kokushibo as he propels himself backwards up to 30 ft. On a success they only take half damage.

Third Form “Loath-some Moon Chains” Kokushibo makes two slashes of air that collide in front of him creating a small area of destruction. A 15 ft. by 15 ft. cube in front of Kokushibo fills with crescent moon blades. Creatures must succeed on a DC 23 Strength or Dexterity saving throw or they take 4d4 slashing and 3d4 force damage. They take half on success.

Fourth Form “Cursed Harvest Moon” Kokushibo coats his sword in his own blood. While coated, he can cast Counterspell at 3rd level once (+9 spell casting modifier) with the following exceptions. He must be the target or within 5 ft of the target/intended area of effect.

Second Tier (Recharge 17-20 on a d20)

Fifth Form “Cursed Vortex of the Ghostly Moon" Kokushibo feints his sword summoning a vortex of crescent moon blades swirling around him. All creatures within a 40 ft. tall, and 10 ft. radius cylinder centered on himself must succeed a DC 23 Strength or Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d4 slashing and 3d4 force damage and is lifted 40 ft. into the air. On a Success, they take half damage and are not lifted. This twister remains until the beginning of Kokushibo’s next turn and ranged attacks that pass through it have disadvantage.

Sixth Form “Solitary Moon in the Eternal Night Avici” Kokushibo unleashes a wild storm of slashes that propel forward. Creatures in a 15 ft. wide and 50 ft. long line must succeed on a DC 23 Strength or Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they are pushed to the end of the line and take 4d4 slashing and 3d4 force damage. On success, they take half and are not moved backwards.

Twelfth Form “Moon Shaken Crater” Kokushibo raises his sword in the air targeting a creature within 5 ft. On hit, that creature takes an additional 7d4 slashing and 7d4 force damage and must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or become stunned for one round.

Thirteenth Form “Partial Lunar Ouro Boros” Kokushibo coats his sword in his own blood. He casts 3rd level dispel (+9 spell casting modifier) except with a range of touch. If targeting a spell like wall of force or forcecage (which are immune to dispel), he can still succeed but rolls his spell check with disadvantage. If targeting a creature, he must roll to hit them with an attack first.

Third Tier (Recharge 18-20 on a d20)

Seventh Form “Misfortune Mirror Lunar Shine” Kokushibo swings downward launching crescent slashes. Creatures within a 40 ft. cone must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity or Strength saving throw or take 11d4 slashing and 10d4 force damage. They take half damage on a success.

Tenth Form “Piercing Phase Slash-Ivy Moon” Kukoshibo creates a triple layered slash twister that is parallel to the ground in front of him. Creatures within a 30 ft. cube must succeed on a DC 23 Strength or Dexterity saving throw. If they fail the save, they are knocked prone and take 5d4 slashing and 5d4 force damage. They only take half damage on a success.

Ninth Form “Descending Moon Perpetual Phases” Kukoshibo makes six attack rolls as he fires six slashes through the air up to 300 ft. away. Creatures that are hit take 2d4 slashing and 1d4 force damage.

Eleventh Form “Moon-lit Maize” Kokushibo creates three clouds of slashes within 80 ft. of him. These clouds are 15 ft. long and 5 ft. wide. Creatures that start their turn in or move 5 ft. through these areas must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or take 5d4 slashing and 5d4 force damage. These blades heavily obscure vision providing full cover and last a round.

Fourth Tier (Recharge 19-20 on a d20)

Eighth Form “Lunar Ouro Boros” Kokushibo coats his sword in his own blood and unleashes a wide horizontal slash that disrupts magical energy. In a 30 ft. cube in front of Kokushibo, everything is subject to 3rd level dispel (+9 spell casting modifier; disadvantage on spells immune to dispel). As well, creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity or Strength saving throw or take 7d4 slashing and 7d4 force damage. They take half damage on a success.

Fourteenth Form “Calamity: Heaven’s Full Crescent Moon” Kukoshibo unleashes an omni-directional attack forming a temporary storm of blades in a 60 ft. cube that lasts for a round. Every creature that starts their turn or enters on their turn for the first time must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity or Strength saving throw or take 14d4 slashing and 14d4 force damage. They take half on a success.

Sixteenth Form “Lunar Rainbow Half Fragmented Moon” Kokushibo creates six spiraling arcs of wind slashes that strike six different 5 ft. squares within 120 ft. A Creatures in those spots must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity or Strength saving throw or take 7d4 slashing and 7d4 force damage. Each of these strike from above and turn the area within 10 ft. into difficult terrain as they destroy the ground.

Fifthteenth Form “Darkening Sun, Moon Eclipsing Slash” Kokushibo creates a huge cloud of bladed winds that sits overhead and lasts for 2 rounds. These blades rise up 100 ft. to create a 100 ft. wide/long and 5 ft. thick cloud. It is considered heavily obscured (blocks out sun) and difficult terrain. Creatures that were in the path of the rising cloud must make a DC 23 Dexterity or Strength saving throw and take 7d4 slashing and 7d4 force damage and are knocked prone. They only take half damage on a success.


Parry Kokushibo increases is own AC by 9 for an attack being made against him that he can see. If the attack misses, Kokushibo may spend another reaction to make one attack against the attacker.

Uncanny Dodge When Kokushibo is hit by an attack from an attacker he can see, he can halve the damage taken.

Reversal (3 reactions) When a creature makes a melee attack against Kokushibo that misses by 5 or more without the use of Parry, they must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving throw or be disarmed and then impaled with their own weapon taking max damage. They are grappled by the weapon to the nearest surface and can make a DC 23 check to break the grapple by removing the weapon.

Body of Blades (Recharge 19-20 on d20) In response to a creature entering 10 ft. of Kokushibo while he is below 50 hp, he extends swords out of his body in all directions. Every creature within 10 ft. must succeed a DC 23 Dexterity or Strength saving throw or take 8d8 slashing damage and half on success. Kokushibo cannot move for a round until the swords retract.


Cover Picture woodywoo2004


Loath-SomeMoon:Chains! ghostmk21-colourist.tumblr.com@GColourist

Every Other Picture Koyoharu Gotouge

Thanks for Reading!!!


Reversal r/UwuWinnieThePooh (freaking sick idea)


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