
by AnonymousPen

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The Dawn Descends

"Brass and magic, in the name of a God. Always warm as sunlight, glowing like the bellies of reddened clouds when dawn breaks, a weapon fit for those who serve the God of Dawn and Renewal. May its strike be true and its enemies banished to the darkness once more."

Lightbringer is a mace created to be used by a Cleric of Lathander, able to channel his divine power. With a head shaped like a sunburst and made entirely of solid brass, the weapon can glow like a torch at its bearers word. This glow is Divine in nature, and is anathema to anything related to Necromancy. For those of the correct faith, this weapon offers much more to them.



"These Holy types are never forgiving in their demands. Thrice-damned pain it was, but we got those mirrors and focusing lenses set up in the end, and for the entire process we bathed the ore and weapon in the light of the sun. I'm glad to see the back of those mirrors, if they'd been knocked aside it would have ruined the weapon."

Lightbringer was one of the last pieces ever made by the Forge of Spells, created for a Cleric of Lathander. It was ignored by the Orcs who sacked the mine, as it was covered on a bench awaiting transport and overlooked in the fighting. It has laid, waiting patiently, for someone to lift it and use it.


"A weapon of Dawn, as the sun rises so too does the fury of Lathander. With his holy might, with this blessed weapon, so shall his enemies be struck down and blinded before his radiance."

Lightbringer functions as a +1 Magic Mace for anyone who can wield this weapon, and when willed to emits light equivalent to a torch. While emitting this illumination Lightbringer deals an additional 1d6 Radiant damage to Undead targets. Attunement will unlock the following benefits, but there are restrictions to these attunements:


Provides Bright Light for 20 feet, and Dim Light for a further 20 feet.

First Level of Attunement

(Divine Class, Good Alignment)

"Wherever there is darkness and foul creatures that lurk within; where the hearts of the innocent are shrouded in fear; where law fades and sinful practices flourish. The faithful stand strong, and as the Dawn will rise to cast aside the night, so shall my devoted cast the evil of this world back from the innocent and just, unmarred by the depths that they plunge."

At this level, the wielder of Lightbringer becomes able to cast Daylight once per day. This recharges at dawn, and is always cast with Lightbringer as the target.

While active, Lightbringer deals 2d6 Radiant damage to Undead targets, dealing half this damage if the attack misses. This light can be emitted or deactivated at will, but the spell will not end until the hour has passed; deactivating the light does not dispel this Daylight spell.


3rd Level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 Hour

A 60 foot sphere of Bright Light emerges from Lightbringer, and a further 60 feet of Dim Light beyond that. The light source moves with the weapon, emitting from the head of the mace. If this spell overlaps any area of darkness created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell is dispelled in its entirety.

Second Level of Attunement

(Dedicated to Lathander)

"Forged in Dawns Light, quenched in Noons Heat, enchanted in Dusks Smolder. A weapon made over the life of the Sun, for the God of Dawn. It holds his strength and his will, bringing it forth against those Lightbringer strikes."

At this level, Lightbringer becomes magically attuned to the Divine might of its wielder as Lathandar's strength floods through it. For the wielder, Lightbringer appears to be constantly emitting its passive effect (Torch light), and the activation instead allows others to perceive the illumination as well. Daylight functions as normal and is visible to all who can see when cast. Furthermore, Lightbringer may be used as a Holy Focus, taking the place of Somatic Components if both hands are in use, and the wielder can cast Sunbeam once per day, recharging at Dawn.


6th Level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self (60 foot line)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

A beam of brilliant light flashes out in a 5 foot wide, 60 foot line. Each creature in the line must make a Constitution saving throw; if failed, they take 6d8 Radiant damage and are Blinded until your next turn. If successful, they take half damage and are not Blinded. Undead and Oozes have Disadvantage on this save. As an Action on each of your turns, you can create a new line until the spell ends. For the duration of this spell, a mote of brilliant light fills your palm, shedding Bright Light in 30 feet and Dim Light in a further 30 feet; this light is sunlight.

Credit: Image from


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