The Sea of Sands: Aredrin

by TheGoomyGM

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The Sea of Sands is a vast, ever-shifting desert found on the South-Eastern edge of the Iteran Continent. It is characterised by sporadic settlements, dunes moving as though they had lives of their own, and near-impossible rock formations eroded over aeons.

Ancient ruins can be found in many places beneath the shifting sands, temples and shrines built of gold, sandstone and obsidian. Millenia ago, these were the holy sites of the Sunkime

Sand Elf (Aredrin)

"And they too, like all those before them had done, and like all those after them were destined to do, turned their gaze to the stars; in their eyes, there was no greater proof of their divine ancestors than the heavenly bodies that bathed the cold desert surface in their celestial light. They crafted fine instruments, of beauty that would match that of the heavens they depicted, and chartered the skies. Oh, to be alive in that age of unknown; before every shine and flicker was accounted for, and magic was still raw and untamed."

- Kirin Antonidas, Philanthropist and Archmage.
The Memoirs of Kirin Antonidas

Native to the expansive Sea of Sands, the Aredrin - or Sand Elves, as they are commonly known - are adapted to survive in this harsh environment. They roam the dunes in nomadic tribes, or erect settlements in the few oases of safety, deriving their sustenance from the barren landscape.

Disputed Origins

The origins of the Aredrin are unknown, though many have speculated. Some claim they evolved independently within the desert, or perhaps foreign visitors that assimilated into local populations. Some propose that the Sand Elves are descendants of what remained of the Sunkime - an ancient, elf-like civilisations that spanned the Sea of Sands and beyond millennia ago, before their sudden disappearance.

They are commonly called Elves due to a few similarities; particularly, pointed ears and height, as well as natural affinity and appreciation for magicand nature.

Acclimated and Adapted

Sand Elves have developed over millennia to help them thrive in the harsh and unforgiving environment of the Sea of Sands. A strong sense of navigation helps them find their place between the ever-shifting dunes, and their bodies are built to weather warm days, black nights, and blinding sandstorms.

Instinctive and Pragmatic

The Aredrin are practical and pragmatic, particularly those who have been through times of hardship. Such skills are necessary for the various societies to keep their heads above the dunes.

Sand Elves may seek adventure within the Sea of Sands to solve troubles facing their community - a food shortage within their Caravan, harassment by a group of raiders, or potential riches to be earned by seeking out an ancient artefact. The relatively few that venture beyond the Sea of Sands are seen as exotic and rare, and may do so for a variety of reasons; for example, escaping the relative poverty and harsh lifestyle

Small Communities

Most Sand Elves live within small and impermanent communities. Though there is heavy emphasis placed upon family, the definition of family varies for each individual, and more often than not is that of a "found-family". Until a Sand Elf finds his or her found-family, it is not uncommon for them to drift between settlements.

Permanent settlements tend to be small, and built around areas of convenience or natural resources. Given such settlements are few and far between, they often become hubs of traffic and trade.

Roaming caravans meander between these settlements, stocking up on resources for the next leg of their route. These range from simple camel-caravans, to the towering Highback caravans, that employ the local megafauna to pass safely through the deserts - though these can be the target of wandering raiding parties.

The Soul of the Desert

Most Aredrin are taught from birth to respect and revere the Sea of Sands, as well as the broader world around them. They are no strangers to utilising wildlife where possible, but abhor unnecessary cruelty or violence towards animals. For this reason, many also have a distaste for archaeologists and grave-robbers. Provided you are respectful towards the culture and heritage of the desert, however, they will likely see it as an endearing opportunity to explore their history.

As part of this reverence, many Aredrin have also become adept in subtly manipulating the magic of the desert to their advantage. This can manifest in many ways, from aptitude in navigating to communing with animals - or even spirits.

Sand Elf Traits

Your Aredrin character has a variety of natural abilities, through millenia of acclimation and Sand Elf practices.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1, and your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Age. Sand Elves reach physical maturity about the same age as humans, and consider themselves adults around the age of 30. They can live to be 250 years old, though the harsh desert climates often prevent this.

Alignment. Sand Elves tend slightly towards neutral or good , but positions within their societies can swing them towards good or evil. They also broadly tend towards a chaotic alignment, not used to living in structured civilisations with strict rules.

Size. Sand Elves are about the same size and build as elves, though slightly less slender. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Survival Instincts. You have proficiency in Perception and Survival.

Heatvision. Acclimated to the dark and cold desert nights, Aredrin evolved the ability to see heat sources around them. Instead of seeing in colour, you may choose to see heat sources within 60ft of you instead of colour. Nearby you can see precise shapes, though far away or behind insulators you may only get a vague sense of motion and scale, as dictated by the DM.

Desert Adaptation. Your long eyelashes keep dust from your eyes. You have advantage on saving throws against being Blinded, and cannot be blinded by dust or similar effects.

Gift of the Sands. You know the dancing lights cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast sand shield once per long rest when there is sufficient sand near you. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast Shroud of Sand once per long rest when there is sufficient sand near you.

Sand Elf Magic

The Aredrin have a natural affinity for utilising the magics of the desert, and have developed techniques over many years of practice. These magical techniques can resemble spells discovered independently by the rest of the world, but specialised for the environments the Sand Elves thrive in.

These spells require a quantity of sand as a material component. This is the sand that is manipulated by the spell, and is plentiful within the Sea of Sands; when travelling outside it, many Aredrin carry with themselves a pouch or bottle of Sand to power their magic.

Sand Shield

1st-level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack or targeted by a particulate-based spell such as Dust Devil.
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A small pouch of sand)
  • Duration: 1 Round

You whip up the Sand used as the material component for this spell into a swirling magical barrier to protect yourself. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from sand, dust, or similar particulate-based spells.

For a typical Medium creature, a small pouch or jar of Sand is sufficient to cast Sand Shield.

Sand Shroud

2nd-level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: V, S, M (A sufficient quantity of Sand, dependant on the density of the shroud)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You cause the sand used as the material component for this spell to fill a 10-foot-radius sphere for the duration. The sand spreads around corners. You may control the density of the sand, but must supply further sand is the density is increased.

Light. The sand hovers in the air sparsely, creating a harmless sensory effect that can be seen through. A pinch of sand is sufficient to cast sand shroud with this density.

Medium. The sand blocks line of sight, but not movement. A creature is blinded while in the shroud's space. A small pouch or jar of sand is sufficient to cast sand shroud with this density.

Heavy. The sand blocks line of sight, and impairs movement. A creature is blinded while in the shroud's space, and must spend 3 feet of movement for each 1 foot it moves there. A large pouch or bag of sand is sufficient to cast sand shroud with this density.