Scroll of Fireball

by AnonymousPen

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Scroll of Fireball

Slot: Consumable


A length of parchment inscribed with writing, formulae, and magical symbols. Those looking at it find their self able to understand and speak the works upon it, even if not fluent in the language, yet attempts to write the translation will always fail. This one smells like sulphur and ash whenever it's unrolled.

Item Details

This scroll can be used by anyone, but requires a DC13 Intelligence check to accurately use.


The scroll is read, the magic within woken, and a Fireball spell is cast from the newly freed magical energy.


3rd Level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 150 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A streak of red light bursts from your finger, and detonates into a roar of fire and noise at the indicated location. Each creature in a 20 foot radius sphere, centered on the targeted location, makes a Dexterity saving throw, taking half damage if they succeed. This spell deals 8d6 Fire damage, and spreads around corners, igniting flammable objects that aren't work or carried.


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