Paladin of OSHA

by adonalsium

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Oath of Safety and Health Administration

Paladins who vow to the Oath of Safety and Health Administration vow to the power that comes from ensuring the safety and health of all. Sometimes called Knights of OSHA or Safety Dancers, they spend their time taking down liches, dragons, and other evil employers that refuse to guarantee the safety of their workers and their immortal souls.

Knights of OSHA are devoted to ensuring the safe working conditions of all, both peasants and serfs as well as powerful mages and clerics.

Tenets of OSHA

Unlike many other Paladin orders, the Oath of Safety and Health Administration is standardized, and is as follows:

Plan. Plan for the worst, to ensure the best.

Prevent. Prevent the most obvious dangers from coming to fruition.

Protect. Protect those at the bottom from the casual cruelties of their superiors.

Oath Spells

Paladin Level Spells
3rd Sanctuary, Shield
5th Calm Person, Find Traps
9th Clairvoyance, Protection from Energy
13th Freedom of Movement, Guardian of Faith
17th Hallow, Greater Restoration

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Unsafe Conditions You can use your channel divinity to help a friendly creature out when they are menaced by an unsafe work environment. That friendly creature gains advantage on all saving throws for the next minute.

Labor Shortage You can use your channel divinity to protect an enemy creature from overworking themselves during times of labor shortages. That enemy must make a Wisdom saving throw. Upon a failure, that enemy cannot that enemy cannot make actions or reactions on any turn other than it's own for the next minute.

Aura of Environmental Safety

At 7th level, you and nearby friendly creatures within 10 feet gain resistance to all damage not caused by enemy attacks, abilities or spells.

At 18th level, this increases to 30 feet.

Ensuring Safety

At 15th level, you can directly ensure the safety of your allies. As a reaction when an enemy could attack you and instead chooses to attack an enemy, you can redirect that attack to you. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier( a minimum of once). You regain expended uses when you finish a long or short rest.

Temporary Shutdown

At 20th level, you gain the authority to issue a temporary shutdown of an entire area. You can shutdown an area with a 60ft radius centered on you. In this radius, attacks cannot be made, and spells cannot be cast that would target an enemy. This shutdown lasts for one minute, and ends on your turn in initiative. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.


Corporal Tolerance by u/wandering-monster


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