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# Martial Prowess DM's Checklist ###
Revised Weapons Table (page 3) ###
Combat Actions (page 5) | ✓ | Action | ✓ | Action | ✓| Action | ✓| Action | |:--:|:--|:--:|:--|:--:|:--|:--:|:--| |
| Castle |
| Charge |
| Coup de Grace |
| Disarm |
| Distraction |
| First Aid* |
| Flee |
| Heroic Resolve* |
| Hurl* |
| Knockout Blow |
| Overrun/Tumble |
| Seize |
| Sprint* |
| Sunder |
| Tackle |
| Terrorize ###
Weapon Techniques (page 7) | ✓ | Technique | ✓ | Technique | ✓ | Technique |✓ | Technique |:--:|:--|:--:|:--|:--:|:--|:--:|:--| |
| Abwenden |
| Bleeder |
| Bracing |
| Cleave |
| Close Quarters |
| Crippling Cut |
| Crushing Blow |
| Entangle |
| Finisher |
| Flexible Flurry |
| Grazing Clout |
| Iaijutsu |
| Lunge |
| Paired Weapon |
| Piercing Strike |
| Pinning Shot |
| Shattering Clobber |
| Shield Bash |
| Split Shot |
| Suppressing Fire |
| Thrash |
| Whirling Rebuff ###
Combat Stances (page 10) | ✓ | Stance | ✓ | Stance | ✓| Stance | ✓| Stance | |:--:|:--|:--:|:--|:--:|:--|:--:|:--| |
|**Basic Stances**| |
| Archery |
| Blind-Fighting |
| Bulwark |
| Defense |
| Devoted Spirit |
| Druidic Warrior |
| Double Striking |
| Dueling |
| Great Weapon Fighting |
| Interception |
| Savagery |
| Skirmishing |
| Specialized Technique |
| Thrown-Weapon Fighting |
| Unarmed Fighting |
| Vanguard | |
|**Advanced Stances**|| |
| Adamant Earthquake |
| Bastion |
| Diamond Mind |
| Elder Mountain |
| Enfilade |
| Fencing |
| Protection |
| Pugilism |
| Reprisal |
| Swarming |
| Wind Sickle ###
Maneuvers Expanded (page 12) | ✓ | Maneuver | ✓ | Maneuver | ✓| Maneuver |✓ | Maneuver |:--:|:--|:--:|:--|:--:|:--|:--:|:--| |
| **Combat Maneuvers** |
| Absolute Territory |
| Breaking the Wall |
| Dazing Blow |
| Disarming Attack |
| Feinting Attack |
| Goading Attack |
| Lunging Attack |
| Parry |
| Perfect Rush |
| Precision Attack |
| Punishing Strike |
| Rain of Feathered Death |
| Pushing Attack |
| Reactive Strike |
| Slayer's Rampage |
| Strikes of Steel Wind |
| Sweeping Attack |
| Tactical Assessment |
| Tripping Attack |
| Wind Slash |
| **Cut-Throat Maneuvers** |||||
| Alternative Medicine |
| Ambush |
| Dirty Trick |
| Disrupting Strike |
| Evasive Footwork |
| Flash of Steel |
| Mugging |
| Piercing Strike |
| Silencing Strike | |
| Smash and Grab |
| Snipe |
| Spider Dance|
| Venomous Strike |
| **Mystic Knight Maneuvers**|||||
| Arcanist's Eye |
| Airborne Spellstrike |
| Branding Spellstrike |
| Chilling Spellstrike |
| Enfeebling Spellstrike |
| Flickering Defense |
| Ground Eruption |
| Ignited Spellstrike |
| Lesser Regeneration |
| Salamander Charge |
| Shocking Spellstrike |
| Thunderclap Rush |
| Unstable Emanation |
| **Savage Maneuvers**|||||
| Crippling Strike |
| Earthshaking Slam |
| Feral Senses |
| Heroic Might |
| Juggernaut Charge |
| Mighty Throw |
| Menacing Attack |
| Packleader's Howl |
| Provoking Taunt |
| Savage Constitution |
| Shake It Off |
| Steelskin |
| Sundering Strike |
| **Warlord Maneuvers**|||||
| Battle Relief |
| Commander's Strike |
| Coordination |
| Distracting Strike |
| Inciting Strike |
| Inspiring Cry |
| Maneuvering Attack |
| Phalanx Formation |
| Rally |
| Riposte |
| Silver-Tongued |
| War Master's Charge |
| Word of Authority
\pagebreakNum ## Frequently Asked Questions ##### Why not just play Pathfinder 2? Send me a game invite. Seriously, PF2E is fantastic and well-balanced, but it's significantly easier to find a game of 5E, even modified. My intention with this supplement is to make the additions and changes as seamless and elegant as possible, while maintaining general compatibility with standard 5E conventions and classes. ##### What are the Maneuver subsections? They're maneuver specializations, like schools of magic or a cleric vs wizard spell list. Since I've added over 40 additional maneuvers, I recommend that each martial who gets maneuver dice choose one (and only one) specialization, plus the general Combat Maneuvers group. That reduces the total number of choices from more than 70 to about 30, which is intended to avoid choice paralysis and keep the new stuff from overwhelming a player - instead of six pages to thumb through, about three. The Warlord has most of the original Battlemaster maneuvers, if one wanted to pick the most "vanilla" of the choices. The Mystic Knight is probably the most out-there specialization, with pseudo-magical effects like a Tome of Battle Swordsage. ##### Do you need to know both the Advanced and Basic stance to use an Advanced stance? Yes. An Advanced stance modifies a basic stance, so you need to make two stance selections to use any Advanced stance. ##### How do the revised Fighting Style and Maneuver feats work together? Intentionally. If you are using both systems, it is NOT recommended to take Superior Technique as a feat, because Fighting Initiate (Revised) grants proficiencies and a Stance, which can be used to take Specialized Technique. ##### What stances do Swords Bards, etc get access to? Any that don't have a prerequisite such as Fighter Only. ##### Can Techniques be used together, on the same turn or attack? Yes. ##### Cam I Thrash multiple squares with Extra Attack? Hell yes. ##### Can I smite, sneak attack, etc. off Shattering Clobber, Thrash, or Cleave? No. If an effect is triggered by an attack roll, Techniques that use saving throws do not trigger it. \columnbreak ##### Can I smite/sneak attack, Shattering Clobber, Thrash, or Cleave with Savagery? Savagery affects weapon dice, not damage dice, so no on sneak attack or smite. Savagery does affect the damage dice of saving throw-based techniques. ##### Why do Rogues, Barbarians, and Monks get access to maneuvers later? Mostly because they're in a pretty decent spot. Barbarians have a strong class identity that doesn't involve "technique" (and are mechanically strong). Their class identity isn't primarily about combat maneuvers, so they trade some class features for those maneuvers. Rogues get an extra ASI at level 10, so they can already get Superior Technique (if they want it). But in 4E, rogues were the kings of status effects, with at-wills that did good damage AND made the battlefield interesting. Roguish Technique is designed to reduce their damage noticeably in order to give *at-will* access to maneuvers. Monks have good to great damage and control through tier 2, then begin to fall off compared to other martials. They are multi-attribute dependent, so cannot budget extra ASIs on feats. By granting Ki-Fueled Technique at level 7, it grows with their wisdom ASI and martial arts die. ##### What feats or features are depreciated by this? Weapon Master, Grappler, and Charger. Skulker somewhat (covert weapons). ##### Why use pre-Tashas names and features? I like them better, and they don't infringe on WOTC's copyright as badly :) ##### What are some tweaks and minor buffs that I might have missed? Some important class and subclass features: * Monks can use the cestus and saber. * Rogues can make good use of the *covert* property on daggers and blowguns, dealing better damage than with rapiers/shortbows as their sneak attack dice increase in number. * Berserker Barbarian can use its L10 (Terrorize) as a bonus action. * Kensai, Swashbuckler, and Blade Pact subclasses get weapon techniques. Flexible Flurry works especially well with Kensai. * Champions can use two stances, even two advanced stances, at the same time. * Dueling stance can be used with a versatile or two-handed weapon. ##### Are there any other rules changes you use with this? Quite a few! I use a [hybrid sorcerer]( (spellpoints for 1st-5th level spells, slots for 6th+) and make a few changes to various subclass features, in addition to my collection of homebrew subclasses. On the DM side, I recommend preponderance of advantage (2 instances of adv vs 1 disadv = adv), +5/-5 vulnerability/resistance in the 4E style, and use of action-oriented/Big Bad Solo Inserts/Paragon monsters to challenge my players in interesting ways. \pagebreakNum ## Changelog 2.5: * Fixed Greataxe table inconsistencies. * Light Hammer gains Finisher, Paired Weapon techniques. Handaxe gains Finisher. * Javelin range increased to 60/240. * Charge now adds damage based on your Extra Attacks, if you hit with Strength. * Sprint now adds the hit die roll to Athletics checks until end of turn. Power-tackle someone, or jump way farther! * Defense Fighting Style no longer requires an advanced style to increase to +2 AC. Elder Mountain removed. * Unarmed/Tiger Claw and Pugilism now include improvised weapons in their description. Still have to get improvised fighting proficiency from somewhere, though. * Fencing no longer increases die size, but adds proficiency bonus to superiority die rolls - a true weapon master using skill with maneuvers. Advanced stances shouldn't feel "necessary" to every build. * Added Supremacy as a subfeature to Superiority dice, allowing the user to add damage to their maneuvers in a similar way to upcasting a spell. * Branding Spellstrike pierces illusions and invisibility for the attack it modifies, rather than being an on-hit effect like branding smite. * Chilling Spellstrike is now an action (no longer on-hit) and AOE * Ground Eruption gains knockdown at 10th level. * Unstable Emanation extends duration to start of next turn, and to one minute at 10th level. * Heroic Might adds double the die roll to base Strength for the heroic act, making those long jumps longer. * Sundering Strike no longer requires a bonus action at level 10. * Inciting Strike die result bonus increased to two. One point of expanded crit threat is mathematically a low chance of being good, even with multiple attackers. * Word of Authority, War Master's Charge, Phalanx Formation, Absolute Territory level requirements reduced. ## Changelog 2.4: * Instances of "ranged weapon attack" revised to "ranged attack", similarly with "melee weapon attack" * Small adjustments to language for techniques to clarify what bonuses count: "When a technique deals damage to a creature, you can add any appropriate bonus from your weapon or class features to the damage roll, such as a barbarian's rage bonus or a flametongue's fire damage, but not an effect that triggers on a hit, such as sneak attack or smite. * Disarm pushes the disarmed item 15 feet from the target, rather than dropping at the feet. Cinematic and increases tactical choice. * Added Brutal property to sling, sickle, cestus. * Added to the Covert property: sneak attacks with these weapons deal additional damage (d8s instead of d6s). Rogues start preferring daggers to rapiers around level 5-7. * Siege works with Sunder. * Added Swashbuckler to subclasses that gain techniques. * Heavy Crossbow gains Split Shot; this could also be flavored as a penetrating shot that punches through one enemy into another. * Abwenden attack roll is at disadvantage against a larger opponent * Simplified armor damage rules for Crushing Blow and Piercing Strike, which can be fixed with an action or regaining hit points. The maneuver Sundering Strike is stronger, and lasts until armor is repaired (1hr) or the creature gets magical healing/rests. * Weapon Master feat rolled into Fighting Initiate (Revised). The latter no longer grants a half-feat. Now with just one feat, the martial-curious can dip into techniques, stances and/or maneuvers. * Added "starts in" to damage conditions for Thrash. * I was finding that martials didn't get quite enough stances to encourage changing stances - it's often better to take an advanced stance and maneuvers than multiple basics, and martials only got 3 total stances. Martials gain 2 stances, instead of 1, for each instance of extra attack. This gives most martials 1 upgraded, 1 basic, and 1 maneuver (4 total) and fighters multiple advanced stances at higher levels. Champion only gets one bonus stance at level 10, but gains two at level 11 now so it largely balances out. * Bulwark is now a choice made at the start of your turn, allowing the advantage to be used on grapples and shoves, but the effect only lasts as long as you have THP. Damage threshold is rare enough that I removed the "adds 10" effect from Bastion. * Savagery updated; instead of getting advantage on each die, you reroll all dice and take the higher result. Since this is considerably weaker, added scaling based on proficiency bonus. However, this CAN affect saving throw techniques like Cleave or Shattering Clobber. * Pugilism can also shove as a BA. * Swarming clarifies that magical bonuses from your second weapon are added to the damage roll. * Wind Sickle, upgrade to Thrown-Weapon Fighting, added. * Superiority dice from the feat/alternate feature increase in size when you take Superior Technique multiple times, but only gain one additional die instead of two. * Ki-Fueled Superiority no longer references Superior Technique. * Roguish, Ki-Fueled, and Raging Technique changed to Superiority, to reduce confusion with the earlier section of Weapon Techniques * Raging Superiority now replaces Brutal Critical. * Feinting Attack is now a bait-into-reprisal maneuver, rather than another way to gain advantage. * Steel Wind Strike & Sweeping Attack add damage at 15th level. AOE/multi-enemy hits should scale due to the HP bloat at higher levels. * Wind Slash now adds ability modifier to damage * Dirty Trick no longer requires Combat Superiority, triggers on a hit and uses a bonus action. * Crippling Strike's speed reduction increased to 5x die roll, giving it a halfway decent chance of knocking a dragon out of the sky with two hits. * Salamander Charge now scales at level 15. * Mighty Throw's distance reworked, damage increased. * Disrupting Strike language updated to "begins to cast a spell" \pagebreak ## Changelog 2.3: * Introduction revised * War Whip added finesse * Shortsword, Swordbreaker added reserve * Backswing property changed to Brutal, adding 1d4 to criticals. * Reserve property also negates restrained * Disarm, Sunder use two attacks (or an action) rather than one. * Flee action added. * Flexible Flurry reverted to +1 AC. * Thrash technique added for whip, war whip, and flail. * War whip no longer has Bracing. * Savagery can be used with ranged weapons, and only affects weapon dice, not damage dice. * Adamant Earthquake now a 1-turn knockdown, w/legendary resist burn * Interception can be used on attacks that hit you, at 10th level. * Added natural weapons to Unarmed Fighting and Pugilism. * Roguish Technique now provides access to a subsection of techniques at level 5, trading sneak attack damage for applying conditions. Changes to maneuvers take this into account. * Absolute Territory now adds the superiority die instead of replacing the weapon die * Punishing Strike: removed level req * Chilling Spellstrike now deals damage only to target, with AOE slow effect (-10 speed) * Wind Slash: small guaranteed damage rather than a saving throw. * Cunning Strike: removed, too similar to Punishing Strike * Mugging adds damage rather than bonus to steal/plant roll. * Added: Piercing Shot as a ranged version of Sweeping Attack