Race: Kitsune

by Noctesera

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The Kitsune


The Kitsune are a humanoid race with fox-like features. Instead of human ears they have fox ears and can grow as many as nine tails. A kitsune's power can be assessed by the number of tails they have. An average kitsune will reach five tails in their lifetime, with the more brave and adventurous kitsune reaching all the way up to seven. Most kitsune who have eight or nine tails either don't remember how they achieved the feat, or refuse to give their secrets. The kitsune will appear most commonly in their humanoid form, however, the nine-tailed kitsune are rumored to have a perfect form beyond their mortal form. Kitsune height usually ranges from the mid-five feet too tall 6'11 towers. The fur found on kitsune is most commonly some shade of white, orange, red, or brown, with yellow, blue, or red eyes.

Tricksters At Heart

The kitsune are organized and settled people, however, no matter how advanced they may be, the love for trickery runs in their blood. The kitsune will tend to lean towards a more neutral or chaotic alignment, with the exception of a few who choose to follow the path of good. No matter how good a kitsune is, however, the law is almost never something the kitsune adhere to. Kitsune also have the ability to shift between a fully human looking form and a more humanoid kitsune form.

Society And Ancestry

Kitsune society is very close and is built on the foundation of love and friendship, as well as loyalty. Trust, however, is not something the kitsune pride themselves on. Though it is never severe, good-natured deception, trickery, and mischief are the norm for kitsune society. The kitsune are masters of art and creative disciplines. The stories that sprout from kitsune folktales become legends and the ink and thread upon their scrolls and tapestries are said to speak sagas to the onlooker. The kitsune come from a Fey ancestry, and as such are both beautiful and full of mystery.

Kitsune Names

Kitsune are given names at birth. These names are often changed during a kitsune's lifetime as a sign of progress and individuality. As a kitsune gets older, they will receive a suffix for their name at the growth of their sixth and seventh tail. E.x. Ryuidhi-Sechi - Mozaricha-Seriki. There are supposedly additional suffixes given to those who reach their eight and ninth tails, but those have been lost to time.

Male Names: Yamiaki, Kyuhide, Sashushu, Tozushi, Hyowane

Female Names: Yusahi, Oromi, Izuki, Sabari, Kaeyumi

Kitsune Traits

The kitsune are masters of illusion and mystery

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1, and your Charisma score increases by 2.

Age. Kitsune mature and reach adulthood much like humans, but can live up to 1,000 years, although 850 is a typical kitsune lifespan

Size. Your size is Medium, and the height of kitsune people can range from around 5 feet to high 6 feet at full maturity.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Allignment. Kitsune tend to be more chaotic in nature, but are extremely rarely evil.

Masked Form. As an action, you can assume the appearance of a specific human form of the same sex. This form is the same every time the ability is used, and you cannot use any type of bite attack while in this form. If someone wants to see your kitsune form, they must actively succeed on an Investigation or Perception check with a DC 10 + your Deception Modifier

Foxfire. Due to your connection with magic and the fey ancestry, you are able to cast dancing lights at will, without expending a spell slot. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Charisma, and the dancing lights will always appear as a blue flame.

Kitsune Tails. All kitsune have at least one tail. Additional tails are granted at levels 3, 5, 8, 12, 15, and 17. Each new tail adds 1 Charisma OR 1 Dexterity to your score, however, a kitsune can not gain Charisma or Dexterity under an ability score increase. There is still a heavy mystery surrounding the legends of the eighth and ninth tails.

Agile. You gain proficiency in Acrobatics.

Feral Kitsune Traits

Feral Kitsune operate as a variant kitsune. It changes the Ability Score Increases as well as replacing the Foxfire and Agile abilities.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1, and your Strength score increases by 2.

Fangs. In your kitsune form, you have a Bite attack that does 1d4 piercing damage and can be used as a reaction.

Darkvision. The Darkvision ability replaces Foxfire. Due to your fey ancestry, and biological evolution, your eyes have adapted to see in the dark. You can see dim light within 60 feet of you as bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.

Athletic. The Athletic ability replaces Agile. You gain proficiency in Athletics.



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