Homebrew Weapons 5e

by Azarez

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Exotic Melee Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Spiked Mace 2gp 1d6 Bludgeoning + 1d6 Piercing 2lbs Two-Handed
Meteor Hammer 30gp 1d6 Bludgeoning 5lb Double Weapon (1d4+1), Two-Handed
Chakrams 30gp 1d4 Slashing 1lb Finesse, Returning, Thrown (Range 30/70), Special
Boomerang 5gp 1d4 Bludgeoning 1lb Returning, Thrown (Range 60/100)
Katar 25gp 1d6 Piercing 1lb Finesse, Light, Shield Wrap
Katana 15gp 1d8 Slashing 3lb Finesse, Versatile (1d10)
Brightsaber 750gp 2d4 Radiant 2lbs Versatile (2d6)
Shuriken 15gp 1d6 Piercing 1lb Finesse, Light, Thrown (Range 20/60), Rogue Only
Double Bladed Axe 50gp 1d8 slashing 5lbs Heavy, Two-Handed, Double Weapon (1d4)
Claymore 75gp 1d12 slashing 7lbs Heavy, Two-Handed, Smash
Mage Wand 800gp 0 2lbs Spell Empowerment
Bladed Gauntlet 10gp 1d8 Piercing 2lbs Light, Hidden, Glove
Butterfly Sword 35gp 2d4 Slashing 6lbs Versatile (3d4), Shield Wrap, Special
Chainsaw 60gp 2d8 Slashing 12lbs Heavy, Two-Handed, Smash, Mechanical, Special
Bullwhip 8gp 1d8 Slashing 5lbs Heavy, Reach 10ft, Finesse
Combat Staff 6gp 1d8 Bludgeoning 6lbs Versatile (1d10)
Dwarven Urgosh 50gp 1d8 Slashing 12lbs Double Weapon (1d4 Piercing), Heavy, Two-Handed
Dragon Claws 15gp 1d6 Slashing 3lbs Light, Finesse, Special
Beast Blade 12gp 1d10+2 Slashing 6lbs Heavy, Smash, Two-Handed, Barbarian Only
Siege Mace 50gp 1d12 Bludgeoning 8lbs Heavy, Two-Handed, Smash, Devastating
Exotic Ranged Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Greatbow 85gp 2d6 Piercing 3lb Ammunition (range 125/500), Heavy, Two-Handed
Eagle Bow 75gp 1d8 Piercing 2lb Ammunition (range 300/1200), Heavy, Two-Handed
Fairy Bow 25gp 1d6 Piercing 1lb Ammunition (range 20/60), Light, Two-Handed, Fey Only
SlingStaff 5sp 1d6 Bludgeoning 2lb Ammunition (range 30/90), Two-Handed
Arbalest 300gp (Ammunition: Siege Bolt, 2gp) 2d10 Piercing 20lb Ammunition (range 150/600), Heavy, Two-Handed, Loading

Exotic Weapons

Exotic weapons are specialized weapons that are much more rare than any simple or martial weapons.

Characters with Martial weapon proficiency may choose 3 Exotic weapons to also be proficient with.

Characters with only simple weapon proficiency do not gain proficiency in any exotic weapons.

For a character to gain proficiency in one exotic weapon, they must train for at least 4 hours a day, for 14 days. (56 hours of training in total) Training for more than 4 hours in a single day will reduce the time it takes to gain proficiency in an Exotic weapon.

Weapon Specials

Chakrams Special: You can use your bonus action to throw a second Chakram.

Butterfly Sword Special: The blade can be split into two separate swords, which have the light, finesse and shield wrap properties, and each deal 1d6 slashing damage.

Chainsaw Special: Chainsaws can also be used to cut through wood and trees. It takes a chainsaw 1 minute to cut through 1 foot of wood.

Dragon Claws: Monks are proficient with Dragon Claws, and they count as a monk weapon for them.


When you throw a weapon that has the returning property, it will hit the target twice. once on the way out, and another time on the way back.

Double Weapon

The double weapon property is given to weapons that can attack with both sides, like a battle axe, or a hammer. When making an attack with these weapons, you can use your bonus action to attack again with the back side of that weapon. The second attack's damage is listed beside the double weapon property. You do gain your attack bonus on the second attack.

Shield Wrap

Weapons with the shield wrap property excel against enemies wielding a shield. You gain advantage on attack rolls against opponents wielding a shield.


Weapons with the smash property offer their wielders a bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks to knock down wooden doors. The bonus is +2 for one-handed weapons, and +5 for both two-handed weapons and versatile weapons used with two hands.

Spell Empowerment

Weapons with the spell empowermrnt property give +1 to attack and damage rolls on ranged spell attacks


A weapon is easily concealed by the holder. When attacking for the first time in a combat with a hidden weapon, make a Dexterity (Slight of Hand) check against your target's Wisdom (Perception) check. If your outcome is higher than your target, they are surprised by the attack and therefore are attacked with advantage.


A weapon with the glove property is worn on your hand or forearm. You can pick up objects, wield weapons, or cast spells with somatic components while wielding a glove weapon. It takes an action to don or doff a glove weapon. To don or doff a glove weapon that also has the heavy property, it takes 5 actions, or 30 seconds.


Weapons with the mechanical property require power to use. A bonus action is required to activate the weapon, and they stay activated for up to 1 hour. After 10 uses, the weapon requires a new Power Cell. Power cells cost 1gp each.


A weapon with the devastating property can make a deadly strike against foes. If you take the attack action before moving on your turn, you can choose to make a devastating attack. A devastating attack sacrifices all of your movement on that turn, and the first attack you make deals an extra 1d6 damage.


Some Exotic weapons may have creature type, class, or race restrictions listed in their properties. Only creatures that meet the requirement may gain proficiency in these weapons. Other creatures may use them, but with disadvantage on their attack rolls. (Example: Fey only = only creatures with the fey creature type can have proficiency in this weapon.)

Magic Weapons

Hammer of Horrors

Rare Magic Weapon (Prerequisite: Evil or Chaotic Alignment)

  • Damage: 1d8 Bludgeoning + 2d6 Necrotic
  • Properties: Two-Handed, Double Weapon (1d4 bludgeoning)
  • Feared Weapon: When you hit a creature with the Hammer of Horrors, they must succeed a dc15 Charisma saving throw or become frightened for one minute. The creature can attempt the saving throw again at the beginning of each of their turns.
  • Hammer of Death: While Holding this weapon, you have resistance to Necrotic Damage

Great Flame Sword

Uncommon Magic Weapon

  • Damage: 1d8 Slashing + 1d8 Fire
  • Properties: Versatile (1d10 slashing + 1d8 fire)
  • Flame Burst: While wielding this weapon, you can cast the fireball spell once per day at will.

Katana of Light

Uncommon Magic Weapon

  • Damage: 1d8 Slashing + 2d4 Radiant
  • Properties: Finesse, Versatile (1d10 slashing + 2d4 radiant), Spell Empowerment
  • Light Bringer: While wielding the Katana of Light, you can cast the light cantrip at will.
  • Divine Blade: When dealing damage with this weapon, treat immunities to radiant damage as resistances, and resistances to radiant damage have no effect on damage taken.


Rare Magic Weapon

  • Damage: 1d8 Slashing + 1d8 Fire + 1d8 Radiant
  • Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed
  • Blade of the Sun: The Daybreak gains its magicaal abilities by drawing power from the sun. If this weapon is used during the day (7:00am-5:00pm) all of the damage dice increase by 1 (d8 --> d10), but if used at night (8:00pm-4:00am), you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with this weapon.

Shadow's Edge

Rare Magic Weapon

  • Damage: 1d8 Slashing + 2d6 Necrotic + 2
  • Properties: Finesse
  • Night's Saber: If this blade is used at night (8:00pm-4:00am), the weapon gains the Shield Wrap property and gains +2 on attack rolls.
  • Consumed by Shadow: Only the strongest hearts are able to successfully contain the evil within this weapon. When you pick up the Shadow's Edge for the first time, you must succeed a dc14 charisma saving throw, or you become consumed by the evil soul trapped inside the blade. On a failed save, your alignment becomes Chaotic - Evil.

Remnant Blade

Common Magic Weapon

  • Damage: 1d8 Slashing
  • Properties: Finesse, Versatile (1d10),
  • Disappearing Slash: As an action, you can choose to make an attack on every creature within five feet of you, then teleport to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. You can use this feature an amount of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.

Dragonscale Shield

Rare Magic Item (Prerequisite: Str 14)

  • Unbreakable Aegis: The Dragonscale Shield, when carried, counts as a +1 Shield, granting the carrier a total increase of +3 to their armor class
  • Repelling Heat: When the carrier of this shield is hit by a melee weapon attack, it releases a small burst of flame. When a creature hits you with a melee weapon attack, they take 6 (1d8+2) Fire Damage.
  • Blazing Bash: As a bonus action, you can attempt to bash a creature with the Dragonscale Shield. Make a melee weapon attack against the target, on a hit, the target takes (1d6 Bludgeoning + 1d6 Fire) damage and is pushed back 5 feet. You can use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus (If you have proficiency with shields) plus your constitution Modifier.


Rare Magic Weapon (Requires attunement by any character without the spellcasting or pact magic feature)

  • Damage: 2d6 Slashing + 1d6 Cold
  • Properties: Versatile (2d8 Slashing + 1d8 Cold), Finesse
  • Frozen Slashes: When you hit a creature with the Frostrend Sword, their movement speed reduces by 15 feet until the start of their next turn.
  • Freezing Strike: When you make a melee weapon attack with the Frostrend, you can choose to expend a spell slot of first level or higher to imbue your blade with overwhelming cold magic. The Extra damage is 2d6 for a 1st level slot, plus 1d6 for each spell level higher than first, to a maximum of 6d6. When you land a freezing strike with this weapon, the targeted creature, they must succeed a constitution saving throw against your spell save dc or become frozen until the start of their next turn.

Psionic Weapon

Uncommon Magic Weapon (Any)

  • Psionic Power: A Weapon has been infused with great psychic power, and can dish out damage in the form of psionic magic when it hits an enemy. The weapon that has been enchanted with the Psionic Weapon property deal an additional 1d8 psychic damage on a hit. Example: Psionic Rapier: 1d8 slashing + 1d8 psychic

Armor of Restoration

Very Rare Magic Armor (Requires Attunement)

  • Tough Shell: This Magical Armor is infused with small amounts of titanium, and is very hard to break through. This armor counts as medium armor and grants the wearer an armor class of 17 + their dexterity modifier (max 2).
  • Restore Life: The wearer of the Armor of Restoration gains a small healing factor from the restoration magic infused into this armor. At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points equal to your constitution modifier, so long as you are below half of your hit point maximum, rounded down.


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