Drake Cohort

by Terrorbyte34

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Drake Cohort

Drake Cohort

The battle seemed endless. It had already raged for weeks, but neither side would back down. Both sides were also too well fortified for the other to take. So instead they simply fought in planes between the fortifications to try and bleed the other side out of soldiers. "What a mess." Etenguard thought. The Perennial Keep was vital for trade in the Draxonec Empire, so it had to be defended. So when a detachment of enemy troops where sent to capture it, they had to be stopped. The issue was the only suitable place for the battle was on the planes just before the valley pass that lead to the keep. The plan had been to quickly wipe out the enemy detachment, but spies had revealed our advance so they quickly built a small fort of their own. Now, both sides are locked here unable to move. Us because we have to defend the pass, them because they do not stand a chance against us if they get caught in the open with no terrain advantage. So instead we are locked here in this stalemate. Also neither side can spare the men needed to give meaningful reinforcements. That left us with the option to slowly kill each other until one side's moral runs out, or winter gets here first and kills all of us. "Thats the most likely thing to happen right now." Etenguard thought. "Both sides have invested too much already to simply surrender, and we aren't killing each other fast enough for this to end by winter." "If that happens we all die because the winter's here are very harsh. That and dang Yeti's will come down from mountains and they don't care whose side you are on. All of us are lunch." Etenguard shuddered at that thought. He had been up here in the winter before and had seen what those creatures did to anything weak and starving from the lack of food the winter brings. It was not a happy memory.

A loud explosion, followed by the cheers of his fellow men snapped Etenguard back to reality. He rushed outside unsure of what was going on. The first thing he noticed was that the enemy fort was burning. Surrounding the burning fort was the greatest fighting force of the the Draxonec Empire. The drakes. In a matter of minutes the entire enemy force fell. The battle was over, far sooner than expected, especially since the drakes were often kept on the front lines because almost no other creature could stand before a platoon of them. To see them here was a huge relief.

Creature Cohorts

A creature cohort is a combined race and class that are meant to be taken together to create something close to a monster that the party would normally fight. Cohorts can be used in many different ways, either as a PC, a more powerful familiar, a sidekick, or even an unusual NPC.

PC Cohorts

There are a couple key differences between a PC Cohort and a sidekick or familiar cohort. If a DM chooses to make a Cohort NPC, they may add whatever features to that NPC they like.

  1. PC Cohorts get a character background while a sidekick or familiar does not.
  2. Only PC Cohorts get access to a subclass.

Drake Racial Features

Drakes are essentially smaller dragons. There are many differences between drakes and dragons though. Drakes are actually social animals, often living in prides of 10-40 drakes. Drakes also tend to prefer living near or inside the cities or camps of other hummanoid creatures. These drakes are often welcome, as they generally provide aid to the settlement they live near in exchange for having a relatively stable home. Drakes also help protect the settlement, often working as a special attack squad. Some drakes even serve as mounts, creating one of the most feared cavalry forces known to man.
Ability Score Increases. Your Strength increases by 2 and your Constitution increases by 1.
Age. Drakes, being related to dragons have a long life span. They reach maturity around 50 years of age and live to be around 500-600 years old.
Alignment. Drakes vary greatly in alignment, though the subspecies generally fall somewhere within a specific alignment. Dark, Ice, and Poison drakes tend toward evil. Earth, Light, and Gravity drakes tend toward good. Fire and Storm drakes are generally chaotic, while Ice and Psychic drakes tend to be lawful.
Size. You are a freshly hatched drake. You are about 3ft long and around 1.5 ft tall. Your size is small, but you will grow.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Darkvision. Your draconic relation gives you superior vision in dark and dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only Shades of Gray.
Draconic Nature. Your creature type is counted as Dragon for spells and effects.
Handless You lack any hands with which you can wield weapons. You can perform basic functions with your front legs that require no more than simple pushes or pulls, but you cannot use any item that requires the use of hands or needs to be held. For example, you can open a door with a pushdown handle or turn the pages of a book, but you could not wield weapons or lock a door with a key.

Natural Defenses. You posses two natural weapons with which to strike foes. These weapons are your claws and fangs. You are proficient with these weapons. Both use Strength to determine attack and damage rolls. Your claws deal 1d8 slashing and your bite deals 1d8 piercing. You also have tough scales that give you and AC of 13 + your Dexterity Modifier. You cannot wear any armor, unless it is specifically crafted for you.
Languages. You can read and speak both Common and Draconic.


Drakes have a fair number of subraces, 10 that are considered the origin subraces and countless others that have been formed. Drake prides are almost never comprised of a single drake subrace, so cross breeding is common between the subraces. The following are the origin subraces. Important: Your subrace will also determine some features of the Drake class. If you do plan on playing both, please read the Drake class decsription before choosing your subrace.

Dark Drake

Damage Resistance. Your are resistant to Necrotic damage.
Superior Darkvision. Your Darkvision works out to a range of 120ft.
Dark Scales. You can add double your proficiency bonus on Stealth checks made to hide if you are in dim light.

Earth Drake

Damage Resistance. You are resistant to Acid damage.
Burrower. You have a burrowing speed equal to half your walking speed. The earth that you move is displaced behind you, so you leave no tunnel as you burrow.
Iron Scales. You get a +1 bonus to your AC.

Fire Drake

Damage Resistance. You are resistant to Fire damage.
Blazing Scales. When you are hit with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to cause your scales to ignite. Until the end of your next turn, all creatures that start their turn within 5 ft of you take 1d6 fire damage. Your damage resistance does apply to this ability.

Gravity Drake

Damage Resistance. You are resistant to Force damage. Gravity Spike. When you see a creature making a Strength saving throw, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the save. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest to do so again.

Ice Drake

Damage Resistance. You are resistant to ice damage.
Additional Mobility. You have a burrowing speed equal to half your walking speed. The earth that you move is displaced behind you, so you leave no tunnel as you burrow. You also have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed - 10ft.
Serrated Claws. You have advantage on saving throws against effects that would knock you prone. When you score a critical hit with your claw attacks you roll an additional damage die.

Light Drake

Damage Resistance. You are resistant to Radiant damage.
Healing Touch. During your turn you can use an action to expend and roll 1 of your Hit Die. One willing creature within 5ft of you regains Hit Points equal to the Hit Die rolled + your Constitution Modifier.
Minor Light Magic. You know the Light Cantrip.

Poison Drake

Damage Resistance. You have resistance to Poison damage.
Crafty. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Toxic Blood. If you are below your Hit Point maximum, and creature that grapples you takes 1d8 poison damage for every turn it spends grappling you.

Psychic Drake

Damage Resistance. You have resistance to Psychic Damage.
Smart. Your Intelligence Score increases by 1.
Minor Psychic Magic. You know the Vicious Mockery cantrip.

Sonic Drake

Damage Resistance. You are resistant to Thunder damage.
Climber. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
Condition Resistace. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid becoming and remaining Deafened.
Echolocation. You have have a blindsight of 30ft while you are not deafened.

Storm Drake

Damage Resistance. You are resistant to Lightning damage.
Swimmer. You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Amphibious. You can breath underwater just as easily as you can air.
Electrical Scales. While you are fully submerged in water, all creatures within 5ft of you take 1d4 Lightning damage at the start of their turn.

Drake Class

Class Features.

As a Drake you earn the following features.

Hit Points

Hit Die: 1d10 per Drake level.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier.


Armor: none
Weapons: none
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Strength, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Deception, Nature, Performance, Persuasion, Stealth, or Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to what ever is provided in your chosen background.

  • (a) a Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • a necklace bearing the symbol of the city where you lived and 35 GP

Fledgling Wings

Beginning at 1st level, your wings have begun to develop, but they lack strength. You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. At the end of your turn, you fall, unless there is something else keeping you aloft.

Natural Armor

Starting at 1st level, you gain the natural armor of a Drake if you do not already have it. Your AC becomes 13 + your Dexterity modifier while you are unarmored.

Natural Weapons

Starting at 1st level, you gain the natural weapons of a Drake if you do not already have them. These weapons are a bite and claws. They use Strength to determine attack and damage rolls and you are proficient with them. Your claws deal 1d8 slashing damage and your bite deals 1d6 piercing damage.


Beginning at 1st level, if you move at least 15ft strait toward a target and hit them with a claw attack, the must make a Strength saving throw. The DC for this is 8 + your Strength modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. If they fail they are knocked prone, and you can use a bonus action to make one bite attack against the target.

Level Proficiency Bonus Feature Breath Weapon Die
1st +2 Fledgling Wings, Natural Armor, Natural Weapons, Pounce. -
2nd +2 Breath Weapon Humanize 2
3rd +2 Subracial Growth 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3
5th +3 Multiattack 4
6th +3 Growth Feature 4
7th +3 Size Increase (Medium) 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6
9th +4 Hardening Scales (+1) 6
10th +4 Growth Feature 7
11th +4 Controlled Breath Fully Developed Wings 8
12th +4 Ability Score Increase 9
13th +5 Size Increase (Large) 10
14th +5 Growth Feature 11
15th +5 Hardening Scales(+2) Multiattack 12
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 12
17th +6 Controlled Burst 13
18th +6 Breath Sweep 14
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 15
20th +6 High Drake Status 15

Breath Weapon

Beginning at 2nd level, you can use an action to exhale bursts of elemental energy. The save DC for this Breath Weapon is as follows

Breath Weapon DC= 8 + your Constitution Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus
Breath Weapons deal damage to all creatures in a 5ft wide 30ft line that fail against the Breath Weapon DC. Creatures that succeed take half damage. The breath weapon deals damage is 1d8 per Breath Weapon Die. The type of damage your breath weapon deals is dependent on the subrace of Drake you chose (or choose now if you did not pick drake as your race) as shown in the table below. Once you use this ability you cannot do so again until 1d6 minutes later.

Subrace Damage type Save Type
Dark Drake Necrotic Dex
Earth Acid Dex
Fire Fire Dex
Gravity Force Dex
Ice Cold Con
Light Radiant Dex
Poison Poison Con
Psychic Psychic Int
Sonic Thunder Con
Storm Lightning Dex


Starting at 2nd level, you can use your action to change your shape to look like a member of a different race or back to your drake form. When you first earn this feature, chose a different race. Your Humaized form looks like a member of race. There are always also some clues that you are not entirely a normal member of the race you look like, unless you take efforts to mask them. Namely an unnatural beauty, wings and a tail still sprout from your back, and patches of scales are visible on your body. You gain none of the racial features of your Humanized form. While in this form, you lose access to you your natural weapons, though your unarmed strikes now deal 1d4 + Strength modifier points of bludgeoning damage. While in this form, you still have access to your Breath Weapon, but its damage die are reduced to d6s instead of d8s while in your Humanized form. Anything you are wearing or carrying while in your Humanized either merges with you or becomes worn by the drake. The item has to be specifically made to alter its shape to be able to be worn. For example a bag or pouch with an expanding and contracting strap could be worn by both forms.

Subracial Growth

Starting at 3rd level, your Drake subrace begins to grow in power. (If you did not choose choose drake as your starting race use the same subclass as the drake you choose the elemental damage of your breath attack.)

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.


When you reach 5th level, you can make 2 attacks on your turn. Starting at 15th level, you can make 2 claw attacks and 1 bite attacks. The bonus attack you get from your Pounce feature does not count against this total.

Size Increase Medium

At 7th level, you have reached the point in development in which your size increases to Medium. Your base walking speed increases to 40ft. Your Humanized form also grows to medium unless the race's maximum size is small, in which case your size is still small in that form.

Hardening Scales.

Starting at 9th level, your scales harden, preparing you for the stronger monsters a head. You gain a +1 bonus to your AC. This increases to a +2 bonus at 15th level.

Controlled Breath

Starting at 11th level, your breath weapon becomes more stable, allowing you to gain better control over it. Now after using your breath weapon, roll 1d6. You must wait that number of rounds before you can use your breath weapon again. Also being in your Humanized form no longer reduces the damage die of your breath weapon down to d6s. Your breath weapon now increases in size to a 60ft long line.

Fully Developed Wings

Beginning at 11th level, your wings have fully developed. You can now stay airborne at the end of your turns.

Size Increase Large

Starting at 13th level, your body has grown large enough that you are considered large. You now take up a 10ft by 10ft square or 3 hexes. However, you are sleek enough in form that you can fit through medium sized spaces without squeezing. The damage of claw attacks increases to 2d8. Your bite attack now has the reach property.

Controlled Burst

Beginning at 17th level, you have gained enough control over your elemental energy that you can fire it in an attack called the Elemental Burst. This attack option uses Constitution to determine attack and damage rolls, has a range of 60ft, and you are considered proficient with it. On a hit, the Elemental Burst deals 3d6 points of damage. The damage type is the same type of damage that your breath weapon deals. When you take the Attack action on your turn, you may choose to take either your multiattack option or you make 2 elemental burst attacks.

Breath Sweep

Beginning at 18th level, you have gained the ability to sweep your breath weapon. When you use your action to use your breath weapon you can declare that you are going to sweep it. Instead of affecting a 5ft wide, 60ft long line, your breath weapon instead affects a 30ft cone. When you do this, you roll 2d4s to determine how many rounds you must wait before you can use your breath weapon again.

High Drake Abilities

At 20th level, you have become a fully grown drake and many of your abilities improve. Your bonus to your AC becomes a +3. Your flying speed increases by 40ft. In addition, your normal breath weapon now affects a 5ft wide , 120ft long line, and the swept version affects a 60ft cone.

Subracial Growth

In this section is the description of the subracial growth features (equivalent to subclass but supposed to be dependent on the subrace of drake you chose when building your character.) Each of these subclasses gives you additional abilities at 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.

Dark Drake

Dark Drakes channel power from shadows and death. As they age, their connection to these forces only grows stronger. A fully grown Darkness Drake can easily transform its body into shadows and steal the life force of other creatures.

Terrifying Visage

Starting at 3rd level you gain proficiency with Intimidation. If you are already proficient with Intimidation you gain expertise in Intimidation. Expertise means you add double your proficiency bonus to your Intimidation checks. (Just in case someone does not know or is unfamiliar with the term Expertise.)

Necrotic Aura

Beginning at 6th level, at the start of your turn, you can use a bonus action to activate a field of necrotic energy in a 5ft area around you for 1 minute. All creatures in this area take 2d6 necrotic damage if they end their turn inside this area. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses after finishing a long or short rest. The size of this aura increases to a 10ft radius at 14th level.

Steal Life

By the time you hit 10th level, you have learned to steal the life force of other creatures. Whenever a creature takes damage from your Necrotic Aura, you regain HP equal to half the damage dealt.

Shadow Stealth

At 14th level, you have learned how to blend your body into the shadows that surround you. While in dim light or darkness, you can take the Hide action as a bonus action.

Earth Drakes

Earth Drakes use the power from the earth itself to stand through any attack. They also use their large frame for devastating close range combat. An adult Earth Drake rivals creatures far larger than it in size and uses that power to crush its foes.

Stand Your Ground

Beginning at 3rd level, you cannot be moved by or knocked prone by any effect unless you choose to be.

Inspiring Aura

Beginning at 6th level, your presences bolsters your allies resolve. All allies within 10ft of you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. This aura increases to 15ft at 14th level.

Hulking Form

Beginning at 10th level, you count as 1 size larger for determining your carrying capacity, grapple checks, and for maximum weight you can drag or lift.


Starting at 14th level, when you land an attack on a creature that is 1 size or more smaller than you, you can force them to make a save against your Pounce DC, suffering the same results as the Pounce feature if they fail. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. After you finish a long rest, you regain all uses of this feature.

Fire Drake

Fire Drakes are legendary for their ability to produce and manipulate fire. Fire Drakes are more than capable of burning creatures that normally resist the effects of flames. Adult fire drakes even possess the ability to lite themselves on fire without suffering any harm.

Enchanted Flames

Starting at 3rd level, whenever you deal a creature fire damage, you can ignore in resistance to fire damage that creature may have. Starting at 14th level you can also ignore immunity.

Fire Immunity

By the time you reach 6th level, your scales have grown so resistant to fire that you now have resistance to fire damage. If you are already resistant to fire damage you become immune.

Blazing Scales

Starting at 6th level, when you are hit with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to cause your scales to ignite. Until the end of your next turn, all creatures that start their turn within 5 ft of you take 1d6 fire damage.. Your damage resistance does apply to this ability. (You only gain this feature if your race is something other than fire drake.)

Legendary Ferocity

Starting at 10th level, when you score a critical hit against a creature, you can make 1 additional bite attack against that creature.

Flame Cloak

Starting at 14th level, when you use your Blazing Scales racial feature, the effect lasts 1 minute instead of 1 round. Also the damage increases to 3d6.

Gravity Drake

Gravity Drakes use their unique ability to control gravity to limit or redirect their opponent's movements. Adult Gravity Drakes even posses the ability to alter the direction of the pull of gravity, causing massive confusion for their foes.

Slow Falling

Beginning at 3rd level, you can lessen the pull of gravity on yourself, causing you to fall slower. When you are falling, you fall at a rate of 60ft per round (instead of 500ft per round) and take no falling damage when you land.

Gravity Deflection

Your mastery of gravity has increased to the point that at 6th level, you can use a surge of it to alter the flight path of projectiles. When you are targeted for a ranged attack, you can use your reaction to give the attack roll disadvantage. Once you use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you must complete a long or short rest to do so again.

Gravity Crush

Beginning at 10th level, when your Pounce feature has been activated, you can crush the target. A crushed target must make a Strength Check against your Breath Weapon DC whenever it tries to stand up. If it fails, the creature must expend all of its movement to stand up this turn. If it succeeds, it can stand up like normal. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest to do so again.

Redirect Gravity

Beginning at 14th level, when you use your breath weapon, you can choose any number of creature that failed the saving throw by 5 or more and move them upto 15ft in any horizontal direction of your choosing.

Ice Drake

Ice Drakes are known for their power to trap even their strongest foes in layers of ice. Adult drakes have even demonstrated the ability to freeze its foes' bodies so deeply and throughly that they shatter. Among drakes it possesses the most powerful elemental aura.

Icy Fangs

Beginning at 3rd level, your bite attack deals an extra 1d6 cold damage. This damage increases to 2d6 cold damage at 14th level.

Frost Aura

Starting at 6th level, your body creates a powerful chilling mist. All creatures that start their turn within 5ft of you or hit you with a melee attack take 3d6 cold damage.

Flash Freeze

Beginning at 10th level, when a creature is reduced to 0 Hit Points by your breath weapon, that target automatically dies, and its body shatters into hundreds of pieces.

Glacial Aura

By the time you reach 14th level, the chill emanating from your body has grown in power. Your Frost Aura now deals 3d6 cold damage. In addition, each time you finish a long rest, you can choose a number of creatures equal to your Constitution Modifier. Those creatures are immune to the effects of your Frost Aura until you complete another long rest.

Light Drake

Light Drakes are symbols of purity and healing. Their presence can heal allies and their power to control light allows them to burn away evil anywhere they find it. Adult drakes can even create a light so bright that it turns night into day.

Burning Light

Beginning at 3rd level, when ever you hit a fiend or an undead type creature with a melee attack, that creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage. Your natural weapon attacks also count as magical for the purposes of over coming resistance and immunity, but only against fiends and undead.

Healing Aura

Starting at 6th level, your mere presence provides minor healing to your allies. Whenever a friendly creature starts its turn within 10ft of you and has less than half their Hit Point Maximum remaining they regain 1d4 Hit Points.

Brilliant Radiance

Starting at 10th level, you can use your action to begin emitting bright light in a 30ft radius and dim light in a 30ft radius beyond that for 1 minute. Any fiend or undead creature that starts its turn inside the bright light takes 2d8 radiant damage at the start its turn. Also creatures have disadvantage on ranged attack rolls against creatures inside the area of bright light. Once you have used this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.

Greater Healing

Beginning at 14th level, you gain the ability to cast the spell Mass Healing Word at 3rd level. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.

Poison Drake

Poison Drakes are considered among the most mischievous and crafty of drakes. They also are known for a unique hunting tactic of biting a creature once and simply leaving, waiting for their poison to finish off the prey. Adult drakes have a powerful enough poison to melt flesh as if their poison was an acid.

Deceptive Experts

Beginning at 3rd level, you have gained proficiency with the Deception skill. If you are already proficient with Deception gain expertise instead.

Slow Acting Poison

Starting at 6th level, when you hit a creature with a bite attack, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Breath Weapon DC. On a success nothing happens. If they fail, that creature takes an extra 1d6 poison damage. At the end of each rest the creature takes it must repeat the saving, taking another 1d6 poison damage on a failure. Keep track of both successes and failures against this saving throw. After 3 cumulative successes, this poison stops affecting the creature. After 3 cumulative failures, the creature begins to suffer from the poisoned condition and the damage it takes increases to 2d6.

Toxic Nature

By the time you hit 10th level, your natural affinity for poison has greatly increased. You are now immune to Poison Damage and the Poisoned Condition.

Caustic Venom

Starting at 14th level, your poison damage has become incredibly strong. When you would deal Poison damage to a creature, you can ignore that creature's poison resistance and immunity unless that creature is also resistant or immune to Acid damage. The damage of your Slow Acting Poison increases to 2d6 poison for the initial damage and 3d6 poison after the target has failed the saving throw 3 times.

Psychic Drake

Psychic Drakes are unique among drakes for their ability to learn and cast spells. The drakes are also known for using intense headaches to incapacitate their enemies. Adult drakes even have the ability to forcibly invade a creature's mind to find wanted information.


Starting at 3rd level you gain access to spell casting. Cantrips. You learn three cantrips: Friends and two others from the Wizard spell list. You learn another Wizard cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
Spell Slots. The Psychic Drake table shows how many spell slots you have of each level. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a spell slot of the spells level or higher. You regain all spell slots when you finish a long rest.
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three 1st-level Wizard spells of your choice, two of which must be from the Enchantment and Illusion spells on the Wizard spell list. The Psychic Drake Spellcasting table show when you learn more spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an Enchantment or Illusion spell, and must of a level for which you have a spell slot. The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come from any school of magic. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the spells you know with another from the Wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots, and it must be an Enchantment or Illusion spell, unless you’re replacing the spell you gained at 8th, 14th, or 20th level.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for Wizard spells. Spell Save DC = 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier Spell Attack Modifier = your Proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Psychic Drake Table
Drake Level Cantrips Known Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3rd 3 3 2
4th 3 4 3
5th 3 4 3
6th 3 4 3
7th 3 5 4 2
8th 3 6 4 2
9th 3 6 4 2
10th 4 7 4 3
11th 4 8 4 3
12th 4 8 4 3
13th 4 9 4 3 2
14th 4 10 4 3 2
15th 4 10 4 3 2
16th 4 11 4 3 3
17th 4 11 4 3 3
18th 4 11 4 3 3
19th 4 12 4 3 3 1
20th 4 13 4 3 3 1

Psychic Cloak

At 3rd level, you have gained the ability to shroud your mind from other creatures. Other creatures cannot speak to you telepathically unless you allow them and all other creatures have disadvantage on ability rolls or attack rolls to let them read your mind.

Subtle Suggestion

Beginning at 6th level, you can cause minor changes to a creatures perceptive abilities. On your turn you use an action to force 1 creature to make an Intelligence saving throw against your spell DC. If the creature fails it has disadvantage on all perception checks for the next minute. If it succeeds it has advantage on perception checks for the next minute and it becomes aware of your presence.

Incapacitating Headache

At 10th level your psychic powers have greatly increases allowing you cause powerful headaches in other creatures. Whenever you deal psychic damage to a creature(s), you can use a bonus action to force that creature to suffer an extreme headache for the next minute. The creature becomes poisoned, even if it is immune to the poisoned condition. The creature can make and Intelligence saving throw against your spell DC at the end of its turn, ending the effect early on a success. If the creature fails one of these saving throws by 10 or more it becomes stunned for the remaining duration and cannot make any more saving throws to attempt to end the effect early.

Mind Crush

Beginning at 14th level, you can expend a 2nd level spell slot to attempt to forcibly read a creature's mind, often destroying that creatures mind in the process. Make a melee spell attack roll against a creature. You have disadvantage on this attack if the target has telepathy or is resistant to psychic damage. On a hit, within the next minute, you can ask the creature 1 question which it must answer as precisely as it can, and it cannot willing tell a lie. For example if you asked a creature how to get to a certain building, it would tell you all the routes it knows about to get to that location. After the minute has passed the creature's Intelligence score is reduced by 3d6. If this reduction reduces the creature's Intelligence score to 0 the creature is stunned until it gains 1 point to its Intelligence. Healing magic of 6th level or higher can remove this effect.

Sonic Drake

Sonic Drakes use high frequency sounds to disrupt their foes in battles and destroy structures with great ease. Adult drakes even have an ability to perceive creatures that it would normally be impossible to detect because they can deter the vibrations the creatures make as they move.

Dizzying Attack

Beginning at 3rd level, when you score a critical hit against a living creature, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Breath Weapon DC. On a failure, the creature take either a bonus action or an action on its turn but not both, its speed is halved, and it cannot take reactions. These effects end at the end of the creature's next turn.


Starting at 6th level, double any thunder damage you deal to any structures or any construct type monster.

Critical Eyes

Beginning at 10th level, your eyesight has developed to the point that you can easily spot your foes weak points. You now score critical hits on rolls of 19-20.

Improved Blindsight

Starting at 14th level, the range of your blindsight increases to 60ft. In addition creatures cannot hide from you while in this radius.

Storm Drake

Storm Drakes are the most combat oriented drakes, being able to easy wade into the thickest fights and come out relatively unscathed. Adult drakes are infamous for their ability to turn the tides of battle single handedly.

Absorbing Armor

Beginning at 3rd level, when you are hit by a creature's melee attack, you can use your reaction to reduce that damage by 1d10+ your constitution modifier. Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest before you can do so again. At 14th level, you can use this feature twice before you have to complete a long rest.

Enraged Frenzy

When ever you are at 1/2 hit points or less you enter an enraged state. While in this enraged state, you have advantage on attack rolls against other creatures, but attacks against you also have advantage. Your attacks deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage while in your enraged state.

Wrath of the Storm

During your turn, if you are in your enraged state, you can choose to take a second action during your turn. This second action must either be the Attack action, use your Breath Weapon, or hold the action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to one half of your proficiency bonus rounded down. After you complete a long rest you regain all expended uses of this feature.

Rampaging Beast

Whenever, you reduce a creature's hit points to 0, or you are hit while in your enraged state, you can use your reaction to move upto half your walking speed and make any single melee attack.


This is a homebrewed addition to the game and is not officially endorsed by Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Please do not try to pass it off as such. Its creation is permitted by the Fan Content Policy. "Creature Cohorts" where inspired by the work of u/Mister_Thr33.

Special thanks to the r/unearthedarcana and r/dndhomebrew subreddits for their imputs and inspiration.

Art Credit

Dragon Rider by Samarskiy on Deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/samarskiy/art/Dragon-rider-553395852




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Cover Art: Samarskiy

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