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*With a wicked grin, the red-robed wizard a lance of thin green light towards an armored knight - the grin that turning to confusion, then an outraged scowl as the ray strikes a briefly visible glittering halo and harmlessly deflects into the ground. The halfling smirks, her helmet slamming down as she charges, swinging her long weapon in a terrible arc, right past the doomed wizard's guards.* ### Dreadnought Armor *Armor (plate or half-plate), legendary* ___ Almost as much a golem as a suit of armor, this towering, ornately decorated construct requires a Strength score of 15 (half-plate) or 17 (plate) and 1d4 hours of practice to wear proficiently. You gain the following benefits: * **Towering.** Your size becomes Medium if smaller and you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. * **Powered.** Your walking speed becomes 35 feet if slower. * **Stable.** You have advantage on saving throws and ability checks to prevent being knocked prone. If an effect moves or pushes you against your will, it moves you 10 feet less. * **Mighty Grip.** When wielding a melee weapon, you can ignore its two-handed, heavy and versatile properties. If you do, you use a versatile weapon's higher damage die. * **Eject / Ready.** You can doff the armor (and optionally a shield) as a bonus action. If you do not, the armor remains kneeling but upright, and you can don it as an action. * **Mode Switch.** As a bonus action, you can retract the helmet into an ornate mantle, or close it back down. You gain one of the following benefits: * **Mantle Raised - Iron Crown.** A protective magical force surrounds you. When forced to make a Dexterity saving throw, you can make a Constitution saving throw instead. * **Helmet Closed - Iron Shell.** You gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class and any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit, but the heavy, fixed-forward helmet imposes disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks you make.
\columnbreak > [Justice Kneeling]( "Terra") - Thomas Wright
> Uses stains by [Jared Ondricek]( "Jared Ondricek"). > ___ > ***Y**et **A**nother **v**on
**B**oomslang **O**riginal - [More here!](*