Blowgun Master

by Nifdi

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by u / Nifdi

Blowgun Mastery

Prerequisite: Proficiency with blowguns

You have learned to perfect your technique with a blowgun, as well as how to craft an incapacitating poison to coat your needles. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum
    of 20.
  • When you attack with a blowgun, you can use your Constitution modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier for the attack roll.
  • When you hit with a blowgun, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Constitution modifier in place of its normal damage.
  • As an action, you can coat a number of
    blowgun needles equal to your proficency
    bonus with a potent sleeping poison. When
    you hit a creature with a coated needle, the
    creature must make a Constitution saving throw
    or fall unconscious for 1 hour. The save DC for this effect is equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. The poison becomes stronger as you learn how to exploit the weaknesses of your target. Creatures automatically fail the saving throw against this poison if its challenge rating is at or below a certain threshold, as shown in the Poison Potency table below.
Poison Potency
Creatures automatically
fail if their CR is...
5th ½ or lower
8th 1 or lower
11th 2 or lower
14th 3 or lower
17th 4 or lower
ART CREDIT: Kyounghwan Kim