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The Mistborn

The Mistborn

In the Mistborn series, Allomancy is a predominantly genetic ability that allows a person to metabolize ("burn") metals, ingested by the Allomancer, for magical powers that can enhance physical and mental capacities.

There are 16 metals that such Allomancers can use, with each metal granting a specific ability. In addition to these, there are two fictional metals, Atium and Lerasium that are the solid manifestation of the powers of Ruin and Preservation respectively.

A person who is only able to burn one of the Allomantic metals is known as a Misting. Anyone who is naturally capable of burning all of the metals is called a Mistborn.

In the first trilogy, only Mistings and Mistborn existed, although in the second series, interbreeding caused a new phenomena of people with one Allomantic and one Feruchemical ability, called Twinborn.In The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages, it is revealed that Allomancy originates from the power of Preservation. There are three sources (or origins) of Allomantic abilities in the Mistborn world:

Prior to the Ascension of the Lord Ruler, Allomancy was rarely found among the general population. The Lord Ruler's Ascension, and his subsequent distribution of the lerasium beads, increased the strength of the Allomantic spiritual DNA in the Final Empire, which had long lasting effects through the subsequent generations. Rashek, and his Steel Ministry, also suppressed knowledge of several of the Allomantic metals, so that only the four physical, four mental, gold, and atium, were known of by the general populace. Malatium became known through legend as The Eleventh Metal, a rumor that may have been started by Ruin to help facilitate the downfall of the Lord Ruler. Prior to its destruction, atium and malatium were incorrectly classified as temporal metals instead of God Metals by The Lord Ruler and his government.

  • Lerasium beads: Burning the fictional metal, Lerasium, which is the solid form of Preservation's power, turns a person into a Mistborn. This was how the Lord Ruler "created" the Allomantic bloodlines among the Final Empire's noblemen.

  • Snapping: The mists, the gaseous form of Preservation's power, that appear in the Mistborn world when power returns to the Well of Ascension would begin to violently activate ("snap") innate Allomantic abilities in people.

  • Genetic descent: Descendants of Allomancers were also likely to have Allomantic abilities, though it takes physical anguish to awaken them.

Class Features

As a Mistborn, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Mistborn level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Mistborn level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor
  • Weapons: Light Simple and Martial Weapons
  • Tools: Thieves tools

  • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Insight, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) two daggers or (b) any light simple weapon and a shield
  • (a) a burgler's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • a shortbow and 20 arrows
  • a set of traveler's clothes
Book Series Deep-Dive: Mistborn – Dragons & Spaceships
The Mistborn
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Metals Burning 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Base Flare Charges
1st +2 Allomancy 4 1
2nd +2 Fighting Style, Flaring 4 2
3rd +2 Metal Specialization, Spellcasting 5 1 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 1 4
5th +3 Duralimun/Gold, Multi-Attack 5 2 5
6th +3 Extra Bonus Action 5 2 6
7th +3 Metal Specialization Feature 5 2 1 7
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 2 1 8
9th +4 5 3 1 9
10th +4 5 3 1 10
11th +4 Metal Specialization Feature 6 3 2 1 11
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6 3 2 1 12
13th +5 6 3 2 1 13
14th +5 Fighting Style 6 3 2 1 14
15th +5 Metal Specialization Feature 6 4 3 1 1 15
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 3 2 1 16
17th +6 Mithril/Silver 7 4 3 2 1 17
18th +6 Metal Specialization Feature 7 4 3 2 2 1 18
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 3 2 2 1 19
20th +6 Atium/Electrum 8 4 3 2 2 1 20


At level 1:

  • You know how to burn 4 of the base metals a day between the mental and physical metals. You gain a passive effect associated with each metal, and can have more metals burning at higher levels. See the class table for how many metals you can have burning for your particular level.
  • You can change the metals you are burning during a short or long rest.
  • You know the Cantrip: Coin Shot and can cast it on coins in your pouch. You touch one to three coins and imbue them with magic. You can make a ranged spell attack with one of the coins by throwing it. If thrown, it shoots from your hand at a range of 60 feet. On a hit, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your spellcasting ability modifier + your proficiency bonus. Hit or miss, the spell then ends on the coin.

Fighting Style

At 2nd and 14th Level, you adopt a particular style of Fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.


You gain a +3 bonus to Attack Rolls you make with Ranged Attacks and Ranged Spell Attacks.


While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. Shields to not count as weapons.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in Two-Weapon Fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second Attack.

Flaring Metals

At level 2 you can flare a metal you are currently burning by using a flare charge (FC) to gain a bonus effect . You have flare charges equal to your Mistborn level plus your constitution modifier. You regain 1 of your flare charges on a short rest and all on a long rest. You may flare a metal with no charges at the cost of one point of exhaustion.

Metal Specialization

At level 3 you can choose to become specialized in either the physical or the mental metals. This will offer access to spells of either types.


  • Charisma is you spellcasting ability.

  • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your ability modifier

Spell Slots

The Mistborn table shows how many Spell Slots you have to cast your Spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these Spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended Spell Slots when you finish a Long Rest.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of your spells with another one you know

Ability Score Improvement

  • Improve an ability score by two – you can choose a single ability score, such as charisma, and increase it by 2 points. Increasing a score by 2 points guarantees an improvement of the modifier but it is recommended to do this an even score.
  • Improve two ability scores by one – you can assign two ability scores, such as charisma and constitution, by one. It is recommended to do this if you have odd ability scores as bringing them up to the next even number will increase the modifier.


Beginning at 5th Level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn. If you cast Coin Shot, you can use your action to throw all three coins at once, with seperate attack rolls for each of them.

Gold and Duralimun

Your understanding of metal grows, allowing you at level 5 to ingest Gold for Physical or Duralimun for Mental.

  • Gold untaps the mistborns constitution allowing for more damage to be take before the mistborn passes out.
  • Duralimun enhances any metal you are currently burning, allowing you to use your bonus action to gain a massive effect on your next spell cast with a spell slot.

Extra Bonus Action

During combat you can use an additional bonus action during your turn. Allowing you to apply multiple buffs at once.

Mithril and Silver

New levels of power open up when you learn to burn the magical metals Miltril and Silver.

  • The first time you burn Mithril you pick one elemental affinity of Cold, Thunder, Fire, or Acid and add that element to all physical attacks.
  • Burning silver lets the caster nullify magical effects such as Curses.

Atium and Electrum

Reach the upper limit of an allomancers power with the inclusion of Atium and Electrum. Allowing you to cast a 9th level spell for free once a day. For the physical metal you can cast Time Stop, for mental metal you get to cast Psychic Scream.

Hi Guys, here is the illustration by me for "The Well of Ascension" Book,  translated on Georgian by "Books Batumi Publishing". : Mistborn

Physical Metals

Steel - Lvl 1 - Push -

  • Steel Lines - Passive. Perception based. Ranged physical attacks you make with metal objects have double the distance. In addition, Blue lines visible only to you, spear out from your center mass toward all surrounding metal. You know the location of all sources of metal within 60 ft., how close they are, and if it's moving away from you. The tethers from this vision fade the farther they are away from you.
  • Steel Push Action. Send out a wave of energy that pushes or more metal metal object within 60ft. The optional rule for disarming (DMG p271) is as follows: A creature can use a weapon attack to knock a weapon or another item from a target's grasp. The attacker makes an attack roll contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
  • Enhance Steel Bonus Action. 1 Flare charges. The next melee or ranged attack you make has a -2 penalty to hit. If it hits, it +5 to the damage roll.

Iron - Lvl 1 - Pull -

  • Iron Lines - Passive. Ranged attacks targeting you with metal objects have disadvantage. Blue lines, visible only to you, spear out from your center mass toward all surrounding metal. You know the location of all sources of metal within 60 ft., how close they are, and if it's moving towards you.
  • Pull of Iron - Action. You pull on metal objects within 60ft, if the object is heavier than you then you fly toward the object. If the object weighs less than you and is improperly anchored then it flies towards you. The optional rule for disarming (DMG p271) is as follows: A creature can use a weapon attack to knock a weapon or another item from a target's grasp. The attacker makes an attack roll contested by the target's Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
  • Lurch - Reaction. 1 Flare charge. One ally within 60 ft of you gains +5AC against one ranged attacks made with metal.

Tin - Lvl 1 - Enhance senses

  • Tin Eyes Passive. Gain +5 on all Perception checks, and -5 on all saves against being blinded or deafened. Darkvision to 30ft.
  • Focus Bonus. 1 Flare charge. Till the end of your turn, attack rolls have +10 to hit.
  • Tin Tingle Reaction. 1 Flare charge. Gain +5 ac till the start of your next turn.

Pewter - Lvl 1 - Enhance Physical Ability

  • Pewter Skin Passive - Gain +2AC when wearing light or medium armor. Also gain +2 to melee damage rolls
  • Strongarm Action. 1 Flare charge. Perform the next grapple or shove attack with advantage. Your grapples have an +4 to escape DC and your shoves can push a Huge creature up to 15ft.
  • Flare Pewter Reaction. 1 Flare charge. When attacked in melee you may add +5AC till the start of your next turn.

Gold - Lvl 5 - Health restore

  • Golden Touch Passive. When you roll for initiative, add double your Mistborn level as temporary HP. Lasts until lost or replaced.
  • Reveal Action. 2 Flare charges. Borrow from the past to heal any new wounds and granting 1d8 + your constitution modifier as hit points.
  • Regenerate Bonus. 2 Flare charges. Gain double your Mistborn level as Health at the start of your next turn.

Mithril- Lvl 17 - Elemental Attack

  • Mithrilblood Passive. Elemental affinity 2d6 (1. Frost, 2. Thunder, 3. Poison, 4. Fire) damage on all melee and ranged attacks.
  • Mithril Blast Action. 1-5 Flare charges.60ft range. Blast the enemy with 1d12 of your chosen element per flare charge spent.
  • Hasted Action Bonus. 4 Flare charges. Gain another action.

Atium - Lvl 20 - Reset

  • Future Sense Passive. All melee and ranged attacks against you have disadvantage, and all your attacks have advantage.
  • Time Stop Action. 4 Flare charges. Cast Time Stop for free without any components. Usable once a day.
  • Fortuitous Bonus Action. (5FC) All damage rolls automatically roll at their maximum.
Allomancy | GM Binder

Mental Metals

Bronze - Seeker

  • Prying Eyes Passive. +3 to hit with spells attack rolls.
  • Peer 2 Flare charge. You gain Truesight do a distance of 30ft for 10 minutes.
  • Flare Bronze Bonus. 2 Flare charge. For 5 minutes you can sense the presence of magic within 30ft of you.

Copper - Smokers

  • Copper Shadow Passive. Enemies have a -5 to hit on all spell attacks rolls made against you.
  • Copper Cloud Action. 1 Flare charge. Spell attack rolls made against a target in the cloud are made at disadvantage and all dexterity saving throws that are made within the cloud have advantage.
  • Copper Aura Bonus. 1 Flare charge. Enemies within 30 feet of you have disadvantage on all spell attack rolls for 1 minute.

Zinc - Rioters

  • Strong Willed Passive. +5 to Spell Attack damage rolls.
  • Riot Ally Action. 1 Flare charge. For the next 10 minutes, 1 ally can critically hit on an attack roll of 18,19, or 20.
  • Riot Self Bonus. 3 Flare charge. Riot yourself for 3 turns, your spell attack rolls can critically hit on 18,19, or 20.

Brass - Soother

  • Dulled Senses Passive. Enemies within 30 ft of you have disadvantage on perception checks. This effect can go through walls as thick as 2 foot.
  • Sleep Action. 1 Flare charge. Target must make a Constitution save or fall unconscious for 1 minute.
  • Sapping Spells Bonus. 1 Flare charge. Next spell attack gains the effect: Target must make a CON saving throw or take 1 point of exhaustion .

Duralimun - Lvl 5 -

  • Made for This Passive. Double your proficiency bonus.
  • Duralimun Flare Action. 5 Flare charges. Cast any spell you know at 5th level without a spell slot, gain 1 point of exhaustion.
  • Enhance Spell Bonus. Increase the damage or healing of the next spell you cast by 2 of its dice rolls.

Silver - Elemental Defense - Lvl 17

  • Silverskin Passive. Resist all magic damage.
  • Silvermind Bonus. 1-5 Flare charges. Gain a spell a level 1 to 5 spell slot based off charges spent.
  • Quicksilver Reaction. 1 Flare charge. Reduce any incoming magic dmage by half

Electrum - Lvl 20 - Rest

  • Knowledge of All Passive. You can cast spells of 2nd level or lower without the use of a spell slot.
  • Scream Action. 1 Flare charge. Cast Psychic Scream for free without any components. Usable once a day. Investiture Bonus. 1 Flare charge. Next spell you cast has advantage on its attack roll or the enemy makes the save with disadvantage.
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Physical Spells

Level 1

  • Absorb Elements
  • Arcane Weapon
  • Catapult
  • Expeditious Retreat
  • Jump
  • Longstrider
  • Shield
  • Shield of Faith
  • Thunderous Smite
  • Zephyr Strike

Level 2

  • Aid
  • Alter Self
  • Barkskin
  • Invisibility
  • Knock
  • Heat Metal
  • Spider Climb

Level 3

  • Aura of Vitality
  • Flame Arrows
  • Haste
  • Lightning Arrow
  • Water Breathing
  • Water Walk

Level 4

  • Aura of Purity
  • Death Ward
  • Elemental Bane
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Stone Shape
  • Stoneskin
  • Freedom of Movement

Level 5

  • Conjure Volley
  • Far Step
  • Steel Wind Strike

Mental Spells

Level 1

  • Animal Friendship
  • Bless
  • Charm Person
  • Command
  • Dissonant Whispers
  • Hex
  • Heroism
  • Sleep
  • Tasha's Hideous Laughter

Level 2

  • Blur
  • Calm Emotions
  • Crown of Madness
  • Enthrall
  • Gift of Gab
  • Hold Person
  • Jim's Glowing Coin
  • Suggestion

Level 3

  • Catnap
  • Enemies Abound
  • Fast Friends
  • Fear
  • Hypnotic Pattern
  • Incite Greed
  • Motivational Speech

Level 4

  • Charm Monster
  • Compulsion
  • Confusion
  • Dominate Beast
  • Phantasmal Killer

Level 5

  • Commune
  • Dominate Person
  • Dream
  • Hold Monster
  • Modify Memory
  • Swift Quiver