
by Artetsu

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Arunis lowered his snout to the base of the tree, sniffing the wet bark. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply. Satisfied, he stood, a grin appearing as he looked in the direction of his prey. Arunis began to run, initially on his hind legs but switching to all fours as he gained speed. His grin now turned into a snarl as he charged towards his target.

His momentum was broken as he ran directly into a river, drenching him before he could stop. Snarling, Arunis stood, looking around to reclaim the scent he was following. Unable to find it, he slapped the flowing water with large paws, sending a booming sound echoing through the trees. Arunis returned to camp at the shore to report back to this fellow companions, he was unsuccessful at catching prey today.

      — Snapshot of an Ursine's daily life.


Nestled at the base of the large mountain ranges of Greoterra, the Ursine villages lie mostly at the edge near the northern regions. Allowed to cohabit the continent without qualms, the Prime have given a directive for the Ursine to settle down indefinitely in Greoterra provided they serve the Prime; most serve as bodyguards and guardians for humans when conscripted to work under duty. The other clans battle through the frigid winters in the less hospitable lands located in Drekkaheimr. Ursine are a hardy race with centuries of tradition to call back upon.


Though many see the Ursine as intelligent bears, there are many differences between the Ursine and their savage cousin. A fully grown Ursine is much smaller than a bear and is as nimble on his hind legs as he is on all four. Outsiders may find it hard to believe, but the rough Ursine have much more restrain and self-control than the beasts they are often mistaken for, though some suspect this is a result of their lack of need to hibernate.

Strong & Tough

Years of living in the wild lands of Greoterra as well as the rough northern lands of Drekkaheimr have made the Ursine tough. Harsh winters and subzero temperatures have often led to lack of food, requiring the Ursine to survive off tough plant life native to both regions. Though many of the other races have trouble with the low temperatures of the north, the Ursine are barely affected by the cold, instead kept warm by their fur coats.

Homeland Traditions

Many Ursine choose to wander the world in their formative years, curious about the state of the rest of the world. However, most of which go out often return to their home, either because they miss their home or their curiosity has been sated.

As a result of the journeying many Ursine do, the age-old traditions of the Ursine are an eclectic mix, with bits and pieces taken from other cultures of the land.

History of War

In the past, long ago, the Ursine were a warrior race, savage, fierce, and disciplined. However, once peace arrived at Drekkaheimr after the dwarves lost the three-sided battle against the Ursine and the Kaldt, this allowed them to finally settle down after careful negotiations with the Kaldt were made, their war-like temperament was lost.

Ursine Names

Ursine name their young based on what they want to them to achieve as adults. an aggressive, war-like Ursine may give his son a rough, cacophonous name while another might give her son after the hero of an ursine folk tale.

Male Ursine Names: Arrus, Callun, Deruhs, Leneth, Marukus, Olland, Rutushush, Veeros, Vlaren

Races of Ieva | Ursine

Female Ursine Names: Arsa, Belara, Dalara, Edulla, Hoinda, Ollinde, Nacura, Neruna, Warra

Ursine Traits

Your Ursine character has the following racial traits that is common among all other Ursine.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1, and your Constitution score increases by 2

Age. Ursine mature quicker than humans, reaching adulthood around age 16. Despite this, they live as long as humans.

Alignment. The Ursine generally follow a personal code or edict, as a result, many Ursine are lawful. Many Ursine are generally kind, but will value their own kind's well-being above others.

Size. Ursine are larger than humans in both height and width, ranging from 5 to 7 and half feet tall. Your size is Medium

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Thick Fur. While not wearing armor, your Armor Class is 13 + your Constitution modifier. You may use a shield and still be granted this bonus. You are unaffected by the effects of extreme cold, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Sharp Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Durable. You have great durability. Your hit point maximum increases by 2, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Languages. You can speak, read and write, Common, and Ursine. Not many people know Ursine as it is a difficult language for outsiders to learn. Though the language sounds harsh, it is capable of expressing beautiful snetiments.

Races of Ieva | Ursine