The Convergence: Campaign Info

by Artetsu

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The Convergence


It's been several years since the Awakening or whatever it is they're calling it these days. Inexplicable things have begun to happen all over Ieva. Beasts previously known for being tame and docile have begun to behave in unpredictable manners, some even transforming into monsters for lack of better term. It's all getting worse as the years go by...

The weather has turned freakish all of a sudden, crops appear to be failing everywhere, snowing in places where you'd least expect it to followed by severe droughts. It's been pretty bad, people are getting desperate everywhere. Lately there's been rumors of people mutating as well as newborns looking nuthin' like their parents!

We were about to lose hope, I swear we were going to storm up to the citadel at Napolis, a bunch of us were. But, the Queen showed up at our town unannounced several weeks ago. She shared her plan, her goals, about what's been happening for the past 10 years and what needs to be done. Apparently, foreigners have been misusing these God Relics..? And beings from other worlds have finally come to punish us for it? Only us, citizens of Zarn have rightful claim to these relics, and only with these things can we defend ourselves. I have nothing to lose at this point, and I'm signing up to the army.

      — A conscripted citizen in the Kingdom of Zarn from Arioshire

Your Task

The Kingdom of Zarn, where most of you hail from or were at the very least raised in, has entrusted you with their plans. You are part of an organized guild masquerading primarily as archaeologists to the public, sponsored directly by Queen Dinascur herself, carefully handpicked for your capabilities and feats. You have been subtly briefed by several scholars on what has been transpiring across the realm, your world.

An ancient seal protecting the realm appears to be fading and losing power allowing extraplanar beings to set foot here. Apparently your realm was once part of a larger, ancient, completely different world; a powerful sorcerer thousands of years ago separated this realm from that world in hopes of concealing everyone from these very same malicious beings that were intent in destroying our livelihood.

The many God Relics that several nations and kingdoms possess across the globe apparently played a huge role in the past - they possess what we know are called God Fragments. They bear the essence of these very deities themselves, and are capable of performing incredible, powerful feats, but only in the right hands can we maximize its potential. The plan is to amass as many of these as possible in order to properly defend ourselves.

The relics have mostly been inert for thousands of years, but now it seems that they have been reawakening one by one. We are also very fortunate that we happen to possess a relic that is capable of detecting the location of other God Fragments, some of which are not yet in the possession of other leaders across the realm, perhaps lost and forgotten somewhere over the centuries.

Your job is simple: seek these relics out, and once we have an ample amount of God Relics at our disposal are we able to directly confront other nations, taking their national treasures for ourselves through sheer power if they are not willing to negotiate. We will become a force to be reckoned with, and only with all the relics that exist in Ieva will we be able to prevent whatever befalls us soon.

Your Story

What are your origins, why did they seek you, and finally, why did you agree to go forward with this opportunity (assuming you had a choice)? As a new recruit, you have recently taken the vows cementing your allegiance to Zarn; no more than a month has passed as you idly wait for your first assignment in the guild's halls surrounded by other acquaintances, who happen to be fresh recruits as well.

The walled city, Ayntail, where the guild is situated in, is a relatively uneventful, and peaceful city, perhaps uninteresting to most. However, a situation or opportunity has surged - the Queen's correspondent bears a message and she has come to see you personally; it is time to mobilize and act, this is where it all begins.

The Convergence | Artetsu

Races of Ieva

The playable races for this specific campaign are:

  • HumansV
  • Dwarves
  • Dragonborn
  • Elves
  • Half-Elves
  • Gnomes
  • Minotaurs
  • Shifters
  • Tortles
  • Bugbears
  • Centuars
  • Goblins
  • Yuan-Ti Pureblood
  • Vedalken
  • Rabbitfolk
  • MogogolsH
  • UrsineH
  • HexbloodR
  • KaldtH

    V: Variant human may only be played when you publicly roll a d20 in the campaign's chat and get 15 or higher.

    H: Homebrewed race.
    R: More information under Rulings & Info.


Humans are the most dominant race in this realm. Their history in this realm is perhaps the bloodiest out of all others. They have called themselves the Prime, although the majority of humans have decided to abandon that term, preferring to call themselves humans. Lately the term, Prime, has been loosely associated with humans who have not lost their potential for manipulating the aether, a feat which has slowly dwindled across many humans over the centuries.

Humans greatly vary culturally and racially amongst themselves depending on their locale, and as a result, there is always constant strife even amongst themselves. They are versatile and adaptive, and although some do not possess the ability to weave mana, many do and their potential can vary significantly. A lot of them are still known for being rather xenophobic to other races, especially to elves, a sentiment that is shared across many of them. They claim this is justified as their ancestors suffered greatly in an ancient, long forgotten, lost world and it just happened that elves were accomplices in that matter.

Subraces Available
  • Human
  • Variant HumanV


Dwarves became a distinct species of their own in the early years of civilization in this realm, they were previously known as Durfs while under the subjugation of the giants in a long, lost and forgotten world. Today, during this period dubbed as the Post Awakening, they find themselves tucked away in a corner of the world, specifically at an archipelago system dubbed the Riedulmur Region, a place known for having very swingy temperatures all year round in addition to active volcanoes found across several islands.

The dwarves did not always reside in the Riedulmur Region, they had to make due with inhabiting this location that is far less than ideal condition for their general physiology. They were driven off their original homeland by the Ursine and the Kaldt, who are now the dominant rulers of Drekkaheimr, near the arctic pole of Ieva. They have adapted, and will continue to adapt, many of them are known for being artisans and blacksmiths; they still however lament losing all the teachings of the giants from the lost world primarily involving runes.

Subraces Available
  • Arctic & Coast Dwarves (Based on Hill Dwarves)
  • Mountain Dwarves
  • Riedulmurian (Based on Kaladesh Dwarves)


The origin of dragonborns has always been uncertain and shrouded in mystery to many. They are said to have been from the ancient, forgotten world but records state that they were not present back then, which can only mean that they only appeared recently, perhaps through the means of magic. Scholars prefer to allude to the fact that they may have appeared around the same time that dragons began to appear in droves across all of Ieva.

The people have not forgotten the damage that wild dragons have inflicted from time to time across civilizations over the centuries, and it also happens to be that dragonborns and dragons have an inexplicable hatred for one another. Perhaps this played a role in galvanizing the dragonborn to take up the mantle or initiative as primary defenders against these mythic creatures, they are known are known as the de facto dragon hunters of the world.

To the east of Caralhad is a nation called Romul, led by a council of dragonborns, gnomes and minotaurs. They represent the interest of their population which may have inadvertently played a role in attracting their kind. Many dragonborns from Ieva are found residing in this territory.

Subraces Available
  • Standard Dragonborn
  • Draconblood
  • Chromatic Dragonborn
  • Metallic Dragonborn
The Convergence | Artetsu


Halflings in Ieva are an offshoot of the same race that the humans may have possibly come from but it is unclear where they emerged from. They were given this name due to the extreme distinction that was observed, they are quite literally half the size of a regular sized human. Humans, and especially many who still call themselves Prime refuse to associate themselves as being related to halflings in any way, shape or form.

Halflings have plenty of overlap with humans culturally speaking, as well as their ability to manipulate the aether, in fact, it has been observed that some of these halflings are capable of performing strange feats. Many of them have a tendency to not stay in one place for far too long, as a result many end up becoming nomads and roaming the lands as adventurers or peddlers.

Many halflings tend to reside in the calmer regions of northern and central Caralhad which is also where most of them are found across Ieva. There is also quite of a bit superstition often involving these people, they may have the spirits of luck in their side at all times given the many circumstances that happen to occur in their favor around them.

Subraces Available
  • Lightfoot Halflings
  • Stout Halflings
  • Mark of Hospitality Halflings
  • Mark of Healing Halflings


The first elves, were born when the Eldarii entered the physical realm of Talera in the final moments of the 1st Era - the first unions gave birth to a more weaker version of the Eldarii, later on these were known to be elves. As proud children of the Eldarii, the elves explored the world, new variants rose in accordance to the immediate environment they found themselves those of which were still fueled with powerful lingering magicks. Elves in its entirety have the longest history relative to all other creatures on this realm and they very often than not proudly call themselves the First People.

But these are tales of an old, ancient world that apparently no longer exists, the elves lost many of their kin to what they now label the event as The Divergence. Many had to make due with this new, unfamiliar territory, while still warring with the Prime back then. A ceasefire was quickly established under the condition that they were forced to agree to being accomplices to deities that had once attempted to drive the human race to extinction. Many elves were forced to flee, the ones that did not were placed under heavy scrutiny, while having very restricted lifestyles, and were essentially under their subjugation for an inordinate period of time.

The elves that did flee were able to create a new place of refuge and respite for themselves. Deciding to begin anew, they now called themselves Lunarii to better reflect the physiological changes that they experienced here. Ultimately, they founded a new great city in the continent of Ehira, which a subset of the Prime refuse to acknowledge and recognize the name of the continent of the named Ehira, stubbornly calling it Korigon instead. Today, many humans, especially those that do not label themselves as the Prime, are more than happy to call the continent Ehira to in order to avoid conflict.

Many elves changed and adapted to this new environment spawning the creation of new variants of elves. There are some, for example, that look very similar to the Lunarii but instead prefer to live underground, despising the light. Today elves are not as heavily discriminated as in the past, in fact many live within mixed civilizations. Perhaps thousands of years can indeed make people forget the troubles of the past.

Subraces Available
  • Moon Elves (High Elves Or Moon ElvesV)
  • Wood Elf
  • The Drow (Dark Elves)

V : Homebrewed Variant

The Convergence | Artetsu


The resulting product of when elves and humans would begin to intermingle with one another; half-elves were initially an affront to both human and elvish sovereignty and what they stood for. Wood elves primarily, began to cohabit with humans as they slowly departed from the old and outdated, zealous ideals of the moon elves, preferring to roam distant lands while also merging into mixed, more welcoming societies. Many other elves, primarily the Lunarii, adamantly refused to admit their existence, although over the centuries this has changed and they are not as strict. In Lunanesca, perhaps in some specific regions, entry for half-elves is very much barred even today during this period of the Post Awakening; if they were lucky some would be admitted and then maybe some would be able to learn of their heritage, most of them however were left out to dry and would instead have to contend with what they do and don't have.

Subraces Available
  • See Elf Races (Choose a race for Half-elf Versatility)


Gnomes became a distinct species of their own in the the very young years of this realm, previously being known as Durfs. They bear huge similarities to cave dwelling dwarves, which some have speculated that they may be their distant cousins. These Durfs were driven by curiosity while deciding to travel further across the large naturally formed underground labyrinths found underneath the main continents of Ieva, playing a part in slowly transforming the Durfs into gnomes as a direct consequence of the magicks that perhaps lingered in these places. Gnomes are seldom seen on the surface and if any are spotted, they are usually derelicts that have been ostracized from their civilizations found both in the underdark regions of Ehira or Korigon & Southern Caralhad.

A distinct offshoot of them are seen living peacefully in the Boda Reso Republic as well as the Romul, Alm & Zarn respectively. Lately there has been a massive surge of gnomes that have migrated to Romul, perhaps having a figure that represents them in a governing body is rather attractive.

Subraces Available
  • City Gnome (Forest Gnome)
  • Deep Gnome


Minotaurs are a native to both the continent of Caralhad and Korigon, though no one knows of their exact origins. They tend to be individuals, and rarely travel with others of their race. Most have incorporated themselves into the large mixed societies of Ieva, with quite a few living within the Republic of Boda Reso in Korigon and the Eshtar Sultanate in Southern Caralhad.

Recently, Romul, a nation in eastern Caralhad has adopted a minotaur to be part of the governing body, this has become quite attractive for minotaurs as of late becoming a massive push factor for minotaurs far and wide to migrate towards Romul.

Subraces Available
  • Minotaur (Theros)
  • Eshtarian Minotaur (Amonkhet)


Shifters are perhaps the most distrusted and persecuted race in Ieva, many others are fearful and even hateful of them, however, halflings get along well with shifters. The shifters that live near or within human societies make their living as trappers, hunters, guides and military scouts.

Shifters have no land of their own and will often settle in the rural areas of human cities avoiding the crowded areas. Some live in nomadic clans or tribes that can be found all over the Ijan Territories, but they can also be commonly found in Eshtar, where some serve the as faithful guards and soldiers to the Emperor of Eshtar.

It is known that Shifters undergo through peculiar, under-reported episodes during specific cycles of the world's multiple satellites/moons. Although it seems that as the centuries pass by, the frequency of these phenomenas have readily decreased, or perhaps there are less people reporting them.

Subraces Available
  • Beasthunt
  • Longtooth
  • Swiftstride
  • Wildhunt
  • Cliffwalk
  • Razorclaw


Tortles are a race of intelligent tortoise-like humanoids native to the Catalia Belt where many large islands are found; there in the bustling trade cities of the Sedilan Conglomerate several tortles are found minding their own business.

They usually tend to live alone, but also keep closed contact with their tight-knit community. Tortle villages were typically welcoming of humans and elves.

It is not uncommon to find a tortle venturing beyond their own confines to see what Ieva has to offer, returning to their village once they have seen enough. Hardened, elder tortles returning from long adventures were capable of defending their coastal villages against many coastal raiders comprised mostly of bugbears.

The Convergence | Artetsu


It is believed that bugbears were bred by the hobgoblins as a slave race, with bugbears serving as elite soldiers as they seen as a superior cousin to goblins. Although hobgoblins do exist, they are an extremely hostile and antisocial race causing trouble to this very day, whereas bugbears have shown attempts to integrate with society when given the chance.

Bugbears are especially the bane of the Sedilan Conglomerate, they often raid many of the coastal towns and cities found across the Catalia Belt where the Sedilan Conglomerate is situated in. Many of them live in uncharted islands across all of Ieva, raiding whoever they want, whenever they want.


Centaurs are a strong and proud race. Although they typically strove to find peace and balance with nature, they could act with violence when the need arose. Having fey-like origins they were drawn towards living with elves, despising humans and dwarves who invaded their territory.

Most of them reside in the forestry territories that lie between Lunanesca and Boda Reso, this has served as a buffer that would deter invaders from reaching Lunanesca by land, unless they claimed to seek passage on very important business. Their relations with the Elves are very solid, an act of war against Lunanesca would essentially be an act of war against the Centaurs as well.

A few centaurs over the past centuries have decided to brave the world, criticizing their tradition and leaving their lands behind, in an attempt to see what Ieva has to offer to adventurers.


It is believed that goblins were bred by the hobgoblins as a slave race, their roles often involved them scouting for hints of civilization nearby before raiding them, specifically if they were close to mountainous regions of which there were plenty across many regions of Ieva.

Though goblins have a poor reputation overall, not all goblins were dim-witted or malicious. Some goblins have risen to become heroes, tinkers, craftsmen gaining enough renown to be accepted into the civilized world of other, more commonly good, races. They are most commonly found in the Kingdoms of Zarn and Alm, and the nations of Jawhari and Romul, both good and bad.

Subraces Available
  • Caralhadian Goblin (VGM)
  • Greoterran Goblin (Zendikar)

Yuan-Ti Pureblood

Purebloods were described as human-like but with minor reptilian features, such as snake-like eyes, a forked tongue, and patches of scales on their skin. They still possessed the strange psionic abilities such as those of the half-bloods and the serpentfolk found in the dangerous pockets of the Ijan Territories, where they have an empire that is not formally recognized by nations across the world to this very day including its neighbor, Eshtar and Jawhari.

Purebloods were allowed to intermingle with the Eshtarians if they showed a propensity for wanting to live and behave within the confines of civilization as well as renouncing any ties and allegiance with the Yuan-ti. The same applied for any who would venture beyond the Ijan Territories altogether. They are a strange and peculiar race to many, and many become cautious once they hear that they are related to the Yuan-ti.


Vedalken are tall and slender, standing almost a head taller than humans on average but weighing about the same. Their hairless skin comes in a range of shades of blue. Their eyes are darker shades of blue or violet. They lack external ears, their noses are broad and flat, and they are partially amphibious.

They are thought to perhaps to have been related to the Merfolk that dwelled beneath the sea in the ancient, lost world, however they have voiced their disapproval at the mere suggestion, instead choosing not to reveal their origins and that it does not matter.

Neutral to most, they reside in a sovereign state, called Veneria, close to continent of Greoterra, it is a rather large island.

They embrace the pursuit of knowledge wholeheartedly and at times their methods are rather unsavory to many. They willingly choose to embrace the science of combining magic, nature and technology to create something new even if it means sacrificing a piece of themselves, or something.


The origins of rabbitfolk are still discussed to this very day, but their presence is inoffensive at most, in fact they are actually welcome to many societies across Ieva. Most of them are drawn to elves due to being related to the fey, and as such a majority of them inhabit the continent of Ehira/Korigon, living in the very welcome republic of Boda Reso.

Rabbitfolk are naturally drawn to people. They are extroverted and genuinely enjoy the company of others. This behavior is symbiotic, as most others enjoy the company of rabbitfolk. There is the superstition that rabbitfolk are lucky, so the only time their presence is not particularly welcome is when playing games of chance, such as dice.

The Convergence | Artetsu


The mogogols began as an offshoot group of boggards (frog people) who were driven from their swampy homes by another group of boggards. Also around this time, the offshoot group underwent an unexplained change, possibly magical in nature, which caused them to be more open and tolerant of outsiders and practically incapable of intentionally committing an evil act.

The group eventually settled in and near the marshes of northern Caralhad within the territory of the Kingdom of Alm as well as along the coasts. Over time, their forced contact with outsiders prompted them to adopt unconventional lifestyles.

While not as skilled at seafaring as other races, most mogogols have made their living transporting cargo and fishing for organized civilizations. The greater exposure to the outside world has also resulted in more genetic diversity, producing a stronger and healthier race. The mogogols of today have only a few common characteristics with their more inbred boggard cousins.

Mogogols would most commonly be found in both the Kingdom of Alm and the nation of Jawhari.


Nestled at the base of the mountain ranges of Greoterra, the Ursine villages primarily lie near the northern regions. Allowed to coexist with other races within the continent without qualms, the Prime have given a directive for the Ursine to settle down indefinitely in Greoterra provided they serve the Prime; most serve as bodyguards and guardians for humans when conscripted to work under duty. The other clans battle through the frigid winters in the less hospitable lands located in Drekkaheimr. Ursine are a hardy race with centuries of tradition to call back upon.

Rarely would an Ursine be seen adventuring beyond their own villages, but a few have been spotted across all other regions.




Far to the north - beyond the most of the realm's hospitable confines are the frozen tundras of Drekkaheimr - dwell the forgotten kaldt. As most other humanoids cannot survive in the extreme cold temperatures, the small mountain fortress of Kjarradalr remains largely unknown, with the only regular visitors of today being the inhabitants of the same region, the neighboring Ursine.

The kaldt, revel in the cold and claim the north as their refuge from the politics of the civilized and the in-fighting of the barbarians to the south, living only to hunt and survive in their harsh habitat. Some seek to explore what the southern world has to offer but their superiors very often restrict the younger ones from doing so. It is said that the kaldt are direct descendants of the giants, specifically frost giants that roamed an ancient, and lost world. Giants are now extinct, but it would be premature to disqualify their existence completely especially when strange things have been occurring left and right today.

The kaldt are closely associated to wolves, mirroring the ambivalent state of nature. Their bodies can be as white as snow or black as the night sky, with unique markings covering their bodies and their eyes shimmering in varying color of ice or water.

They do however, have an enemy; many dwarves still hold a grudge against them for driving them away from these lands, coexisting with them was not an option, especially after how they showed a tendency for desecrating mother nature in favor of erecting several, unnatural buildings.

Subraces Available
  • Brannvakt
  • Dyrehud
  • Nordjeger
  • Skyggejeger
  • Stormvind
  • Vinterblod

Rulings & Info

  • D&D 5e, expansions such as XGE, TCE (Except Custom Lineage for character rolling) are allowed.

  • Homebrew and UA classes are allowed but they must be extremely scrutinized and balanced by me before seeing any play. Feel free to send me the class so that I may inspect it first. I may also have some homebrewed classes and subclasses that are readily available upon request which fit with the setting.

  • The players can roll for stats, but everyone in the group must unanimously agree first, alternatively, the point-buy system will be used to roll for stats.

  • The rules for rolling stats are:

    You get to roll twice and pick whichever distribution you prefer. Roll a 4d6 drop the lowest for each attribute, if the average of your scores is below 13, you may reroll the lowest score for a higher value. If the average is still below 13, reroll the next lowest score for a higher value and so on.

  • This campaign starts at level 2.

  • There are house rules for my campaign that players should familiarize themselves with, these will enhance your gameplay and experience during the campaign. It's better to take a look at the house rules before applying as the table may not be for you: The Convergence House Rules

  • My setting uses a homebrewed calendar system, you can take a look here: Ievan Calendar System

  • My campaign is heavily homebrewed but uses DnD 5e as a base system, however you will encounter many creatures and spells that you are not familiar with as the magic system in my setting works slightly differently.

  • If you are familiar with the group patron system from TCE, expect a custom version of a patron to be used which everyone belongs to (guild).

  • If you're playing a HexbloodR, pick a base a race and your backstory will need to be carefully crafted together with the DM in order to fit the setting.

  • Chaotic Evil and Neutral Evil characters are not allowed.
The Convergence | Artetsu