The Calendar (Ieva)

by Artetsu

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The Calendar

There are 392 days in a year.
There are 7 days in a week.
There are 24 hours in a day.

There are four seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer.

The world has two moons and they are called Io & Cyra, they have 9 and 14 cycles respectively. Once Cyra has completed 14 rotations, a year or a passing is said to have went by.

Months of Ieva

The months are:

  • Regen
  • Dawn
  • Sola
  • Wake
  • Verde
  • Bloom
  • Shine
  • Middest
  • Scorch
  • Whittle
  • Rutter
  • Fell
  • Fog
  • Frost

All months have 28 days.

Days of Ieva

The days of the week are:

  • Resdir
  • Moonsdir
  • Dalesdir
  • Tolisdir
  • Benzadir
  • Perundir
  • Veldsdir
Using Ievan Notation:

The Greoterra Dynasty was founded circa 597 A.D.

Eras of Ieva

Ieva only has some notation depicting its eras, specifically two, the latter was introduced as a necessity explaining the changes that had begun to occur all over Ieva as of late, as such the calendar was reset using P.A. instead.

A.D. - After Divergence
P.A. - Post Awakening

Ieva | The Calendar