
by TrivialitiesOurSpecialty

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Tools of War for the Wandslinger Corps

Developed in the final years of the Last War, runeblasters are handheld weapons that allow common soldiers to go toe-to-toe with platoons of magewrights.

As the war ground on, the nations of Cyre and Breland commissioned arcane armaments from the artificers of House Cannith, seeking to even their odds against the magically-enhanced forces of Aundair and Thrane. They developed a type of rudimentary self-spelling wand—the Runeblaster.

Despite the high cost of manufacturing the equipmenet, both nations found some value in the program. More expensive than a crossbow, but faster than training new magewrights, the nations used these new weapons to create arcane-enhanced commando units.

Encouraged by the success of the initial trials, they commissioned new varieties of ’blasters from the Cannith artificers, from psionic variants—developed by studying Kalashtar soldiers—to anti-undead munitions designed to counter Karrnathi troops.


Martial Ranged Weapons: Range (25/100), Light

   Flamespitter 1d8 fire
   Gravebuster 1d6 necrotic If you hit an undead target, it also has disadvantage on attack rolls against you until the end of your next turn
   Hailslinger1d4 coldTarget’s speed is slowed by 10ft until the end of its next turn
   Joltcaster1d4 lightningTarget can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn
   Skulljammer1d4 psychicTarget subtracts 1d4 from its next attack roll

Martial Ranged Weapons: Range (100/400), Two-handed, Loading

   Behirstaff1d8 lightningTarget can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn
   Dragonstaff2d6 fire Burn, baby, burn
   Rimedriver1d8 coldTarget's speed is slowed by 15ft until the end of its next turn

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