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The Incarcerer

Rain falls through the leaves on a boy who refuses to abandon his home. Scars of abuse cover his face. But today the very demon sealed in his belly, the reason for the town's hate, will save the village that shunned him.

A shrine maiden's tears boil away on her glowing cheeks. The temple stands in ruins around her, the priest that raised her lies expiring beneath the rubble of her home. The temple’s patron celestial now sits enthroned at the palace of her soul demanding vengeance against the empire that destroyed its earthly see.

Crawling through the wasteland irradiated by magics best forgotten, a boy screams in pain as his body mutates around him. The Abomination within the world egg, awakened by the falling bombs, has found a host. The boy fights to control the eldritch energies coursing through him and keep himself from becoming lost in the Abomination’s extra-dimensional mind.

A farmhand looks out over a frozen valley, wondering if he really has a choice on this grand adventure or if he is simply just a new shell for the voice in his head. Will he even be himself at the end of this? Or does every step just bring him closer to being assimilated into the ancient, reincarnating wizard who intends to kill Death?

All of these are Incarcerers. Incarcerers have great power, but it is not their own. They instead draw upon the unearthly entities sealed inside them. Where gods give their clerics power, warlocks receive their gifts through a mystic contract with their patrons, and Sorcerers ignite the powers coursing through their bloodlines, Incarcerers usually must take their powers by guile or force from entities sealed within their body. Rarely are such entities willing to part with their power, especially to mere mortals. Drawing on these powers can cause immense strain on the body. Incarcerers must train their body to become accustomed to otherworldly energies flowing through them. Sometimes, even pushing beyond their limits.

An Incarerers presence looms large over battlefields and can turn the tide of a fight. But they must be ever cautious not to draw on too much of their tenant's strength lest they become corrupted by its influence and turn against their allies, or worse let it escape.

Accursed Vessels

Mortals are often apprehensive around Incarcerers, as they are never quite sure if the person looking out from those eyes is their friend or a terrible creature trying to get free. Fear often leads to hate so if their identity becomes know Incarcerer’s are magnets for discrimination. All kinds of evils and misfortunes are blamed on them and the entities sealed inside them.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Channeling Die Manifestations Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Channeled Power, Sealed Entity d4
2nd +2 Accursed Cloak, Corruption, Channeling Magic d4 2 2
3rd +2 Manifestations, , Overdraft d4 2 3 3
4th +2 Ability Score Increase d4 3 4 3
5th +3 Extra Attack d6 4 5 4 2
6th +3 Sealed Entity Feature d6 4 5 4 2
7th +3 Guardian Relationship d6 5 6 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Increase d6 5 6 4 3
9th +4 d8 6 7 4 3 2
10th +4 Aura of Authority, Beyond Mortal Ken d8 6 7 4 3 2
11th +4 Sealed Entity Feature d8 7 8 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Increase d8 7 8 4 3 3
13th +5 d10 8 9 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Improved Guardian Relationship d10 8 9 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Sealed Entity Feature d10 9 10 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Increase d10 9 10 4 3 3 2
17th +6 d12 10 11 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Recurrent Channeling d12 10 11 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Increase d12 11 12 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Sealed Entity Feature d12 11 12 4 3 3 3 2

Creating an Incarcerer

Becoming an Incarcerer is something that happens to you. Every Incarcerer has a story about how they came to contain a being of immense power, and it is often a story of great loss. When making an Incarcerer, consider how the events that lead up to imprisoning your Sealed Entity have affected you and it.

An Incarcerer’s relationship with their entity is almost always the defining relationship in their life. Sealed Entities are rarely pleased with their situation and often resent their jailors. While almost all Sealed Entities wouldn’t hesitate to be free of their prison, they are creatures of immense power with goals of their own. Sometimes they will agree to help their Incarcerer or even prolong their imprisonment if it suits their interests

Quick Build

You can make an Incarcerer quickly by using these choices. Make Constitution your highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Then choose either the Outlander or Criminal background.

Class Features

As an Incarcerer, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Incarcerer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8+Constitution Modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8(or 5)+Constitution Modifier


  • Armor: Light & Medium Armor
  • Weapons: Shortswords, Simple Weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Constitution and Charisma
  • Skills: Choose one from Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, or Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a shortsword or (b) 2 simple melee weapons
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
  • (a) Chain shirt or (b)Leather Armor

  • Prerequisites: To qualify for multiclassing into the Incarcerer class, you must meet these prerequisites: Constitution 13 and Charisma of 13.

Channeled Power

Incareror’s can tap into the well of power that is sealed within their bodies to empower themselves while fighting. However, doing so exposes their mind to the corrupting influence of the entity sealed inside them. This power is represented by your Channeling Die, which begins as a d4. Your Channeling Die increases in size at higher levels according to the Incarcerer Level table above.

Once, during each of your turns you can use your Channeling Die in the following ways:

  • Channel Harm: When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack you may roll your Channeling Die and deal the result as additional force damage.
  • Channel Vigor: At the end of your turn you may roll your Channeling Die and gain temporary hit points equal to the result.
  • Channel Expertise: When you make a skill check using a proficiency granted by your Sealed Entity you may roll your Channeling Die and add the result to the check.

Sealed Entity

Every Incarcerer carries within them a tremendously powerful entity. Choose one of the following Sealed Entities: the Aberration, the Archangel, the Archfey, the Archfiend, the Archwizard, the Ancient Dragon, the Ancient Lich, the Ageless Tarrasque, the Antedeluvian Primordial, or the Awesome Monstrosity, each of which is detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st, 6th, 11th, 15th, and 20th levels.

Accursed Cloak

In battle Incarcerers enter a strange state where the energies of their Seal Entity bubble up to the surface, changing their appearance and fueling their famous tenacity. Beginning at 2nd level, you may use a bonus action to activate your Accursed Cloak. Your Cloak remains active for 10 minutes or until you dismiss it(no action required). While your Accursed Cloak is active:

  • You ignore the effects of exhaustion
  • When you gain temporary hit points, increase the number of temporary hit points you gain by half your Incarcerer level rounded down (minimum 1)
  • If you are not wearing armor your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier
  • When you make an attack you may use your Charisma Modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls

Once you have activated your Accursed Cloak twice you may not do so again until you have completed a long rest, unless you expend a spell slot of any level to activate it again.

While your Accursed Cloak is active you may expend a spell slot to extend its duration by a number of minutes equal to 10 times the level of the slot expended.


Loosening the seal on your entity allows you more access to its power, but it also give your entity greater access to your mind and body, twisting your actions towards its purposes.

When you expend an Incarcerer spell slot, activate your Accursed Cloak, use one of the Channeled Power options while your Accursed Cloak is active, or roll a 1 when making an attack or ability check while your Accursed Cloak is active, roll a d20. On a 1 the GM may choose one of the following:

  • The Incarcerer gains or loses a Lesser Corruption Symptom (examples found after the description of Manifestations in this document)
  • If the Incarcerer has at least 5 Lesser Corruption Symptoms, the Incarcerer gains or loses a Greater Corruption Symptom
  • The Sealed Entity takes control of the Incarcerer's body and immediately takes a turn.

Corruption symptoms may be removed by taking the Purify Corruption downtime activity explained after the tables of Corruption Symptoms or by a restoration spell. Lesser Restoration may remove one Lesser Corruption Symptom at a time, while Greater Restoration may remove either a Greater or Lesser symptom.

Channeling Magic

The Incarcerer casts spells by channeling the power of their Sealed Entity through their bodies. Since your magic relies on your force of will to control your Seal Entity’s power Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Incarcerer spells and features.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier
Spellcasting Focus

Your body acts as a spellcasting focus for your Incarcerer spells and features.

Spell Slots

The Incarcerer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these sorcerer spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Burning Hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Burning Hands using either slot.

Spells known of 1st Level and Higher

At 1st level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Incarcerer spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Incarcerer table shows when you learn more Incarcerer spells of your choice of 1st level or higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what's shown in the table's Max Slot Level column for your level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Incarcerer spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Incarcerer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.


As your body learns to handle the energies of your Sealed Entity you gain the ability to manifest some of their abilities. At 3rd level, you gain two Manifestations of your choice. When you gain certain Incarcerer levels you gain additional powers of your choice, as shown in the Manifestations column of the Incarcerer Table above. Each Manifestation has a level associated with it, you may only gain Manifestations for which you have an equal spell slot level.

When you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Manifestation you have and replace it with another power you could learn at that level.

You only gain the benefits of Manifestations if they are activated. When you activate your Accursed Cloak or as an action any other time you may activate a Manifestation by expending an Incarcerer spell slot equal to, or greater than, the Manifestation's level. The Manifestation remains active until you complete a long rest.

After you complete a long rest you may activate one Manifestation of each level you have access to with out expending a spell slot.


Beginning at 3rd level you can push yourself and draw out more of the entity's energy than the seal was designed to handle. You may use your bonus action to roll your Channeling Die and create a temporary spell slot, the slot's level is equal to half the result rounded down (minimum 1). This spell slot may only be used to cast spells and disappears at the end of your turn. When you roll for your corruption feature roll twice and use the lower result.

At 3rd level you may only use this feature once before completing a long rest; you gain additional uses at higher levels, twice starting at 7th level and three times beginning at 14th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Guardian Relationship

As you grow in power, your relationship with the entity sealed within has a major impact on the way you manifest its power. At 7th level, you gain one of the following benefits depending on your relationship with your sealed entity. When you level up you may change with the benefit you gain if your relationship with your sealed entity has shifted.

  • Harmony. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for your Corruption feature you may choose one action the GM can not take.
  • Discord. When you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you may roll your Channeling Die and add it to the result. The next time you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw roll your Channeling Die and subtract it from the result.

At 14th level, you gain an additional benefit depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity.

  • Harmony. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for your Corruption feature you may choose the action the GM takes.
  • Discord. When you use your Channel Harm or Channel Vigor effects you may take the maximum result instead of rolling, then roll a d20. If the result is 5 or less the GM may take an action from the Corruption feature.

Aura of Authority

Starting at 10th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you can't be frightened while you are conscious.

At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Beyond Mortal Ken

The Entity Sealed within you has encountered the Great Powers across the planes, for a while may have even walked as one. Starting at 10th level your adventures convinces your Sealed Entity that is is necessary to share their secrets with you, telling you about the true exploits, habits, and powers of those legendary figures. Your Entity may even recognize the small tells of the influence, avatars, aspects, incarnations, and even disguises of other great entities. You have advantage on ability checks made to know or discern information about the planes and key individuals, objects, and locations from across the multiverse.

Recurrent Channeling

Beginning at 18th level the energy within your own body has naturally become like those of your Sealed Entity, if you have already used your Channeling Die during your turn you may use a different Channeled Power rolling a d6 in place of your Channeling Die.

One D&D Considerations

This class was originally designed with using the core 5e design considerations, if you are playing with the One D&D play-test rules for grappleing change replace the first paragraph of Aberrant Flesh with this feature:

At 1st level when you make an unarmed strike, you may declare that you intend to grapple the target and gain advantage on that attack roll. While you have a creature grappled you may use a bonus action to inflict psychic damage equal to your Constitution Modifier to every creature you have grappled.

The Aberration

The ancient twisting mind of a monstrosity from beyond the stars slumbers inside your body. It may have been sealed away by meager men to contain its corrupting influence; or perhaps you are the vessel chosen by its secretive cult incubating their master as they prepare for its arrival; either way the machinations of mere mortals are not enough to confine it. Its foul tongue haunts your nightmares, opening your eyes to new dimensions and growing new limbs hidden therein.

Aberration Extended Spell List

The Abberation lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcerer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you.

Level Spells
1 Geiger's Sickening GazeI, Command, Wild FleshI
2 Detect Thoughts, Ray of Enfeeblement, Suggestion
3 Blink, DoubtI, Shadows of the CityI
4 Black Tentacles, Color Out of SpaceI, Confusion
5 Dominate Person, Geas, Telepathic Bond

A Mind from Beyond the Stars

At 1st level, you can glimpse into the mind and memory of the Aberration sealed inside you.

You can speak, read, and write Deep Speech and gain proficiency in two of the following: Arcana, Deception, History.

Aberrant Flesh

At 1st level, you gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to grapple a creature or escape a grapple and you may use a bonus action to inflict psychic damage equal to your Constitution Modifier to every creature you are grappled with.

Additionally, you may choose to make the damage you deal with your Channel Harm feature psychic damage.

When you gain your Accursed Cloak, while it is active your eyes become covered with a yellow film, and your skin shifts to a sickly grey and moves as if there were thousands of worms wiggling just underneath its surface. As you channel your entity your body moves erratically in strange directions beyond the normal ones you are used to.

Non-Euclidean Body

Starting at 6th Level, you can manifest limbs hidden in other dimensions.

While your Accursed Cloak is active as a bonus action you manifest a 10 ft long tentacle from a space you can see within 10 feet. The tentacle counts as an extension of yourself, it uses your armor class and any damage dealt to it is subtracted from your hit points. As part of the bonus action used to manifest the tentacle, you may make an unarmed attack or attempt to grapple a creature within range of the tentacle.

As a bonus action on subsequent turns, you may move the tentacle up to 15 feet and make another unarmed attack or attempt to grapple. The tentacle lasts until you manifest another tentacle or dismiss your Accursed Cloak. You may manifest your hidden limb a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining any expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Additionally, your unarmed attacks are considered magic for the purpose of overcoming resistance.

Non-Euclidean Mind

At 11th level, you may use an action to end the charmed or frightened condition on you and as many creatures you are touching.

Maddening Form

At 15th Level, so much power from the Aberration is flowing through you that it becomes corrosive to the mind to stand in your presence. While your Accursed Cloak is active, the when a creature starts their turn within 5 feet of you, or enters that range, it must make an Intelligence Saving throw. If it fails they gain a short-term madness effect for 1d4 rounds. A creature that succeeds on their saving throw or recovers from their short term madness is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Unleash the Horror

At 20th Level your mind and body have adapted to the extra-dimensional energies you can approach the source of your power. For a short while you can release the seal containing the Old God within you and use its raw powers for yourself. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following features, depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now Aberration
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • You may Search as a bonus action or reaction once per round

Domination: While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into an Abberation of CR 16 or lower, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.

The Archangel

The burning light of a divine warrior is contained within your body. It may have been shackled by upstart mortals who wished to use its power as a ferocious weapon in their wars on the material plane, by dark forces who wish to deprive the gods of one of their greatest defenders, or by the gods themselves for some ineffable purpose here below. Regardless, it is impossible to fully conceal the radiance of the Celestial. The presence of such a pure being consecrated you, making you a great boon to allies and a bane to your enemies.

Archangel Extended Spell List

The Archangel lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcerer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you.

Level Spells
1 Bless, Cure Wounds, Shield of Faith
2 Lesser Restoration, See Invisibility, Spiritual Weapon
3 Righteous BannerI, Mass Healing Word, Revivify
4 Banishment, Divination, Guardian of Faith
5 Dispel Evil and Good, Hallow, Hymn of PowerI

Celestial Mind

At 1st level, you can hear the whispers of the heavenly mind dwelling within you.

You can speak, read, and write Celestial and gain proficiency in two of the following: Insight, Religion, or History.

Leaking Radiance

At 1st level, you may release a damaging bolt of light at your enemies. When you take the attack action you may replace any of the attacks you would make with a special ranged spell attack against a creature within 60ft, this attack deals radiant damage equal to your Channeling Die. You may apply your Channel Harm feature to this attack.

Additionally, you may choose to make the damage you deal with your Channel Harm feature radiant damage.

When you gain your Accursed Cloak, while it is active your eyes glow with soft golden light, shining glyphs appear across your skin, and a thin halo made of dust from the environment forms above your head. As you channel your entity your hair and clothes swirl around you as if they were submerged in water or blown by a gentle breeze.

Celestial Infusion

At 6th level, the celestial energies coursing through your veins is potent enough to invigorate yourself and others.

While your Accursed Cloak is active when you use your Channel Vigor effect another creature you touch gains an equal number of Temporary Hit points. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining any expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Lesser Magic Resistance

At 11th level when a magical effect would force you to make a saving throw you may roll with advantage. You may use this feature a number of time equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Searing Brilliance

At 15th level, you can release the pure energies as a flash of light so bright that it burns to look at you. While your Accursed Cloak is active you shed 30 feet of bright light and 30 feet of dim light beyond that. Additionally, while your Accursed Cloak is active when you are targeted by an attack or spell you may use your reaction to force the creature targeting you to make a Wisdom Saving Throw, if they fail they become blind until the end of their next turn, on a success they make any attack rolls against you at disadvantage until the end of their turn, excluding the triggering attack.

If another spell or feature would cause you to shed light, increase that range by 30 ft.

Open the Heavens

At 20th Level your mind and body are pure enough you may wield the raw divine energy of your Sealed Entity. For a moment you can unchain the angel inside of you and take its weapons as your own. You and your sealed entity may work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following features, depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now Celestial
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • When a creature within 60ft takes damage you may use your reaction to make them regain 1d6 hit points.

Domination: While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into a Celestial of CR 16 or lower, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.

The Archfey

The twisting capricious of the Archfey struggles against the shackles of the seal upon your form. It may have been duped into this arrangement by one of its rivals in the courts of the Feywild, or placed inside you by a god that it crossed, or you might be the latest in your lineage to bear the responsibility of a deal made so long ago that it is now called a curse; however, none of these are enough to keep the Archfey from its mischief. It will require great wit, but the razor edge can be walked to direct your tenant's beguiling magic to your own ends.

Archfey Extended Spell List

The Archfey lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcerer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you.

Level Spells
1 Charm Person, Faerie Fire, Sleep
2 Devilish DelightI, Misty Step, Suggestion
3 Conjure Animals, Hypnotic Pattern, DoubtI
4 BeguileI, Hallucinatory Terrain, Polymorph
5 Modify Memory, Flash StepI, Seeming

Fairy Charm

At 1st level, you can feel the irresistible caprice of the feywild mind dwelling within you.

You can speak, read, and write Sylvan and gain proficiency in two of the following: Deception, Persuasion, Stealth.

Courtly Air

At 1st level, you may use an action to force a creature to make a Wisdom Saving Throw, if they fail they become charmed by you until the end of your next turn. When the creature takes damage they may reattempt the saving throw. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw has advantage on future saving throws forced by this feature for 24 hours.

You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

When you gain Accursed Cloak, while it is active your eyes sparkle like gems, changing color according to your mood, and you move with otherworldly grace. As you channel your entity a strange aroma like wildflowers or the depths of the forests suffuses the air around you.

Fairy Crown

At 6th level, while your Accursed Cloak is active you appear to be clothed in a strange hyper-vibrant finary and a delicate crown of flowers appears on your brow.

As a bonus action, you can issue a one-word command to a creature you have charmed, during their next turn, if it is still charmed by you, it will attempt to carry out the instruction to the best of its ability; it will not follow a command that is directly harmful to it or if it does not understand the language you speak it in. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining any expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Lordly Laurels

At 11th level fey or creatures with fey ancestry are not immune to any charmed or frightened conditions that you apply. Other creatures make any saving throws against the charmed or frightened conditions that you apply with disadvantage.

Fey Garb

At 15th level, while your Accursed Cloak is active you take on animal features like the feet of a goat, the main of a lion, the ears of a rabbit, the horns of a bull, the tail of a cat, etc. While your Accursed Cloak is active the first attack a creature makes against you on their turn is made with disadvantage.

Free the Fey

At 20th Level the weirdness of the feywild suffused your body. For brief moments you loosen the chains on your Sealed Entity and may act as a lord of Faerie. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following, depending on your relationship with your Entity.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now Fey
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • You may cast Misty Step once per round with out expending a spell slot

Domination: While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into a Fey of CR 16 or lower, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.

Fey Transformation

Since there are no officially published Fey of CR 16 one has been included in the Appendices as an option or template.

The Archfiend

The fiendish authority of a Prince of Hell or an Abyssal Lord seethes within their prison, cursing their jailer: you. An exorcism may have freed you from their possession and sealed them inside you, you may be the container for a demonic sect waiting for their patron to bring about the end of the world, or you may contain a secret weapon from the past hidden away so that none may discover it; regardless of how the Dark One has come to dwell inside you, it will not betray its nature. The flames of perdition course through your veins, inviting you to revel in an orgy of destruction.

Archfiend Extended Spell List

The Archfiend lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcerer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you.

Level Spells
1 Disguise Self, Hellish Rebuke, Jinx
2 Branding Smite, Devilish DelightI, Flame Blade
3 Bestow Curse, Remove Curse, Vampiric Touch
4 Death Ward, Soot and Cinders, Staggering Smite
5 Cloudkill, Hell Forged ChainsI, Flame Strike

Whispers of the Dark One

At 1st Level, you can hear the subtle whispers of the demonic mind trapped inside you.

You can speak, read, and write Infernal or Abyssal and gain proficiency in two of the following: Insight, Intimidation or Deception .

Fiendish Influence

At 1st level, your teeth and nails can be used as natural weapons, your teeth deal your Channeling Die + your Strength Modifier piercing damage and your nails deal your Channeling Die + your Strength Modifier slashing damage.

Additionally, you may choose to make the damage dealt by your Channel Harm feature fire or necrotic damage.

Later, when you gain your Accursed Cloak while it is active, your eyes glow red and your teeth and nails grow longer. While you channel your entity the air around you grows warmer and smells of ash and brimstone.

When you reach 6th level, attacks made with your natural weapons are considered magic for the purpose of overcoming resistance.

Fury of Hell

At 6th level, while your Accursed Cloak is active, when you hit with a melee weapon attack it deals an additional 1d6 fire damage. Additionally, when you reduce a creature’s hit points to zero until the beginning of your next turn you gain 15 feet of movement, a +1 bonus to AC, and you may use your bonus actio to make another attack.

Lesser Magic Resistance

At 11th level when a magical effect would force you to make a saving throw you may roll with advantage. You may use this feature a number of time equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all expended uses after a long rest.

Blood of Fire

At 15th level While your Accursed Cloak is active your skin opens in fissures, revealing fire has replaced your blood. A shroud of ash, smoke, and floating embers surrounds you.

While your Accursed Cloak is active when a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack you can use your reaction to force that creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save the creature takes fire damage equal to your Incarcerer level and becomes blinded until the end of their next turn, a creature that succeeds only takes half damage. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a long rest.

Fiend Unbound

At 20th Level hellfire no longer burns you, brimstone smells sweet, your mind and body are a match for the fiend within. For a short while you can loosen the shackles of the Archfiend within you and use its raw powers as your own. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following features, depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now Fiend
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • Darkness and magical darkness can't impede your vision and you telepathically speak to creatures within 120ft, they must understand the language you are speaking in to understand you and can't reply.

Domination: While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into a Fiend of CR 16 or lower, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.

The Archwizard

They were a mortal who delved deeper into the mysteries of magic, they held the powers of creation and destruction in their hands, now they find themselves held within your meager frame. The Archwizard may have made a mistake in their quest for immortality, or they may have been cursed by the gods to reincarnate inside new hosts until their impossible task is completed, or they may have been sealed away by a rival in the arcane arts; however they became implanted into you, you can be sure that the Archwizard still has their own agenda they are trying to enact. Though you may be able to learn from them and possibly even turn their forbidden knowledge towards your aims.

Archwizard Extended Spell List

The Archwizard lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcerer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you.

Level Spells
Mage Armor, Disguise Self, Magic Missile, Unseen Servant
2 Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Levitate, Misty Step
3 Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Tiny Hut, Sending, Slow
Banishment, Dimension Door, Resilient Sphere, Polymorph
5 Animate Objects, Arcane Hand, Scrying, Telekinesis

Archmage Memories

At 1st level, the knowledge of the Archwizard sometimes slips into your mind. You you can speak, read, and write an additional language of your choice and gain proficiency in two of the following, Arcana, Investigation, or Perception.

Unstructured Spells

At 1st level, when you complete a long rest select a cantrip from the wizard spell list, you may cast that cantrip at will until you complete your next long rest.

When you gain your Accursed Cloak, while it is active your eyes become covered in magic runes, and harmless sparks of energy crackle around your body. While you channel your entity a spectral copy of your entity's signature spell casting focus manifests near you; it could appear as an ornately carved staff, a flawless crystal sphere, a massive floating tome, or something else that fits the personality of your entity better.

Channel Spell

At 6th level, after you complete a long rest pick 2 spells of 1st or 2nd level from the wizard spell list, until you finish a long rest you know these spells, they count as Incarcerer Spells.

Leaking Mastery

At 11th level, you gain the benefit of a 2nd level Arcane Tradition Feature of your choice. If the feature refers to Wizard Level you may use Incarcerer Levels instead, if you have Incarcerer and Wizard levels, use the sum of both.

Expanded Intelligence

At 15th level, you can start using the immense brainpower locked inside you for your own purposes. How you use this power depends on your relationship with the your Entity. You gain one of the following abilities depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity:

  • Harmony: While your Accursed Cloak is active a sphere of glowing arcane glyphs surrounds your head you can concentrate on 2 spells at once. When you would be forced to make a Constitution Saving Throw to maintain concentration the DC is equal to 10 + the sum of the level of both spells or the half damage taken, whichever is higher. If you fail you lose concentration on the higher level spell and gain a level of exhaustion.
  • Domination: You gain the benefit of a 6th level Arcane Tradition Feature of your choice. If the feature refers to Wizard levels you may use Incarcerer Levels instead, if you have both Incarcerer and Wizard levels you may use the sum of your Incarcerer and Wizard levels.

Unfettered Mage

At 20th Level your mind and body are more than strong enough to hold the knowledge of an Archwizard. For a short while you can release the seal constraining the mage within you and use its magic for yourself. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following features, depending on your relationship.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • You may cast any Wizard Cantrip
  • You gain additional 2 manifestations and all of your Manifestations are considered active
  • You gain a +1 bonus to your Spell Attack Modifier and Spell Save DC

Domination: As an bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. Until you dismiss your Accursed Cloak you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns and gain the following benefits:

  • You gain 2 additional manifestations and all of your Manifestations are considered active
  • You gain an additional Incarcerer spell slot of each level
  • You gain the 10th level feature of an Arcane Tradition of your choice.

Ancient Dragon

The Ancient Wyrm that ruled over man and beast and demanded tribute from them slumbers within your belly, one eye always open, waiting for the moment when it will break free and rule once more. The Ancient Dragon may have been sealed inside you by mortal mages in a bid to free their land from its tyrannical rule, or it may have sealed itself away inside you to hide from the Dragon Queen's wrath, or perhaps the ritual to become a Dracolich went wrong and you hold the soul of the dragon while the Keepers of the Secret Hoard work to discover their error; whatever lead to its imprisonment inside you the Ancient Dragon will still follow its instincts to acquire more, establish a domain, and rule. Your body is its new lair, why not indulge its desires?

Ancient Dragon Extended Spell List

The Anceint Dragon lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcerer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you.

Level Spell
1 Fog Cloud, Feather Fall, Guiding Bolt
2 Gust of Wind, Hold Person, See Invisibility
3 Evoker's OrbI, Fly, Wind wall
4 Draconic EchoesI, Locate Creature, Polymorph
5 Cloudkill, Hallow, Hold Monster

The Color of Your Scales

While all Ancient Dragons are incredibly powerful, they are not all alike. When you select this subclass choose the kind of dragon that has been sealed inside you. The type of dragon will determine some of the benefits you will gain from other features.

Dragon Damage Type Breath Weapon Skills
Black Acid 5x30ft. line Nature, Stealth
Blue Lightning 5x30ft. line Nature, Persuasion
Brass Fire 5x30ft. line History, Persuasion
Bronze Lightning 5x30ft. line History, Stealth
Copper Acid 5x30ft. line History, Deception
Gold Fire 15ft. cone History, Arcana
Green Poison 15ft. cone Nature, Deception
Red Fire 15ft. cone Nature, Intimidation
Silver Cold 15ft. cone History, Arcana
White Cold 15ft. cone Nature, Survival

Hoarded Knowledge

At 1st level, the knowledge hoarded by the Great Wyrm within you sometimes overflows into your awareness.

You gain proficiency in the skills associated with your dragon and you can speak and read Draconic.

Breath Weapon Attack

At 1st level, when you take the Attack action you may forgo one attack to force all creatures with a range determined by your dragon type to make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take your dragon’s damage type equal to your Channeling Die. You may apply your Channel Harm feature to this.

Additionally, you may choose to make the damage you deal with your Channel Harm feature the same as your dragon's damage type.

When you gain your Accursed Cloak, while it is active your eyes change into reptilian slits, your teeth expand into imposing fangs, and patches of glittering scales appear around your body. While you channel your Sealed Entity the air around you changes to match the lair of the dragon sealed inside you, smelling like sulfur if you contain a red dragon, or becoming noticeably cooler if it is a white dragon, or filling with a transparent opalescent mist if a gold dragon dwells within.

Elemental Adaptations

Starting at 6th level, while you Accursed Cloak is active when you deal fire, cold, lightning, thunder, acid, or poison damage you may change the damage type to match your dragon's damage type. Additionally, while your Accursed Cloak is active, once per turn, when you deal damage matching your dragon's damage type you may treat one of the damage dice as if it rolled its maximum result.

Armored Scales

Starting at 11th level, while your Accursed Cloak is active you heavy armored scales cover your form. Their shape and color match those of the dragon sealed within you. While your Accursed Cloak is active and you are not wearing armor you gain resistance to the damage type matching your dragon and non-magical bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.

Manifested Lair

At 15th level, while your Accursed Cloak is active the elemental energies of the dragon sealed inside you leaks out, saturating the space around you. Other creatures take damage equal to your Constitution Modifier of the type that matches your dragon when they begin their turn within 10 feet of you or the first time they enter that range on their turn.

The Dragon Revealed

At 20th Level elemental energy flows through your veins like blood. For a short while you can call forth the Ancient Dragon to achieve your desires. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. You gain one of the following features, depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now Dragon
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • When you deal damage matching your dragons damage type you may reroll any 1s on the damage roll, using the new result.

Domination: While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into a Dragon of CR 16 or lower, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.

Adult Dragons

If the Adult Dragon form of your Dragon variant is too high or too low for the CR 16 cut off consider reskinning an Adult Blue Dragon to suit your needs.

Ancient Lich

Commander of undead armies, devourer of souls, an ancient mortal who has mastered death itself now sits seething with cold rage inside you. Somehow you became their new, unwilling phylactery: a rival undead lord may have locked them inside you, a host of priests banished them but they latched on to your soul before they were flung from this plane, or they may have hidden themselves to avoid the wrath of the Raven Queen. Liches are crafty and they no doubt left contingencies for these very circumstances, but now maybe you can reap the benefit of their dreadful magic and accursed rites.

Ancient Lich Extended Spell List

The Ancient Lich lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcerer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you.

Level Spell
Protection from Evil and Good, Shield, Geyger's Sickening Gaze
2 Aid, Invisibility, Ray of Enfeeblement
Animate Dead, Dispel Magic, Protection from Energy
4 Blight, Death Ward, Stinging SwarmK
5 Raise Dead, Contagion, Corrupt EssenceI

Forbidden Rites

At 1st level, the dreadful designs of the Ancient Lich leek through the crack in its cage into your soul.

You can speak and read one additional language of your choice and gain proficiency in two of the following: Arcana, Deception, or Medicine.

Paralyzing Touch

At 1st level, when you make an unarmed strike against a creature you may force them to make a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of your next turn. The target can repeat the saving throw when it takes damage, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeed on the saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours. If you use this feature on a creature while another creature is paralyzed their condition ends.

Additionally, you may choose to make the damage dealt by your Channel Harm feature necrotic damage.

When you gain your Accursed Cloak, while it is active, your eyes turning into black pits, two points of color burning through the darkness, pieces of your flesh appear to slough off revealing dark metallic bones beneath. While you channel your sealed entity the air around you smells of must and rotting flesh.

Sanguine Jewel

At 6th level, a glowing gem appears somewhere on your body, pulsing in time to your heartbeat.

While your Accursed Cloak is active when you deal necrotic damage you may regain Hit Points equal to half the damage dealt to a single creature. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining any expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Beyond Pain's Reach

At 11th level, when you take damage while concentrating on a spell if you have temporary hit points remaining you do not need to roll a Constitution Saving Throw to maintain concentration on the spell.

Lesser Phylactery

At 15th level while your Accursed Cloak is active your body appears like a skeleton made of black metal and an evil-looking crown rests upon your brow.

While your Accursed Cloak is active when you fall to 0 hit points you may use your reaction to dismiss your Accursed Cloak, regain hit points equal to your Incarcerer level, and teleport to a space you can see within 30 feet, you are invisible until the end of your next turn. You may not use this feature again until you complete a long rest.

Dreadful Rites

At 20th Level, some of the evil rites that sustained the Ancient Lich now recognize you, letting you defy the Grim Reaper. For a short while, you can loose the bindings of the soul of the Ancient Lich within you and use its forbidden secrets to aid yourself. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following features, depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now Undead
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • Friendly undead within 30 ft of you may use your Proficiency bonus in place of their own.

Domination: While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into an Undead of CR 16 or lower, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.

If you are playing with the One D&D playtest rules replace the first paragraph of The Great Maw feature with the following:

At 1st level you gain a bite attack that deals you Channeling Die + your Strength modifier piercing damage. Additionally when you make a bite attack you may use your bonus action to make an unarmed strike against the target of your bite attack. When a creature begins its turn grappled by you, it takes acid damage equal to your Constitution Modifier.

The Ageless Tarrasque

Ancient, Everlasting, and Unstoppable, all know to fear the might of the world devourer: The Ageless Tarrasque. The great beast may have been sealed in you to forestall its rampage; or evil wizard might be using you to incubate the titan after restarting its eternal regeneration; or the Gods may have hidden the Tarrasque within you to keep their creation safe for a little while longer. The Greatest of All Monsters now slumbers within you, it’s unstoppable power yours to wield, if you can control the its unending hunger.

The Ageless Tarrasque Extended Spells

Level Spell
1 Dire-BeastI, ImpulseI, Increase MassI
2 Earth RippleK, SmackdownI, Spike Growth
3 Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Meld into Stone
4 Resilient Sphere, Stone Shape, Stoneskin
5 Commune with Nature, Momentary RampageI, Dispel Evil and Good

Instincts of the Great Beast

At 1st level, the terrifying instincts of the mighty beast leaks through the seal.

You have an innate sense for the quality of soil around and you gain proficiency in two of the following, Athletics, Nature, or Survival.

The Great Maw

At 1st level, you gain a bite attack that deals your Channeling Die + your Strength modifier piercing damage. Additionally when you make a bite attack you may use your bonus action to grapple the creature you attacked. At the end of their turn a creature grappled this way takes acid damage equal to your Constitution Modifier.

When you gain your Accursed Cloak, while it is active your skin becomes dry and scaly, thick horns grow from your brow and your mouth expands filling with rows upon rows of sharp teeth. While you channel your sealed entity the ground around you tremors slightly.

At 6th level your bite attack is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances.

Impenetrable Carapace

Starting at 6th level, while your Accursed Cloak is active, if you are not wearing armor, a hard carapace of something like metal and bone covers you, and you are considered to be wearing full plate armor and your AC is 12 + your Constitution modifier + your Strength modifier.

Lesser Magic Resistance

At 11th level when a magical effect would force you to make a saving throw you may roll with advantage. You may use this feature a number of time equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Reflective Carapace

Starting at 15th level when your Accursed Cloak is active your carapace sparkles with gems and precious metals embedded in its surface. When you are the target of Magic Missile, a line spell, or a ranged spell attack you may use your reaction to roll your Channeling Die and subtract the result plus your Armor Class from the damage. If you would reduce the damage to 0 the effect is reflected back as though it originated from you turning the caster into the target.

Awaken the Tarrasque

At 20th Level, you and the Tarasque can become like one. For a short while, you can channel the full might of the world eater within you and use its power as your own. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following features, depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now monstrosity (titan)
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • Your size classification increases by 1 and your melee attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage

Domination: While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into a Lesser Tarrasque, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.

Lesser Tarrasque

A stat block for a Lesser Tarrasque has been included in Appendix A, found at the end of this document.


Class & Creature Design by u/IDBN.

Help from SpaceTW, torcas, discordofmanythings users Urn, Pro Spe Mor, The Dude to End All Dudes, fantomp, Liam, MobiusFlip, TheCrazyDragonLady and r/UnearthedArchana users u/SamuraiHealer, u/Juniper_Owl, u/SoraKBM, u/Overdrive2000

Spells marked with at K from Kibbles' Generic Spells Spells marked with an I are from Ideben's Other Grimoir of Legendary Magic, or found at the end of this document.

  • Dragon Whisperer MtG Art by Chris Rallis
  • Seal by Lala-ll based on Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto
  • Broken Concentration MTG Art by ClintCearley
  • Gift of Orzhova MTG Art by algenpfleger(Johannes Voss)
  • Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury MTG Art by Adam Paquete
  • Demonic Gifts MtG Art by Kekai Kotaki
  • Teferi, Master of Time MTG Art by Yongjae Choi
  • Lord of the Accursed by Greg Rutkowski
  • Shyvana the Half-Dragon by Mazert Young
  • You Look Upon the Tarrasque MTG Art by Kekai Kotaki
  • Deluvian Primordial MTG Art by Stephen Martiniere
  • Wrenn and Six MtG Art by Donato Giancola

The Antediluvian Primordial

Out from the primeval ether the Primordials rose before the dawn of time. A willful force of nature that once clashed with gods now slumbers chained within you. It may have been sealed there by its divine rivals, you might be its first step to escaping its timeless prison, or a new emination may have taken root inside you from beyond settled creation, slowly maturing into a new Primordial. However it came to rest in you, the very presence of a Primordial warps the world, while it is so pliant why not bend the world according to your own will?

Primordial Mantle

Primordials are the embodiments of the primordial elements and each have their own mantle. Choose two Elements from the Primordial Mantle table, found on a later page. The mantles you choose will determine the some of the benefits you gain from other features. You may choose the same element twice.

The Primordial Extended Spell List

The Antediluvian Primordial lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcereer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you, depending on your choice of Primordial Mantles.

Primordial Extended Spells

Mantle 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Protection from Evil and Good
Dragon's Breath Evoker's OrbI Elemental ImmunityI Conjure Elemental
Air Thunderous Smite Gust of Wind Wind Wall Turbulent AirI Cloudkill
Earth Entangle Earth RippleK Meld into Stone Stone Shape Wall of Stone
Fire Faerie Fire Flaming Sphere Mystic ForgeI Soot and CindersI Igniting GazeI
Water Create or Destroy Water Crashing WaveK Riptide SpiritI HeadwatersI Pressure CutterK
Ice EntombK Ray of Enfeeblement Sleet Storm Ice SpikeK ---
Lightning Longstrider Lightning ChargedK Call Lightning Jumping JoltK Voltaic VigorI
Metal Magnetic FieldI Spike CannonI Living CableI Ferric WardensI Blade TreeI
Light Geiger's Sickening GazeI Branding Smite Daylight Brilliant BeaconI Light CannonI
Shadow Bane Darkvision Shadows of the City Shadow ForceI Oculus NoirI
Time Expeditious Retreat ChronostutterI Slow Divination
Momentary RampageI
Motion ImpulseI SmackdownI Fly Compulsion Telekinesis
Life Cure Wounds Warding Bond Mass Healing Word Death Ward Awaken
Death Hunter's Mark Gentle Repose Speak with Death Grim HymnI Corrupt EssenceI
Growth Entangle
Locate Animals or Plants
Plant Growth Malignant GrowthI
Commune with Nature
Decay Detect Poison & Disease
Protection from Poison
Stinking Cloud Blight Insect Plague
Creation Color Spray Conjure WeaponI Major Image Fabricate Creation
Corrosion Grease Acid Arrow ErodeK Rust TouchI Acid RainK
Dreams Sleep Mirror Image Hypnotic Pattern Phantasmal Killer Dream
Chaos Hideous Laughter Arcanist's Magic Aura Extraordinary GeometryI Confusion Reincarnate
Order Magic Missile Silence Clairvoyance Banishment Wall of Force
Gravity Increase MassI Levitate Bouyant ZoneI Jovian WeightI Hold Monster
Void Guiding Bolt Blindness/Deafness Blink Greater Invisibility Wall of Force

K Spells with this symbol are from Kibbles' Generic Spells I Spells with this symbol are described at the end of this document

Memories from the Dawn of Time

The thoughts and memories of the Primordial slip unbidden into your mind. At 1st level you gain proficiency in two of the following, Arcana, Nature, or Survival. Additionally you can speak, read and write Primordial.

Elemental Influence

As embodiments of elemental chaos even the mere presence of a Primordial weighs heavy on the fabric of reality. Almost without consciously realizing it beginning at 1st level you become familiar with manipulating the elements of your sealed entity. You gain one cantrip from each of your chosen Mantles, listed in the Primordial Mantle table.

Additionally when you use your Channel Harm feature you may choose to make the additional damage match the damage type of either of your chosen Mantles.

When you gain your Accursed Cloak, while it is active your hands and feet appear to be made of glowing liquid colored glass, your hair changes to look like your primordial elements, and small motes of your elements hover around you like fireflies. When you channel your sealed entity, quiet sounds, like waves on a beach, the crackle of a campfire, the crunch of snow, or the drone of a funeral dirge can be faintly heard.

Primal Expression

Beginning at 6th level your Primordial’s deep association with their mantles lets you become intimately adapted to them. You gain an additional manifestation of one of your chosen Mantles listed in the Primal Expression column of the Primordial Mantle table. This manifestation does not count toward your maximum number of manifestations.

Once per long rest you may activate this manifestation or your other mantles’ Primal Expression manifestion if you have it without expending a spell slot.

Prime Essence

Beginning at 11th level you begin to exude the authority of the Primordial within, while your Accursed Cloak is active your eyes shine like stars, your skin changes color, and your cloths change to befit one who contains a rival of the gods. You gain an additional manifestation from one of your chosen Mantles, listed in the Prime Essence column of the Primordial Mantle table. This manifestation does not count toward your maximum number of manifestations.

Once per long rest you may activate either of your mantle’s Prime Essences with out expending a spell slot.

Primeval Halo

Starting at 15th level the influence of the Primordial sealed within you begins to bend the world around you. While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to manifest your Primeval Halo, until you use a bonus action to dismiss it or you dismiss your Accursed Cloak, a fragment of the Primeval Elemental Chaos hangs above your head influencing everything within 15ft of you. If you chose the same Mantle twice, the range of your Primeval Halo's affect increases to 30ft. Creatures of your choice that begin their turn within that range take 2d4 damage of one of your Primordial Mantle's damage types. And all creatures and objects within that range are subject to the effects listed in the Primeval Halo column of the Primordial Mantle table. You may not use this again before completing a long rest.

Primordial Unchained

At 20th Level the Primordial’s elemental chaos from before time began courses through your veins. For a moment you can loosen the chains on the Primordial within you and use its daunting power. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following features, depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now Elemental
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • You regain all uses of your Primeval Halo.

Domination: While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into an Elemental of CR 16 or lower, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.

The Awesome Monstrosity

Mighty, Massive, and Mysterious rumors and legends tell of the Awesome Monstrosity that waits just beyond the pale. Though few have seen or heard of it in recent years because it now slumbers inside you. Maybe it was sealed inside you by a powerful mage to protect civilization, or a trickster god has hidden a rival’s favored pet within you, or perhaps an ancient pact has passed the land's protector onto you, for when the world needs it most. A beast from legend now lives within you, its life force bolstering your own strength. Just be sure to keep from succumbing to its powerful instincts.

Primordial Mantle

Primal Expression
Primary Essence
Primeval Halo
AerokinesisI, Windborn WeaponK
Revelation of the Sky
Essential Form(Force)
At the start of their turn creatures of your choice are blown 5ft in a random direction
GeokinesisI, Temper Mettle
Revelation of the Earth
Absorb Ire(Bludgeoning)
Creatures of your choice consider the ground difficult terrain
Produce Flame, PyrokinesisI
Death Burst(Fire)
Essential Form(Fire)
Flammable objects of your choice that are not worn or carried ignite and take 1d4 fire damage at the beginning of your turn. A creature may use an action to put them out until the beginning of your next turn.
HydrokinesisI, Resistance
Revelation of the Deep
Absorb Ire(Bludgeoning)
All other creatures consider the area to be heavily obscured
Ray of Frost, Resistance
Weighty Presence
Absorb Ire(Cold)
Creatures of your choice reduce their speed by 5ft. Creatures resistant or immune to cold damage are immune to this effect as well
Light, Shocking Grasp
Death Burst(Lightning)
Essential Form(Lightning)
All other creatures can not use their reaction if they used their action and bonus action on their last turn. Creatures resistant or immune to lightning damage are immune to this.
Eldritch EdgeI, Temper Mettle
Adamant Cloak
Essential Form(Slashing)
Creatures of your choice take 1 point of piercing damage for every 5 feet they move
Light, Produce Flame
Resplendent Body
Essential Form(Radiant)
All other creatures make any stealth checks with disadvantage
UmbrakinesisI, Resistance
Shadow of Evil
Essential Form(Necrotic)
Bright light becomes dim light, dim light becomes darkness, and natural darkness become magical darkness that foils dark vision
Mending, Guidance
Phase Step
Essential Form(Psychic)
Creatures of your choice gain advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws
Force BoltK , Mage Hand
Elusive Cloak
Absorb Ire(Force)
Creatures of your choice that begin their turn in this range increase their speed by 10 feet until the end of their turn
PerseveranceI, Spare the Dying
A Path to Return
Absorb Ire(Radiant)
Creatures of your choice make death saving throws with advantage
Chill Touch, Spare the Dying
Disrupt Life
Absorb Ire(Necrotic)
At the begining of your turn creatures of your choice die if they have fewer hit points than 2 times your Proficiency Bonus
Druidcraft, Shillelagh
Revelation of Scale
Essential Form(Poison)
When creatures of your choice regain HP they regain an additional 3 HP. Additionally if a creature in range would permanently grow they grow an additional 1d8 inches
Mending, Poison Spray
Death Burst(Poison)
Absorb Ire(Poison)
When creatures of your choice makes a saving throw to avoid or end the poisoned condition, they make it with disadvantage or advantage, your choice
Eldritch EdgeI, Prestidigitation
Protean Form
Essential Form(Force)
Illusions within this range become tangible. They have an AC of 10 and 1 hit point. If the illusion is of something that can deal damage it deals 1d6 force damage.
Acid Splash, Resistance
Death Burst(Acid)
Absorb Ire(Acid)
Non magical items and objects of your choice begin to noticeably rust and corrode, they take 1d4 damage at the beginning of your turn
Mind BlowI, Minor Illusion
Sonorous Voice
Absorb Ire(Psychic)
When creatures of your choice make a saving throw or ability check to identify an illusion, roll a d4 and subtract the result from their roll
Acid Splash, Thaumaturgy
Chaos Armor
Essential Form(Acid)
When creatures of you choice cast a spell they must roll for an effect on the Sorcerer’s wild magic table
True Strike, Guidance
Enhanced Awareness
Absorb Ire(Piercing)
All creatures within range treat all roll whose result is greater than 5 and less than 15 as if they were 10
Mage Hand, Ripple PulseI
Personal Reference Frame
Absorb Ire(Force)
All other creatures must use their full movement to stand up from being prone
Thunder PulseI, Thaumatugy
Death Burst(Force)
Essential Form(Force)
All other creatures begin suffocating if they need to breath

K Spells with this symbol are from Kibbles' Generic Spells

Monstrosity Extended Spell List

The Awesome Monstrosity lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcerer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you.

Level Spells
1 Dire-BeastI, ImpulseI, Speak with Animals
SmackdownI, Enhance Ability, Locate Animals or Plants
Nondetection, Protection from Energy, Speak with Plants
4 Death Ward, Dominate Beast, Hallucinatory Terrain
Momentary RampageI, Commune with Nature, Hold Monster

Primal Instincts

At 1st level, the instincts of the monstrosity leak into your soul. You gain proficiency in two of the following: Animal Handeling, Nature, or Survival and you can easily notice signs that a creature has claimed its territory.

Monstrous Strength

At 1st level the awesome strength of the monstrosity-within seeps into your muscles. Your unarmed strikes deal your Channeling Die + your Strength Modifier bludgeoning damage. Further, when you use your Channel Harm option you may use a bonus action to attempt to shove the creature.

Later, when you gain your Accursed Cloak, while your Cloak is active your muscles fill out and you appear to grow several inches. Your skin temporarily takes on superficial features of the Monstrosity within changing color and texture or growing course hair or rough scales. While you channel the Monstrosity a wild musk saturates the air around you.

Unleashed Kinetics

Beginning at 6th level while your Accursed Cloak is active when you successfully shove a creature you may choose to push the target back twice the normal amount or knock it back and make it fall prone. Additionally your unarmed strikes are considered magical for overcoming resistances and deal double damage to objects and structures.

Legendary Vigor

Starting at 11th level your life force begins to mimic the density of the life force of the monster you contain, you appear continuously in peak health. You become immune to non-magical diseases. At 11th level, increase your maximum hit points by 11, and again by 1 every time you gain another Incarcerer level.

Epic Rampage

Starting at 15th level you can momentarily release the nigh-unstoppable fury of the Mosterousity sealed within you. While your Accursed Cloak is active your body takes on even more features appearing like a monstrous hybrid. And when you take the attack action while your cloak is active you may make 3 attacks.

The Monster Made Flesh

At 20th Level mortal and monster may blur and by their merging emerge as something even more fearsome. For a short while you can release the full potential of the Monstrosity within you. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following features, depending on your relationship with your Sealed Entity.

Harmony. As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now Monstrosity
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • You become one size larger and you gain advantage to shove or grapple creatures smaller than you.

Domination. While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into a Monstrosity of CR 16 or lower, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.

The Ancestral Arbor

Massive Trees appear in the legends of many peoples, sometimes benevolently cradling the worlds in their bows, sometimes malevolently draining all life from the earth. The seasons of fate have made you the ancient tree’s new garden. You may be the bed from which the seed of a new world tree might grow, or a goddess could be using you to steal away the greatest of all plants, or you might have been selected by your tribe for the honor of being grafted into its canopy. Sprouts of the Ancestral Arbor grow in you now, sending its vivacious nectar to transform and empower you. If you can resist being tangled in its tectonic purpose, you will grow into its vast power.

Arboreal Extended Spell List

The Ancestral Arbor lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn an Incarcerer spell. The following spells are added to the Incarcerer spell list for you.

Level Spells
1 Cure Wounds, Entangle, Sanctuary
2 Barkskin, Calm Emotions, Spike Growth
3 Plant Growth, Speak with Plants, Stinking Cloud
Dominate Beast, Malignant GrowthI, Mass Warding BondI
5 Commune with Nature, Hold Monster, Mass Cure Wounds

Heartwood of Millenia

At 1st level, the untold eons the Ancestral Arbor has seen begin to seep into your bones.

You gain proficiency in two of the following: Medicine, Nature, and Survival. You also gain the Druidcraft cantrip.

Canopy’s reach

At 1st level, your arms and legs grow unusually long increasing your reach by 5 feet.

Additionally, you may choose to make the damage you deal with your Channel Harm feature poison damage.

When you gain your Accursed Cloak, while it is active your blood thickens and becomes sweet like sap, your skin turns rough almost like bark, and your hair takes on the appearance of leaves and vines. As you channel your entity a perfume of flowers and pollen surrounds you.

Nourishing Fruit

Beginning at 6th level you can draw on the energy of nature all around you and concentrate it into energizing produce. While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use an action and spend one hit die to produce a piece of sweet ripe fruit, as part of this action you may eat the fruit or give it to another creature within 5 ft. A creature may use a bonus action to eat one of these fruits. A creature that eats a fruit either recovers from the charmed or frightened condition or one non-magical disease or regains HP equal to the average result (rounded up) of the hit die spent plus your constitution modifier. Any of these fruits that remain when you complete a long rest become useless and rotten.

Additionally, when you complete a short rest in a place with loose soil, water, and sunlight you regain 1 hit die.

Xyloid Hide

Starting at 11th level, if you did not move on your turn, until the start of your next turn each time you take damage you may roll your channeling die and reduce the damage taken by the result (no action required).

While your Accursed Cloak is active your skin creaks and snaps as you move and when you are cut your woody flesh does not bleed.

Peaceful Glen

Beginning at 15th you produce the Arbor’s secret defense, a potent cloud of soporous pollen. While your Accursed Cloak is active creatures of your choice that are not a construct or undead that begin their turn within 30 ft must make a Constitution Saving Throw, on a failure a creature can not take reactions and reduces its movement speed by half. A creature that fails by 10 or more falls unconscious until the beginning of your next turn.

Sprouting Chaos

At 20th Level your body has adapted enough to contain the enormous life energy of the Ancestral Arbor. For brief moments let the full power of your Sealed Entity flow through you. You and your sealed entity make work in harmony or you may forcibly wield its powers for yourself. Once per long rest you gain one of the following, depending on your relationship with your Entity.

Harmony: As a bonus action while your Accursed Cloak is active you may release the seal that restricts your Sealed Entity. For the next minute you gain the following benefits:

  • Your creature type is now Plant
  • All of your Manifestations are considered active
  • At the beginning of your turn you regain 5 hit points, unless you took fire or cold damage since the end of your last turn.

Domination: While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform into a Plant of CR 16 or lower, as if transformed by the polymorph spell. While transformed you roll a d20 for your Corruption feature at the beginning of each of your turns.


If an manifestation has prerequisites, you must meet them to gain it. You can learn the manifestation at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. Unless otherwise stated, if a manifestation would have you make a choice, make that choice when you gain the Manifestation, not when you activate it. You may change your decision when you gain an Incarcerer level.

Absorb Ire

3rd-level Manifestation

Choose a damage type. When you take damage of that type you may reduce the damage you would take by an amount equal to the result of a roll of your Channeling Die plus half your Incarcerer level (rounded up). If you would reduce the damage to less than 0 you may use your reaction to regain HP equal to the remaining difference.

A Path to Return

1st-level manifestation

You may add your proficiency bonus to death saving throws.

Adamant Cloak

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.

Acquisition Sense

1st-level manifestation

You have advantage on Wisdom(perception), Intellegence(investigation), or Wisdome(survival) checks made to search for a specific item, treasure, or creature.

Ancient Memory

3nd-level manifestation

You may cast Legend Lore without expending a spell slot or material components. After the spell ends you must immediately make a DC 20 Constitution Saving throw. On a failed save you gain a level of exhaustion. You may not cast this spell this way again before completing a long rest.

Armored Cloak

1st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active and you are not wearing medium or heavy armor you gain a +2 bonus to your AC.

Augmented Skill

5th-level manifestation

When you activate this manifestation choose a skill, until you complete a long rest double your proficiency bonus for that skill.

Awakened Titan

4th-level manifestation

You may gain the benefits of a long rest during a short rest, your next long rest takes twice as long and you may not gain the benefits of a short rest until you complete a long rest.

Baleful Energy

3rd-level manifestation

Choose a damage type from fire, cold, thunder, poison, acid, psychic, force, radiant, or necrotic. When you deal damage of that type ignore resistances.

Brute Magic

1st-level manifestation

You gain the Eldritch EdgeI and PerseveranceI cantrips

Chaos Armor

3rd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active when a creature attacks you they make the attack roll with disadvantage. When you take damage this effect ends. On your turn you may use your bonus action to reactivate this effect.

Command the Winds

4th-level manifestation

You learn the Turbulent AirI spell (this does not count toward spells know), and may cast it once per long rest with out spending a spell slot. You may cast it as part of the same action you use to activate your Accursed Cloak.

Compel Answers

4th-level manifestation, Prerequisite: Converse

Once per long rest you may use an action to force your Sealed Entity to answer your questions. For one minute your Entity will answer up to three questions correctly and truthfully. They must be yes or no questions. Some questions might be unknown to the entity in which case it will admit as much. In cases where a one word answer may be misleading or contrary to the entity's goals the GM might offer a short phrase or impression instead.


1st-level manifestation

You can either force your Sealed Entity to speak to you for at least 1 minute or stop your entity from speaking to you for up to an hour. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. While speaking with your Entity it remains true to its nature and goals, it may be honest, deceitful, vague, belligerent, helpful, or manipulative.

Death Burst

1st level manifestation

Choose a damage type. When your Accursed Cloak ends due to being reduced to 0 HP you may choose to expend and roll any number of hit dice. All creatures within 15ft must make a Dexterity saving throw or take damage of the chosen type equal to the result of your roll, creatures take half damage on a successful save.

Demonic Smite

2nd-level manifestation

When you deal necrotic or fire damage you may increase the damage dealt by 1d6. Additionally, when you would deal radiant damage you may choose to deal necrotic or fire damage instead.

Disrupt Life

1st-level manifestation

You may use an action to force each non-undead creature within 10 feet to make a Constitution Saving throw or take 2d4 necrotic damage and they have disadvantage on all Constitution and Death Saving Throws until the end of your next turn.

Dread gaze

2nd-level manifestation

You may add your Constitution modifier to any Wisdom(perception) checks and your Passive Perception.

Earthen Eyes

1st-level manifestation

When you activate your Accursed Cloak you may choose to become blind, if you do you gain Tremor Sense out to 30ft.


5th-level manifestation, Prerequisite: Revelation of the Earth

While your Accursed Cloak is active you gain 5 ft of Burrowing Speed and you can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, you don't disturb the material you move through.

Elemental Mastery

1st-level manifestation

Choose a kenisis cantrip, while this Manifestation is active you may cast it at will.

Elusive Cloak

1st-level manifestation

When you activate your Accursed Cloak you may Disengage as part of the same bonus action. While your Accursed Cloak is active you may take the Disengage action as a bonus action.

Enhanced Awareness

1st-level manifestation

You gain proficiency in Insight and Perception.

Empowered Authority

1st-level manifestation

You have advantage on Charisma(Persuasion) or Charisma(Intimidation) Ability checks.

Energy Resistance

3rd-level manifestation

When you activate this manifestation, choose a type of damage: fire, cold, thunder, lightning, acid, poison, necrotic, or radiant, you are resistant to the chosen damage.

Enthralling Presence

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active creatures within 15ft. of you have disadvantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks to perceive any other creature beside you. Creatures affected by this may make a Wisdom Saving Throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success. A creature that succeeds their saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Essential Form

3rd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active, you may use an action to become made of pure essence, for 10 minutes you shed bright light up to 60 feet away and dim light to 120 feet and you gain the effects of Gaseous Form. Additionally, choose a damage type from fire, cold, lightning, thunder, acid, poison, force, necrotic, or radiant, the first time you pass through a creature they take damage of that type equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You may use a bonus action to end these effects.

You may not use this again until you finish a long rest.

Establish Dominion

3rd-level manifestation

You learn the Magic Circle spell (this does not count towards spells known) and may cast it once per long rest as an action with out spending a spell slot or material components.

Exceptional Control

2nd-level manifestation

When you use an effect that would force multiple creatures to make a Dexterity Saving Throw instead you may make a ranged spell attack against a single creature within 60 feet on a hit they suffer the effects as if they failed the saving throw.

Expanded Magic, Lesser

1st-level manifestation

You learn an additional 1st-level spell from your entity's extended spell list. Once per long rest you may cast it or another 1st level spell that you know on the extended spell list with out expending a spell slot.

Expanded Magic, Greater

2nd-level manifestation

You learn an additional 2nd-level spell from your entity's extended spell list. Once per long rest you may cast it or another 2nd-level spell that you know on the extended spell list with out expending a spell slot.

Expanded Magic, Legendary

3rd-level manifestation

You learn an additional 3rd-level spell from your entity's extended spell list. Once per long rest you may cast it or another 3rd level spell that you know on the extended spell list with out expending a spell slot.

Expanded Magic, Epic

4th-level manifestation

You learn an additional 4th-level spell from your entity's extended spell list. Once per long rest you may cast it or another 4th level spell that you know on the extended spell list with out expending a spell slot.

Expanded Magic, Mythic

5th-level manifestation

You learn an additional 5th-level spell from your entity's extended spell list. Once per long rest you may cast it or another 5th level spell that you know on the extended spell list with out expending a spell slot.

Extra Limbs

1st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you grow two prehensile tentacles. They are not suited for delicate or dexterous work but can be used to grapple additional creatures or hold some objects.

False Appearance

2nd-level manifestation

Choose an inanimate object that matches your size (like a medium tree or stone statue). While your Accursed Cloak is active when you are not moving you are indistinguishable from that object. Another creature may attempt to discern your true nature by making a Intelligence(Investigation) check, DC equals 5 plus your Passive Deception (calculated like Passive Perception).

Fearful Aura

1st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use an action to force all creatures within 15 feet of you to make a Wisdom Saving Throw or become frightened of you. Creatures may attempt the Saving Throw again at the end of their turn to end the effect. A creature that succeeds the saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.


1st-level manifestation

You have advantage on checks and saving throws to resist the frightened condition.

Greater Radiance

2nd-level manifestation

When you deal radiant or fire damage, you may deal an additional radiant or fire damage equal to your Constitution Modifier.

Greater Revelation of Scale

4rd-level manifestation, Prerequisite: Revelation of Scale

When you activate your Accursed Cloak you may increase your size category again by 1; while you are enlarged your AC decreases by 1 and once on each of your turns, one of your attacks with a weapon or an unarmed strike can deal an extra 2d6 damage.

Hellish Resilience

2nd-level manifestation

You are resistant to fire and necrotic damage.

Hellish Step

3rd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use a bonus action to teleport to a location you can see within 30 feet. Creatures within 5 feet of your destination take fire damage equal to your Constitution Modifier.

Imposing Affect

1st-level manifestation

You can learn the Thaumaturgy cantrip and may cast it as a bonus action.

Impossible Reach

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active your reach increases by 5 feet.

Impossible Strength

2nd-level manifestation

You count as one size class larger when calculating how much you can carry and you gain proficiency with Strength Saving Throws.

Increased Range

4th-level manifestation

If a ranged weapon, spell, or feature has a range, double that range.

Infused Weapon

3rd-level manifestation

Choose a damage type from, acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder, force, radiant, or necrotic. When you activated this manifestation you infuse a weapon you can touch with your Entity's energy. Until you complete a long rest the weapon has a +1 bonus to attack rolls and deals an extra 1d4 damage of the chosen type when it hits.

If you infuse the same weapon every day for three months it permanently becomes an uncommon magic weapon with the same effects.

Innate Manifestation

1st-level manifestation

You gain 1 cantrip from any Spell list.

Instant Regret

3rd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active when a creature within 15 feet deals damage to you, you may use your reaction to force them to make a Wisdom Saving Throw, if they fail they become charmed or frightened by you, your choice. They may reattempt the saving throw again whenever they take damage to break free of the effect. A creature that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Intensified Element

1st-level manifestation

Choose a damage type from: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, and Thunder. When you deal that damage you may deal additional damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Invested Element

5th-level manifestation

Choose an Form-of-ElementK spell, once per long rest, when you activate your Accursed Cloak you may spent a spell slot of 4th level or higher to gain the effects of that spell.

Lesser Magic

1st-level manifestation

You gain the Mage Hand and Prestidigitation cantrips.

Light Through the Cracks

1st-level manifestation

You can gain the Dancing Lights and Light cantrips. Additionally you learn Faerie Fire, which does not count toward your number of spells known, and you may cast it once with out spending a spell slot before you complete a long rest.

Loathsome Fangs, Claws, Horns

3rd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active, any Natural Weapons you possess gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances.

Loyal Servant

2nd-level manifestation

When you activate this manifestation you summon a familiar to your service, as if by the Find Familiar spell. In addition to the normal options, your familiar may be a tiny CR 1 or less creature of the same type as your Seal Entity's 20th level transformation feature. If you have an Archwizard Sealed Entity your familiar's type may be beast or construct. While this manifestation is not active the familiar remains in its pocket dimension and will not heed you.

To expand the options available for Loyal Servant, tiny CR 1 creatures of several types have been included in the appendices as an option or template for custom creatures.

Malignant Hate

2nd-level manifestation

Choose a creature type. When you take the attack action and do damage to a creature of that type you deal an additional 1d6 damage.

Manifest Natural Weapons

1st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you grow horns, claws, and fangs that may be used as a natural weapon, they deal 1d4 + Strength bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage as appropriate.

Mind to Mind

1st-level manifestation

You can telepathically speak to creatures within 15 feet of you. They understand you as long as they can speak a language, even if you do not speak in a language they understand. They may respond to you, but you only understand them if they think in a language you understand.

Monstrous Eyes

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active your eyes glow with a baleful light, and you can see normally in darkness, both magical and non magical, to a distance of 60 feet.

Ordained Events

4th-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you may add a d4 to any ability check, attack roll, or saving throw of you or another creature within 30 feet. Once you do so, you may not use this again until the beginning of your next turn.

Natural Domain

3rd-level manifestation

Choose an environment. While you are in that environment you may hide even if you would otherwise be unable to. Additionally when you make a Nature, Stealth, or Survival check in that environment treat any roll 9 or lower as if it were a 10.

Otherworldly Charm

1st-level manifestation

You can learn the Friends cantrip, when the effect ends other creatures do not necessarily become hostile to you, but they do learn of your nature as an Incareror and the type of entity sealed with in you.

Otherworldly Leap

1nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active, triple you jump distance.

Overchannel Magic

3rd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active, when you deal damage to a creature using an Incarcerer Spell you may apply your Channel Harm feature to the damage.

Private Sanctum

4th-level manifestation

You learn the Private Sanctum spell, which does not count towards your number of spells known. Once per long rest you may cast it with out expending a spell slot.

Personal Reference Frame

2nd level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed and can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down on ceilings while keeping your hands free.

Phase Step

3rd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active, once per turn you may expend any amount of movement to teleport an equal distance to a space that you can see.

Power of the Crowd

4th-level manifestation

When you use your Channel Vigor feature, you gain 5 additional temporary hit points for every friendly creature or creature charmed by you with in 10ft.

Protean Form

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you may use your action to transform your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also can’t appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if you’re bipedal, you can’t become quadrupedal, for instance. You can use your action to change your appearance in this way again.

Quick Cloak

1st-level manifestation

When you activate your Accursed Cloak you may Dash as part of the same bonus action. While your Accursed Cloak is active you may Dash as a bonus action.

Radiant Form

3rd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you shed bright light for 10 feet and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Any magical darkness created by a spell of a level less than or equal to your Proficiency Bonus that the bright light touches is dispelled. If you already shed light, increase its range by 10 ft.

Resplendent Body

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you gain resistance to radiant and necrotic damage.

Resonant Somnolence

5th-level manifestation

When you activate this manifestation choose an emotion, impression, or message of up to 10 words. All creatures with in 10 miles that sleep while this manifestation is active find their dreams resonating with your chosen message.

You may spend 10 minutes influencing the behavior of a random sleeping creature in range. The roll a d20, if the result is 6 or greater a random creature will attempt to complete a simple, one sentence task you give it, as long as it doesn't believe the task will cause them harm, if the result is a 1, a random creature will attempt to complete a simple task your sealed entity gives it.

Restorative Channeling

3rd-level manifestation

When you expend and roll hit dice during a short rest you regain the maximum result.

Revelation of the Deep

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you gain a swimming speed of 30 feet and you can breath water.

Revelation of the Earth

2st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you gain a burrowing speed of 15 feet.

Revelation of Scale

2nd-level manifestation

When you activate your Accursed Cloak you may increase your size category by 1; while you are enlarged, once on each of your turns, one of your attacks with a weapon or an unarmed strike can deal an extra 1d6 damage.

Revelation of the Sky

3nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you gain a flying speed of 30 feet.


1st-level manifestation

When you take the attack action and use natural weapons you may make another attack with your natural weapons as a bonus action.

Sealed Recognition

1st-level manifestation

You can cast the Identify spell once per long rest without expending a spell slot or material component.

Secondary Expression

3rd-level manifestation

When you use would force a creature to make Dexterity saving throw you may choose to force them to make a Constitution Saving Throw, instead, and vis-versa.

Sense Magic

2nd-level manifestation

You can cast Detect Magic at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Shadow of Evil

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active if you are in dim light or darkness you may use a bonus action to become invisible until you move, make an attack, or dismiss your Accursed Cloak.

Siege Monster

1st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you deal double damage against objects and structures.

Silver Tongue


While your Accursed Cloak is active, when you make a Charisma ability check you may choose to replace the number you roll with 10. Additionally if you are affected by a magical effect that would determine if you are truthful you may attempt to lie, roll a d20, on a 10 or higher the effect indicates you are being truthful, no matter what you say.

Sonorous Voice

1st-level manifestation

When you make a Charisma ability check with advantage you may choose to reroll one of the dice.

Soul Reaver

5th-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active your fiendish aura condenses around one of your natural weapons or a weapon you touch. The weapon now has +2 to attack and damage rolls. Additionally if you land a critical hit and use your Channel Harm feature against a creature with 50 or less hit points you tear the soul from its flesh, killing it instantly. If the target is undead, a construct, or has no soul instead you deal an additional 8d6 necrotic damage.

Soul Sight

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak you can see souls within 30ft.

Soothing Light

3nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active when a non hostile creature within 30 feet of you regains hit points they regain an additional d8 hit points.

Speak in Tongues

1st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you can speak and understand any language.

Spell of the Archwizard, Lesser

1st-level manifestation, Prerequisite: Archwizard Sealed Entity

Choose a 1st or 2nd level spell from the wizard spell list, it counts as an Incarcerer spell for you but does not count towards your spells known. You may cast it once with out spending a spell slot.

Spell of the Archwizard, Greater

2nd-level manifestation, Prerequisite: Archwizard Sealed Entity

Choose a 2nd or 3th level spell from the wizard spell list, it counts as an Incarcerer spell for you but does not count towards your spells known. You may cast it once with out spending a spell slot.

Spell of the Archwizard, Legendary

3rd-level manifestation, Prerequisite: Archwizard Sealed Entity

Choose a 4th or 5th level spell from the wizard spell list, it counts as an Incarcerer spell for you but does not count towards your spells known. You may cast it once with out spending a spell slot.

Spell of the Archwizard, Epic

4th-level manifestation, Prerequisite: Archwizard Sealed Entity, Legendary Spell of the Archwizard

Choose a 6th or 7th level spell from the wizard spell list, it counts as an Incarcerer spell for you but does not count towards your spells known. You may cast it once with out spending a spell slot.

Spell of the Archwizard, Mythic

5th-level manifestation, Prerequisite: Archwizard Sealed Entity, Epic Spell of the Archwizard

Choose a 7th or 8th level spell from the wizard spell list, it counts as an Incarcerer spell for you but does not count towards your spells known. You may cast it once with out spending a spell slot.

Strange Flesh

1st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active your body along with any equipment you are wearing or carrying becomes strangely pliable. You can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing.

Additionally you may expend 5ft. of movement to escape from non-magical bindings or shackles.

Stronger Mind

2nd-level manifestation

You gain resistance to psychic damage and proficiency with Intelligence Saving Throws.

Thick Skin

3rd-level manifestation

You are resistant to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Weighty Presence

2nd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active creatures within 15 feet of you must expend twice their normal movement to move towards or away from you.

Wild Bells

3rd-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active, strange sounds like ethereal bells, quite wails, or ominous chanting can be heard within 120 feet of you. When a creature rolls to resist the charmed or frightened condition you may use your reaction roll your Channeling Die, and subtract the result from their roll, potentially causing them to fail. You may choose to do this after the creature rolls, but before the result is declared.

Uncanny Grasp

1st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active you do not expend extra movement when moving while grappled to 1 other creature. (If you are playing with the One D&D playtest you do not gain the Slowed Condition when you move while grappled to another creature.)

Uncommon Vitality

2nd-level manifestation

Increase you Hit Point maximum by an amount equal to twice your level.

Undaunted Generalissimo

4rd-level manifestation

Choose a creature type (aberration, beast, celestial, construct, dragon, fey, fiend, monstrosity, or undead), while your Accursed Cloak is active, at the beginning of your turn, friendly creatures of that type within 10 feet that have 1 or more hit points regain a number of hit points equal to your charisma modifier.

Unnatural Celerity

1st-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active your movement increases by 10 ft.

Void Wake

4th-level manifestation

While your Accursed Cloak is active all of your movement speeds are 15ft and the space with in 20 feet of you becomes warped and dangerous. Other creatures treat the area as difficult terrain and partially obscured, and when another creature moves into or with in the area they take 2d4 necrotic damage for every 5 feet they move.

Weird Power, Lesser

1st-level manifestation

You learn a 1st-level spell from another Sealed Entity's Expanded Spell list. You may cast it once per long rest with out expending a spell slot.

Weird Power, Greater

2nd-level manifestation

You learn a 2nd-level spell from another Sealed Entity's Expanded Spell list. You may cast it once per long rest with out expending a spell slot.

Weird Power, Legendary

3rd-level manifestation

You learn a 3rd-level spell from another Sealed Entity's Expanded Spell list. You may cast it once per long rest with out expending a spell slot.

Weird Power, Epic

4th-level manifestation

You learn a 4th-level spell from another Sealed Entity's Expanded Spell list. You may cast it once per long rest with out expending a spell slot.

Weird Power, Mythic

5th-level manifestation

You learn a 5th-level spell from another Sealed Entity's Expanded Spell list. You may cast it once per long rest with out expending a spell slot.

World Devourer

5th-level manifestation

Any nonmagical item that you consume is permanently destroyed, only a Wish spell can bring it back. If you attempt to digest a magical item it takes 8 hours and you must make a Constitution check with DC equal to 10 + 5 times the object rarity, i.e. 15 for common, 20 for uncommon, etc. If you succeed the object is destroyed. If you fail you regurgitate the magical item and take acid damage equal to the DC of the check. You can not destroy Artifacts this way.

Corruption Symptoms

1d20 Symptom
1 Normal temperatures become uncomfortable you must wear more or less clothing than most. You become immune to the effects of either hot or cold weather.
2 Strange and obvious markings appear on your body
3 Your eyes change color and become highly reflective in the dark
4 Your voice changes and become uncomfortable to listen to. Any Charisma(persuasion) ability checks are made with disadvantage while any Charisma(intimidation) checks are made with advantage
5 All of your wound heals with obvious scars made of different looking flesh. When you expend hit dice reroll any die that have the minimum or maximum result.
6 Your tastes or habits change
7 You become obsessed with acquiring or destroying all of something
8 You become allergic to a mundane material and can not touch it with out becoming very uncomfortable. While touching such a material you make all ability checks at disadvantage.
9 Pieces of your body become discolored
10 Certain topics of conversation make you feel sick
11 Peculiar and unsettling smells fills the air near you
12 Strange and disturbing nightmares fill your sleep. When you regain hit dice after a long rest you regain 1 fewer hit die than normal
13 One of your senses becomes preternaturally sharp, you gain advantage on Wisdom(perception) checks when using that sense, but you can become overwhelmed by that sense. When you experience something that would overload that sense you must make a Constitution saving throw or become stunned until the end of your next turn.
14 Scales/Plates/Fur/Feathers/Strange Markings/Twisted Flesh appears around your body
15 You remember an event that never happened to you or happened to someone else
16 You irrationally believe a particular creature to be a friend or foe
17 You muter strange things in your sleep and will sometimes sleep walk
18 You feel an emotion (fear, joy, anger, sadness) more often than normal and at inappropriate times
19 Strange protrusions or weak appendages begin growing out of your body
20 Some physical aspects of your Accursed Cloak remain, even if it isn't active.

Greater Corruption Symptoms

For every 5 Corruption Symptoms the Incarcerer has you may give the Incarcerer one of the following symptoms of Deeper Corruption.

1d6 Symptom
1 When the Incarcerer rolls a d20 for their Corruption feature, the GM may take an action if the result is a 1 or a 2
2 The Sealed Entity programs the Incarcerer to respond to certain conditions. Declare a condition and an action, whenever the condition is met the Incarcerer must make a wisdom saving throw or carry out the declared action
3 The Seal Entity enforces a taboo upon the Incarcerer making it impossible for them to discuss a particular topic or fact
4 When the Incarcerer deactivates their Accursed Cloak they must also roll a d20 for their Corruption feature.
5 When the Sealed Entity prepares an action as part of the Incarcerer's Corruption feature, the action may be carried out if the condition is met within 1 week.
6 Change one of the Incarcerers bonds, flaws, or ideals to match the Sealed Entity's

Purify Corruption

The corroding effects drawing too heavily on your sealed entity can linger for a long time. Some symptoms may never fade away. But by abstaining from using its power, deep relaxation, and any number of purification rituals you can try to purge the corruption from your body. While others may be crafting, recuperating, or plying their trade, during your downtime you might attempt to purify yourself.

After at least three days of downtime spent recuperating, and spending at least 50gp for bespoke rituals, purifying incense, holy waters, cleansing baths, or something similar, you may make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save you may remove a Corruption Symptom that is not a Greater Corruption Symptom. You gain a +1 bonus to the roll for every additional day of downtime or 10 gp you spend before making the saving throw.

Regardless of the result, going about these purifying activities can draw attention. Roll a d8, on a 1 a complication occurs according to the GM's discretion.

Removing a Greater Corruption Symptom is the same but takes a minimum of 3 weeks and 500 gp. You gain a +1 bonus for every additional week of downtime or 100 gold spent before making the saving throw.

Incarcerer Spell List

1st Level
  • Arctic BreathK
  • Burning Hands
  • Bane
  • Disquieting MurmursI
  • Inflict Wounds
  • Nauseating PoisonK
  • Lightning TendrilK
  • SlapshotI
  • Shattering StompI
  • Stone FistK
  • Thunderwave
  • Water BlastK ⠀⠀⠀
2nd Level
  • Cold SnapK
  • CrackleK
  • Darkness
  • Dazzling SpheresI
  • Gale BoltK
  • Hold Person
  • Hurricane SlashK
  • Magic Weapon
  • Shatter
  • Seeking OrbK
  • Star DustK
  • Vicious VaporsK
3rd Level
  • Aether LanceK
  • ElectrocuteK
  • Fireball
  • Flash FreezeK
  • Haste
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Magnite BurstI
  • Prismatic ChargeI
  • PsyshockI
  • Monstrous RoarI
  • Sonic SprintI
  • Thunder PulseK
  • Vorpal StrikeI
  • Vortex BlastK
4th Level
  • Aero BarrageK
  • Blight
  • Control Water
  • Dominate Beast
  • Force BladeK
  • Freedom of Movement
  • GeyserK
  • Ice Storm
  • Orbital StonesK
  • Poison PuffK
  • SuffocateK
  • Wall of Fire
5th Level
  • Antilife Shell
  • Aether StormK
  • Aether GeyserI
  • Ars FerrumI
  • Commune
  • Cone of Cold
  • Aura ForceI
  • FissureK
  • Flame Strike
  • Sky BurstK
  • Sonic RaveI
  • Sonic ShriekK
  • TornadoK

Spells marked with a K are from Kibbles' Generic Spells Spells marked with a I are found in Appendix C at the end of this document


Appendix A: Unleashed Forms

A CR 16 fey and a lesser Tarrasque creature have been provided here for the Domination transformation of the Archfey Sealed Entity and the Ageless Tarrasque.

The Summer Queen

Medium fey, chaotic neutral

  • Armor Class 18
  • Hit Points 165 (22d8+66)
  • Speed 50 ft.

14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5)

  • Saving Throws Dex +10, Wis +9, Cha +10
  • Skills Perception, Nature, Insight, Intimidation
  • Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non magical attacks, Fire
  • Condition Immunities Charmed
  • Senses Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 20
  • Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Telepathy (60ft)
  • Challenge 16(15,000exp)

Fey Step. As a bonus action, the Summer Queen can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Magic Resistance. The Summer Queen has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Spellcasting. The Summer Queen’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +12 to hit with spell attacks). The Summer Queen has the following spells prepared:

At-Will: Druidcraft, Produce Flame, Friends

4/day each: Command, Charm Person, Detect Thoughts, Faerie Fire, Healing Word, Phantasmal Force

3/day each: Daylight, Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Wall of Fire

1/day each: Conjure fey, Sunbeam, Firestorm

Bonded Blade. As an action or a bonus action, the Summer Queen can summon or dismiss the long sword Summer Storm from an extraplanar pocket.


Multiattack. he Summer Queen makes two weapon attacks

Summer Storm. Melee magic weapon attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target: Hit: 15(2d8 + 7) slashing damage plus 4(1d8) fire damage or 17(2d10 + 7) slashing damage plus 4(1d8) fire damage if used with two hands.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) fire damage.

Dazzling Light (Recharge 5-6). Bright sheets of light and heat suddenly feel the area around the Summer Queen. A creature that is within 20 feet and can see must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 fire damage and become incompasitated until the end of their next turn.

Lesser Tarrasque

Huge monstrosity (titan), unaligned

  • Armor Class 20 (Natrual Armor)
  • Hit Points 380 (33d10+198)
  • Speed 35 ft.

22 (+6) 11 (+0) 22 (+6) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Int +1, Wis +5, Cha +5
  • Damage Resistances Fire, Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing From Nonmagical Attacks
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 10
  • Challenge 16(15,000exp)

Magic Resistance. The tarrasque has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Reflective Carapace. Any time the tarrasque is targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a d6. On a 5, the tarrasque is unaffected. On a 6, the tarrasque is unaffected, and the effect is reflected back at the caster as though it originated from the tarrasque, turning the caster into the target.

Siege Monster. The tarrasque deals double damage to objects and structures.


Multiattack. The tarrasque can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite, one with its claws, one with its horns or with its tail. It can use its Swallow instead of its bite.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d12 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the tarrasque can't bite another target

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d8 + 6) slashing damage.

Horns. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d10 + 6) piercing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: (4d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the tarrasque's choice within 60 feet of it and aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the tarrasque is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the tarrasque's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Swallow. The tarrasque makes one bite attack against a Large or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes the bite's damage, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the tarrasque, and it takes 28 (8d6) acid damage at the start of each of the tarrasque's turns. If the tarrasque takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the tarrasque must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the tarrasque. If the tarrasque dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 30 feet of movement, exiting prone.

Wonder Tree

Gargantuan Plant(Titan), Generally Neutral

  • Armor Class 20(Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 172(16d10+112)
  • Speed 10 ft.

20 (+5) 6 (-2) 25 (+7) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2)

  • Wardens of the Arbor. The first time the Wonder Tree drops below 90 HP it immediately summons 2 Treants, which are friendly to the Wonder Tree and take their turn on initiative count 10.
  • False Appearance. When the Wonder Tree remains motionless, it are indistinguishable from a massive ancient tree.
  • Immutable Form. The Wonder Tree is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.
  • Regeneration. At the beginning of The Wonder Tree's turn if it has 1 or more hit points it regains 25 hit points. The Wonder Tree does not regenerate if it has taken any cold damage since the end of its last turn.
  • Spreading Roots. If the Wonder Tree has spent 0 movement, until the end of its next turn, the ground in a 10 ft radius around it is difficult terrain. Each creature that starts its turn in that area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have its speed reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.
  • Siege Monster. The Wonder Tree deals double damage to objects and structures.


  • Multiattack. The Wonder Tree makes 2 Slam attacks and then uses either Grasping Roots or Energy Drain
  • Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +12. Reach: 15 ft., Hit: 22 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
  • Grasping Roots. Creatures of the Wonder Tree's choice within 10 feet must make a DC 19 Saving Throw or they become grappled by the Wonder Tree.
  • Energy Drain. All creatures grappled by the Wonder Tree must make a DC 16 Constitution Saving throw, taking 9 (1d10 + 4) necrotic damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful save. The Wonder Tree then regains 4 hit points for every creature it has grappled.
  • Bestow Life. The Wonder Tree reduces its HP by any amount, then creatures of the Wonder Tree's choice regain HP equal to that amount split evenly between the chosen creatures.


  • Gushing Sap. When the Wonder Tree takes bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage it may use its reaction to force 1 creature within 10 feet to succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity Saving Throw or become Incapacitated by a mass of sticky sap. An Incapacitated creature may use its action to reattempt the saving throw to escape.

Legendary Actions

The Wonder Tree can take 1 legendary action, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. You regain spent legendary actions at the start of your turn.

  • Branch. The Wonder Tree makes a Slam attack
  • Vines. A creature within 60 feet must make a DC 19 Dexterity Saving throw or be pulled 30 feet toward the Wonder Tree.

Appendix B: Loyal Servants

Stat blocks for several Tiny CR 1 creatures have been included as options for the Loyal Servant Manifestation. These may also be used as extended familiar option for other characters. A warlock with a Celestial Patron may find themselve provided with an Urvan assistant while the Great Old One may send a Yk'thy to support their dreambound servant.


Tiny celestial, lawful good

  • Armor Class 12
  • Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
  • Speed 30

6 (-2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

  • Skills Insight +3, Persuasion +4, Religion (+3) Stealth +4
  • Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities poisoned
  • Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
  • Languages Celestial, Common
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Shapechanger. The Urvan can use its action to polymorph into a beast form that resembles a dove (speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft.), a cat (30ft., climb 30ft.), a fish (40 ft., swim 40 ft.), or back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each form, except for the speed changes noted. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Magic Resistance. The Urvan has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5, one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) bludgeoning damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 11 Intelligence saving throw or take 2(1d4) psychic damage and become charmed by you for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success

Flair(1/Day). One creature of the Urvan's choice within 20 ft of it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the Urvan is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Invisibility. The Urvan magically turns invisible until it attacks or uses Flair, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the Urvan wears or carries is invisible with it

Variant: Urvan Familiar

Mortal spellcasters interested in extraplanar familiars find Urvan easy to summon and eager to serve. The Urvan plays the part of deferential assistant. It serves its summoner well, but tries to inspire them to greater and greater acts of kindness and gentleness. Such Urvan have the following trait.

Familiar. The Urvan can serve another creature as a familiar, forming a telepathic bond with its willing master. While the two are bonded, the master can sense what the Urvan senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. While the Urvan is within 10 ft of its master, the master shares the Urvan's Maic Resistance trait. At any time and for any reason, the Urvan can end its service as a familiar, ending the telepathic bond.


Tiny Aberration, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 13 (3d4+6)
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

  • Skills skills
  • Damage Immunities Psychic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
  • Senses Blindsense 15ft, Mindsight 120ft., passive Perception 10,
  • Languages Deep Speech, Telepathy 120ft.
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Mindsight. The Yk'thy is blind and must rely on its hearing, unless there is a creature within range of its telepathy. The Yk'thy can uses the senses of any creature within range of its telepathy.


Rift Warp. The Yk'thy teleports to a space that it can sense with its blindsense or mindsight within 60ft. Creatures withing 5ft. of the space it left and the space it teleported to must make a DC 10 Intelligence saveing throw or take 5(2d4) psychic damage. If the Yk'thy is grappled to another creature, they are teleported with the Yk'thy and must make both saving throws.

Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, Reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (2d4+1) Bludgeoning damage, and the creature is grappled, escape DC 10.

Psychic Scream (recharge 5-6). The Yk'thy lets loose a disorienting screech that scrambles the mind. All creatures within 30ft. must make a DC 10 Intelligence saving throw or take 5 (2d4) psychic damage, if they fail by 5 or more they are also stunned until the end of the Yk'thy's next turn.

Variant: Yk'thy Familiar

Mortal spellcasters interested in extraplanar familiars find Yk'thy easy to summon and easy to control. The Yk'thy plays the part of living tool. It serves its summoner to the letter. Such Yk'thy have the following trait.

Familiar. The Yk'thy can serve another creature as a familiar, forming a telepathic bond with its willing master. While the two are bonded, the master can sense what the Yk'thy senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. While the Yk'thy is within 10 ft of its master, the master shares the Yk'thy's mindsight. At any time and for any reason, the Yk'thy can end its service as a familiar, ending the telepathic bond.


Tiny Fey, Chaotic Neutral

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 7 (3d4)
  • Speed fly 60 ft.

6 (-2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Wis +3
  • Skills Nature +3, Perception +3, Stealth +5
  • Damage Vulnerabilities poison, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from iron weapons
  • Condition Immunities charmed, restrained
  • Senses passive Perception 11
  • Languages
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Gaseous Form. While in this form an Ariel gains all the affects of the gasious form spell.

Breeze Step. If an Ariel moves in the same direction of a breeze or stiff wind they may move 2 additional feet for every foot of movement spent.

Innate Spellcasting. The Ariel's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast the following spells: At will: druidcraft, aerokinesisI

1/day each: confusion, dancing lights, detect evil and good, detect thoughts, dispel magic, entangle, gust of wind

Magic Resistance. The Ariel has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Superior Invisibility. The Ariel magically turns invisible until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the pixie wears or carries is invisible with it.

Vapor Form An Ariel may use its action to transform into it Gaseous Form or regular forms.

Spectral Cat

Tiny Undead, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 7 (3d4)
  • Speed 40ft., fly 20 ft.

1 (-5) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

  • Saving Throws Wis +3
  • Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6
  • Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Incorporeal Movement. The spectral cat can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 4 (1d8) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the spectral cat has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Life Drain. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (3d4) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Appendix C: New Spells

Additional Cantrips


Transmutation cantrip

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet (15-foot cube)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous, conc. 1 minute, or 1 hour

You can influence the air in a 10-foot cube that you can see within range. You may impose one of the following effects:

  • You can alter the natural flow of moving air by up to 5 miles per hour causing it to speed up, slow down, reverse or stop.
  • Create a breeze of 5 miles per hour that blows about loose items like leaves, cloths, hair, smoke, and dust as you direct it. These effects may last up to an hour.
  • In environments with enough moisture you may cause a light mist to form, which you can shape into rough shapes and figures. These maintain their form for a while but disperse after 1 hour. If you concentrate on this spell you may cause these sculptures to animate at your direction. Creatures within these mists are considered partially obscured. These mists are dispersed after 1 hour or with a moderate or stronger wind (10 miles an hour or more)
  • Create a momentary gust of moderate wind to blow one object that is not carried and weighs less than ten pounds 5 feet in a direction of your choice.
  • Increase or decrease the temperature of the air by up to 10 degrees.

If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have no more than two of its non-instantaneous, non-concentration effects active at a time. You may cause any of the persistent effects to end as an action.

The size of the area you can affect increases by 5 feet when you reach 5th level (15-foot cube), 11th level (20-foot cube), and 17th level (25-foot cube).

Eldritch Edge

Evocation cantrip

  • Classes: Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You strike out with an weapon of crackling magical energy. Make a melee spell attack against a creature in range. On a hit the target takes 1d10+1 force damage.

The spell last long enough to make more than one attack when you reach higher levels: two attacks at 5th level, three attacks at 11th level, and four attacks at 17th level. You can attack the same target or different ones.


Transmutation cantrip

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous, conc. 1 minute, or 1 hour

You can influence the dirt, sand, gravel, stone in a 5-foot cube that you can see within range. You may impose one of the following effects:

  • You may cause all the soil, sand, and loose gravel in the target area to either harmlessly move, collecting itself in a pile, up to 5 feet away, or violently disperse. Creatures within 5ft of the target area must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1 point of piercing damage.
  • You may cause the earth to coalesce and form simple shapes or rough sculptures. These maintain their form for a while but fall apart after 1 hour. If you concentrate on this spell you may cause these sculptures to animate at your direction, but they are not solid enough to cause damage.
  • You can cause 1 cubic foot of solid stone to break apart into gravel.
  • You pact together loose soil or sand causing it to become solid like unfired clay.

If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have no more than two of its non-instantaneous, non-concentration effects active at a time. You may cause any of the persistent effects to end with an action.

The size of the area you can affect increases by 5 feet when you reach 5th level (10-foot cube), 11th level (15-foot cube), and 17th level (20-foot cube).


Transmutation cantrip

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet (5-foot cube)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous, conc. 1 minute, or 1 hour

You can influence the water in a 5-foot cube that you can see within range. You may impose one of the following effects:

  • You can alter the flow of moving water causing it to speed up, slow down, reverse or stop. These effects may last up to an hour.
  • You may cause still or slow-moving water to move up to 5 feet away, in any direction other than up. These effects may last up to an hour.
  • You can cause the waters to coalesce and form simple shapes or rough forms. These maintain their form for a while but fall apart after 1 hour. If you concentrate on this spell you may cause these sculptures to animate at your direction, but they are not solid enough to cause damage.
  • You may cause change the water’s phase from solid ice to liquid water or vice versa, or from liquid water to water vapor. These effects may last up to an hour before the water returns to its natural form.
  • You may change the water’s color and clarity. These effects may last up to an hour.
  • You may change the water’s surface tension. A creature in the affected water must make a Strength saving throw or their movement is decreased by 10 until the end of their next turn.

If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have no more than two of its non-instantaneous, non-concentration effects active at a time. You may cause any of the persistent effects to end with an action.

The size of the area you can affect increases by 5 feet when you reach 5th level (10-foot cube), 11th level (15-foot cube), and 17th level (20-foot cube).


Necromancy cantrip

  • Classes: Cleric, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction which you take to taking bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You let loose a cry to help you power through the pain. If you are not rendered unconscious or incapacitated by the triggering damage, you gain 1 temporary hit point.

When you reach higher levels the number of temporary hit points you gain increases, 2 temporary hit points at 5th level, 3 at 11th level, and 4 at 17th level.


Transmutation cantrip

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet (5-foot cube)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous, conc. 1 minute, or 1 hour

You can influence the nonmagical flame in a 5-foot cube that you can see within range. You may impose one of the following effects:

  • You may extinguish the fire or bring forth a flame from dry kindling, a smoking wick, hot coal, or glowing ember.
  • You may cause the fire to be smokeless or double the amount of smoke it releases, further you can choose the direction and shape of the smoke, as long as there is no wind greater than 5 miles per hour. These effects may last up to an hour.
  • You may change the color, intensity, and size of the flame as long as it remains in the original area. These effects may last up to an hour.
  • You can make the flame seem cool to the touch, or cause it to become so hot all creatures within 5 feet must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1 point of fire damage.
  • You may separate some of the flames and hold them in your hands or cause them to float within 5 feet of you. While you maintain concentration on this spell, the flame does not need fuel to continue to burn. You may use a bonus action to end concentration and fling the fire, make a ranged spell attack against a creature or object in range, on a hit the target takes 1d4 fire damage.
  • You may cause the flames to twist to display images. These maintain their form for a while but fall apart after 1 hour. If you concentrate on this spell you may cause these sculptures to animate at your direction, but they are not solid enough to cause damage

If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have no more than two of its non-instantaneous, non-concentration effects active at a time. You may cause any of the persistent effects to end with an action.

The size of the area you can affect increases by 5 feet when you reach 5th level (10-foot cube), 11th level (15-foot cube), and 17th level (20-foot cube).

Mind Blow

Divination cantrip

  • Classes: Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You overwhelm a creature within range with an invasive emotion, vision, or revelation. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d6 psychic damage and be unable to take reactions until the end of their next turn. Creatures that must make a concentration check because of this spell must make it with disadvantage.

The number of creatures you can affect with this spell increases by 2 when you reach 5th level(3), 11th level(5), and 17th level(7).

Ripple Pulse

Evocation Cantrip

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take to hitting a creature with either weapon or spell attack multiple times on a single turn
  • Range: Self(15 foot cube)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You repurpose the residual energy from your attacks and emit a shockwave magical force. All creatures within range must make a strength saving throw or take 1d6 force damage and are knocked prone, taking half damage on a successful save.

This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6) and 17th level (4d6)

Temper Mettle

Transmutation Cantrip

  • Classes: Bard
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S, V
  • Duration: 1 round

You reach out and ward a creature you can touch from imminent harm. Until the beginning of your next turn the next time that creature takes bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, reduce the damage taken by 3.

The damage reduction increases when you reach higher levels, 6 at 5th level, 9 at 11th level, and 12 at 17th level.

Thunder Clash

Evocation Cantrip

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take to hitting a creature with weapon or spell attack multiple times on a single turn
  • Range: Self(5 foot radius)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You amplify the sound of your attacks, releasing a powerful shockwave. All creatures within range must make a strength saving throw or take 1d6 thunder damage and are pushed 5ft away from you and the spell emits a thunderous boom audible out to 100ft.

The distance creatures are knocked back by this spell increases by 5ft when you reach 5th level(10ft), 11th level(15ft), and 17th level(20ft)


Transmutation cantrip

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet (15-foot cube)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous, conc. 1 minute, or 1 hour

You can influence the shadows in a 5-foot cube that you can see within range. You may impose one of the following effects:

  • You may darken shadows in the area, causing dim light to become darkness and natural darkness to become magical darkness that dark vision can not pierce. The shadows return to normal after 1 hour.
  • You may cause natural shadows to move independently of a light source or the objects casting them.
  • You may create new shadows that appear to be cast by nothing.
  • You may cause the shadows to present images like a shadow play.
  • You may cause the shadows to lift out of the ground forming rough figures and shapes, even simple objects. These creations are immaterial, dissolve with even the lightest pressure, and must remain connected to a natural shadow by at least a thread. If you maintain concentration on this spell you may cause the shadows to animate at your direction.

If you cast this spell multiple times you can have no more than two of its non-instantaneous, non-concentration effects active at a time. You may cause any of the persistent effects to end as an action.

The size of the area you can affect increases by 5 feet when you reach 5th level (15-foot cube), 11th level (20-foot cube), and 17th level (25-foot cube).

Additional Leveled Spells

Aether Geyser

5th-level Conjuration, Combo

  • Classes: Cleric, Incarcerer, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take to hitting a creature with a weapon or spell attack multiple times on a single turn
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S, V, M(Three chain links)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You use your momentum to briefly shatter the barrier between the material and the ethereal planes. Make a melee spell attack against a creature within reach. On a hit a geyser of magical energy engulfs them dealing 6d10 radiant damage.

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell with a spell slot of 6th level or higher, increase the damage by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.

Ars Ferrum

5th-level Conjuration

  • Classes: Bard, Incarcerer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M(a melee weapon worth at least 1sp)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You flourish the weapon used in the casting then make up to 6 melee spell attacks, on a hit a target takes 1d10 force damage. If at least 1 of those attacks hits, you may continue making melee spell attacks until you make 6 more attacks or an attack misses.

If you make at least 8 attacks with this spell you may make 1 additional attack, on a hit the target takes an additional 8d10 force damage.

Aura Force

5th-level Abjuration

  • Classes: Cleric, Incarcerer, Paladin, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self(30-foot radius)
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Your awesome presence condenses around you, heavy enough to crack the ground beneath you. Loose soil, small rocks, and unattended objects less than 10 pounds float up into the air, then fall. Creatures within a 30 foot radius must make a Strength or Charisma saving throw (their choice), or take 5d8 thunder damage and 5d8 force damage and be knocked back 10 feet or fall prone(your choice), only half damage if they succeed.

Buoyant Zone

3rd-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Bard, Warlock, Wizard
  • **Casting Time: ** 1 action
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: S, V, M(Soap bubbles)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Creatures and objects within a 30 foot cube anchored at a point within range begin to float around, as if they weighed nothing at all. Creatures that move into this space, or bein their turn there, must make an Dexterity(acrobatics) check or walking speed becomes 0. Creatures in this area can not fall prone, and if they were prone when this spell is cast they immediately rise from prone. Weapon attacks made by creature in the effected area are made with disadvantage.

Brilliant Beacon

4th-level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: S, M(candle and bone ash)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute

You create a brilliant orb of colored light at a point you can see within range. The orb sheds bright light for 1 mile, and dim light for 1 mile beyond that. Unobstructed, the orb is visible up to 5 miles away. Creatures within 120 feet of the orb make all Wisdom(perception) checks that rely on sight with disadvantage. Creatures within 60 feet must avert their eyes or make a Constitution saving throw, becoming blinded until the beginning of their next turn.

If there is an area of magical darkness created by a spell of 2nd level or lower within 60ft of the orb, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.

Conjure Weapon

2nd-level Conjuration

  • Classes: Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S,V
  • Duration: 1 minute

You conjure up a copy of a nonmagical weapon you have seen or studied. When the spell ends the conjured weapon dissolves away.

A creature may make a perception check against your spell save DC to determine that the weapon is merely a conjured magical construction.

At Higher Levels. If you cast this using a slot of 4th-level or higher the weapon gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage and is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. If you cast this using a spell slot of 6th-level or higher you may create a copy of a rare or lesser magical weapon that you have seen or studied. If you cast this using a spell slot of 8th level or higher you may create a copy of a very rare or lesser magical weapon that you have seen or studied. When a copy of a weapon dissolves any effects associated with it end.

Color out of Space

4-level Conjuration

  • Classes: Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action (ritual)
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S, V, M (a stone that fell from the sky)
  • Duration: 10 minutes

At a point within range, you summon up an object of whirling ethereal light and color surrounding an impossibly black kernel, called a Xenochromatic. The Xenochromatic has an AC of 18 and 2hp and emits a cloud of glowing gas that saturates the air within 30 feet of it. This smoke extends around corners and is unmoved by winds less than 30 mph. The glowing smoke heavily obscures the area and kills all mundane plantlife it touches, leaving behind naught but dust. At the end of your turn, all non-aberration creatures within the smoke must make a charisma saving throw or take 2d6 necrotic damage and reduce their charisma by 1d4, taking half damage on a successful save. A creature dies and turns to dust if its charisma is reduced to 0, otherwise, the reduction lasts until it completes a long rest.

On your turn, you may use a bonus action to move the Xenochromatic up to 30ft.

A creature that destroys the Xenochromatic gains a temporary boost to its Charisma equal to half the charisma damage the Xenochromatic caused, this bonus last until it completes a short or long rest. A creature can make a DC 20 arcana check to identify or intuit this effect. If this spell continues for its full duration it violently disappears, and for a year nothing will grow where the Xenochromatics smoke touched


5th-level Enchantment

  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: S, V
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You attempt to overwhelm a creature in range with your presence. The target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw or become charmed until the spell ends or you or your allies do something harmful to them. A creature charmed like this is friendly toward you. When the spell ends the creature makes an Intelligence saving throw, if it succeeds it becomes aware that it was magically charmed by you. If it fails it does not recognize that it was magically charmed and will take whatever you said to it to heart, like it came from an important or dear friend. A creature that remains charmed by you for a full 10 minutes and fails the Intelligence saving throw will pursue a course of action you described to it to the best of its ability for the next 8 hours.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher you may target an additional for each slot level used above 5th.

Blade Tree

5th-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Cleric, Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S, V, M(a metallic weapon worth at least 2sp, which is consumed)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You plant your blade into a creature, and it suddenly grows into a twisting, forked, and serrated tree made of metal piercing through your targets flesh. Make a melee spell attack, on a hit the target takes 5d10 piercing damage, 5d10 slashing damage, and is restrained. A restrained creature may use an action to make an Strength(athletics) check against your spell save DC to escape.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher increase both the piercing and slashing damage by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.


2nd-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, M(a broken watch or cracked hourglass)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You cause time to flicker around a creature with in range. The target creature must make a Charisma saving throw, if it fails the save that creature now shares your initiative and takes its turn after yours, if it has already had a turn this round it is incapacitated until the beginning of your next turn. A creature my choose to willingly fail this roll.

Corrupt Essence

5th-level Necromancy

  • Classes: Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action (ritual)
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: S, V, M(a ruby worth at least 50 gp that you have held under your tongue while you sleep)
  • Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute

A shard of blood-red light flashes from you and embeds itself in your target, forming a connection for sickly green lightning to begin filling them with the horrific energies of undeath. When you cast this spell make a ranged spell attack, dealing 4d6 piercing damage and 4d6 necrotic damage.

While you concentrate on this spell you may use your action to make an ability check using your spellcasting ability contested by their Constitution check. If you win the target suffers 6d6 necrotic damage.

A target killed by this spell rises as a Zombie at the beginning of their next turn. A zombie will move towards and attack the nearest creature during their turn.

If you target an undead creature with this spell, they regain hit points equal to half the necrotic damage they would have taken instead.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher all necrotic damage this spell does increases by 1d6 for every slot level above 5th.

Draconic Echoes

4th-level Evocation

  • Classes: Sorcerer
  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Selt
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 hour

Visions of the legendary dragons who’s influence echoes through the multiverse hover around you. For the duration you gain a +2 bonus to melee weapon attacks. The first melee weapon attack you hit with deals an additional 1d8 of each of acid, cold, fire, lightning and poison damage, then the spell ends.

Dazzling Spheres

2nd-level Conjuration, Combo

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Incarcerer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take to hitting a creature with a weapon or spell attack
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S, M( clear quartz crystal)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Dazzling spheres of white light burst from you and hang in the air for a moment. Creatures within 5ft of you, must make a wisdom saving throw or they are charmed by you until the end of their turn.

Devilish Delight

2nd-level Illusion

  • Classes: Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 10 minutes (ritual)
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: S, M(an unwashed plate)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You set out a feast of illusory food, or disguise a meal already set before you, for up to 5 people. Creatures that eat this apparently bountiful spread believe that they have just had one of the best meals they have ever had. Illusory food provides no nutritional benefits, while disguised food tastes like what it appears to be, even if it is spoiled or poisoned. Anyone who eats this food must make a Wisdom saving throw or they become charmed by you for 24 hours, they may reattempt the saving throw if you or one of your allies makes a hostile move towards them. Creatures charmed in this way crave another taste of your food and may behave differently to convince you to give them more.

A creature may attempt an Intelligence(Investigation) Check to realize that the feast before them is an illusion.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the number of people that may partake in your feast increases by 5 for each slot level above 2nd.


1st-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Druid, Ranger
  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action (ritual)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S, V, M(a fossil fragment)
  • Duration: 1 minutes

The fangs, claws, horns, tentacles, or pseudopods of a creature you touch grow larger fueled by primevil energies. Increase the side of one of the damage die of the attacks made by that creature using a natural weapon.

Disquieting Murmurs

1st-level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Druid, Incarcerer, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 15 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You whisper strange words and sounds that strike to the mind's primal root. Creatures of your choice within range must make a Wisdom saving throw or they must use their reaction to move up to their speed until they are out of range. If a creature ends their movement and they are still in range they take 2d8 psychic damage.


3rd-level Enchantment

  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • **Casting Time: ** 1 action
  • Range: 5 feet*
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours

You whisper poisonous words into the ear of a creature in range, seeding doubt in their mind about a single person, creature, institution, or fact. You may target any creature you have a telepathic connection with, but the spell ends when that link is severed.

The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. A creature automatically succeeds if it is immune to being frightened or charmed. On a failed save doubt takes root in the creature’s mind and they become frightened of the entity you cast dispursions on and charmed by you. Each time the target takes damage it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.

At the beninng of an affected creatures turn and they can see the target of doubt, roll a d10, on a 1 the affected creature must attack the target or flee.

If a creature remains under these effects for a full 24 hours, the effects become permanent until the dispelled or removed by magic.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher you may target an additional creature for every slot level above 3rd.

Elemental Immunity

4th-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Cleric, Paladin
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a small doll)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Choose either acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage. You grant one creature you can touch immunity to the chosen damage type.

Evoker’s Orb

3rd-level Evocation

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M(A glass marble)
  • Duration: Conc. 1 minute

Choose on type of damage from acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison or thunder; you summon an orb of raw elemental energy matching the chosen type. The orb sheds bright light for 30 feet and dim light for 30 feet beyond that. When this spell is cast you gain access to a pool of 7d6, when a spell or magical effect in range deals the chosen damage type you may expend and roll one d6, adding the result to the damage dealth. Alternatively you may use your reaction to roll a d6 and reduce the damage dealt, instead, if you do so regain one of die in your pool. You may not gain more dice in your pool that it had when cast.

When this spell ends, or you dismiss it with a bonus action, you regain a spell slot equal to half of the dice left in your pool rounded down.

Another spell caster may attempt to gain control over your orb with a successful Spellcasting ability check against your spell save DC. On a success you end your concentration on this spell and they begin concentrating on it, gaining its benefits instead; if they fail regain one die in your pool.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher you pool starts with 2 additional d6 for each slot level used above 3rd.

Extraordinary Geometry

3rd-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60ft.
  • Components: S, V, M (a measuring ruler, which is consumed)
  • Duration: 10 minutes

You slightly rotate the spacetime of 30ft radius sphere, centered on a point you can see in range, causing normal geometry to break and become non-euclidian. Parallel lines can intersect and creatures can be swallowed whole by acute angles that act obtuse.

Other non-aberration creatures in that area must spend twice their normal movement and take 2d6 slashing damage for every 5 feet they move. Creatures outside the area have disadvantage on attacks made against creatures inside the area and vis-versa. On your turn, while you are inside the area, you may use your bonus action to Hide, even if you would not otherwise be able to hide as you step into the folds of extruded spacetime.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of n+1th level or higher, increase the diameter of the affected area by 10 feet for each slot level above N.

Ferric Wardens

4th-level Abjuration

  • Classes: Cleric, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S, V, M(4 miniature iron shields worth at least 8gp)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You enchant and enlarge a set of toy shields. For the duration you can individually command 4 floating shields to protect up to 4 creatures in range. A creature gains a +1 bonus to their AC for each shield assigned to them. If a creature has 2 or more shields assigned to them they gain advantage on dexterity saving throws. A creature that has more than 3 shields assigned to them, including any shield they may already have, makes all attack rolls with disadvantage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher you create 1 additional shield for every slot level above 4th.

Flash Step

5th-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S, V
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes

Until this spell ends one creature you touch has its movement speed doubled. Additionally, during their turn, the creature may use a bonus action to expend any amount of movement and teleport an equal amount to an unoccupied space it can see.

Geiger’s Sickening Gaze

1st-level Necromancy

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: M (a chip of phosphorescent material)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A barely visible blue beam of radiation streaks from one of your eyes. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature within range. On a hit the target takes 2d6 poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save the creature takes an additional 1d6 necrotic damage and becomes poisoned until the end of their next turn.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, in crease both poison and necrotic damage by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Grim Hymn

4th-level Necromancy

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Your eyes and hair turn pitch black as you sing a haunting incantation. Just hearing it is enough to weaken the bonds between body and soul. You can not voluntaraly end your concentration on this spell, unless you use your action to make a charisma saving throw and succeed. For the duration you can not take actions, bonus actions, or reactions, other than attempting to end this spell. At the end of your turn all creatures in range that can hear you, including yourself, must make a constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhausion. When other creatures that can hear you begins their turn within range they must reattempt the saving throw, gaining another level of exhaustion on a failed save.

Any levels of exhaustion cause by this spell go away when this spell ends.


4th-level Evocation

  • Classes: Cleric, Druid
  • **Casting Time: ** 1 action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: S, M(a stone that weighs at least 5 pounds, which is consumed)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You break the stone and tear open a small rift to the elemental plane of water, releasing a sudden flood. All creatures in a 60 foot cone must make a Strength saving throw or take 8d6 bludgeoning damage and are moved to the far edge of the cone, taking half damage on a successful save.

While you maintain concentration the cone this spell effects increases by 10 feet at the beginning of your turn. The area is difficult terrain, and creatures that start their turn in the affected area must reattempt the saving throw or they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and are moved to the nearest edge of the cone.

When this spell ends, most of the water evaporates. The rift remains as a permanent rift to the elemental plane of water, releasing a trickle of water, it is almost indistinguishable from a natural, if implausible, spring.

Hell Forged Chains

5th-level Conjuration

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (10 feet)
  • Components: S, V, M (a bracelet of rusted iron)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Torturous animated chains burst forth from your skin and form a shroud around you. As part of casting this spell you make a ranged spell attack with one end of your chain against a creature within 10 feet, dealing 4d8 slashing damage on a hit, and the target must make a Strength saving throw or become grappled. Until this grapple ends the creature is restrained and takes 1d8 piercing damage at the start of their turn. You may not have more than 2 creatures grappled this way.

And when you take the attack action you may replace any of the attack with an attack by your chain. If you attack with your chain while grappling two creatures you end one of the grapples.

Hymn of Power

5th-level Enchantment

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Paladin
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You begin a holy chant that fills your allies with divine power. When you cast this spell choose the type of hymn that you encant. You may use a bonus action to change the type of hymn.

  • Protection. All friendly creatures within range may add 1d4 to saving throws made against spells and other magical effects. Additionally, if an affected creature succeeds on a saving throw and would take half damage, they take one-quarter of the damage instead.
  • Invigoration. All friendly creatures that begin their turn within range increase their movement speed by 10 feet, additionally they may remove one level of exhaustion at the beginning of their turn.
  • Aid. All friendly creatures that begin their turn within range regain 1 hp. Additionally, friendly creatures within range may roll and add 1d4 to an attack roll, damage roll, or ability check.

Igniting Gaze

5th-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes

Your destructive attention causes one creature or object you can see within range to ignite with a cursed flame. The target makes a Charisma saving throw. It takes 6d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. On a failed save the creature continues burning for the spell’s duration. At the end of their turn, a burning creature must repeat the saving throw, taking 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or extinguishing the flames on a successful one.

On your turn you may use your action to target your gaze at the same or a different creature or object, forcing them to make the initial saving throw; a creature that is already burning automatically fails the saving throw.

These magical flames can’t be extinguished by nonmagical means. If you can not see a burning creature or if it has full cover the flames are extinguished.

If damage from this spell kills a target. The target is turned to ash.


1st-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Bard, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S, V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

An object that you can touch that is small or tiny that weighs 50 pounds or less, accelerates suddenly. You may choose one of the following paths for the object to take:

  • Arch. Creatures, objects, and structures within 5 feet of a point within 90 ft must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 bludgeoning damage for every 5 pounds the object weighed.
  • Line. Creatures, objects, and structures along a 60-foot-long 1-foot wide line must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 bludgeoning damage for every 5 pounds the object weighed.

Regardless of the path chosen, the object also takes the damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the maximum weight of the object increases by 50 pounds for each slot level above 1st. Additionally higher slot levels increase the size of the object you may use and the area of effect: using a 3rd level or higher slot you may use a medium-size object which affects either a circle with a 20-foot diameter circle or a 60 by 5-foot line, using a 5th level or higher slot you may use a large-size object which affects either a circle with a 30-foot diameter circle or a 60 by 10-foot line.

Increase Mass

1st-level Transmutation, Dueling

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action or 1 reaction which you take when you would be forced to make a Strength saving throw
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S,V
  • Duration: 1 minute

For the duration the mass of a creature or object you can touch quadruples. It gains advantage on Strength saving throws and resistance to bludgeoning damage, including against the triggering effect. If the new weight exceeds its carrying capacity it is considered encumbered.

Additionally, if it makes a melee weapon attack against a prone or grappled target, on a hit it deals an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage.

You may use a bonus action to end this spell’s effects.

At Higher Levels. If you cast this using a 3rd- or 4th- level spell slot the effects last for 1 hour. If you cast this using a spell slot of 5th-level or higher the effects last for 24 hours.


1st-level Enchantment

  • Classes: Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: 1 minute

You place a minor curse on a creature you can see within range. When the cursed creature makes an attack or ability check you may roll a d20, before the result of the action is announced you may choose to substitute its roll with yours. If this changes a success into a failure the curse fades away and the spell ends.

Casting remove curse on the target ends this spell early.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, the spell lasts for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the spell lasts for up to 24 hours.

Jovian Weight

4th-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 ft
  • Components: S, V, M(a crown of laurels)
  • Duration: Concentration, upto 10 minutes

All other creatures in range feel themselves pulled down by the suddenly intensified gravity. All creatures in range must make a Strength Saving throw and use their full movement to rise from being prone. All small or larger creatures must spend 2 feet of movement for every foot they use. All medium or larger creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet they move. A large or larger creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage at the beginning of their turn. Huge and larger creatures immediately fall prone and take an additional 1d6 damage at the beginning of their turn and when moving.

Light Cannon

5th-level Evocation

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer
  • **Casting Time: ** 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S, V, M(a Ruby worth at least 500gp)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You release a beam of brilliant radiance. All creatures within a 60 foot long, 10 foot wide line must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 8d8 radiant damage, or half as much on a successful save. All flammable objects in that area that are not being worn or carried ignite.

Living Cable

3rd-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Ranger, Sorcerer
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: S,V, M(a length or metal wire or cable)
  • Duration: concentration up to 1 hour

You magically animate a length of metal wire or cable, which uses the Animated Cable stat block. The Animated Cable is friendly toward you and obays your commands (no action required), it shares your initiative count but takes its turnimmediatly after yours. If you give it no instruction it moves toward you as much as possible and takes its Guard on you if possible.

At Higher Levels. If you use a slot level above 3rd the AC and HP of the Living Cable increase, as specified in its stat block.

Magnetic Field

1st-level Transfiguration

  • Classes: Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 15 feet
  • Components: M (a load stone)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Creatures with in range wearing or carrying metal must expend twice their normal movement to move away from you.

Small metallic objects in range that are not being worn or carried are pulled toward you.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, increase the range of this spell by 5 feet for each slot level above 1st.

Animated Cable

Small Construct

  • Armor Class 13 + level of the spell
  • Hit Points 30 + 10 for each spell level above 3rd
  • Speed 30 ft.

18 (-4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 5(-3)

  • Damage Resistances poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
  • Senses passive Perception 9


Trip. The cable stretches out and attempts to pull the legs out from under the creatures around it. All creatures of your choice within 15 feet of the cable must make a dexterity saving throw out fall prone.

Bind. The cable leaps out and coils around a large or smaller creature within 30 feet of it. The creature must make a strength or dexterity (their choice) or become restrained. A restrained creature may reattempt the saving throw on their turn to break free.

Constrict. A creature bound by the animated cable must make a Constitution dabbing throw out take 4d8 bludgeoning damage, taking half as much on a successful save.

Drag. The cable pulls a large or smaller creature it has bound upto thirty feet towards it.

Retrieve. The cable latches on to a medium or smaller object and pulls it towards itself. If the object is being worn out carried, the creature may make a strength saving to keep a hold of them object.

Zip line. The cable moves a willing creature withing 30 feet of it to another point within 30 feet of the cable.

Guard. The animated cable wraps itself around a willing creature with in 5ft., the next attack made against that creature is made with disadvantage.

Magnite Burst

3rd-level Transmutatuion, Combo

  • Classes: Incarcerer, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take to hitting a creature with either a weapon or spell attack multiple times on a single turn
  • Range: Self(30 foot radius sphere)
  • Components: S, M(An iron sphere)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You change gravity, drawing in nearby creatures and then expelling them again. All creatures within range suddenly fall toward you. If they move more than 10 feet they take 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 feet they move as falling damage, then all creatures within 10 feet make a strength saving throw, they take 1d6 force damage and are shoved back 10 feet on a failure, and no damage on a success.

If a creature has something to hold on to they may make a strength saving throw to avoid falling.

Malignant Growth

4th-level Necromancy

  • Classes: Druid, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S, V, M(a chip of phosphorescent material)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Your touch causes a parasitic growth to begin feeding on a creatures life force. Make a melee spell attack against a creature in range. On a hit the creature is poisoned and remains so for the duration of the spell.

On your turn you may use a bonus action to incite the growth to spread, the poisoned creature must make a Constitution saving throw, on a failed save you may choose to reduce the creatures current and maximum HP by 1d10 + your spell casting modifier, or decrease one of their ability scores by 1d4.

The lost HP or ability scores do not return until it completes a long rest after the growth has been removed by a medicine check again your Spell Save DC or a greater restoration or similar magic.

Momentary Rampage

5th-level Enchantment

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Paladin
  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: 1 Round

A creature you touch becomes filled with fury and rage, pushing them past their limits. Until the beginning of your next turn, if that creature takes the attack action they may make two more attacks than they normally would. If they do until the beginning of your next turn attack that target them are made with advantage.

Monstrous Roar

3rd-level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Druid, Incarcerer
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: self(30-foot cone)
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You let out a forceful roar. All creatures within a 30-foot cone in front of you must make a Strength saving throw or take 4d6 thunder damage and then they are knocked back to the far end of the cone, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet traveled. If they succeed on the saving throw they are not moved and only take half the thunder damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, increase the size of the cone by 10 feet for each slot level above 3rd.

Mystic Forge

3rd-Level Transmutation, Ritual

  • Classes: Cleric, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes
  • Range: Special
  • Components: S, V, M(a container worth at least 2sp, full of coals)
  • Duration: 8 Hours

You cause the flames in container used in this spell to burn white hot, but they will only harm what you permit it to harm. For the spells duration, ability checks that use Blacksmiths tools are made with advantage. Creatures within 30 feet of the forge ignor the effects of extremely hot and cold weather and regain an additional level of exhaustion if they complete a long rest inside that range.

If the contents of the forge are dumped out onto a creature of you choice, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 8d12 fire damage, then the spell ends. Creatures of your choice that enter a container or chamber effected by this spell take 4d12 fire damage when they enter and at the beginning of their turn. Otherwise the flames are harmless and do not spread.

Oculus Noir

5th-level Enchantment

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: S, V, M(fish scales)
  • Duration: 1 hour

This spell steals the sight from creatures of your choice. Roll 4d4; the total times ten is how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious and blind creatures).

Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit points, each creature affected by this spell becomes blinded until the spell ends. Subtract each creature's hit points from the total before moving on to the creature with the next lowest hit points. A creature's hit points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for that creature to be affected.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, roll an additional d4 for each slot level above 5th.

Psyche Shock

3rd-level Enchantment

  • Classes: Incarcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You assault the very identity of a creature in range. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw or take 4d8 psychic damage and is stunned until the start of their next turn, only taking half as much damage on a successful save.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.

Righteous Banner

3rd-level Enchantment

  • Classes: Paladin
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: S, V, M(a strip of undyed cloth)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You summon a standard emblazoned with the sigil of the power you serve, all who gaze upon it are filled with awe and terror.

Your righteous banner sheds bright light for 10 ft and dim light for an additional 10 ft and must be carried with two hands or planted in the ground with a bonus action. When planted, your standard has an AC of 14 and 5 hp. Creatures of your choice within your standards light deals an additional 1d4 radiant damage when they hit with a weapon attack. Each hostile creature that your standard’s light touches deals 1d4 less damage when they hit with a weapon attack.

If you are forced to drop your standard, or if it is destroyed each hostile creature within 20ft of where the standard stood makes its next attack with advantage. All creatures that can see your banner are aware of this effect.

Riptide Spirit

3rd-level Conjuration

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 90 feel
  • Components: S, V, M(a cup of clean water)
  • Duration: 10 minutes

You conjure a minor elemental spirit called a Riptide. When you cast this spell, and on furture turns as a bonus action, you may verbally command it to move up to 30 feet. The Riptide can move through large and smaller creatures. The first creature that the Riptide moves through, each turn must make a strength saving throw or they take 1d8 bludgeoning damage and are dragged 10 feet in a direction of the riptides movement. If the creature is submerged in water it is moved 20ft instead.

If the Riptide moves beyond this spells range it collapse into ordinary water and the spell ends.

Rust Touch

4th-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Druid, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Components: S, V, M(a shot of salt water and an insect’s antenna)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

For the duration any nonmagical weapon made of metal that hits you corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the weapon is destroyed. Non magical ammunition made of metal that hits you is destroyed after dealing damage.

Additionally you may use a bonus action to corrode one nonmagical metal object within 5 feet. If the object isn't being worn or carried, the touch destroys a 1-foot cube of it. If the object is being worn or carried by a creature, the creature can make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the your rusting magic.

If the target object is either metal armor or a metal shield being worn or carried, its takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield that drops to a +0 bonus is destroyed.

Shadows of the City

3rd-level Illusion

  • Classes: Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120ft.
  • Components: S, M (a cobblestone extracted from a busy road)
  • Duration: Conc. upto 1 minute

You cause a shadow of the yet-unwoken City of R’lyeh to overlap with reality over a 30ft radius sphere centered on a point within range. The area is dimly lit, regardless of its prior illumination. Hostile non-aberrations treat it as difficult terrain. Within the area 3 Shadows emerge, they are friendly to you and take their turn after yours. You may give them instructions telepathically, (no action required). These Shadows cannot move outside of the area and at the beginning of your turn, if there are less than 3 Shadows, a new Shadow appears. Your GM has the stats for these Shadows.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of n+1th level or higher, increase the diameter of the affected area by 10 feet for each slot level above N.

Shadow Force

4th-level Evocation

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S, M (A nugget of gold, covered in ink)
  • Duration: 1 round

You step through a shadow into the ethereal plane. At the beginning of your next turn you return next to a creature within 120ft of the space you left, it must make a Charisma saving throw or take 8d8 necrotic damage and be transported to the ethereal plane for 1 round, taking half damage on a successful save.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher increase the damage dealt by 1d8 for each slot level used above 5th.

Shattering Stomp

1st-level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Druid, Incarcerer, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 10 feet
  • Components: S,V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You stomp the ground, causing it to shudder and crack. All grounded creatures in range must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and fall prone.

If any creature fails the saving throw, the area in range becomes difficult terrain until it can be cleared. It takes 1 minute of work to clear a 5 by 5 foot area.

Structures and non-magical objects that aren’t being worn and structures in range also take damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, increase the range of this spell by 5 feet for each slot level above 1st.


2nd-level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Ranger
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60ft
  • Components: S, V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Make a ranged spell attack against a creature in range, on a hit the creature takes 3d6 force damage and falls prone.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you may make an additional attack for every second slot level spent, i.e. 4th, 2 attacks, 6th: 3 attacks, 8th: 4 attacks

Spike Cannon

2nd-level Evocation

  • Classes: Druid, Ranger, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 15 feet
  • Components: M(several nails or quills)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You shoot out a quick barrage of spikes. All creatures within a 15 foot long, 5 foot wide line must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 5d6 piercing damage, taking half damage on a successful save.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this using a spell slot of 3rd level or above increase the damage dealt by 2d6 for each slot level above 2nd.

Soot and Cinders

4th-level Evocation

  • Classes: Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (10 feet)
  • Components: S, V, M (a splinter of bassalt worth 100 gp)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

A cloud of burning ash and smoke descends around you, heavily obscuring everything in a 10-foot-radius, 20-foot-tall cylinder around you, though your vision remains unhindered. The cylinder moves with you and spreads around corners. The cloud lasts for the duration or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

Creatures of your choice that start their turn in the area, or the first time they move within this range, must make a Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage and 2d6 poison damage, taking either the fire or the poison damage on a successful save, their choice.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher you may increase the range of this spell by 5 feet for every slot level above 4th.

Sonic Rave

5th-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Incarcerer, Ranger, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M(a weapon worth at least 1 sp)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You flourish the weapon used in casting the spell then launch yourself in a straight line up to 30 ft without provoking attacks of opportunity. All creatures within 10 feet must make a constitution saving throw or take dealing 3d10 thunder damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.

For the duration you may use your action to use this effect again. If you end your turn without using this effect the spell ends.

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell with a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.

Sonic Sprint

3rd-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Bard, Incarcerer, Ranger, Sorcerer
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When you cast this you may move in a straight line up to twice your movement speed, momentarily breaking the sound barrier. Every creature that you passed within 5 feet of must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 thunder damage. The boom of your movement can be heard up to 300 hundred feet away.

When you move you can take along 1 willing or grappled creature.

Turbulent Air

4th-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Druid, Incarcerer, Sorcerer, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 300 feet (50-foot cube)
  • Components: S,V, M (a hand-held fan)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You cause the air within a 50-foot cube to become wild and turbulent. Flying creatures must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot they move through the cube. All creatures that begin their turn in the cube or move into the area must make a Strength saving throw or are moved 10 feet in a direction of your choice.

In the area gasses and vapors are dispersed, candles, touches, and unprotected flames are extinguished and protected flames dance wildly, reducing their illumination by 50 percent.

As a bonus action on your turn, you may move the cube of affected air up to 100 ft. During the spell’s duration, you may also use a bonus action to suspend or restart its effects.

At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell with a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the size of the cube increases by 10 feet for each slot level above 4th.

Voltaic Vigor

5th-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Sorcerer
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S, V, M (a sealed vessel full of vinegar and a zinc and a copper rod each worth at least 2 sp)
  • Duration: Concentration, upto 1 minute

A willing creature you touch transforms into pure electricity. Until the spell ends its movement speed and jump distances are tripled and its movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, it is immune to lightning damage and weapon attacks targeting it are made with disadvantage. It gains advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws and disadvantage on strength saving throws. And it gains an additional action on each of its turns; that action can be used only to take the Search, Dash, or Use an Object action.

Further, weapon attacks by creatures transformed in this way deal an additional 2d8 lightning damage.

When the spell ends, the target can't move or take actions until after its next turn, as its body recovers from the transfiguration.

Wild Flesh

1st-level Transmutation

  • Classes: Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30ft.
  • Components: S, M (a crimson cape)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes

Your flesh writhes and flows, suddenly lashing out at a creature within range. The target must make a dexterity saving throw or be dragged 10 feet towards you. A creature that is dragged to within 5 feet of you is grappled and restrained by you. A creature may use an action to escape by making a Strength check against your spell save DC.

For this spell’s duration, your Unarmed Strikes have a Reach of 10ft, and you may attempt to grapple creatures up to two sizes larger than you.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher the initial effect may target an additional creature for every slot level above 1st, and you may maintain these grapples even if you would not normally have the number of limbs needed.

Appendix D: Change Log

The Future
  • Fixing the Index Page Numbers
  • Updating the spells here with the final versions from IDBN's Other Grimiors of Legendary Magics
  • One D&D side bars
  • The Ancestral Arbor Subclass
  • Limited Usage of Accursed Cloak as corruption wasn't a sufficient balancing factor
  • To compensate for the increased Spell Slot usage Overdraft has been moved forward
  • An Aura of Courage like effect is now put in place of Overdraft at 10th level
  • Removed Multiclassing Proficiencies
  • Uncommon Vitality and Weird Power series of Manifestations added
  • Added the Awesome Monstrosity Subclass (focused on Shove and HP)
  • Added New spells to replace non-OGL spells, many.
  • Swapped in the Ancient Dragon's spell list nondetection for wind wall
  • Replaced a spell in Aberration Spell list with compulsion
  • In Archangel spell list removed Protection from evil and good and spirit guardians, added Banishment and Divination
  • In the Lich spell list replaced a spell with Contagion
  • Slight nerf to Searing Brilliance
  • Swapped around names of Spell of the Archwizard, Epic, Legendary, Mythic. Just because I like the ordering of Legendary, Epic, Mythic
  • Added the Expanded Magic Series of Manifestations
  • Decreased the level of the Control the Winds Manifestation
  • Buffed several primordial Mantels
  • Hard nerf to Aberration's maddening form
  • Restricted Dragon's 6th level feature to while Accursed Cloak is active, to make it more in line with other subclasses.
  • The Tarrasque's bite attack is now magical starting at 6th level
  • Removed references to Corruption Score in Over Channel and Compel Answers
  • Added that Restoration spells can remove Corruption Symptoms
  • Added the Purify Corruption Downtime activity
  • Altered how corruption works, removed Corruption Ability Score
  • Added Linked Index
  • Added Manifestation and Subclass Features alphabetical list
  • Command the Winds manifestation made OGL compliant
  • Turbulent Air spell added
  • Added Resonant Somnolence, Void Wake, and Silver Tongue manifestations
  • Added New Spells and Cantrips
  • Altered how corruption works and removed the Corrupt Action tables
  • Added the Primordial Sealed Entity
  • Private Sanctum and Loyal Servant Manifestations added
  • Reformatted Corrupt Action Tables
  • Loathsome Teeth, Claws, Horns Manifestation added
  • Folded Pillars of the Worlds into Beyond Mortal Ken
  • Created new 18th level feature: Recurrent Channeling
  • You can now replace learning a spell with gaining a manifestation and vice versa.
  • Phase Step move to 3rd level
  • Expanded Spell List with spells from Kibbles Generic Elemental Spells
  • Added Tiny CR 1 creatures as additional Familiar options
  • Manifestation Levels Adjusted
  • Overdraft moved to level 10

Manifestations by Level

1st-level Manifestation
2nd-level Manifestation
3rd-level Manifestation
4th-level Manifestation
5th-level Manifestation

Linked Index


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