Background Skill Proficiencies
Characters no longer acquire Backgrounds as listed from the PHB.
Ingenious Proficiency
Unless you are a spellcaster, Intelligence can be one of the least useful scores in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. To remedy that, your cunning mind unlocks the potential to learn more skills and knowledge than others.
When creating a character, you gain a number of Intelligence Points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0).
Intelligence Points Cost
Benefit | Cost |
An extra Class Skill Proficiency | 2 |
Expertise for a Skill you are proficient in | 3 |
Language Proficiency | 1 |
Tool Proficiency | 1 |
Expertise for a Tool you are proficient with | 2 |
When you permanently increase your Intelligence modifier, you may spend additional points as normal. Proficiencies learned by spending points cannot be lost once gained.