The Witcher

by finnahern

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The Witcher


A tall human steps into the crypt, his cat-like eyes dilate and grow accustomed to the darkness. The wolf's head medallion on his chest vibrates as he draws a silver sword from its sheath. His quarry is here. He can smell it.

A bloody and bruised elf rides back to town, the head of a griffin hanging from her saddlebags. Her hunt was tough, but the gold will be worth it.

Itinerant monster slayers for hire, witchers have undergone extensive training, ruthless mental and physical conditioning and mysterious rituals from a young age.

The Trial of the Grasses

Taken in as children, witcher candidates are subject to the trial of the grasses, a combination of alchemical decoctions and mutagenic compounds. Three in ten survive the trial and those that do find their body permanently mutated. Cat-like eyes, enhanced strength, agility and reflexes are characteristics of a witcher's mutation. Coupled with a lifetime of training, study and conditioning and young witchers grow into formidable warriors.

The trial of grasses bestows witchers with an extended lifespan. The exact limitations of their extended life are hard to ascertain due to the witchers' occupation, but some human

witchers have been known to live for several centuries. Other properties of witchers' mutations include sterility and tremendous resistance to disease. However, they are not infallible, as they can still make mistakes, take a misstep in battle against mortal men or supernatural creatures, or be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Though rare is the individual who managed to slay a witcher by skill rather than dumb luck or ambush.

Monsters for Hire

Anyone with enough coin to afford their considerable fee can hire a witcher. A lord might purchase the services of a witcher to slay a striga or vampire, or a village might pool their silver to persuade one to rid them of a griffin that's been preying on their livestock.

Witchers are not assassins and most will balk at taking on a contract on a man's life. Witchers of the School of the Cat or the Viper tend to be less discerning and can be persuaded to accept contracts that others wouldn't.

Some will invoke the witcher's code as the reason why they can't accept a contract. In reality there is no witcher's code. Each witcher is an independent operator, free to do as they please. They rely on the enigma of their profession, invoking the code to get out of accepting a contract, or working for an individual, that they find distasteful.


The Witcher
Level Proficiency Bonus Stamina Points Features
1st +2 -- Enhanced Physiology, Witcher's Medallion, Witcher School Feature
2nd +2 2 Killing Monsters, Stamina, Signs
3rd +2 2 Witcher School Feature
4th +2 3 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3 Extra Attack
6th +3 4 Alchemy - Elixirs
7th +3 4 Abolish Curse, Advanced Signs
8th +3 5 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 5 Alchemy - Oils
10th +4 6 Alchemy - Bombs
11th +4 6 Witcher School Feature
12th +4 7 Ability Score Improvement, Additional Elixirs
13th +5 7 Hardened Soul
14th +5 8 Advanced Signs (2)
15th +5 8 Witcher's Resilience
16th +5 9 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 9 Witcher School Feature
18th +6 10 Uncanny Intuition
19th +6 10 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 10 Ultimate Mutant

Creating a Witcher

When creating a witcher, consider the effect your character's upbringing has had on his or her personality. This invariably ties in with your background. Also consider the school you plan to join, as this can influence the type of character your witcher is.

If there is one thing that can be said for all witchers, however, it is that they are not naive. Even fresh-faced witchers have spent years training to get where they are now, and won't be soiling their britches at the sight of a drowner or hag.

Quick Build

You can make a witcher quickly by following these suggested steps; first, make Strength your highest ability score (unless you plan to join the Cat or Viper schools, in which case choose Dexterity instead), followed by Wisdom. Second,

choose the witcher background, detailed at the end of the class description.

Class Features

As a witcher, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per witcher level
  • Hit Points at 1st level: 10 + your Constitution modifier.
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per witcher level after 1st


  • Armour: Light armour, medium armour.
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons.
  • Tools: Alchemist's supplies.

  • Saving Throws: Strength
  • Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception and Survival


You start with the following equipment:

  • (a) leather armour or (b) scale mail
  • 2 martial weapons, one of which is silvered.
  • (a) a hand crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack.

Alternatively, you can start with 5d4 x 10 gp.


Enhanced Physiology

The trial of grasses has mutated you, fundamentally altering your physiology and enhancing your body. You gain darkvision up to 60 feet (if you didn't have it already) and advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell as well as saving throws against diseases and being frightened. Your lifespan is extended, although few know for certain by how much. Rare is the witcher who dies in their bed of old age.

Witcher's Medallion

You possess a silver witcher's medallion bearing the face of the beast your school is named for. The medallion vibrates gently while in the presence of magic. If you are touching or wearing the medallion and are within 30 feet of a spell being cast or an overtly magical creature, such as a fey or elemental, the medallion alerts you as it hums and tugs on its chain. This effect is not triggered by your allies, the items they wear or carry, or the spells they cast, nor is it triggered by shapechangers who can assume humanoid forms.

If your medallion is lost or destroyed, you can create a new one over the course of a week.

Witcher School

At 1st level you learn specific techniques and styles of fighting from your Witcher school: the School of the Bear, Cat, Griffin, Viper or Wolf , each of which are detailed at the end of the class description. You gain features from your Witcher School at 1st, 3rd, 11th and 17th level.

You only gain the saving throw proficiency granted by your witcher school's 1st level feature if your first witcher level is also your first character level. If you gain your first witcher level later by multiclassing you only gain the skill and armor proficiencies.

Killing Monsters

When you reach 2nd level, your studies into all things monstrous grants you knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses. As a bonus action, choose one beast, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, monstrosity, shapechanger or undead you can see within 120 feet of you. The DM tells you if the creature is your equal, superior, or inferior in regard to two of the following characteristics of your choice:

  • Strength score
  • Dexterity score
  • Constitution score
  • Armour Class
  • Current Hit Points


At 2nd level your mutations allow you to push your body to it's limit. You have 2 stamina points and you gain more as you reach higher levels, as shown in the Stamina Points column of the Witcher table. Stamina points can be used to cast signs or use certain features. You regain all expended stamina points when you finish a short or long rest.


Starting at 2nd level, you learn to cast signs, rudimentary but versatile spells that don't require extensive knowledge or magical formulae. Signs are treated as 1st-level spells,

so they can be affected by counterspell, dispel magic and so on. Each sign costs 1 stamina point and requires somatic components. At 7th level, you learn to cast each sign's alternate form. At 14th level, damage you deal with signs increases by one of its damage die (e.g 1d6 becomes 2d6).

Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom is you spellcasting ability for your witcher signs, since your magic draws from your mutations. You use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for any sign you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier


  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self (10 foot cone)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You throw your hand forward, fingers extended and slightly parted, sending forth an aqua-tinted gust. Each creature in the cone must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 1d6 force damage and is pushed back 5 feet. On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn't pushed back. Creatures of size Huge or larger automatically pass their save.

Alternate form: As an action, Aard can instead be used to target any number of creatures of your choice within 15 feet and knocks creatures who fail their saves 10 feet away.


  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You cloud the mind of one non-hostile creature that you can see within range. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, for the duration you have advantage on ability checks to interact socially with the target, and they are very susceptible to suggestion, provided the suggestion seems reasonable and does not immediately harm the creature or its interests, for example a guard may be persuaded to allow you past his checkpoint. If you or any of your companions attack the target, the effect ends. Creatures that can't be charmed are immune to this effect.

Alternate form: Axii can instead be cast on a hostile creature. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save the creature is stunned until the beginning of its next turn.



  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are targeted by a spell or make a saving throw against a spell or magical effect
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You cross your wrists in loose fists and a magical blue ward appears. You can increase your saving throw roll or AC against the spell attack by 1d6. You can choose to use this sign after the creature makes its roll, or you make your saving throw, but before the DM determines whether the attack roll or saving throw succeeds or fails. The die rolled increases to 1d8 at 7th level and 1d10 at 14th level.

Alternate form: You can instead use Heliotrop to negate damage. When you are damaged by a spell or other magical effect you can reduce the damage received by 2d8 + your Wisdom modifier, increasing to 2d10 + your Wisdom modifier at 14th level.


  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self (10 foot cone)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You thrust your hand forward, with you middle and ring fingers extended, launching an arc of flame. Each creature in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.

Alternate form: You can instead launch a concentrated blast of fire at a creature within 30 feet. The creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 2d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. A flammable object hit by this sign ignites if it isn't being worn or carried.


  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are hit by an attack
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: 1 round

You wave your hand with your thumb and little finger bent inward and your index finger extended. Until the start of your next turn, your AC increases by your proficiency bonus. If you take damage while the sign is still active, the ward shatters, dealing 1d6 thunder damage to all creatures within 5 feet of you and ending the effect.

Alternate form: You can instead, as a bonus action, use Quen as a sustained shield. Until the beginning of your next turn, you ignore any attack against you that deals less than 10 points of damage.


  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self (15 foot radius)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You press your open palm to the ground, fingers extended. Purple glyphs form a circle with a radius of 15 feet centred on your current location. Each foot that a hostile creature moves through the area costs 2 feet of movement. Planar

and ethereal travel is impossible while in the circle and invisible creatures become visible as long as they remain in the circle.

Alternate form: You can instead, as an action, inscribe a single glyph of Yrden on the ground which remains for up to an hour. Any creature that steps on the glyph must make a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns. The glyph is barely visible and requires a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC to be found.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th levels, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.


Alchemy - Elixirs

Starting at 6th level you learn to create witcher's elixirs, highly toxic concoctions that can bestow a variety of benefits. During a long rest you can use alchemists's supplies to create a number of elixirs equal to your Wisdom modifier + 1, minimum of 1, over the course of an hour. This assumes that you have access to fresh herbs and ingredients, whether by foraging or because you purchased them previously. Elixirs become inert if not used within 24 hours. The list of elixirs can be found at the end of this supplement.

You can drink an elixir as a bonus action to gain its benefits. When you consume an elixir you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failure you suffer from the elixir's side effect. After your first elixir the DC increases to 15, after the second your saving throws are made with disadvantage. Elixir side effects and the penalties to your saving throws last until your next long rest.

Elixirs are highly toxic and only a witcher's advanced fortitude prevent them from becoming violently ill or even dying from drinking them. Any non-witcher who drinks an elixir does not gain any of the elixir's benefits and must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 hour. Elixirs have a strong odour and are impossible to successfully disguise in food or drink.

Abolish Curse

Starting at 7th level you can expend a stamina point to cast remove curse as a ritual.

Alchemy - Oils

At 9th level you can create oils to apply to your weapons in preparation for combat. You can spend 1 minute applying an oil to a bladed weapon. Oils last for 1 hour before drying and becoming ineffective.

Attacks made with oiled weapons against a specific type of creature deal increased damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can use alchemist's supplies to craft 1 oil from the following list during a long rest. Oils become inert if not used within 24 hours.

Oil Creature Type
Beast Oil Beast
Draconid Oil Dragon
Elementa Oil Elemental
Fey Oil Fey
Fiend Oil Fiend
Monster Oil Monstrosity
Ogroid Oil Giant, orc, goblinoid
Shifter Oil Shapechanger
Undead Oil Undead
Hanged Man's Venom* Humanoid

*School of the Viper only

Alchemy - Bombs

Starting at 10th level, you learn to craft bombs to aid in your hunt. Whenever you can craft elixirs you can also craft bombs. You can craft a total number of elixirs and bombs equal to your Wisdom modifier + 1, minimum of 1. The list of bombs available to craft is at the end of this supplement. As an action you can draw and throw a bomb to a point within 60 feet where it explodes on impact. The DC for saving throws made against your bombs is equal to your Spell Save DC.

Hardened Soul

When you reach 13th level, you can no longer be frightened, and you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

Witcher's Resilience

Witchers are hard to kill. Starting at 15th level, if you roll an 18, 19 or 20 on a death saving throw, you instantly regain hit points equal to your witcher level.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Uncanny Intuition

Beginning at 18th level, if your d20 roll for a Wisdom check is less than your Wisdom score, you can use that score in place of the roll.

Adrenaline Surge

At 20th level your mutations can push your body well beyond its natural limits. At the end of your turn you can spend 4 stamina points to immediately take another turn. Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Witcher Schools

There are five witcher schools, and although all train in the ways of weaponry, alchemy, and the bestiary, each practices a unique style of fighting.

School of the Bear

Witchers of the Bear School favour raw strength over agility, and crushing blows over evasive maneuvers. These witchers prioritise the job above all else and tend to hunt autonomously, rarely forming bonds or working with their brethren.

Bear's Fortitude

When you choose this school at 1st level, you gain proficiency in heavy armour, Constitution saving throws and one of Athletics, Animal Handling or Nature.

Hunter's Endurance

You are experienced hunting alone in harsh environments. Starting at 3rd level you have resistance to fire and cold damage as well as the effects of extreme weather conditions.


Sweeping Blow

When you reach 11th level, you can strike opponents with such force that they are knocked off their feet. You can spend a stamina point when you make Strength-based weapon attack. If the attack hits, the target is knocked prone.

Overwhelming Strike

At 17th level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack you can spend 2 stamina points to deal additional damage equal to your Strength score. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

School of the Cat

Witchers of the School of the Cat developed fighting styles focusing on speed, precision, and agility. The school has no fixed headquarters and as a result its students are highly adaptable

Cat's Reflex

When you choose this school at 1st level, you gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws and one of Acrobatics, Deception or Stealth.

Inhuman Agility

Starting at 3rd level, you can spend a stamina point to take the Dash, Disengage or Dodge action as a bonus action.


When you reach 11th level, your fighting style takes on a fluid, dance-like quality. When you're hit with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to expend a stamina point and halve the damage. You gain advantage on the first attack you make against that creature on your next turn.

Perfect Poise

When you reach 17th level, your sense of balance is so perfect that you cannot be knocked prone. Additionally, the superior control with which you strike your enemies allows you to deal exceptional amounts of damage with a single blow. When you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can turn the hit into a critical.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

School of the Griffin

Witchers of the School of the Griffin are master alchemists and experts at employing signs in combat. They know the value of being adequately prepared for a hunt. Witchers of the school view theirs as a noble profession and hold to "knightly" values.

Griffin's Wisdom

When you choose this school at 1st level, you gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws and one of Arcana, Investigation or Nature.

Sign Intensity

Starting at 3rd level your signs become stronger than those of other witchers. Your signs deal increased damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.


Resourceful Alchemist

When you reach 11th level, the number of elixirs and bombs you can craft at a time increases to 2 + your Wisdom modifier.

Sword and Sorcery

At 17th level, whenever you roll for initiative, if you were missing stamina points you instantly regain 2.

School of the Viper

Witchers of the School of the Viper employ subterfuge and venom-coated blades to take down their prey. The school is known for accepting contracts on humans and non-humans as well as monsters and there are rumours that this is the reason for its existence.

Viper's Agility

When you choose this school at 1st level, you gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws and one of Deception, Sleight of Hand or Stealth.

Evasive Maneuver

When you reach 3rd level you can navigate a chaotic battlefield with ease. As a bonus action, you can move up to half your speed. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Envenomed Blades

Starting at 11th level you can enhance your blade oils, imbuing them with toxins and venoms. Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the appropriate oil, the target must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be poisoned until the end of its next turn.

Additionally when you use alchemist's supplies to craft blade oil you create two doses. These can be two different oil types or two doses of the same type.

Deadly Strike

When you reach 17th level your enhanced agility allows you to seize the upper hand when a fight breaks out. You may expend a stamina point to gain advantage when you roll initiative. When you use this feature you have advantage on your first attack against a creature that hasn't taken a turn in combat yet. If the attack hits and is benefiting from an oil, it is a critical hit and the creature has disadvantage on its saving throw against the poison. You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

School of the Wolf

Witchers of the Wolf School practice a blend of fighting styles, and are known for their dependability. If you contract a Wolf school witcher, you can be sure the job will be done or the witcher will die trying.

Wolf's Will

When you choose this school at 1st level, you gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws and one of Insight, Persuasion or Survival.

Hunting Instinct

Starting at 3rd level, tracking no longer slows you or your companions' progress, and you can expend a stamina point to gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Survival) checks for the next 10 minutes.


Empowered Strikes

When you reach 11th level you can batter opponents with powerful blows. When you hit with a melee weapon attack you can spend a hit die to roll it and add the total to the attack's damage.

Cornered Animal

When you reach 17th level, you can explode into a frenzy of attacks. As an action, you can make 4 attacks instead of the usual 2. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


Black Blood

Duration: 1 hour

Your veins pulse a dark colour as your blood becomes poisonous. You gain resistance to poison damage and any creature that ingests your blood, through a bite attack or similar, takes 6d6 poison damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw agains your spell DC or be poisoned for 1 minute.

Side Effect: You have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws.


Duration: 1 hour

Your cat-like pupils dilate to an extreme degree as your sight is heightened, allowing you to see in complete darkness. Your darkvision is extended to 120 feet.

Side Effect: Instead of gaining advantage, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Full Moon

Duration: 10 minutes

Your body is pushed beyond its normal limits. You gain 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier temporary hit points and +1 AC.

Side Effect: After the elixir's duration ends you gain a point of exhaustion.

Golden Oriole

Duration: 10 minutes

Your body neutralises and adapts to poisons. You gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. Additionally you heal for half of any poison damage you would be dealt.

Side Effect: You gain vulnerability to slashing damage.

Petri's Philter

Duration: 10 minutes

You are invigorated and your signs are enhanced. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for a sign you cast you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2.

Side Effect: You have disadvantage on saving throws you make against spells and other magical effects.


Duration: Instantaneous

Your heartbeat slows and with each pump your blood clots more. You can spend up to half your total Hit Die to regain hit points as though you had taken a short rest.

Side Effect: You cannot regain hit points with potions or magical effects.



Duration: 10 minutes

Your muscles are hardened as your strikes become more formidable. Your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 1d6 of damage.

Side Effect: Attacks against you score critical hits on a roll of a 19 or 20.



Exploding into a cloud of metal shards on impact, grapeshot lacerates any creature caught in the blast. All creatures in a 5 foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 piercing damage on a failed save or half as much on a success.

Dancing Star

An invaluable tool for flushing monsters out of their lairs, dancing star bursts into searing flame. All creatures in a 10 foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a success

Devil's Puffball

Releases a poisonous miasma where it lands to incapacitate targets. A 20 foot radius sphere of poison gas is created where the bomb lands. Creatures in the gas when it explodes or that enter it must make a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of their next turn.
The gas lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.

Dimeritium Bomb

Explodes in a cloud of dimeritium dust, a metal that suppresses magic. Creatures within a 10 foot radius of the explosion must make a Constitution saving throw and are unable to cast spells for 1 minute on a failure. Creatures that failed can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the effect.

Moon Dust

Showers an area in silver dust. All creatures in a 20 foot radius are covered in glittering silver and cannot polymorph or benefit from a feature that changes its shape. They also do not benefit from being invisible as the silver dust continues to outline their form. This effect lasts for 1 hour.

Northern Wind

Erupts into a burst of icy wind, freezing monsters where they stand. All creatures within a 10 foot radius of the explosion must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 cold damage on a failure or half as much on a success. Creatures that fail their save also have their speed reduced by half until the end of their next turn.


Explodes in a bright flash that illuminates even the darkest dungeon or crypt for an instant. Creatures within 20 feet of the explosion that are not behind full cover must make a Dexterity saving throw to avert their gaze or be blinded until the end of their next turn.


Witcher Background

You grew up in a witcher training compound, raised from a young age to be a hunter and a killer. You have trained your entire life for this role, but it is up to you to what degree (or in what manner) these teachings affected you. Did you rebel against the order and steal away with their secrets? Do you follow the teachings of your tutors to the letter? Is slaying monsters for coin a means to an end, or do you live for the thrill of the hunt?

Skill Proficiencies. Intimidation, Perception.
Tool Proficiencies. Herbalism kit.
Equipment. Alchemist's supplies, a trophy from a monster you have killed, a set of traveller's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.

Feature: Monster Hunter

Your medallion identifies you as a witcher, and there are few who wouldn't recognise it. You're always the first to know about any manner of threat (beasts, fiends, monstrosities, etc.) plaguing a region, and can always negotiate a fair price for your services. But beware, the respect with which you are treated is born from fear, and is tinged with hate. This hate can lead to violence from those foolish--or drunk--enough to think themselves capable of handling you.

Suggested Characteristics

Witchers stand apart from those they protect. Many view them as little better than the monsters they hunt, and they are generally only welcome if there's a problem that needs dealing with. As such, many witchers become standoffish and aloof, letting their guard down only around their more open-minded companions or other witchers. A callous view on life and death is more than just common, it's necessary.

1d8 Personality Trait
1 I don’t run from evil. Evil runs from me.
2 It doesn't matter the shape they take; I hunt monsters.
3 I'm not running a charity. Either I get paid, or I get a day off.
4 I value the wildlife and natural world only insofar as it is valuable to me.
5 I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse.
6 I live for the thrill of the hunt.
7 I expect danger around every corner.
8 I like to read and memorize poetry. It keeps me calm and brings me fleeting moments of happiness.
1d6 Ideal
1 I try to help those in need, no matter the personal cost. (Good)
2 I’ll stop the spirits that haunt me or die trying. (Any)
3 This is a job, like any other. You've got to make a living somehow. (Neutral)
4 I have a dark calling that puts me above the law. (Chaotic)
5 I like to know my enemy’s capabilities and weaknesses before rushing into battle. (Lawful)
6 I’m a monster that destroys other monsters, and anything else that gets in my way. (Evil)
1d6 Bond
1 I keep my thoughts and discoveries in a journal. My journal is my legacy.
2 I betrayed my mentor and am branded for death by my school. I have been on the run ever since.
3 I work to restore the legacy of my school. One day we will be as we once were.
4 A terrible guilt consumes me. I hope that I can find redemption through my actions.
5 There’s evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free.
6 I saved a woman and her children on my first hunt, and still send money back to them.
1d6 Flaw
1 I have certain rituals that I must follow every day. I can never break them.
2 I assume the worst in people.
3 I feel no compassion for the dead. They’re the lucky ones.
4 The things I've seen have dulled my sensitivities, and I often give offense by accident.
5 I am a purveyor of nihilism and cynicism who lives in a world without hope.
6 I have an addiction.

A note on multiclassing

Multiclassing presents narrative problems to justify how a character could become a witcher midway through their adventure. However, your game, your rules, so if you or your players want to go ahead anyway the prerequisites are to have Strength and Wisdom scores of 13.



v2.1 1/11/21

  • Added a paragraph to the Witcher School feature to clarify that the extra saving throw proficiency can't be gained from multiclassing. 1 level Witcher dips would be too good with that at 1st level.
  • Reworked Killing Monsters to be more in line with similar official features like Insightful Manipulator and Know your enemy (Inquisitive Rogue and Battle Master Fighter).
  • Changed Cat elixir to just increase darkvision range.
  • Added a 1 minute duration to the Dimeritium bomb's effect and clarified that a successful save ends the effect.

v2.0 22/10/21

  • Changed weapon proficiencies to all martial weapons. Witchers in the source material do not typically wield mauls or battleaxes, but that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to limit player options.
  • Tool proficiencies changed from herbalism kit to alchemist's supplies.
  • Added Perception as an option for skill proficiency.
  • Enhanced Physiology:
    • Removed speed bonus
    • Added extended lifespan as part of the feature.
    • Added advantage on perception checks related to smell.
    • Added advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
  • Witcher School: Added the School of the Griffin and Viper options.
  • Quen: changed so the ward shatters when you take any damage.
  • Alchemy - Elixirs:
    • Moved to 6th level
    • Reworked the crafting and toxicity to (hopefully) make the mechanics simpler.
    • Moved elixir list to the back of the supplement.
  • Abolish Curse: Moved to 7th level.
  • Alchemy - Oils:
    • Moved to 9th level.
    • Removed ability to apply oils to ammunition
    • Added Ogroid Oil and Hanged Man's Venom as an option for Viper School witchers.
  • Added Alchemy - Bombs at 10th level and list of bombs at the back of the supplement.
  • Witcher's Resilience:
    • Moved to 15th level.
    • Hit points regained reduced to equal your witcher level, instead of twice that.
  • Ultimate Mutant: Feature replaced with Adrenaline Surge. Functionality reworked into Griffin subclass' 17th level feature.
  • Bear: Removed Bear Hug feature, replaced with Hunter's Endurance
  • Bear: Sweeping Blow: Reworked feature.
  • Bear: Removed Dismembering Strike, replaced with Overwhelming Strike.
  • Cat: Reworded the side effect to make it clear that the disadvantage overrides the benefit.
  • Wolf: Removed Disrupting Strike, replaced with Empowered Strikes.
  • Added Petri's Philter elixir.
  • Swallow: Changed to instantly using Hit Die to regain hit points.
  • Background:
    • Changed tool proficiency from alchemist's supplies to herbalism kit.
    • Removed bonus language.

Design notes

Hey there, thanks for reading this far. The goal with this homebrew was to create a way to play as a witcher in a way that is faithful to the source material (primarily the CD Projeckt Red video games), in keeping with 5e's design philosophy, feels unique to play and is, hopefully, in line with the official classes in terms of balance.

The witcher is a monster hunter and a spellsword. I wanted the class to be reminiscent the fighter and the ranger in terms of combat power. I also wanted it to have a number of features that rewarded being prepared for combat and anticipating the type of encounters you were going to face in the adventuring day.

To start with I gave the class a d10 hit die to be in line with fighters and rangers as mentioned above. The class also starts with Strength as its only saving throw proficiency, this is because the player gains their "main" saving throw from the subclass they pick at 1st level. This immediately gives the witcher a unique feature unlike anything in the PHB and distinguishes all the subclasses from each other.


Enhanced Physiology

The class is very front loaded in terms of quantity of features but many of them, like this one, have low impact on the power budget (I hope) and mainly serve to carve out the class's identity. Enhanced physiology represents the witcher's mutations in the game mechanics; enhanced senses and resistances. Darkvision to 60ft is basically power neutral as most PHB races have it anyway and the other bonuses are very situational and largely for flavour.

Witcher's Medallion

This one was awkward to write. From the source material the medallion is used to passively detect any nearby magical effects or monsters. This needed to be represented in a way that isn't just an always on version of detect magic and also isn't too complicated to make rulings on for the DM, although I'm not 100% convinced I accomplished the second goal.

Killing Monsters

Another low-impact feature that's mainly included for flavour. Witchers have spent years studying the bestiary of monsters and this feature is intended to represent this expertise. This feature is obviously beneficial but I do view it as near enough power-neutral that it can share a level slot with one of the most class defining features.


Signs are such a fundamental part of the witcher's combat utility in the video games that they had to be included. I felt that I couldn't just find a few existing spells that resembled Aard, Igni or Quen and slap them on the class and call it a day, so I decided to create bespoke signs that weren't too far outside the bounds of 5e's spellcasting. Each sign is intended to fall somewhere between a cantrip and a 1st level spell in terms of power. They are similar to cantrips in terms of damage and power level, however they are all either a reaction or a bonus action so they consume the class resource, stamina, to use. The idea is for this to reduce the opportunity cost of using them and allow the witcher to supplement their weapon attacks in combat with signs.


A big part of combat in the games is crafting potions (renamed elixirs to distinguish them from normal potions), bombs and sword oils to prepare for encounters. This was a challenging mechanic to adapt as crafting mechanics in D&D are very hard to pull off in a way that is both engaging for the player and not ridiculously over-complicated. I opted to bake the elixirs, bombs and oils into the class and not make a list of items the witcher can craft. Some of the wording here is a bit obtuse, but the idea was that on a long rest the witcher prepares a "loadout" of elixirs, bombs and oils the same way some classes prepare their list of spells for the day. Any that go unused are replaced during the next long rest so the witcher can't stockpile them during extended down time. Is this a bit contrived? Yes. Is it a simple and intuitive way to incorporate a crafting system as a class feature? Maybe.

Abolish Curse

We are now clear of the fundamental, class-defining features. Witchers are often called upon to break curses cast by monsters or that people inadvertently bring upon themselves. This feature is meant to represent that aspect of the job although it does trivialise curses a bit. Just like the remove curse spell.

Hardened Soul

The witcher is a frontline combatant that specialises in hunting monsters and magic creatures. I felt that they should have some resistances to debuffs and frightened and charmed seemed like good conditions that they would be able to resist.

Witcher's Resilience

This is the one feature that survived the version 2 rework intact that maybe shouldn't have. The intention is to give witchers a bit more survivability on the front line but I'm really not sure about this one. There are no class features in the PHB that interact with death saves and only one spell, beacon of hope which gives advantage on them.

Uncanny Intuition

I'm quite happy with this feature, an immediate buff to all the skills that a witcher needs to be good at. It's very powerful, but I think we're at the end game levels where that's allowed. It's like a better version of the rogue's reliable talent feature but only for Wisdom skills. I think witchers should be good at Investigation as well, but the class is already very MAD as it is.

Adrenaline Surge

Capstones should be nearly game-breaking and this one is up there by messing with the action economy. I'd be interested to get some feedback if this goes too far.

School of the Bear

The Bear subclass went through the heaviest rework going into version 2 and it's still probably the weakest one design-wise. The idea is a tougher, tankier witcher with Constitution saves and heavy armour who can spend stamina points on powerful weapon attacks. Sweeping Blow may need to have a save attached for the target to be able to resist being knocked prone.

School of the Cat

I spilled some rogue in my witcher. The intention here was to create a subclass for fast, Dex based builds although using finesse weapons with this is totally optional.


School of the Griffin

The sublass for a Wisdom build that leans into Signs and Alchemy. The griffin features are quite simple and maybe a little underwhelming because I think a Griffin witcher with a +3 or +4 Wisdom mod and buffs to the Sign and Alchemy features, which are such cornerstones of the class, could be very powerful. Griffin witchers will probably find themselves low on stamina often, the amount of stamina given at each level might need to be relooked at. If it turns out to be undertuned, the base amount of elixirs and bombs can be increased to Wis mod + 2 and Resourceful Alchemist increased to Wis mod + 3.

School of the Viper

I had fun designing this one. Realted to the Cat witcher with its dexterity save proficiency and roguishness, the viper subclass is basically the oil build. Conditional extra damage on your weapon attacks resembles the rogue's Sneak Attack.

School of the Wolf

The School of the Wolf was probably the hardest subclass to design because its identity in the video games is basically "the one that all the main characters are in". I opted to go with a hunter/combat archetype to go even further with the fighter/ranger identity of the whole class.

Image credits

  • Cover art: Erland of Larvik by Valeriy Vegera.
  • Page 1: The Witcher by Jonas De Ro
  • Page 2: Kamil Mickiewicz
  • Page 4: Ivo of Belhaven by Anna Podedworna
  • Page 6: Arnaghad by Bogdan Rezunenko
  • Page 7: Witcher Kywn by Kiana Hamm
  • Page 8: Promo art for the Way of the Witcher expansion for Gwent.
  • Page 9: Madoc by Valeriy Vegera
  • Page 11: Just another day at work by Jakob Rozalski
  • Right: Ivar Evil-Eye by Valeriy Vegera

All images without a link are copyright CD Projekt Red.

Homebrew by u/finnahern