The Exorcist

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The Exorcist

The Exorcist

A shaman walks amongst his brethren, distributing runic stones to a select few in need of their protection. They glow with elemental energy, imbued by the forces of nature. A temple priestess clad in robes circles an Oni, leaping over its leathery back to attach an energy sapping seal. A clergyman chants with religious fervor, channeling his will through a rosary as he banishes yet another devil back to the Nine Hells. A monster hunter draws a ritual circle, praying to whatever gods that may answer to infuse it with power.

Across many different cultures, there have always been those who consort with otherworldy powers. Often they act as delegates to the Ethereal, that realm of spirits, able to see into it or walk through it. Other times they may make bargains with the inscrutable minds of Angels, Devils, and Fey. And yet words do not always sway the minds of those these individuals deal with. Often, these delegates must act as a force to repel interlopers from other realms. When they take up this mantle, they become Exorcists.

Abjurers and Investigators

When unseen forces begin to exert their will on the world, Exorcists will be among the first to take an interest. Well equipped to handle outsiders, they are often the first point of contact to spirits, fey, demons, devils, and even celestials. After meeting these beings, the Exorcist may decide whether they are benevolent or malevolent, and upon discerning this alignment they may attempt to banish or engage said entities. The Exorcist has special techniques prepared for various dangerous foes and events, along with a wide array of spellcasting options to deal with any foe.

Mystic Power and Rituals

Some Exorcists gain their power from divine entities, or draw it from sources of power such as the primal forces of nature. Others still may summon forth such powers from within or from other Planes. Regardless of where their powers come from, the Exorcist will possess a suite of abilities that can handle both natural and supernatural threats.

The Exorcist
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Talisman Die Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Spellcasting, Exorcism Arts, Exorcist's Rituals, Talisman d4 2 1
2nd +2 Ritual Marks (2), Ritual Mark Techniques (2) d4 2 2
3rd +2 Exorcist Style, Repel Outside Forces d4 3 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement d4 3 4
5th +3 Exorcism Art Feature, Ritual Marks (3) d6 4 4 2
6th +3 Ritual Mark Technique (3) d6 4 4 2
7th +3 Exorcism Expertise d6 5 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement d6 5 4 3
9th +4 Ritual Marks (4) d8 6 4 3 2
10th +4 Ritual Mark Technique (4) d8 6 4 3 2
11th +4 Exorcism Art Feature d8 7 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement d8 7 4 3 3
13th +5 Ritual Marks (5), Potent Repellent d10 8 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Ritual Mark Technique (5) d10 8 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Exorcism Art Feature d10 9 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement d10 9 4 3 3 2
17th +6 Ritual Marks (6) d12 10 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Ritual Mark Technique (6) d12 10 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement d12 11 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Constant Vigilance, Exorcism Art Feature d12 11 4 3 3 3 2

Creating a Exorcist

As you create an Exorcist, the most important question to consider is how your character receives their powers and what they stand for, or fight against on a regular basis. How do the people of your culture regard you? An outcast, or a pillar of the community? What are your reasons for adventure? To seek out threats? Or stop one already present?

Quick Build

You can make an Exorcist quickly by following these instructions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Then, choose the Inquisitor or Investigator background.

Class Features

As an Exorcist, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per Exorcist Level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution Modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 5 + Constitution Modifier


  • Armor: Light Armor, Shields
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons
  • Tools: One of your choice.

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom
  • Skills: Choose three from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • An Exorcist Talisman
  • A simple weapon and a shield
  • (a) Padded Armor or (b) Hide Armor
  • (a) a Priest's pack or (b) an Explorer's pack

Alternatively, you may start with 3d4 × 10 gp to buy your own equipment.

Variant Spellcasting Ability

This class easily fits as an Intelligence or Charisma spellcaster as well. This could come from a characters incredible knowledge of scripts, rituals, and incantations, or their power may flow from within, empowered by their personality. Feel free to change your spellcasting ability if it better fits your character, replacing all references of Wisdom with the chosen ability score, and changing your Wisdom Saving Throw Proficiency to the new Attribute.
Just make sure to ask your DM!


Ability Score Minimum: Intellect, Wisdom, or Charisma 13

When you gain a level in a class other than your first, you gain only some of that class's starting proficiencies.

Armor: Shields


As a conduit of various powers, you can cast spells from the Exorcist Spell List. See chapter 10 for the general rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 for a selection of spells.

Spell Slots

The Exorcist table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your Exorcist spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a Long Rest. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell burning hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast burning hands using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Exorcist spell list. You learn an additional Exorcist spell of your choice at every other level, starting at Level 3.

Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Exorcist spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Exorcist spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your spells. Since the power of your magic relies on your know-how, adabtability, and tapping into forces of other worlds. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an Exorcist spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Improved Ritual Casting

You can cast an Exorcist spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag, taking only an additional 5 Minutes to cast.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use your Exorcist Talisman as a spellcasting focus for your Exorcist spells. If your Talisman is ever lost or broken, you may repair or replace it during a Long Rest.

Exorcism Arts

At 1st level, you decide what style of Exorcism you practice. Choose from Divine, Karmic, or Shamanic Arts. You know additional spells according to your Art's Exorcist's Rituals, and gain an Exorcist Talisman unique to your Art.

Ritual Marks

Each Exorcist has their own tokens of power called Ritual Marks. These may be pages of a holy book, paper or wooden strips inscribed with sigils, a piece of nature or trinkets that ward off danger. These tokens are infused with the Exorcist's magic or by entities of their faith. No matter their form, an Exorcist has as many Ritual Marks as their Proficiency Modifier, regaining them after a Short Rest.

Ritual Mark Techniques

At 2nd Level, an Exorcist knows two of the Ritual Mark techniques below, learning another at Levels 6, 10, 14, and 18. Using one of these techniques expends a Ritual Mark regardless if it is successful. When leveling up, an Exorcist may swap a known Ritual Mark Technique for another. While the effects of a Ritual Mark Technique is ongoing, it reduces the amount of available Ritual Marks the Exorcist can recover by the amount of Marks spent on the Technique. The Exorcist may choose to end a Technique at any time, following any rules that occur when the Technique ends.

Beacon. As an Action, the Exorcist fashions a Ritual Mark into a bright Beacon that can be worn or carried. For the next 8 Hours, the Beacon shines brightly, emitting bright light within 30 ft. and dim light for another 30 ft. For every additional Ritual Mark used when initiating this Technique, the distance of both bright and dim light increases by 30 ft.

Circle of Concealment. If the Exorcist takes 1 minute and expends a Ritual Mark, they may create a Circle of Concealment. This 10 ft. Radius circle conceals itself and creatures and objects in it from sight, excluding Blindsight, Tremorsense, and Truesight, requiring an Investigation check equal to the Exorcist's Save DC to spot. If a creature or object leaves the circle, it may no longer benefit from the effects. After 8 Hours the Circle of Concealment's power fades away.

Circle of Binding. If the Exorcist takes 1 minute and expends a Ritual Mark, they may create a Circle of Binding. This 10 ft. Radius circle is concealed until activated, requiring an Investigation check equal to the Exorcist's Save DC to spot. It lasts for 8 Hours or until activated. When the Entrapment is complete, the Exorcist may specify creature types that are unaffected by the Entrapment.

Any creature that steps into the Entrapment must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against the Exorcist's Saving Throw DC or be Restrained for one minute. At the end of each of its turns, a Restrained creature may attempt a Strength Saving Throw to break free. If the creature takes damage, it may attempt the Strength Save to break free again.

Display of Power. Displaying a Ritual Mark as an Action and expending it, the Exorcist attempts to frighten a single creature within 30 ft. That creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw, becoming Frightened of the Exorcist on failure. At the end of it's turn, an affected creature may reattempt the Saving Throw to end the effect.
For every additional Ritual Mark expended on this Technique, the Exorcist may affect another creature.

Defending Standard. As an Action, the Exorcist expends a Ritual Mark to place a Defending Standard at their feet. The Standard's Radius is 15 ft. The Exorcist may use their Reaction to roll their Talisman Die when a creature is hit in Standard's area, reducing the damage taken by the roll.
After 1 Minute the Standard's power fades.

Heroic Standard. As an Action, the Exorcist expends a Ritual Mark to place a Heroic Standard at their feet. The Standard's Radius is 15 ft. The Exorcist may use their Reaction to add a roll of their Talisman Die to the Saving Throw of a creature within the Standard's radius.
After 1 Minute the Standard's power fades.

Ethereal Slip. As an Action, the Exorcist uses their Ritual Mark to pass through the Border Realm between planes. For 1 Minute, they may look into the Ethereal Plane at will. They may also choose to expend another Ritual Mark as a Bonus Action, slipping into the Ethereal Plane. While in the Ethereal Plane, they may move through objects and in any direction, though moving up or down costs 10 ft. of movement for every 5 ft. traveled. At the end of the minute, they must return back to the Plane that they left. If they are within a solid object, they are shunted back to where they began the Slip, taking 3d10 Bludgeoning damage.

Glyph of Fervor. As a Bonus Action, the Exorcist expends a Ritual Mark and applies its power to a weapon. For the next hour, the Weapon becomes magical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance. In addition, it deals an extra Talisman Die of Radiant or Necrotic damage on a hit.

Glyph of Return. As a Bonus Action, the Exorcist expends a Ritual Mark and designates their current location. For the next hour, the Exorcist may spend an Action to return to this location. They may also bring willing creatures, spending an additional Ritual Mark for each creature within 5 ft.

Glyph of Warding. As a Bonus Action, the Exorcist expends a Ritual Mark. For the next hour, they may use their Reaction to roll a Talisman Die and subtract the result from an attack roll against them, but before they know the damage of the attack. This may cause the attack to miss. Once this Technique causes an attack to miss, it ends.

Sealing Token. As an Action, the Exorcist may expend a Ritual Mark and attempt to attach a Sealing Token on a creature within 20 ft. The Exorcist makes a spell attack. On a successful hit, the creature has it's energy sealed for one hour, taking 1 Point of Exhaustion while the Seal is attached. Multiple Sealing Tokens may be placed on a single creature. A creature may attempt to remove a single Sealing Token as an Action, making a Strength Saving Throw equal to the Exorcist's Spell Save DC.

Tracking Token. As an Action, the Exorcist expends a Ritual Mark to attempt to attach a Tracking Token on a creature within 20 ft. The Exorcist makes a spell attack roll. On a successful hit, the creature is marked for one hour. The Exorcist can sense the direction and distance of the creature for the duration. This Token requires an Investigation check equal to the Exorcist's Spell Save DC to spot.

Exorcist Style

At 3rd Level, the Exorcist has gained enough experience in their adventures to choose from one of the following styles.


You gain proficiency in Medium Armor.


You gain proficiency in Martial Weapons.


You may instead choose a Fighting Style from the Fighter class located in the Players Handbook.

Repel Outside Forces

At 3rd Level, the Exorcist may repel certain creatures with their powerful presence. Once per day as an Action, an Exorcist may attempt to repel a single creature with the type of Aberration, Celestial, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, or Undead. That creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failure, it is repelled for 1 Minute or until it takes any damage.

A repelled creature can only Dash for its action or try to escape an affect that prevents it from moving. It cannot willingly move to a space within 30 ft., of you or take Reactions. If it cannot move, it uses the Dodge Action instead.

Exorcism Expertise

At 7th Level, the Exorcist's ability to use their Ritual Tokens greatly improves. When expending Ritual Marks to enact a Technique, they may expend an additional Ritual Mark to add an Expertise effect. Only one of the following effects can apply to a Technique at a time.

Concealed Mark. The Technique becomes less obvious, hidden from sight or emits less sound. The Technique may be used without breaking concealment, and a Technique that requires a check to spot increases the check DC by 5.

Launched Token. Token Techniques have their attack range increased by 20 ft.

Duplicate Mark. The Exorcist applies the Technique to an additional creature within the range of the Technique.

Empowered Mark. When a Mark is empowered, it becomes more difficult to resist. A creature has Disadvantage on the initial Saving Throw of an Empowered Technique.

Lengthened Technique The enacted Technique lasts for twice as long as listed.

Quickened Technique Techniques that take 1 Minute to apply instead take 1 Action. Techniques that take 1 Action to apply instead take a Bonus Action. Techniques that take 1 Bonus Action are instead Free Actions.

Widened Circle. All Techniques with a Radius have their Radius doubled for their duration.

Potent Repellent

At 13th Level, when an Exorcist uses Repel Outside Forces, it targets all creatures of the listed type within 30 ft.

Constant Vigilance

At 20th Level, you have completely mastered the creation of your Ritual Marks. Whenever you roll initiative and have less than 3 Ritual Marks, you gain Ritual Marks until you have 3. In addition, you may now apply the same Exorcism Expertise a Ritual Mark Technique twice.

Picture Credit: 2019 Paizo Inc.

Divine Arts

Spirits must be removed, and the heathens must be punished, whether living or dead. The Divine Arts emphasize an Exorcists willpower and fervor when repelling their enemies. Inspired heavily by wise teachings, you chant the scriptures, knowledge, and metaphors of your faith.

Exorcist's Rituals

An Exorcist of the Divine Arts learns these spells as they level up. These spells do not count against spells known.

Exorcist Level Spell Name
1st Bane, Heroism
5th Aid, Lesser Restoration
9th Beacon of Hope, Mass Healing Word
13th Aura of Purity, Banishment
17th Commune (R), Greater Restoration

Divine Talisman: Rosary

You gain a Rosary that symbolizes the strength of your faith. While locked in battle with forces of evil, presenting symbols of your religious faith empowers your reading of scripture, giving you a divine aura as you chant.


As an Action, you begin to Chant a Sermon. You know several different types of scripture that you choose to focus on in your battle chant. While Chanting, you are protected by your faith and have a natural armor of 10 + Wisdom Modifier + Dexterity Modifier. You can Chant for 1 Minute before ceasing, and cannot Chant again until you take a Short Rest. You may only preach one Sermon at a time.

Sermon of Damnation. While preaching Damnation, you increase your fervor against your enemies. When you make a melee or thrown attack as part of an Attack action, you may also cast a Cantrip or make another attack as a Bonus Action. Your attacks and damaging cantrips deal a single additional Talisman Die of Radiant or Psychic Damage.

Sermon of Distraction. While preaching Distraction, your sermon becomes increasingly enticing. At the end of your turn, each creature capable of hearing your sermon within 30 ft. must make a Charisma Saving Throw. On a failure, they become Charmed by you until your sermon ends. Creatures that succeed the Saving Throw are immune to your Sermon of Distraction for 24 Hours.

Sermon of Flagellation. While preaching Flagellation, you begin a purification ritual using strict self-discipline. As an Action, you cleanse yourself on one negative condition such as Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, or Poisoned. When you do this, you take a Talisman Die of damage.
As a Bonus Action after taking a Talisman Die of damage, you may project your own inflicted pain on a creature within 30 ft. They must make a Wisdom Saving throw or take Radiant or Psychic damage equal to two Talisman Die.

Sermon of Guidance. While preaching Guidance, you may use a Reaction to grant a Talisman Die to the result of an ally's roll within 30 ft. This applies to skill checks, Saving Throws, and attack rolls. If you Ready this Guidance as an Action, you may maximize the roll of the Talisman Die on ally's check when applying it.

Sermon of Protection. While preaching Protection, you are able to use a Reaction when an ally within 5 ft. is targeted by an attack. The enemy must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Save DC. On a failure, if the enemy is capable of targeting you without moving, you become their target and have resistance against the damage. Otherwise, your ally gains resistance to the damage.

Sermon of Salvation. When you begin preaching Salvation, you gain an amount of Temporary HP equal to a roll of your Talisman Die + Wisdom Modifier + Exorcist Level. In addition, whenever you heal a creature with a Spell during this Sermon you may roll a single Talisman Die and the result as healing to one creature affected by the Spell.

Impassioned Sermons

At Level 5, your Sermons are Impassioned, becoming more powerful, personal, and thorough.

Damning Cries. You may now cast a Spell as a Bonus Action in place of the Cantrip when preaching Damnation.

Spreading Pain. You may instead choose to inflict Flagellation on a willing creature, imparting the damage and benefits of such extreme measures.

Ludicrous Promises. While preaching Guidance, you may cast Suggestion on a creature Charmed by you without expending a Spell Slot. You do not need to know the spell.

Directing Word. While preaching Guidance you Ready your Guidance as a Bonus Action rather than an Action.

Guardian Angel. While preaching Protection and using your Reaction to protect an ally, you reduce the damage dealt by a Talisman Die.

Saving Alms. While preaching Salvation, your healing Talisman Die counts as its highest face to creatures at 0 HP.

Change of Focus

At Level 11 you are able to fluidly shift the focus, message, and theme of your Sermon. Once per Chant, you may switch to a different Sermon at the end of your turn.

Consecrating Paces

At Level 15, you gain the ability to Consecrate the ground that you walk on while Chanting. This aura emanates from you in a 5 ft. radius. When moving into this radius or ending their turn within it, hostile creatures take Radiant or Psychic damage equal to a roll of your Talisman Die. If this creature is an Aberration, Celestial, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, or Undead, they take an additional Talisman Die of damage.

Devoted Spokesman

At Level 20 your sermons are encoded into your mind, body, and soul. You constantly gain the benefits of Chanting. Choose one Sermon you are devoted to. You may choose to instantly begin Chanting this Sermon when you roll Initiative. As part of a Long Rest, you may change your chosen devoted Sermon to a different one.

Karmic Arts

Harmony and balance are the most important concept of exorcism to the practitioners of Karmic Arts. There is always darkness in the light, and light within the darkness. These two principles never falter, locked in an endless rhythm. As an Exorcist, you know that either side becoming more powerful than the other is a cause for concern, and a reason to prepare for the coming storm.

Exorcist's Rituals

An Exorcist of the Karmic Arts learns these spells as they level up. These spells do not count against spells known.

Exorcist Level Spell Name
1st Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary
5th Calm Emotions, Zone of Truth
9th Bestow Curse, Remove Curse
13th Magic Circle, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
17th Dispel Evil and Good, Planar Binding

Karmic Talisman: Reflector

You gain a large ornament with a reflective surface. It could be a magic mirror, or be made entirely of reflective material. This Talisman can reflect attacks and shield you from danger. By default, this ornament is carried like a focus, but it may also function as a shield when held.

When using your Reflector as a Shield, it grants +2 AC.
Rules Note: You may only benefit from one shield at a time.

Absorbing Reflection

Starting at 1st Level, you may use your Reaction when targeted by a ranged attack roll. Imposing your Reflector, you reduce the damage by your Talisman Die + your Exorcist Level + your Wisdom Modifier. This works regardless of whether the Reflector is worn as a shield or not.

Karmic Influence

At 5th Level, you can influence the fate of the universe, enhancing your fortune by offering up your own life force.

As an Bonus Action, roll a Talisman Die. The result is your Lucky Number. For the next Minute, whenever you roll a skill check, attack roll, or saving throw, you may add this Lucky Number to the result of the roll. If you do so, you also take an amount of damage equal to your Lucky Number. This damage cannot be reduced, absorbed, or mitigated. You cannot use this feature again until completing a Long Rest.

Vengeful Reflection

At 5th Level, if the damage of an attack is reduced to 0 when using Absorbing Reflection, the creature who dealt damage to you takes a Talisman Die of Radiant or Necrotic damage.

Energy Flow

At 11th Level, you have become an expert at managing the flows of energy in yourself and the world around you. As a Bonus Action, you may convert Ritual Marks into a Spell Slot, or vice versa. Confer with the chart below.

Spell Slot Level Ritual Marks
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6

Unwavering Deflection

At 11th Level, you have activated special symbols and tokens on your Reflector to increase its efficiency. When using your Absorbing Reflection and Vengeful Reflection features, you roll 2 Talisman Die instead of one.

Your Reflector now grants +3 AC when used as a Shield.

Elemental Barrier

At 15th Level, your Reflector's power can absorb elements and utilize them. If the damage reflected by Absorbing Reflection is of the following types; Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder, Necrotic, or Radiant, it may absorb the energy to gain an Elemental Barrier for 1 Minute. While this Elemental Barrier is active, you gain Resistance to that type of damage. In addition, your melee attack rolls deal an additional Talisman Die of that damage type while the feature is active.
Your Reflector can take on only one of these types at a time.

Law of Opposites

At 15th Level, you understand that opposites attract each other in a cosmic game. Every element of chaos exists to create a perfect balance. Whenever you roll a natural 1 or a natural 20 on a skill check, attack roll, or saving throw, you regain 1 Ritual Mark.

Ripples in a Pond

At 20th Level, you learn how to create and control Karmic Waves in the fabric of the universe, making multiple ripples that become a rising tide of power. As an Action, expend 1 to 6 Ritual Marks. For the next minute, you gain each the following bonuses per Ritual Mark expended.

+5 ft. of Movement Speed.
+2 to Melee and Ranged Damage Rolls.
A Talisman Die of Temporary HP.

You may instead choose to bestow these Karmic Wave benefits upon any creature that you have touched in the past 24 Hours, so long as they are on the same plane of existence.
After you use this feature, you must take a Long Rest before using it again.

Shamanic Arts

Harnessing the primal elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind, the Shaman seeks to find balance in the worlds of the living and the dead. Some spirits may be soothed by cleansing their spring, and others might need to taste the ionic charge of a lightning bolt before stopping their tirade. The strength and solidity of earth reinforces. The tide of flowing water purifies. The wild heat of fire cleanses and destroys. The wind blows away the harshest of realities in time. Managing these primal forces brings power and control.

Gifts of Nature

As an Exorcist of the Shamanic Arts, you also gain access to the Druid Spell List when learning new Spells.

Exorcist's Rituals

An Exorcist of the Shamanic Arts learns these spells as they level up. These spells do not count against spells known.

Exorcist Level Spell Name
1st Absorb Elements, Shillelagh
5th Flaming Sphere, Warding Wind
9th Call Lightning, Erupting Earth
13th Elemental Bane, Ice Storm
17th Control Wind, Maelstrom

Shamanic Talisman: Runestone

You gain the ability to create Runestone that can be empowered with the Elemental Infusion Trait.
At levels 11, 15, and 20, you may Infuse an additional Runestone. As part of a Long Rest, you may change or remove the Infusions of all active Runestones that you carry.

Elemental Infusion

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to infuse a Runestone with elemental energy, choosing the list below. The process takes a Short Rest to complete. Afterwards, the Runestone glows brightly as a symbol is carved into it. While this Runestone is worn or carried, you gain the benefits of an Infusion. If an Infused Runestone is removed from your person, it loses its power when you finish a Long Rest.

Earth Infusion. Drawing upon the power of the Earth, you imbue your Runestone with strength and solidity. You gain a natural armor of 10 + Wisdom Modifier + Dexterity Modifier.

Fire Infusion. Igniting the destructive energies of Fire, you infuse your Runestone with burning, glowing heat. You may use your Runestone as part of a weapon attack, dealing an additional Talisman Die of Fire damage.

Water Infusion. Directing the flows of water, you imbue your Runestone with the soothing water and rushing rapids. Your healing spells do an additional Talisman Die of healing.

Wind Infusion. Harnessing the forces of the sky, you imbue your Runestone with the qualities of Wind. Your movement speed increases by 10 feet, and you may use a Bonus Action to Dash or make a weapon attack.

Harnessed Elements

At 5th Level, you gain the ability to evoke greater powers out of your Infused Runestones. These powers are dependent on the Infusion of each current active Runestone.

Earth: Hardened Body. Once per day, you may call upon this Runestone to reduce damage taken from an attack or effect as a Reaction. The damage is reduced by a roll of your Talisman Die plus your Wisdom Modifier.

Fire: Flashpoint. Once per day, you can ignite a creature struck by a Fire Infused weapon attack. They take a Talisman Die of Fire damage at the start of their turn for 1 Minute. The target or adjacent creatures may use an Action to douse the flame.

Water: Tidal Wave. Once per day, you cause a wave of water to rush out of your Runestone as an Action. Creatures within 10 feet of you make a Strength Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC or be pushed 5 ft away and knocked prone.

Wind: Feather Fall. Once per day, you may call upon this Runestone as a Reaction, choosing up to five willing creatures who are falling within 60 ft. Their falling rate is slowed to 60 ft. per round. If they reach the ground before a minute passes, they land on their feet and take no damage.

Totemic Runestone

At 11th Level, you gain the ability to increase all aspects of an Infused Runestone. You may place an Infused Runestone on the ground as an Action. It grows to a Small Size and emits waves of elemental energy for 1 Minute. While within 30ft. of this Runestone. allied creatures gain the benefits of the Runestone's Elemental Infusion. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until completing a Long Rest.

Forces of Gaia

At 15th level, you draw more power from your Elemental Infusions. These benefits depends on the Runestone's type.

Earth: Unbreaking Mountain. Add a Talisman Die to Strength checks and Strength Saving Throws.

Fire: Biting Flame. When damaged by an attack from a creature within at least 30 ft. of you, you may your Reaction to deal a Talisman Die of Fire damage to them.

Water: Frozen Calm Whenever a spell you cast deals Cold damage, you heal for half of the damage dealt. If multiple creatures were damaged as part of the spell, this feature chooses the creature that took the most damage.

Wind: Heart of the Storm. When you cast a spell that deals Lightning damage, it counts as being one spell level higher.

Mighty Runestones

At 20th level, you may evoke the full power of all of your Runestones at once. When you use the Totemic Runestone feature, you may instead place all four Runestones, stacking them on top of each other into a 10ft. tall pillar. This pillar grants all allied creatures within 60 ft. the benefits of the Runestones Elemental Infusion features.

Exorcist Spells

Ritual Spells are marked with a (R).

1st Level

Alarm (R)
Ceremony (R)
Cure Wounds
Comprehend Languagues (R)
Detect Evil and Good
Detect Magic
Find Familiar (R)
Healing Word
Identify (R)
Inflict Wounds
Shield of Faith
Speak with Animals (R)
Wild Cunning (R) Unearthed Arcana 36

2nd Level

Augury (R)
Borrowed Knowledge Strixhaven
Calm Emotions
Find Traps
Gentle Repose (R)
Hold Person
Locate Animals or Plants (R)
Locate Object
Silence (R)
Skywrite (R) Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Warding Bond
Zone of Truth

3rd Level

Dispel Magic
Feign Death (R)
Glyph of Warding
Leomunds Tiny Hut (R)
Magic Circle Protection from Energy
Spirit Shroud Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Water Breathing (R)

4th Level

Death Ward
Divination (R)
Freedom of Movement
Locate Creature
Widogast's Vault of Amber (R) Critical Role

5th Level

Commune (R)
Commune with Nature (R)
Contact Other Plane (R)
Holy Weapon Xanathar's Guide to Everything

Exorcist Feats

These spells are intended to empower Exorcists to lean further into their core class, however, it is ultimately up to your DM whether or not you can access these feats. They vastly increase the utility of an already utility heavy class.

Abundance of Power

Your amount of total Ritual Marks is now counted as one higher. In addition, you may immediately learn an additional Ritual Mark Technique.

Dual Purpose Repellent

Prerequisite: Exorcist Level 13
When using your Repel Outside Forces class feature, you may specify an additional creature type to be affected. In addition, you automatically learn the creature type of all creatures within 30 ft. of you.

Mastered Rituals

When casting spells that have the Ritual Tag as a Ritual, the additional amount of time required to cast the spell is halved.

Picture Credit: Iromonik

Exorcist NPCs

Zan Tanteiha

Human 8, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 18 (Leather Scale, Reflector +2, Bo)
  • Hit Points 62 (8d8+24)
  • Talisman Die d6
  • Speed 30 ft.

(3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (2) (2)

  • Proficiency Bonus +4 Initiative Bonus +8
  • Saving Throws Constitution, Wisdom
  • Skills Athletics, Perception, Investigation, Religion
  • Languages Common, Shi, Kasai
  • Feats Alert, Mastered Rituals

Ritual Techniques. (3/LR) Zan has access to Ritual Marks and their techniques. Knows 3 Techniques. May spend 1 additional Ritual Mark to add an Expertise Effect.

Circle of Binding. Restrains a creature.

Heroic Standard. Inspires allies Saving Throws.

Tracking Token. Tracks location for an hour.

Spellcasting. 6th level Karmic Exorcist. Spellcasting ability is Wisdom. (Save DC 15, +7 to Hit)

Spells Known: 5 + 4*
Ritual Casting Time: +2.5 Minutes
1st (4 Slots): Alarm (R) , Detect Evil and Good, Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary
2nd (3 Slots): Augury (R) , Calm Emotions, Locate Object, Warding Bond, Zone of Truth


Positive Jing. 1/Turn Reroll Nat 1 on Attack.

Repel Outside Forces. Once per day as an Action, repel a single **Abbs, Cels, Elems, Fey. Fiends, or Undead. They must make a Wis Save or be repelled for 1 Minute. Repelled creatures can only Dash or try to escape an affect that prevents moving. It cannot move to a space within 30 ft., of you or take Reactions. If it cannot move, it Dodges instead.

+1 Lantern Bo Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +7, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3). Defensive, Two Handed

Bonus Actions

Karmic Influence.(1/LR, 1 Min) Roll a Talisman Die; result is your lucky number. Whenever making a Skill Check, Attack Roll, or Saving Throw, you may add this number, but take the same amount of damage.


Reflection. Reduce damage of a ranged attack by 1d6+6+Wis. If this damage is reduced to 0, creature takes 1d6 Radiant or Necrotic damage.



I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons for 14 years, and have been granted the coveted and feared title of Forever DM by my players.

The Exorcist class has roots in various sources of media, religion, and supernatural folklore of various cultures. My intention is not to misrepresent these sources, but to create fun ideas inspired by them. I wanted to create a class that focused on preparing for specific encounters and selecting the right tools or spells for the job. This was tricky to do without making it too tenuous or overpowered. That is when I got the idea to expand on the ritual casting aspect of the class, and thus the Exorcist arrived!

If you have any interest in seeing more of my D&D homebrew, feel free to check me out on Reddit at u/OutrageousPages or my GMBinder profile at OutrageousPages!

Version 1.0

This class was made by me, OutrageousPages! It's been six months in the making for Version 1.0 and has gone through several revisions. Please send me any of your experiences using this class, I'd love to hear your stories, feedback, and critique!

I have used the work of several awesome artists throughout this pdf. Please check them out!

Cover Art: Zexi Guo

Artwork owned by Paizo Inc.

Sky: Iromonik

Totem Poles by ArtofCarolyn

Thanks to everyone who granted me ideas and insights as I was designing and testing this class! Thanks to anyone who uses or allows this class in their game! I'm incredibly honored that you'd allow and enjoy my work in your campaigns.


Disclaimer DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. For the art used in this work, all credit goes to the artists, whom you can find the links to below. All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by OutrageousPages and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.


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