Enchanting Stand Alone

by KibblesTasty

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Crafting Time

All items have a crafting time measured in hours. Crafting is completed in 2 hour chunk. Some branches of crafting must make all their checks consecutively (like Alchemy) while some do not (like Blacksmithing or Enchanting). A crafting roll is made every 2 hours. For each two hours, make a crafting roll.

On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours.

If you fail three times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Crafting During a Rest

During a long rest, you can make up to 2 hours of progress during a crafting project if you do nothing else during the long rest besides craft and sleep. During this time, you have disadvantage on any Wisdom (Perception) checks and a -5 to all Passive Perception checks as you are focused on your craft.

You can make 2 hours of progress on any crafting project by taking this camp action. For most projects, this progress can be banked completing the project 2 hours at a time. For some types of crafting, like alchemy, you cannot make incremental progress, but you can continue for 2 additional hours of crafting before or after a long rest in which you took the camp action "craft" to get 4 hours (for example).

Camp Actions

A recommended system is the Kibbles Camp Actions which can be found here and provide more formalized rules for how to make use of your time during a long rest.

Crafting Rolls

Each profession lists the related ability modifier and tool used to calculate your crafting roll modifier. In many cases, attempting to craft without the applicable tool is impossible. Your DM may allow improvised tools, and in that case the check is made with disadvantage.

Beyond the tool, most branches of crafting require a heat source, and some require more infastructure. These are generally approached logically and are at the discretion of the DM. For an adventure looking for more portable workshop tools, investigate the crafting utility magic and crafting utility items sections - these offer additional avenues for increased portable.

Here is a list of some of the additional requirements by branch:

  • Blacksmithing can perform minor crafts with a simple heat source, but requires a forge and anvil to make new items.
  • Alchemy and Cooking almost always requires a heat source.
  • Tinkering, Jewelcrafting, and Poisoncraft sometimes require a heat source.
  • Enchanting, Scroll Scribing, Woodworking, Wand Whittling, Poisoncraft, Leatherworking, Engineering, Runecarving rarely require anything besides the tools of the profession.

Features that grant tool expertise (the ability to add twice your proficiency bonus to ability checks made with a tool) are calculated into your crafting roll modifier, but do not add to an the calculated DC the effects of that item have.

Temporary Bonuses

A crafting roll is a special type of ability check and you cannot add temporary bonuses to your roll (such as Bardic Inspiration or the spell guidance) as the crafting roll represents the entire time you spend working the item.

You can gain can advantage if another player with proficiency in the related tool helps for the whole crafting time.

Taking 10

When you craft something, double the crafting period (from 2 hours to 4 hours per check) to "take a 10" on the crafting roll, meaning that your crafting checks are 10 + your related ability score + your related tool proficiency. This provides a floor level that you can always succeed on if you choose to take your time.

NPC Crafting

It should always be assumed that when NPCs are crafting, they take this option, and thus craft more slowly but reliably. The slap-dash speed crafting is largely the domain of the players, though at the DM's discretion the players may convince a NPC to craft faster assuming the risk of their materials.


When a character is spending all day working, they make 8 hours of progress, and cannot exceed 8 hours working on a crafting project during a day. Players will occasionally want to work longer than 8 hours, but this fails to account for the limitations of mortals - player characters still need to eat, sleep, and will eventually lose their focus and ability to work. This is primarily implemented for balance reasons, but also helps model how much productive time a character can spend - they are not just working 8 hours straight and idling for 8 hours, but rather a model of the natural flow of a day, taking breaks, etc.

A DM can choose to overrule this and allow extreme crafting days in special circumstances, but in almost all cases working over 8 hours on a crafting project would leave a character with one or more levels of Exhaustion.


Enchanting is a hard and expensive profession, but one eagerly pursued by many all the same. The makers of miracles, the craftsmen of wonder, no other profession holds the fascination of adventurers quite like Enchanter, for their domain encompasses the large majority of magical items.

An item need not pass through an enchanter's hands to be magical, indeed many a blacksmith has forged a magical blade with the right materials, but the true wonder of enchantment is to turn the mundane magical. An enchanter can turn even the most base and commonplace item into something wonderful and powerful, and when given the head start of working with an already well crafted item can craft things of legend.

Many enchanters further specialize in subdomains such as Scroll Scribing or Wand Whittling for more specialized good that require more specialized tools, with many even pursuing such things as Jewelery Crafting in order to create the precious items that most easily enchant, but the general field of Enchanting still covers a large swath of the wondrous.

Scrolls are heavily featured as component of nearly all magical items forming the basis for the powerful enchantments that imbue them with their magic - templates of sort, and thus the ability to craft scrolls with Scroll Scribery is often the most desired of the subdomains for an Enchanter.

Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a magic item in its most basic form:

  • Select the magic item that you would like to craft from any of the Magic Item Tables.
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that item.
  • Use your Arcana skill to infuse the option using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Intelligence modifier + your Arcana proficiency.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the magic item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Materials: Essences & Components

The materials of enchanting are Essences and Components. Essences come in three different types - Arcane, Primal, and Divine, as well as five rarities - common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary. What an Essence is can vary greatly, as they are things of innate magic that is used to power the Enchanter's creations. They could be organs of magical monsters (such as the heart of a dragon which would be a rare primal essence) or they can be synthesized from magical reagents into a magical compound. Components are a broad category of items ranging from the base item you are enchanting to any extraneous bits needed to be added. One unique component that is present in many enchantments is a Spell Scroll of various types of spells that form the basis of the sort of the magic the item has.

Replacing Spell Scrolls

A crafter that is capable of casting magic can replace the spell scroll in an enchantment with the ability to cast that spell, but when doing so they must cast that spell for each crafting check they make on that item. This is an exhausting process, draining their magic far more deeply than normal casting, and confers a level of exhaustion each time this technique is used to replace a crafting check. If a magic item requires multiple scrolls, only one of them can be replaced in this way, though if an additional spell caster that can cast the necessary spell can assist you, they can replace a second scroll, though suffering the same penalty.

Exhausting & Difficult Method

This mechanic is intentionally quite difficult to use - even for casters that are capable of casting the spell, the typically process would be to make the scroll first to formalize their thoughts and process, laying down the patterns and templates for the magic item. It also removes a very costly gate in the process, so should not be easily bypassed.

Crafting Roll

Putting that together that means that when you would like to enchant an item, your crafting roll is as follows:

Enchanting Modifier = your Arcana proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Success and Failure

For Enchanting, after you make the crafting roll and succeed marks your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you make 2 hours of progress toward the total crafting item (and have completed one of the required checks for making an item). Checks for Enchanting do not need to be immediately consecutive. Failure means that no progress is made during that time. Once an item is started, even if no progress is made, the components reserved for that item can only be recovered via salvage.

If you fail three times in a row, all progress and materials are lost and can no longer be salvaged.

Wondrous Item Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Bag of Holding 1 bag
1 scroll of secret chest
2 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 uncommon 1,000 gp
Broom of Flying 1 broom
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of animate object
2 uncommon primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 uncommon 1,050 gp
Belt of Hill
Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of enlarge/reduce
3 rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 rare 3,500 gp
Belt of Stone
Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of enlarge/reduce
1 scroll of stoneskin
3 very rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 20 very rare 26,000 gp
Belt of Fire
Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of transformation
1 very rare arcane essence
3 very rare primal essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 22 very rare 47,000 gp
Belt of Cloud
Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of transformation
1 scroll of investiture of wind
1 very rare arcane essence
3 very rare primal essence
1 legendary primal essence
40 hours (5 days) 16 DC 23 legendary 83,000 gp
Belt of Storm
Giant Strength
1 belt
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 scroll of transformation
1 scroll of invulnerability
1 very rare arcane essence
3 very rare primal essence
2 legendary primal essence
48 hours (6 days) 24 DC 25 legendary 200,000 gp
Cap of Water
1 leather cap
1 scroll of water breathing
1 common arcane essence
2 commom primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 270 gp
Circle of Blasting 1 circlet worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of scorching ray
1 common arcane essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 uncommon 250 gp
Goggles of Night 1 pair of goggles
1 scroll of darkvision
1 common primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 13 uncommon 300 gp
Pearl of Power 1 pearl worth at least 100 gp
5 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 uncommon 350 gp
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Portable Hole 1 large cloth
1 scroll of rope trick
1 scroll of passwall
1 scroll of dimension door
2 rare arcane essence
1 rare primal essence
16 hours (1.5 days) 8 DC 18 Rare 5,000 gp
Sending Stones 1 set of the same kind of stones
1 scroll of sending
2 common arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 380 gp
Cloak of Protection 1 cloak
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of protection from energy
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of absorb elements
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours (2 days) 12 DC 16 rare 2,500 gp
Animated Shield 1 shield worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of animated objects
2 rare arcane essence
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare primal essence
24 hours (2 days) 12 DC 18 very rare 12,500 gp
Bag of Beans 1 bag of beans
1 rare primal essence
1 uncommon primal essence
1 scroll of plant growth
1 scroll of conjure animals
6 common primal essence
48 hours (2 days) 24 DC 15 rare 1,750 gp
Bag of Devouring 1 bag of holding
1 scroll of planeshift
1 scroll of hunger of hadar
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 very rare 15,000 gp
Bag of Tricks 1 bag
4 common arcane essence
1 scroll of conjure animals
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 14 uncommon 520 gp
Beads of Force 8 beads
8 scrolls of resilient sphere
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 rare 2900 gp
Belts of Dwarvenkind 1 belt worth at least 200 gp
200 gp worth of quality ale
1 rare primal essence
2 uncommon primal essences
1 scroll of stoneskin
1 scroll of alter self
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2400 gp
Boots of Elvenkind 1 boots worth at least 50 gp
1 uncommon primal essence
1 common primal essence
1 scroll of silence
1 scroll of pass without a trace
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 470 gp
Boots of Levitate 1 boots worth at least 200 gp
2 rare arcane essence
2 uncommon primal essence
1 scroll of levitate
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,600 gp
Boots of Speed 1 boots worth at least 200 gp
1 rare primal essence
2 rare arcane essence
2 uncommon arcane essence
1 scroll of haste
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 rare 3,400 gp
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Boots of Striding and Springing 1 boot worth at least 50 gp
1 common arcane essence
1 common primal essence
1 scroll of longstrider
1 scroll of jump
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommmon 325 gp
Boots of Winterlands 1 boots
1 scroll of protection of from energy
1 scroll of arctic breathK
2 uncommon primal essences
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 15 uncommon 760 gp
Bracers of Archery 1 set of bracers
1 scroll of seeking shotK
1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 15 uncommon 500 gp
Bracers of Defense 1 set of bracers worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 rare divine essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,300 gp
Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals 1 brazier worth 200 gp
1 scroll of conjure elemental
2 rare primal essences
2 rare reactive reagents
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,400 gp
Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals 1 bowl worth 200 gp
1 scroll of conjure elemental
2 rare primal essences
2 rare curative reagents
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,400 gp
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals 1 stone worth 200 gp
1 scroll of conjure elemental
2 rare primal essences
2 rare poisonous reagent
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,400 gp
Censer of Controlling Air Elementals 1 censer worth 200 gp
1 scroll of conjure elemental
2 rare primal essences
1 rare reactive reagent
1 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,400 gp
Candle of Invocation* 1 candle worth 100 gp
4 rare divine essence
1 scroll of holy aura
1 scroll of gate
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 19 very rare 65,000 gp
Cape of Mountebank 1 cape worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of dimension door
1 scroll of pyrotechnics
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 rare 2,000 gp
Carpet of Flying 1 fancy carpet worth 1000 gp
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of animate objects
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare primal essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 19 very rare 20,000 gp
Chime of Opening 1 chime worth 50 gp
1 scroll of knock
10 common arcane essences
10 hours 5 DC 14 rare 666 gp
  • *Candle of Invocation matches the alignment of the creator.
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Cloak of Arachnida 1 cloak worth 200 gp
1 scroll of web
1 scroll of spiderclimb
1 scroll of protection from poison
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 very rare 10,000 gp
Cloak of Displacement 1 cloak worth 50 gp
1 scroll of mirror image
1 rare arcane essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 15 rare 980 gp
Cloak of Elvenkind 1 cloak
1 scroll of pass without a trace
1 uncommon primal essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 335 gp
Cloak of the Bat 1 cloak worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of form of the familiarK
1 scroll of darkness
1 scroll of fly
1 rare primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 15 rare 1,500 gp
Cloak of the Manta Ray 1 cloak
1 scroll of water breathing
1 scroll of alter self
2 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 600 gp
Crystal Ball 1 crystal worth at least 1,000 gp
1 scroll of scrying
1 very rare arcane essence
2 rare arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 very rare 12,600 gp
Crystal Ball of Mind Reading 1 very rare magical crystal ball
1 scroll of detect thoughts
1 very rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 19 very rare 22,200 gp
Crystal Ball of Telepathy 1 very rare magical crystal ball
1 scroll of suggestion
1 very rare psionic essence
8 hours 4 DC 20 very rare 22,600 gp
Crystal Ball of True Seeing 1 very rare magical crystal ball
1 scroll of truesight
1 legendary arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 21 legendary 50,000 gp
Cube of Force 1 metal cube of mithril, admantite, or gold
1 scroll of wall of force
1 scroll of antilife shell
1 scroll of gaseous form
1 scroll of antimagic field
2 rare arcane essence
3 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 very rare 20,000 gp
Cubic Gate 1 3 inch cube worth at least 500 gold
1 scroll of gate
1 scroll of planeshift
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 20 very rare 75,000 gp
Decanter of Endless Water 1 decanter
1 scroll of create or destroy water
1 uncommon primal essence
1 common divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 ucommon 300 gp
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Deck of Illusions 34 cards
1 scroll of major image
1 scroll of silent image
34 common arcane essences
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 330 gp
Deck of Many Things 22 cards
1 tears of a dungeon master
22 hours 11 DC 100 legendary ???
Dimension Shackles 1 set of manacles
1 scroll of hold monster
1 scroll of forbiddence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 4,900 gp
Efficient Quiver 1 quiver worth 25 gp
1 scroll of secret chest
1 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 430 gp
Efreeti Bottle 1 brass bottle
1 scroll of conjure elemental
1 scroll of planar binding
2 very rare primal essences
3 rare primal essences
3 rare arcane essences
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 18 very rare 24,000 gp
Eversmoking Bottle 1 bottle
1 scroll of fog cloud
1 scroll of produce flame
1 common arcane essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 13 uncommon 210 gp
Eyes of Charming 1 crystal lenses (glasses) worth 50 gp
1 scroll of charm person
1 uncommon arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 300 gp
Eyes of Minute Seeing 1 crystal lenses (glasses) worth 50 gp
1 scroll of identify
1 common arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 190 gp
Eyes of the Eagle 1 crystal lenses
1 scroll of far sightK
1 common primal essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 190 gp
Feather Token (Anchor) 1 fletching
1 scroll of entangle
1 scroll of web
1 scroll of binding curseK
1 uncommon arcane essence
6 hours 3 DC 15 rare 435 gp
Feather Token (Bird) 1 fletching
1 scroll of conjure animals
2 scrolls of enlarge reduce
1 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 17 rare 770 gp
Feather Token (Fan) 1 fletching
1 scroll of gust of wind
1 scroll of animate objectK
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 15 rare 525 gp
Feather Token (Swan Boat) 1 fletching
1 boat 50 feet long and 20 feet wide
1 scroll of dimension door
1 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 rare 4000 gp
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Feather Token (Tree) 1 fletching
1 scroll of plant growth
1 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 15 rare 475 gp
Feather Token (Whip) 1 fletching
1 whip
1 scroll of animate objects
1 uncommon arcane essence
6 hours 3 DC 14 rare 275 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Brozne Griffon)
1 figurine of a griffon worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of summon greater steed
1 rare divine essence
1 uncommon divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,700 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Ebony Fly)
1 figurine of a fly worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of giant insect
1 rare primal essence
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 rare 1,300 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Golden Lions)
2 figurines of a lion worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of conjure animals
1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon divine essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 15 rare 730 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Ivory Goats)
3 figurines of a goat worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of conjure animals
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours 8 DC 16 rare 1,700 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Marble Elephant)
1 figurine of an elephant worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of conjure animals
1 scroll of enlarge reduce
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 rare 600 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Obsidian Steed)
1 figurine of a horse worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of summon greater steed
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 very rare 10,250 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Onyx Dog)
1 figurine of a dog worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of conjure animals
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 rare 515 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Serpentine Owl)
1 figurine of an owl worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of find familiar
1 scroll of enlarge reduce
1 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 rare 475 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Silver Raven)
1 figurine of a raven worth at least 10 gp
1 scroll of find familiar
1 scroll of animal messanger
1 common primal essence
1 common arcane essnece
8 hours 4 DC 13 uncommon 270 gp
Figurine of Wondrous
Power (Oynx Panther)K
1 figurine of a panther worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of conjure animals
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 rare 515 gp
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Gauntlets of Ogre Power 1 gauntlets worth 50 gp
1 scroll of enlarge/reduce
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 uncommon primal essence
1 common arcane essence
12 (1.5 days) 6 DC 14 uncommon 500 gp
Gem of Brightness 1 cut gem worth at least 50 gold
1 scroll of light
1 scroll of daylight
1 uncommon divine essence
1 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 585 gp
Gem of Seeing 1 cut gem worth at least 50 gold
1 scroll of true seeing
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 3050 gp
Gloves of Missile Snaring 1 gloves
1 scroll of attract/repel
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 365 gp
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing 1 gloves
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 common arcane essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 225 gp
Handy Haversack 1 backpack
1 scroll of secret chest
1 instant summons
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 rare 3,600 gp
Hat of Disguise 1 hat
1 scroll of disguise self
1 scroll of minor illusion
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 common arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 340 gp
Headband of Intellect 1 handband worth at least 25 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
2 uncommon arcane essence
1 common divine essence
12 days (1.5 days) 6 DC 14 uncommon 540 gp
Winged Boots boots worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of featherfall
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 15 uncommon 1000 gp
Wings of Flying 1 cloak worth 50 gp
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of polymorph
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 3,000 gp
Well of Many Worlds 1 fine block cloth worth 100 gp
1 scroll of planeshift
1 scroll of demiplane
1 legendary divine essence
1 very rare arcane essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 20 legendary 75,000 gp
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Helm of Brilliance* 1 helm worth at least 100 gp
5 diamonds worth 50 gp
10 rubies worth 20 gp
15 fire opals worth 10 gp
20 opals worth 10 gp
1 scroll of daylight
1 scroll of fireball
1 scroll of prismatic spray
1 wall of fire
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 very rare 17,000 gp
Helm of Comprehending Language 1 helm worth at least 25 gp
1 scroll of comprhend languages
1 common arcane essence
1 common divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 14 uncommon 280 gp
Helm of Telepathy 1 helm worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of detect thoughts
1 scroll of suggestion
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 common arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 15 uncommon 575 gp
Helm of Teleportation 1 helm worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of teleport
2 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 rare 16,700 gp
Horn of Blasting 1 horn worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of shockwaveK
1 scroll of sonic shriekK
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 17 rare 3,370 gp
Horn of Valhalla (Silver) 1 silver horn worth at least 50 gold
1 scroll of spirit guardians
1 scroll of guardian of faith
1 rare primal essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 17 rare 2,800 gp
Horn of Valhalla (Brass) 1 brass horn worth at least 50 gold
1 scroll of spirit guardians
1 scroll of guardian of faith
1 rare primal essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 17 rare 2,800 gp
Horn of Valhalla (Bronze) 1 bronze horn worth at least 100 gold
1 scroll of spirit guardians
1 scroll of guardian of faith
1 scroll of conjure celestial
2 rare primal essence
2 rare divine essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 19 very rare 5,600 gp
Horn of Valhalla (Iron) 1 iron horn worth at least 500 gold
1 scroll of spirit guardians
1 scroll of conjure celestial
1 very rare primal essence
1 very rare divine essence
40 hours (5 hours) 20 hours DC 20 legendary 33,800 gp
  • Helm of Brilliance forged this way has 5 diamons, 10 rubies, 15 fire opals, and 20 opals. At your DMs discretion, one can be made with more gems.
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Horseshoes of Speed 4 horseshoes worth 10 gp each
4 scrolls of longstrider
4 uncommon arcane essences
4 common primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 16 rare 1,570 gp
Horseshoes of a Zephyr 4 horseshoes worth 10 gp each
4 scrolls of levitate
1 scroll of fly
1 scroll of longstrider
4 rare arcane essences
4 uncommon primal essences
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 very rare 5,500 gp
Instant Fortress 1 admantine cube
100 adamantine ingots
1 scroll of magnificent mansion
2 very rare arcane essence
4 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 18 very rare 42,000 gp
Iron Bands of Binding 30 feet of chain
1 scroll of entangle
1 scroll of awaken ropeK
1 rare arcane essence
2 uncommon divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 rare 740 gp
Iron Flask (Empty) 1 iron flask worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of imprisonment
1 scroll of planar blinding
1 legendary arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 98,000 gp
Mantle of Spell Resistance 1 mantle worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of dispel magic
3 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
16 hours (1.5 days) 8 DC 17 rare 3,280 gp
Mirror of Life Trapping 1 4 foot tall mirror worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of demiplane
1 scroll of banishment
1 very rare arcane essence
2 rare arcane essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 19 very rare 25,000 gp
Lantern of Revealing 1 lantern
1 scroll of light
1 scroll of see invisible
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 500 gp
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Pipes of Haunting 1 pipes worth at least 25 gp
1 scroll of cause fear
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
8 hour 4 DC 15 uncommon 485 gp
Pipes of the Sewers 1 pipes worth at least 25 gp
1 scroll of animal friendship
1 uncommon primal essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 345 gp
Robe of Eyes 1 robe worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of darkvision
1 scroll of see invisibility
1 scroll of arcane eye
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon psionic essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 17 rare 2,170 gp
Robe of Scintillating Colors 1 robe worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of daylight
1 scroll of prismatic spray
1 scroll of wall of light
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 very rare 25,000 gp
Robe of Stars 1 black or blue robe worth 200 gp
1 scroll of magic missile
1 scroll of etherealness
1 scroll of blink
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
6 rare arcane essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 19 very rare 32,800 gp
Robe of Useful Items* 1 robe
100 gold pieces
1 silver coffer worth 500 gp
1 iron door
10 gems worth 100 gp each
1 wooden ladder
1 picture of a horse worth 75 gp
1 saddle bag
1 scroll of create holeK
4 potions of healing
1 rowboat
1 1st level scroll
1 picture of mastiffs worth at least 25 gp
1 window
1 portable ram
13 common arcane essences
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 3,560 gp
Robe of the Archmage 1 white, gray, or black robe worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of antimagic field
1 legendary arcane essence
5 very rare arcane essence
40 days (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 100,000 gp
Rope of Climbing 1 60-foot long rope
1 scroll of awaken rope
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 common arcane essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 300 gp
  • Formula for Robe of Useful Items 13 patches, one of each. You can remove items to craft with less patches.
Wondrous Item Crafting Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Rope of Entanglement 1 30-foot long rope
1 scroll of awaken ropeK
1 scroll of entangle
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 1,325 gp
Slippers of Spider Climbing 1 slippers
1 scroll of spider climbing
1 common arcane essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 225 gp
Sphere of Annihilation 1 legendary arcane essence
1 scroll of disintegrate
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of demiplane
2 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 81,000 gp
Luckstone 1 polished agate worth 50 gp
1 scroll of imbue luckK
1 uncommon divine essence
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 415 gp
Ioun Stones
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Ioun Stone (Absorption) 1 pale lavender gem worth at least 500 gold
1 scroll of dispel magic
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 18,000 gp
Ioun Stone (Agility) 1 deep red gem worth at least 500 gold
1 scroll of enhance ability
2 very rare primal essence
2 very rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 33,000 gp
Ioun Stone (Awareness) 1 dark blue gem worth at least 200 gold
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 rare primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2260 gp
Ioun Stone (Fortitude) 1 pink gem worth at least 500 gold
1 scroll of enhance ability
2 very rare divine essence
2 very rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 33,000 gp
Ioun Stone (Greater Absorption) 1 lavender gem worth at least 500 gp
1 green gem worth at least 500 gp
2 very rare divine essence
2 very rare arcane essence
1 scroll of antimagic sphere
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 20 legendary 50,000 gp
Ioun Stone (Insight) 1 incandescent blue worth at least 500 gold
1 scroll of enhance ability
2 very rare divine essence
2 very rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 33,000 gp
Ioun Stones
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Ioun Stone (Intellect) 1 incandescent blue worth at least 500 gold
1 scroll of enhance ability
3 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 33,000 gp
Ioun Stone (Leadership) 1 pink gem at least 500 gold
1 scroll of enhance ability
4 very rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 33,000 gp
Ioun Stone (Mastery) 1 green gem worth at least 1,000 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary divine essence
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare primal essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 55,800 gp
Ioun Stone (Protection) 1 rose gem worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of mage armor
3 rare arcane essnece
1 rare divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 3,800 gp
Ioun Stone (Regeneration) 1 pearl worth at least 1,000 gp
1 scroll of regeneration
2 very rare divine essence
2 rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 legendary 32,800
Ioun Stone (Reserve) 1 purple gem worth at least 200 gp
5 rare arcane essence
4 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 5,100 gp
Ioun Stone (Strength) 1 pale blue gem at least 500 gold
1 scroll of enhance ability
4 very rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 33,000 gp
Ioun Stone (Sustenance) 1 clear gem worth at least 200 gold
1 scroll of create food and water
2 rare divine essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 rare 2,290 gp
Magical Manuals and Tomes
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Manual of Bodily Health 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary primal essence
1 legendary divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 68,500 gp
Manual of Gainful Exercise 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
2 legendary primal essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 68,500 gp
Manual of Golems* 1 blank book worth 250 gp
1 scroll of awaken
1 scroll of scroll of animate objects
2 very rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 12,400 gp
Manual of Quickness of Action 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary arcane essence
1 legendary divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 68,500 gp
Tome of Clear Thought 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
2 legendary arcane essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 68,500 gp
Tome of Leadership and Influence 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
2 legendary divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 68,500 gp
Tome of Understanding 1 blank book worth 500 gp
1 scroll of enhance ability
1 legendary divine essence
1 legendary primal essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 68,500 gp
  • Note that this creates the item, not the golem. Creating the golem requires a sum of gold and time beyond the item. When making a manual of golems in this way, you can pick which golem type it is for.
Magical Jewelry
Name Materials Crafting Time Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Periapt of Health 1 necklace worth 50 gold
1 scroll of purify food and drink
1 scroll of lesser restoration
2 common divine essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 12 uncommon 325 gp
Amulet of Heath 1 amulet worth 200 gp
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 rare 2500 gp
Amulet of Proof against
Detection and Location
1 amulet
1 scroll of nondetection
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 350 gp
Amulet of Planes 1 amulet worth 650 gp
1 scroll of plane shift
1 rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 very rare 23,400 gp
Brooch of Shielding 1 brooch or amulet worth 10 gp
1 scroll of magic missile
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of protection from energy
6 hours 3 DC 14 uncommon 444 gp
Circlet of Blasting circlet worth at least 25 gold
1 scroll of scorching ray
1 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 3 DC 12 uncommon 280 gp
Medallion of Thoughts 1 medallion worth 25 gold
1 scroll of detect thoughts
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon psionic essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 500 gp
Necklace of Adaption 1 necklace worth at least 25 gold
1 scroll of protection from poison
1 common divine essence
6 hours 3 DC 12 uncommon 170 gp
Necklace of Prayer Beads* 6 gems worth 50 gold pieces each
1 scroll of planar ally
1 scroll of wind walk
1 scroll of branding smite
1 greater restoration
1 cure wounds
1 scroll of lesser restoration
1 scroll of bless
6 rare divine essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 rare 10,000 gp
Scarab of Protection 1 scarab shaped medallion
worth at least 500 gp

1 scroll of holy aura
1 very rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 legendary 25,000 gp
Talisman of Pure Good 1 talisman woth at least 1,000 gp
1 legendary divine essence
from a Good-aligned source

1 scroll of fissure
1 scroll of gate
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 88,000 gp
Talisman of Ultimate Evil 1 talisman woth at least 1,000 gp
1 legendary divine essence
from an Evil-aligned source

1 scroll of fissure
1 scroll of gate
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 21 legendary 88,000 gp
Talisman of the Sphere 1 talisman woth at least 1,000 gp
1 legendary arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 22 legendary 37,000 gp
  • This version of Necklance of Prayer Beads has 6 beads, 1 of each option.
Weapon Enchanting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
+1 Weapon 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 common arcane essence
2 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 540* gp
+2 Weapon 1 weapon
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 uncommon arcane essence
2 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
2 rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 rare 5,300* gp
+3 Weapon 1 weapon worth at least 1,000 gp
1 scroll of magic weapon
1 scroll of elemental weapon
1 scroll of vorpal weaponK
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
1 very rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 very rare 26,000 gp
Berserker Axe 1 axe
1 scroll of crown of madness
1 scroll of magic weapon
1 scroll of aid
2 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 500* gp
Bow of Magic
1 bow (short or long)
1 scroll of magic missile
1 scroll of magic weapon
3 rare arcane essence
1 very rare arcane essence
16 hours (1.5 days) 8 DC 18 very rare 10,000 gp
Dagger of
1 +1 weapon
1 potent injury poison
1 scroll of nauseating poisonK
1 rare primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 Rare 2,500 gp
Flametongue Weapon 1 weapon
1 scroll of elemental weapon
1 flametongue oil
5 rare primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 rare 5,800* gp
Javelin of
1 javalin
1 scroll of lightning bolt
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 400 gp
Arrow of Slaying 1 arrow
1 scroll of bestow curse
2 rare primal essence
2 uncommon primal essence
6 hours 4 DC 18 very rare 2500 gp
  • Weapon cost not included in price.
Weapon Enchanting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Trident of
Fish Command
1 trident
1 scroll of dominate beast
1 common primal essence
1 uncommon primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 560 gp
Giant Slayer 1 weapon worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of magic weapon
1 rare primal essence from a giant
2 uncommon arcane essence
2 uncommon primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 rare 1,800 gp
Mace of Disruption 1 mace
1 scroll of banishment
2 rare divine essence
1 uncommon divine essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 rare 2,400 gp
Mace of Smiting 1 mace
1 scroll of dispel construct
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 rare 1,500 gp
Dragon Slayer 1 weapon worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of magic weapon
2 rare primal essence
1 rare divine essence
2 uncommon arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 3,000 gp
Mace of Terror 1 mace
1 scroll of fear
1 rare arcane essence
2 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 17 rare 1,680 gp
Sun Blade 1 sword hilt worth 200 gp
1 scroll of holy weapon
1 scroll of shadowblade
1 scroll of daylight
3 rare divine essence
2 uncommon arcane essence
2 uncommon primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 17 rare 5,500 gp
Sword of Life
1 sword
1 scroll of vampiric touch
1 rare arcane essence
2 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 17 rare 1,550 gp
Sword of
1 sword
1 scroll of rotting curseK
1 scroll of inflict wound
1 rare arcane essence
3 uncommon arcane essences
from an evil source
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 rare 1,600 gp
Vicious Weapon 1 weapon
1 scroll of vorpal weapon
3 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 rare 1,650 gp
Dancing Sword 1 sword worth 100 gp
1 scroll of animate objects
2 very rare arcane essence
4 uncommon arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 18,500 gp
Dwarven Thrower 1 +3 warhammer
1 scroll of weapon of throwing
1 very rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 very rare 37,000 gp
Weapon Enchanting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Hammer of Thunderbolts 1 maul worth at least 1,000 gp
1 legendary primal essence
2 very rare primal essence
1 scroll of thunderwave
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 20 legendary 64,000 gp
Defender 1 sword worth at least 1,000 gp
1 legendary divine essence
1 scroll of magic weapon
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 +3 shield
32 (4 days) 16 DC 20 legendary 59,000 gp
Dragon Slayer 1 sword worth at least 1,000 gp
3 rare primal essence
1 scroll of bestow curse
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 rare 4400 gp
Frost Brand 1 weapon
1 scroll of elemental weapon
1 freezing oil
1 very rare primal essence
3 rare primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 19 very rare 11,600 gp
Holy Avenger 1 weapon worth at least 10,000 gp
3 legendary divine essence
1 scroll of holy weapon
1 scroll of holy aura
1 scroll of magic weapon
3 very rare divine essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 22 legendary 158,000 gp
Luck Blade 1 +1 sword
2 scrolls of wish
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 20 legendary 92,000 gp
Nine Lives Stealer 1 sword worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of power word kill
1 scroll of magic jar
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 very rare 46,600 gp
Oathbow 1 longbow worth 500 gp
4 very rare primal essences
1 scroll of true strike
1 scroll of hunter's mark
1 scroll of hex
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 very rare 17,700 gp
Scimitar of Speed 1 scimitar worth 500 gp
1 scroll of haste
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 very rare 10,000 gp
Sword of Life Stealing 1 sword worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of vampiric touch
1 rare arcane essence
2 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 rare 1,800 gp
Sword of Sharpness 1 sword worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of vorpal weapon
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 very rare 11,000 gp
Sword of Wounding 1 sword worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of decaying touch
1 scroll of rotting curse
2 rare arcane essence
2 very rare poisonous reagent
1 rare poisonous reagent
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 17 rare 5,000 gp
Magic Armor Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
+1 Armor 1 set of armor
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 16 rare 3,000* gp
+2 Armor 1 set of armor worth at least 2,000 gp
1 scroll of globe of invulnerability
1 scroll of stoneskin
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 20 very rare 17,000 gp
+3 Armor 1 set of armor worth at least 4,000gp
1 scroll of invulnerability
1 legendary arcane essence
1 very rare primal essence
1 very rare divine essence
48 hours (6 days) 24 DC 22 legendary 100,000 gp
Shield +1 1 shield
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 uncommon divine essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 uncommon 500 gp
Shield +2 1 shield
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 scroll of glyph of warding
2 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 3,200 gp
Shield +3 1 shield worth at least 1,000 gp
1 scroll of wall of stone
1 scroll of wall of force
1 scroll of wind wall
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
2 rare arcane essence
2 rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 20 very rare 24,000 gp
Breastplate of Golden RetrieverDC 1 ornate breastplate worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of warding bond
1 scroll of faithful hound
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 very rare 9,700 gp
Armor of Invulnerability 1 set of plate armor worth at least 4,000 gp
1 scroll of invulnerability
1 scroll of stone skin
1 legendary divine essence
2 very rare arcane essence
48 hours (6 days) 24 DC 23 legendary 125,000 gp
  • *Armor Prices do not include the base set of base armor type, as the cost of those varies considerably.
Magic Armor Table (cont)
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Armor of Resistance 1 set of armor
1 scroll of protection
from energy

2 rare primal essence
1 uncommon primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,400* gp
1 shield
1 scroll of warding wind
1 rare primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 17 Rare 1,300 gp
Demon Armor 1 plate armor worth at
rare 1,500 gp

1 scroll of summon fiend
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2days) 8 DC 15 very rare 4,000 gp
Dwarven Armor 1 plate armor with the
dwarven modifier

1 scroll of globe of invulnerability
1 scroll of stoneskin
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
1 rare primal essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 20 very rare 28,000 gp
Glamoured Studded
1 +1 studded leather armor
1 scroll of disguise self
1 scroll of silent image
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 15 rare 4,2000 gp
Plate Armor of
1 set of plate armor
worth at least 1,500 gp

1 scroll of etherealness
1 legendary arcane essence
1 very rare arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 legendary 50,000 gp
Shield of Missile
1 shield
1 scroll of warding wind
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon primal essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 rare 1,200 gp
Spellguard Shield 1 shield worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of antimagic field
1 very rare divine essence
1 rare arcane essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 20 very rare 28,000 gp
  • *Armor Prices do not include the base set of base armor type, as the cost of those varies considerably.
Rod Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Immovable Rod 1 rod worth at least 100 gp
1 scroll of gravity surgeK
4 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 Uncommon 800 gp
Rod of the Pact
Keeper +1
1 rod worth at least 100 gp
(a) 1 entrapped humanoid soul or
(b) 3 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 15 Uncommon 650 gp
Rod of Rulership 1 rod worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of command
1 scroll of charm person
1 scroll of suggestion
1 scroll of charm monster
2 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 Rare 3,100 gp
Rod of the Pact
Keeper +2
1 rod worth at least 500 gp
(a) 3 entrapped humanoid
souls of CR/Level 5 or higher or
(b) 3 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 12 DC 17 Rare 3,300 gp
Tentacle Rod 1 rod worth at least 500 gp
1 scroll of black tentacle
3 tentacles at least 5 feet long
2 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 Rare 2500 gp
Rod of Absorption 1 rod worth at least 3,000 gp
1 scroll of spelltrapK
1 scroll of counterspell
2 rare arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 16 Very Rare 7500 gp
Rod of Alertness 1 rod worth at least 3,000 gp
1 scroll of alarm
1 scroll of detect evil and good
1 scroll of detect magic
1 scroll of detect poison and disease
1 scroll of see invisibility
3 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 Very Rare 6,400 gp
Rod of Security 1 rod worth at least 5,000 gp
1 scroll of demiplane
1 very rare divine essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 18 Very Rare 29,000 gp
Rod of the Pact
Keeper +3
1 rod worth at least 5,000 gp
(a) 1 entrapped soul of a devil or
demon CR 15 or higher

2 very rare arcane essence or
(b) 4 very rare arcane essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 Very Rare 38,000 gp
Rod of Lordly Might 1 rod worth at least 10,000 gp
1 scroll of magic weapon
1 scroll of elemental weapon
1 scroll of fear
1 scroll of hold monster
1 scroll of vampiric touch
1 very rare primal essence
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare divine essence
1 +3 weapon mace or battleaxe
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 22 Legendary 84,000 gp
Rod of Resurrection 1 rod worth at least 10,000 gp
1 scroll of revivify
1 scroll of raise dead
1 scroll of resurrection
1 scroll of true resurrection
1 very rare divine essence
1 legendary divine essence
80 hours (10 days) 40 DC 24 Legendary 120,000 gp
Staff Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Staff of Charming 1 rare branch
2 rare divine essence
2 rare primal essence
4 uncommon arcane essence
1 scroll of command
1 scroll of comprehend language
1 scroll of charm person
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 rare 4,600 gp
Staff of Fire 1 very rare branch
1 ruby worth 500 gp
3 very rare primal essence
6 rare primal essence
1 scroll of burning hands
1 scroll of fireball
1 scroll of wall of fire
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 19 very rare 31,000 gp
Staff of Frost 1 very rare branch
1 sapphire worth 500 gp
1 very rare primal essence
1 very rare arcane essence
4 rare primal essences
2 rare arcane essences
1 scroll of cone of cold
1 scroll of fog cloud
1 scroll of icestorm
1 scroll of of wall of ice
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 19 very rare 26,000 gp
Staff of Healing 1 rare branch
3 rare divine essence
3 uncommon divine essence
1 scroll of mass cure wounds
1 scroll of cure wounds
1 scroll of lesser restoration
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 18 rare 5,000 gp
Staff of Power 1 +2 quarterstaff
1 diamond worth 500 gp
1 legendary arcane essence
1 scroll of cone of cold
1 scroll of fireball
1 scroll of globe of invulnerability
1 scroll of hold monster
1 scroll of levitate
1 scroll of lightning bolt
1 scroll of magic missile
1 scroll of ray of enfeeblement
1 scroll of wall of force
10 rare arcane essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 20 very rare 50,000 gp
Staff of Striking 1 +3 quarterstaff
10 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 very rare 37,000 gp
Staff of Swarming Insects 1 rare branch
1 scroll of giant insect
1 scroll of insect plague
1 rare primal essence
2 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommone divine essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 rare 3,200 gp
Staff of Thunder and Lightning 1 very rare branch
1 very rare primal essence
1 scroll of lightning bolt
1 scroll of thunder pulseK
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 very rare 9,300 gp
Staff Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Staff of Withering 1 rare branch
1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
1 scroll of blight
8 hours 4 DC 15 rare 780 gp
Staff of the Magi 1 legendary branch
2 legendary arcane essence
Wizard's spellbook containing all the spells of a staff of magi
4 very rare arcane essence
40 hours (5 days) 20 DC 22 legendary 114,000 gp
Staff of the Python 1 uncommon branch
1 scroll of conjure animals
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 350 gp
Staff of the Woodlands 1 rare branch
4 rare primal essence
8 uncommon primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 rare 5,100 gp
Ring Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Ring of
1 ring worth at least 10 gp
1 scroll of jump
1 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 12 uncommon 140 gp
Ring of Mind
1 ring worth at least 20 gp
1 scroll of protection from
good and evil

1 scroll of detect good and evil
1 scroll of detect thoughts
1 common psionic essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 15 uncommon 350 gp
Ring of
1 ring
1 scroll of alter self
1 common primal essence
4 hours 2 DC 14 uncommon 150 gp
Ring of Warmth 1 ring
1 scroll of create bonfire
1 scroll of protection from energy
2 common primal essence
1 uncommon primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 14 uncommon 580 gp
Ring of
1 ring worth at least 10 gp
1 scroll of water walking
2 common primal essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 uncommon 400 gp
Ring of Animal
1 ring worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of animal friendship
1 scroll of fear
1 scroll of speak with animals
1 uncommon primal essence
1 rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 15 rare 1,500 gp
Ring of Evasion 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of haste
1 rare primal essence
1 rare arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 2,600 gp
Ring of Feather
1 ring worth at least 50 gp
1 scroll of feather fall
1 scroll of levitate
1 uncommon primal essence
1 uncommon arcane essence
8 hours 4 DC 14 rare 500 gp
Ring of Free
1 ring worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of freedom of movement
2 rare divine essence
2 rare arcane essence
1 rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 17 rare 5000 gp
Ring of
1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of shield of faith
1 scroll of mage armor
1 scroll of protection from energy
1 scroll of shield
1 scroll of absorb elements
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 3,500 gp
Ring of
1 ring
1 gem worth 50 gp
1 scroll of protection from energy
1 common primal essence
1 uncommon primal essence
1 rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 16 uncommon 1,500 gp
Ring Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Ring of Animal Influence 1 ring worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of animal friendship
1 scroll of fear
1 scroll of speak with animals
1 rare primal essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 rare 1,600 gp
Ring of Djinni 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of gate
1 scroll of conjure elemental
1 very rare primal essence
the true name of a djinni
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 20 legendary 56,000 gp
Ring of Elemental Command 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of dominate monster
1 scroll of conjure elemental
1 legendary primal essence
3 very rare primal essence
24 hours (3 days) 12 DC 19 legendary 55,000 gp
Ring of Invisibility 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of invisbility
1 legendary arcane essence
1 very rare arcane essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 22 legendary 50,000 gp
Ring of Regeneration 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of regeneration
1 rare divine essence
1 rare arcane essence
1 rare primal essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 very rare 16,600 gp
Ring of Shooting Stars 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of field of starsK
1 very rare arcane essence
1 rare divine essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 very rare 11,000 gp
Ring of Spell Storing 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 empty wizard's spell book (50 gp)
4 rare arcane essence
4 uncommon arcane essence
4 common arcane essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 17 rare 5,000 gp
Ring of Spell Turning 1 ring worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of antimagic field
1 scroll of counterspell
1 legendary arcane essence
32 hours (4 days) 16 DC 22 legendary 57,000 gp
Ring of Telekinesis 1 ringer worth at least 400 gp
1 scroll of telekinesis
1 very rare arcane essence
1 very rare psionic essence
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 19 very rare 18,250 gp
Ring of Three Wishes 1 ring
3 scrolls of wish
16 hours (2 days) 8 DC 18 legendary 133,333 gp
Ring of X-Ray Vision 1 ring worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of true seeing
1 scroll of find traps
1 uncommon arcane essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 16 rare 2,300 gp
Ring of the Ram 1 ring worth at least 200 gp
1 scroll of galeboltK
1 scroll of shatter
1 rare arcane essence
1 uncommon primal essence
12 hours (1.5 days) 6 DC 15 rare 1,400 gp

Breastplate of the Golden RetrieverDS

Armor (breastplate), very rare (requires attunement)

You have a +1 bonus to AC and advantage on saving throws to resist being frightened while wearing this armor.

This armor has 3 charges, which it regains daily at dawn. As an action, you can expend 1 charge to cast the warding bond spell or 2 charges to cast the faithful hound spell from the armor without requiring material components. When warding bond is cast in this way, a spectral golden retriever appears next to the creature you are bonded with and follows it dutifully. The golden retriever is incorporeal and it can shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet upon the bonded creature’s request (no action required).

Item created by Dungeon Strugglers

Bow of Magic MissilesTAG

Weapon (any bow), very rare (requires attunement by a creature that is proficient with shortbows or longbows)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, it has 5 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1 charge as an action and draw the bowstring, causing two gleaming arrows of magical force to materialize. You immediately fire each arrow at a creature that you can see within 600 feet. You can direct the arrows at one creature or multiple, and each arrow automatically hits its target, striking simultaneously. You can choose to expend additional charges as part of the same action to fire one extra arrow per charge expended. Each arrow deals force damage equal to 1d6 + your proficiency bonus. The bow regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the bow’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the bow retains its +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls but loses all other properties.

Item created by TAG (The Arena Guy) of Spectre Creations


Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)

This item appears to be a longsword hilt. While grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to cause a blade of dark lightning to spring into existence, or make the blade disappear. While the blade exists, this magic longsword has the finesse property. If you are proficient with shortswords or longswords, you are proficient with the arcblade.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which deals lightning damage instead of slashing damage. When you hit a creature with it, you can cause lightning to arc from the target to a different creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it. The second creature takes 1d8 lightning damage.

The arcblade is able to absorb ambient electrical energy to briefly enter a supercharged state. If you take lightning damage while this weapon’s blade is active, you can use your reaction to capture some of that energy and store it for 1 minute. The first time you hit with the arcblade before the end of the duration, the target takes additional lightning damage equal to half of the damage you took. This property can’t be used again until the next dusk.


Quick Reference

While each step will go into more depth, the quick reference allows you to at a glance follow the steps to make a scroll in its most basic form:

  • Select the a spell you know that you would like to craft from spells you are able to cast, or through Alternate Methods (see "Magic Formula").
  • Acquire the items listed in the materials column for a scroll of that level and type.
  • Use your Calligraphy Tools to write the scroll using the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the crafting times is 2 hours or less.
  • For every 2 hours, make a crafting roll of 1d20 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency with Calligraphy Tools.
  • On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the magic item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail 3 times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials are lost.

Materials: Ink & Parchment

The Materials for Scrollcrafting are Ink and Parchment. Ink and Parchment used in scrolls is typically purchased, and below are the table prices. Some types of rare parchment may be processed from rare alchemical ingredients by an alchemist or from the hides of magical creatures by a leatherworker. If they are found as part of treasure, they are calculated as any other precious non-currency treasure would be calculated.

The ink used to create scrolls must be a special formulation that allows it to contain the magical essence behind the glyphs, script, runes, and words that make up a magical scroll. This ink is created by alchemist, but can be purchased at the below rates:

Component Price
Common Magical Ink 15 gp
Common Parchment 1 sp
Uncommon Magical Ink 40 gp
Uncommon Parchment 40 gp
Rare Magical Ink 200 gp
Rare Parchment 200 gp
Very Rare Magical Ink 2,000 gp
Very Rare Parchment 2,000 gp
Legendary Magical Ink 5,000 gp
Legendary Parchment 5,000 gp

Crafting Roll

Putting that together that means that when you would like to enchant an item, your crafting roll is as follows:

Scrollcrafting Modifier = your Calligrapher's Tools proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Crafting Without Essence

A crafter that is capable of casting magic can replace the essence when crafting a spell scroll with the ability to cast that spell, but when doing so they must cast that spell for each crafting check they make on that item. This is an exhausting process, draining their magic far more deeply than normal casting, and confers a level of exhaustion for each crafting check made this way.

A Difficult Process

This is intentionally a difficult process, as stockpiling spell scrolls is something that should be challenging, otherwise magic can end up trivializing many encounters, and this method of crafting removes a large potential cost barrier.

Magical Formula

To craft a spell scroll, you must know the Magic Formula of the spell you want to make a Spell Scroll of. The easiest way to do this is to be able to cast the spell. You always know the Magic Formula of a spell you know how to cast. Otherwise, you need to have deep knowledge of the spell to be able to make a scroll of it. The following are some ways you can gain that knowledge:

  • Have it in your spellbook as a Wizard.
  • Have it in your spellmanual as an Infusionsmith Artificer.
  • Have it your ritual book as a ritual caster.
  • Have a spell scroll of it (DC +2)
  • Study its magical formula and record it. To learn a spell in this way requires proficiency in arcana and 1 day (8 hours per day) of study per level of the spell, as well as access to a teacher or book that records the spell. Once learned, you can record it in a Magical Formula book and can subsequently make scrolls of it.
Scroll Crafting Table
Name Materials Crafting Time Crafting Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
Cantrip 1 common magical ink
1 common parchment
2 hours 1 DC 12 Common 20 gp
1st Level Spell 1 common essence
1 common magical ink
1 common parchment
2 hours 1 DC 12 Uncommon 65 gp
2nd Level Spell 1 common essence
2 common magical ink
1 common parchment
2 hours 1 DC 14 Uncommon 90 gp
3rd Level Spell 1 uncommon essence
1 uncommon magical ink
1 uncommon parchment
4 hours 2 DC 14 Rare 250 gp
4th Level Spell 1 uncommon essence
2 uncommon magical ink
1 uncommon parchment
4 hours 2 DC 14 Rare 300 gp
5th Level Spell 1 rare essence
1 rare magical ink
1 rare parchment
4 hours 2 DC 15 Rare 1200 gp
6th Level Spell 1 rare essence
2 rare magical ink
1 rare parchment
4 hours 2 DC 16 Rare 1500 gp
7th Level Spell 1 very rare essence
1 very rare magical ink
1 very rare parchment
8 hours 4 DC 17 Very Rare 12,000 gp
8th Level Spell 1 very rare essence
2 very rare magical ink
1 very rare parchment
8 hours 4 DC 18 Very Rare 14,000 gp
9th Level Spell 1 legendary essence
1 legendary magical ink
1 legendary parchment
24 hours
(three days)
12 DC 20 Legendary 40,000 gp.
Scroll Essence Type

The type of Essence is determined by the spell list the spell comes from; if it is on multiple spell lists, it is determined by how you have access to the spell. If you have access to the spell via multiple lists or the written form of the spell, you can pick which Essence to use for spells that have multiple options.

Essence Type Spell List
Arcane Artificer, Bard, Occultist, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Divine Cleric, Occultist, Paladin
Primal Druid, Occultist, Ranger
Psionic Monk, Psion

Types of Materials


Reagents are huge range of things; most often they are plants that contain some magical essence, but almost as frequently they are harvested from various magically inclined monsters. The exact source of a reagent usually does not matter beyond defining its type, as the part of the reagent used is the fragment of magic contained within that is distilled out.

Reagents are the There are many different ways to make a potion. Consequently, the materials are sorted into categories. These categories include curative, reactive, and poisonous. These each come in the standard material rarities: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary.

Reagents cannot be salvaged once they have been combined into another form (such as potions, essences, or ink).

Interchangeable Reagents

All curative, reactive, and poisonous ingredients are interchangeable. This is intentional to drastically simplify the crafting process and tracking thereof. Individual names are included only to deepen the immersion of the finding and buying ingredients, and can be treated as interchangeable by their label if preferred.

Magical Ink

While ink has many uses, crafting is mostly concerned with magical ink which has the power to hold the arcane words of scrolls. This is synthesized by alchemists from the magical properties of reagents - as it is concerned with extracting their magical properties, the exact nature of the reagents used do not effect the final ink beyond its potency.

Magical ink is not typically found or harvested on its own, though it may be found as loot, and in some instances a DM could rule that some blood collected from a fiend, celestial or dragon could be counted as such. It is generally created from reagents or purchased from alchemists that create it from reagents.

Magical Ink cannot be salvaged once they have been combined into another form (such as potions, essences, or ink).


While reagents are substances that contain a glimmer of magical power that can be harnessed through refinement, Essences are more purified forms of magical power.

These come in three types: Arcane, Divine and Primal as well as in the five normal rarities (common, uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary). These essences are the pure stuff of magic that makes things work.

You can get these by rendering down magical reagents, salvaging magic items, harvesting them from magical monsters, or through the hard work of spell casters. Or you can find them as loot from people that have already done one of those harder steps. The rules for rendering them down from materials are contained within each branch of crafting, while the rules for creating them yourself are under Enchanting, as it is their domain and skill set needed to do so.

While all branches occasionally use essences when extra magical power is needed, they are the primary material of Enchanters, and their pricing can be found in that section.

Essences can be found as loot during the courses of your adventures, but can also be harvested (from monsters), salvaged (from magical equipment), synthesized (from reagents), or created from the raw power of a spell caster, though the method is long and arduous.

Essences are flexible in their exact nature. There are many paths to each desired outcome, and this flexibility is represented in Essences. While the traditional way to make a Belt of Hill Giant Strength may call for a Hill Giant heart as its essence, and enchanting substituted a dragon heart as their primal essences may make a Belt of Dragon Strength that just has the same statistical effect.

Salvaging Essences

You also may be able to salvage magical essence from unwanted or broken magical items, though such a reclamation process can be difficult, and rarely results in more than a fraction of the essence infused into the original item. An item returns one essence equal to its rarity when harvested. The process takes 2 hours to complete, and does not work if the item is currently attuned to any creature. An essence can only be salvaged from permanent magic items; a permanent magic item is one that recharges or does not have a limitation on its charges or uses. A magic item with charges or uses can only be salvaged while it is at full charges or uses.

The item becomes nonmagical after the essence is salvaged from it. If it required magic to function or exist, it is destroyed.

Synthesizing Essences

In addition to harvesting essences from magical monsters fully intact, a more approachable and incremental way is to combine several reagents to get an essence. You have to combine three reagents of the same rarity to gain one essence of that rarity. You can combine essences in the following ways:

Essence Component Reagents
Arcane 1 curative, 1 poisonous, 1 reactive
Primal 3 reactive
Divine 2 curative, 1 reactive

This process takes 4 hours, and requires alchemy supplies and a heat source.

Making Essences

Another potential source of an Essence is being created by a spellcaster. This process is long and arduous, and typically only suited to downtime. A creature with the spell casting feature can create 1 essence during 1 workweek (5 days, 8 hours a day); this process cannot be completed faster and for the duration they are considered to have spent all of their spell slots.

At 1st level or higher can make a common essence in this way, a caster 5th level or higher can make an uncommon essence this way, a caster at 11th level can make a rare essence in this way, and a caster at 17th level or higher can make a very rare essence this way. Legendary essences require special rituals requiring more casters and take far longer - they are exceedingly hard to make.

The type of essence produced depends on the source of the spell casting levels as per the table below:

Caster Essence Type
InventorK Arcane
Bard Arcane
Cleric Divine
Druid Primal
Monk Psionic
OccultistK Any*
Paladin Divine
PsionK Psionic
Ranger Primal
Sorcerer Arcane
Warlock Varies*
Sorcerer Varies*
Wizard Arcane
Special Cases Explained
  • Sorcerers produce a type based on their subclass; Dragon or Wild makes Primal, Divine Soul makes Divine, and Shadow makes Arcane.
  • Warlocks likewise produce a type based on their subclass; Archfey makes Primal, Celestial makes Divine, and all others make Arcane.
  • Occultist can produce any type, but takes 1.5x as long to produce an Essence in this manner. A DM can rule based on the special circumstances of a character their power source may be different than normal. This can stand in for Shaman, Witch, or Oracle classes if you use those instead of Occultist.
  • Inventor can stand in for any half-arcane caster of a similar theme.

A 1/2 or 1/3 caster would generate essences at 1/3 or 1/2 their character level.

Harvesting & Looting

Harvesting and looting are two paths to the same place, but generally depend on what kind of foe the enemy has vanquished and is not collecting the stuff of. Typically humanoid creatures that carry stuff are candidates for the Individual Treasure tables, awhile Aberrations, Beasts, Dragons, Monstrosities, and Plants are harvesting candidates.

If you don't normally provide loot equivalent to default treasure tables, you don't need to start providing loot equivalient to them using these new tables, simple apply these tables as frequently as it makes sense for your game.

Remember that you can fully mix and match as it makes sense - you can replace coinage with gems or art pieces, you can replace crafting items that wouldn't make sense with coinage, gems, or art pieces, etc. The tables are merely a guide and convenience for what sort of range of materials should come from what sort of creature.


The Harvesting tables replace the Individual Treasure for Aberration, Beast, Dragon, Monstrosity, and Plant type creatures.


Remnants optional replace the Individual Treasure table for creatures that leave behind no body on death, like Elementals, Celestials, or Fiends (ones that leave behind a body can use the Harvesting table).


The Loot tables optionally replace the Individual Treasure for Humanoid type creatures - you can use this table in all cases or in some cases.


I would recommend using the table for all humanoid enemies, but using the equivalent gold value for roughly half of enemies to keep gold flowing into the PCs pockets while also providing abundant crafting supplies.


Rather than replacing the hoard tables, simple use the default hoard table and replace an amount of coins, gems, and art pieces with crafting materials. This ensures that players are still getting the sort of loot the expect, but also fills in new materials into things that would often fill little role beside being converted to coinage at a later date.

Basic Harvesting

Beasts, Dragons, and Monstrosities can be harvested using Wisdom (Survival) for meat and hides. As a DMs discretion, a Plant type creature can be harvested for food using the same DC and amount, but providing common fresh ingredients instead of meat. Basic Harvesting takes 10 minutes. At your DMs discretion, it may take longer for larger creatures.

Exotic Creature Harvesting

Applicable Targets: Aberration, Constructs, Dragons, Monstrosities, Plants, Some Undead

A random roll is performed to judge what can be harvested from the monster. For Dragons and Monstrousities, a Wisdom (Medicine) check is required to harvest the material without destroying it, for Constructs, an Intelligence (Arcana) check is required, and for Plants an Intelligence (Nature) check is required. Exotic Harvesting takes 10 minutes. At your DMs discretion, it may take longer for larger creatures.

If a beast is sufficiently magical, poisonous, or vemous, a DM can opt to use the Dragon & Monstrosity table for exotic harvesting, but this should be rare - even a poisonous beast is usually too mundane for the magical properties of harvested materials, and a beast should always be rolled on the 0-4 CR table regardess of its CR.

At a DMs discretion, some Undead may be harvested as well if there is something that would make sense for them provide in this manner, in which case the would use an Intelligence (Arcana) check. Undead are less likely to provide anything of use, simply having a rare chance of providing arcane essences, though some would consider the use of these essences evil.

Double Harvesting

If a monster is applicable for both Basic Harvesting and Exotic Harvesting, you can perform both, but the second check rolled has disadvantage on the skill check to successfully gather the materials.

Exotic Remnants

Applicable Targets: Celestials, Elementals, Fiends, Some Undead

Some creatures typically do not leave behind corpses. While these most often disappear without a trace, sometimes they will leave behind a fragment of the magical forces that powered them as a remnant, in the form of a reagent or essence. These are less likely to result in a crafting item, but don't require any check to gather it successfully. Gathering remnants is simple to do, and requires only 1 minute.

Applying Material Tables

As a DM, never feel compelled to roll on a table if you feel it makes sense to do something else. The tables provide a baseline, but if you feel that it makes sense of a given monster to leave behind a given material, simply do so, requiring the check that seems most appropriate (using the tables as a guide if you wish).

Exotic Harvesting (CR 0-4)
d100 DC Dragon & Monstrosity Construct Aberration Undead Plant
01-30 8 -- Parts -- -- --
31-60 8 Common Poisonous Reagent Fancy Parts Common Reactive Reagent -- Common Poisonous Reagent
61-85 8 Common Reactive Reagent Fancy Parts Common Curative Reagent -- Common Curative Reagent
86-00 8 Common Primal Essence Common Arcane Essence Common Primal Essence Common Arcane Essence Common Primal Essence
Exotic Remnants (CR 0-4)
d100 Celestial Fiend Elemental Incorporal Undead
01-50 -- -- -- --
51-80 -- -- Common Reactive Reagent --
81-00 Common Divine Essence Common Arcane Essence Common Primal Essence Common Divine Essence
Exotic Harvesting (CR 5-10)
d100 DC Dragon/Giants/ Monstrosities Construct Aberration Undead Plant
01-30 10 Uncommon Reactive
Fancy Parts Common Reactive Reagent Common Arcane Essence Common Poisonous
31-60 10 Uncommon Poisonous
1d4 Fancy Parts Uncommon Reactive Reagent 1d4 Common
Poisonous Reagent
Uncommon Poisonous
61-85 10 1d4 Uncommon
Reactive Reagent
1d6 Fancy Parts Uncommon Curative Reagent 1d4 Uncommon
Poisonous Reagents
1d4 Uncommon Curative
86-00 10 Uncommon Primal
Uncommon Arcane
Uncommon Arcane
Uncommon Arcane Essence Uncommon Primal
Exotic Remnants (CR 5-10)
d100 Celestial Fiend Elemental Incorporal Undead
01-20 -- -- -- --
21-50 Common Curative
Common Reactive
Common Reactive
Common Poisonous
51-80 Uncommon Curative
Uncommon Reactive
Uncommon Reactive
Uncommon Poisonous
81-90 Common Divine
Common Arcane
Common Primal
Common Arcane
91-00 Uncommon Divine
Uncommon Arcane
Uncommon Primal
Uncommon Arcane
Exotic Harvesting (CR 11-16)
d100 DC Dragon/Giants/ Monstrosities Construct Aberration Undead Plant
01-30 12 Uncommon Reactive Reagent Esoteric Parts Uncommon Reactive Reagent Uncommon Poisonous Reagent Uncommon Poisonous Reagent
31-60 12 Uncommon Primal Essence 1d4 Esoteric Parts Uncommon Psionic Essence Uncommon Arcane Essence Uncommon Primal Essence
61-80 12 Rare Reactive Reagent Uncommon Arcane Essence Rare Reactive Reagent Rare Poisonous Reagent Rare Curative Reagent
81-90 12 Rare Poisonous Reagent Uncommon Arcane Essence Rare Poisonous Reagent Uncommon Arcane Essnece Rare Poisonous Reagent
91-99 12 Rare Primal Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Primal Essence
00 12 Very Rare Primal Essence Very Rare Arcane Essence Very Rare Arcane Essence Very Rare Arcane Essence Very Rare Primal Essence
Exotic Remnants (CR 11-16)
d100 Celestial Fiend Elemental Incorporal Undead
01-20 Uncommon Curative Essence Uncommon Reactive Reagent Uncommon Reactive Reagent Uncommon Poisonous Reagent
21-50 Uncommon Divine Essence Uncommon Arcane Essence Uncommon Primal Essence Uncommon Arcane Essence
51-80 Rare Curative Reagent Rare Reactive Reagent Rare Reactive Reagent Rare Poisonous Reagent
81-00 Rare Divine Essence Rare Divine Arcane Essence Rare Primal Essence Rare Arcane Essence
Exotic Harvesting (CR 17+)
d100 DC Dragon/Giants/ Monstrosities Construct Aberration Undead Plant
01-30 15 1d4 Rare Reactive Reagent 1d4 Esoteric Parts 1d4 Rare Reactive Reagent 1d4 Rare Poisonous Reagent 1d4 Rare Poisonous Reagent
31-50 15 Rare Primal Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Psionic Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Primal Essence
51-89 15 Very Rare Primal Essence Very Rare Arcane Essence Very Rare Arcane Essence Very Rare Arcane Essence Very Rare Primal Essence
90-00 15 Legendary Primal Essence Legendary Arcane Essence Legendary Arcane Essence Legendary Arcane Essence Legendary Primal Essence
Exotic Remnants (CR 17+)
d100 Celestial Fiend Elemental Incorporal Undead
01-20 Rare Curative Essence Rare Reactive Reagent Rare Reactive Reagent Rare Poisonous Reagent
21-50 Rare Divine Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Primal Essence Rare Arcane Essence
51-69 Very Rare Curative Reagent Very Rare Reactive Reagent Very Rare Reactive Reagent Very Rare Poisonous Reagent
70-89 Very Rare Divine Essence Very Rare Arcane Essence Very Rare Primal Essence Very Rare Arcane Essence
90-00 Legendary Divine Essence Legendary Arcane Essence Legendary Primal Essence Legendary Arcane Essence

Supported By

Creation is made possible by generous patrons:

  • Abeezy
  • Abyssal Knight
  • Andrew Hartung
  • Andrew Keenan Richardson
  • Andrew Valenti
  • AndrewRP8023
  • Angel Gomez
  • Arcturus Eaenar
  • Aren Harper
  • Austin Fox
  • Bailey Halsall
  • BenPriebe
  • bigbird
  • Brendan
  • Bucket
  • C. Dobb
  • Cameron
  • CelticGamingGod
  • Christian Hinote
  • Colin Reilly
  • CovertMuffin
  • Dallas blanch
  • David Romero
  • david santistevan
  • Devin
  • Dr.arielpro
  • Drowrin
  • Elijah McGowan
  • FS-1414
  • Garion Pankievich
  • Garrí K
  • Garth Ott
  • Gengoron
  • Glacirus
  • Glider Onair
  • GM Binder
  • Herdsheep
  • Ihileath
  • Issac Dyne
  • Jack Coldborne
  • Jack Inacker
  • Jacob Herrera
  • Jake Sine
  • James Twinn
  • Jason Lasica
  • Johannes Wieland
  • Kainoa Pacarro
  • Kevin Bowles
  • KnightOfAlcea
  • Lane Mosier
  • Larry Eger
  • Litchalope
  • Louis.
  • masterofastra
  • Meerkat Manor
  • Matt Jones
  • Michael Molik
  • Michael Ramage
  • Mitchell Baltosser
  • Name
  • Nannette Groft
  • Nicholas Sherman
  • Nick
  • orionSquared
  • Patrick Hart
  • Peter Steil
  • PrussiAntique (Antiqua)
  • PurblyDurbly
  • Robert White
  • Rory Collier
  • Sam
  • B. Spivey
  • Seffykun
  • Seranata
  • Slippygate
  • Solarfed
  • SonOfSofaman
  • Spectre Creations
  • Suliman Adel
  • Thortron
  • Tony Bucher
  • Verixa Okblek
  • Witasmott
  • WitchDoctorXera
  • Wraithkin
  • Zak McPherron
  • Zaubern

...and many more!

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Art Credits:

Additional Credits:

Art Credits

All art is commissioned artwork for this document, copyright KibblesTasty.

  • Cover: Alifka Hammam
  • Scrolls by Liza Alykova
  • Arcblade by Dungeon Strugglers
  • Breastplate of the Golden Retriever by Dungeon Strugglers

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  12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

  13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

  14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

  15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.



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