Path of MAGE

by ihopethiswork

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Path of MAGE

Times have changed. Magic no longer belong to frail old robes. You as a barbarian can untap the true magic within your own body, muscles! Each flex generate enough heat and energy to burn the air around you. A swing of your fist can scorch your foes. Each leap can send you flying.


When you reach 3rd level, you become a Spelcaster capable of controlling "magic". You don't need to refer to chapter 10 or 11 for general rule of spellcasting.

Spelcasting Ability. Strength is your spelcasting ability for your MAGE features. You use your Strength modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a MAGE feature.

Spel Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Strength modifier
Prepared Spell Routine
d4 Routine
1 Bench the party
2 Swim up a waterfall
3 Crush boulders
4 100 push-ups, sit-ups, squats and a 10km run

Rage to MAGE

Starting at level 3, when you go into a rage, you go into a MAGE as well. You gain the following benefits while MAGEing:

  • Burning Abs. You gain resistance to fire damage.
  • "Burning Hands". Your fists light on fire. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, you deal 1d12 + your Strength modifier fire damage.
  • "Fly". As an action you can leap your walking speed in both height and distance, provoking opportunity attacks as you leave your spot. Choose an unoccupied space within your walking speed to land. When you land you force all creatures within 5 feet of you to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail they take bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier, half as much on a success.


At level 6, your "Fly" ability increase in strength, just as you do. When you land using the "Fly" ability, you deal 2d12 + your Strength modifier fire damage in a 10 feet radius instead.

Sure you are burnt as well but what's important is that you taunt those wizards who don't dare cast fireball centered on self.


Starting at level 10, you recognize when a puny spellcaster is casting a spell. You can use your reaction to make a melee or ranged attack if they are within 60 feet of you. You can use any weapon for this attack against that creature, even if it lacks the thrown property. If you have a free hand you can pick up an throwable object as part of this reaction.

On a hit they take damage equal to your Strength modifier, if the spell level is equal or lower than the damage they took, they must make a concentration saving throw as if they are concentrating on a spell. On a failure, the spell fails and has no effect.


At level 14, 3 whole levels before spellcasters, you gain access to "Wish". However, magic is a pickle creature, it limits what you can wish for. You can use it in the following ways:

  • "Meteor Warm". You can take the "Fly" action without MAGEing. When you do so you can leap 10 times the normal height, and twice the normal distance. The area of effect and number of damage dice is tripled, to 6d12+ strength modifier and 30 feet.
  • "True Polydwarf". As an action, you can make a grapple check on a creature no more than 2 sizes larger than you. On a success, you can crush its physical form into a painful posture and reduce it by 1 size. The creature is restrained and prone on the ground. The creature can use its action to break out of the grapple, on a success all effects ends. If you grapple this creature for 1 hour without it breaking out, its size is permanently reduce by 1 size.
  • "Power Sword Kill". As an action you can take your normal attack action against a single creature. Add up all damage from your attacks before the creature takes that damage, if that number is equal to or greater than its current hit points, the creature dies regardless if it has resistances, immunities, or temporary hit points.

Once you used "Wish" you must take a long rest before using it again.

Work with your DM to make more "spells". Spells with permanent effects like "True Polydwarf" is up to the DM to include or rework.


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