Choosing This Subclass
When you choose a subclass for your character, you can instead choose this subclass options, so long as the subclass is compatible with your character’s class.
You can choose the subclass only once, even if you multiclass into another class that is also compatible with the subclass
At Higher Levels
When your character would
normally gain a new subclass feature (as noted
in your character’s class table), you gain a
feature from this subclass instead.
All the
subclass features detailed here have a level
prerequisite, as noted beneath their name, and
you must meet the prerequisite to gain the
For example, to gain a feature noted as
“Level 6+,” your character must be 6th level or
higher in the class for which the subclass was
When you reach certain levels, you might be
eligible to choose from among multiple features
in the subclass.
When you reach such a point,
you select one of these features for your
character to gain.
Unless otherwise specified,
you can gain no more than one subclass feature
at a time
Fighter Example
3rd lv- Cunning Herald, Pronounce Judgement
7th lv-Bane
10th lv-Shared Judgement
15th lv-Greater Bane
18th lv- Final Judgment
Monk Example
3rd lv- Cunning Herald, Pronounce Judgement
6th lv - Bane
11th lv-Greater Bane or Shared Judgement
17th lv-Final Judgement or other unchosen feature
Rogue Example
3rd lv- Cunning Herald,Pronounce Judgement
9th lv- Bane or Shared judgement
13th lv- Greater Bane or other unchosen feature
17th lv- Final Judgement or other unchosen feature
Fighter, Rogue, & Monk subclass
Inquisitors tend to move from place to place, chasing down enemies and researching emerging threats.
As a result, they often travel with others, if for no other reason than to mask their presence.
Inquisitors work with members of their faith whenever possible, but even such allies are not above suspicion.
Cunning Herald
Level 3+ Inquisitor Feature Choose one of the following when you gain this subclass:
- You learn guidance & one cleric cantrip of your choosing.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability score for these spells (choose the ability when you gain this feature). - You gain proficiency in medium armor, shields, & all crossbows.
- You can pronounce judgement as a free action.
Pronounce Judgement
Level 3+ Inquisitor Feature
When you gain this subclass you can pronounce judgement as a bonus action.
When you use this bonus action, choose one of the following judgements:
- Healing- At the start of your turn you regain 1 hit point.
- Justice- Once per turn you gain a +1 bonus to an attack roll.
- Protection- You gain a +1 bonus to your AC.
- Purity- You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws.
You retain a judgement's benefits for 1 minute, until you're knocked unconscious, or until you use this feature again.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your PB, & regain all uses after a long rest.
Baleful Bane
Level 6+ Inquisitor Feature
As a free action you can bane your unarmed strikes or weapon attacks, tailoring them to an enemy within 60ft that you can see.
When the baned weapon or unarmed strike deals damage to the target it deal an additional damage die
(dagger becomes 2d4, rapier becomes 2d8, etc).
This effect lasts for 1 minute, until you're knocked unconscious, or until you use this feature again.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your PB, & regain all uses after a long rest.
Greater Bane
Level 11+ Inquisitor Feature
When you use your Baleful Bane feature, the next time you deal damage with a baned weapon or unarmed strike, choose one of the following effects.
Until the end of your next turn:
- When the target makes an attack roll it rolls 1d4 at advantage, & subtracts the result from it's total.
- When the target makes a saving throw it rolls 1d4 at advantage, & subtracts the result from it's total.
- When you make an attack roll against the target roll 1d4 at advantage.
The target's AC is reduced by the result.
Furthermore, baned weapons or unarmed strikes deal an additional damage die
Final Judgement
Level 17+ Inquisitor Feature
When you use Pronounce Judgement, you choose 3 judgements, & gain their effects.
Finally, baned weapons or unarmed strikes deal an additional damage die
Notes & Spaghetti
lv6 monk inquisitor
( 2x attack, FoB,bane)
+7 to hit target AC15
4x 2d4+4=
each unarmed strike is 6 damage, +1 justice judgement, +3 damage at advantage
12 total DPR(24 burst)
lv6 inquisitor rogue
(xbe 2x hand crossbow,justice judgement)
+8 to hit to target AC15
4d6+8=22 sneak+hand x-bow
1d6+4=7.5 ba from xbe
21 DPR
lv7 fighter inquisitor
(great axe 2x, action surge, bane
Justice Judgement's +2 to one attack converts to +2 damage, weird.
per hit 2d12+4=15
12 dpr per axe swing
26 total dpr (36 burst)
lv6 bladesinger
(2x shadowblade off hand scimitar attack)
Same to hit & target AC.
(2x sb)13, 3 (scimitar)
29 DPR
+8 conditional (in darkness)
lv6 cleric
For spell dpr we'll assume the target has +0 to wisdom saves against a DC of 15.
14 dpr spirit guardians
6 dpr TtD
6 dpr sw (against AC 15)
26 DPR
lv6 shephard druid
8x wolves 49 DPR, produce flame 6
55 dpr total
lv13 monk inquisitor
+10 to hit target AC 20
3d8+5=18.5 (10 per strike)
+2 DPR from justice judgement.
22 dpr (32-42 burst)
lv13 rogue inquisitor
+12 to hit 1/turn(justice judgement) target AC 20
8d6+5=33 sneak attack; 22.5
3d6+5=15.5 ba xbow(+10 to hit); +9 damage
31.5 DPR total
lv13 fighter inquisitor
+10 to hit target AC 20
9 per hit
27 DPR (36 burst)
lv13 echo knight
+10 to hit target AC 20
3x 2d6+5 greatsword 7 per hit
21 DPR total (28-42 burst)
lv14 Bladesinger tenser
+10 to hit AC20
2x 1d8+2d12+10 at adv= 26.5
24 DPR per swing
48 DPR
lv14 Bladesinger (just booming blade haste)
+10 to hit AC 20
2x 3d8+10
1x 1d8+5
13 per booming blade
6 hasted attack
32 DPR total
lv15 fighter inquisitor
+10 to hit target AC 20
13 per swing +2 justice judgement
41 total DPR (54 burst)
lv 15 monk inquisitor
+10 to hit target AC 20
10 per swing +2 justice judgement.
22 total DPR (32-42 burst)